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Abbe -Abbey  Genealogy 







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New  Haven,  Conn. 
The  Tuttle,  Morehouse  &  Taylor  Company 

1916  '^3 


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Introduction   v 

John  Abbe  of  Salem  and  Wenham 1 

Second  Generation   5 

Third  Generation   14 

Fourth  Generation  26 

Fifth  Generation 56 

Sixth  Generation 110 

Seventh  Generation  210 

Eighth  Generation   325 

Ninth  Generation  390 

Unconnected  Lines  407 

1790  Census  Lists 434 

Revolutionary  Soldiers   435 

Appendix 438 

Index   445 



Map  of  Windham,  Connecticut  frontispiece 

Seal  of  Ship  Bonaventure  viii 

Map  of  New  England 1 

Statue  of  Captain  Thomas*  Abbey 52 

Autograph  of  Captain  Thomas*  Abbey  and  Town  Hall  of  Enfield 53 

Peter^  Abbey 104 

Rev.  Richard*^  Abbey,  Mason  Ellis''  Abbey  and  wife,  Richard  Newland^ 

Abbey,  and  Mrs.  Emma  V.''  (Abbey)  Davis 126 

Dr.  Homer  Abbey^  Davis  and  Mrs.  Pearl  V.^  (Davis)  Dunham 127 

Moses  Cleveland*'  Abbe  and  wife,  John  Randolph^  Abbe,  and  Charles  Smith^ 

Abbe 140 

Seal  of  Battle  of  Prescott  and  Old  Windmill  at  Prescott 188 

Seth  Alden«  Abbey 189 

Harris^  Abbe  and  wife   194 

Mrs.  Susan  Brown^  (Abbe)  Frink 242 

George  Waldo^   Abbe   and   wife,   Cleveland^   Walter^,   William   Colgate^, 

Charles  Colgate^,  Robert^,  and  Harriet  Colgate^  Abbe,  and  Mrs.  Helen^ 

(Abbe)  Howson between  242  and  243 

Henry  Gilbert^  Abbey  and  Edwin  Alden^  Abbey 300 

Henry®  Abbey  and  Henry^  Abbey,  jr 301 

Mrs.  Frances  Maria''  Abbey  Freeman  and  Alden®  Freeman 302 

Wife  of  Harris*'  Abbe,  Harris'^  Abbe,  Mrs.  Hannah^  (Abbe)   Stephens,  and 

Mrs.  Lydia  M.^  (Abbe)  Stephens 312 

Mrs.  Helen^  (Abbe)  Howson,  from  the  painting  by  Alexander 357 

Edwin  Austin®  Abbey 372 

English  Abbey  Coat  of  Arms  406 


The  Abbe  genealogy,  as  here  piiblished,  is  the  consummation  of  Professor  Cleve- 
land Abbe's  life-long  interest  in  the  history  of  his  family.  Before  reaching  his 
twentieth  year  he  began  to  collect  items  of  interest  about  his  ancestors  and  the  col- 
lateral lines,  and  in  spite  of  more  or  less  interruption  he  has  continued  to  do  so  all 
througli  his  busy  career.  During  the  early  sixties,  Mr.  William  Weaver,  who 
was  then  editor  of  the  Willimantic  Journal,  began  the  publication  of  what  he 
planned  to  be  an  exhaustive  work  on  the  old  families  of  Windham.  After  pub- 
lication in  the  Journal  he  corrected  and  republished  the  sketches  in  pamphlet 
form.  Mr.  Weaver  died  before  his  hopes  were  realized  and  we  have  only  a  small 
portion  of  the  work,  covering  the  families  alphabetically  from  "  A  "  to  "  Bill. ' ' 
His  fragmentary  notes  on  other  families  have  been  preserved  in  the  library  of 
the  Connecticut  Historical  Society  where  they  were  deposited  as  a  gift  from 
his  son. 

From  time  to  time  other  members  of  the  family  added  to  the  items  collected 
by  or  worked  up  at  the  suggestion  of  Professor  Abbe.  A  few  years  ago,  finally 
realizing  that  other  matters  demanded  too  much  time  and  that  he  could  not 
arrange  this  material  in  final  form,  he  turned  over  all  his  material  to  Josephine 
Genung  Nichols  (Mrs.  L.  Nelson  Nichols).  She  has  arranged  the  data  in  its 
present  form,  and  added  to  it,  as  far  as  practicable,  by  extensive  correspondence, 
library  research  and  examinations  of  the  public  records  at  some  of  the  former 
homes  of  the  family. 

Collaborators. — Most  helpful  contributions  to  this  work  have  been  made  by: 
Mr.  Charles  E.  Abbe  of  Sara  Sota,  Fla.,  who  left  an  invaluable  collection  of 
records  about  the  line  of  Obadiah  Abbe,  the  basis  of  our  history  of  that  branch; 
Miss  Norah  D.  Abbe  of  Elyria,  Ohio,  and  Mrs.  John  Emerson,  on  Eleazer  and 
the  Abbe  families  of  Eljrria;  Miss  Julia  Maynard  on  the  Vermont  Abbeys  and 
other  New  England  lines;  Mrs.  Bronson  Post  Reynolds,  about  the  Jonathan 
Abbey  line;  Mr.  Richard  N.  Abbey  on  the  soutliern  lines;  Mrs.  D.  Stearns 
Jamison  on  the  Harris  Abbey  record  and  portraits;  Mr.  Charles  T.  Hendriek, 
whose  unflagging  interest  and  remarkable  ability  has  secured  materials  hitherto 
unavailable;  Mr.  Alden  Freeman,  whose  love  for  the  family  is  expressed  in  the 
beautiful  Thomas  Abbey  monument  just  erected  on  Enfield  Green;  Mrs.  Martha 
B.  Hanna  on  the  Pease  family  descended  from  Mary  Abbey;  Mrs.  Ashbel  Welch, 
on  the  Welch  family.  Lack  of  space  prevents  mention  of  many  others  who  have 
also  contributed  to  the  work  and  have  cheered  the  compiler  by  their  kind  replies. 
We  thank  you  all  once  more. 

A  family  history  is  never  really  complete  or  entirely  satisfactory;  but  we  feel 
that  we  have  gone  to  as  much  expense  as  was  justified.  We  have  made  this 
beginning;   may  others  continue  the  work. 

Professor  Abbe  had  hoped  to  make  this  genealogA^  no  mere  list  of  the  members 
of  the  family.  He  would  have  it  a  contribution  to  the  study  of  heredity,  so 
has  added  as  much  as  practicable  on  the  personal  characteristics  of  its  members 
and  has  included  many  available  photographs.  He  believes  that  the  study  of 
any  good  clean  family  will  bring  out  facts  just  as  well  wortli  following  up  for 
the  development  of  the  personality  of  the  nation,  as  are  the  facts  brought  out 
by  the  work  of  criminologists  and  social  workers  in  the  field  of  the  mentally 
deficient,  etc.,  which  show  the  immense  value  to  a  countiy,  of  the  study  of  inherit- 
ance of  traits  that  increase  state  expenses  for  caring  for  such  defectives. 


vi  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Arrangement. — The  general  arrangement  of  the  matter  is  the  same  as  is 
commonly  used  in  similar  works  on  genealogy.  We  have  tried  to  avoid  unneces- 
sary numbers  and  to  simplify  the  work  as  much  as  possible  in  order  to  make  it 
useful  to  eveiy  one.  Few  abbreviations  are  used  in  addition  to  b.,  m.,  and  d.,  for 
born,  married,  and  died,  respectively. 

Dates. — Among  the  earlier  records  will  be  noted  some  double  dating.  Accord- 
ing to  the  old  calendar  used  in  England  and  her  colonies  up  to  1751,  the  year 
began  on  March  26.  In  that  year  England  followed  the  lead  set  by  most  European 
countries  and  decreed  that  after  the  last  day  of  December,  1751,  the  25th  day  of 
March  should  no  longer  be  reckoned  the  last  day  of  the  year  and  that  the  year 
1752  should  begin  on  January  1.  Accordingly  in  most  dates  prior  to  1752,  we  find 
the  old  year  continued  to  March  25  with  the  new  year  annexed  to  it  from  the 
first  of  January.    This  was  not  a  uniform  practice,  however. 

Spelling. — The  spelling  of  the  name  has  been  a  source  of  perplexity  from  the 
earliest  days  to  the  present.  Abbe  or  Abbey  have  been  the  favorite  forms, 
followed  by  Abby,  Abbee,  Abbe  and  other  variations  usually  not  authorized  by 
the  bearer  of  the  name.  In  arranging  the  data  for  publication  we  have  made  every 
effort  to  follow  the  usage  of  each  particular  family  in  this  matter;  there  are 
many  errors  no  doubt  in  records  sent  by  someone  not  wholly  familiar  with  the 
usage  of  the  family  concerned.  In  some  cases  close  relatives  have  used  different 
spellings,  thereby  adding  to  the  chance  of  errors.  The  records  of  the  Abbay, 
Aby,  and  of  a  few  other  families  have  been  added,  although  we  do  not  know  that 
they  are  connected  with  the  family  of  John  Abbe.  The  name  is  not  a  common 
one  in  England  or  elsewhere.  It  was  probably  a  name  of  local  derivation, 
denoting  one  who  lived  at  or  near  an  abbey. 

The  late  Dr.  Edward  Payson  Abbe  of  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  believed  in  his 
French  origin.  He  had  a  coat  of  arms  that  belonged  to  and  was  used  by  a  French 
family  in  Normandy.  This  coat  of  arms  is  described  as :  a  red  eagle  with  beak 
and  legs  of  gold  on  a  shield  of  silver.  In  British  heraldic  works  the  coat  of 
arms  is  given  as :  gules,  five  fusils  in  f esse  between  three  escallops  argent.  There 
are  several  crests,  viz.,  a  cross  crosslet  azure;  an  eagle  displayed  argent  between 
two  cross  crosslets  or,  each  wing  charged  with  a  cross  crosslet  gules;  an  eagle's 
head  erased  proper;  a  leopard  rampant  proper.  The  motto  also  varies:  "Spei 
mea  coelo, "   or  "  Confido  conquesco. ' ' 

It  is  possible  that  some  of  the  Abbes  came  over  from  France  to  England  at 
an  early  date;  but  we  have  absolutely  no  evidence  that  John  Abbey  was  entitled 
to  use  these  arms,  or  that  he  ever  did  so. 

Migrations. — It  is  a  source  of  regret  that  so  little  is  known  of  the  history  of 
John  Abbey  before  he  emigrated  to  America.  The  Heralds'  College,  London, 
began  a  search  for  such  information  some  time  ago,  but  thus  far  no  results 
have  been  reported.  To  us  it  seems  likely  that  he  was  of  or  connected  with  the 
Abbey  family  of  Staverton  (see  page  433). 

John  Abbe,  or  Abbey,  migrated  to  America  at  a  time  when  many  of  England's 
young  men  were  coming  to  the  new  colonies  either  for  freedom  from  religious 
persecution,  from  a  love  of  adventure,  or  simply  from  a  desire  to  better  their 
condition.  The  brief  glimpses  into  his  life  and  character  afforded  by  colonial 
records,  suggest  that  John  Abbey  was  of  the  first-mentioned  class.  He  was  early 
a  church  member  and  land  owner  in  the  New  World  and  his  descendants  were 
active  for  good  in  their  communities.  From  the  first  homes  in  Salem  and  Wen- 
ham,  the  three  brothers  of  the  second  generation  went  out  to  new  homes  in 
different  sections  of  Connecticut,  Windham,  and  Enfield,  where  each  family 
became  prominently  identified  with  the  life  of  their  town.  As  settlements  were 
extended  into  the  interior,  we  find  the  Abbeys  going  on  up  the  Connecticut  valley, 
then  turning  westward  with  the  tide  of  settlers  through  central  New  York,  then 

Introduction  vii 

on  to  Ohio,  as  that  country  was  opened  up,  and  still  later  on  to  Michigan  and 
eventually  across  the  continent. 

Appendix. — Some  items  of  historical  interest  which  it  was  not  desirable  to 
include  in  the  body  of  the  record  but  which  we  are  happy  to  be  able  to  contribute 
to  the  family  history,  have  been  placed  in  the  Appendix.  On  pages  406  to  434 
we  have  concisely  arranged  practically  all  collected  items  that  might  be  of  use 
to  a  future  historian.  Any  information  serving  to  complete  these  items  will  be 


Washington,  D.  C. 


New  York,  N.  Y. 

The  following  is  a  list  of  the  more  important  sources  of  information  that  have 
been  consulted  in  preparing  this  work: 

Public  records  in  Salem,  Wenham,  Springfield,  and  Granby,  Mass. ;  Willimantic, 
Willington,  Ashford,  and  Hartford,  Conn. ;  Albany,  Syracuse,  Utica,  and  Jamestown, 
N.  T. 

U.  S.  Census  lists  of  1790  as  published ;  and  originals  of  later  censuses  on  file  in 
Washington,  D.  C. 

New  England  Historic  and  Genealogical  Register.    See  index  vols. 

Connecticut  Historical  Society  Collections. 

Vital  Records  of  Wenham,  Mass.,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849.  Salem,  Mass.,  1904. 
227p.     8°. 

Weaver,  Wm.  L.  History  of  ancient  Windham,  Ct.  Genealogy,  part  1.  Willimantic, 
Conn.,  1864.     112p.     8°. 

Lamed,  Ellen  D.  History  of  Windham  Co.,  Conn.  Worcester,  Mass.,  1874,  1880. 
2v.     8°. 

Woodicard,  W.  E.,  editor.  Records  of  Salem  Witchcraft.  Roxbury,  Mass.,  1864. 
2v.     sq.  8°. 

Middlesex  Co.,  Conn.,  Commemorative  biographical  record  of.     Chicago,  1903.     lOOlp. 

Allen,  F.  A.    The  history  of  Enfield,  Conn.     Lancaster,  Pa.,  1909.     3v.     4°. 

Utiles,  Henry  R.  The  history  of  ancient  Windsor,  Conn.  New  York,  1859.  Vol.  2. 
922p.     8°. 

Dimock,  S.  W.  Births,  baptisms,  marriages  and  deaths  from  the  records  of  Mansfield, 
Conn.     New  York,  1898.     475p.     8°. 

Storrs,  R.  8.  Centennial  celebration  of  *  *  *  Longmeadow,  Mass.,  *  *  *  town  gene- 
alogy.    Hartford,  Conn.,  1884.     321,  97p.     8°. 

Smith,  J.  M.  History  of  the  town  of  Sunderland,  Mass.  Greenfield,  Mass.,  1899. 
684p.     8°. 

Cole,  J.  R.     History  of  Tolland  Co.,  Conn.     New  York.     1888.     922p.     4°. 

Andreics, .     A  genealogical  history  of  John  and  Mary  Andrews  *  *  *.     Chicago, 

1872.     652p.     8°. 

Loomis,  Elias.  The  descendants  of  Joseph  Loomis  *  *  *.  New  Haven,  1875.  611p. 

Loomis,  Elias.  The  descendants  (by  the  female  lines)  of  Joseph  Loomis.  New  Haven. 
1880.     2v.     8°. 

Pease,  Rev.  David  &  A.  S.  A  genealogical  and  historical  record  of  the  descendants  of 
John  Pease,  Sen.,  last  of  Enfield,  Conn.     Springfield,  Mass.,  1869.     401p.     8°. 

Fretz,  Rev.  A.  J.  A  brief  history  of  John  and  Christian  Fretz  *  *  *.  Elkhart,  Ind., 
1890.     607p.     8°. 

Lincoln,  Waldo.     Genealogy  of  the  Waldo  family.    Worcester,  Mass.,  1902.     2v.     8°. 

Pelton,  Jeremiah  M.  Genealogy  of  the  Pelton  family.  Albany,  N.  Y.,  1892.  722p. 
sq.  8°. 

Treat,  John  Harvetj.     The  Treat  family.     Salem,  Mass.,  1893.     637p.     4°. 

Stocking,  C.  H.  W.  History  and  genealogy  of  the  Knowltons  of  England  and  America. 
New  York,  1897.     597p.     8°. 

Deming,  Judson  Keith.  Genealogy  of  John  Deming  of  Wethersfield,  Conn.  Dubuque, 
Iowa.     694p.     8°. 

viii  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Bidicell,  Edwin  W.  Genealogy  of  the  first  seven  generations  of  the  Bidwell  family  in 
America.     Albany,  N.  Y.,  1884.     4°. 

Ripley,  Eezekiah  W.  Genealogy  of  a  part  of  the  Ripley  family.  Newark,  N.  J.,  1877. 
48p.     8°. 

Phelps,  0.  8.  &  Servin,  A.  E.  The  Phelps  family  of  America  *  *  *.  Pittsfield,  Mass., 
1899.     2v.     8°. 

Terry,  8.    Notes  of  Terry  famihes  in  the  U.  S.  A.     Hartford,  Conn.,  1887.     343p.     8°. 

Sterling,  Albert  Mack.     The  Sterling  genealogy.     New  York,  1909.     2v.     4°. 

8anford,  Carlton  E.  Thomas  Sanford,  the  emigrant  to  New  England  *  *  *,  Rutland, 
Vt.,  1911.    2v.     4°. 

Manning,  William  H.  The  genealogical  and  biographical  history  of  the  Manning 
families  of  New  England.     1902.     857p.     8°. 

Hopkins,  Timothy.  The  Kelloggs  in  the  old  world  and  the  new.  San  Francisco,  1903. 
3v.     4°. 

Gildersleeve,  Willard  Harvey.  Gildersleeves  of  Gildersleeve,  Conn.  Meriden,  Conn., 
1914.     81p.     8°. 

Vinton,  John  Adams.     The  Giles  memorial.     Boston,  1864.     600p.     8°. 

Chapman,  F.  W.     The  Chapman  family.     Hartford,  Conn.,  1854.     413p.     8°. 





1.  JOHN^  ABBE,  born  iu  England  about  1613;  died  in  Salem,  Mass.,  about 
1689-90.  The  place  of  birth  of  John  Abbe,  the  founder  of  the  American  Abbe 
and  Abbey  families,  is  unknown,  but  every  indication  points  to  one  of  the  interior 
and  central  counties  of  England  as  the  home  of  the  ancestors  of  the  emigrant. 
It  is  not  improbable  that  he  was  connected  with  the  Abbye  family  of  Staverton, 
Northampton.  The  parish  registers  of  Stoke  Bruerne,  Northampton,  show  that 
there  were  many  marriages  of  Abbyes  recorded  there  during  the  16th  and  17th 

John  Abbe,  from  the  age  as  given  approximately  at  his  death,  was  born  about 
1613.  The  first  mention  which  seems  to  be  of  this  John  Abbe  is  on  a  register 
of  the  names  "of  all  y®  passengers  w*^*^  i^assed  from  y^  Porte  of  London  for  a 
whole  yeare  endinge  at  X™'*^  1635  —  Those  underwritten  are  to  be  transported 
to   Virginia   imbarqued   in   y^   Merch*^   bonaventure   James   Ricrofte   M^'   bound 

thither  have  taken  y^  oath  of  allegeance —  Jo:  Abby -^  go     ~~"    Although  this 

statement  says  bound  for  Virginia,  it  is  a  well-known  fact  that  many  of  the 
early  ships  destined  for  Virginia  landed  many  or  all  of  their  passengers  at 
other  ports,  even  in  New  England,  and  records  of  the  name  of  John  Abbe 
begin  in  New  England  about  that  time.  The  above  Jo:  Abby  does  not  appear 
in  the  records  of  Virginia,  nor  in  the  Head  Rights  for  lower  Norfolk  from 
1637  to  1666.  The  abbreviation  Jo:  sometimes  stood  for  Joseph,  but  there  are 
^  proven  instances  where  it  was  used  for  John. 

The  first  reference  to  the  name  in  the  Salem  records  is  on  page  11,  volume 
1,  in  1637,  or,  according  to  the  old  method  of  marking  time,  2d  of  the  11th 
month,  1636. 

"John  Abbie  is  Reed,  ffer  Inhabitant  &  is  to  haue  one  acre  lott  for  a  house 
next  beyond  the  Gunsmiths,  and  3  acres  of  planting  ground  where  the  Towne 
hath  apiDointed  beyond  Castle  hill." 

There  has  existed  some  confusion  regarding  the  various  freemen  of  the 
name  Abbey  and  Alby.  Benjamin  Albye  was  admitted  freeman,  May  18,  1642, 
and  John  Albye  in  Salem,  May  10,  1643.  These  were,  without  doubt,  the  two 
Albys,  John  and  Benjamin,  mentioned  in  the  early  records  of  Braintree  about 
this  time.  Benjamin  Alby  removed  to  Mendon  and  had  numerous  descendants, 
whose  names  occasionally  appear  in  printed  records  as  Abbey.  John  Abbey, 
sen.,  of  Redding,  freeman  in  1634,  may  have  been  an  Alby. 

On  the  21st,  11th  month,  1638,  John  Abby  had  a  further  grant  of  five  acres, 
location  not  specified,  but,  as  on  the  15th,  2d  month,  1639,  this  record  occurs, 
"Granted  unto  John  Abby  5  acres  neere  to  Mr  Throgmortons  hoggehouse,"  it 
may  be  that  the  first  was  the  grant  and  the  second  the  location.     Under  date 

2  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

of  the  25th,  10th  month,  1637,  it  was  agreed  'Hhe  marsh  and  meadow  lands 
that  have  formerly  been  laid  in  common  to  this  town  shall  now  be  appropriated 
to  the  inhabitants  of  Salem,  proportioned  out  to  them  according  to  the  heads 
of  families.  To  these  that  have  the  gi-eatest  number  an  acre  thereof,  and  to 
these  that  have  least  not  above  half  an  acre,  and  to  these  that  are  between  both 
three  quarters  of  an  acre,  always  provided  and  it  is  so  agreed,  that  none  shall  sell 
away  their  proportions  of  meadow,  more  or  less,  nor  lease  them  out  to  any 
above  three  years,  unless  they  sell  or  lease  out  their  houses  with  their  meadow." 

Under  the  above  division  a  list  of  the  inhabitants  was  taken,  and  the  land 
divided.  Jo.  Abby  is  named  in  1638  as  having  three  in  his  family,  and  receives 
half  an  acre. 

On  the  23d,  11th,  1642,  ten  acres  are  granted  to  John  Abby  together  with 
several  other  ten-acre  grants,  all  to  be  laid  out  near  to  Kings  lot.  This  was  on 
tlie  Beverly  side  near  Bass  River,  and  on  the  15th  of  the  12th  month,  1642, 
it  is  voted  "ordered  that  John  Abby  shall  liave  10  acres  of  land  at  Enon  in 
exchange  of  10  acres  of  land  bounded  out  nere  Basse  River." 

The  lot  near  Bass  River  was  afterward  granted  to  Michael  Sallows.  The 
record  of  the  grants  to  Abbey  show  that  he  was  of  the  same  standing  in  the 
community  as  the  great  majority  of  the  early  inhabitants.  The  grants  were 
in  a  great  measure  made  Avith  an  eye  as  to  the  ability  of  the  grantee  to  develop 
the  land  so  granted,  small  grants  to  the  poorer  and  larger  grants  to  the  richer 

In  1642,  Mr.  Fiske  organized  a  church  at  Enon  and  the  following  year  the 
name  Enon  was  changed  to  Wenham,  while  a  permanent  church  organization 
was  effected  in  1644. 

In  1644,  under  date  of  the  13th,  6th  month,  it  was  agreed  that  John  Abby 
"shall  have  all  that  wastground  which  lyeth  between  ye  end  of  ye  lott  which 
he  lives  upon  and  ye  meadow  which  belongs  to  ye  town,  leaving  a  poles  bredth 
most  convenient  for  a  way."     (Wenham  town  records,  Worcester.) 

Under  date  of  1653  is  a  list  of  engagements  with  Goodman  Haws  about  the 
mill,  and  "John  Aby  gives  a  day  and  a  half  of  his  labor  toward  its  erection," 
and  others  contributed  in  like  manner,  some  also  giving  tlie  use  of  oxen. 

Mr.  Fiske  left  the  town  in  1655  followed  by  a  number  of  the  church,  and  in 
1657  Mr.  Newman  was  procured  as  pastor.  Under  date  of  November,  1657,  in 
a  total  rate  of  £42,  19,  divided  among  twenty-four  persons,  of  whom  five  paid  a 
total  of  £14,  John  Abey  is  assessed  £1,  5,  which  was  about  the  sum  paid  by 
eleven  others,  but  two  being  less. 

In  1659,  twenty-seven  pay  a  rate  of  £46,  2,  of  whom  sixteen  pay  £1  or  a 
trifle  over.    Of  these  .John  Abey  pays  £1,  5,  as  before,   "in  corne  or  cattle." 

In  1660  he  was  assessed  as  Goodman  Abey  at  eight  shillings  toward  a  new 
meeting  house  or  repairing  the  old  one.     The  new  house  was  built  in  1663. 

Under  date  of  6th,  11th  month,  1661,  John  Abbey,  Sr.,  and  Edward  Waldron 
had  a  town  grant  of  land  to  be  equally  divided  between  them.  The  use  of  the 
title  Senior  at  this  time  helps  to  place  the  birth  of  the  son  John. 

In  1663  Goodman  Abey,  Sr.,  and  John  Clarke  are  chosen  to  join  with  the 
selectmen  to  make  the  minister's  rate  for  the  present  year. 

In  1669  and  in  1671  John  Abbey  appears  as  constable,  an  office  of  great  local 
power  and  responsibility. 

April  3,  1675,  John  Abbe  deeded  10  acres  of  land  to  his  son  Samuel,  Thomas, 
John,  and  Maiy  Abbe,  being  witnesses.  John  Abbe,  sen.,  was  a  witness  to  the 
will  of  Edw<i  Walden  of  Salem,  4th  month,  1679. 

In  1683,  John  Abbey,  who  had  been  supporting  his  son  Thomas,  who  lived 
with  him  and  cared  for  him,  dismissed  Thomas  on  account  of  his  bad  behavior 
and  called  his  son  John,  junior,  to  take  charge  of  him  and  his  affairs.  The  son, 
John,  proceeded  early  to  build  a  new  house,  as  the  old  one  was  unfit  to  live  in. 

First  Generation  3 

Know  all  men  By  these  p^sents  that  I  John  Abbey  (Sen jr.)  of  Wenham  in  the  County 
of  Essex  being  sensible  of  my  owne  &  my  wives  inability  to  Carry  on  my  affaires  So  as 
to  prouid  for  our  Comfortable  Livelybood  by  reason  of  our  age  &  weakness  of  Body 
Attending  vs  by  reason  thereof  Doe  make  Choice  of  >&  Request  my  son  John  Abbey  as  my 
ffeiofe  in  trust  to  take  into  his  hands  my  house  &  all  my  Lands  in  Wenham  together  w^ii 
wt  right  I  have  in  that  Land  which  was  sometime  Richard  Gooldsmith^.  to  ocquipie  & 
improue  for  myn  »&  his  muttuall  Benifit  So  long  as  my  wife  &  I  or  eyther  of  vs  shall 
live :  »&  for  his  incouriagment  to  maniage  my  affaires  as  abovesaid  &  he  provide  Com- 
fortably for  my  owne  &,  my  wives  maintenance  I  doe  hereby  Give  and  Bequeath  to  him 
my  afforesaid  Ifeiofe  all  my  houses  &  Lands  fforeuer  Except  wt  I  doe  hereby  Give  out  of  it 
to  the  rest  of  my  Childrin  viz  Samuell  Sarah  Marah  Rebeca  Obadia  &  Thomas  &  to  each 
of  them  as  foUoweth  viz  to  Samuell  I  haveiug  nlridy  Given  him  a  LcU  of  Land  I  give  him 
one  Shilling  more  &  to  all  the  rest  of  my  Childrin  above  mentioned  viz  Sarah  Marah 
Rebeca  Obadia  &  Thomas  two  Shillings  a  peice  or  to  so  many  of  them  as  shall  sirviv 
at  the  deacease  of  my  selfe  &  wife :  »&  in  Case  God  shall  take  awaye  my  Son  John  above- 
said  before  the  Decease  of  my  selfe  &  wife  if  his  Heires  Shall  Continue  to  maniage  & 
Carry  on  my  affaires  as  my  abovesaid  ffeioffe  ought  to  doe  then  they  Shall  have  the  houses 
&  Lands  abovesaid  as  therin  ordvard  &  in  Confirmation  of  what  is  above  written  I  have 
here  vnto  set  to  my  hand  &  Scale  Signed  Seald  &  Deliverd  August  the  3  1683 
in  the  p^sence  of  John  \/  Abbey   (seal) 

Thos  ffiske  Senjr ;  bis      A     Senji' 

martha  ffiske  marke 

John  Abbey   Senjr  ded   acknowledg   this  writing   above   written   to   be   his   act   &   deed 
August  ye  3^ :  1683  before  me 

Samuel  Appeton  Assistant. 

On  the  outside  of  the  above  document  is  the  inscription: 

John  Abbey's  Disposale  of  his  Estate  1683  Record  In  Ips  in  ye  Regr  office  for  ye  probate 
of  Will  for  sd  County  of  Essex  Dec'  1702  p  mee  Dani  Rogers  Regr 

Administration  on  the  Estate  of  John  Ahhey  senjr  of  Wenham. 
John  Appleton  Esq^.  Comissionated  by  his  Excellency  Joseph  Dudley  Capt.  Gener^ 
&  Govern^  in  Cheif  in  &  over  her  Majess  Province  of  ye  Massach^t  Bay  in  New  England, 
with  the  advice  and  Consent  of  her  Majestes  Counsell  of  said  province  for  the  Probate  of 
Wills  and  Granting  Letters  of  adminstro.  Within  the  said  County  of  Essex  &c.  To 
Thomas  Abbey  of  Enfield  in  ye  County  of  Hampshire  son  to  John  Abbey  senjr  of 
Wenham — Deceased  Intestate — Greeting — Trusting  in  yr  Care  and  ffidelity  I  doe  by 
These  presents  Comitt  unto  you  full  power  to  administer  all  &  singular  the  Goods, 
Chattells,  Rights  &  Creditts  of  the  said  Deceased  &  well  &  ffaithfully  dispose  of  ye 
same  according  to  law  which  to  him  while  he  Lived  &  att  ye  time  of  his  Death  did 
appeartain  &  belong,  to  aske  sue  for  demand  Levy  Receive  &  Recover  and  to  pay 
all  Debts  in  which  the  Deceas^  stood  bound  so  farr  as  his  Goods  Chattells  Rights  & 
Creditts. Can  extend  according  to  the  Value  thereof,  and  to  make  a  true  &  pi'fect  Inven- 
tory of  all  &  singular  the  Goods  Chattells  Rights  and  Creditts  of  the  Deceas^  and  to 
Exhibit  the  same  into  the  Registry  office  of  ye  s<i  County  att  or  before  the  Last  Day  of 
ffebruary  next  Ensueing,  and  to  render  a  plain  &  true  accoft  of  ye  said  adminjo  upon 
Oath  att  or  before  ye  Twentieth  Day  of  Decemb""  which  AVill  bee  in  y*  year  of  o""  Lord 
God  One  Thousand  Seven  hund^  &  Three — And  I  doe  by  These  p^sents  Ordaine  Con- 
stitute and  Appoint  you  administratoer  of  all  &  singular  the  Goods  Chattells  Rights  & 
Creditts  of  ye  Deceasd  afores^. — In  Testimony  Whereof  I  have  herunto  Sett  my  hand  & 
caused  the  Seale  of  said  office  to  be  affixed — Dated  in  Ipswich  the  12th  Day  of 
Decembr  Anno.  1702.  Annoq.  R :  Reginae  Annae  Angliae  &c  primo. 

Examd — 11  John  Appleton. 

Daniel  Rogers  Regr. 
Recorded  Book  307,  Page  456.     Essex  Probate  Office. 

Know  AU  men  by  these  presents.  That  We  Thomas  abbey  of  Enfield  in  ye  County 
of  hampshire  as  principle  and  Waltar  ffairfeild  Senj  &  Thomas  Edwards  both  of  Wen- 
ham as  sureties  within  His  Majesties  Province  of  the  Massachusetts  Bay  in  New  England 
are  holden  and  stand  firmly  bound  and  obliged  unto  John  Appleton  Esqi"  Judge  of  the 
Probate  of  Wills  and  granting  Administration  within  the  said  County  of  Essex  in  the 
full  sum  of  Two  hundred  Pounds  Currant  Money  in  New  England.  To  be  paid  unto 
the  said  John  Appleton  Esq^y  his  Successors  in  the  said  Office  or  Assignes.  To  the  true 
payment  whereof.  We  bind  our  selves,  and  each  of  us,  our,  and  each  of  our  heirs, 
Executors  and  Administrators,  joyntly  and  severally  for  the  whole  and  in  the  whole 
firmly  by  these  presents  Sealed  with  our  Seals.  Dated  the  Eleventh  day  of  Decemb^ 
Anno  Domini.    One  thousand  702  Annoque  Regni  Reginae  Annae  primo. 

The  condition  of  this  present  Obligation  is  such,  That  if  the  above-bounden  Thomas 
Abbey  administrator  to  all  &  singular   the  Goods,  Chattells,  Rights  &  Credits  of  his 

4  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

ffather  John  Abbey  Senjr  Late  of  Wenham  Deceased  to  make  or  cause  to  be  made  a 
true  and  perfect  Inventory  of  all  and  singular  the  Goods,  Chattells,  Rights  and  Credits 
of  the  said  Deceased,  which  have  or  shall  come  to  the  hands,  possession  or  knowledge 
of  him  the  said  administrator  or  into  the  hands  and  possession  of  any  other  person  or 
persons  for  him.  And  the  same  so  made,,  do  exhibit  or  cause  to  be  exhibited  into  the 
Registry  of  the  Court  of  Probate  for  the  aforesaid  County  of  Essex  at  or  before  the 
Last  day  of  ffebruai-y  next  ensuing.  And  the  same  Goods,  Chattells,  Rights  and  Credits 
of  the  said  Deceased,  at  the  time  of  Death,  which  at  any  time  after  shall  come  into  the 
hands  and  possession  of  any  other  person  or  persons  for  him  do  well  and  truly  Administer 
according  to  Law.  And  further  do  make,  or  cause  to  be  made  a  just  and  true  Accompt 
of  his  said  Administration  upon  Oath,  at  or  before  the  Twentieth  day  of  Decemb»'  which 
will  be  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  One  thousand  703. 

And  all  the  rest  &  residue  of  the  said  Goods,  Chattells,  Rights  &  Credits  which  shall  be 
found  remaining  upon  the  said  Administrators  Accompt  (the  same  being  first  examined 
and  allowed  of  by  the  Judge  or  Judges  for  the  time  being  of  Probate  of  Wills  and  grant- 
ing Administrations  within  the  County  of  Essex  aforesaid)  shall  deliver  and  pay 
unto  such  person  or  persons  respectively  as  the  said  Judge  or  Judges  by  his  or  their 
Decree  or  Sentance  pursuant  to  Law  shall  limit  and  appoint.  And  if  it  shall  hereafter 
appear,  That  any  last  Will  and  Testament  was  made  by  the  said  Deceased :  And  the 
Executor  or  Executors  therein  named  do  exhibit  the  same  into  the  Court  of  Probate 
for  the  said  County  of  Essex  making  request  to  have  it  allowed  and  approved  accordingly. 
If  the  said  administrator  within  bounden  being  thereunto  required  do  render  and  deliver 
the  said  Letters  of  Administration  (Approbation  of  such  Testament  being  first  had 
and  made)  unto  the  said  Court.  Then  the  before  written  obligation  to  be  void  and  of 
none  effect,  or  else  to  abide  and  remain  in  full  force  and  virtue. 

Thomas   TA   Abbey  (seal) 
Sealed  and  Delivered  mark  &  seal 

in  presence  of  Walter  fayerfield   (seal) 

francis  Crumpton  Thomas   O   Edward  (seal) 

Daniel  Rogers.  mark  &  seal. 

This  Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  John  Abee  Senor  formerly  of  Wenham  decesed  about 
thirten  yere  since  Intestate  we  whos  names  are  her  vnto  subscribed  on  this  twentey- 
fovrth  of  febuary  in  the  yere  of  our  lord  17  did  at  the  Request  of  thomas  Abee  one 
of  the  sons  of  the  decesed  and  Administrator  of  his  fathers  estat  or  by  his  order  vallew 
and  aprise  the  said  decesed  his  house  and  land  in  Wenham  on  which  to  our  certain 
knowleg  he  lived  for  many  yers  and  dyed  seased  of  the  same  as  his  owne  Estat  of 
Inheritance  as  we  ever  vnderstod  we  being  his  nere  neighboi's  for  many  yers  the  sayd 
decesed  his  homsted  being  about  twenty  and  three  acers  of  vpland  and  medow  together 
with  the  housing  and  fences  ther  on  the  apertenances  ther  onto  belonging  together  with 
his  Right  in  the  Comon  all  which  we  vallewed  at  ninety  and  two  pounds  £92-s00-d00. 
We  also  being  Informed  that  the  sayd  decesed  in  his  lifetime  did  to  acomodate  his  son 
Obadiah  acording  to  his  desire  with  a  trad  for  his  futer  benifett  when  the  sayd  Obadiah 
was  eighten  yers  old  give  to  Richard  Goldsmith  three  yers  sarvit  of  his  said  son  Obadiah 
and  vntill  he  was  one  and  twentey  yers  ould  to  learne  him  to  be  a  shoemaker  and  all 
the  sayd  time  his  sayd  father  did  find  his  sayd  son  meat  and  drink  and  Clothes  washing 
and  Lodging  which  we  doe  Judg  to  be  worth  thirtey  pounds. 

the  acount  was  settled  betwen  thomas  Abee  and  his  fathers  Estat  by  the  Children  of 
the  sayd  decesed  in  our  presants  as  witness  our  hands  this  24  of  the  12th  month  170i 


Richard    R  H    Hutton 

Joseph  ffowler 


the  estate  debtor  to  his  sonn  thomas  Abee  for  severall  things  for  which  our  said  father 
John  Abee  Senor  was  Indebted  to  his  son  thomas  Abee  before  the  death  of  our  sayd 
father  John  Abee  Senor  the  acount  whereof  was  settled  and  alowed  by  vse  vnderwritten 
which  debt  is  thirtey  and  two  pounds  f32-s00-d00. 

as  wittnes  our  hands  this  24th  febuerary  170|- 
Richard   |-    kimball  for  himself  &  Rebecc  his  wife 
her  his 

mary   |   killam  Thomas    T    Abbe 

mark  marke 

May  18th  1703 

Then  ye  above  s<3  Thomas  Abbe  made  oath  to  this  Inventory 
Before    John  Appleton 

Second  Generation  5 

John  Abbe  married    (1)    MARY  .     She  was  born  in  England  about 

1615-20,  and  died  in  Wenham,  Mass.,  September  6,  1672.  ''Mary,  the  wife  of 
John  Abbey,  senr.  dyed  the  9  Sept.  1672";  Wenham  records.  She  was 
doubtless  the  mother  of  all  of  his  children.  Her  name  is  given  as  Mary  Loring, 
by  Frederick  Orr  Woodruff,  who  says  that  the  name  was  found  on  Enfield  records 
bv  one  who  made  researches  for  him  there. 

'John  Abbe  married  (2)  November  25,  1674,  MRS.  MARY  GOLDSMITH, 
widow  of  Richard  Goldsmith,  Avho  was  killed  by  lightning,  May  18,  1674.  She 
was  living  in  1683.  "John  Abbie  and  Marah  Goldsmith  maryed  25  of  Novemb, 
1674";   Wenham  records. 

Children,  prohahly  all  hy  first  icife 

2  John  Ahhe,  b.  probably  in  Salem,  1636  or  7 ;    m.  twice. 

3  Samuel  Ahie;   m.  Mary  Kuowlton. 
Sarah  Abbe. 

Marah  Abbe;   m.  Killam. 

4  Rebecca  Abbe;   m.  Richard  Kimball. 

5  Obadiah  Abbe;    m.  Sarah  Tibbals. 

^  6     Thomas  Abbe;   m.  Sarah  Fairfield,  v. 


2.  J0HN2  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and  Mary  (  )  Abbe,  born  in  1636  or 
1637,  probably  in  Salem,  Mass.,  died  suddenly,  December  11,  1700,  in  Windham, 
Conn.  As  early  as  1663,  he  was  one  of  three  to  oversee  the  Town's  Common 
and  to  resist  encroachments  on  the  timber.  He  may  be  the  John  Abbe  who 
was  constable  in  1669.  He  is  first  described  as  a  yeoman  of  Wenham,  and  was 
admitted  to  freedom  by  the  court  at  Boston,  May  11,  1670.  In  a  document 
of  1683,  his  father  designated  him  as  the  heir  to  his  estate  in  Wenham  upon 
the  condition  of  his  caring  for  his  father  and  mother  in  their  old  age.  He 
apparently  resided  upon  this  estate  until  about  1696. 

The  following  items  from  the  inventory  of  Robert  Macklaflin  of  Wenham, 
September  19,  1690,  doubtless  refer  to  this  John  Abbe: 

To  Jno.  Abbe  for  nursing — £1 

To  Jno.  Abbe  more  for  tending  the  swine 

for  fatting — sl6-d3 
To  John  Abbe  due  for  worke  to  save 

the  corne  &  thresh  the  ry  &  killing  the 

swine  &  carrying  them  to  Salem  &  about  fencing, 


March  9,  1694-5,  he  sold  to  Francis  Wainwright  a  house  and  lands  in  Wen- 
ham, 50  acres  in  all;  and  in  the  following  year,  February  21,  he  had  a  deed 
of  the  same  property  back  from  Wainwright.  In  1696  he  disposed  of  his 
property  in  Wenham  and  j^urchased  of  Lieutenant  Exercise  Conant,  July  13, 
1696,  for  £70,  silver  money,  home  lot  number  7,  at  Windham  Centre,  with  the 
1000-acre  right  belonging,  dwelling  house,  etc.  May  23,  1695,  Jo.  Abbey  was  a 
witness  to  a  deed  of  Exercise  and  Sarah  Conant  of  Beverly  (Essex  Deeds,  Vol- 
ume 2,  page  101).  He  sold  his  farm  in  Wenham,  30  acres  with  buildings,  to 
Nathaniel  Wainwi'ight,  October  19,  1696,  for  £130.  He  probably  soon  after 
removed  to  Windham,  Conn.,  for  on  December  9,  1696,  he  was  admitted  a 
freeman  of  that  town  as  John  Abbe,  Sen',  of  Windham.  He  and  his  wife, 
Hannah,  were  dismissed  from  the  Wenham  Church  to  that  of  Windham  by  a 
letter  of  October  28,  1700,  and  were  both  original  members  of  the  first  church 
in  Windham  at  its  organization,  December  10,  1700. 

6  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Weuham  Oct.  29th,  1700. 
Revrd:    Sr. 

Yours  I  received  of  22d  instant :  in  behalfe  &  att  the  request  of  our  beloved  Brethren, 
John  Abbee  &  Robert  Hibberd  both  members  in  full  communion  <&  good  state  with  the 
church  of  Christ  att  Wenham,  signifying  their  desires  off  Letters  of  dimission  from  sd 
church,  in  order  (the  Lord  favouring)  to  join  with  others,  in  gathering  &  erecting  a 
church  att  Windham  &  to  call  and  ordain  an  officer  to  adminster  the  holy  things  of 
Christ's  Kingdom  unto  them,  which  their  desires,  have  accordingly  been  propounded  to 
sd  church,  &  readily  complied  withall :  &  to  sd  good  worke  have  voted  their  dimission. 
As  also  we  have  dimissed  their  wives  Hannah  Abbe  &  Mary  Hibberd  unto  such  church 
when  erected  :  &  also  all  their  children  as  iff  named  to  your  watch  &  discipline :  And 
we  here  signify  our  rejoicing,  that  the  Lord  hath  been  pleased  to  make  way  for  your 
Comfortable  settlement  in  church  order,  according  to  the  rules  of  the  gospell:  the 
elders  &  messengers  of  Neighbor  churches  yielding  their  approbation  thereto,  &  accepting 
you  as  a  sister  church  with  them  :  bound  up  in  the  bond  of  thatt  holy  ifellowship,  which 
ought  to  according  to  gospel  rules  observed  between  the  true  churches  of  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ:  We  comend  you  with  your  pious  &  christian  design,  to  the  Guidance 
&  conduct  of  the  blessed  &  effectunly  quickening  spirit  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  praying 
he  would  be  with  you  in  that  weighty  work :  helping  you  to  build  up  &  to  be  further 
built  up  in  the  Kingdom  of  his  grace  here,  being  preserved  blameless  &  brought  to  his 
Kingdom  of  Glory  hereafter :  The  Grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  be  with  you  all ; 

Yours  in  the  Lord, 

Joseph  Gerrish,  pastor, 
with  Consent  off  the  Brethren  of  the  church  of  Christ  at  Wenham. 

Documents  pertaining  to  the  settlement  of  the  estate  of  John  Abbe  are 
found  in  the  Probate  Office  at  Hartford,  Volume  6,  page  17 ;   Volume  7,  page  27. 

Hannah  the  Relict  of  John  Abby  late  of  Windham  deceasd  presented  this  Court  with 
a  paper  called  the  Last  WiU  of  her  husband.  But  the  Court  not  being  Sattisfied  there- 
with doe  defer  the  matter  to  some  other  time  and  order  that  the  witnesses  be  present  att 
the  Probation  of  the  said  Will. 

She  also  did  Exhibit  an  Inventory  of  his  Estate  and  made  Oath  that  She  truely 
presented  the  Estate  to  the  apprizers.     September  4,  1701. 

Hannah  the  Relict  of  John  Abby  late  of  Windham  deceasd  presenting  to  this  Court 
an  Explanation  of  the  Last  WiU  of  the  said  Abby  the  persons  that  were  witnesses  to  the 
said  WiU  which  was  given  upon  Oath,  The  Court  having  considered  the  will  with  the 
explanation  thereof  doe  so  cause  to  accept  it  as  the  Last  Will  of  the  said  Abby 
deceasd (The  widow  was  appointed  administrator,  giving  a  bond  of  £50). 

Windham  the  10th  of  December  1700. 

The  WiU  of  John  Abby.  That  his  wife  should  enjoy  the  house  and  Homestead  and 
the  meadows  that  are  already  laid  out,  with  the  moveables  dureing  her  Ufe,  and  to 
dispose  of  it  to  them  of  her  children  as  shee  shall  see  cause.  And  the  rest  of  the 
unlaid  out  land  to  be  divided  amongst  his  children  and  not  to  be  sold  away  from  my 
family  not  any  of  the  Lands  and  the  thirty  acres  adjoyning  to  Goodman  Binghams  and 
Goodman  Larrabecs  Land  to  be  at  my  wives  dispose  and  to  give  deed  and  to  make 
sale  of  according  to  Law.  Witness  our  hands.  Robert  Hebard  senior  and  John  Reed 
senior,  both  of  the  Same  Town.  Windham  Aprill  8th  1702.  The  said  Robert  Hebard 
and  John  Reed  gave  oath  that  they  were  present  when  John  Abbey  that  is  deceased 
did  give  this  direction  to  make  his  will  as  is  above  written,  and  when  it  was  read  to 
him  he  said,  just  so  he  would  have  it,  and  that  they  did  judge  him  to  be  in  a  disposing 
frame,  and  right  understanding  of  mind.     Before  mee 

Joshua  Ripley  Justice. 

Wee  Robert  Hebard  and  John  Reed  being  Witnesses  to  the  Last  Will  of  John  Abby 
of  Windham  do  Testifie,  That  whereas  'tis  said  in  the  WiU,  the  Lands  and  meadows 
that  are  already  laid  out  shall  be  at  his  wives  dispose  to  give  to  them  of  her  children 
as  Shee  shall  soe  cause — That  they  did  understand  it  and  are  fully  persuaded  said  Abbey 
did  mean  the  Children  she  had  by  him — and  further  that  the  Intailment  extend  no  further 

than  to  the  Lands  that  are  yett  to  be  laid  out  to  the  best  of  their  Judgment Taken 

upon  Oath  in  Windham  November  6th  1701. 

Before  mee         Joshua  Ripley  Justice. 

An  Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  John  Abbey  of  Windham,  who  deceased  December,  1700. 
vallued  as  money  by  us  the  subscribers 

vizt  to 

Imps  his  wearing  appareU  at  £01-18-00 

2  smaU  beds  and  coverUds,  sheets,  in  the  Little  room  02-00-00 

Second  Generation  7 

a  feather  bed  aud  the  furniture  in  the  great  room  06-00-00 

Table  linneu  7s  Iron  pott,  Iron  kettle  &  frying  pan  20^  01-07-00 

Iron  pott,  tramell  &  tongs  lis  box  Iron  heaters  and  hamer  5s  00-16-00 

a  sith  &  tackling  2  augurs  and  an  axx  12s  2  sickils  cart  boxes  &  hoops  01-10-00 

horse  harness  &  chaines,  4  howes  and  a  pitchfork  00-13—00 

a  plow  &  Irons,  2  beetle  rings  »&  wedges  &  plow  cops(?)  00-14-06 

a  drawing  knife  &  staple  for  a  yoak  3s/6d  pewter  dishes  22s/9<l  01-06-03 
morter  &  Iron  pestle  &  2  bells  9s/6d,  tubs,  beer  barrels,  pails,  dishes,  spoons         01-16-06 

2  tables,  a  chest,  box,  chairs  and  spinning  wheels  01-05-00 

His  House,  homelott  and  part  of  his  first  division  30-00-00 

pasture  lott  10£  4  acres  meadow  at  Nachaug  4f  14-00-00 

6  acres  of  Land  of  the  10  acre  division  03-00-00 

30  acres  of  Land  between  the  Lines  07-00-00 

the  100  acre  Lott  10£  the  unlaid  out  Land  15£  25-00-00 

2  steers  5f  2  cows  6f  one  hciffer  SOs  2  young  creatures  SOs  16-00-00 

one  horse,  saddle,  bridle  and  pillion  25s  a  warming  pan  6s  01-11-00 

a  Gun,  a  mould  and  ammunition  01-02-00 

two  bibles  and  other  books  10s  swine  24s  01-14-00 
Totall  is  118-13-03 

This  Inventory  was  Taken  by  us 
Joshua  Ripley,  Jonathan  Crane. 

The  said  Estate  is  Indebted  about  £14-3-2. 
September  4,  1701. 

John-  Abbe  married  (1)  .     Isaac  Goodale,  who  was  perhaps  the  son  of 

Isaac  and  Patience  Goodale,  called  John  Abbe  his  nnele,  so  this  first  w^ife  may 
have  been  a  Goodale.  There  were  also  intermarriages  between  the  Killams  and 

Married  (2)  HANNAH  .     She  was  a  widow  with  children  at  the  time 

of  her  marriage  to  John  Abbe.  She  was  perhaps  Hannah  Goldsmith,  widow  of 
Richard  Goldsmith  of  Wenham.  She  married  (2)  in  Windham,  November  16, 
1703,  Jonathan  Jennings,  sr.,  of  Windham,  and  died  March  8,  1724.  On  June 
16,  1710,  Hannah,  relict  of  John  Abbe,  deceased,  divided  property  to  Mary, 
Abigail,  Obadiali,  and  five  children  under  age.  (Windham  Deeds,  Liber  D.) 
One  of  the  i^rovisions  was  "moved  by  the  love  and  affection  I  bore  to  my 
beautifull  daughter,  Mary  Abbe." 

Children  hy  first  icife,  births  recorded  in  Wenham,  Mass. 

John   (1)   Alhe,  b.  May  5,  1665;    d.  May  15,  1665.     "John,  the  son  of  John  Abye, 

born  5  May,  1665.     John,  the  son  of  John  Abey,  died  the  15th  of  May,  1665," 

(Wenham  Records). 
John    (2)    Aiie,  b.  Dec.  15,  1666;    probably  d.   young.     "John,   the  sou   of  John 

Abbie,  borne  the  15th  of  December,  1666"   (Wenham  Records). 
Thomas  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  5    (or  Nov.  4),   1667;    probably  d.  young.      "Thomas,   son 

of  John  Abbey,  b.  the  5,  12  mo.,  1667"   (Wenham  Records). 

7  Joseph  Ahhe,  b.  Aug.  13  (or  18),  1673;    m.  Abigail  Severance. 

8  Ohadiah  Ahhe,  b.  about  1675  ;    m.  Elizabeth  Wilkinson. 

Ahigail  Ahhe,  b.  about  1677 ;  m.  March  18,  1701,  Daniel  Sabin  of  Windham,  Conn. 
Child  :  Sarah,  b.  March  27,  1703,  recorded  in  Windham ;  d.  May  3,  1737 ;  m.  in 
Windham,  May  12,  1724,  Israel  Robinson  and  had  children :  Elisha,  b.  Feb.  25, 
1725  ;  Daniel,  b.  Jan.  18,  1733 ;  Eliezer,  b.  July  8,  1734,  and  Abigail,  b.  Feb.  22, 

Children  hy  second  wife,  births  recorded  in  Windham,  Conn.,  hut  all  hut  last 

prohahly  horn  in  WenJiam,  Mass. 

9  Richard  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  9,  1682-3;    m.  Mary  Jennings. 

10  Mary  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  16,  1684 ;    m.  James  Pease. 

Mercy  Ahhe,  b.  March  5,  1689  ;  d.  Dec.  5,  1771 ;  m.  in  Windham,  Dec.  11,  1734,  as 
his  third  wife,  Nathaniel  Flint  of  Windham,  who  d.  June  3,  1766.  He  m.  (1) 
Sarah  Martin,  (2)  Mary  Davis,  but  had  children  by  the  first  wife  only. 

11  John    (3)    Ahhe,  b.  April  20,   1691;    m.    (1)    Mary   Bingham,    (2)    Mary   Palmer, 

(3)  Abigail  (Cary)  Ripley,   (4)  Mrs.  Sarah  Dodge. 

12  Hannah  Ahhe,  h.  Aug.  13,  169S;    m.  Thomas  Welch. 

13  Lydia  Ahhe,  b.  May  21,  1696;    m.  Benjamin  Bidlack. 

8  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Sarah  AUe,  b.  March  11,  1699,  in  Windham ;  m.  John  Welch  of  Windham,  April  11, 
1729.  They  sold  land  to  Richard  Abbe,  Nov.  14,  1728.  were  then  of  Plainfield. 
Marriage  recorded  in  Plainfield,  Conn.,  as  are  the  following  records  of  the  family. 
Children:  i.  Hannah,  b.  Dec.  11,  1730;  ii.  John,  b.  June  12,  1732;  m.  Sarah 
,  and  had  children  :    Eunice,  b.  Sept.  4,  1760,  and  Rufus,  b.  April  2,  1766. 

3.  SAMUEL-  ABBE,  son  of  Johni  Abbe,  born  probably  at  Wenham,  Mass., 
about  1646,  or  soon  after  his  father's  settlement  there;  died  in  Windham, 
Conn.,  March,  1697-8.  His  name  first  appears  in  the  Wenham  records  at  the 
time  of  his  marriage.  "Samuel  Abby  and  Mary  Knowlton  maryed  the  12th 
October  1672."  He  received  a  grant  of  ten  acres  of  land  in  Wenham,  and  land 
to  set  his  house  upon,  from  his  father,  John  Abbey,  and  wife,  Mary,  April  3, 
1675,  his  brethren  to  have  the  refusal  of  the  place  if  he  should  sell  (Essex 
Deeds,  15:150).  Samuel  and  his  wife,  Mary,  were  communicants  of  the  church 
in  Wenham  in  1674.  He  was  a  land  surveyor  in  1676  and  appears  upon  the 
town  records  as  a  husbandman,  made  freeman,  October  3,  1680  (Massachusetts 
Records,  5:540).    He  was  named  in  his  father's  will,  1683. 

A  map  of  Salem  dwellings  in  1692,  published  in  Volume  I  of  Upham's  Salem 
Witchcraft,  shows  the  location  of  Samuel  Abbey's  house,  number  114  on  a 
plot  in  the  south-west  part,  east  of  Bald  Hill,  within  the  500  acres  laid  out 
to  Robert  Goodell  in  1652  and  its  subsequent  additions. 

On  November  1,  1682,  Samuel  Abbey  bought  of  Lott  Killam  and  wife,  Hannah, 
of  Salem,  he  being  then  of  Wenham,  6  acres  in  Salem  on  Norrice's  Brook 
(12:112),  and  also  bought  of  James  Stimpson  and  wife,  Priscilla,  who  had  been 
the  widow  of  Isaac  Goodell,  at  the  same  place,  some  land  in  1684  (12:113).  On 
April  3,  1697,  he  and  his  wife,  Mary,  sold  those  lands  described  as  a  dwelling 
house,  two  orchards,  and  seventeen  acres  in  Salem,  bounding  Anthony  Needham, 
John  Waleott,  Isaac  Goodale,  Samuel  Goodale,  Abraham  Smith,  Abel  Gardner, 
Joseph  Flint,  and  also  six  acres  on  Norrice's  Brook,  and  two  acres  bought  of 
James  Stimpson,  to  Zachariah  White  of  Lynn,  all  for  £130  (12:147),  The 
above  James  Stimpson  was  of  Reading  and  had  married  the  widow  of  the  elder 
Isaac  Goodell.  At  the  time  of  Goodell 's  death  in  1680,  the  widow  was  adminis- 
tratrix and  Samuel  Abbey  was  one  of  her  sureties.  He  was  then  probably  of 
Salem  or  possibly  Topsfield. 

He  was  admitted  freeman  of  Salem  Village,  March  22,  1689-90.  He  and  his 
wife  were  dismissed  from  the  Salem  Church  September  15,  1689,  to  unite  in 
forming  one  at  Salem  Village;  the  date  of  its  formation  being  November  15, 
1689.  Salem  Village  is  now  Danvers.  On  July  1,  1690,  he  w'as  taxed  at  Salem 
Village,  and  again,  January  18,  1694-5,  he  and  his  son  were  taxed  there. 

Samuel  Abbey  of  Salem  bought  of  Benjamin  Howard  of  Windham,  Conn., 
for  £22.  10s.  current  money,  half  an  allotment  of  land  (500  acres),  being 
number  2  at  the  Center,  at  or  near  the  locality  known  later  as  Bricktop.  He 
probably  removed  to  Windlmm  about  that  time  as  he  was  admitted  an  inhabitant 
of  that  town  December  21,  1697,  and  died  there  March  of  the  following  year. 

His  estate  was  settled  in  1699.  The  inventory,  taken  May  9,  1698,  gives  as 
legatees,  the  following:  wife,  Mary;  daughter,  Mary,  aged  25;  son,  Samuel, 
aged  23;  son,  Thomas,  aged  20;  Eleazer,  aged  18  (the  land  records  prove  that 
this  is  a  mistake  for  Elizabeth);  Ebenezer,  aged  16;  Mercy,  aged  14;  Sarah, 
aged  13;  Hepsibah,  aged  10;  Abigail,  aged  8;  John,  aged  7;  Benjamin,  aged 
6 ;  Jonathan,  aged  2.  One  record  says  he  left  a  son,  Eleazer,  and  a  daughter, 
Abigail,  each  8  years  old  at  his  death.  This  is  doubtless  an  attempt  to  rectify 
the  error  noted  above. 

Samuel  Abbe  was  living  in  Salem  during  the  days  of  witchcraft  and  was  one 
of  those  opposed  to  its  fanaticisms.  One  Rebecca  Nourse,  on  trial  as  a  witch, 
produced  a  paper  signed  by  several  ''resj^ectable  inhabitants"  of  Salem,  among 

Second  GenerxYtion  9 

•whom  was  Samuel  Abbe.  This  document  as  to  her  good  character  caused  her 
to  be  set  at  liberty  but  the  sentence  was  later  changed  for  some  reason  and 
she  was  put  to  death  as  a  witch.  Only  a  few  years  ago  a  monument  to  her 
memory  was  erected  by  her  descendants. 

Samuel  Abbey  testifies  as  to  Mercy  Lewis,  May  20,  1692,  she  being  at  the 
liouse  of  her  neiglibor,  John  Putnam,  jr.,  and  accused  of  witchcraft. 

Samuel  Abbe  and  his  wife,  Mary,  were  witnesses  in  a  witch  trial  in  Salem 
in  1692  against  Sarah  Snow,  a  Avoman  of  vicious  temper  who  had  lived  in  their 
home  for  a  time  but  was  dismissed  on  account  of  her  disagreeable  waj's.  She 
vowed  vengeance  upon  them  and  when  several  of  their  cows  and  hogs  were 
taken  sick,  the  blame  was  laid  to  her  as  a  witch. 

The  following  are  taken  from  Records  of  Salem  Witchcraft,  copied  from  the 
original  documents.  Volume  1,  pages  24  and  25. 

Samuel  Abbey  Et  ux  vs.  Sarah  Good 

Samuel  Abbey  of  Salem  Village  Aged  45  years  or  thereabouts  and  Mary  Abbey  bis 
wife  aged  oS  years  or  tbereabouts,  Deposetli  and  saitb. 

Tbat  about  this  Time  Three  Years  past  AV™  Good  and  his  wife  Sarah  Good  being 
destitute  of  a  bouse  to  dwell  in  these  Deponents  out  of  Charity ;  they  being  Poor  lett  them 
live  in  theirs  some  time  untill  that  tbe  said  Sarah  Good  was  of  so  Turbulant  a  Sperritt, 
SpitefuU  and  so  Mallitiously  bent,  tbat  these  Deponents  could  not  suffer  her  to  Live 
in  their  bowse  any  Longer  and  was  forced  for  Quiettness  sake  to  turne  she  ye  said  Sarah 
with  her  husband  out  of  their  bowse  ever  since,  which  is  about  two  years  Vi  agone,  the 
said  Sarah  Good  bath  carried  it  very  Spitefully  and  MalHtiously,  towards  them,  tbe 
winter  following  after  the  said  Sarah  was  gone  from  our  bouse  we  began  to  Loose  Cattle 
and  Lost  sevei-al  after  an  vnvsall  manner,  in  a  drupeing  condition  (sic)  Condition  and 
yett  they  would  Eate :  and  your  Deponents  have  Lost  after  tbat  manner  17  head  of 
Cattle  within  this  two  years  besides  Sheep  and  Hoggs,  and  both  doe  believe  they  Dyed 
by  witchcraft,  tbe  said  "William  Good  on  the  last  of  May  was  twelve  months  went  home 
to  bis  wife  tbe  sd  Sarah  Good  and  told  her,  what  a  sad  Accident  had  fallen  out,  she 
asked  what,  he  answered  tbat  bis  neighbovr  xVbbey  had  lost  two  Cowes,  both  dyeing 
witbiu  lialfe  an  bower  of  one  another,  the  sd  Sarah  good  said  she  did  not  care  if  be  the 
said  Abbey  had  Lost  all  the  Cattle  he  bad  as  ye  said  Jno  Good  told  vs.  Just  that  very 
Day  that  tbe  said  Sarah  Good  was  taken  up,  we  yr  Deponents  had  a  Cow  tbat  could 
not  rise  alone,  but  since  presently  after  she  was  taken  up,  tbe  said  Cow  was  weU  and 
could  rise  so  weU  as  if  she  bad  ailed  nothing.  She  tbe  said  Sarah  good  ever  since  these 
Deponents  turned  ber  out  of  their  bowse  she  hath  behaved  herselfe  very  crossely  and 
mallitiously  to  them  and  their  Children  calling  their  Children  vile  names  and  hath 
threatened  them  often. 
Jurat  in  Curia. 

Warrant  for  Sarah  Good  was  given  at  Salem,  February  29,  1691-2,  in  response 
to  complaints  of  Sarah  Vibber,  Abigail  Williams,  Elizabeth  Hubbard,  Ann 
Putnam,  and  Jno.  Vibber.  Among  the  many  depositions  in  witness  to  her 
malign  practices  were  those  of  Samuel  Abbey  and  wife. 

Records  of  Salem  Witchcraft,  copied  from  the  oiiginal  documents,  Vol.  2, 
pp.  41-2,  old  series. 

Samuel  Abby  v.  Mary  Easty 
Tbe  Deposition  of  Samuel  Abby  aged  about  45  years  who  testifieth  and  saitb  that  on 
the  20tb  of  May  1692  I  went  to  the  house  of  Constable  Jno  putnam  about  9  a  clock  in 
tbe  morning  and  when  J  came  there :  Mircy  lewes  lay  on  the  bed  in  a  sad  condition 
and  continuing  speachless  for  about  an  hour :  the  man  not  being  at  whom  :  the  woman 
desired  me  to  goe  to  Tho :  putnams  to  bring  Ann  putnam  to  se  if  she  could  se  who  it 
was  tbat  hurt  Mircy  lewes :  accordingly  J  went :  and  found  Abigail  williams  along 
■with  Ann  putnam  and  brought  them  both  to  se  mercy  lewes :  and  as  they  ware  a  goeing 
along  the  way  botb  of  them  said  that  they  saw  tbe  Apperishtion  of  Goody  Estick  and 
said  it  was  the  same  woman  that  was  sent  whom  the  other  day :  and  said  also  that 
they  saw  tbe  Apperishtion  of  the  other  woman  tbat  appered  with  gooddy  Estick  the 
other  day,  and  botb  of  them  allso  said  that  the  Apperishtion  of  gooddy  Estick  tould  them 
that  now  she  was  afflectiug  of  mircy  lewes  and  when  they  came  to  Mircy  lewes  both 
of  them  said  that  they  saw  the  Apperishtion  of  gooddy  Estick  and  Jno  willard  and  Mary 
witheridge  afflecting  tbe  body  of  mircy  lewes :    and  J  continueing  along  with  mircy  who 

10  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

contineued  in  a  sad  condition  the  greatest  part  of  the  day  being  in  such  tortors  as  no 
toungue  can  express ;  but  not  able  to  spake :  but  at  last  said  Deare  lord  Received  my 
soule  and  againe  said  lord  let  them  not  kill  me  quitt,  but  at  last  she  came  to  hir  self 
for  a  little  whille  and  was  very  sensable  and  then  she  said  that  goody  estick  said  she 
would  kill  hir  before  midnight  because  she  did  not  cleare  hir  so  as  the  Rest  did,  then 
againe  presently  she  fell  very  bad  and  cried  out  pray  for  the  salvation  of  my  soule  for 
they  will  kill  me. 

Jurat  in  Curia  Sepr  9th  '92. 

Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Samuell  Abby  late  of  Windham  who  deed  in  March  1697. 
Apprized  and  ordered  to  be  recorded.  Administration  granted  unto  Abra.  Mitchell  who 
hath  married  Mary  the  Relict  of  the  said  Abby.  July  5,  1699.  (Hartford  Probate  Office, 
Volume  6,  page  93.) 

An  inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Samuell  Abby  late  of  Windham  deed  as  mony. 

His  wearing  Cloths  £2  a  feathr  bed  bolster  2  pillows  wtb  beirs  £3  £05-00-00 

a  bedsted  curtaines  wth  a  rug  and  blanket  £02-10-d00 

3  pr  Cotten  and  lining  sheets  02-10-00 

more  beds  wtii  2  coverlids  &  blankets  02-00-00 

2  pillow  beires  3  pr  lining  sheets  02-00-00 

3  table  cloths  2  doz  napkins  £2  lO^  a  great  Iron  pott  20s  03-10-10 
a  little  Iron  pott  10V2  iron  kettles  lOV  tramell  pot  hooks  and  tongs  15s  01-15-00 
pewter  and  earthen  ware  22^/  a  frying  pan  5s  01-07-00 
dishes  spoons  and  trenchers  5s/  box  and  irons  6s  00-11-00 
chest,  box,  tubs,  and  payles  20s/  a  gun  15s/  3  knives  33  01-18-00 
two  axes  10*/  hoes  6s/  beetle,  rings  and  wedges  10s  01-06-00 
two  pitchforks  wtb  3  hooks  and  old  Iron  00-05-00 
Horse  tackling,  cart,  wheels,  boxes,  &  hoops  02-05-00 
a  plough  and  Irons  6s/  an  old  spade  shovell  <&  mattock  3s  00-09-00 
a  syth  and  tackling  6s/  2  horses  &  a  mare  w^h  bridle  &  sadle  05-12-00 
a  little  quantity  of  wool  wtii  old  bags  6s  00-06-00 
Lands  £25-00-00/  two  Swine  12s  25-12-00 

This  Inventory  taken  May  the  9th  1698 
pT  us  Joseph  Cary  ^  ™ 

Jeremiah  Ripley  J 
(Hartford  Probate  Office,  Volume  6,  pages  125,  126.) 

Mary  the  Relict  appeared  in  Windham  the  2d  of  May  1699  and  gave  oath  that  she 
had  made  presentmen  of  the  estate  of  her  dec^  husband,  and  if  more  comes  to  her  knowl- 
edge she  will  cause  it  to  be  added  to  the  Inventory,  befoi'e  me 

WiUm  Pitkin,  Assistant. 
Debts  due  from  the  estate  is  £5-  0-0  Cash 

Debts  due  to  the  estate  is  £1-10-0  Cash 

The  children's  names  and  age. 

Mary  25  years  SamU  23  Thomas  20  Eleaz^  18  Ebenezr  16  Mary  14  Sarah  13 
Hipzibah  10  Abigaile  8  John  7  Benj  6  and  Jonathan  2  years  of  age.  (The 
names  appear  as  here  given  but  it  is  apparent  that  Eleaz^  is  a  mistake  of  the 
copyist  for  Elizabeth  and  that  the  second  Mary  should  be  Mercy.) 

SamueP  Abbe  married  in  Wenbam,  Mass.,  October  12,  1672,  MARY  KNOWL- 
TON,  born  1653,  daughter  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (  )  Knowlton.  She 
married  (2),  April  27,  1699,  Abraham  Mitchell  and  had  by  him  a  son,  Daniel, 
who  was  born  and  died  December  10,  1700.  Mary  Mitchell,  formerly  Mary 
Abby,  was  dismissed  from  the  Salem  Village  Church  to  Windham,  Conn., 
September  14,  1701. 

The  following  notes  are  from  the  "Knowlton  Ancestry,"  compiled  by  Rev. 
C.  H.  W.  Stocking  of  Freehold,  N.  J.,  published  1897: 

The  name  Knowlton  reaches  back  traditionally  to  the  time  of  William  the  Conqueror, 
1066-87.  Richard  Knowlton  was  born  1553,  probably  at  Knowlton  Manor,  which  is 
situated  about  six  miles  from  the  great  cathedral  at  Canterbury,  Kent  County,  England. 
He  married,  July  17,  1577,  Elizabeth  Cantize.  The  last  of  their  four  children  was 
William,  commonly  called  Captain  William,  born  1584,  married  Ann  Elizabeth  Smith. 
They  had  six  children,  two  of  whom  died  young.  Captain  William  with  his  remaining 
family  sailed  for  America  about  1632.  He  died  on  the  passage  and  was  probably  buried 
at  Nova  Scotia,  as  an  ancient  grave-stone  bearing  the  name  of  WiUiam  Knowlton,  1632, 
was  discovered  there  by  a  land-surveyor  in  1839.     The  family  appear  to  have  moved  to 

Second  Generation  11 

Massachusetts  the  next  year,  probably  to  Hingham,  later  to  Ipswich.     William,  second 
sou  of  Captain  William,  born  in  England,  1615,  was  a  member  of  the  first  church  in 

Ipswich  and  a  freeman,  1641-2.    He  was  a  brick-layer  by  trade,  married  Elizabeth , 

and  died  1655.    The  youngest  of  their  seven  children  was  Mary,  born  1649,  who  married 
Samuel  Abbe. 

Cliildren  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe 

Mary  Abbe,  b.  in  Wenham  about  1674 ;    probably  d.  unm. 

14  Samuel  Abbe,  b.  in  Wenham  about  1676;    m.  Hannah  SiLsby. 

Thomas  Abbe,  b.  in  Wenham  about  1679,  bapt.  there  1680;  d.  in  Windham, 
Conn.,  April  1,  1700 ;  probably  not  m.  In  a  deed  of  1722,  William  Slate,  Jonathan 
Ormsby,  Sarah  Abbe,  Ebenezer  Abbe,  Jonathan  Abbe,  John  and  Samuel  Abbe  speak 
of   "our  loving  brother  Thomas  Abbe  deceased." 

15  Elizabeth  Abbe,  b.  in  Wenham  about  1681 ;    m.  William  Slate. 

16  Ebenezer  Abbe,  b.  July  31,  1683  ;    m.  Mary  AUeu. 

Mercy  Abbe,  b.  March  1,  1684-5,  bapt.  in  Wenham  before  1689;  m.  in  Windham, 
Conn.,  June  8,  1703,  Jonathan  Ormsby  of  Windham.  Child  :  Ichabod,  b.  April  15, 
1704,  recorded  in  Windham. 

Sarah  Abbe,  b.  July  4,  1686;  m.  John  Fowler  of  Lebanon.  She  was  bapt.  in 
Wenham  before  1688. 

17  Hepsibah  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  14,  1689;    m.  Samuel  Pahner. 

Abigail  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  19,  1690;  m.  May  10,  1710,  as  recorded  at  Rehoboth,  Mass., 
Joseph  Ormsby  of  Rehoboth,  b.  July  8,  1684. 

18  John  Abbe,  b.  June  4,  1692;    m.  Hannah . 

19  Benjamin  Abbe,  h.  June  4,  1694;    m.  Mary  Tryon. 

20  Jonathan  Abbe,  b.  about  1696  ;   m.  Mary  Johnson. 

4.  REBECCA-  ABBE,  daughter  of  Jolmi  and  Mary  (  )  Abbe,  born  prob- 
ably in  Wenham,  Mass.,  about  1647;  died  June,  1704.  She  was  mentioned  in 
her  father's  will,  1683,  and  signed  papers  regarding  the  estate,  1702-3. 

Married  in  Wenham,  May  13,  1667  (Wenham  record),  RICHARD  KIMBALL, 
born  October  13,  1643,  at  Watertown,  Mass.;  died  July  30,  1715,  at  W^enham. 
He  was  the  son  of  Henry  and  Mary  (Wyatt)  Kimball,  removed  with  his  parents 
to  Ipswich,  thence  to  Wenham.  He  was  administrator  of  his  father's  estate 
and  in  1715  made  a  deposition  regarding  tlie  house  of  W^alter  Fairfield,  jr., 
in  Ipswich.    He  married  (2),  November  20,  1706,  Mrs.  Ford,  a  widow  of  Ipswich. 


Rebecca  Kimball,  b.  Dec.  20,  1668 ;    m.  April  12,  1694,  James  Poland  of  Ipswich. 
Mary  Kimball,  b.  June  26,  1674 ;   d.  Feb.,  1704. 
Abigail  Kimball,  b.  March  12,  1680. 

5.  OBADIAH-  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  Abbey,  born  probably  in  "Wenham, 
Mass.,  between  1647  and  1652;  died  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  October  28,  1732.  From 
the  inventory  of  his  father's  estate  we  learn  that  he  w^as  apprenticed  to  Richard 
Goldsmith  to  learn  his  trade  of  shoemaker,  and  that  he  served  Goldsmith  three 
years  from  his  eighteenth  year.  As  Goldsmith  died  in  1673,  this  places  the 
date  of  Obadiah's  birth  approximately.  He  was  an  early  settler  of  Enfield 
on  the  eighth  lot  from  the  south  corner,  east  side,  one  of  the  original  pro- 
prietors in  1682.  He  seems  to  have  been  a  prominent  and  influential  man  of 
the  community,  was  constable  between  1682  and  1717,  survej'or  of  highways  in 
1692,  assessor  in  1702.  In  1685  he  was  engaged  in  a  law  suit  wdth  Isaac  Meacham. 
At  Northampton  is  the  will  of  Obadiah  Abbey,  dated  September  22,  1732;  pro- 
bated November  14,  1732.  He  names  as  legatees  his  wife,  Sarah,  to  whom  is 
given  maintenance,  all  household  goods  and  moveables;  his  cousin  (nephew) 
Thomas,  son  of  his  brother  Thomas,  to  whom  is  given  his  Seantic  lot,  and  to 
the  former  Thomas'  son,  Obadiah,  house  and  land,  with  reversion  to  his 
youngest  son,  Thomas,  if  the  said  Obadiah  should  die;  to  the  last-named 
Thomas,  he  gives  farm  lands  at  the  Mountains ;  his  wife 's  daughter,  Phebe  Heal ; 

12  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

his  cousin  John  Abbey's  oldest  son,  John.  His  cousin,  Thomas  Abbey,  and 
Elizabeth  Warriner  are  made  executors.  This  Elizabeth  Warriner  was  pre- 
sumably the  step-daughter  of  his  wife,  who  was  born  in  1686. 

Obadiah  Abbe's  holdings  in  Enfield  are  described  in  the  Enfield  records: 
Home  lot  of  12  acres;  23  acres  in  the  South  Field,  eastern  division;  7  acres 
upon  Sehantuck  River,  5  acres  of  it  upland  and  2,  meadow;  2  acres  of  meadow 
upon  a  small  brook  easterly  from  the  "grate  meadow";  4  acres  of  meadow 
by  grant  of  March  5,  1700;  and  on  November  17,  171  [  ],  a  farm  lying  west  of 
"Sehantuck  grate  meadow"  consisting  of  168  acres,  some  of  the  boundaries  of 
which  were  designated  as  "wh*  Oak  Tree  marked  with  the  letters  0  A"  and 
a    "Pine  Tree  marked  with  the  letters  0  A." 

See  also  under  Thomas-  Abbe,  references  to  Obadiah 's  property. 

Obadiah  Abbe  married  in  Enfield  after  1697,  SARAH  TIBBALS,  born  Novem- 
ber 29,  1654,  daughter  of  Thomas  Tibbals  of  Milford.  Her  first  husband  was 
Daniel  Collins,  by  whom  she  had  children,  and  she  married  second  Joseph 
"Warriner  of  Enfield,  who  died  1697.  Obadiah  Abbe  had  no  children,  so  far 
as  is  known. 

6.  THOMAS-  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and  Mary  (  )  Abbe,  born  probably  in 
Wenham,  Mass.,  about  1650  to  1656;  died  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  May  17,  1728.  He 
was  a  witness  to  a  deed  made  by  his  father  conveying  property  to  his  brother 
Samuel,  March  29,  1675.  At  first  he  took  care  of  his  parents  and  lived  on  the 
homestead,  but  about  1683  some  complaint  was  made  by  his  father  who  then 
turned  him  away  and  had  his  son  John  assume  the  charge  of  the  place  for 
himself  and  his  aged  wife.  Thomas  doubtless  went  immediately  to  Enfield, 
Conn.,  as  he  was  one  of  the  original  proprietors  of  that  town  in  1683,  with  the 
11th  lot,  east  side,  north  of  the  south  corner  as  his  home  lot.  He  at  once 
became  one  of  the  prominent  men  of  the  settlement  and  is  mentioned  frequently 
on  the  records  of  Enfield :  selectman  in  1686,  1689,  1706,  1707,  1709,  1710 ;  fence- 
viewer  repeatedly;  assessor  in  1705.  He  was  administrator  of  his  father's 
estate  in  1703,  and  made  his  father-in-law,  Walter  Fairfield  of  Wenham,  his 
attorney.  There  are  several  documents  in  the  files  at  Essex  pertaining  to  a  law 
suit  arising  out  of  this. 

The  case  is  that  of  Thomas  Abbey  of  Enfield  vs.  Peter  Lcgro  of  Wenham  for 
trespass  and  the  defendant  is  allowed  to  substitute  his  landlord  as  the  defendant. 
So  the  case  really  is  vs.  Nathaniel  Waldron,  who  held  the  lands  formerly  belong- 
ing to  John  Abbe,  senior,  and  by  him  given  to  his  son  John,  who  in  1696  sold 
to  Waldron.  Some  of  these  papers  help  prove  various  relationships  and  dis- 
tinctly call  Thomas  of  Enfield  the  son  of  the  older  John  of  Wenham. 

Thomas  Abbe  was  active  in  the  military  life  of  the  day.  He  was  a  soldier 
in  King  Philip's  War  and  was  wounded  at  the  Great  Swamp  Fight.  He  was 
sergeant  in  1711  and  lieutenant  of  the  Enfield  Trained  Band  in  1713.  Upon  the 
organization  of  the  army  for  the  expedition  against  Narragansett  Fort,  Major 
Samuel  Appleton  was  appointed  to  the  command  of  the  Massachusetts  forces 
and  on  a  list  of  the  soldiers  whom  the  Court,  in  May,  1676,  voted  to  repay  for 
losses  of  those  who  were  "damnified"  by  the  burning  of  Major  Appleton 's 
tent  at  Narragansett,  appears  the  name  of  Thomas  Abbe,  £3,  s.l6.  His  name 
is  also  on  the  roll  of  Major  Appleton 's  Company  in  the  Narragansett  Campaign. 
Thomas  Abbe's  will,  made  December  12,  1726,  probated  August  30,  1728,  men- 
tions the  following:  wife  Sarah;  son  Thomas,  executor  and  to  inherit  the 
homestead  and  57  acres;  son  John,  to  inherit  land  at  Scantic  Bridge;  daughters 
Sarah  Geer  and  Tabitha  Warner  to  have  the  cattle.  Witnesses  were  Obadiah 
Abbee,  John  Pease,  jr.,  and  Joseph  Sexton.  He  styles  himself  Thomas,  senior,  a 

Second  Generation  13 

The  following  passages  are  taken  from  the  records  of  Enfield: 

Thomas  Abbe  is  Possessed  by  Grant  and  measuring  out  to  Him  (viz)  a  Home  lot 
as  it  is  in  page  25  which  is  11  acres  be  it  more  or  less  length  from  the  Street  westward 
&  ye  Common  land  East  bounded  North  on  the  Ministers  lot  South  on  A  lot  Called 
Peletiah  Glovers. 

Also  he  is  possessed  of  A  lot  in  the  west  devisiou  in  ye  south  Field  it  Being  8  acres 
more  or  less,  it  being  bounded  East  on  the  Country  Highway  Simeon  Booth  South,  west 
by  the  Grate  River  North  with  Pease  length  80  rods  bredth  17. 

Also  another  lot  in  the  south  Field  in  the  3d  devision  it  Being  26%  acres  be  it  more 
or  less  Bounded  North  on  the  Highway  that  runneth  between  the  o'l  and  2<l  devision 
bounded  West  on  W'l  Bancroft  South  by  the  Highway  that  runs  Between  3ii  and  4^^ 
devision,  W^  Simons  on  the  East. 

Also  a  lot  at  schantuck  the  ends  Bounded  by  the  banks  The  North  with  Sami  Terry 
south  with  John  Burroughs  it  being  2  acres  more  or  less. 

Also  3^2  acres  of  meadow  Bounded  on  the  sides  and  west  end  By  upland  Easterly  end 
by  a  Pine  Tree,  this  meadow  lyeth  upon  a  Brook  called  Brand  Brook. 

Another  lot  lying  upon  Schantuck  River  above  the  saw  MiU  which  land  he  hath  insted 
of  %  an  acre  of  meadow  and  iu  stead  of  Land  the  Town  had  for  a  Highway  over  Schantuck 
this  land  is  7  acres  more  or  less,  it  being  bounded  East  by  the  river,  west  by  the  upland 
and  by  a  wht  Oak  Tree. 

June  1700  he  is  possessed  of  A  peace  of  meadow  by  Grant  of  the  Town  on  the  15  of 
JIarch  1700  and  it  is  measured  to  Him  lying  in  Freshwater  Brook  Containing  4  acres 
more  or  Less  Bounded  on  Obadiah  Abbe  west  and  by  the  upland  south  16  rods  North  20. 

Thomas  Abbe  sen^"  is  possd  of  A  Farm  or  tract  of  land  lying  In  the  Mountains  Near 
the  North  East  Corner  of  the  Township  of  Enfield  Lying  160  rods  in  length,  and  150 
rods  in  wedth  Easterly  and  westerly  and  is  butted  and  bounded  south  East  Corner  on  a 
Chestnut  Tree  near  A  mountain  with  A  Heep  of  Stones  at  ye  root  of  s<i.  Tree,  North- 
east Corner  with  A  rock  and  A  Heep  of  Stones  upon  it  with  A  bush  marked  by  it, 
North  west  Corner  with  a  Chestnut  and  A  heep  of  Stones,  The  afore  sd  Land  as  it  is 
butted  and  Bounded  is  150  Acres  be  it  more  or  less.  Laid  out  by  Tom  Jones  Town 
Measurer — Juno  22<i  1723. 

There  is  laid  out  to  Thomas  Abbe  2  peaces  of  s<i  de\'ision  Land,  the  one  lying  near 
the  old  sawmill,  and  bounds  westerly  by  a  Red  Oak  Tree  a  path.  Southerly  and  Northerly 
on  Highway  or  Common  Land,  Easterly  on  the  sd  Abbes  own  Land  this  land  lyeth  for 
12  acres  more  or  less  being  55  rods  in  length  Easterly  and  westerly,  and  35  rods  wide. 

The  other  peace  or  Tract  of  land  lyeth  in  the  East  precinct  near  a  sawmill  Called 
Hampshire  and  is  bounded  Northerly  on  Abbes  Brook  or  meadow  and  runs  100  rods 
as  sd  Brook  or  meadow  runs,  and  32  rods  wide  and  bounds  Southerly  on  Common  land 
and  westerly  on  A  pine  Tree  marked  with  the  letters  T  A  and  Easterly  with  Timothy 
Roots  meadow,  this  Peace  of  land  is  20  acres  more  or  less,  laid  out  by  Thomas  Jones 
Town  Measurer  June  11th  1724. 

Acct  of  a  meeting  held  Apr.  7.  1684.  The  Com.  met  at  Enfield.  The  house  lot  of 
Thomas  Abbe  was  next  to  the  ministers.  Next  on  the  South  Side  thereof  and  adjoining 
there-to  lies  the  house  lot  of  Thomas  Abbe  11  rods  in  breadth  Southward  and  running 
in  length  Eastward  as  the  lot  for  the  ministry  doth  160  rods. 

Next  to  the  lot  of  Thomas  Abbe  southward  lies  the  house  lot  and  home  lot  of  Mr 
Peletiah  Glover  Juu  12  i-ods  in  breadth  and  runs  in  length  eastward  from  the  street 
on  the  west  160  rods. 

Next  was  Daniel  Collins'  lot  of  12  rods. 

Next  adjoining  to  Daniel  Collins  afores^  on  the  north  lies  Southward  the  home  lot 
of  Obadiah  Abbe  12  rods  in  breadth  and  iu  length  from  the  Street  on  the  west  back 
eastward  160  rods. 

Next  was  John  Ferman's  lot. 

April  10,  1683.  At  a  meeting  of  the  Committee  for  freshwater  Plantation  is  given 
list  of  names  and  amounts  of  land  held.  No.  IS  Thomas  Abbe,  3  acres  meadow,  4  field 
land.    No.  42  Obadiah  Abbe  4  acres  meadow,  3  field  land. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  Committee  for  Enfield  March  8,  1687,  John  Pease  SenJ",  Isaac 
Gleason  and  Thomas  Abbe  were  Selectmen  for  the  following  year.  Thomas  Abbe  was 
also  one  of  the  Selectmen  chosen  May  20,  1689,  viewer  of  fences  February  11,  1689. 

January  7,  1691,  it  was  "ordered  also  that  those  persons  returned  who  neglected 
their  days  in  cutting  bushes  in  August  last  according  to  warning,  shall  make  good  and 
perform  a  days  work  for  the  same  in  cutting  bushes  on  the  commons  where  the  selectmen 
shall  appoint  them,  some  time  about  this  full  of  the  moon,  in  June  next  or  othei'wise  shall 
pay  2s/6d  which  shall  be  levied  upon  each  person  that  neglects  and  hath  not  done  his 
days  work  accordingly,  by  the  24th  day  of  June  next  the  persons  that  did  not  work  last 
year,  who  are  unless  they  pay  the  fine  of  2s/6d  to  do  and  perform  each  of  them  a  days 

14  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

work.  At  the  time  afore  mentioned  are  Thomas  Hale,  Lieut.  Meacham,  Isaac  Meacham 
Jur,  Thomas  Geer,  '\Y'^  Simons,  Zachariah  Booth,  W™  Booth,  Thomas  Howard,  Jonathan 
Pease,  Abraham  Pease,  John  Pease,  Simon  Rumril,  Elisha  Kibbe,  Isaac  Morgan,  Jona- 
than Bush,  Ephraim  French,  Thomas  Bishop,  Nathaniel  Horton,  Benj"  Jones,  Thomas 
Abbe,  Obadiah  Abbe,  Isaac  Gleason,  John  Bement,  Joseph  West,  Benjn  West  Samuel 
Orsborne  and  that  none  may  escape  the  penalty  in  case  of  neglect,  the  select  men  are 
ordered  to  return  the  names  of  any  of  the  Afore  s<i  mentioned  persons,  under  their  hands 
who  have  not  performed  their  respective  days  works  before  the  24th  of  June  next,  unto 
Mr.  Pynchon,  who  is  then  forthwith  to  issue  out  warrants  to  the  Constable  for  levying 
two  shillings  and  sixpence  on  each  person  then  returned  defective." 
July  18th  1683.     At  a  meeting  of  the  Committee  for  Enfield  Granted  to  Henry  Abell 

John  Pynchon 
Lieut.  Stebbins 
Deaii  J.  Burt 
Dean  Bn.  Parsons 

an  allotment  of  50  acres  and  homelot  10  or  11  acres  and  meadow 
in  proportion.  To  Thomas  Abbe  35  acres  Meadow  4  acres  and  a 
homelot  of  11  acres.  To  Joseph  West  a  homelot  of  12  acres  of  field 
land  26  acres,  and  meadow  four  acres.  To  Samuel  Averill  an 
allotment  of  30  acres  10  or  11  acres  of  home  lot  and  four  acres  of 

meadow  provided  they  settle  at  Enfield  by  micalstide  come  two  years  each  one  of  them  or 

else  such  grant  to  be  void. 

Thomas^  Abbe  married  at  Marblebead,  Mass.,  December  16,  1683,  SARAH 
FAIRFIELD,  born  December  24,  1655,  at  Reading,  Mass;  died  in  Enfield,  Conn., 
November  27,   1742.     She  was   the   daughter  of  Walter   and   Sarah    (Skipper) 

Fairfield,  and  had  previoiasly  been  married  to  Needham.     The  Wenham 

records  give  this  record  of  the  marriage,  "Thomas  Abby  and  Sarah  Fairfield 
of  Wenham  were  married  the  17th  day  of  December,  1683,  being  lawfully  pub- 
lished with  the  consent  of  her  parents  Walter  Fairfield,  and  his  witness  with 
Moses  Maverick  and  Elizabeth  Fairfield."  The  marriage  is  recorded  in  both 
Marblehead  and  Wenham. 

Walter  Fairfield  was  son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (  )  Fairfield,  who  came 
to  America  in  1638.  According  to  tradition  he  sprang  from  the  Huguenot 
Beauchamp  family  that  left  France  for  England  shortly  before  St.  Bartholo- 
mew's Day. 


21  Sarah  Ahbe,  b.  March  31,  1684 ;    m.  Shubael  Geer. 

22  Thomas  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  30,  1686;    m.   (1)  Mary  Pease,  (2)  Mrs.  Rebecca  Peirce. 
Mary  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  4,  1688 ;    d.  Oct.  15,  1705,  as  recorded  in  the  Wenham  town 

records.  Many  family  and  published  records  have  wrongly  stated  that  Mary, 
daughter  of  Thomas  and  Sarah,  m.  James  Pease.  Her  cousin  Mary,  b.  Sept.  16, 
1684,  daughter  of  .John  and  Hannah    (  )    Abbe,  was  the  one  who  m.  James 

Pease.     The   Wenham   records   read :     "Mary,   the   daughter  of  Thomas   Abbe   by 
Sarah  his  wife,  d.  Oct.  15,  1705,"    and  the  will  of  Richard  Abbe  is  further  proof. 
/  See  No.  9. 

>/23     John  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  27,  1692;    m.  Hannah  Boardman. 

Tahitha  Ahhe,  b.  March  29,  1696.  She  is  called  Abigail  in  her  father's  will,  probably 
through  the  mistake  of  the  scribe.  Married  in  Enfield,  Nov.  19,  1713,  John 
Warner  of  Enfield,  b.  March  29,  1696-7.  Children,  born  in  Enfield  :  i.  Nathaniel, 
b.  Oct.  11,  1714;  ii.  John,  jr.,  b.  Aug.  28,  1716;  iii.  Daniel,  b.  May  25,  1719. 
Elisaheth  Ahhe,  m.  in  Enfield,  November  28,  1723.  Benjamin  Bement,  b.  in  Enfield, 
1698,  son  of  John  Bement.  They  had  a  son  Benjamin,  jr.,  b.  in  Enfield,  1724. 
They  later  removed  to  the  part  of  Simsbury  now  called  Granby. 


7.     JOSEPH^  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and Abbe,  born  in  W^enham,  Mass., 

August  13  (or  18),  1673;  baptized  there  1676;  died  in  the  winter  of  1706-7. 
He  is  described  as  "of  Exeter."  It  is  the  belief  of  the  compiler  that  the 
marriage  to  Abigail  Severance  is  a  second  marriage  and  that  Joseph^  Abbe 
had  by  a  previous  marriage  had  a  son  Joseph,  who  was  born  in  1700  or  earlier 
and  lived  later  in  Ipswich,  Mass. 

Probably  married  (1)  . 

Third  Generation  15 


24  Josepli  Ahhc;   m.  Thomasin  Baker, 

Married  November  (or  August)  30,  1705  or  6,  ABIGAIL  SEVERANCE,  born 
August  29,  1683;  died  after  1718.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Ephraini  and 
Lydia  (Morrill)  Severance  of  Salisbury,  Mass.  She  married  (2)  December  11, 
1707,  Philip  Greeley  of  Salisbury,  Mass.,  by  whom  she  had  at  least  one  child. 

Child  of  Joseph  and  Abigail  (Severance)  Ahhe 

25  Joanna  Able,  b.  at  Salisbury,  Nov.  15  or  16,  1706;   ifi.  Jonathan  Brown, 

8,  OBADIAH^  ABBE,  son  of  John^  Abbe,  born  in  Wenham,  Mass,,  about 
1675;  baptized  tliere  1676.  He  settled  first  at  Windham,  Conn.,  removed  to 
Ashford  after  1718,  and  was  living  there  in  1737,  He  was  mentioned  in  the 
will  of  his  brother  Richard  in  1737.  In  1717  he  received  a  grant  of  50  acres 
from  the  town  of  Ashford  in  return  for  a  payment  of  50  shillings  to  the  town. 
Some  of  the  records  given  under  his  son  Obadiah  have  reference  to  this  man. 
The  name  is  found  on  various  tax  lists  and  petitions  referring  to  Ashford  in 
the  Connecticut  archives. 

Married  at  Maiden,  Mass.,  December  26,  1701,  ELIZABETH  WILKINSON. 

Children,  torn  in  Windham,  Conn. 

Mercy  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  15,  1702.    She  was  bapt.  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  Jan,  5,  1724. 
26     Ohadiah  Ahhe,  jr.,  b,  April  10,  1704 ;    m,  EUzabeth , 

Elizaheth  Ahhe,  b,  April  1,  1706, 

Hannah  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  5,  1707.  She  is  probably  the  Hannah  Abbe  who  m.  as  his 
third  wife,  in  Kilhngly,  Conn.,  Nov.  17,  1738,  Joseph  Symonds,  b.  June  8,  1689, 
in  Lexington,  Mass.,  son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  (Tidd)  Symonds,  and  grandson  of 
Wilham    and    Sarah    (  )    Symonds    of    Kilhngly,    Conn.,    Chelmsford,    Mass., 

Londonderry,  N.  H.,  Ware,  and  Lexington,  Mass.  He  was  a  cordwainer,  owned 
laud  in  Londonderry  and  Kilhngly,  and  hved  in  both  places  at  different  times. 
He  was  one  of  the  leaders  in  the  settlement  of  Ware  River.     By  his  first  wife, 

Rachel  ,   he   had   at   least   four  children,   Rachel,   Abigail,    Benjamin    and 

James.     By  the  second  wife,  Mary  ,  he  had  five  children,  Huldah,   John, 

Joshua,    Keziah,    and    Nathan    or    Nathaniel.      By    Hannah    Abbe,    he    had :     i. 

Jotham,  b.  Sept.  16,  1739,  in  Kilhngly,  m.  Mary  ;    ii.  Hannah,  b.  Jan.  19, 

1740-1,  in  Kilhngly ;  iii.  Joel,  b.  March  6,  1744,  in  Ware,  m.  there,  Oct.  19,  1765, 
Patience  Hall  and  had  twelve  children,  the  second  of  whom  was  John,  the  great- 
grandfather of  Ernest  N.  Warner  of  Madison,  Wis.,  who  has  family  records ; 
iv.  Judah,  b.  Aug.  26,  1746,  in  Ware,  m.  (intentions)  May  13,  1777,  Thankful 
Elhs  ;  V.  Ehzabeth,  b.  July  2,  1748,  in  Ware,  m.  in  Ware,  Nov.  30,  1765,  John 
Craft;  vi.  Lucy,  b.  Aug.  20,  1750,  in  Ware;  vii.  Mary,  b,  April  23,  1752,  in 
Ware,  m.  Adonijah  Montague  of  Pawlet,  Vt. 

Abigail  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  25,  1709. 

Ruth  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  15,  1712.  In  1768  Ruth  Abbe  of  Wilhngton  deeded  land  to  her 
brother  Obadiah  of  Ashford. 

Joseph  (1)  Ahhe,  b.  May  28,  1714;    d.  Jan.  7,  1717-8. 

Richard  Abbe,  b.  May  14,  1716;  was  mentioned  in  the  will  of  his  uncle  Richard 
Abbe,  1737.  Richard  Abbe  of  Ashford  was  m.  in  KaUingly,  Nov.  21,  1739,  to 
Hannah  Simmons. 

Joseph  (2)  Ahhe,  b.  Jan.  16,  1718-9.  The  wife  of  Joseph  Abbe  was  a  member  of 
the  Norwich  Church,  April  21,  1746. 

9.  RICHARDS  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born  in 
Wenham,  Mass.,  February  9,  1682-3;  died  in  Windham,  Conn.,  July  10,  1737. 
He  was  a  prominent  and  respected  citizen  of  Windham,  a  man  of  considerable 
property   and  held  various   offices   as   constable,   sheriff,   justice   of  the   j^eace, 

16  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

judge  of  the  county  court,  and  treasurer  of  the  county.  He  represented  Wind- 
ham in  the  Legislature  from  1726  to  1737  with  one  year's  exception,  and  was 
influential  in  the  church.  In  1726  it  was  ordered  at  a  meeting  of  the  justices 
"that  Mr.  Richard  Abbe's  back-room  in  his  dwelling-house  shall  be  a  common 
gaol  till  the  new  one  be  built."  In  1727  he  opened  his  stately  mansion  as 
an  inn  for  public  entertainment  and  received  a  license.  In  1736  Richard  Abbe, 
Esq.,  of  Windham,  was  one  of  the  subscribers  to  the  Chronological  History 
of  New  England,  by  Thomas  Prince,  M.A.,  of  Boston.  At  his  death,  his  "books 
of  all  sorts"  were  appraised  at  £29-18-10.  His  will,  dated  June  27,  1737, 
probated  September  5,  1737,  makes  the  following  bequests:  to  wife  Mary,  one- 
half  his  moneys,  goods  and  chattels;  to  brother  Obadiah,  land  in  Ashford 
where  he  now  dwells,  to  descend  to  his  son  Richard,  reserving  the  iise  of  one- 
third  jiart  to  Elizabeth,  wife  of  said  Obadiah,  and  if  said  Richard  should  die 
before  his  father  or  mother  not  having  lawful  heirs,  the  land  should  descend 
"to  tlie  heirs  of  my  Cozon  Obadiah  Abbe  of  Willington";  to  Reverend  Mr.  Clap, 
minister  of  the  first  church  in  Windham,  £5;  to  the  church,  £20.  The  residue 
was  to  be  divided  into  six  parts  and  shared  among  the  following:  "my  sister 
Abigail  ye  wife  of  Daniel  Sabins  who  is  my  sister  of  ye  half  blood  and  Johanah 
Brown  ye  wife  of  Jonathan  Brown  who  is  ye  daughter  of  my  Brother  Joseph 
Abbe  deceased  who  was  of  ye  half  blood;  ye  other  five  parts  to  be  equally 
divided  to  my  sister  Mary  ye  wife  of  James  Pease,  Mercy  ye  wife  of  Nathaniel 
Flint,  Hanah  ye  wife  of  Thomas  Welch,  Lydia  ye  wife  of  Benjamin  Bidlack 
and  Sarah  ye  wife  of  John  Welch  who  are  my  sisters  of  ye  whole  Blood." 
To  Brother  John  Abbe  of  Windham,  lands  and  tenements  in  Windham,  wearing 
apparel  and  arms.  He  enjoins  his  executors  to  take  no  unjust  advantage  of 
his  debtors  and  to  allow  those  against  whom  he  held  mortgages  reasonable  time 
to  redeem  them  even  if  they  had  been  legally  forfeited.  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  Vol.  2,  page  192.)  He  had  no  children. 
The  following  is  the  inscription  on  his  tombstone: 

Here  lyes  buried  ye  Body  of  Richard  Abbe,  ESQ., 
one  of  his  Majesties  Justices  of  ye  County  of 
Windham,  who  after  he  had  Faithfully  Served  his 
Generation  Accoi'ding  to  the  will  of  GOD  Fell 
Asleep  July  10th  1737  in  ye  55th  year  of  his 

Richard  Abbe  married  in  Windham,  November  16,  1703,  MARY  JENNINQS, 
born  1682,  daughter  of  Jonathan  Jennings,  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  AVind- 
hani.  She  died  August  25,  1759,  leaving  no  children.  Her  will,  dated  July 
12,  1758,  was  proved  September  18,  1759.  Among  its  provisions  are  the  fol- 
lowing: £4  to  the  First  Church  in  Windham,  "to  purchase  a  Flagon  for  the 
Convenianee  of  Furnishing  the  communion  Table  in  said  Church";  "unto 
Ginna  my  Negro  woman  her  time  &  Freedom  From  hence  Forward  not  to  be 
Inslaved  held  or  Controld  by  me  or  any  under  me  as  a  slave  or  servant  For 
Time  or  Life  and  I  do  hereby  give  &  bequeath  unto  sd  Ginna  a  good  Bible 
&  the  best  Feather  bed  I  have  saving  one  with  good  bedding,  viz :  Bolster, 
Pillows  one  pare  good  sheets,  one  pare  woolen  Blankets  &  a  good  coverlid 
&  a  Foot  wheel  and  Farthermore  I  give  unto  sd  Ginna  a  good  Iron  Pott  & 
Kettle  with  my  every  day  clothes  &  a  good  silk  crape  gown  &  Two  Pewter 
Platters  which  I  give  unto  ye  sd  Ginna  For  the  good  servis  she  hath  done 
me";  "and  I  do  here  by  order  &  desire  that  those  of  my  Negro  Children  as 
shall  be  sold  &  disposed  of  so  that  they  may  have  Christian  Education  and 
by  their  maysters  not  be  used  with  cruelty  &  hardship."  The  inventor}-  names 
four  negro  children:  Sampson,  £45;  Peter,  £40;  Reuben,  £35;  Tamer, 
£28.    The  inscription  on  Mrs.  Abbe's  tombstone  is  as  follows: 

Third  Generation  17 

lu  Memory  of  Mrs.  Mary  Abbe  widow  to 
Richard  Abbe  Esq.  who  died  August  25th 
1759  in  ye  78th  year  of  her  Age.     them  also 
yt  sleep  in  Jesus  will  God  bring  with  him 
1  Thess  4  and  14, 

Joseph  Talcott  Esq^  Governouk  of  His  Majests  Colony  of  Connecticut  in 

New  England 

To  Mr.  Thomas  Huntington  Mr.  Joshua  Ripley  Mr.  John  Fitch  Mr.  Joseph  Adams 
Mr.  Ebenezer  West  Mr.  Joseph  Strong  Mr.  Richard  Abbe  Mr.  John  Woodward  Mr. 
Joseph  Leveus  Mr.  Peter  Bucl  and  Mr.  Jonathan  Dressor  Esqrs     Greeting 

Know  Ye  that  by  vertue  of  Authority  derived  from  his  Late  Majesty  King  Charles 
the  Second  of  England  Scotland  France  and  Ireland  King  by  his  Letters  bearing  date 
the  three  and  Twentieth  day  of  ApriU  in  the  fourteenth  year  of  his  Reign  and  by  and 
with  the  Advace  and  Consent  of  ye  Council  and  Representatives  of  this  Colony  in  Generall 
Court  Assembled  I  have  Assigned  you  and  Every  of  you  Joyntly  and  Severally  to  Keep 
the  peace  Within  the  County  of  Windham  Within  the  Colony  aforesd  &  to  keep  and 
Cause  to  be  kept  all  the  Laws  and  Ordinances  that  are  or  shall  be  made  for  the  good 
of  the  Peace  and  Conservation  of  the  Same  and  for  the  quiet  rule  and  Government  of 
ye  People  Within  ye  County  aforesd  and  to  Chastise  and  punish  all  persons  offending 
in  ye  County  aforesd  Against  ye  sd  Laws  or  Ordinances  or  any  of  them  as  According  to 
those  Laws  and  Ordinances  shall  be  fitt  to  be  done  and  to  Cause  to  Come  before  you  or 
any  of  you  all  those  persons  who  shall  threaten  any  of  His  Majests  Subjects  in  their 
persons  or  Estates  to  find  suffict  sureties  for  the  Peace  and  Good  Behaviour  or  in  Default 
of  their  finding  Sureties  to  Committ  them  to  goal  or  Safe  Custody  tiU  they  shall  so  do 
And  I  have  Assigned  you  Thomas  Hunting  Joseph  Addams  Ebenezer  West  and  Richard 
Abbe  to  Assist  ye  Judge  of  ye  County  Court  for  ye  County  Aforesd  to  Enquire  of  hear  & 
Determine  by  a  Jury  or  otherwise  According  to  Law  all  Causes  Matters  and  things 
Civill  and  Criminall  Cognizable  by  ye  sd  Court  and  I  do  Allso  Assign  you  the  said 
Joshua  Ripley  John  Fitch  Joseph  Strong  John  Woodward  Joseph  Levens  Peter  Buel 
and  Jonathan  Dresser  and  Each  and  Every  of  you  to  Hear  and  Determine  all  Cause 
matters  and  things  Civil  and  Criminal  which  any  one  Assistant  in  this  Corporation  now 
hath  or  hereafter  shall  have  power  by  Law  to  hear  and  Determine  And  I  Command 
you  and  Every  of  you  that  you  dilligently  Intend  ye  Keeping  of  ye  Peace  Laws  and 
Ordinances  and  aU  and  singular  Other  ye  premises  and  perform  and  fullfiU  the  same 
doing  therein  What  to  Justice  Appertains  According  to  ye  laws  of  this  Colony  In 
Witness  whereof  I  have  Caused  the  Seal  of  ye  Colony  to  be  hereunto  Aflixed  Given 
under  my  hand  in  Hartford  this  25th  day  of  May  in  the  5th  year  of  the  Reign  of  our 
Soveraign  Lord  George  the  Second  by  ye  Grace  of  God  King  of  Great  Britain  France  & 
Ireland  &c 

Anno  Domini    1732 

J.  Talcott 
By  his  Honours  Command 

Hez.  WyUys  Secret^T 

(On  reverse.) 

Commission  Justices 
Windham  County 

10.  MARY^  ABBE,  daughter  of  John2  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born  in 
Wenham,  Mass.,  September  16,  1684;  baptized  there  before  1685.  Lived  in 
Somers  and  Enfield. 

Some  authorities  have  given  Mary,  wife  of  James  Pease,  as  the  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Sarah  (Fairfield)  Abbe  of  Enfield.  But  Mary,  the  daughter 
of  Thomas  and  Sarah,  died  in  Wenham,  Mass.,  October  15,  1705  (Wenham  Vital 
Records).  Moreover,  Richard  Abbe,  son  of  John  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  in 
his  will  mentions  his  sister  Mary,  ye  wife  of  James  Pease.  Her  mother  divided 
land  belonging  to  her  first  husband,  John  Abbe,  among  his  children,  June  16, 
1710,  using  these  words,  "moved  by  the  love  and  affection  I  bore  to  my  beautiful! 
daughter  Mary  Abbe." 

Married  November  (or  October)   15,  1710,  JAMES  PEASE,  born  in  Salem, 

18  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Mass.,  1677  or  1679,  son  of  John,  jr.,  and  Margaret  (Adams)  Pease.     The  first 

of  the  Pease  family  in  America  was  Robert,  who  man-ied  Marie  ,  father 

of  John  Pease,  sr.,  called  the  father  of  Enfield.  John  Pease,  sr.,  married  Mary 
Goodell  and  had  a  son,  Captain  John  Pease,  jr.,  a  member  of  the  Ancient  and 
Honorable  Artillery  Company  of  Boston,  served  in  the  Colonial  Wars,  and 
married  Margaret  Adams,  daughter  of  James  and  Frances  (Vassall)  Adams. 
James  Adams  was  a  son  of  John  Adams,  who  came  to  the  Plymouth  Colony 
in  the  ship  Fortune  in  1621,  and  liis  wife  Eleanor  Newton.  James  Pease 
removed  with  his  father  to  Enfield  when  he  was  a  child,  was  living  in  Enfield 
in  1710,  and  in  Somers  in  1713.  He  served  as  sergeant  in  one  of  the  military 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Mary  Pease,  b.  Oct.  8,  1711. 

27  James  Pease,  b.  May  4,  1713  ;    m.  Abigail  Ford. 
Margaret  Pease,  b.  May  16,  1715. 

28  Richard  Pease,  b.  Sept.  22,  1717 ;   m.  Elizabeth  Parsons. 
Hannah  Pease,  b.  April  20,  1722. 

John  Pease,  b.  June  19,  1725 ;   d.  July  25,  1730. 

11.  JOHN^  ABBE,  son  of  John-  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born  in  Wenham, 
Mass.,  April  20,  1691;    baptized  there  1691;    died  in  Windham,  Conn.,  January 

16,  1770.  Records  pertaining  to  John  Abbe  of  Windham  are  necessarily  some- 
what indefinite  as  there  were  several  of  the  name  living  there  at  the  same 
period.  This  was  perhaps  the  John  Abbe  who  was  a  proprietor  in  the  drawing 
of  a  twenty-acre  lot  in  1707.  He  is  probably  the  John  Abbe  of  Norwich  to 
whom,  April  1,  1714,  heirs  of  John  Abbe  make  deed;  Lydia  Abbe,  Thomas 
and  Hannah  Welch,  Hannah  Abbe,  Richard  Abbe,  Daniel  Sabin,  and  James 
Pease.  (Windham  Deeds,  Liber  F,  page  183,  etc.)  In  1752  he  bought  property 
in  Union,  the  homestead  of  Nathaniel  Gould,  also  land  of  Nathaniel  Walker 
and  Joshua  Webb.  His  name  occurs  in  Union  land  transfers  several  times 
between  1754,  when  he  made  over  property  to  his  son  Richard,  and  1764.  His 
will,  dated  June  6,  1767,  was  probated  February  2,  1770.  It  mentions  his  wife, 
Sarah;  to  son  John,  whose  wife  is  Lois,  land  in  Windham;  grandson,  John, 
son  of  above  John;  to  son,  Richard,  land  on  Beaver  Hill  in  Windham;  daugh- 
ter, Hannah,  who  married  Joshua  Webb;  to  daughters  Mary,  Elizabeth, 
Eunice  and  Tabitha,  lands  in  Windham;  to  his  friend  Reverend  Mr.  Stephen 
White  of  Windham,  silver-headed  cane.  The  inventory  amounted  to  £1067, 
12s,  6d,  with  land  valued  at  £949,  15s.  (Windham  Probate  Records,  Vol.  8, 
page  41.) 

John  Abbe  married  (1)  in  Windham,  November  7,  1717,  MARY  BINGHAM, 
born  December  17,  1697,  at  Stratford,  Conn.;  died  July  23,  1722.  She  was 
the  daughter  of  Deacon  Abel  and  Elizabeth  (Odell)  Bingham  of  Windham. 

Married  (2)  March  12,  1723,  in  Windham,  MARY  PALMER,  born  December 

17,  1691,  at  Rehoboth,  Mass.;  died  May  30,  1750,  in  Windham;  buried  there. 
She  was  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Kingsley)  Palmer. 

Married  (3)  April  23,  1751,  MRS.  ABIGAIL  (GARY)  RIPLEY,  died  October 
16,  1766;  buried  in  Windham.  She  was  daughter  of  Deacon  Eleazer  and 
Lydia  (  )  Cary,  and  widow  of  Jeremiah  Ripley,  jr. 

Married  (4)  April  8,  1767,  MRS.  SARAH  DODGE,  died  April  11,  1776.  She 
was  perhaps  the  widow  of  Isaac  Dodge. 

Child  hy  first  wife 
29     John  Alhe,  b.  July  4,  1722;   m.  (1)  Lois  Munson ;    (2)  Smith. 

Third  Generation  19 

Children  by  second  wife  (baptized  in  Wiiidham) 

30  Hannah  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  17,  1724;    m.  Joshua  Webb. 

31  Mary  Abhc,  h.  Sept.  10,  1T2G ;    m.  Elisha  Wales. 

32  Elizabeth  Abhch.  Sovt.  1(1  1728;    m.  Jesse  Ward. 

33  Richard  Abbe,  b.  July  1,  17.'50 ;    m.  Mary  Huutington. 

Eunice  Abbe,  b.  August  20,  1732;    m.,  probably  as  his  second  wife,  Jonathan  Jen- 
nings.    No  children  are  recorded  in  AVindham. 

34  Tabitha  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  16,  1736;    m.  Charles  Ripley. 

12.  HANNAH^  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born 
Ai;gnst  13,  1()93,  in  Wcnliani,  Mass.;  baptized  there  1694;  died  March  24,  1769, 
buried  in  Windham,  Conn.,  where  tliey  had  resided. 

Married  about  1713,  THOMAS  WELCH,  born  March  1,  1695,  baptized  at  the 
First  Church  of  Bristol,  R.  I.,  March  29,  1702;  died  August  14,  1781,  buried 
at  Windham.  He  was  son  of  James  and  Mercy  (Sabin)  Welch.  James  Welch 
■was  a  soldier  in  King  Philip's  War  from  Maiden,  Mass.;  went  to  Mt.  Hope, 
R.  I.,  in  Captain  Samuel  Moseley's  Company  and  remained  there  until  about 
1702,  when  he  removed  to  Plainfield,  Conn.  Thomas  Welch  took  up  the  1000 
acres  of  land  on  Beaver  Hill  and  Beaver  Brook  about  three  miles  east  of 
Windham  on  the  road  leading  to  Hampton.  He  married  (2)  before  1774, 
Mrs.  Rachel  (Huntington)  Bingham,  widow  of  Joseph  Bingham.  Thomas 
Welch  died  August  14,  1781,  and  was  buried  in  Windham.  His  will,  made 
February  1,  1770,  was  proved  August  29,  1781.  The  following  records  of  this 
family  were  kindly  furnished  by  Mrs.  Ashbel  Welch  of  Germantown,  wife  of 
one  of  the  descendants : 


35  Jeremiah  Welch,  b.  Nov.  14,  1714;    m.    (1)    Margaret  Hebard ;    (2)    Mrs.  Jerusha 


36  John  Welch,  b.  July  8,  1717  :    m.  Abigail  Manning. 

37  Daniel  Welch,  b.  March  20,  1726;    m.  Martha  Cook. 

13.  LYDIA3  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born 
May  21,  1696.  "Lydeah,  the  daughter  of  John  Abbey  by  Hannah,  his  wife, 
borne  the  21th  of  May,  Anno  Dom.  1696, ' '  Wenham  records.  She  was  baptized 
in  Wenham  in  1696. 

Married  in  Windham,  Conn.,  September  4,  1722,  BENJAMIN  BIDLACK,  died 
February  3,  1740-1.  He  was  son  of  Christopher  and  Sarah  (  )  Bidlack,  early 
settlers  of  Hampton,  Windham  County,  Conn.  Christoi^her  gave  to  his  son 
Benjamin  his  home  fann  in  the  northeast  part  of  Windham.  Benjamin  Bidlack 
was  a  merchant,  probably  the  first  one  in  his  section  of  the  town,  Canada  Parish. 
In  his  inventory,  taken  March  11,  1740,  are  enumerated  many  articles  of  his 
trade.  The  opening  items  are :  a  wigg  Christian  hair,  s  15 ;  a  brown  wigg 
Christian  hair,  s5;  a  white  wigg,  hors  hair,  etc.  (Windham  Probate  Records, 
Vol.  2,  page  358.) 

Children,  recorded  in  Windham 

38  Sarah  Bidlaclc,  b.  Nov.  24,  1723 ;    m.  Nathaniel  Flint. 

39  Benjamin  Bidlaclc,  b.  July  10,  1725 ;    m.  Edith  Spaulding. 
James  (1)  Bidlack,  b.  Jan.  3,  1726;    d.  March  29,  1728. 

James  (2)  Bidlack  (twin),  b.  Oct.  28,  1728.    The  records  of  Captain  James  Bidlack, 

see  below,  may  refer  to  this  one.     One  James  Bidlack  m.  in  Windham,  Feb.  14, 

1750,  Mehitable  Durkee. 
John   Bidlack    (twin),    b.    Oct.    28,    1730;     d.    Aug.    8.    1776;     m.    Mary    . 

Children,   recorded  in  Windham :    i.  Amos,  b.  May  19,  1754,  d.  Aug.  23,  1777 ; 

ii.  John,  d.  Aug.  8,  1776. 
Mary  (1)  Bidlack,  b.  July  29,  17.32;    d.  Feb.  27,  1732-3. 
Mary  (2)  Bidlack,  b.  Dec.  4,  1733. 

20  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Lydia  Bidlach,  b.  Jan.  8,  1736-7;  m.  in  Windham,  March  2,  1756,  Asa  Farnham, 
and  settled  in  Ashford,  Conn.  He  was  b.  Nov.  11,  1731,  son  of  Nathaniel  and 
Hannah   (  )   Farnum.     Child  :    Lydia,  m.  Joseph  SneU,  of  Union,  Conn.,  and 

had  a  son,  Joseph,  jr.,  who  was  killed  in  an  accident  in  a  WiUimantic  factory. 
40     Bciliia  Bidlack,  h.  May  22,  1738 ;    m.  Christopher  Davison. 

Hannah  Bidlack,  h.  Aug.  26,  1741.  She  may  be  the  Hannah  Bidlack  who  m.  in 
Windham,  Feb.  10,  1762,  Benjamin  Jewett. 

Captain  James  Bidlack,  who  may  have  been  the  James  mentioned  above, 
married  Abigail  Fuller,  daughter  of  Stephen  Fuller,  and  emigrated  to  Susque- 
hanna, Pa.  He,  with  Robert  Durkee  and  Samuel  Ransom,  was  taken  captive 
by  the  Indians,  March  24,  1779.  He  was  stripped,  tied  to  a  tree,  stuck  full 
of  sharp  splints  of  pine  knots;  then,  having  piled  pine  knots  around  him, 
the  Indians  set  fire  to  the  whole,  piled  the  other  two  men  on  the  fire,  held  them 
down  with  pitchforks  and  tortured  them  until  they  expired. 

Sarah  Bidlack,  perhaps  a  sister  or  daughter  of  Captain  James  Bidlack,  mar- 
ried Stephen  Fuller,  jr.,  brother  of  Abigail  Fuller.  He,  with  others,  was  taken 
by  Indians  in  the  Wyoming  battle,  July  3,  1778,  was  led  to  a  wheat  field, 
where  the  Indians  piled  around  them  sheaves  of  wheat  and  burned  them  to 
death.  The  fort  was  taken  and  fired,  most  of  the  women  and  children  perish- 
ing in  the  flames.  Mrs.  Fuller,  with  some  others,  went  in  boats  down  the 
Susquehanna  to  Northumberland.  About  two  weeks  later  she  returned  to  look 
for  the  body  of  her  husband  but  found  the  bodies  so  mutilated  as  to  be 
unrecognizable.  Her  home  had  been  despoiled  of  everything.  She  later  returned 
to  Hampton,  Conn.,  on  horseback,  with  her  only  daughter,  Polly,  who  was 
then  two  or  three  years  old.  Polly  Fuller  afterward  married  Judge  Ebenezer 
Griffin  of  Hampton.  Sarah  (Bidlack)  Fuller  married  (2)  Asa  Abbott  and  had 

14.  SAMUEL^  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  SamueP  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe, 
born  about  1676,  probably  in  Wenham,  Mass.;  baptized  there  1679.  He  died  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  January  15,  1736-7,  aged  about  61.  He  was  on  the  tax-list 
of  Salem  Village  Jamiary  18,  1694-5;  and  was  one  of  the  original  members 
of  the  First  Congregational  Church  at  Windham,  Conn.,  December  10,  1700. 
He  was  among  Windham's  active  and  influential  citizens  and  succeeded  to  the 
estate  of  his  father  at  Windham  Centre.  A  Samuel  Abbe  of  Windsor  bought 
land  in  Windham  of  Obid  Abbe  in  1714.  His  will,  March  3,  1731-2,  probated 
February  23,  1736-7,  left  everything  to  his  wife,  Hannah.  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  Vol.  2,  page  144.) 

Inventory  of  Samuel  Abbe.  February  9,  1736-7. 

one  straight  bodyed  coat  £3  a  jacoat  £2  s5  5_  5_o 

a  payr  of  coton  and  lining  briches  ^10  0-10-0 
a  payr  of  ould  leather  dito  ^8 

a  payr  of  new  leather  dito  £3  3-  8-0 

one  Great  Duffils  Coat — a  double'  breasted  old  Jacot                                                      1-15-0 

one  Coat  and  Jacoat  1-10-0 

a  bower  hat  £3  ^5     a  flaniel  shawl  slS  4-00-0 

an  ould  hat  ^6  a  pr  of  stockins  s4-6  0-10-6 

one  payr  of  dito  s7     one  pr  of  dito  ^2-6  0-  9-6 

a  payr  of  ould  shoes  ^12     a  silk  handkirchiff  ^14  1-  6-0 

one  lining  dito  ^3     a  payr  of  coton  gloves  s6  .                                   0-  9-0 

a  bed  and  furniture  £18-15     one  dito  £4  22-15-0 

one  dito  £4  ^10     six  chairs  £1  ^4  5-  4-0 

2  Bibles  and  sundry  other  books  3-  9-0 

2  iron  pots  one  iron  kittle     2  skillets  5-  4—0 

a  warming  pan  &  bras  kittle  2-  0-0 

Tongs  candlestick  tobacco  box  0-15-0 

several  putar  dishes  basons  and  spoons  3-  5-0 

Third  Generation  21 

several  poringcrs  1-0-0  1-  0-0 

earthen  ware     1-2-6 

a  ston  mugg  and  earthen  cup  0-3-0  1-  5-6 

2  pails  and  severall  wooden  dishes  1-5-3 

Glass  bottles  0-6-6  1-11-6 

4  spining  wheels  2-5     one  chest     2  boxes     one  Table  1-  3-5 

4  oukl  barrils  -5-     tubs  1-6     2  hand  pails     2  trays  s8  1-  3-0 

one  chest  slO-4     meal  bariels  s6     a  cider   (?)   tub  ^5  1-  1-0 

one  Riddle  one  half  bushal  s6     2  sives  s6  0-12-0 

one  Churn  3  more  ould  bariels  ^9-6     an  Road 0-15-0 

a  payr  of  spectacles  ^3     a  putar  Chamber  pott  ^5  0-  8-0 

one  lamp  a  pr  of  tobacco  tongs  ^3-6     one  table  ^12  0-15-6 

2  knives  and  forks  ^4     Table  lining  si     Tramils  and  hooks  1-  3-0 

one  hand  saw  s4     boxiron  and  heater  ^10     a  small  ould  auger  ^2  0-16-0 

one  payr  of  shears  ^1-6     one  hammer  ^1-6     a  Gallon  Rundlit  ^3  0-  6-0 

one  more  flanil  shart  **15     one  small  ould  iron  pott  s3  0-18-0 

one  stone  jugg  ^3-6     one  Earthen  pott  ^1-6  0-  5-0 

Joshua  Ripley  junr  ^ 
Josiah  Ripley  jprisors  under  oath 

Extracted  out  of  ye  original  and  Recorded  march  ye  17th  173f 
pr  me  John  Crary  Clerk  of  Probat. 

SamueF  Abbe  married  March  15,  1710,  HANNAH  SILSBY,  born  October  3, 
1687;  died  March  22,  1748.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Bethiah 
(Marsh)  Silsby  of  Lynn,  Mass.  In  her  will,  probated  in  Windham,  December 
14,  1758,  she  left  property  to  her  Silsby  relatives.  (Windham  Probate  Records, 
Vol.  6,  page  21.) 

Child,  recorded  in  Windham 
Samuel  AUe,  b.  Oct.  12,  1712 ;   d.  March  15,  1714. 

15.  ELIZABETH^  ABBE,  daughter  of  SamueP  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe, 
born  in  Wenham,  Mass.,  probably  about  1681,  baptized  there  before  1682. 
Lived  later  in  Windham,  Conn. 

Married  in  Salem  Village,  Mass.,  September  23,  1702,  WILLIAM  SLATE, 
born  about  1675;    removed  to  Windham. 


William  Slate,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  7,  1703. 

Elizabeth  Slate,  b.  Aug.  29,  1705 ;    m.  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  Jan.  23,  1727,  William 

Smith,    "a  transient  person." 
Daniel  Slate,  b.  March  30,  1708. 

41  Anne  Slate,  b.  April  29,  1710 ;    m.  Joseph  Whittemore. 
Samuel  Slate,  b.  Nov.  8,  1711. 

John  Slate,  b.  June  7,  1715. 

42  Elenezer  Slate,  b.  Jan.  19,  1717-8 ;    m.  Sarah  Manley. 

43  Ezekiel  Slate,  b.  Dec.  26,  1719  ;   m.  Mehitabel  HaU. 

16.  EBENEZER3  ABBE,  son  of  Samuel^  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe,  bom 
July  31,  1683,  in  Salem  Village,  Mass.,  baptized  in  Wenham  before  1685;  died 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  December  5,  1758.  He  removed  with  his  father  to  the 
locality  known  as  ''Bricktop"  in  1698;  worked  in  Norwich  for  a  time,  about 
1705;  was  at  Windham  in  1706  and  later  lived  at  North  Windham  and  Mans- 
field. November,  1705,  were  recorded  two  deeds  showing  an  exchange  of 
property  between  Samuel  Abbe  and  Ebenezer  of  Norwich,  a  lot  lapon  Bushnell'a 
Plain.  He  received  a  deed  from  Samuel,  July  17,  1707,  and  sold  land  to 
Abraham  Mitchell  and  William  Slate  in  1709  and  1711.  October  29,  1713,  John 
Abbe,  "now  resident  at  Hartford,  in  Hartford  County,"  sold  to  his  brother 
Ebenezer  land  he  had  received  from  his  father,  Samuel  Abbe  of  Windham. 
In  a  deed  of  November  2,  1713,  he  alludes  to  his  deceased  father,  Samuel  Abbe, 

32  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

January  11,  1714,  land  bouglit  from  his  brother,  Samuel  Abbe,  and  calls  Abraham 
Mitchell  "father."  He  is  found  frequently  in  the  records  of  Windham  down 
to  late  in  life.  September  8,  1742,  he  sold  to  his  son,  Samuel,  land  on  the 
east  side  of  Nauchaug  River  in  Windham.  In  1715,  Ebenezer  Abbe  was  one 
of  the  settlers  who  formed  Canada  Parish  at  Hampton  Hill  in  the  northeast 
part  of  Windham,  and  was  one  of  those  who  on  May  9,  1717,  signed  a  petition 
to  the  General  Assembly  asking  to  be  made  a  separate  parish.  In  October  of 
the  same  year  another  petition  was  sent  to  the  Assembly,  asking  that  the  taxes 
on  property  in  this  parish  should  be  used  for  the  establishing  of  their  church. 
This  petition  was  signed  by  ''Ebenezer  Abbe,  for  the  rest,"  and  William 

His  will,  dated  June  3,  1750,  probated  December  14,  1758,  names  these  heirs: 
wife  Mary;  children  Ebenezer,  Joshua,  Nathan,  Gideon,  Samuel,  Elizabeth 
Cross,  Zeruiah  Marsh,  Jerusha  Wood,  Abigail  Cary,  Miriam  Cross;  grandson 
Jonathan  Bingham,  only  surviving  son  and  heir  of  his  daughter  Mary,  deceased. 
(Windham  Probate  Records,  Vol.  5,  page  513.) 

Ebenezer  Abbe  married  at  Mansfield,  October  28,  1707,  MARY  ALLEN,  who 
died  1766,  daughter  of  Joshua  and  Mary  (  )  Allen,  early  settlers  of  Mansfield, 
who  lived  near  what  is  now  North  Windham. 

Children,  tirths  recorded  in  'Windham 

44  Ebenezer  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  July  27.  1708 ;    m.  Abigail  Cary. 

45  Elizabeth  Ahhc,  h.  Soytt.  11.  1700 ;    m.  Dauiel  Cross. 

46  Joshua  Abbe,  h.  Jan.  20,  niO-11;    m.  Mary  Ripley. 

47  Mary  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  21,  1712  ;    m.  Jouatlian  Bingham. 

Nathan  Abbe,  b.  May  6,  1714.  Resided  in  Mansfield,  Conn.  Married  (1)  in  Mans- 
field, Dec.  4,  1746,  Silence  Ames,  daughter  of  William  Ames  of  Mansfiekl.  She 
d.  Feb.  6,  1776.  He  m.  (2)  in  Mansfield,  Oct.  17,  1776,  Lucy  Hovey,  daughter 
of  Samuel  Hovey  of  Windham.  No  cliildren  by  either  marriage  are  recorded.  His 
will,  made  Nov.  2,  1795,  probated  May  12,  1807,  mentions  his  wife  Lucy ;  brothers 
Joshua,  Solomon  and  Samuel ;  Leonard  Sessions  ;  Anne,  wife  of  Eleazer  Cross ; 
balance  of  estate  to  Jonathan  Hovey  "who  dwells  with  me"  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  Volume  15,  pages  298,  310).  The  1800  Census  records  Nathan  Abbe 
in  Mansfield  with  seven  persons  residing  in  the  family. 

48  Gideon  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  1.3,  1715-6;    m.   (1)   Mary  Wood';     (2)   Keziah  Walker;     (3) 

Bathsheba  Smith. 
Samuel  (1)  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  30.  1717;    d.  March  1,  1718. 

49  Samuel  (2)  Abbe,  b.  April  24,  1719;   m.  Temperance  Lincoln. 

50  Zerviah  Abbe,  b.  March  17,  1720-1;    m.  EUhu  Marsh. 

51  Jerusha  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  22,  1722;    m.  Samuel  Wood. 

52  Abigail  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  1.  1724 ;    m.  Benjamin  Cary. 

53  Miriam  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  31,  1726 ;    m.  William  Cross. 

54  Solomon  Abbe,   b.   May   29,   1730;     m.    (1)    Sarah   Knight;      (2)    Mrs.   EUzabeth 


17.  HEPSIBAH3  ABBE,  daughter  of  Samuel^  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe, 
born  in  Salcni  Village  (now  Danvers),  Mass.,  February  14,  1688-9;  baptism 
recorded  in  Wenham. 

Married  in  Windham,  Conn.,  April  8,  1707,  SAMUEL  PALMER,  born  January 
4,  1683-4,  in  Rehoboth,  Mass.,  son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Kingsley)  Palmer, 
and  a  grandson  of  Walter  Palmer  of  Nottinghamshire,  England,  who  died  in 
Stonington,  Conn.,  1661. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Windham 

Sarah  Palmer,  b.  Feb.  2,  1707-8. 

Martha  Palmer,  b.  April  25,  1710 ;    d.  April  26,  1710. 

55     Samuel  Palmer,  b.  Sept.  18,  1711;    m.   (1)  Lydia  Silsby ;     (2)   Tabitha  . 

Ebenezer  Palmer,   b.   Jan.  25,   1714.     Bought  land   in   Kent,   1754.      An   Ebenezer 
Palmer  was  witness  to  will  of  Hannah    (Silsbee)    Abbe  and  was   at  Litchfield, 

Third  Generation  23 

Dec.  5,  1758.  Married  in  Windham,  March  11,  1741,  Mary  Webb.  Cliildreu, 
births  recorded  in  Windliam  :  i.  Lucy,  b.  April  24,  1742  ;  ii.  Mary,  b.  and  d. 
June  20,  174.'^> ;  iii.  Mary,  b.  June  11,  1744 ;  iv.  Sibcl,  b.  Jan.  1,  1746-7 ;  v.  Sarah, 
b.  July  24,  1749. 

Ichabod  Palmer,  b.  April  17,  1716.  Resided  in  Kent  1754.  Married  in  Windham, 
Nov.  22,  1738,  Phebe  Bronghton.  Children,  births  recorded  in  Windham : 
i.  Eunice,  b.  Aug.  19,  1740 ;  ii.  Amos,  b.  Sept.  30,  1742 ;  iii.  Jeremiah,  b.  July  19, 
1744  ;    iv.  Elizabeth,  b.  June  4,  1747 ;    v.  Phebe,  b.  May  23,  1749. 

Zehulon  Palmer,  b.  May  19,  1718 ;    m.  in  Windham,  April  25,  1746,  Lois  Carpenter. 
Children,  recorded  in  Windham  :    i.  Edna,  b.  April  19,  1747 ;   ii.  William,  b.  Sept. 
14,  1749. 
56     John  Palmer,  b.  March  6,  1720-1;    m.   (1)  Esther  Cleveland;     (2)   Lydia  Eames. 

Aaron  Palmer,  b.  March  12,  1722-3, 

Moses  Palmer,  b.  Aug.  24,  1726. 

Elizaheth  Palmer. 

Ann  Palmer,  b.  July  19,  1730 ;   m.  Sept,  26,  1751,  Joseph  Wood  of  Mansfield, 

18.  JOHN''  ABBE,  son  of  Samuel-  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe,  born  in 
Salem  Village,  Mass,,  June  4,  1692;  died  in  East  Hartford,  Conn,,  October  30, 
1790.  He  was  a  resident  of  Hartford  as  early  as  1710  or  1713.  John  Abbe, 
resident  at  Hartford,  sold  to  his  brother  Ebenezer,  land  formerly  belonging  to 
their  father,  Samuel  Abbe,  of  Windham,  October  29,  1713.  (Windham  Deeds, 
Liber  D,  page  328.)  March  12,  1718,  he  purchased  from  Benjamin  Hills  of 
Hartford,  8  acres  on  the  "east  side  of  the  Great  River,"  There  were  several 
John  Abbes  living  at  this  period  so  that  it  is  sometimes  hard  to  tell  which 
one  is  meant,  but  the  following  records  seem  to  pertain  to  this  one,  March  3, 
1731,  he  joined  with  several  others  in  giving  a  deed  to  the  Town  of  Hartford 
for  a  highway  which  was  later  known  as  Silver  Lane  and  on  which  his  house 
stood,  (Hartford  Deeds,  Vols,  5,  page  307,  and  3,  page  164,)  John  Abbe  of 
East  Hartford  was  one  of  the  inhabitants  of  that  town  to  protest  against  a 
tax  in  1769;  signed  a  paper  with  others  regarding  their  desire  to  settle  in 
what  was  known  as  "Western  town"  in  1733;  was  a  proprietor  in  the  Western 
land  and  signed  a  Tolland  petition,  (Connecticut  State  Archives,  State  Library, 
Towns  and  Lands,  IX,  278b,  with  his  autograph,  V,  238e,  V,  23b,  and  VII,  13.) 
Deeds  made  by  him  were  recorded  in  Hartford,  1736,  1738,  1748,  1754,  1759, 
1765,  and  1770.  The  most  important  of  these  is  that  of  January  15,  1759 
(Hartford  Deeds,  13,  page  37),  by  which  he  conveys  land  to  his  son  Nehemiali 
Abbe  of  Hartford.  The  name  is  spelled  in  various  ways  on  the  early  records. 
Abbe,  Abby  and  Abbey,  but  the  latter  seems  to  have  been  in  most  frequent  use 
among  the  later  descendants  of  his  family. 

Married  HANNAH , 


57  John  Abie,  jr.,  m.  Ruth  Goodwin. 

58  Stephen  Abbey,  b.  about  1727;   m.  Mary  (or  Marah)  . 

59  Eleazer  Abbey,  m.  Mary  . 

60  Nehemiah  Abbey,  m.  Mabel  Warren. 
Naomi  Abbey. 

Sarah  Abbey.  These  last  two  names  are  included  in  this  list  of  children  for  the 
following  reason.  In  a  deed  recorded  in  Hartford,  Oct.  26,  1759  (Volume  9,  page 
559),  John  Abbe,  junr.,  Solomon  Hills  and  Sarah,  his  wife,  and  Naomi  Abbe 
convey  land  in  Hartford  to  George  and  John  Buck  of  Wethersfield. 

19.  BENJAMIN^  ABBE,  son  of  SamueP  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe,  born 
in  Salem  Village,  Mass.,  June  4,  1694;  died  about  1765.  He  probably  removed 
with  his  family  to  Windham,  Conn.,  and  from  there  to  Glastonbury,  where  his 
name  appears  on  lists  of  freemen,  1718-35.     He  filled  the  offices  of  hayward, 

24  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

grand  juryman,  collector  of  rates,  fence- viewer  and  ty thing  man.  In  1737 
he  was  admitted  to  the  First  Ecclesiastical  Society  of  Chatham  or  East  Middle- 
town,  and  his  wife  Mary,  in  1741.  He  was  appointed  guardian  of  Daniel 
Andruss  of  Middletown,  1748.  April  24,  1749,  he  deeded  land  "on  the  east 
side  of  the  Great  River"  to  his  son  Samuel.  His  will,  filed  in  Middletown, 
was  made  December  4,  1754 ;  probated  October  15,  1765.  Inventory  was  recorded 
November  20,  1765.  His  will  names  his  wife  Mary;  son  Samuel;  daughters 
Agnes  Bidwell  and  Lydia  Abbey;  grandchildren  John,  Ebenezer,  Agnes  and  Lucy 
Miller;    grandchildren  Moses,  Samuel,  John  and  William  Cornwell. 

Married  at  Glastonbury,  January  24,  1716,  MARY  TRYON,  born  October  5, 
1695,  daughter  of  Dr.  Joseph  and  Lydia  (         )  Tryon. 


61  Samuel  Abie,  b.  1726;    m.  (1)  Rachel  Masson ;    (2)  Mrs.  Sarah  Leland. 

62  Agnes  Ahbe,  m.  Daniel  Bidwell. 
Lydia  Abhe. 

Hannah  Abbe. 
Mary  Abbe. 

20.  JONATHANS  ABBE,  son  of  SamueP  and  Mary  (Knowlton)  Abbe,  born 
in  Wenham,  Mass.,  about  1697;  settled  in  Willington,  Conn.,  where  he  died 
May  3,  1757.  The  following  records  from  the  Ashford  land  books  probably 
refer  to  this  Jonathan  Abbe:  1719,  100  acres  of  land  from  John  Follett;  1721, 
10  acres  from  Joseph  Orcutt,  adjacent  to  land  of  previous  deed;  1761  and  1764, 
references  to  holdings  of  land;  1764,  land  from  Azariah  Sanger,  Elizabeth 
Sanger  and  Joseph  Abbe.  (Ashford  Deeds,  B,  133;  E,  119;  K,  272,  433.) 
The  inventory  of  his  estate  was  entered  in  Hartford,  June  2,  1757,  by  William 
Arent,  James  Comins,  and  Abner  Barker,  appraisers,  (Hartford  Probate  Rec- 
ords, 17;  32,  18;  86.)  The  estate  consisted  of  106  acres  of  land,  with  utensils 
and  household  goods  to  the  amount  of  £381-5-4.  The  Court  granted  adminis- 
tration upon  the  estate  to  Jonathan  Abbe  of  Willington,  who  was  also  appointed 
guardian  for  Mary,  aged  about  11  years,  and  Rebekah,  aged  about  3  years, 
minor  children  of  said  Jonathan  Abbe.  The  estate  was  ordered  to  be  distributed 
March  4,  1760,  the  widow  having  quitted  her  right  to  any  of  the  estate.  "To 
Jonathan  Abbe  eldest  son  a  Double  Shair  of  s^  Estate  and  to  Samuel,  Anna, 
Mary  and  Rebekah  Abbe  an  equall  single  Shair." 

Married  (1)  MARY  JOHNSON,  probably  daughter  of  Caleb  Johnson  of  Wil- 
lington.    She  died  in  Willington,  January  19,  1742-3. 

Married  (2)  in  Brooklyn,  Conn.,  September  19,  1745,  REBEKAH  WEDGE. 
The  date  of  this  marriage  is  recorded  in  Willington  as  September  19,  1747. 

Children  by  first  wife 

63  Jonathan  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  about  1725 ;    m.  Allice  Johnson. 

64  Samuel  Abbe,  b.  March  21,  1727-8  ;    recorded  iu  Ashford ;    m.  Lucie  Persons. 
Isaac  Abbe,  b.  July  2,  1730;    d.  Sept.  18,  1753,  recorded  in  Willington. 
Thomas  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  17,  1733 ;    d.  April  13,  1733,  recorded  in  Willington. 
Mary  (1)  Abbe,  b.  April  11,  1734;   d.  Nov.  7,  1740,  recorded  in  WilUngton. 

65  Anne  Abbe,  b.  July  25,  1737;    recorded  in  Willington;    m.  James  Weston. 
Jeduthan  Abbe,  d.  in  Willington,  Sept.  12,  1743. 

Children  by  second  ivife,  recorded  in  Willington 

Mary  (2)  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  1,  1746. 

John  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  16,  1750;  d.  July  10,  1753. 

Rebekah  Abbe,  b.  about  1754.     Jonathan  Abbe  was  appointed  her  guardian  in  1757. 

Third  Generation  26 

21.  SARAH-*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Thomas^  and  Sarah  (Fairfield)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  31,  1684;   died  February  16,  1731-2. 

With  her  brothers  Thomas  and  John  and  sister  Tabitha  Warner,  she  signed 
a  receipt  for  legacy  from  her  grandfather,  Walter  Fairfield,  January  6,  1725-6. 

Married  in  Enfield,  January  27,  1702-3,  SHUBAEL  GEER,  born  probably  1683, 
son  of  Thomas  and  Deborah  (Davis)  Geer,  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  in  Enfield. 
He  was  a  member  of  Captain  Appleton's  Company  at  the  Great  Swamp  Fight. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Shuhael  (1)  Geer,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  1,  1703;   d.  March  15,  1703-4. 

66  Sarah  Geer,  b.  Jan.  5,  1704-5 ;    m.  John  Simons. 

Deiorah  Geei;  b.  Aug.  17,  1707;  d.  in  Enfield,  August  12,  1794.  Married  there 
Aug.  24,  1732,  Ezekiel  Prior,  her  cousin,  b.  in  Enfield,  April  24,  1708 ;  d.  there, 
July  27,  1798;  sou  of  John  and  Mary  (Geer)  Prior.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the 
expedition  against  Ticonderoga  and  Crown  Point,  June  6  to  August  6,  1758 ; 
also  to  Fort  Edward,  Aug.,  1757.  Children:  i.  Chloe,  b.  Feb.  28,  1733-4; 
ii.  Zaccheus,  b.  March  13,  1736-7,  d.  Jan.  19,  1818,  m.  Feb.  9,  1759,  AbigaU 
Pease,  b.  in  Enfield,  Dec.  1,  1739,  d.  Dec.  18,  1818,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and 
Abigail  (Rose)  Pease,  had  children,  Anna,  b.  Jan.  28,  1765,  and  Zaccheus,  jr., 
b.  Jan.  12,  1768.  Zaccheus  Prior,  jr.,  m.  EUzabeth  Parsons  of  Enfield,  May  9, 
1793,  who  d.  June  18,  1842,  aged  about  77,  and  had  a  daughter,  Susan,  d.  in 
Enfield,  May  4,  1801,  aged  8  months. 

67  Mary  Geer,  b.  March  10,  1709-10 ;    m.  Roger  Griswold. 

68  Tabitha  Geer,  b.  July  21,  1712 ;    m.  Edward  Collins. 

Bathsheha  Geer,  b.  Jan.  16,  1714-15.  Married  in  Enfield,  Jan.  7,  1736-7,  Charles 
Soxton  of  Enfield,  son  of  Captain  Joseph  and  Hannah  (Wright)  Sexton,  b.  Jan.  7, 
1707-8 ;  d.  on  the  way  home  from  the  expedition  to  Havana,  Sept.  16,  1762.  They 
lived  in  Somers.  Children :  i.  Bathsheba,  b.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  14,  1741 ;  ii. 
Charles,  jr.,  b.  in  Somers,  April  28,  1744,  d.  on  the  way  home  from  the  expedition 
to  Havana,  Sept.  25,  1762 ;  iii.  Elenor,  b.  in  Somers,  Aug.  17,  1746 ;  iv.  Hannah, 
b.  in  Somers,  Aug.  15,  1748. 

69  Shuiael  (2)   Geer,  b.  May  26,  1717;    m.  Hannah  Pease. 

70  EUzabeth  Geer,  b.  Jan.  15,  1719-20 ;    m.  Ebenezer  Terry. 

Thomas  Geer,  b.  July  1,  1722 ;  m.  as  her  first  husband,  Hannah  Abbe,  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Mary  (Pease)  Abbe. 

71  Annah  Geer,  b.  Dec,  1725 ;   m.  Aaron  Pease. 

22.  TH0MAS3  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Sarah  (Fairfield)  Abbe, 
born  October  30,  1686,  in  Enfield,  Conn.;  died  there  1759.  He  was  captain 
and  then  lieutenant  (1714)  of  military  companies.  He  resided  in  Enfield,  Conn. 
With  his  brother  John  and  sisters  Sarah  Gears  and  Tabitha  Warner,  he  signed 
receipt  for  legacy  from  his  grandfather,  Walter  Fairfield,  January  6,  1725-6. 
He  was  executor  of  the  will  of  his  uncle,  Obadiah  Abbe,  together  with  Elizabeth 
Warriner  in  1732.  His  will,  made  December  30,  1758,  probated  April  18,  1759, 
mentions  wife,  Rebecca;  children,  Mary  Bement,  Sarah  Parsons,  Tabitha  Pease, 
Hannah  Phelps,  Thomas;  grandchildren,  Nathaniel  and  Eliphalet  Chapin,  Thomas 
and  Elihu  Geer.     Son  Thomas,  executor. 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  March  3  (or  13),  1714-5,  MARY  PEASE,  born  in 
Enfield,  May  24,  1688;  died  March  18,  1745  (Enfield  record),  daughter  of 
Captain  John,  jr.,  and  Margaret  (Adams)  Pease.  She  was  descended  from 
William  Vassall,  Assistant  with  Governor  Winthrop  of  the  Colony  of  Massachu- 
setts Bay  in  1630,  who  was  son  of  John  Vassall  who  built  and  commanded  the 
Samuel  and  the  Tobev,  jr.,  in  the  Spanish  Armada. 

Married  (2)  June  12,  1746,  MRS.  REBECCA  PEIRCE. 

Children,  all  by  first  wife,  born  in  Enfield 

72  Mary  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  25,  1715-6;    m.  Dennis  Bement. 

73  Sarah  Abbe,  b.  March  26,  1718;    m.  (1)  Nathaniel  Chapin;    (2)  Hezekiah  Parsons. 

74  Tabitha  Abbe,  b.  July  9,  1720;    m.  Ephraim  Pease. 

26  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

75  Hannah  Aihe,  b.  March  27,  1723;    m.   (1)  Thomas  Geer ;    (2)  Noah  Phelps. 
Abigail  Ahie,  h.  July  28,  1725;    probably  d.  young  as  she  was  not  mentioned  in  her 

father's  will,  1758. 
Ohadiah  Aibe,  b.  Feb.  18.  1728 ;   d.  in  Enfield,  April  15,  1745. 

76  Thomas  Abbe,  b.  April  11,  1731 ;    m.  Penclopa  Terry. 

23.  JOHN^  ABBE,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Sarah  (Fairfield)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  September  27,  1692;  died  1790,  in  or  near  Hartford,  Conn.  He 
was  a  farmer,  known  as  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Upper  King  Street,  Enfield; 
received  a  land  grant,  February  18,  1716-7.  He  is  mentioned  as  a  lieutenant, 
^  1786-1791,  and  held  various  minor  offices  in  the  town.  John  Abbe  is  poss"^  of 
A  peace  of  Meadow  by  Alienation  from  Richard  French  lying  west  of  Jobes 
hill  so  Called  Bounded  North  partly  by  A  swamp  and  partly  by  lapland,  and 
south  East  and  west  by  upland  being  in  length  East  and  west  160  rods  and 
in  breadth  North  and  south  3  rods  one  peace  with  an  other  being  by  Estimation 
one  acre  and  ^  be  it  more  or  less.    Feby  18th  1716:17.     (Enfield  records.) 

With  his  brother  Thomas  and  sisters  Sarah  Gears  and  Tabitha  Warriner  he 
signed  a  receipt  for  a  legacy  from  his  grandfather,  Walter  Fairfield,  January 
6,1725-6.     (Essex  Deeds,  49:190.) 

Married  HANNAH  BOARDMAN,  born  in  Wethersfield,  Conn.,  December  18, 
1693,  daughter  of  David  and  Hannah  (Wright)  Boardman  or  Boreman,  grand- 
daughter of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Betts)  Boreman  and  great-granddaughter  of 
Christopher  Boreman  of  Clayton,  England,  and  his  wife,  Julian  Carter. 

Children,  born  in  Enfield 

John  (1)  Abbe,  bapt.  in  Wethersfield,  1715  or  1716;   d.  young. 
77     John  (2)  Abbe,  b.  April  18,  1717;   m.  Sarah  Root. 
Hannah  Abbe,  b.  April  19,  1719. 

Thomas  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  18,  1721;    d.  in  the  army  at  Cape  Breton,  1745;    not  m. 
V^  78     Sarah  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  (or  Jan.)  23,  1723-4;    m.  John  Burroughs. 

Daniel  Abbe,  b.  May  8,  1726 ;   d.  in  the  army  at  Cape  Breton,  1745 ;    not  m. 

79  Martha  Abbe,  b.  March   (or  May)   1,  1728;    m.   (1)   Isaac  Gleason,  jr.;     (2)    John 

Mary  Abbe,  b.  May  14,  1730. 
Tabitha  Abbe.  b.  March  9,  1732 ;    d.  in  Enfield,  Dec.  11,  1802.     Married  in  Enfield, 

June  25,  1752,  Joseph  Bement,  a  soldier  in  the  French  and  Indian  War,  probably 

son  of  William  and  Hannah  (  )  Bement  of  Enfield.    He  d.  in  Enfield,  Jan.  12, 

1803  (Enfield  records). 

80  Richard  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  1,  1735  ;   m.  Mary  Bement. 


24.  JOSEPH^  ABBE,  probably  son  of  Joseph^'  Abbe.  He  was  a  blacksmith 
in  Ipswich,  Mass.  His  shop,  in  which  considerable  work  was  done,  was  known 
as  "Abbe  the  Smith's  Shop."  Joseph  Abbe,  perhaps  an  adult,  was  baptized  in 
Ipswich,  November  18,  1722.  In  1749,  he  sold  his  blacksmith  shop  and  lands 
in  Ipswich.  His  will  is  found  in  the  Probate  Records  at  the  East  Cambridge 
Court  House,  Middlesex  County,  Mass.,  Vol.  54,  page  113.  October  7,  1772, 
Joseph  Abbee  of  Hopkinton,  Mass.,  being  advanced  in  age,  dwelling  on  a  farm 
in  said  town,  wife  Tamasin  Abbe;  four  grandchildren,  children  of  his  son 
John  deceased  and  Jerusha,  his  wife,  to  wit,  John,  Mary,  Joseph,  Amos  (John 
not  yet  of  age) ;  his  son  Aaron,  a  blacksmith  living  in  Hopkinton.  Tlie  son 
John  had  lived  in  Hopkinton  on  a  farm.  The  property  is  to  be  equally  divided 
between  the  two   sons  John  and   Aaron   and   their  heirs.     Joseph   died  before 

Fourth  Generation  27 

March  10,  1773,  when  the  inventory  of  his  property,  amounting  to  about  £888, 
is  filed. 

jMarried,  banns  publislied  November  5,  1721,  THOMASIN  or  TAMAZIN 
BAKER,  daughter  of  William  Baker  of  Ipswich.  She  was  a  member  of  the 
First  Church  of  Ipswich,  April  21,  1746. 

Children,  recorded  in  Ipswich 

Sarah  (1)  AUc,  bapt.  Nov.  25,  1722;   d.  Jau.  5  or  6,  1722-3. 
Sarah  (2)  Ahhe,  bapt.  Juue  28,  1724;   d.  Nov.  18,  1726. 
Joseph  (1)  Abbe,  bapt.  May  7,  1726;   d.  Aug.  25,  1726. 
Joseph  (2)  Abbe,  bapt.  June  25,  1727;   d.  July  8,  1727. 
John  (1)  Abbe,  h.  July  21,  1728 ;   d.  July  12,  1736. 
James  (1)  Abbe,  bapt.  Aug.  16,  1730;   d.  June  22,  1731. 
Tamasin  (1)  Abbe,  bapt.  March  12,  1731;    d.  Sept.  7,  1733. 
Williatn  (1)  Abbe,  bapt.  Feb.  10,  1733;    d.  Aug.  14,  1734. 
James  (2)  Abbe,  b.  May  25,  1735;   d.  Aug.  30,  1736. 

81  John  (2)  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  27,  17^6;   m.  Jerusha  Burnap. 
Tamasin  (2)  Abbe,  bapt.  April  8,  1739;    d.  April  19,  1742. 
William  (2)  Abbe,  bapt.  Jan.  11,  1740. 

Mary  Abbe,  bapt.  Feb.  6,  1741 ;    probably  d.  young  or  at  least  without  heirs,  as  she 

is  not  mentioned  in  her  father's  will. 
Martha  Abbe,  d.  Oct.  25,  1745. 

82  Aaron  Abbe,  bapt.  Sept.  20,  1747  ;   m.  Anna . 

25.  JOANNA^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Joseph^'  and  Abigail  (Severance)  Abbe, 
born  November  15,  1706,  probably  in  Salisbury,  Mass.;  died  September  7,  1757, 
in  Kensington,  N.  H.  She  was  mentioned  in  the  will  of  her  uncle,  Richard  Abbe 
of  Windham,  Conn.,  in  1737.  The  choice  of  Joanna  Abbey  of  her  stepfather 
as  guardian  is  on  file  at  Essex.  "I  Joanna  Abbee  of  Salisbury,  daughter  of 
Joseph  Abbee  deceased  and  wife  Abigail,  born  15  nov.,  1706,  do  desire  that  my 
father  in  law  Mr.  Philip  Greele  should  be  my  guardian.  Dated  5  Oct.,  1724." 
Acknowledged  before  Wm.  Bradbury  and  witnessed  by  Jarvis  Ring,  jr.  A  seal 
attached  shows  a  griffin  rampant. 

Man-ied  in  the  2d  Church  in  Salisbury,  February  17,  1726,  JONATHAN 
BROWN,  born  in  Hampton,  N.  H.,  February  24,  1700 ;  died  July  10,  1766.  He 
was  son  of  Jacob  and  Sarah  (Brookings)  Brown  and  a  direct  descendant  of 
John  Brown,  an  early  immigrant  to  America,  of  Scottish  descent  but  born  in 
London.  There  has  been  much  confusion  among  the  Browns  in  tracing  ancestry, 
due  to  the  fact  that  Joshua  Brown,  a  descendant  of  Richard  Brown,  married 
Joanna  Morrill,  on  December  8,  1726,  in  the  2d  Church  in  Salisbury,  Mass. 
the  same  church  in  which,  on  February  17,  1726,  Jonathan  Brown  had  married 
Joanna  Abbe.  Then  after  the  death  of  Joanna  Abbe  Brown,  her  husband 
married,  on  November  30,  1758,  Mrs.  Joanna  (Morrill)  Brown,  widow  of  Joshua. 
Joshua  and  Joanna  (Morrill)  Brown  had  at  least  eight  children,  and  Jonathan 
and  Joanna  (Abbe)  Brown,  ten,  but  there  were  no  children  by  the  second 
marriage  of  Jonathan  Brown  to  Mrs.  Joanna  (MoiTill)  Brown.  Most  of  the 
records  of  this  family  are  found  in  John  R.  Eastman's  History  of  Andover, 
New  Hampshire. 

Children  of  Jonathan  and  Joanna  (Abbe)  Brown 
Abigail  Brown. 
Miriam  Broun. 
Sarah  Brown. 
Joanna  Broion. 
Jonathan  Brown,  jr. 
83     Abbe  Brown,  b.  May  28,  1739  ;   ra.  EHzabeth  Leavitt. 

28  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

84    Joseph  Brown,  m.  Ann  Brown. 
Lydia  Brown. 
Moses  Brown, 
Judith  Brown. 

26.  OBADIAH-^  ABBE,  son  of  Obadiali^  and  Elizabeth  (Wilkinson)  Abbe, 
born  in  AVindham,  Conn.,  April  10,  1704.  He  is  doubtless  the  one  called  "my 
Cozon  Obadiah  Abbe  of  Willington"  in  the  will  of  Richard^  Abbe  of  Windham, 
1737.  Various  land  transactions  in  Ashford,  1725,  Obediah  of  Willington  to 
Richard  Abbe  of  Windham,  1731,  Obediah  to  Richard  Abbe,  may  refer  to  him. 
January  20,  1768,  was  made  a  deed  from  Obadiah  of  Ashford  to  his  brother 
Richard,  of  the  same  town,  land  in  the  westerly  part  of  the  town  of  Ashford 
descended  by  the  will  of  Richard  Abbe  of  Windham  ' '  to  the  heirs  of  my  honored 
Father  Obediah  Abbe  of  Willington."  January  19,  1768,  Ruth  Abbe  of  Wil- 
lington transfers  property  to  Obediah  of  Ashford,  land  descended  from  her 
uncle  Richard  of  Windham.  In  1767  Jeremiah  Abbe  received  land  from  his 
brother  Obadiah,  both  being  sons  of  Obadiah.  [Ashford  Town  Records  F,  11, 
12,  26,  74,  75,  76,  78;  K,  49;  L,  197,  253,  290,  291,  400.]  The  names  of  Obadiah 
and  Jeremiah  Abbe  are  among  the  signers  of  an  Ashford  petition  regarding 
the  church,  1765.  Connecticut  Archives,  Ecclesiastical  Affairs,  XIV,  271  b. 
State  Library.) 

Married  ELIZABETH .     She  is  probably  the  Elizabeth  Abbe  who  was 

a  member  of  the  church  in  Willington  in  1759. 


85  Joseph  AUe{'i). 

Elizabeth  Abie,  b.  Aug.  29,  1734,  recorded  in  Willington.  Probably  the  Elizabeth 
who  married  there  Aug.  22,  1760,  Azariah  Sanger.  Azariah  Sanger  and  wife 
were  received  from  the  church  in  Ellington  to  the  church  in  WiUington. 

86  Obediah  Abbe,  b.  about  1735 ;    m.  Zeruiah  Balch. 

87  Jeremiah  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  20,  1737-8,  recorded  in  WiUington  ;    m.  Mary  Armstrong. 
John  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  12,  1739 ;    d.  Nov.  14,  1740,  recorded  in  WiUington. 

Ruth  Abbe,  deeded  land  to  her  brother,  Jeremiah,  March  6,  1770.  (Ashford, 
Liber  L,  page  400.) 

27.  JAMES*  PEASE,  JR.,  son  of  James  and  Mary^  (Abbe)  Pease,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  May  4,  1713;   died  1760. 

Married  October  16,  1737,  ABIGAIL  FORD,  born  June  12,  1719,  daughter  of 
John  (or  Joseph)  Ford  of  Windham,  Conn.,  and  Elizabeth  Grinslet.  The  mar- 
riage was  recorded  in  the  Somers  town  records.    They  resided  in  Somers,  Conn. 

Children,  born  in  Somers 

88  Elizabeth  Pease,  b.  Sept.  17,  1738 ;   m.  John  Tice. 
James  Pease,  b.  Feb.  27,  18.39. 

89  John  Pease,  h.  June  12,  1742 ;    m.  Zepary  Coy. 
Abigail  Pease,  b.  June  10,  1744. 

Margaret  Pease,  b.  Oct.  10,  1749. 
Tilton  Pease,  b.  Sept.  21,  1751 ;    d.  March  15,  1753. 
Joseph  (1)  Pease,  b.  Sept.  26,  1753;    d.  young.  , 

Joseph  (2)  Pease,  b.  Aug.  24,  1755. 

90  Keziah  Pease,  b.  Oct.  12,  1757 ;   m.  John  Smith. 

Joel  Pease,  b.  Nov.  2,  1760.  He  resided  in  Wilbraham,  Mass.,  then  in  Marlboro,  Vt., 
was  a  soldier  in  the  Continental  Army  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  and  was  captain  of  a 
Militia  Company  in  Somers.  Married  Louisa  (or  Lovisa)  Meacham.  Children: 
i.  Lucy,  b.  Jan.  28,  1786,  in  Somers ;  ii.  Joel,  b.  in  Somers,  Uved  in  Wilbraham, 
Mass.,  and  later  in  Vermont ;  ii.  James,  b.  in  Somers,  lived  in  Vermont ; 
iv.  Frederick  M. 

Fourth  Generation  29 

28.     RICHARD'   PEASE,   son  of  James  and  Mary^    (Abbe)    Pease,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  September  22,  1717;    lived  in  Somers,  Conn.,  and  died  there. 
Married  November  1,  1753,  ELIZABETH  PARSONS. 

Children,  horn  in  Somers 

Eeturah  Pease,  b.  Sept.  19,  1754. 

91  Samuel  Pease,  b.  Aug.  26,  1756;    m.  Sarah  Root. 

92  Richard  Pease,  b.  Oct.  20,  1758 ;   in.  Sovicr  Parsons. 

29.  JOHN^  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and  Mary  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born  July 
4,  1722;    died  July  4,  1788.    He  received  land  in  Windham  by  his  father's  will. 

Married  (1)  LOIS  MUNSON.  Mentioned  in  the  will  of  her  father-in-law, 
June  6,  1767.  Lois  Abbe  joined  the  Windham  Church  by  profession  September 
22,  1799. 

Married  (2)  SMITH.    No  children. 

Child  hy  first  wife 

John  Ahic,  b.  in  Windham,  Jan.  10,  1755;    d.  unm.  about  1820  in  Windham  County, 
Conn.    Mentioned  in  his  grandfather's  will,  1767. 

30.  HANNAH^  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Mary  (Palmer)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  September  17,  1724;    died  February  12,  1815. 

Married  in  Windham,  May  28,  1744,  JOSHUA  WEBB,  born  February  19, 
1721-2,  in  Windham,  son  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  (Ripley)  Webb;  died  April  17, 
1808,  in  Rockingliam,  Vt.  About  1766  he  removed  to  Rockingham  (Bellows 
Falls)  where  he  lived  until  his  death,  except  for  a  short  time  in  Westminster. 
He  was  the  first  town  representative  and  held  that  office  fifteen  successive  years. 

Children  (first  four  horn  in  Windham) ,  probably  all  born  in  Connecticut 

Jehiel  Webb,  b.  Jan.  2.3,  1744-5 ;   d.  Feb.  16,  1813.    He  had  a  grandson,  Jehiel  Webb, 

who  was  living  in  Northfield,  Mass.,  about  1860. 
Joseph  Webb,  b.  May  8,  1746;    d.  Sept.  2:5,  1825.     He  m.  and  had  sons  who  died 

young,  leaving  no  children. 
Azariah  Webb,  b.  Oct.  11,  1748 ;   d.  April  10,  1846.    He  m.  and  had  a  son  Greenleaf 

who  was  living  in  Guildhall,  Vt.,  about  1860. 
Charles  Webb,  b.  Aug.  19,  1750 ;    d.  Sept.  21,  1820.     Married  and  had  sons  Charles 

and  John  who  lived  in  West  Bloomficld,  N.  Y. 
Hannah  Webb,  h.  June  20,  1752,  recorded  in  Windham;    d.  Oct.,  1817. 
Eunice  Webb,  b.  Nov.  28  or  20,  1755 ;    d.  June  26,  1845. 
Calvin  Webb,  b.  July  31,  1757;    d.  in  Rockingham,  Vt.,  Nov.  15,  1853.     Went  to 

Rockingham  with  his  father  and  settled   on  the  same   farm.     Married   and   had 

children,  one  of  whom  was  Ethan  B.,  b.  1784 ;    d.  March  15,  1872 ;    lived  near 

Bellows  Falls,  Vt.    Ethan  B.  Webb  m.  Fanny  Burnham,  b.  about  1797,  d.  Sept.  24, 

1876,   and   had   children,   Sarah,    Carleton   E.,    and   Emily,   who   always   lived   in 

Mary  Webb,  h.  Jan.  28,  1760;    d.  July  30,  1841. 
Anna  Webb,  b.  Aug.  22,  1761 ;   d.  Feb.  17,  1842. 
93     I/M^Aer  lFe&6,  b.  Oct.  24,  1763;    m.  Dorothy  Wheelock. 

Joshua  Ripley  Webb,  b.  July  7,  1766;    d.  Feb.  21,  1813.     Married  and  had  a  son 

Edward,  who  lived  in  Northfield,  Vt. 

31.  MARY*  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Mary  (Palmer)  Abbe,  born 
September  10,  1726,  at  Windliam,  Conn. 

Married  in  Windham,  April  23,  1747,  ELISHA  WALES,  born  March  10,  1728, 
in  Windham;  died  April  6,  1788,  in  Union,  Conn.  He  was  son  of  Deacon 
Ebenezer  and  Esther    (Smith)    Wales;    accompanied  his   family  to  Union  and 

30  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

remained  there  till  about  1760,  when  he  removed  to  Ashford.  With  other 
members  of  his  family  he  was  one  of  the  patentees  of  the  toAvnship  of  Norwich, 
Vt.,  which  was  organized  at  Mansfield,  Conn.,  August  21,  1761,  but  it  is 
doubtful  if  any  of  them  became  actual  settlers.  There  is  a  tradition  that  he 
served  in  the  French  and  Indian  War.  In  1763  he  was  commissioned  captain 
of  the  12th  Company,  5tli  Regiment,  Connecticut  Colonial  forces.  December  14, 
1769,  he  was  appointed  to  correspond  with  other  committees  in  the  county  and 
elsewhere  to  encourage  and  forward  manufactures  and  the  spirit  of  industry 
in  this  government,  also  to  see  that  no  goods  were  imported  into  Ashford.  In 
1776  he  represented  Ashford  in  tlie  General  Assembly  of  Connecticut. 


Ehenezer  Wales,  m.  at  Ashford,  Dec.  2G,  1773,  Anna  Babcock.  He  entered  service 
in  the  army  July,  1775,  was  Lieutenant  of  the  1st  Regiment  Connecticut  line  from 
1778  till  the  close  of  the  war.  Member  of  the  Connecticut  Society  of  the 

94  EUslia  Smith  'WaJes,'^.  11^2  \    m.  Mary  Watkins. 

Nathan  Wales,  m.  Dec.  22,  1771,  Sarah  Keyes,  daughter  of  Ephraim  Keyes  of  Ash- 
ford. He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolution,  was  made  Captain  in  1780  in  a  State 
Regiment.    After  the  war  he  removed  to  Norwich,  N.  Y. 

95  Mary  Wales,  m.  John  Keyes. 
Ilannah  Wales,  bapt.  June  19,  1760. 

32.  ELIZABETH*  ABBE,  daughter  of  John-  and  Mary  (Palmer)  Abbe, 
born  September  16,  1728.     Resided  in  Union,  Conn. 

Married  in  Union,  May  22,  1754,  JESSE  WARD,  born  in  Union,  August  6, 
1729,  son  of  William  and  Rachel  (         )  Ward. 

Children,  hirths  of  four  are  recorded  in  Union 

John  Ward,  b.  May  15,  1755 ;    m.,  Oct.  26,  1780,  at  Belchertown,  Judith  Ayres. 
AUgail  Ward,  b.  Dec.  11,  1757. 
Lucena  Ward,  b.  May  2,  1766. 
Lois  Ward,  b.  May  8,  1768. 
Rumplircy  Ward,  b.  Nov.  16,  1769. 

33.  RICHARD*  ABBE,  son  of  John-'  and  Mary  (Palmer)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  July  1,  1730;  died  February  17,  1794 (?).  He  seems  to  have 
lived  in  Windham,  althoiigh  the  vital  records  of  that  town  contain  the  birth 
of  only  one  child,  Mcrari  (Mexari  or  Miriam).  Family  traditions  and  names 
prove  that  Hezekiah,  Mason,  and  Richard  were  also  his  sons  and  there  were 
doubtless  others.  In  his  will  he  left  a  farm  of  90  acres  on  Beaver  Hill  in 
Windham  to  his  son  Merari  or  Mexari.  He  is  said  to  have  been  an  officer  in 
the  Revolution. 

Married  MARY  HUNTINGTON,  born  in  Windham,  April  2,  1735,  daughter 
of  David  and  Mary  (Mason)  Huntington. 

Children,  some  died  in  infancy 

Mcrari  or  Mexari  Ahlc,  b.  in  Windham,  Dec.  44, 1752.  Several  published  records  have 
given  this  name  as  Mexari,  but  the  recent  accurate  copy  of  the  Windham  records 
has  it  Merari.  The  old  manuscript  of  Windham  vital  records  made  by  Jonathan 
Clark  has  it  Miriam,  but  this  is  not  likely  'to  be  as  correct  as  one  of  the  others. 
Received  farm  at  Beaver  Hill,  Windham,  by  his  father's  will. 

96  Hezeldali  Al>he,  b.  Jan.  4,  17.55,  in  Union,  Conn. ;    in.  Martha  Manning. 

97  Mason  Abbe,  b.  April  17,  1759;    m.  Sarah  Frisell. 

98  Richard  Abbey,  b.  at  Windham,  Aug.  15,  1769;    m.  Dolly  ElUs. 
(daughter),  m.  Dodge  and  lived  in  Vermont. 

Fourth  Generation  31 

34.  TABITHA*  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Mary  (Palmer)  Abbe,  born 
September  16,  1736,  in  Windham,  Conn. 

Married  in  Windham,  November  16,  1758,  CHARLES  RIPLEY,  born  February 
25,  1733,  son  of  Jercmiali  and  Abigail  (Carey)  Ripley.  He  held  a  commission 
in  the  French  and  Indian  War  and  fought  against  the  Indians  in  Canada.  He 
■was  a  Lieutenant  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  British 
at  Monmouth,  N.  J.,  and  confined  in  the  Sugar  House  prison  in  New  York. 
At  a  time  when  he  Avas  reduced  to  extreme  prostration  by  want  of  food,  some 
refuse  bones  were  offered  him.  He  remonstrated  and  the  keeper  of  the  prison 
dealt  him  a  blow  on  the  head  that  instantly  killed  him. 

Children,  hirths  recorded  in  Windham 

99     Epaphras  Ripley,  b.  Feb.  13,  1759  ;    m.  Auu  Webb. 
Benjamin  Ripley,  b.  Jan.  28,  1761;    no  children. 
Charles  Ripley,  b.  Aug.  19,  1762. 

100  John  Abie  Ripley,  b.  April  .3,  1764 ;   m.  Margaret  Clark. 
Sarah  Ripley,  b.  May  9,  1767. 

101  Vine  Ripley,  b.  Nov.  30,  1769  ;    m.  Lois  Crampton. 
Calvin  Ripley,  b.  Feb.  16,  1772 ;    d.  in  Bennington,  Vt. 

35.  JEREMIAH*  WELCH,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Welch, 
born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  November  14,  1714;  died  September  17,  1790.  His 
will,  probated  December  13,  1790,  mentions  wife  Jerusha;  sons  Elijah,  Eleazer 
and  Reuben;    daughters  Hannah,  Mary,  Jerusha,  Chloe,  and  Anna  (single). 

Married  (1)  December  15,  1736,  MARGARET  HEBARD,  who  died  September 
9,  1784,  aged  71.  \^^^i{ 

Married  (2)  May  25,  1785,  MRS.  JERUSHA  LASELL.  v  ?,  <■.'- 


Hannah  Welch,  b.  March  2,  1737-8 ;    m. Buzby. 

Mary  Welch,  b.  Nov.  4,  1739  ;    m.,  as  his  second  wife,  John  Huntington. 

Jeremiah  Welch,  b.  Dec.  10,  1741 ;   d.  Dec.  26,  1741. 

Jerusha   Welch,   b.   May   13,   1743;     m.   March   9,   1769,    Nathan    (or   Jonathan) 
Martin,  jr. 

Elijah  Welch,  b.  July  6,  1745.  He  was  a  physician;  m.  and  settled  in  Orange 
County,  N.  Y. 

Eliphalet  Welch,  b.  May  15,  1747 ;   d.  Nov.  4,  1772. 

Ann  Welch,  b.  April  4,  1749 ;   was  unm.  in  1790,  as  stated  in  her  father's  will. 
102     Eleazer  Welch,  b.  Dec.  12,  1750;    m.   (1)  Abigail  Brown,   (2)   Alathca  Manning. 

Reuben  Welch,  b.  in  Windham,  Aug.  21,  1752.  Married,  May  1,  1775,  Jerusha 
Carey,  who  was  b.  Jan.  15,  1755.  Children  :  i.  Fanny,  b.  Sept.  9,  1776 ;  ii.  Sarah, 
b.  Dec.  16,  1777  ;  iii.  Lucy,  b.  Feb.  24.  1779 ;  iv.  Anna,  b.  Oct.  7,  1782  ;  v.  Polly, 
b.  Dec.  16,  1784 ;  vi.  Elisha,  b.  Jan.  27.  1787  ;  vii.  Chloe,  b.  Nov.  5,  1788 ;  viii. 
Lydia,  b.  Aug.  11,  1791 ;  ix.  Alathea,  b.  Nov.  27,  1793 ;  x.  EHphalet,  b.  Aug.  7  or 
11,  1796 ;    xi.  Carey,  b.  Jan.  13,  1799 ;   xii.  Mira,  b.  Jan.  17,  1802. 

Abigail  Welch,  b.  June  4,  1754;    d.  April  7,  1755. 

Chloe  Welch,  b.  in  Windham,  July  5,  1756.  Married  Feb.  3,  1781,  James  Robinson. 
Children  :  i.  James  ;  ii.  Gurdon,  resided  in  Boston.  A  grandson  of  Chloe  Welch, 
Rev.  A.  A.  Robinson,  b.  May  14,  1814,  was  settled  over  the  Baptist  Church  at 
Pacherville,  Conn.,  1886,  and  was  preaching  there  in  1899.  He  m.  a  daughter 
of  Lyman  Lyons  of  Wales,  Mass. 

36.  JOHN*  WELCH,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Welch,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  July  8,  1717;   died  March  4,  1802.     Resided  in  Windham. 

Married  October  27,  1745,  ABIGAIL  MANNING,  born  November  25,  1722; 
died  January  (or  February)  6,  1794;  daughter  of  Samuel,  jr.,  and  Irene  (Ripley) 
Manning  of  Windham. 

32  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children,  torn  at  Windham 

Irenah  Welch,  b.  Sept.  7,  1746 ;    d.  1804 ;    m.,  March  31,  17—,  William  Sabin. 
Jerusha  Welch,  b.  Sept.  4,  1748;    m.  Jonathau  Martin.     Children:    i.  Jonathan; 
ii.  Samuel ;    iii.  Amelia  ;    iv.  Julia  ;    v.  Irene  :    vi.  Ashbel. 

103  John  Welch,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  3,  1750-1 ;    m.  Olivia  Fitch. 

Asenath  Welch,  b.  April  4,  1753 ;    d.  Nov.  4,  1813 ;    m.,  as  his  second  wife,  July  4, 
1793,  Shubael  Fitch,  who  d.  March  1,  1834.     Children  :   i.  Asenath ;    ii.  Ashbel. 

104  Ashbel  Welch,  b.  April  21,  1764;    m.  Margaret  Dorrancc. 

37.  DANIEL*  WELCH,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Welch,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  March  20,  1726 ;  died  April  29,  1782.  He  was  graduated  from 
Yale  in  1749,  and  preached  at  North  Mansfield  and  Abington. 

Married  February  18,  1752,  MARTHA  COOK,  daughter  of  Moses  and  Deborah 
(Cadwell)  Cook.     She  died  December  11,  1775. 


Hannah  Welch,  b.  Dec.  10,  1752 ;    d.  Dec.  26,  1846 ;    m.  Captain  Jesse  Waldo. 

105  Moses  Cook  Welch,  b.  Feb.  14,  1754 ;    m.  four  times. 
Daniel  (1)   Welch,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  10,  1756;    d.  March,  1756. 

106  Thomas  Welch,  b.  Feb.  22,  1757 ;    m.  Lucinda  Pierce. 

Daniel  (2)   Welch,  b.  May  7,  1759 ;    d.  Sept.  3,  1785.    He  was  a  physician. 

107  Ourdon  Welch,  b.  May  23,  1761 ;    m.  Mary  Manning. 

Caroline  Matilda  Welch,  b.  July  7,  1763 ;    d.  June  11,  1785 ;    m.  Gurdon  Moulton. 

Child  :   Caroline  Matilda,  was  mentioned  in  her  grandfather's  will  as  her  mother's 

only  child  and  heir. 
Martha  Welch,  b.  June  17,  1765 ;    m.  Arad  Evans  and  moved  to  New  York  state. 

Children  :   i.  Thomas ;   ii.  Chloe ;    iii.  Phebe ;    iv.  Arad,  was  living  in  1862. 
Jerusha  Welch,  b.  Dec.  5,  1767;    d.  Dec.  17,  1815,  at  Mansfield,  Conn.     Married 

Roger  Waldo,  b.  Aug.  2,  1766 ;    d.  June  28,  1813 ;    a  son  of  Jesse  and  Bridget 

(Thompson)  Waldo.    He  was  a  physician,  was  born,  lived  and  died  at  Mansfield. 

No  children.     He  m.   (2)   Chloe  Evans,  by  whom  he  had  a  son,  Jesse  Harrison, 

b.  Dec.  5,  1816. 
Deborah  Welch,  b.  Nov.  15,  1769 ;    m.  Bicknell  and   removed  to  western 


108  Sophia  Welch,  b.  Sept.  27,  1771 ;    m.  Gurdon  Barrows. 
Abigail  Welch,  b.  Dec.  26,  1773 ;   d.  Dec.  24,  1818 ;   not  m. 

38.  SARAH*  BIDLACK,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Lydia^  (Abbe)  Bidlack 
born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  November  24,  1723 ;    died  there  September  5,  1749. 

Married  in  Windham,  June  16,  1742,  NATHANIEL  FLINT,  JR.,  born  in 
Windham,  September  5,  1720,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Sarah  (Martin)  Flint.  He 
married  (2)  Mary  Hovey  by  whom  he  had  ten  children:  Luke,  Jonathan (1), 
Jonathan (2),  Phineas,  Abigail,  Zaccheus,  Daniel,  Elisha,  Mary  and  William.  His 
will,  made  August  3,  1792,  was  probated  April  1,  1795.  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  Vol.  13,  page  426.) 

Children  of  Sarah  Bidlack,  recorded  in  Windham 

Benjamin  Flint,  b.  Sept.  27,  1743 ;  resided  in  Hampton ;  m.,  April  12,  1770, 
Bethiah  Cheney  of  Pomfret.  Children,  born  in  Hampton  :  i.  Hannah,  b.  Aug.  16, 
1770;  ii.  Chloe.  b.  May  10,  1772;  iii,  Charlotte,  b.  April  19,  1774;  iv.  Sarah  (1), 
b.  April  14,  1776,  d.  April  28,  1776;  v.  Sarah  (2),  b.  June  2,  1777;  vi.  Asa, 
b.  March  29,  1779 ;  vii.  Elisha,  b.  Aug.  30,  1781 ;  viii.  Polly,  b.  Nov.  5,  1783 ; 
ix.  Amelia,  b.  Feb.  13,  1787 ;  x.  Benjamin,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  4,  1791 ;  xi.  Cheney, 
b.  June  6,  1793. 
109     Nathatiiel  Flint,  3d,  b.  July  15,  1745  ;   m.  Lucy  Martin. 

Sarah  Flint,  b.  April  28,  1747 ;    d.  before  1792 ;    m.  Elias   (or  Josiah)   Chapman  of 

Fourth  Generation  33 

39.  BENJAMIN*  BIDLACK,  JR.,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Lydia^  (Abbe) 
Bidlack,  born  July  4,  1725.     Resided  in  Windliam,  Conn. 

Married  in  Wiiidham,  November  11,  1742,  EDITH  SPAULDING.  She  mar- 
ried (2)  April  7,  1756,  Joshua  Read. 

Children,  recorded  in  Windham 

Jonathan  Bidlacl;  h.  Nov.  19,  1744;  m.,  April  22,  1767,  Hannah  Cutler.  Children, 
recorded  in  Windham,  Conn. :  1.  Eunice,  b.  Feb.  9,  1768 ;  ii.  Olive,  b.  Dec.  1, 
1769 ;  iii.  Asa,  b.  Oct.  9,  1771 ;  iv.  Mary,  b.  April  27,  1773 ;  v.  Ralph,  b.  Oct.  2, 
1774 ;  vi.  Jonathan,  b.  Sept.  19,  1776 ;  vii.  OUver,  b.  April  29,  1778 ;  viii.  Edith, 
b.  Jan.  22,  1780. 

Ruth  Bidlack,  b.  Feb.  14,  1746-7;    d.  Jan.,  1751. 

Sarah  Bidlack,  b.  Nov.  29,  1748 ;   d.  Jan.  15,  1751. 

40.  BETHIA*  BIDLACK,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Lydia^  (Abbe)  Bid- 
lack,  born  May  22,  1738. 

Married,  as  his  second  wife,  June  24,  1756,  CHRISTOPHER  DAVISON,  born 
April  15,  1732,  son  of  Thomas,  jr.,  and  Lydia  (Merrick)  Davison,  of  Preston, 
Conn.  He  married  (1)  June  5,  1755,  Lydia  Hovey,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Hovey, 
by  whom  he  had  a  son,  Asa.    He  resided  in  Windham,  Conn. 

Child,  recorded  in  Windham 
Daniel  Davison,  b.  Nov.  9,  1757 ;   d.  Dec,  1757. 

41.  ANNE*  SLATE,  daughter  of  William  and  Elizabeth^  (Abbe)  Slate,  born 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  April  29,  1710;    died  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  March  28,  1772. 

Man-ied  in  Mansfield,  October  9,  1734,  JOSEPH  WHITTEMORE,  born  March 
13,  1694;    died  in  Mansfield,  May  15,  1742. 

Children,  born  in  Mansfield 

Joseph  Whittemorc,  jr.,  b.  July  4,  1736 ;  m.  in  Mansfield,  Nov.,  1763,  Sarah  Howe, 
b.  about  17.38;  d.  July  17,  1802.  Children:  Joseph,  b.  April  11,  1764; 
Samuel,  b.  Jan.  12,  1769,  d.  at  Bolton (?),  before  1802;  Shubael,  b.  Feb.  28, 
1771 ;  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  24,  1779.  Samuel  Whittemore,  above,  m.  at  Mansfield, 
Jan.  1,  1794,  Sarah  Wales,  b.  in  Hebron,  May  11,  1773,  d.  about  1802,  and  had 
a  son  Williams  Howe  Whittemore,  b.  in  Bolton,  Feb.  2,  1800,  d.  in  Rve.  N.  Y., 
July  25,  1885,  m.  in  Rye,  Dec.  22,  1831,  Maria  Clark,  b.  Jan.  16,  1803,  d.  in 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  25,  1886.  Their  daughter  married  William  P.  Bacon,  a 
graduate  of  Yale,  1858,  and  a  resident  of  New  Britain,  Conn.,  about  1899. 

Ann  Whittemore,  b.  Feb.  6,  1738-9. 

Elizaheih  Whittemore,  b.  June  9,  1741. 

42.  EBENEZER*  SLATE,  son  of  William  and  Elizabeth^  (Abbe)  Slate,  born 
probably  in  Windham,  Conn.,  Jamiary  19,  1717-8.  Lived  later  in  Mansfield, 
but  doubtless  removed  soon  after  his  marriage. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  March  6,  1740,  SARAH  MANLEY,  daughter  of  Eleazer 

Sarah  Slate,  b.  May  5,  1741,  in  Mansfield ;   bapt.  there  May  10. 

43.  EZEKIEL*  SLATE,  son  of  William  and  Elizabeth^  (Abbe)  Slate,  bom 
probably  in  Windham,  Conn.,  December  26,  1719;  died  in  Mansfield,  January 
9,  1792. 

34  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  in  Mansfield,  January  30,  1746,  MEHITABEL  HALL,  daughter  of 
James  and  Mehitabel  (  )  Hall,  born  February  18,  1722;  died  December 
7,  1803. 

Children,  recorded  in  Mansfield 

Ezehiel  Slate,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  30,  1746 ;  m.  Mary  Russ,  daughter  of  Jolin  Russ  of  Mans- 
field. Children:  i.  Eleazer,  b.  July  15,  1768;  ii.  Annis,  b.  Aug.  9,  1769;  iii. 
Nathan,  b.  Aug.  22,  1770 ;  iv.  Ezekiel,  b.  May  26,  1772 ;  v.  Mary,  b.  Feb.  14,  1774. 

Mehitabel  Slate,  b.  Feb.  19,  1749. 

James  Slate  (Lieutenant),  b.  Dec,  1751;  m.  Feb.  1,  1781,  Mary  Needham  of 
Brimfield.  Children:  i.  Clarissa,  b.  Nov.  16,  1782;  ii.  Mary,  b.  Oct.  2,  1784, 
m.  Oct.  6,  1808,  Alvin  Bennett ;  iii.  Sally,  b.  March  5,  1787 ;  iv.  Mehitabel,  b.  Jan, 
10,  1790;  V.  Lora,  b.  May  10,  1792;  vi.  James,  b.  April  10,  1794,  d.  Dec.  4, 
1797 ;  vii.  Nancy,  b.  May  11,  1796,  m.  Oct.  11,  1818,  Thomas  Place ;  viii.  Need- 
ham,  b.  Aug.  6,  1798 ;    m.  Fanny  ,  and  had  six  children  :    Fanny  Marilla, 

b.  Feb.  20,  1826,  m.  May  27,  1847,  William  B.  Crane;  Mary  Jane,  b.  June  3, 
1827,  m.  Jan.  20,  1848,  Albert  Barrows ;  James  Jackson,  b.  Feb.  3,  1829 ;  Ange- 
line  Martha,  b.  Oct.  10,  1830,  m.  March  24,  1850,  Albert  Barrows;  Daniel 
Needham,  b.  Nov.  14,  1834,  and  Marcia  Clarissa,  b.  Sept.  8,  1839;  ix.  Phila, 
b.  Jan.  7,  1801 ;    x.  Armina,  b.  Aug.  29,  1803 ;    xi.  Sabrina,  b.  Dec.  30,  1805. 

Elizabeth  Slate,  b.  July  22,  1754. 

Atme  Slate,  b.  July  8,  1756. 

Mary  Slate,  b.  Aug.  15,  1758. 

Zerviah  Slate,  b.  June  7,  1761;  m.  Oct.  23,  1783,  Aaron  Hall  of  Mansfield. 
Children :  i.  Zerviah,  b.  June  5,  1784 ;  ii.  Aaron,  b.  Dec.  2,  1785 ;  iii.  Zeria,  b. 
Aug.  7,  1787 ;   iv.  Zadock,  b.  Feb.  23,  1789. 

Sarah  Slate,  b.  Jan.  14,  1766;  m.,  April  2,  1789,  Samuel  Barrows.  Children: 
i.  Nathan,  b.  Oct.  26,  1790;  ii.  John,  b.  Dec.  5,  1792;  iii.  Samuel,  b.  Oct.  17, 
1795 ;  iv.  Sally,  b.  Aug.  27,  1797 ;  v.  Mary,  b.  Jan.  21,  1803 ;  vi.  James  Madison, 
b.  Oct.  19,  1809. 

44.  EBENEZER*  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe, 
born  July  27,  1708;    resided  in  Windham  or  North  Windham,  Conn. 

Married  February  22,  1729-30,  ABIGAIL  CARY,  probably  daughter  of  Joseph 
Gary,  jr. 

One  account  gives  her  name  Abigail  Soale  and  still  another  says  she  was 
Abigail  Goodale,  daughter  of  Isaac  Goodale  of  Salem. 

Children,  baptized  at  Windham 

Mary  Abbe,  b.  March  26,  1731. 

110  Isaac  Ab&e,  b.  July  25,  1733;    m.  Eunice  Church. 

Ezekiel  Abbe,  bapt.  at  Windham,  July  27,  1735.  Perhaps  he  was  the  Ezekiel  Abbe 
who  served  during  the  Fi-ench  and  Indian  War :  April  21-Dec.  2,  1755,  in  3d 
Company,  2d  Regiment,  Major  Isaac  Foote ;  June  8-Oct.  3,  1756,  in  3d  Company, 
2d  Regiment,  Major  Jehosaphat  Starr;  16  days  in  militia  company  under 
Captain  John  Carpenter,  Aug.,  1757. 

Abner  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  26,  1737.  This  is  probably  the  Abner  Abbe  who  enlisted 
June  8,  1756,  in  2d  Regiment,  3d  Company,  Major  Jehosaphat  Starr ;  d.  or  was 
captured  Sept.  19,  1756. 

Ebenezer  Abbe,  3d,  b.  June  10,  1739.  Perhaps  the  Ebenezer  Abbe  in  Captain 
Benjamin  Whitney's  Company  at  Guilford  and  other  parts  of  Windham  County, 

111  Jacob  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  23,  1741 ;   m.  Sarah  Richardson. 

112  John  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  22,  1743 ;    probably  m.  Abial  Averill. 
Samuel  Abbe,  b.  June  21,  1747. 

45.  ELIZABETH^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe, 
born  September  11,  1709. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  November  13,  1735,  DANIEL  CROSS,  born  July  20, 
1713,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  son  of  Daniel  and  Desire  (         )  Cross. 

Fourth  Generation  35 

Children,  horn  in  Mansfield 

Ichahod  Cross,  b.  Jan.  16,  1736-7. 

Maiy  Cross,  b.  June  4,  1739. 

Daniel  Cross,  b.  May  20,  1741. 

Abigail  Cross,  b.  April  14,  1743;    d.  Nov.  29,  1749. 

John  Cross,  b.  Oct.  14,  1745. 

Shuhacl  Cross,  b.  Dec.  15,  1747. 

Theophilus  Cross,  b.  April  1,  1750. 

Unah  Cross,  b.  June  9,  1752 ;    m.  Mary  .     Children  :    i.  Uriah,  b.  Aug.  21, 

1778  ;  ii.  Sarah  Abbe,  b.  April  2,  1781 ;  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  8,  1782  ;  iv.  Moses, 
b.  Aug.  7,  1784,  recorded  at  Lunenburg,  Vt.,  Jan.  22,  1785 ;  v,  Hazen,  b.  Aug.  2, 
1786 ;    vi.  James,  b.  April  14,  1789. 

46.  JOSHUA^  ABBE,  son  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born 
January  20,  1710-1,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  January  13,  1807;  buried  in 
Windham.  His  homestead  was  at  North  Windham,  just  within  the  bounds  of 
Chaplin.  He  was  a  large  land-owner  and  his  extensive  holdings  at  North 
Windham  were  generally  called  his  ''Kingdom,"  while  he  was  known  as 
"King  Abbe."  He  was  a  man  of  large  heart,  generous  impulses  and  liberal 
opinions;  of  great  vigor  of  both  mind  and  body  and  a  match  for  anyone 
in  shrewdness  and  wit.  His  strong  religious  feelings  made  him  a  conspicuous 
leader  in  a  sect  which  arose  from  the  Bajitist  denomination  in  Windham  and 
became  known  as  Abbe-ites.  His  home  was  ever  ojien  for  religious  meetings 
or  for  the  entertainment  of  guests.  Among  celebrated  guests  is  the  name 
of  "Mother"  Ann  Lee,  founder  of  the  sect  of  Shakers.  His  will,  made  April 
7,  1804,  inventory  March  18,  1809,  mentions  bis  wife  and  daughters,  Zibeiali 
Wales,  Mary  Hebard,  Zei-viah  Webb  and  Lucretia  Badger.  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  Vol.  15,  pages  280,  285,  435,  539.)  It  is  said  that  in  1803-4,  he  had 
9  children,  88  grandchildren,  120  great-grandchildren  and  1  great-great-gi-and- 
child.  In  the  Census  of  1800  his  family  numbered  eight  persons,  Mansfield 

Married  in  Windham,  April  14,  1736,  MARY  RIPLEY,  born  November  16  (or 
18),  1716,  at  Windham,  Conn.;  died  October  1,  1769,  at  Windham.  Her  tomb- 
stone at  Windham  says  she  died  October  13,  1770,  in  her  54th  year.  She  was 
daughter  of  Joshua  Ripley,  jr.,  who  at  that  time  resided  in  Willimantic  and  was 
connected  with  the  ' '  Iron  Works. ' '  Her  mother  was  Mary  Backus,  a  descendant 
of  Lieutenant  William  Backus,  Lion  Gardiner,  Thomas  Bingham,  Lieutenant 
Jonathan  Rudd  and  other  Colonial  dignitaries.  Her  descent  from  Governor 
Bradford  of  the  Mayflower  is  as  follows :  William^  Bradford ;  Deputy-Governor 
William^  Bradford,  jr.;    Hannah^  Bradford,  married  Joshua  Ripley;    Joshua* 

Ripley,  Jr. 

Children,  hirths  recorded  in  Windham 

113  Ziieiah  Aihe,  b.  June  11,  1737  ;    m.  Jonathan  Wales. 

114  Rachel  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  6,  1738-9 ;   m.  Samuel  McClellan. 

115  Mary  Abbe,  h.  Dec.  21,  mo  ;   m.  Nathaniel  Hebard. 

116  Zerviah  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  7,  1743 ;   m.  Nathaniel  Webb. 

117  Shubael  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  9,  1744  ;    m.  Lucy  Chester. 

118  PJmieas  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  22,  1746;    m.   (1)  Mary  Bingham;    (2)  Susanna  Brown. 

119  Lucretia  Abbe,  b.  March  10  (or  18),  1749;    m.  Edmund  Badger. 

120  Joshua  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  9,  1751;    m.   (1)  Triphena  Bass;    (2)  Mrs.  Rogers. 

121  Elisha  Abbe,  h.  May  15,  1753 ;    m.  Jerusha  Webb. 
Elizabeth  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  6,  1758 ;    d.  Jan.  20,  1759. 

47.  MARY*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born 
September  21,  1712;    died  March  4,  1735,  in  Windham. 

Married  in  Windham,  May  9,  1734,  JONATHAN  BINGHAM,  born  August 
17,  1712,  at  Windham,  Conn.;    died  February  16,  1800.     He  was  son  of  Deacon 

36  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Abel  Bingham  and  Mary  (or  Elizabeth)  Odell,  was  early  adopted  by  his  nncle, 
Jonathan  Bingham,  who  had  no  children,  and  willed  him  his  homestead  near 
the  Windham  Center  Biirjdng  Ground.  He  married  (2)  Mrs.  Sarah  (Upton) 
Vinton,  widow  of  Malatiah  Vinton  of  Stoneham.  By  this  second  marriage  he 
had  children:    Mary,  Malatiah,  Elisha,  Phebe,  and  Naomi. 

Children  of  Mary  Abbe  (probably  there  were  others) 

Jonathan  Bingham,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  20,  1735;  m.  Elizabeth  Warner,  b.  April,  1707; 
d.  Aug.  21,  1751,  ill  Mansfield;  daughter  of  Elisha  and  Elizabeth  (Babcock) 
Warner  of  Mansfield,  Conn.,  and  a  descendant  of  Andrew  Warner  of  Cambridge, 
Mass.,  1632.  They  are  said  to  have  numerous  descendants  in  Vermont  and  New 
Hampshire.  Children :  Elisha  Warner,  b.  in  Mansfield,  March  23,  1765 ; 
Erastus,  b.  in  Mansfield,  April  17,  1767 ;  Frederick,  b.  in  Cornish,  Cheshire 
County,  N.  H. ;  Amy,  b.  in  Cornish.  Jonathan  Bingham  was  one  of  the 
signers  to  a  petition  for  the  establishment  of  a  Congregational  Church  at 
Cornish,  Nov.  21,  1798. 

Naomi  Bingham,  b.  May  13,  1744.  Married,  May  22,  1771,  Lieutenant  Joshua 
Tracy,  b.  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  Aug.  13,  1745  ;  d.  in  Norwich,  March  20,  1777,  of 
smallpox ;  was  buried  "on  the  hill  in  Franklin,  near  Dr.  Woodward's."  He  was 
the  son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Hyde)  Tracy.  Children:  i.  Abel,  b.  April  26, 
1779,  at  Norwich,  probably  d.  without  issue ;  ii.  Thomas,  b.  May  23,  1774,  at 
Norwich,  was  educated  at  Yale,  d.  in  Baltimore,  not  m. ;  iii.  Joshua,  b.  in 
Norwich,  Dec.  21,  1776,  d.  Aug.  11,  1779. 

48.  GrIDEON*  ABBE,  son  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born  in 
Mansfield,  Conn.,  February  13,  1715-6;  died  there  in  1784.  He  settled  first  in 
Windham,  resided  later  in  Union,  Mansfield,  and  Ashford.  He  purchased  of 
Nathaniel  Badger,  jr.,  100  acres  on  the  west  side  of  Union  in  1742;  was  living 
in  Union  in  1743-4,  and  sold  100  acres  of  land  there  to  Jonathan  Barber,  April 
19,  1744.  (Union  Records,  Book  2,  page  17.)  In  1769,  Gideon  Abbe  of  Hanover, 
N.  H.,  bought  a  piece  of  land  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  including  a  dwelling  house. 
The  same  year  Gideon  Abbe  of  Hartford  bought  land.  In  1770  he  was  called 
of  Coventry  on  deeds.  (Hartford  Deeds,  11,  p.  70;  13,  pp.  40,  224;  15,  p.  233.) 
His  will  was  made  May,  1779,  probated  June  25,  1784.  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  Vol.  12,  page  43,  etc.) 

Married  (1)  in  Mansfield,  March  15,  1735,  MARY  WOOD,  who  died  October, 
1742,  daughter  of  Samuel  Wood  of  Mansfield. 

Married  (2)  in  Mansfield,  December  8,  1742,  KEZIAH  WALKER,  who  died 
January,  1746-7. 

Married  (3)  in  Mansfield,  March,  1747,  BATHSHEBA  SMITH,  daughter  of 
William  Smith  of  Ashford,  Conn.  She  survived  him  and  was  living  in  Mans- 
field in  1790,  one  male  over  16,  one  female  in  family. 

Children  by  first  wife 

Mary  (1)  Abbe,  b.  in  Windham,  March  24,  1738;    d.  young. 

Hannah  Abbe,  b.  in  Windham,  June  28,  1739.  Married  in  Mansfield,  March  29, 
1759,  Josiah  Hall,  b.  March  27,  1738,  son  of  James'  (William^  John')  Hall  of 
Mansfield.  They  removed  to  Rhode  Island  about  1770.  Children  :  i.  Hannah, 
b.  Aug.  18,  1760;  ii.  Phebe,  b.  July  13,  1765,  m.  Nov.  24,  1789,  Daniel  Canada 
of  Mansfield  ;  iii.  Josiah,  b.  June  9,  1767 ;  iv.  Elisabeth,  b.  Sept.  29,  1769,  m. 
Oct.  26,  1786,  William  Balch,  had  children,  Stephen,  b.  Nov.  29,  1787,  Betsey,  b. 
Oct.  27,  1789,  and  Origen,  b.  Jan.  15,  1794 ;    v.  Shubael,  b.  Sept.  24,  1771. 

Oideon  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  12,  1741.  He  is  found  in  no  further  records  and  was 
probably  the  Gideon  Abbe  who  served  in  1st  Regiment,  3d  Company,  under 
Major  John  Slapp,  in  the  French  and  Indian  War  and  died  June  17,  1759. 

Children  by  second  wife 

Mary  (2)  Abbe,  b.  in  Union,  Sept.  4,  1743;  recorded  there,  daughter  of  Gideon  and 
Keziah  Abbe. 

Fourth  Generation  37 

Mary  (3)  Ahhc,  b.  Oct.  10,  1744,  in  Mansfield.  Married  there  (First  Church 
Record),  March  24,  1763,  John  Hunt,  jr.,  of  Mansfield.  Children,  born  in 
Mansfield  :  i.  Anne,  b.  Jan.  27,  1764 ;  ii.  Joseph,  b.  April  15,  1766 ;  iii.  Mary, 
b.  April  2,  1769 ;   iv.  John,  b.  May  14,  1772. 

Amos  Abbe,  bapt.  at  Windham,  Oct.  3,  1745,  according  to  manuscript  at  the  Con- 
necticut Historical  Society,  probably  d.  young. 

122  Solomon  Abbe,  b.  April  12,  1746;    m.  Lucy  Johnson. 

Children  by  third  wife,  born  in  Mansfield 

123  John  Ahbc,  b.  March  8,  1747-8;    (?)m.  Dorothy  Bugbee. 
Samuel  (1)  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  2,  1749;    d.  young. 
Bathsheba  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  22,  1750-1 ;    probably  d.  young. 

Elijah  Abbe,  b.  in  Ashford,  July  7,  1753.  His  name  is  found  in  the  Mansfield 
census  records  of  1800  and  1810.  Married,  Nov.  4,  1772,  Ruth  Balch,  b.  in  Mans- 
field, daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Esther  (Hall)  Balch,  and  had  a  child  born  in 
Mansfield,  Dec.  15,  1773,  d.  Dec.  16,  1773.  He  resided  in  Mansfield  and  aU  his 
property  went  to  Thomas  Balch,  a  relative  of  his  wife. 

124  Samuel  (2)  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  7,  1755 ;   m.  Miriam  Hall. 
Nathan  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  21,  1756. 

125  William  Abbe,  b.  April  14,  1758;    m.  Lydia  Hall. 

Jerusha  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  3,  1761.  Married  in  Mansfield,  Jan.  14  or  15,  1784,  Ephraim 
HaU,  jr.,  son  of  Ephraim  and  Miriam  (Wolcott)  Hall.  Children,  born  in 
Mansfield  :   i.  EUsha,  b.  Oct.  31,  1784 ;   ii.  Jehiel,  b.  April  9,  1786. 

Eunice  Abbe,  h.  May  12,  1765. 

Ezra  Abbe,  bapt.  in  Windham,  May  10,  1767.  Named  in  his  father's  wiU  as  infirm 
and  unable  to  take  care  of  himself. 

49.  SAMUEL*  ABBE,  son  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born  April 
24,  1719,  in  Windham  County,  Conn.  He  may  be  the  Samuel  who  resided  in 
Windsor,  Conn.,  in  1790.  He  is  said  to  have  removed  to  Otsego  County,  N.  Y., 
about  1794,  lost  his  property,  and  died  there. 

It  is  likely  that  the  earlier  published  records  of  this  branch  of  the  family 
omitted  a  generation,  and  it  was  a  later  Samuel  Abbe  who  married,  in  Mans- 
field, Conn.,  July  8,  1766,  TEMPERANCE  LINCOLN,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Lincoln  of  Windham. 

Children,  born  in  Mansfield 

126  Shadrach  Abbe,  b.  March  6,  1767  ;   m.  Welthan  . 

An7ie  Abbe,  h.  June  13,  1769. 

Liiey  Abbe  (twin),  b.  May  22,  1771. 

Lemuel  Abbe  (twin),  b.  May  22,  1771.    He  was  recorded  in  Burlington,  N,  Y.,  in 

1800,  aged  between  26  and  45. 
Mary  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  9,  1774. 
Amelia  Abbe,  b.  July  14,  1776. 
Azubah  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  21,  1778. 

127  Ebenezer  Abbe,  b.  June  9,  1781 ;  m.  Mary  Blanchard. 

50.  ZERVIAH*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  bom 
March  17,  1720-1. 

Married  in  Windham,  Conn.,  May  10,  1736,  ELIHU  MARSH,  son  of  Thomas 
Marsh  of  Mansfield,  Conn.  He  resided  for  a  time  in  Mansfield,  then  removed 
to  New  Fairfield,  and  later  to  New  Milford,  where  he  purchased  land,  1765,  1769, 
and  1770.  His  home  was  in  the  part  now  called  Jerusalem,  and  he  resided  there 
until  his  death.  He  was  an  elder  in  the  Strict  Congregational  Church  of  New 
Milford  for  a  number  of  years. 


Elihu  Marsh,  jr.,  b.  in  Windham,  Conn.,  May  8,  1737.  Married  Martha  Walters 
and  removed  to  Sherman,  Conn.,  where  he  resided  until  his  death.  Children : 
i.  Anna,  m.  Enos  Peck ;    ii.  Rachel,  m.  Ebenezer  Wright. 

Sarariah  Marsh,  h.  May  8,  1740 ;    m.  Kent  B.  Wright. 

Mary  Marsh,  b.  June  12,  1742;    m.  Ebenezer  Leach  and  lived  in  Sherman, 

38  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

128  Eunice  Marsh,  b.  Dec.  6,  1744 ;   m.  Joel  Northrop. 

Lydia  Marsh,  b.   April  11,   1747.     Married  Isaac  Northrop,   son   of  Thomas   and 

(Terrill)    Northrop.      He    died    aged    77.      Their    daughter    m.    

Waldo  and  d.  in  Chatham,  N.  Y.,  1868,  aged  92. 

129  John  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  4,  1749  ;   m.  Abigail  Wanzer. 

130  Samuel  Marsh,  b.  Oct.  8,  1751 ;    m.  Miriam  Leach. 

131  Joseph  Marsh,  b.  April  20,  1754;   m.   (1)  Abigail  Waldo;    (2)  Deborah  Waldo. 
Hannah  Marsh,  b.  Feb.,  1757. 

Ruth  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  31,  1759 ;   m.  Ichabod  Leach  and  lived  at  Sherman. 
Benjamin  D.  Marsh,  b.  May  10,  1762 ;    m.  Anna  Jayger  and  removed  to  Benning- 
ton, Vt. 

132  Amos  Marsh,  b.  Sept.  8,  1764 ;    m.  Abigail  Sutton. 

51.  JERUSHA^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born 
in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  October  22,  1722. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  March  31,  1742,  SAMUEL  WOOD. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Mansfield 

Mary  Wood,  b.  Jan.  29,  1743. 

Eunice  Wood,  b.  Jan.,  1745. 

Ann  Wood,  b.  April  1,  1747. 

Hannah  Wood,  b.  Feb.  1,  1748-9. 

John    Wood,   b.   March   1,   1751.      Married   in   Mansfield,    Oct.   26,    1780,   Abigail 

Church,  daughter  of  Jonathan  Church. 
Mary  Wood,  b.  March  30,  1753. 
Cibel  Wood,  b.  April  13,  1755. 

133  Gideon  Wood,  b.  July  10,  1759  ;   m.  Kezia  Owen. 

Nathan  Wood,  b.  April  16,  1761.  Married  in  Mansfield,  Jan.  18,  1781,  Lucy  John- 
son of  Windham,  Conn. 

Sila  Wood,  h:  June  9,  1764. 

Samuel  Dudley  Wood,  b.  July  9,  1767.  Children,  recorded  in  Mansfield  :  i.  Sophia, 
b.  Sept.  24,  1791 ;   ii.  Anna,  b.  Nov.  14,  1800 ;   iii.  Lois,  b.  July  11,  1806. 

52.  ABIGtAIL*  abbe,  daughter  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born 
August  1,  1724. 

Married  in  Windham,  November  iO,  1743,  BENJAMIN  GARY.  Some  accounts 
give  the  name  Corey. 

Children,  first  tioo  born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  others  in  Mansfield 

Mary  Cary,  b.  Aug.  12,  1744. 
John  Cary,  b.  May  9,  1746. 
David  Cary,  b.  Jan.  29,  1750. 
Benjamin  Cary,  b.  Feb.  19,  1752. 

Eunice  Cary,  b.  5,  1754. 

Jacob  Cary,  b.  May  14,  1756. 
Jonathan  Cary,  b.  Feb.  28,  1758. 

53.  MIRIAM*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born 
August  31,  1726 ;   died  December  2,  1823. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  October  5,  1745,  WILLIAM  CROSS,  born  May 
25,  1720;  died  June  1,  1801.  He  was  son  of  Daniel  and  Desire  (  )  Cross, 
of  Mansfield,  Conn.  After  1756,  he  removed  to  Windham.  He  owned  the 
farm  at  North  Windham  which  was  later  used  as  the  town  farm.  His  inventory 
was  made  September  21,  1801.  (Windham  Probate  Records,  Vol.  16,  pages  502, 
541;   and  Vol.  15,  page  16.) 

Children,  first  five  born  in  Mansfield,  others  in  Windham 

Eunice  Cross,  b.  July  7,  1747;    m.   (1)   Nathan  Lincoln;     (2)   Butterfield ; 

(3)  Perez  Trap. 

FouKTH  Generation  39 

William  Cross,  b.  June  25,  1748;    m.,  Oct.  24,  1767,  Molly  Wheeler.     Children: 

i.  Elathea,  b.  May  11,  1768;   ii.  Levi,  b.  Feb.  8,  1770;   iii.  Rachel,  b.  Feb.  8,  1772, 
Miriam  Cross,  b.  Feb.  18,  1750;    m.   (1)   Samuel  Stubbs ;     (2)  Butterfield ; 

(3)  Perez  Tracy. 
Eleazcr  Cross,  b.  Sept.  28,  1753.    Anne,  wife  of  Eleazer  Cross,  is  mentioned  in  the 

will  of  his  uncle,  Nathan  Abbe. 
Nathan   Cross,  b.  March  6,  1756.     He  m.  Mary  and  had  son  Zebulon,  b. 

Sept.  30,  1780. 
Joseph  Cross,  bapt.  May  11,  1760;    settled  first  in  Windham,  Conn.,  but  removed, 

after  1804,  to  Barton,  Vt. ;    m.   Pcrsis  Baucus,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Baucus. 

Children  :   1.  WiUiam  ;   ii.  Samuel ;   iii.  Sophia  ;   iv.  Ephraim,  bapt.  June  2,  1796 ; 

V.  Lucy,  bapt.  Aug.  16,  1798;    vi.   George  Washington,   bapt.   May  15,  1800; 

vii.  Erastus,  bapt.  Aug.  2,  1804. 
Mary  Cross,  bapt.  July  5,  1761. 
Elenezer  Cross,  bapt.  May  9,  1762. 
Tryphena  Cross,  bapt.  April  27,  1767 ;   m.  Elijah  Backus. 

134  John  Cross,  m.,  (1)  Mrs.  Sarah  (Backus)  Gibbs ;    (2)  Mrs.  Amy  (  )  Jagger. 

135  Shuhael  Cf-oss,  b.  about  1771 ;   m.  Rachel  Sawyer. 

54.  SOLOMON^  ABBE,  son  of  Ebenezer^  and  Mary  (Allen)  Abbe,  born  May 
29,  1730;  died  1799.  He  was  born  in  North  Windham,  Conn.,  lived  later  in 
Windham  and,  after  1789,  in  Mansfield,  where  he  died.  His  inventory,  taken 
June  21,  1799,  amounted  to  $138.00,  personal  property;  and  $270.18,  real  estate. 
At  the  settlement  of  the  estate,  the  following  heirs  are  given :  widow  Elizabeth ; 
only  son  Abel;  daughter  Lydia,  wife  of  David  Allen;  daughters  Sarah,  Pliebe 
and  Esther  of  Mansfield.     (Windham  Records,  Vol.  14,  pages  310,  311,  367.) 

Married  (1)  in  Windham,  June  17,  1751,  SARAH  KNIGHT,  died  July  25, 
1797,  daughter  of  Joseph  Knight  of  Norwich,  Conn. 

Married  (2)  in  Mansfield,  May  3,  1798,  MRS.  ELIZABETH  BURNHAM  of 
Hampton,  Conn.,  who  survived  him. 

Children,  hy  first  wife  (first  six  horn  in  Windham) 

Joseph  Alle,  b.  April  6,  1752 ;    d.  Sept.  4,  1754. 

Sarah  (1)  Alle,  b.  Jan.  26,  1754;    d.  Sept.  12,  1754. 

Sarah  (2)  Alle,  b.  Aug.  9,  1775;  m.  in  Mansfield,  April  30,  1777,  Andrew  Harts- 
horn. Children,  b.  in  Mansfield :  i.  Luther,  b.  Feb.  25,  1778 ;  ii.  Avery,  b, 
March  10,  1782,  m.  at  Lynn,  Mass.,  Oct.  14,  1804,  Elizabeth  Smith  of  Lynn 
and  had  Solomon  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  28,  1805,  and  Sarah  Smith,  b.  Oct,  13,  3807; 
iii.  Lucy,  b.  Oct.  4,  1784. 

Lydia  Alle,  b.  July  6,  1757.  Resided  in  Mansfield,  Conn.  Married,  May  16,  1776, 
David  Allen,  jr.,  of  Ashford.  Children  :  i,  John,  b.  and  d.  Nov,  30,  1779  ;  ii. 
and  iii.  twins,  Azubah,  b.  May  2,  1781,  d.  aged  1  week,  and  Sarah,  d.  May  3, 

(Son),  b.  Aug.  29,  1759;    d.  Aug.  30,  1759. 

(Son),  b.  and  d,  Aug.  12,  1760. 

Phele  Alle,  b.  Oct.  1,  1761,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  and  resided  there.  Married,  Sept. 
28,  1780,  Uriah  Smith  of  Lebanon,  Conn.  One  account  wrongly  gives  his  name 
Micah  Smith.  There  was  a  Uriah  Smith  in  Mansfield,  1800,  with  a  family 
of  four  (census  records).  In  his  will,  March  25,  1814,  probated  April  11,  1814, 
are  mentioned  his  wife  Phebe,  nephew  Erastus  Smith,  niece  Phebe  Nichols  and 
her  two  children  and  Lucina  Webster.  He  was  then  of  Mansfield.  (Windham 
Probate  Records,  Vol.  16,  page  269.) 

Esther  Alle,  b.  June  20,  1764.  Married  in  Mansfield,  March  6,  1788,  Leonard 
Sessions,  b.  in  Windham,  July  26,  1788 ;  d.  in  Arkwright,  Chautauqua  County, 
N.  Y.,  April  15.  1891,  aged  102  yrs.,  8  mos.  and  19  days.  Children :  i,  Leonard, 
b.  July  26,  1788;  ii.  Lydia,  b,  Jan.  27,  1790;  iii.  Marcus,  b.  Sept.  21,  1792, 
m.  Oct.  24,  1838,  Clarissa  R.  Conant  of  Mansfield,  lived  in  Chaplin ;  iv.  Cyrus, 
b.  March  10,  1797.    A  grandson,  Frank  J.  Sessions,  lives  in  Fort  Wayne,  Ind, 

136  Alel  Alle,  b.  Aug.  7,  1766  ;   m,  Miriam  Bingham, 

55.  SAMUEL*  PALMER,  son  of  Samuel  and  Hepsibah^  (Abbe)  Palmer, 
bom  September  18,  1711,  in  Windham,  Conn.  He  resided  in  Warren,  Conn., 
and,  from  1750  to  1761,  had  property  holdings  in  Kent, 

40  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  (1)  in  Windham,  January  13,  1738-9,  LYDIA  SILSBY,  born  in 
Windham,  April  11,  1716 ;  died  in  Mansfield,  February  3,  1753,  aged  37.  Daugh- 
ter of  Jonathan  and  Lydia   (Allen)   Silsby. 

Married  (2),  probably  in  Warren,  TABITHA . 

Children  (hy  first  wife  only),  first  four  recorded  in  Windham 

Elijah  Palmer,  h.  March  21,  1739-40. 
Nathaniel  Palmer,  b.  May  2,  1742. 
Ezekiel  Palmer,  b.  Dec.  15,  1744. 
Lydia  Palmer,  b.  Jan.  11,  1748-9. 
137     Elnathan  Palmer,  b.  Aug.  30,  1750 ;    m.  Jemima  Strong. 
Stephen  Palmer,  b.  Nov.  29,  1752. 

56.  JOHN*  PALMER,  son  of  Samuel  and  Hepsibah^  (Abbe)  Palmer,  born 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  March  6,  1720-1;  died  August  13,  1807.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Church  in  Scotland,  Windham  County,  Conn.,  at  the  time  of  the 
Separate  movement.  For  too  free  exercise  of  his  gift  of  exhortation,  he  was 
summarily  arrested  by  the  ci\dl  authority  and  kept  in  Hartford  jail  four 
months,  only  increasing  his  zeal,  devotion,  and  opposition  to  the  established 
churches.  After  further  trial,  the  church  united  in  calling  him  to  its  ministry, 
and  on  May  17,  1749,  he  was  ordained  its  pastor.  "Though  deficient  in  edu- 
cation and  somewhat  rough  in  speech  and  manner,  Mr.  Palmer  was  a  man  of 
estimable  character  and  sound  piety,  and  under  his  guidance  the  Brunswick 
church,  as  it  was  called,  maintained  for  many  years  a  good  standing  in  the 
community,  comparatively  free  from  those  excesses  and  fanaticisms  which 
marred  so  many  of  its  contemporaries.  No  difficulty  was  found  in  supporting 
its  worship  by  voluntary  contributions.  A  church  edifice  was  built  a  mile 
or  so  southeast  of  Scotland  Village,  long  known  as  the  Brunswick  meeting- 
house. Mr.  Devotion  (pastor  of  the  established  church)  was  never  reconciled 
to  this  intrusion  within  his  parochial  diocese,  but  was  accustomed  every  Sunday 
morning  to  send  his  negro  servant  with  a  rescript  to  the  Brunswick  meeting- 
house, forbidding  Mr.  Palmer  or  any  other  unauthorized  person  to  preach 
therein  that  day — a  prohibition  which  only  served  to  increase  the  number  of 
attendants  and  fan  the  spirit  of  separation  and  opposition." 

Married  (1)  May  18,  1749,  in  Windham,  Conn.,  ESTHER  CLEVELAND,  who 
died  October  28,  1754,  aged  27. 

Married  (2)  October  28,  1755,  LYDIA  EAMES,  who  died  December  7,  1805. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

138     Levi  Palmer,  b.  Feb.  7,  1749-50 ;    m.  Elizabeth  Cone. 
Esther  Palmer,  m.  Jeremiah  Bingham. 

Children  by  second  wife 

John  Palmer,  b.  Sept.  12,  1756.     Went  to  New  Durham,  N.  Y. 

Marshall  Palmer,  b.  Dec.  24,  1758 ;  cl.  July  7,  1812.  Settled  in  Bozrah.  Married, 
Oct.  9,  1783,  Eunice  Manning,  daughter  of  Hezekiah  Manning.  She  died  May  26, 
1848.  Children:  i.  Charles  (1),  b.  March  12,  1784,  d.  July  14,  1786;  ii.  Charles 
(2),  b.  June  2.3,  1787,  d.  July  7,  1854;  iii.  Eunice  (1),  b.  Jan.  18,  1789,  d, 
Jan.  14,  1794;  iv.  Zephaniah,  b.  Oct.  1,  1794;  v.  Eunice  (2),  b.  March  11,  1800, 
d.  Feb.  11,  1804 ;   vi.  George  C,  b.  April  25,  1805,  d.  May  8,  1805. 

Samuel  Palmer,  b.  Jan.  6,  1762 ;    m. Clark.     Lived  at  Canterbury. 

Lydia  Palmer,  b.  Dec.  16,  1764 ;    m.  John  Walker. 

David  Palmer,  b.  Api-il  20,  1769  ;  d.  1849.  Congregational  minister  at  Townsend, 
Mass.,  1800  to  1831 ;  graduate  of  Dartmouth  in  1797.  Married  Chloe  Kingsley, 
daughter  of  John  Kingsley.  His  sou  John  K.  was  a  professor  in  a  school  for 
women  in  Cambridge  or  Charlestown. 

Fourth  Generation  41 

57.  JOHN*  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Jolm^  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born  1724 
or  earlier,  probably  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  died  there  about  1763.  His 
name  appears  frequently  upon  the  deeds  of  tliat  town,  beginning  in  1745  when 
his  father,  John  Abbe,  transfen-ed  some  property  to  him.  In  1754  he  received 
a  grant  of  3  acres  in  the  town  distribution.  In  1759  John  Abbe,  jr.,  Solomon 
Hills  and  Sarah,  his  wife,  and  Naomi  Abbe,  deeded  land  in  Hartford  to  George 
and  John  Buck  of  Wethersfield.  (Hartford  Deeds,  7,  226;  8,  22;  14,  348;  9,  559; 
10,  247.)  He  was  collector  of  the  town  in  1748,  and  signed  petitions  in 
1748.  He  was  a  private  in  the  2d  Company,  1st  Regiment,  raised  by  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  John  Pitkin  for  the  reduction  of  Crown  Point,  April,  1755,  serving  for 
28  weeks.  March  2,  1763,  the  Court  granted  administration  on  his  estate  to 
Nehemiah  Abbe  of  Hartford,  who  exhibited  the  inventory  May  3,  1763.  (Hart- 
ford Probate  Records,  19,  pages  55,  67,  111.) 

Married  RUTH  GOODWIN,  who  died  1782.  She  was  daughter  of  John  and 
Sarah  (  )  Goodwin  of  Hartford.  December  13,  1771,  there  was  a  transfer 
of  land  ' '  set  out  to  tlie  said  Ruth  Abbee  as  part  of  the  estate  of  Caleb  Goodwin 
deceased. ' '  A  deed  of  September  13, 1782,  speaks  of  her  as  '  *  our  honored  mother 
Ruth  Abbe  deceased."  Administration  upon  her  estate  was  granted  to  her  son, 
John  Abbe,  jr.,  of  Hartford,  May  28,  1782,  and  the  inventory  of  the  estate 
was  recorded  in  October  of  the  same  year.  It  is  an  interesting  document,  con- 
taining such  items  as:  Great  Bible  3/;  3  old  books  1/6;  silk  crape  gown  9/6; 
silk  hoods  and  velvet  ones;  string  of  gold  beads  54/;  extensive  list  of  dishes 
of  all  kinds  and  glass  ware;  Dwelling  house  £.72;  Home  Lott  5  acres  £20; 
4  acres  pasture  £16;  12^2  acres  woodland  £62-10;  3  acres  meadow  land 
£25-10;  71/2  acres  of  woodland  £48-15.  (Hartford  Probate  Records,  23, 
page  80.) 

Children,  horn  at  East  Hartford 

John  Ahhe,  jr.,  bapt.  April  15,  1750.     Administration  upon  the  estate  of  a  John 
Abbey  of  East  Hartford  was  granted  to  Timothy  Williams,  Feb.  10,  1816.     There 
was  a  John  Abby  of  East  Hartford  in  the  Census  of  1800,  no  others  in  family. 
139     Buth  Ahbe,  bapt.  April  22,  1753;   m.  John  Risley. 

Damaris  Abbe,  bapt.  Nov.  13,  1757;  m.  (1)  Charles  Buckland,  Jr.;  (2)  Joshua 
Risley.  Child :  Timothy  Buckland,  b.  1781,  d.  June  16,  1864,  aged  83,  buried  in 
East  Hartford. 

An  inventory  of  the  Estate  of  John  Abbe  Junr  late  of  Hartford  Deceased  to  1  bible 
2/6  old  bible  1/6  Mr.  Pemberton's  Book  on  Divers  Subjects  of  Divinity  1/6  two  Psam 
books  1/4  Mr  WilUams  2  books  lOd  spehug  book  1/6  psalter  1/4  f-0-9-8 

Mr.  Thompsons  book  5  Cloak  vest  25/10  &  breeches  14/6  Camblet  coat  9/  Camblet 
vest  5/6  2-15-3 

fustian  vest  10/  old  coat  3/6  blew  vest  1/  great  coat  9/  castor  hat  10/  firelock  18/ 
broad  ax  5/  2-16-3 

small  ax  1/  fine  handsaw  3/6  coarse  saw  4/  large  augur  4/6  small  augur  1/6 


chizel  1/  vizes  1/6 1/  pr  compasses  8d  Turners  gouge  &  chizel  2/  0-6-2 

Joyners  chizel  1/  Joynter  2/  foreplain  8^  smoothing  plain  8^  groxdng  plain  1/  quarter 
round  1/  0-6-4 

hamer  6<l  one  violin  6/6<i  harving  plain  (?)  1/  &  black  stockins  1/6  p^  worsted  Do  1/6 
checkd  hnen  shirt  3/6  0-14-6 

Do  2/6  2  woolen  shirts  12/  handkerchif  4/  neck  Ribbon  l/2d  &  neck  chiefs  2/6  2  put' 
plates  l/8d  1-3-8 

old  puf  15s  is  15/  one  large  4/6  mugg  1/  Tin  ladle  &  Tunel  1/  6  black  chairs  7/6 
4  white  Do  2/  1-11-0 

white  handkerchif  3/  pr  sheets  10/  to  Ditto  5/1  3  old  sheets  3/6  4  napkins  3/  3  towels 
l/4d  1-5-10 

3  pillow  coats  2/  table  cloth  1/2  curtains  &  vaUence  9/6  0-12-8 

Trundlebed  &  blanket  sheet  &  feather  Bed  and  boalster  &  under  bed  &  bedsted  & 
cord  0-13-2 

Best  bedsted  5/  feather  bed  21/8d  under  bed  1/  a  pillow  3/2<i  3  small  do  3/  white  blankets 
7/6  bedquilt  3/  bed  cord  1/  warming  pan  2/  best  Table  5/  1  old  table  1/6  small  Table 
l/3d  2-7-10 

42  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

1  Chest  with  draws  14/  1  Chest  l/S-l  2  Tramels  12/6  handirons  11/  pr  tongs  3/6  1 

2/6  pair  bellows  1/  coper  skillet  2/  brass  kettle  20/  churn  2/6  Jack  knife  1/6  half  a 
case  of  knives  and  forks  1/2  3-18-4 

1  great  wheel  2/6  Dutch  wheel  7/6  hand  pail  l/3d  looking  glass  2/  1  box  10^  old  real 
8d  1  chest  1/  one  knife  9<i  pr  shears  1/5  Dry  Casks  3/4<i  2  Cyder  barels  2/6'i  one  hhd  3/ 
wood-tunel  1/9  half  barel  9'^  two  shaves  &  bow  2/4<i  pr  pinchers  9^  hamer  1/  pan  kettle  4/ 
sickel  1/  sithe  and  tackling  1/2  old  hatchet  1/  Iron  pot  5/  Cash  9^  &  Table  frame  2/6 

Thomas  Ritter  Timothy  Williams  apprizers  under  oath 

April  25,  1763. 
(Hartford  Probate  Records,  volume  19,  page  11.) 

58.  STEPHEN*  ABBEY,  son  of  John='  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  bom 
probably  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  about  1727;  died  there  March  26,  1798,  aged 
71.  The  first  mention  of  him  in  the  deeds  of  Hartford  is  in  1749,  then  in 
1754,  with  reference  to  land  on  the  west  side  of  the  "Great  River."  Later 
transactions  were  of  1760,  1761,  and  1765.  (Hartford  Deeds,  7,  page  541;  8, 
pages  26  and  111;  9,  page  388;  10,  pages  36,  37,  174;  12,  page  436.)  His 
home  was  on  the  east  side  of  the  "Great  River."  Administration  was  granted 
upon  his  estate,  July  6,  1798,  to  Jonathan  Stanley  of  East  Hartford.  The 
brief  inventory,  recorded  July  9,  1798,  gave  a  total  of  £204-12-9.  The  widow, 
Mary,  received  a  share.  Among  the  sales  was  one  to  "Theodore  Abby  1  acre 
&  half  Home  lot,  being  the  same  that  was  set  to  wid°  Mary  Abby  as  dower  in 
s-J  estate."  (Hartford  Probate  Records,  Vol.  25,  199,  220,  237;  Vol.  26,  63.) 
His  name  appears  as  signer  of  petitions  regarding  East  Hartford  lands.  (Con- 
necticut Archives,  State  Library,  IX,  281d,  with  autograph.)  He  was  collector 
of  the  town  in  1755.  In  1791  there  was  an  epidemic  of  small-pox  and  there  was 
a  fad,  which  proved  to  be  short-lived,  of  whole  families  inoculating  themselves 
with  the  disease  and  retiring  into  seclusion.  Stephen  Abbey  with  several  others 
petitioned  the  town  for  permission  to  do  this  in  April,  1791.  The  privilege  was 
taken  away  by  the  authorities  in  September  of  the  same  year,  but  we  have  no 
record  to  show  that  the  petitioners  really  tried  the  experiment  and  with  what 

Married  MARY  (or  MARAH)  .    There  was  a  widow  Mary  Abbey  who 

died  in  East  Hartford,  February  1,  1804,  and  one  who  died  April  10,  1809. 

Children,  from  Booh  of  East  Hartford  Church  Records,  Baptisms,  in  Connecticut 

Historical  Society 

140  Mary  Abbey,   bapt.   April   8,   1750;     m.    (1)    Nathaniel   Burnham,    (2)    Captain 

Stephen  Roberts. 

141  Eunice  Abbey,  bapt.  Aug.  25,  1751 ;    m.  Roderick  Burnham. 

142  Stephen  Abbey,  jr.,  bapt.  Sept.  30,  1753 ;    m.  Susannah  Olmsted. 

143  Anna  Abbey,  bapt.  Nov.  23,  1755 ;    prob.  m.  David  Deming. 
Hannah  Abbey,  bapt.  Nov.  20,  1757. 

Betty  (or  Betsey)  Abbey,  bapt.  Aug.  19,  1759.  She  received  personal  property  by 
the  will  of  her  brother  Stephen,  1823 ;  was  unm.  at  that  time.  Perhaps  the 
Betsey  Abbey  who  d.  at  East  Hartford,  Jan.  12,  1829. 

144  David  Abbey,  bapt.  May  24,  1761 ;    m.  Thankful  Wadsworth. 
Dolly  Abbey,  bapt.  April  17,  1763. 

Kate  Abbey,  bapt.  March  30,  1765. 

145  Theodore  (Theodah)  Abbey,  bapt.  March  22,  1767;   m.  Abigail  Porter. 

146  Russell  Abbey,  bapt.  Feb.  5,  1769 ;    m.  Martha  Olmsted. 

Jett  Abbey,  bapt.  Oct.  30,  1774.    One  Jet  Abba  d.  in  East  Hartford,  Dec.  18,  1794. 

59.  ELEAZER*  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born  probably 
in  East  Hartford,  Conn.  He  was  a  party  to  land  transfers  in  Hartford  in  1752 
and  1754.  (Hartford  Deeds,  8,  pages  26,  303;  12,  page  358.)  He  was  on  the 
list  of  an  independent  company  raised  in  1755  during  the  French  and  Indian 

Fourth  Generation  48 

War,  and  3  lead  pounds  and  6  flints  were  delivered  to  him.  (Connecticut  His- 
torical Society  Collections,  IX,  84.)  He  is  credited  with  5  days'  service  under 
Captain  Ebenezer  Wallisant,  dated  April  2,  1778.  (Vermont  Revolutionary  War 
Rolls.)  The  records  of  the  Pension  Office  at  Washington  show  that  Eleazer 
Abbe  entered  the  service  in  the  3d  Connecticut  Regiment,  April  16,  1778,  and 
was  discharged  from  the  1st  Regiment,  September  29,  1781 ;  he  was  a  resident 
of  East  Hartford  in  1788;  bounty  land  warrant  No.  267  for  100  acres  was 
allowed  on  this  service  and  was  delivered  to  Joel  Barlow,  April  25,  1805.  He 
is  doubtless  the  Eleazer  Abbe  of  the  1790  Census  in  Danby,  Rutland  County, 
Vt.,  one  male  over  16,  one  under  16,  3  females  in  family.  One  of  his  family 
may  have  been  Benjamin  Abbey,  recorded  in  the  1800  Census  in  Rutland,  1 
male  and  1  female  between  26  and  45,  5  boys  and  1  girl  under  10. 

Married  MARY .    There  was  a  widow  Mary  Abbe  died  in  East  Hartford 

February  1,  1804,  and  one  who  died  April  10,  1809,  possibly  this  Mary. 

Children,  baptised  in  East  Hartford 

EUphalet  Abhe,  bapt.  Sept.  15,  1754.  Eliphalet  Abbey  served  6  days  on  the  Lexing- 
ton alarm  list  from  Hartford  ;  enlisted  May  20,  1775 ;  discharged  Dec.  20,  1775, 
in  2d  Company,  under  Colonel  Hinman,  Captain  George  Pitkin  of  Hartford, 
served  at  the  siege  of  Boston ;  was  private  in  Colonel  Huntington's  Regiment ; 
sick  in  hospital  at  Stamford  ;  discharged  Nov.,  1776 ;  enlisted  July  8,  1777,  for 
the  war  in  2d  Troop,  Colonel  Sheldon's  Light  Dragoons,  from  Hartford ;  farmer, 
5  feet  61/^  inches  tall,  dark  complexion,  dark  eyes  and  brown  hair. 
147     Jeduthan  Abbe,  bapt.  Aug.  14,  1757;   m.  Lucretia  Bement. 

Martha  Abbe,  bapt.  Aug.  19,  1759. 

Sal  Abbe,  bapt.  Nov.  1,  1761. 

Oeorge  Abbe,  bapt.  May  13,  1764. 

Bechy  Abbe,  bapt.  Sept.  7,  1769, 

60.  NEHEMIAH*  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Hannah  (  )  Abbe,  born 
probably  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  died  there,  probably  November  22,  1813. 
Earliest  mention  of  him  is  in  deed  of  Januaiy  15,  1759,  by  which  John  Abbe 
conveys  property  to  his  son  Neliemiah  Abbe.  He  figiired  in  other  deeds 
of  1764,  1770  and  1771.  (Hartford  Deeds,  12,  217,  218;  13,  11,  257;  14, 
349;  15,  117.)  His  signature  is  among  inhabitants  of  East  Hartford  who 
enter  a  protest  against  taxes  in  1769.  (Connecticut  State  Archives,  Towns  and 
Lands,  IX,  278b.)  He  served  16  days  in  Captain  William  Wadsworth's  Com- 
pany in  1757.  He  was  collector  in  East  Hartford  in  1768.  The  1790  Census 
gives  Nehemiah  of  East  Hartford  one  male  over  21,  two  males  under  21,  five 
females  in  family.  In  1800  he  is  recorded  with  1  male  and  1  female  over  45, 
1  male  between  26  and  45,  2  females  between  16  and  26  and  1  male  under  10 
in  the  family. 

Married  MABEL  WARREN,  born  1745;  died  September  27,  1793,  aged  48. 
She  was  daughter  of  Edward  and  Mabel  (Porter)  Warren  of  East  Hartford. 

Children,  baptized  at  East  Hartford  (said  to  have  been  seven) 

Nehemiah  Abbey,  jr.  (1),  bapt.  Oct.  29,  1775;    d.  young. 

148  Nehemiah  Abbey,  jr.  (2),  bapt.  Aug.  31,  1777;    m.  Tryphena  Treat. 
Mabel  Abbey,  bapt.  Feb.  6,  1780. 

John  Abbey,  bapt.  Feb.  24,  1782. 

149  Anna  Abbey,  bapt.  Aug.  18,  1784 ;    m.  Jesse  Burnham. 

61.  SAMUEL^  ABBE,  son  of  Benjamin^  and  Mary  (Tryon)  Abbe,  bom 
1726;  died  August  10,  1806,  buried  in  Eastern  Cemetery,  Portland,  Conn.  He 
received  property  by  deed  from  his  father,  April  24,  1749,  land  on  the    "east 

44  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

side  of  the  Great  River"  at  Middletown,  Conn.;  was  also  party  to  deeds, 
1758  and  1759.  He  was  a  store-keeper  and  kept  the  old  "Abbey  Tavern."  In 
the  Census  of  1790,  lie  is  given  in  Chatham,  Conn.,  3  males  over  21,  1  male  under 
21,  3  females  in  family.  In  1800  he  has  2  males  and  1  female  over  45,  1  male 
and  1  female  between  16  and  26.  His  will,  made  May  16,  1806,  probated 
August  30,  1806,  is  recorded  in  Middletown.  The  inventory  amounted  to 
$5,292.61.  Will  of  Samuel  Abbe  of  Chatham,  Middlesex  County,  Conn.,  men- 
tions :  wife  Sarali ;  son  Samuel,  now  residing  in  Genesee ;  son  David,  now 
residing  at  New  Orleans ;  son  John,  now  residing  at  Middlebury,  N.  Y. ;  daughter 
Jemima,  wife  of  George  Cooper;  son  George;  surviving  children  of  daughter 
Damaris  Hurlbut,  deceased ;  daughter  Mary  Wilcox ;  daughter  Rachel  Treat ;  sons 
Thomas,  Benjamin,  Asaph,  Reuben;  appraiser,  Nathaniel  Cornwell.  A  Samuel 
and  Sarah  Abbey,  with  many  other  parties,  all  formerly,  and  some  now  of 
Connecticut,  signed  a  land  transfer  in  1789,  dividing  a  lot  known  as  ' '  Lottania. ' ' 
(Albany  Deeds.) 

Married  (1)  RACHEL  MASSON. 

Married  (2)  April  4,  1776,  MRS.  SARAH  WARREN  LELAND  of  Grafton, 
Mass.  She  had  eleven  children  by  her  former  maiTiage  so  that  her  son  by 
this  marriage  had  the  distinction  of  having  had  twenty-two  half  brothers  and 

Children  of  first  wife  (order  not  known) 

150  Benjamin  Abbey,  b.  1752  ;    m. 

Thomas  Abbey,  was  a  Revohitionary  soldier  and   pensioner.     He  is   perhaps   the 
Thomas  Abbey  who  d.  in  Portland,  March  24,  1824,  aged  72. 

151  Samuel  Abbey,  b.  about  1760;   m.  (1)  ;    (2)  Margaret  Lee  or  Miller. 

David  Abbey,  resided  in  New  Orleans  in  1806. 

152  John  Abbey,  resided  in  Middlebury,  N.Y.,  in  1806;    probably  married  Ruth  Risley. 
Jemima  Abbey,  m.  before  1806,  George  Cooper. 

153  George  Abbey,  h.  Jan.  17,  1763;    prob.  m.  Mary  Brooks. 

Damaris  Abbey,  d.  before  1806;    m.  June  27,  1776,  in  Chatham-Portland,   Conn., 

Hurlbut.    Children  survived  in  1806. 

Mary  Abbey,  m.  in  Chatham-Portland,  Dec.  16,  1772,  Darius  Wilcox  of  Middletown. 

154  Rachel  Abbey,  m.  Charles  Treat. 

155  Reuben  Abbey,  b.  April  11,  1770;    m.   (1)   Eunice   (Goodell)   Williams;     (2)   Mrs. 

Reeves;    (3)  Mrs.  Mary  Tryon. 

Child  by  second  wife 

156  Asaph  Abbey,  h.  Aug.  26,  1776;   m.  Ruth  Hollister, 

62.  AGNES*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Benjamin^  and  Mary  (Tryon)  Abbe,  born 
probably  in  Glastonbury,  Conn.;  died  August  30,  1765.  She  is  mentioned  in 
her  father's  will  as   "Agnes  Bidwell  of  Glastonbury." 

Married  December  25,  1740,  DANIEL  BIDWELL,  born  November  18,  1717; 
died  December,  1791  (or  February  28,  1792).  Son  of  Samuel  and  Ann  (Stan- 
borrow)  Bidwell  of  Middletown,  Conn.  One  descendant  says  Mary  Barnes  was 
his  mother's  name.  He  was  drum  major  in  the  French  and  Indian  War,  1756; 
bought  and  sold  land,  recorded  in  Chatham  town  records,  1768-1791.  His  will 
was  made  December  13,  1790,  probated  April  2,  1792,  at  Middletown,  inventory 
amounting  to  £213.  4s.  6d. 


Daniel  Bidwell,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  8,  1741 ;   d.  before  1790 ;   m.  Tibatha . 

Benjamin  Bidwell,  b.  May  9,  1744,  in  Chatham,  Conn.;  d.  Oct.  31,  1831,  in 
Durham,  N.  Y.  He  was  Ensign  of  the  11th  Company,  23d  Regiment,  established 
by  the  Connecticut  Assembly,  May,  1775 ;  Captain  of  the  same  at  Boston  in 
1775 ;  reinforced  Washington  on  the  Hudson,  March,  1777 ;  was  at  the  Danbury 
Raid  and  Saratoga.  About  1786  he  moved  from  Chatham  to  Durham.  Married 
Eunice ,  b.  1743  ;    d.  June  16,  1828.     Child  :    Betsey. 

Fourth  Generation  45 

Mary  Bidwell,  b.  April  21,  1746;    m.  Josiah  Griswold. 
Hannah  liidwcU,  b.  Sept.  21,  1748;    m.  John  Smith. 

157  John  likhccU,  b.  Doc.  28,  1750;    m.  Sarah  Ponfield. 

158  Sarah  BidircU,  b.  March  12,  1753  ;    m.  Abner  Pelton. 
Esther  Bidivcll  b.  March  10.  1755 ;    m.  Abel  Strickland. 
Samuel  Bidicdl,  b.  May  26.  1758;    d.  young. 

Josiah  Bidwell,  b.  Marcli  8,  1760 ;    d.  Sept.  5,  1790.     He  was  a  drum  major  during 

the  Revolution,  from  Connecticut.    Married  Lucinda  Kneeland  who  m.  (2)  

Pelton,  and  had  sons  Joseph  and  Amasa,  and  (3)  Phineas  Norton.  She  d.  in 
New  Marlboro,  Mass.  Children  of  Josiah  Bidwell :  i.  Demmis,  b.  1787,  was  living 
in  1800 ;    ii.  Josiah,  b.  Sept.  4,  1789,  d.  Aug.  20,  1859. 

63.  JONATHAN^  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Jonathan^  and  Mary  (Johnson)  Abbe, 
born  in  Ashford  or  Willington,  Conn.,  about  1725.  No  record  of  his  birth 
has  been  found  but  he  is  designated  in  his  father's  will  as  eldest  son.  The 
following  land  transfers  in  Ashford,  Conn.,  probably  refer  to  him :  Jonathan 
of  Ashford,  1785 ;  same  1793 ;  agreement  with  Job  Tyler  regarding  a  mill 
privilege,  1795,  David  Abbey  being  a  witness.  (Ashfoixl  Land  Records,  Liber 
11,  page  663;  Liber  12,  pages  14,  371;  Liber  13,  pages  15,  16,  17.)  In  1768 
a  call  was  extended  by  the  Church  in  Westford  to  the  Reverend  Ebenezer 
Martin,  and  Jonathan  Abbe  is  one  of  the  names  subscribed  to  the  covenant 
of  the  newly-formed  church.  He  shared  pew  number  18  with  Ephraim  Walker 
when  the  new  church  was  built.  He  and  his  father  had  been  members  of  the 
"Willington  Church  in  1759.  Jonathan,  jr.,  is  said  to  have  lived  in  Tolland,  but 
no  records  of  his  residence  there  are  found.  A  Jonathan  Abbe  married  in 
Willington,  November  1,  1774,  Mary  Weston,  who  died  August  11,  1775.  This 
is  possibly  a  first  marriage  of  his  son,  Jonathan.  There  is  also  recorded  in 
Willington  the  marriage  of  Jonatlian  Abbe  to  Abigail  Osborn,  July  8,  1756,  and 
thej^  were  members  of  the  church  there  in  1759. 

Married  in  Willington,  April  10,  1752,  ALICE  JOHNSON. 

Children,  first  six  horn  in  Willington,  others  in  Ashford 

159  Jonathan  Ahle,  b.  Feb.  26,  1753;    m.  Mrs.  Lucy  (Knox)   Robbins. 

Isaac  Ahhe,  b.  June  18,  1754.  He  was  perhaps  the  Isaac  Abbey  who  m.  in  Ash- 
ford, Sept.  15,  17 —  (perhaps  1776),  Jemima  Kuowlton,  b.  April  22,  1759,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  and  Bridget  (Bosworth)  Knowltou.  There  was  an  Isaac  Abbe  of 
Ashford,  Conn.,  in  1790  census,  3  males  over  21,  1  female  in  family.  In  1800 
he  had  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  1  male  between  16  and  26  and  1  male  under 
10.  In  1810,  1  male  and  1  female  over  45  and  1  male  between  10  and  16.  About 
1793  one  Isaac  Abbe  was  among  those  members  of  the  Baptist  Church  in  Ash- 
ford who  were  allowed  the  improvement  of  their  gifts  in  public  prayer  and 
exhortation.  In  the  will  of  Stephen  Abbey  of  Pittsfield,  Otsego  County,  N.  Y., 
probated  March  1,  1832,  provision  is  made  for  defraying  the  expenses  of  his 
brother  Isaac  Abbey  and  his  wife. 

Alice  Abhe,  b.  June  20,  1756. 

Anne  (1)  Ahhe,  h.  April  26,  1758;   d.  Aug.  30,  1760. 

Anne  (2)  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  11,  1761. 

Lvdia  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  17,  1762. 

Phehe  Ahhe,  b.  April  9,  1765. 

Marv  Ahhe,  b.  May  25,  1767. 

Stephen  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  2,  1771.  Deeds  were  given  to  Stephen  Abbey,  conveying  land 
in  the  town  of  Pittsfield,  Otsego  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1795  and  1803  (Cooperstown 
Deeds).  The  will  of  Stephen  Abbey  was  probated  March  1,  18.32.  The  will 
gives  to  James  Eaton  during  his  life  100  acres  of  land  described  therein,  "to  be 
his  property  through  life  and  then  to  be  the  property  of  his  daughter  Mary  Ann 
Eaton."  The  remainder  of  said  lot  is  bequeathed  to  his  wife  Betsey  A.  during 
her  lifetime,  "and  what  remains  to  be  tlae  estate  of  Stephen  A.  Greene  after 
defraying  the  expenses  of  my  brother  Isaac  Abbey  and  his  wife"  by  providing  for 
them  out  of  the  property  on  said  lot.  "I  bequeath  the  one  half  to  my  beloved 
wife  Betsey  and  the  remainder  to  the  said  James  Eaton  and  I  do  hereby  appoint 
the  said  James  Eaton  and  Benjamin  Greene  Executors."  The  wife,  Betsey  Abbey, 
d.  Oct.  7,  1848.    Her  wiU  was  probated  July  1,  1850,  and  the  letters  were  issued 

46  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

to  David  Robinson  and  Benjamin  Greene.  The  estate  was  divided  betvpeen  nephew 
and  nieces:  Thomas,  Mary  E.,  Katharine  R.,  and  Ursuly  M.  Greene.  (Coopers- 
town  Probate  Records.)  In  the  1800  census  there  was  a  Stephen  Abbe  of  Pitts- 
field,  N.  Y.,  age  over  45,  1  female  between  16  and  26,  1  female  under  10,  1  male 
between  10  and  16.  There  was  in  the  1810  census  at  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  B.  Abbey, 
whose  family  was  made  up  of  1  male  and  1  female  between  26  and  45,  2  males 
and  1  female  under  10,  1  male  and  1  female  between  10  and  16,  1  male  and  1 
female  between  16  and  26. 

64.  SAMUEL*  ABBE,  son  of  Jonathan^  and  Mary  (Johnson)  Abbe,  born  in 
Ashford,  Conn.,  March  21,  1727-8;  died  in  Willington,  September  12,  1794. 
He  was  listed  in  the  1790  Census  from  Willington,  Tolland  County,  2  males 
over  21,  1  female.     Member  of  the  church  in  Willington  in  1759. 

Married  in  Willington,  May  8,  1750,  LUCIE  PERSONS. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Willington  church  and  town  records 

Lucie  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  18,  1751. 

Hannah  Ahhe,  b.  July  3,  1752. 

Daniel  (1)  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  8,  1754;   d.  Oct.  22,  1754. 

Da7iiel  (2)  Ahhe,  b.  July  11,  1756;    d.  Jan.  27,  1757. 

Sarah  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  19,  1757.  Probably  the  Sarah  Abbe  who  m.  in  Willington, 
Jan.  10,  1788,  Daniel  Bates,  who  d.  there  Feb.  21,  1798,  leaving  two  children: 
i.  Betsey,  b.  Nov.  8,  1795 ;   ii.  Daniel,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  15,  1797. 

Oliver  Ahhe,  bapt.  July  29,  1759 ;    d.  Aug.  11,  1759. 

Dolle  (1)  Ahhe,  d.  Sept.  22,  1760. 

Dolle  (2)  Ahhe,  bapt.  Dec.  1,  1765. 

Esther  Ahhe,  bapt.  Jan.,  1769 ;   d.  Jan.  17,  1770. 

Ahiel  Ahhe,  bapt.  Aug.,  1771.  Married  in  Ashford,  March  3,  1793,  Mary  (Polly) 
Chandler  of  Ashford.     Child  :    Samuel,  b.  in  Willington,  Sept.  14,  1794. 

65.     ANNE*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Jonathan='  and  Mary  (Johnson)  Abbe,  born 
in  Willington,  Conn.,  July  25,  1737;    died  there  February  28,  1814. 
Married  JAMES  WESTON. 

Children,  horn  in  Willington 

Suhmit  Weston,  b.  June  7,  1765 ;   d.  Nov.  2,  1792. 

Marij  Weston,  b.  Jan.  11,  1767 ;   d.  April  10,  1792. 

John  Weston,  b.  Dec.  3,  1768. 

Timothy  Weston,  b.  May  23,  1771. 

An7ie  (1)  Westo7i,  b.  Aug.  17,  1774;    d.  Sept.  20,  1775. 

Elizaheth  Weston,  b.  April  8,  1779. 

Anne  (2)  Weston,  d.  Aug.  11,  1795. 

66.  SARAH*  GEER,  daughter  of  Shubael  and  Sarah^  (Abbe)  Geer,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  January  5,  1704-5;    died  in  Enfield. 

Married  in  Enfield,  December  1,  1723,  JOHN  SIMONS,  son  of  William  and 
Sarah  (  )  Simons,  born  in  Enfield,  January  24,  1695;  died  there  January 
27,  1781. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

John  Simons,  jr.,  b.  March  19,  1724 ;  m.,  1748,  Miriam  Jones.  Children,  b.  in 
Enfield :  i.  John,  3d,  b.  Jan.  22,  1751 ;  ii.  Miriam,  b.  May  30,  1753 ;  iii.  Mary, 
b.  Oct.  11,  1755;  iv.  Ebenezer,  b.  April  11,  1758;  v.  Lotan,  b.  Dec.  8,  1760; 
vi.  Dan,  b.  Jan.  26,  1764 ;  vii.  Alvin,  b.  Aug.  21,  1766 ;  viii.  Tabitha,  b.  July  26, 
1769;   ix.  Edward,  b.  Dec.  29,  1772;    x.  Sarah,  b.  June  24,  1775. 

Sarah  Simons,  b.  Aug.  22,  1726. 

Paul  Simons,  b.  Sept.  11,  1729  ;   m.  Mary .    Children,  b.  in  Enfield  :   i.  Zilpah, 

b.  Dec.  14,  1752 ;    ii.  Molle,  b.  Dec.  22,  1753. 

Ehenezer  Simons,  b.  Feb.  19,  1731-2 ;   d.  March  11,  1755. 

Asahel  Simons,  b.  April  7,  1734 ;  d.  June  3,  1811.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  expedi- 
tion to  Fort  Edward,  Oct.,  1757.     Married,  June  19,  1759,  Mehitable  Isom  or 

Fourth  Generation  47 

IsLeem  of  Ellington  or  Windsor.     She  d.  April  8,  1813,  aged  73.     Child  :    Joseph, 

b.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  20,  1772. 
Charity  (1)  Simons,  b.  July  27,  1736;   d.  Feb.  17,  1737-8. 
Charity    (2)    /Simons,  b.  Sept.  4,  1738;    m.  John'*  Abbe,  son  of  John*  and  Sarah 

(Root)  Abbe.     See  number  180. 
Bathshcha  (1)  Simons,  b.  Jan.  24,  1740-1;   d.  Oct.  4,  1742. 
Titus  Simons,   b.   June  7,   1743 ;     m.   Jan.   20,   1763,    Sarah   Simons   of   Windsor. 

Children,  b.  in  Enfield:    i.  Titus,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  30,  1765,  d.  June  14,  1771;    ii. 

Sarah,  b.  July  31,  1767. 
Bathshcha  (2)   Simons,  b.  June  9,  1748;    d.  April  30,  1754. 
Edward  Simons,  b.  Sept.  3,  1750. 

67.     MARY-'  GEER,  daiiffhtcr  of  Sluibael  and  Sarah^   (Abbe)   Geer,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  March  10,  1709. 

Married  in  Enfield  January  7,  1730-1,  ROGER  GRISWOLD  of  Enfield. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Roger  G-risicold,   jr.,  b.   Feb.  16,   1731.     He  was   a   soldier   under  Major-General 

Phineas  Lyman,  March  14  to  Sept.  5,  1757.     Married  Naoma  .     Children, 

b.  in  Enfield  :  i.  Naoma,  b.  Nov.  28,  1767 ;  ii.  Jemima,  b.  Jan.  25,  1770 ;  iii.  Lucy, 
b.  April  26,  1772 ;    iv.  Mehitable,  b.  March  23,  1777. 

Shuhael  Ghrisicold,  b.  March  15,  1734 ;    d.  Dec.  26,  1812.     Soldier  in  Colonial  Wars. 

Married  Dorcas ,  who  died  May  16,  1798,  aged  60.    Children,  b.  in  Enfield : 

i.  Mary,  b.  Feb.  9,  1758 ;  ii.  Lovise,  b.  March  25,  1760 ;  iii.  Shubael,  jr.,  b.  March 
31,  1763. 

Solomon  Griswold,  b.  Feb.  11,  1737.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  company  with  his 
brother  Roger,  March  9,  to  Nov.  11,  1757,  and  was  under  the  same  commander 
in  the  expedition  for  the  reduction  of  Canada,  April  6  to  Sept.  25,  1760.  Married 
Sarah  Leason.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield:  i.  Roxalena,  b.  Feb.  23,  1766;  ii. 
Deborah,  b.  April  24,  1768;  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  July  1,  1770;  iv.  Pata  (daughter), 
b.  June  6,  1775;  v.  Tabitha,  b.  Oct.  7,  1777;  vi.  Solomon,  jr.,  b.  July  26(?), 

Jehiel  Gristrold,  h.  Feb.  25,  1740;  d.  May  16,  1827.  Married  Mary  Pease,  daughter 
of  Hezekiah  and  Hannah    (  )    Pease,  who  d.  May  10,  1833,  aged  80.     The 

wiU  of  Jehiel  Griswold,  made  June  20,  1817,  probated  May  28,  1827,  mentions 
wife  Mary,  children,  Lovicc,  Jehiel,  Simeon,  CJeorge,  Amariah,  Hezekiah,  Mary 
(Kent),  and  Betsey  (Goss).  Children,  i-ecorded  in  Enfield:  i.  Mary,  b.  Sept.  2, 
1773;  ii.  Jehiel,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  17,  1776;  iii.  Lovice,  b.  Nov.  5,  1778,  d.  April  5, 
1842,  not  m. ;   iv.  Simeon,  b.  June  10,  1781 ;    v.  George,  b.  Dec.  25,  1783. 

Jonah  arisicold,  b.  Feb.  28,  1743;    d.  May  10,  1817;    m.   Mary  ,   who  d. 

June  11,  1818.  Child  :  Jonah,  jr.,  called  Captain  Jonah ;  m.  in  Enfield,  Jan.  23, 
1800,  Clarissa  Chaffee  of  Somers,  who  d.  March  14,  1832,  aged  51.  Jonah,  jr., 
had  children,  who  d.  in  Enfield :  i.  Jonah,  3d,  b.  Aug.  31,  1800 ;  ii.  Abigail, 
b.  1803,  d.  Sept.  18,  1824;  iii.  Nelson,  b.  1808,  d.  April  10,  1832;  iv.  Omri, 
b.  1815,  d.  July  8,  1815,  aged  4  months;  v.  Harriet  H.,  b.  1817,  d.  April  13, 
1832 ;    vi.  Sophia,  b.  1821,  d.  April  9,  1832. 

Joseph  (1)  Griswold,  b.  Oct.  3,  1745 ;   d.  Aug.  30,  1746. 

Joseph  (2)   Grisicold,  b.  May  30,  1749. 

68.  TABITHA*  GEER,  daughter  of  Shiibael  and  Sarah^  (Abbe)  Geer,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  July  21,  1712;    died  at  childbirth,  August  30,  1746. 

Married  in  Enfield,  February  19,  1735-6,  EDWARD  COLLINS,  born  in  Enfield, 
November  26,  1713;  died  October  10,  1796,  son  of  Nathaniel  Collins  and  Mrs. 
Alice  Adams.  His  will,  made  September  3,  1796,  was  i^robated  February  26, 
1798.  He  married  (2)  Rebecca  Hale,  by  whom  he  had  several  children.  He 
was  ensign  in  1751;  deputy  to  the  General  Court  of  Connecticut,  1755  to  1779, 
except  1777;   justice,  1772-9. 

Children  of  Tahitha  Geer,  horn  in  Enfield 

Edward  Collins,  jr.,  h.  Jan.  14,  1736-7 ;    d.  Oct.  4,  1743. 
Elisha  Collins,  b.  Jan.  17,  1738-9. 

48  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Ehenezcr  Collins,  b.  April  17,  1741 ;    m.  Hannah  .     Children,  b.  in  Enfield : 

i.  Hannah,  b.  March  6,  1763 ;    ii.  Ebenezer,  b.  Nov.  14,  1764,  m.  Azubah 

who  d.  Oct.  1,  1805,  in  her  39th  year;    iii.  Levi,  b.  March  1,  1767;    iv.  Lovice, 
b.  March  28,  1770 ;    v.  EHsha,  b.  March  19,  1774. 
TaUtha  Collins,  b.  June  23,  1743  ;    d.  Aug.  7,  1749. 

69.  SHUBAEL^  GEER,  JR.,  son  of  Shubael  and  Sarah^  (Abbe)  Geer,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  May  26,  1717.  Resided  later  in  Andover,  Vt.,  and  Charles- 
town,  N.  H. 

Married  November  20,  1737,  HANNAH  PEASE,  born  in  Enfield,  1718,  daughter 
of  Ebenezer  and  Mindwell  (Sexton)  Pease. 

Children,  iorn  in  Enfield 

Hannah  Oeer,  b.  Dec.  3,  1738 ;    d.  young. 

Sarah  Geer,  b.  Nov.  28,  1740. 

Shuhael  Geer,  3d,  b.  May  6,  1743 ;    d.  before  1825,  probably  in  Charlestown,  where 

he   was   living   1773-1794,    at    least.      Married    Feb.    11,    1766,    Sarah    Babcock 

of   Ashford,   who   was   living,    a    widow,    in    1825.      Children :     i.    Anna.    b.    in 

Enfield,  March  19,  1768;    ii.  William,  b.  in  Andover,  Vt.,  Sept.  25,  1769;    iii. 

Cynthia,  b.  in  Andover,  March  19,  1771,  m.  in  Claremont,  N.  H.,  May  21,  1792, 

Charles  J.  Kingsley  ;    iv.  Ralph,  b.  Oct.  24,  1777,  in  Charlestown  ;    v.  Augusta, 

b.  Aug.  18,  1780,  in  Charlestown. 
Ebenezer  (1)  Geer,  b.  July  6,  1745;   d.  Aug.  30,  1746. 
Ebenezer  (2)  Geer,  b.  Oct.  23,  1747 ;   d.  Aug.  30,  1749. 
Ebenezer   (3)    Geer,  b.  Jan.  1,  1750-1.     Probably  lived  in  Charlestown.     Married 

Sarah who  d.  Feb.  23,  1777. 

Hannah  Geer,  b.  March  19,  1753;    m.  Dec.  31,  1772,  Joshua  Markham  of  Enfield, 

b.  June  18,  1751. 
Mindu-eU  Geer,  b.  Feb.  10,  1756.    History  of  Enfield,  Vol.  1,  page  28,  says  Mindwell, 

born  1746,  probably  not  correct. 
160     Walter  Geer,  b.  1759  (not  recorded  in  Enfield  with  other  children)  ;    m.  Lucy  Allen. 
George  Geer  (twin),  b.  June  6,  1761.    Lived  in  Keene,  N.  H.,  about  1788.     Served 

in  the  Revolution.    Married,  March  20,  1788,  Anna  (or  Joanna)  Nott  of  Walpole. 

Child:   Royal,  b.  in  Charlestown,  N.  H.,  March  5,  1789. 
Charles  Geer  (twin),  b.  June  6,  1761. 

70.  ELIZABETH*  GEER,  daughter  of  Shubael  and  Sarah^  (Abbe)  Geer, 
born  January  15,  1719-20,  in  Enfield,  Conn. ;    died  October  20,  1757. 

Married  in  Enfield,  September  10,  1747,  EBENEZER  TERRY,  born  October 
29,  1722,  in  South  Kingston,  R.  I. ;  died  July  15,  1817,  in  Enfield.  He  was  son 
of  Ebenezer  and  Mary  (Helms)  Terry,  and  married  (2)  in  Enfield,  January  17, 
1760,  Mindwell  Pease,  daughter  of  Israel  and  Sarah  (Booth)  Pease,  by  whom 
he  had  children:  i.  Mary  (1);  ii.  Mary  (2);  iii.  Hiram;  iv.  Mindwell;  v. 
Nathan;  vi.  Boaz;  vii.  Levi;  viii.  Sarah;  ix.  Geer.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Enfield. 
He  was  Deputy  from  Enfield  to  the  General  Court  of  Connecticut  in  1761. 

The  Terry  Genealogy  gives  Mehitable's  birth  February  28,  1749-50  and  Eliza- 
beth's October  6,  1756. 

Children  by  Elizabeth  Geer,  born  in  Enfield 

Mehitable  Terry,  b.  Jan.  4,  1747-8  (according  to  Enfield  records)  ;  d.  May  27,  1829. 
Resided  in  Hartland,  Conn.,  and  Granville,  Mass.  Married,  Dec.  5,  1771,  in 
Enfield,  Isaac  Meacham.  Children  :  i.  Isaac,  b.  perhaps  1772,  d.  Sept.  9,  1773 ; 
ii.  Elizabeth,  b.  1774,  d.  May  20,  1846,  m.  Asa  Strong,  b.  July  6,  1778,  d. 
Aug.  14,  1848,  son  of  Elnathan  and  Rachel  (Warner)  Strong,  resided  in 
Granby,  Conn. ;    iii.  George ;    iv.  Ira ;    v.  Dennis ;    vi.  Mehitable,  m.   Benjamin 

Andrews;   vii.  Dorcas,  m.  Charles  Phelps;   viii.  Ruth,  m. Allen. 

161     Elizabeth  Terry,  b.  Feb.  28,  1749-50    (according  to  Enfield  records)  ;    m.   Samuel 

Fourth  Generation  49 

Ehenczer  Terry,  b.  Aug.  31,  1753;  d.  Jan.  6,  1854,  in  Guilford,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
settled  jibout  18120.  Married,  June  29,  1786,  Susanna  Prior,  b.  about  1764; 
d.  March  26,  1847.  Children  :  i.  Susan  ;  ii.  Naomi ;  iii.  Sarah.  Ebenezer  Terry- 
was  a  volunteer  from  Enfield,  May,  1775,  in  Captain  Hezekiah  Parson's  Company, 
Colonel  Perkins'  Regiment.  He  went  to  Roxbury,  June  15,  and  was  in  the 
battle  of  Bunker  Hill.  In  August  he  was  ordered  to  some  towns  on  the  coast  and 
was  at  Hingham  previous  to  his  discharge,  Feb.,  1776.  In  May,  1777,  he  was 
living  in  Chnrlestown,  N.  H.,  where  he  enlisted  with  Captain  Asa  Walker,  Colonel 
Bellows'  Regiment,  marched  to  Fort  Independence,  opposite  Ticonderoga,  and 
was  discharged  July,  1777.  After  the  war  he  lived  in  Hartland,  Conn.,  Bark- 
hamstcd.  Conn.,  Sangerfield  and  Guilford,  N.  Y. 

71.  ANNA^  GEER,  daughter  of  Shubael  and  Saralr'  (Abbe)  Geer,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  December,  1725;    died  there  February  15,  1764. 

Married  there  October  10,  1751,  AARON  PEASE,  born  in  Enfield,  April  1, 
1726,  son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Warner)  Pease.  He  was  a  blacksmith  in 
Enfield  and  died  there.  Collector  of  the  Colony  Tax  for  several  years.  He 
married  (2)  Mary  Terry,  by  whom  he  had  four  children,  Elam  (1),  Ann, 
Elam  (2),  and  Martha. 

Children  hy  Anna  Qeen;  horn  in  Enfield 

162  Aaron  Pease,  jr.,  b.  June  3,  1752 ;    m.  Huldah  Spencer. 

Levi  Pease,  b.  June  22,  1754;    resided  in  Somers,  Conn.     Married,    (1)    Jan.  10, 

1775,   Abiah  Pease,   daughter  of  Robert  Pease  of   Somers;     (2)    Roxa  . 

Children  by  first  wife :  i.  Abiah,  b.  in  Somers,  Oct.  17,  1775 ;  ii.  Sarah,  b.  in 
Somers,  May  17,  1780.    Child  by  second  wife :   Roxa,  b.  in  Somers,  Aug.  20,  1793. 

Sarah  Pease,  b.  Dec.  2,  1756;  d.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  23,  1808.  Married  in  Enfield, 
Nov.  3,  1774,  Daniel  Abbe,  son  of  John  and  Hannah  (Boardman)  Abbe.  See 

163  Stone  Pease,  b.  June  11,  1759 ;    m.  Asenath  Pease. 
Ann  Pease,  b.  Nov.  6,  1761 ;   d.  young. 

164  Ephraim  Pease,  b.  June  5,  1765 ;    m.  Jennie  Phelps. 

72.  MARY^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Thomas^  and  Mary  (Pease)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  January  25,  1715-6;    died  there  August  3,  1788. 

Married  in  Enfield,  January  13,  1736-7,  CAPTAIN  DENNIS  BEMENT,  born 
in  Enfield,  1711;  died  November  16,  1789,  son  of  Edmond  and  Priseilla  (Warner) 
Bement.  He  was  7th  Captain  of  the  Enfield  militia;  kept  a  public  house  there 
and  held  various  town  offices. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Mary  Bement,  b.  July  19,  1739 ;    m.'  Richard*  Abbe,  son   of  John'   and   Hannah 

(Boardman)  Abbe.     See  number  80. 
Tryphcna  Bement,  b.  May  21,  1741;    m.  Jonathan  Parsons.     Children:    i.   Sarah, 

b.  May  1,  1766 ;    ii.  Walter,  b.  Jan.  4,  1771 ;    iii.  Dennis,  b.  Nov.  20,  1773,  prob- 

ablv  the  Dennis  Parsons  who  m.  in  Enfield,  April  20,  1796,  Dorcas  Bush.     She 

d.  Feb.  12,  1798,  and  had  son,  Bush,  b.  Jan.  25,  1798. 

165  Dennis  Bement,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  11,  174.3-4 ;    m.  Lydia  . 

Prudence  Bement,  b.  May  11.  1746;  d.  Aug.  30,  1831.  Her  will,  made  July  7, 
1829,  probated  Sept.  6,  1831,  mentions  the  following :  Lydia,  wife  of  EUsha 
Holton ;  Elizabeth,  wife  Dr.  Horatio  A.  Hamilton ;  widow  Mary  Olmstead ; 
Piney,  wife  of  Seth  Alden  ;  Delight,  wife  of  Roderick  White ;  Charlotte,  wife 
of  Richard  Abbe,  jr. ;    widow  Huldah  Lord  ;    widow  Tryphena  Parsons. 

Edmond  Bement,  b.  Jan.  16,  1748-9.  Settled  in  Enfield  and  d.  there.  His  will,  made 
July  21,  1798,  probated  April  19,  1799,  left  property  to  the  following :  to  his 
sisters.  Prudence  Bement ;  Mary,  wife  of  Captain  Richard  Abbe ;  Tryphena, 
wife  of  Jonathan  Parsons ;  and  to  his  brother,  Dennis  Bement.  He  d.  March  9, 
1799,  at  Enfield. 

73.  SARAH*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Thomas^  and  Mary  (Pease)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  March  26,  1718;    died  May  12,  1785. 

50  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  June  15,  1740,  NATHANIEL  CHAPIN,  born  in 
Enfield,  August  9,  1711;  died  at  Cape  Breton,  June  16,  1745.  He  was  a  son 
of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Wright)  Chapin.  He  was  a  soldier  and  went  to  Cape 
Breton  with  the  expedition  against  Louisburg. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

166  2Vai/iflHJeZ  CTa/wi,  i'--,  b.  Dec.  31,  1738;   m.  (1)   Sybil  Terry ;    (2)  Zerviah  Parsons. 

167  Eliphalet  Chapin,  b.  March  2,  1741 ;   m.  Azuba  Pease. 
Jahez  Chapin. 

Sarah  Abbe  married  (2),  CAPTAIN  HEZEKIAH  PARSONS  of  Enfield. 

74.  TABITHA*  ABBE,  daughter  of  Thomas^  and  Mary  (Pease)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  July  9,  1720;   died  there  June  12,  1787. 

Married  in  Enfield,  May  29,  1740,  EPHRAIM  PEASE,  born  1719 ;  died  1801. 
He  was  son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Warner)  Pease.  Merchant  and  became 
wealthy  as  a  contractor  in  the  time  of  the  French  war.  He  acted  as  town 
magistrate,  and  was  known  as  Captain  Pease. 

Children,  torn  in  Enfield 

Ephraim  Pease,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  23,  1741 ;    d.  March  16,   1764 ;    was  a  merchant  in 

Enfield ;    not  m. 
Peter  Pease,  b.  Feb.  12,  1743 ;   d.  while  a  student  at  Yale,  Sept.  17,  1763. 
Obadiah  Pease,  b.  June  16,  1746;    d.  May  26,  1766;    graduate  of  Yale. 
Tahitha  Pease,  b.  Dec.  18,  1749  ;   d.  March  11,  1769. 

168  Sihyl  Pease,  b.  May  20,  1754;    m.  (1)  Elam  Potter;    (2)  Rev.  Nehemiah  Prudden. 
Nancy  Pease,  b.  Sept.  2,  1756;    d.  April  25,  1782;    m.,  April  29,  1773,  Augustus 

Diggins  of  Windsor.     Probably  no  children  by  this  marriage.     He  m.   (2)   Sabra 
Stebbins  of  Springfield  and  had  children. 
Anna  or  Abigail  Pease,  b.  Feb.  6,  1760 ;    d.  May  17,  1764.     The  Enfield   records 
give  the  name  Abigail  and  the  Pease   Genealogy,  Anna.     She  must  have  been 
twin  with  Agues. 

169  Agnes  Pease,  b.  Feb.  6,  1760;    m.  Rev.  Nehemiah  Prudden. 

75.  HANNAH^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Thomas'^  and  Mary  (Pease)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  27,  1723;  died  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  September 
12,  1818. 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  January  30,  1745-6,  THOMAS  GEER,  son  of  Shubael 
and  Sarah  (Abbe)  Geer,  born  July  1,  1722;  died  1751.  Settled  in  East  Windsor. 
See  number  21. 

Married  (2),  November  15,  1752,  SERGEANT  NOAH  PHELPS,  born  in 
Enfield,  March  16,  1726,  son  of  Israel  and  Rachel  (Jones  or  Clark)  Phelps.  He 
was  a  farmer  in  Enfield  and  removed  to  East  Windsor  in  1774  or  1775,  where 
he  died.  He  served  40  days  as  a  Sergeant  in  the  Lexington  Alarm,  later  enlisted 
in  Colonel  Wolcott's  Regiment,  Captain  Wells'  Comi-)any,  and  is  reported  to 
have  died  in  service. 

Children  by  first  husband  (mentioned  in  the  will  of  their  grandfather,  1758) 

170  Thomas  Oeer,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  5,  1746;   m.  Mary  Pease. 

171  Elihu  Oeer,  b.  May  3,  1749 ;    m.  Eleanor  McClester. 

Children  by  second  husband,  born  in  Enfield 

Noah  Phelps,  jr.,  b.  May  6,  1753,  was  a  lieutenant  in  the  Revolution ;    d.  at  Valley 

Forge ;    not  m. 
Jlannah  Phelps,  b.   Sept.  9,  1755 ;    settled  in   Westfield,   Mass.     Married   

Perkins  and  had  a  daughter,  Hannah,  b.  about  1780,  who  m.  Colonel  Foote  of 

Middlefield,  Mass.. 

Fourth  Generation  51 

Daniel  (1)  Phelps,  b.  March  16,  1759;    d.  June  16,  1759. 

172  Abigail  Phelps,  b.  July  20,  1760 ;    m.  John  Ward. 

173  Daniel  (2)  Phelps,  b.  Oct.  19,  1763;   m.  (1)  Elizabeth  Pelton ;    (2)  Ruth  Pelton. 

174  Obadiah  Phelps,  b.  Feb.  24,  1767 ;    m.  Lucy  Pelton. 

76.  THOMAS*  ABBE  or  ABBEY,  son  of  Tliomas%  jr.,  and  Mary  (Pease) 
Abbe,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  April  11,  1731;  died  there  June  1,  1811.  He  is 
unquestionably  buried  in  Enfield  although  the  huge  monument  of  a  more  recent 
family  has  probably  obscured  his  grave.  He  was  best  known  by  the  title  of 
Cajitain  Abbe.  His  fu'st  enlistment  noted  is  as  Corporal  in  the  3d  Company, 
1st  Regiment,  May  25  to  November  22,  1758;  then  as  Lieutenant  in  the  7th 
Company,  1st  Regiment,  under  Captain  Setli  King,  April  1  to  December  1, 
1761.  (Connecticut  Historical  Society  Collections,  X,  pages  10  and  247.)  He 
was  commissioned  captain,  January  1,  1777. 

In  his   ''Quest  of  Ancestors,"   Mr.  Alden  Freeman  says: 

That  long  line  of  warlike  Abbeys  beginning  with  John,  who  came  in  the  "Bonaventure" 
and  settled  in  Salem  in  1636 ;  his  son  Thomas,  who  settled  in  Enfield  after  King  Phillip's 
War;  his  grandson,  Lieutenant  Thomas  Abbey,  and  his  great-grandson,  Thomas  Abbey, 
ensign  and  lieutenant  in  the  French  and  Indian  Wars  and  afterward  captain  under 
Washington  throughout  the  Revolutionary  War,  whose  service  I  was  invited  to  represent 
in  the  Connecticut  Society  of  the  Cincinnati.  On  the  Thursday  following  the  battle  of 
Lexington,  Thomas  Abbey,  on  learning  of  the  fight,  procured  a  drum  and  actually 
drummed  the  people  out  of  the  meeting-house  at  Enfield,  where  they  were  gathered  at 
their  regular  weekday  lecture. 

This  interesting  event  was  beautifully  commemorated  by  a  poem  written  by 
Benjamin  F.  Taylor,  and  published  in  the  Atlantic  Monthly  in  May,  1878,  and 
the  following  is  a  copy  of  the  poem : 


In  Pilgrim  land,  one  Sabbath  day. 

The  winter  lay  like  sheep  about 
The  ragged  pastures  mullein  gray ; 

The  April  sun  shone  in  and  out. 
The  showers  swept  by  in  fitful  flocks. 
And  eaves  ticked  fast  like  mantel  clocks ; 

And  now  and  then  a  wealthy  cloud 

Would  wear  a  ribbon  broad  and  bright, 
And  now  and  then  a  winged  crowd 

Of  shivering  azure  flash  in  sight. 
So  rainbows  bend  and  bluebirds  fly 
And  violets  show  their  bits  of  sky. 

To  Enfield  church  throng  all  the  town, 

In  quilted  hood  and  bombazine. 
In  beaver  hat  and  flaring  crown. 

And  quaint  Vandyke  and  victorine ; 
And  buttoned  boys  in  roundabout 
From  calyx  collars  blossom  out ; 

Bandanas  wave  their  feeble  fire. 

And  foot-stoves  tinkle  up  the  aisle ; 
A  gray-haired  elder  leads  the  choir. 

And  girls  in  linsey-woolsey  smile. 
So  back  to  life  the  beings  glide 
Whose  very  graves  have  ebbed  and  died. 

One  hundred  years  have  waned,  and  yet 

We  call  the  roll,  and  not  in  vain. 
For  one  whose  flint-lock  musket  set 

The  echoes  wild  around  Fort  Duquesne, 
And  smelled  the  battle's  powder  smoke 
Ere  Revolution's  thunders  woke. 

52  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Lo,  Thomas  Abbey  answers,    "Here !" 
Within  the  dull  long-metre  place, 

That  day,  upon  the  parson's  ear, 

And  trampling  down  his  words  of  grace, 

A  horseman's  gallop  rudely  beat 

Along  the  splashed  and  empty  street. 

•  The  rider  drew  his  dripping  rein, 

And  then  a  letter,  wasp-nest  gray, 
That  ran  :    "The  Concord  minute-men 

And  red-coats  had  a  fight  to-day ! 
To  Captain  Abbey  this  with  speed." 
Twelve  little  words  to  tell  the  deed. 

The  captain  read,  struck  out  for  home 
The  old  quickstep  of  battle  born. 

Slung  on  once  more  a  battered  drum 
That  bore  a  painted  unicorn 

Then  right-about,  as  whirls  a  torch, 

He  stood  before  the  sacred  porch. 

And  then  a  murmuring  of  bees 

Broke  in  upon  the  house  of  prayer ; 

And  then  a  wind-song  swept  the  trees. 
And  then  a  snarl  from  wolfish  lair ; 

And  then  a  charge  of  grenadiers, 

And  then  a  flight  of  drum-beat  cheers. 

So  drum  and  doctrine  rudely  blent, 
The  casements  rattled  strange  accord ; 

No  mortal  knew  what  either  meant ; 
'Twas  double-grad  and  Holy  Word, 

Thus  saith  the  drum,  and  thus  the  Lord. 

The  captain  raised  so  wild  a  rout 

He  drummed  the  congregation  out. 

The  people  gathered  round  amazed ; 

The  soldier  bared  his  head  and  spoke. 
And  every  sentence  burned  and  blazed. 

As  trenchant  as  a  sabre  stroke : 
"  'Tis  time  to  pick  the  flint  to-day. 
To  sling  the  knapsack,  and  away ! 

"The  green  of  Lexington  is  red 

With  British  red-coats,  brothers'  blood  ! 

In  rightful  cause  the  earliest  dead 
Are  always  best  beloved  of  God. 

Mark  time  !     Now  let  the  march  begin  ! 

All  bound  for  Boston  fall  right  in!" 

Then  rub-a-dub  the  drum  jarred  on, 
The  throbbing  roll  of  battle  beat ; 

"Fall  in,  my  men !"   and  one  by  one 

They  rhymed  the  tune  with  heart  and  feet. 

And  so  they  made  a  Sabbath  march 

To  glory  'neath  the  elm-tree  arch. 

The  Continental  line  unwound 

Along  the  Church-yard's  breathless  sod, 

And  holier  grew  the  hallowed  ground 
Where  Virtue  slept  and  Valor  trod, 

Two  hundred  strong  that  April  day 

They  rallied  out  and  marched  away. 

Brigaded  there  at  Bunker  Hill, 

Their  names  are  writ  on  Glory's  page. 

The  brave  old  captain's  Sunday  drill 
Has  drummed  its  way  across  the  age. 

Benjamin  F.  Taylor 

The  Statue  of  Captain  Thomas*  Abbey 

Sherry  Edniundson  Fry,  Sculptor 











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Fourth  Generation  53 

The  church  around  which  Captain  Abbey  beat  the  long  roll  was  completed 
in  the  January  preceding,  and  stood  near  the  present  church.  It  was  used  as 
a  church  for  the  town  until  18i9,  wlien  it  was  bought  by  the  town  and  moved 
to  the  west  side  of  the  street,  where  it  now  stands  and  has  been  used  as  a 
town  liall  ever  since.  A  memorial  to  Captain  Abbey  and  others  of  the  family 
is  about  to  be  erected  by  Mr.  Alden  Freeman  witli  his  mother  and  sisters. 

The  Abbey  Memorial  Avill  be  on  the  Green  in  Enfield,  on  the  site  of  the 
church  out  of  whieli  Captain  Abbey  drummed  the  congregation  at  the  Lex- 
ington Alarm.  The  actual  site  of  the  old  church  is  just  in  front  of  the 
present  edifice.  The  design  calls  for  a  marble  statue  on  a  pedestal  surrounded 
by  four  marble  seats  in  the  Greek  style.  On  the  backs  of  these  seats  are 
inscriptions  commemorating  the  achievements  of  some  of  the  best  known  descend- 
ants of  the  Abbey  family,  in  the  fields  of  war,  literature  and  science.  The 
sculptor,  Sherry  E.  Fry,  used  as  a  model  for  tlie  face  and  figure  for  the  statue 
of  Captain  Abbey,  a  daguerreotype  of  his  grandson,  Seth  Alden  Abbey,  taken 
at  the  same  age.  Daniel  C.  French,  sculptor  of  the  ''Minute  Men"  unveiled 
at  Concord  Bridge  in  1875,  has  taken  gi-eat  interest  in  the  work  of  Mr.  Fry,  and 
loaned  him  tlie  simple  Colonial  suit  used  for  the  presentation  of  Captain  Abbey. 

Tlie  following  is  an  extract  from  a  letter  written  by  Seth  Alden^  Abbey  to  his 
son,  Henry  G.  Abbey,  dated  June  15,  1872,  telling  something  of  Thomas  Abbey : 

When  a  small  boy,  I  was  frequently  at  his  house  for  a  week  at  a  time  and  have  heard 
him  tell  many  a  thrilling  tale  of  his  hairbreadth  escapes,  hardships,  sufferings,  etc. 
During  the  French  War  he  received  a  commission  as  Ensign  in  the  Colonial  troops  and 
saw  considerable  service  against  the  French  and  Indians.  At  the  breaking  out  of  the 
Revolution,  a  volunteer  company  was  formed  in  his  neighborhood  and  he  was  elected 
their  captain  and  they  were  soon  ordered  to  join  Colonel  Willett's  Regiment  in  New 
York.  I  have  heard  him  say,  frequently,  that  he  had  chances  of  promotion,  often,  but 
his  men  would  not  consent  to  his  leaving  them.  When  a  boy  I  saw  many  of  his  old 
soldiers  who  had  served  during  the  war ;  and  the  neighbors  were  as  particular  in  address- 
ing any  of  them,  in  giving  them  their  title,  as  Corporal  such  a  one,  or  Sergeant  such  a 
one,  as  they  would  be  in  addressing  a  General.  Thomas  Abbey  died  in  1811,  and  was 
as  anxious  for  a  fight  with  old  England,  which  was  then  much  talked  of,  just  before 
his  death,  as  in  his  younger  days.     He  died  suddenly  with  apoplexy. 

Captain  Thomas*  Abbe  married  in  Enfield,  June  22,  1749,  PENELOPE  TERRY, 
born  in  Enfield,  February  5,  1729-30;  died  there  December  2,  1817.  She  was 
the  daughter  of  Dr.  (or  Captain)  Ebenezer  and  Mary  (Helms)  Terry. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Aligail  Abbey,  b.  May  13,  1750;  d.  June  22,  1844.  Resided  in  the  east  part  of 
Enfield.  Married  in  Enfield,  Nov.  1,  1770,  Ehphalet  ColUns,  b.  in  Enfield, 
July  11,  1744;  d.  May  22,  1815,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Abigail  (Pease)  Collins. 
Children,  order  not  known :  i.  Nathaniel,  b.  in  Enfield,  April  18,  1771 ;  ii. 
Abigail,  m.  Simeon  Olmsted,  son  of  Simeon  and  Rhoda  (Abbe)  Olmsted,  see 
elsewhere ;  iii.  Eliphalet ;  iv.  Mary ;  v.  Walter ;  vi.  Jabez ;  vii.  Elsie ;  viii. 
Betsey;    ix.  (son),  b.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  12,  1787. 

175  Obadiah  Abbe,  b.  June  15,  1752 ;    m.  Jane  McClester. 

176  Penelope  Abbe  (twin),  b.  March  24,  1755;    m.  Josiah  Bicknell. 
Mary  (1)  Abbe  (twin),  b.  March  24,  1755;    d.  May  16,  1759. 

177  Thomas  Abbe,  b.  March  22,  1764 ;    m.  Ruth  Bush. 

Mary  (2)  Abbe,  b.  July  7,  1766 ;    m.  George  Prior  of  East  Windsor. 

178  Peter  Abbey,  b.  July  20,  1769  ;    m.  Hannah  Alden. 

179  Simeon  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  3,  1772  ;    m.  Tabitha  Killam. 

77.  JOHN*  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  John^  and  Hannah  (Boardman)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  April  18,  1717;  died  there  August  1,  1794,  in  his  78th  year. 
He  settled  near  Scantic  on  the  east  side  of  the  town  of  ^nfield.  John  Abbe,  jr., 
served  from  April  14  to  October  5,  1755,  in  1st  Regiment,  2d  Company,  under 
Lieutenant-Colonel  John  Pitkin,  a  company  raised  for  the  reduction  of  Crown 

54  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Point.  John  Abbe  was  also  in  Captain  Slapp's  Company,  May,  1755.  There 
was  also  a  John  Abbe  in  the  1st  Regiment,  2d  Company,  Lieutenant-Colonel 
Israel  Putnam,  17G1,  and  one  who  served  March  20  to  August  27,  1762,  in  same 
company.  (Connectici;t  Historical  Society  Collections,  IX,  pages  240,  299;  X, 
pages  9,  69.)  He  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  his  name  is  on  the  list  of  men 
who  marched  from  Connecticut  towns  to  relief  of  Boston  in  the  Lexington 
Alarm,  1775.  He  was  a  member  of  the  2d  Company,  3d  Regiment,  Israel  Putnam, 
Colonel,  and  Experience  Storrs,  Captain,  which  was  recruited  in  Windham 
County  in  April  and  May,  1775.  They  marched  in  May  to  camps  formed  around 
Boston  and  were  stationed  during  the  siege  in  Putnam  Centre  Di\dsion  at  Cam- 
bridge until  the  expiration  of  term  of  service  December  10,  1775.  In  July  the 
Regiment  was  adopted  as  ''Continental,"  and  was  engaged  at  the  Battle  of 
Bunker  Hill.  (Some  of  these  later  records  may  refer  to  his  son  John".)  See 
Connecticut  in  the  Revolution,  page  53,  and  Massachusetts  Society  Sons  of 
the  American  Revolution,  1910  volume.  His  will,  made  February  2,  1789,  pro- 
bated September  5,  1794,  mentions  his  daughters,  Rocelina  Olmstead,  Hannah 
Terry,  Submit  Killam,  Tabitha  Terry  and  sons  John  Abbe,  2d,  and  Daniel  Abbe. 
Married  in  Enfield,  February  1  (or  11),  1738-9,  SARAH  ROOT,  daughter  of 
Captain  Timothy  Root  of  Somers,  Conn.,  and  Sarah  Pease.  She  was  born  in 
Enfield,  October  18,  1714;    died  there  November  23,  1771. 

Children,  torn  in  Enfield 

180  John  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  Nov.  27,  1739 ;    m.  Charity  Simons. 
Sarah  Able,  b.  Feb.  11,  1741-2 ;    d.  in  Enfield,  Feb.  29,  1772. 
Timothy  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  4,  1743;    d.  young. 

Ohadiah  Ahhe  (twin),  b.  March  28,  1745;    d  young. 

Richard  Ahhe  (twin),  b.  March  28,  1745;    probably  d.  young. 

Hannah  (1)  Ahhe,  b.  Aug.  31,  1746;    d.  the  same  day. 

Timothy  Diah  (or  Dyer)  Ahhe,  h.  Dec.  6,  1747;    d.  Nov.  15,  1771. 

181  Daniel  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  7,  1749;    m.  Sarah  Pease. 

182  Roxalcnah  Ahhe,  h.  July  12,  1751 ;    m.  Simeon  Olmsted. 

183  Hannah  (2)  Ahhe,  b.  March  31,  1753 ;    m.  Isaac  Terry,  jr. 

Suhmit  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  12,  1755,  in  Enfield,  Conn.;  d.  there  March  3,  1830. 
Married  Eliphalet  Killam,  b.  Feb.  23,  1753,  in  Enfield  ;  d.  there  Oct.  31,  1830. 
Children:  i.  Lot,  b.  Dec.  31,  1774,  m.  Tabitha  (or  Martha)  Potter,  daughter 
of  Elam  and  SybiP  (Pease)  Potter,  see  elsewhere;  ii.  Tabitha,  b.  Nov.  7, 
1776,  m.  Simeon  Abbe,  see  elsewhere;  iii.  Eliphalet,  jr.,  b.  Nov.  18,  1778, 
d.  in  Enfield,  Oct.  28,  18.30,  m.  Charlotte  Holton  ;  iv.  Submit,  b.  Feb.  23,  1781, 
d.  in  Enfield,  Aug.  18,  1826,  m.  John  Olmsted;  v.  Jemima,  b.  March  1,  1783, 
m.  James  Ingraham ;  \d.  George,  b.  Feb.  23,  1785,  d.  in  Enfield,  June  18,  1850, 
m.  Lucy  Ingraham ;  \ii.  James,  b.  Sept.  14,  1787,  m.  Harriet  Watson ;  viii. 
Henry,  b.  Oct.  15,  1789,  m.  Abigail  Pease ;  ix.  Timothy,  b.  March  14,  1792,  d.  at 
Savannah,  Aug.  6,  1828;  x.  Sarah,  b.  Oct.  3,  1794,  m.  Roswell  Abbe,  whose 
ancestry  has  not  been  learned,  d.  and  buried  at  Enfield,  no  children. 

184  Tahitha  Ahhe,  b.  June  26,  1757 ;   m.  Zeno  Terry. 

78.  SARAH*  ABBE,  dai^ghter  of  John^  and  Hannah  (Boardman)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  23,  1723-4  (or  January). 

Married  in  Enfield,  January  9,  1739-40,  JOHN  BURROUGHS.  He  removed 
from  Enfield  to  Tolland,  Conn.,  then  up  the  Connecticut  River  to  Hanover  in 
search  of  land  to  which  he  had  a  claim.  Being  disappointed  and  discouraged, 
he  determined  to  return  to  Tolland.  He  consulted,  however,  with  friends  at 
Walpole,  and  finally  made  a  purchase  near  the  west  line  in  Alstead,  N.  H., 
where  his  wife's  sister,  Martha,  had  removed  after  her  mamage.  He,  with  his 
son,  John,  came  on  to  the  land,  which  was  covered  with  hea^^  timber,  and  the 
first  tree  that  was  felled  parted  a  limb  wliieh  struck  his  head  and  injured  him 
severely.  He  was  carried  by  his  son  to  Walpole,  where  he  in  a  measure  recov- 
ered, though  he  was  never  perfectly  restored  to  his  former  health. 


Fourth  Generation  55 


John  Burroughs,  jr.,  wont  to  New  Hampshire  with  his  father  in  1765  and  removed 
his  family  there  in  1767 ;  was  living  in  Alstead  in  1826.  He  volunteered  under 
Captain  Webber  of  Walpolc  in  1777  to  go  to  Bennington,  Vt.,  and  was  engaged 
in  battle  there ;  from  there  he  proceeded  against  Burgoyne  at  Still  Water  and 
returned  safely  in  the  fall.  He  later  held  a  commission  as  Captain.  Married 
Mchitable  Carlton  of  Tolland.  Children  (two  sons  and  three  daughters)  : 
John  ;    Samuel,  lived  in  Alstead  in  1826. 

Joel  Burroughs,  m.  Phebe  Messer  of  Walpole.    Had  six  sons  and  eight  daughters. 

Timothy  Burroughs,  moved  in  1798  to  Brookfield,  Vt. ;  m.  Esther  Hurlburt  of 
Wethersfield,  Conn.     Had  three  sous  and  seven  daughters. 

Daniel  Burroughs,  early  moved  to  Vermont  and  then  to  Ohio.  Married  (1)  Mary 
Crane  ;    (3)   Olive  Carpenter. 

Elijah  Burroughs,  moved  to  Ohio ;    m.  Eunice  Thompson.     No  children. 

79.  MARTHA*  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Hannah  (Boardman)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  1,  1728;   died  in  Alstead,  N.  H.,  August  22,  1795. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  27,  1745,  ISAAC  GLEASON,  JR.,  bom  in 
Enfield,  May  10,  1715;  died  in  Windsor,  Conn.,  1750.  He  was  son  of  Isaac 
and  Mary  (Prior)  Gleason. 

Martha  Abbe  married  (2)  in  Windsor,  Conn.,  September  12,  1751,  JOHN 
SLADE,  died  March  17,  1797,  in  his  72d  year.  He  was  at  the  battles  of  Bunker 
Hill  and  Ticonderoga.  They  removed  to  Alstead,  N.  H.,  in  1773,  where  a  large 
colony  of  Connecticut  families  settled,  including  John  Burroughs,  who  married 
Sarah  Abbe,  sister  of  Martha. 

Child  hy  first  husband 
185     Isaac  Oillette  Gleason,  b.  Sept.  27,  1747 ;    m.  Azubah  Pease. 

Children  hy  second  husband 

John  Slade,  jr.,  b.  at  Windsor,  June  10,  1752 ;    m.  Mary  Mack. 

Martha  (1)   Slade,  b.  at  Windsor,  July  22,  1754;    drowned  Sept.  14,  1765. 

William  Slade,  b.  at  Enfield,  Nov.  25,  1756 ;    m.  Anne  Root. 

Samuel  (1)  Slade,  b.  at  Enfield.  Jan.  12,  1760;    d.  1761. 

Samuel  (2)   Slade,  b.  at  Enfield,  Feb.  2,  1762;    m.  Hannah  Thompson. 

Thomas  Slade  (twin),  b.  at  Enfield,  Aug.  22,  1764;    d.  April  12,  1778,  at  Alstead. 

Daniel  Slade  (twin),  b.  at  Enfield,  Aug.  22,  1764;    d.  1765. 

Martha  (2)  Slade,  b.  at  Enfield,  Feb.  6,  1767;    m.  James  AUen. 

80.  RICHARD*  ABBE,  son  of  John^  and  Hannah  (Boardman)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  August  1,  1735;  died  there  September  20,  1807.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  held  various  minor  town  offices.  He  was  a  Sergeant  April  8  to 
December  3,  1761,  in  Captain  Robert  Durkee's  Company,  1st  Regiment;  also 
Sergeant  March  17  to  December  4,  1762,  in  10th  Company,  1st  Regiment,  under 
Captain  Hugh  Ledlie.  (Connecticut  Historical  Society  Collections,  X,  pages 
252,  315.)  This  Richard  Abbe  served  as  Lieutenant  of  Militia  in  the  Lexington 
Alarm,  commissioned  as  Ensign  in  the  Connecticut  Continental  line,  January  1, 
1777;  resigned  February  6,  1778.  Ricliard  Abbe  was  Ensign  in  Captain  Abner 
Robinson's  Company,  Colonel  McLellan's  Regiment,  March,  1778,  for  one  year's 
service,  which  seems  to  have  served  in  Tyler's  brigade  under  Sullivan  in  Rhode 
Island,  August  and  September,  1778.  Sergeant  Richard  Abbe  joined.  May  29, 
1781,  Captain  James  Dana's  Company,  in  service  at  Horseneek  and  near  by, 
and  joined  Washington  in  July  when  he  encamped  at  Phillipsburg.  He  was 
appointed  by  the  Assembly  in  1779,  Captain  of  the  third  company  of  militia. 

Married  in  Enfield,  January  7  or  9, 1755,  MARY^  BEMENT,  bom  July  19,  1739, 
in  Enfield;  died  there  August  14,  1821  or  2.  She  was  daughter  of  Captain 
Dennis  and  Mary*  (Abbe)  Bement.     See  number  72. 

56  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children,  born  in  Enfield 

Mary  Ahhe,  b.  April  21,  1756;  d.  iu  Enfield,  Nov.  7,  1812.  Married  in  Enfield, 
March  28,  1778  or  1779,  Elisha  Holtou,  b.  1750,  in  Sutton,  Mass. ;  d.  Feb.  3, 
1837.  He  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier  and  m.  (2)  Lydia  Bement,  see  number 
165.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield  :  i.  Polly,  b.  July  1,  1779,  m.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  4, 
1799,  Elijah  Parsons  of  Enfield;  ii.  Susanna  Putnam,  b.  March  13,  1781,  d. 
Dec.  2,  1811,  "her  death  was  occasioned  from  a  persuasion  that  it  was  a  sin 
for  her  to  eat,  and  therefore  starved  herself  till  death  closed  the  scene"  (Enfield 
Records)  ;  iii.  Hannah,  b.  Aug.  15,  1789,  m.  David  Olmstead,  had  John  D., 
who  m.  Susan  H.  Smith,  and  had  a  daughter  Mary  P.,  who  m.  Frank  W.  Clarke 
of  Washington,  D.  C. 

186  Thomas  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  21,  1757;    m.  Lydia  Parsons. 

187  Richard  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  1760;    m.  Lydia  Steveson. 

188  Trcphosa  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  28,  1762  ;    m.  Joel  Booth. 

Susannah  Abbe,  b.  about  1765;    d.  June  11,  1825,  aged  60  years,  not  m. 

189  Huldah  Abbe,  b.  May  19,  1771;    m.  (1)  Isaac  Allen;    (2)   George  Lord. 


81.  JOHN^  ABBE,  son  of  Joseph*  and  Tamasin  (Baker)  Abbe,  born  in 
Ipswich,  Mass.,  December  27  or  28,  1736-;  died  in  Hopkinton,  Mass.,  January 
5,  1771.     He  was  a  farmer  in  Hopkinton. 

Married  at  Hopkinton,  October  1,  1760,  JERUSHA  BURNAP,  born  September 
20,  1734,  daughter  of  David  and  Sarah  (  )  Burnap.  She  married  (2)  June 
22,  1774,  Henry  Mellen. 

Children,  recorded  in  HopMnton 

Mary  Abbe,  b.  June  23,  1761,  in  Hopkinton,  Mass,  Married,  (1)  June  21,  1781, 
in  Hopkinton,  Josiah  Bent.  b.  in  Framingham,  Oct.  29,  1755,  son  of  John  and 
Molly  (Stacy)  Bent.  He  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  served  at  Concord, 
April  19,  1775,  and  was  a  Sergeant  in  Rhode  Island  in  1780.  He  removed  to 
Petersham,  Mass.,  and  it  is  likely  that  he  d.  early  and  that  it  was  his  widow 
who  m.  (2)  at  Petersham,  Dec.  18,  1787,  Jonas  Wheeler.  Children  of  Josiah 
and  Mary  (Abbe)  Bent,  b.  in  Petersham:  i.  Polly,  b.  Sept.  20,  1782;  ii.  Betsey, 
b.  March  4,  1786,  m.  at  Petersham,  Oct.  29,  1806,  Lyman  Wilder,  b.  in  Peters- 
ham, April  3,  1780,  d.  March  16,  1808,  son  of  John,  jr.,  and  Sophia  (Hapgood) 
Wilder,  no  children  recorded  in  Petersham.  Children  of  Jonas  and  Mary 
Wheeler,  b.  in  Petersham  :  i.  Josiah,  b.  March  2,  1788,  m.  at  Barre,  June  1, 
1819,  Elizabeth  Hastings,  and  had  a  child,  Andrew  Jackson,  b.  March,  1820, 
d.  Jan.  28,  1847;  ii.  Fanny,  b.  April  7,  1790,  d.  April  30,  1861,  not  m. ; 
iii.  Clarissa,  b.  June  13,  1793 ;    iv.  Lydia,  b.  Dec.  22,  1794. 

John  Abbe,  jr.,  h.  May  4,  1763.  The  following  records  probably  refer  to  his 
family.  John  Abbe  m.,  Nov.  11,  1784,  Anna  Battle,  and  had  a  daughter  Mary 
(or  Polly),  b.  in  North  Purchase,  March  22,  1785;  d.  in  Worcester,  Mass.,  Jan. 
9,  1871,  m.  May  21,  1801,  Ebenezer  Hunt.  Mrs.  Anna  Battle  Abbe  is  probably 
the  Mrs.  Anna  Abbe  who  m.,  April  5,  1787,  David  Maning  (intentions,  Feb.  14, 
1787,  give  the  names  Anna  Abbe,  jr.,  and  David  Madden),  and  had  children, 
Ithiel,  b.  Nov.  24,  1787,  and  Lucretia,  b.  Oct.  12,  1789. 

Joseph  Abbe,  b.  April  1,  1765.  There  was  a  Joseph  Abbe  in  the  1790  Census  from 
Daltou,  Mass.,  one  male  over  16,  two  under  16  and  two  females  in  the  family. 
There  was  also  a  Joseph  Abbe  at  the  same  time  in  Medway,  Suffolk  County, 
Mass.,  one  male  over  16,  one  under  16,  two  females  in  the  family.  In  1800  there 
was  a  Joseph  Abbe  of  Wilbraham  with  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  2  females 
between  16  and  26,  2  males  between  10  and  16.  He  probably  m.  Hannah  Ellis, 
daughter  of  Ebenezer  and  Sarah  (Richardson)  Ellis  of  Medway,  and  had  a 
son,  John,  b.  March  15,  1788,  in  Franklin,  Mass. 

Jerusha  Abbe,  b.  May  20.  1767;    d.  in  Hopkinton,  May  12,  1770. 
190     Ainos  Burnett  Abbe,  b.  June  5,  1769 ;    m.  Vesta  Turner. 

Fifth  Generation  57 

82.  AARON''  ABBE,  sou  of  Joseph*  and  Tamazin  (Baker)  Abbe  of  Ipswich, 
Mass.,  baptized  in  Ipswich,  September  20,  1747.  He  was  a  blacksmith  in  Hop- 
kinton  in  1772.  Accordins:^  to  his  descendants,  he  was  a  Revolntionary  soldier, 
resided  in  Vermont  about  1768,  and  emigrated  to  Richmond,  Ontario  County, 
N.  Y.,  about  1800.  Aaron  Abby  of  Hopkinton,  Mass.,  appears  on  the  Revolu- 
tionary rolls  April  11,  1775,  as  2d  Lieutenant  of  Ward's  Massachusetts  Regi- 
ment May  23  to  December,  1775.  He  enlisted  at  Hopkinton  in  that  year  and 
was  noted  as  Ensign  from  Worcester  County.  There  is  no  record  of  him  at  the 
pension  office.  He  is  perhaps  the  Aaron  Abbe  of  the  1790  Census  in  Stephen- 
town,  Albany  County,  N.  Y.,  having  in  his  family  one  male  over  16,  three  males 
under  16  and  four  females.  In  1800  Census  he  is  recorded  as  Aaron  Abbey  of 
Pittstown,  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  with  a  family  of  seven. 

Married  ANNA . 

Children,  all  hut  the  last  recorded  in  Hopkinton 

191  James  Ahbe,  b.  July  4,  1765 ;    bapt.  June  5,  1768 ;    m.  Mary  Head. 
Tamezin  Ahhc,  b.  Jan.  5,.  1767;    bapt.  June  5,  1768. 

192  William  Ahbe,  h.  1708;    bapt.  March  18,  1768 :    m.  Anna  Whitney. 

Joshua  Main  Ahhc,  b.  Sept.  13,  1769.     Probably  the  Joshua  Abbe  of  Partridgefield, 

Mass.,  in  1790  Census,  1  male  over  16,  1  under  16,  1  female  in  family. 
Sarah  Ahhe,  b.  March  16,  1771. 
Jcrusha  Ahbe,  b.  April  26,  1773. 

193  Calvin  Ahhc,  b.  Feb.  19.  177.5;    m.  Sally . 

Joseph  Ahhe,  h.  July  10,  1777. 

194  John  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  1,  1781,  in  Framingham,  Mass.;    m.  Elizabeth  Baker. 

195  Aaron  Ahbe,  perhaps   a   son   of  this  Aaron   and   b.   after  the   family   left   Massa- 

chusetts ;    m. Rowe. 

83.  ABBE^  BROWN,  son  of  Jonathan  and  Joanna*  (Abbe)  Brown,  born  in 
Kensington,  N.  H.,  May  28,  1739;  died  in  Andover,  N.  H.,  January  1,  1831. 
He  was  a  Lieutenant  and  removed  to  Andover  about  1778,  settling  on  Knowles 

Married,  November  24,  1768,  ELIZABETH  LEAVITT,  born  about  1751 ;  died 
September  24,  1803,  aged  52.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Amos  and  Elizabeth 
(Verrell)  Leavitt  of  Hampton  Falls. 

Children,  first  four  horn  in  Kensington,  others  in  Andover 

Elizabeth  Brown,  b.  Nov.  20,  1769  ;    d.  iu  Franklin,  Feb.  10,  1861 ;    not  m. 
Jonathan  (1)  Broicn,  h.  March  12,  1772;    d.  June  7,  1772. 

196  Mercij  Broicn,  b.  March  17,  1774;    m.  John  Sawyer. 

197  Jonathan  (2)  Broirn,  h.  Jan.  25,  1777:    m.  Sarah  BlaisdeU. 
Lijdia  Broun,  b.  May,  1779 ;    d.  June,  1779. 

Joanna  Broicn,  b.  March  12,  1781;    d.  July  1,  1848;    not  m. 

198  Moses  Broicn,  b.  Nov.  27,  1783 ;    m.  Sarah  Hilton. 

199  Joscp/i  i?roH-?i,  b.  Sept.  9,  1786;    m.   (1)   Sarah  Colby ;    (2)  Betsey  Giles. 
John  Broicn,  b.  Aug.  30,  1794;    d.  June  2,  1797. 

84.  JOSEPH^  BROWN,  son  of  Jonathan  and  Joanna*  (Abbe)  Brown.  He 
was  called  Captain  Joseph  Brown,  resided  in  Kensington,  N.  H.,  and  had 
thirteen  children. 

Married  February  18,  1762,  or  April  12,  1763,  ANN  BROWN,  daughter  of 
Nehemiah  Brown  of  Kensington. 

Children  (thirteen  in  all) 

200  Moses  Broicn,  b.  Dec.  9,  1763 ;    m.  Abigail  True. 

201  Jonathan  Broicn,  b.  Feb.  4,  1768;    m.  EUzabeth  Huntoon. 

Joseph  Broicn,  jr.,  b.  Nov.  21,  1769 ;    d.  in  Wilmot,  Oct.  22,  1844 ;    m. 
William  Broicn,  b.  March  22,  1782;    resided  in  Andover,  N.  H.,   and   Stanstead, 
Canada.     Married,  Dee.  27,  1804,  Esther  Rolfe  Burpee. 

58  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

85.  JOSEPH"  ABBE,  probably  son  of  Obadiali*  and  Elizabeth  (  )  Abbe, 
although  his  birth  is  not  recorded  in  Willington,  Conn.,  with  other  children 
of  that  Obadiah.  He  was  born  about  1733  and  died  in  1809.  The  records  of 
this  family  are  somewhat  confused  but  it  seems  likely  that  all  the  data  here 
given  must  refer  to  the  family  of  this  Joseph  Abbe.  Norwich,  Connecticut, 
Records,  23,  page  436,  mention  "Joseph  Abbe  and  wife  Dele,  both  of  Spring- 
field in  the  State  of  Massachusetts  Bay  ....  received  property  from  our 
^^ncle,  Captain  Jonathan  Pitcher,  late  of  Norwich,  said  Dele  Abbe,  daughter  of 
Samuel  Pitcher  deceased  who  was  natural  brother  to  said  Jonathan,"  June  13, 
1779.    Joseph  and  Dittie  Abbe  are  also  in  the  records  of  Springfield,  Mass. 

MaiTied  in  Willington,  Conn.,  June  10,  1765,  DELIVERANCE  ARMSTRONG. 
This  marriage  is  recorded  in  Willington,  According  to  a  record  from  the 
descendants  she  is  called  Dilla  Pitcher.  Perhaps  she  was  a  widow  when  married 
to  Joseph  Abbe,  or  her  mother  may  have  married  a  second  time  and  the 
daughter  used  the  name  of  her  step-father  at  the  time  of  her  marriage.  She 
died  November,  1840,  aged  102  yrs.,  7  mos.,  15  days. 

Children,  first  three  recorded  in  Willington,  last  five  in  Springfield,  Mass, 

202  Frederick  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  20,  1765.     Probably  the  Frederick  Abbey  who  m.  Sally  Tiff. 
Mehitable  Abbe,  b.  June  26,  1767. 

203  Amasa  Abbe,  b.  March  9,  1769,  according  to  town  record;    April  9,  1770,  according 

to  family  record ;  m.  Hannah  Pettingale. 
Daniel  Abbe,  was  last  heard  from  in  Upper  Canada.  There  was  a  Daniel  Abbey 
who  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  Eaton,  Madison  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1795. 
He  was  perhaps  the  father  of  Daniel  Abbe  who  m.  Esther  Nunn,  and  of  Shubael 
who  lived  in  Buffalo  at  one  time.  Nathaniel  Abbey,  who  had  a  brother  Orrin, 
may  have  been  of  his  family  also. 

204  Joseph  Abbe,  jr.;  m. 
Renna  Abbe,  b.  July  20,  1773. 
Lois  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  4,  1775. 
Meriam  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  7,  1777. 
Anna  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  9,  1779. 
Phebe  Abbe,  b.  March  26,  1782. 

86.  0BADIAH5  ABBE,  son  of  Obadiah*  and  Elizabeth  (  )  Abbe,  born 
1735 ;  died  April  1,  1810,  aged  75.  He  settled  in  Ashf ord.  Conn. ;  died  in 
Peru,  Mass.  In  1765  he  was  a  signer  of  a  petition  regarding  the  Ashford 
church.  In  1767  he  deeded  property  to  his  brother,  Jeremiah.  (Ashford  rec- 
ords.) In  1800  he  was  recorded  in  the  Census  of  Partridgefield,  Mass.,  1  male 
and  1  female  over  45,  1  boy  and  1  girl  between  16  and  26. 

Married  April  21,  1757,  ZERUIAH  BALCH,  born  April  14,  1739;  died  March 
23,  1809. 


Richard  Abbe,  b.  in  Ashford,  April  3,  1758;    d.  Aug.  1,  1759. 

John  Abbe,  b.  in  Ashford,  Sept.  14   (or  19),  1759;    d.  in  the  Revolutionary  Army, 

Hannah  Abbe,  b.  in  Ashford,  Aug.  28,  1761 ;    resided  in  Fabius,  N.  Y.     Married, 

(1)   Jerry  Anderson,  by  whom  she  had  sons:    i.  Richard,  d.  in  the  army,  1812; 

ii.  Jeremiah.     She  m.    (2)   Philo  Stoddard. 
Zibia   Abbe,    b.    June   .3,    1763;     m.    Roswell    Green.      They    lived    near   Hudson. 

Children  :    i.  Mason,  m.  —  Holmes  ;    ii.  Roswell ;    iii.  Jabez ;    iv.  Huldah. 

205  Onorah  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  26.  1766;    m.  John  Geer. 

206  Roger  Abbe,  b.  June  14,  1767  ;    m.  Hannah  Ferguson. 

207  Jemima  Abbe,  b.  March  30,  1769;    m.  Samuel  Ferguson. 
Zeruiah  Abbe,  b.  April  7,  1771 ;    d.  aged  4  months. 

Ruth  Abbe,  b.   June  7,   1773;    m.   Sampson   Bane.     They   lived   in   Tally,   N.   Y. 

Children  :   i.  Roderick ;    ii.  Cushman  ;    iii.  Laura. 
Rene  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  30,  1775 ;   m.  Peter  Tower. 

Fifth  Generation  59 

208     Ohadiah  Ahbe,  b.  April  14,  1777;   m.   (1)  Polly  Ramsdell ;    (2)  Margaret  Marsh. 
Theda  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  2,  1780;    m.   (1)    Hibbard  Culver;     (2)    Calvin  Snow;     (3) 
Ichabod   Ford.      She   removed   to   Berkshire,   N.   Y.     Of   her  first  marriage  the 
intention  was  recorded  at  Pern,  Mass.,  Dec.  1,  1798.     By  the  first  marriage  she 

had  four  children  :    i.  Hiram  ;    ii.  ;    iii.  Hosea ;    iv.  Theda,  m.  Ambrose 

Chapman.      By   the   second   marriage   she   had   two   children,    one   of  whom   was 
Julia.     By  the  third  marriage  there  were  also  two  children. 

87.  JEREMIAH'  ABBE,  son  of  Obadiah*  and  Elizabeth  (  )  Abbe,  born 
February  20,  1737-8,  recorded  in  the  town  records  of  Willington,  Conn.  Jere- 
miah Abbe  enlisted  March  15,  1757,  in  the  8th  Company,  under  Captain  John 
Slapp  in  the  French  and  Indian  War.  He  also  enlisted  May  8,  1759,  discharged 
December  15,  1759,  in  the  1st  Regiment,  12th  Company,  iinder  Captain  John 
Hungerford.  He  was  a  signer  of  a  petition  regarding  the  Ashford  church  in 
1765  and,  in  1767,  received  a  deed  from  his  brother,  Obadiah,  they  both  "being 
sons  of  Obadiah."  (Ashford  records.)  There  was  a  Jeremiah  Abbe  in  East 
Windsor,  Conn.,  at  the  time  of  the  1790  Census,  3  males  over  16,  1  male  under 
16,  3  females  in  the  family. 

Married  in  Ashford,  Conn.,  June  18,  1760,  MARY  ARMSTRONG,  born  about 
1735;  died  in  East  Windsor,  August  21,  1797,  in  her  63d  year.  The  marriage 
is  recorded  in  Ashford. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Ashford 

209  Benjamin  Abbe,  b.  July  16,  1761 ;    probably  m.  Ehzabeth  Knappin. 

A7nos  Abbe,  b.   May  21,  1763 ;    probably   m.   Abigail  .     Children,   born   in 

East  Windsor,  Conn.:  1.  Amos,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  27,  1792;  ii.  Lucy,  b.  June  24,  1795; 
iii.  Abigail,  b.  July  23,  1797. 

Daves  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  13,  1768. 

210  Jeremiah  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  30,  1769 ;    m.  Lydia  Armstrong. 
Mary  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  2,  1772. 

88.  ELIZABETH^  PEASE,  daughter  of  James*  and  Abigail  (Ford)  Pease, 
born  September  17,  1738,  in  Somers,  Conn.;  died  aged  98  years.  Resided  in 
Williamstown,  N.  J. 

Married  (1)  in  New  Jersey,  April  29,  1756,  JOHN  TICE,  born  in  Holland. 

Married  (2)  April  3,  1775,  HENRY  THORNE. 

Married  (3)  WILLIAM  DRIVER. 

Children  by  first  husband,  born  in  Squankum,  now  Williamstoicn,  N.  J. 

211  Martha  Tice,  b.  May  13,  1757 ;    m.  Isaac  Hooper. 
Elizabeth  Tice,  b.  Feb.  11,  1759 ;   m.  John  Kellam. 

John  Tice,  b.  Feb.  5,  1761 ;  m.  Eleanor  Anderson.  Children :  i.  John  Ross ; 
ii.  James  Anderson ;  iii.  Cornehus  Anderson ;  iv.  Thomas  Marshall ;  v.  Richard 
Howell ;  vi.  Franklin  Davenport ;  vii.  Joshua  Ladd  ;  viii.  Samuel  Pease ;  ix. 
Isaac  K. 

212  Hannah  Tice,  b.  Feb.  25  (or  March  24),  1763;    m.  John  Giberson. 
David  Tice,  h.  April  15,  1765. 

Josiah  Tice,  b.  Sept.  10,  1767. 

Cornelius  Tice,  b.  June  24,  1771 ;  d.  July,  1823.  Married,  Feb.  16,  1802,  ParneU 
Cofiin,  b.  June  20,  1773;  d.  Feb.  27,  1848;  daughter  of  Wilham  and  ParneU 
(Hammond)  Coffin.  Children:  i.  Wilham  Coffin,  b.  April  8,  1803,  d.  1872, 
m.  April  23,  1826,  Alydia  Ann  Sharp;  ii.  Ziba  (or  Zilba),  b.  May  21,  1804, 
d.  Jan.  (or  June)  8,  1841,  m.  Elizabeth  Bodine ;  iii.  Cornelius,  b.  Aug.  31, 
1806,  d.  1823;  iv.  Beulah  Ann,  b.  July  26,  1808,  d.  Nov.  21,  1868.  m.  (1) 
in  1828,  Alexander  McChntock,  and  (2)  Nov.,  1841,  John  Boyer  Rieff.  lia\ing 
by  the  latter  marriage,  two  sons,  William  Rieff,  b.  Nov.  13,  1845,  residing  in 
Carlsbad,  N.  Mex.,  and  Cornehus  Rieff,  who  d.  in  1894;  v.  ParneU,  b.  1808, 
d.  1823 :    vi.  Josiah  G.,  b.  Sept.,  1812,  d.  April  22,  1847,  m.  Elizabeth  Newcomb. 

60  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Children  hij  second  husband 

Henry  Thome,  h.  June  6,  1776. 
WiUiam  Thome,  b.  Sept  8,  1779. 

89.  JOHN^  PEASE,  son  of  James*  and  Abigail  (Ford)  Pease,  born  in 
Somers,  Conn.,  June  12,  1742.  He  removed  from  Somers  to  Stafford,  Conn., 
resided  among  the  Shakers,  then  lived  in  Stafford  again  nntil  about  1820,  when 
he  went  to  Marlboro,  Vt.,  and  died  there.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  the  Colonial 
troops  that  entered  upon  an  expedition  which  Great  Britain  sent  to  take 
Havana,  Cuba,  during  the  war  with  Spain.  Only  two  of  the  sixty  men  who 
went  from  Somers  returned. 

Married  in  Somers,  October  6,  1768,  ZEPARY  COY. 

Children,  first  four  born  in  Somers 

Elijah  Pease,  b.  Feb.  12,  1770,  in  Somers.  Lived  near  Somers  and  later  in  Staf- 
ford, Conn.,  finally  removed  to  New  York  state  wliere  he  left  a  family.  One 
son  was  WiUiam. 

Johti  Pease,  b.  in  Somers,  1780 ;    lived  in  Marlboro,  Vt. ;    m.  but  had  no  children. 

Aaron  Pease,  b.  March  6,  1786 ;  d.  Feb.  15,  1855.  Settled  in  Marlboro,  Vt.,  and 
d.  there.  Married,  June,  1812,  Tabitha  Sargent  of  Spencer,  Mass.  Children, 
b.  in  Marlboro:  i.  Aaron,  jr.,  b.  May  15,  1813,  lived  in  Marlboro,  m.  Dec.  5, 
1838,  Louisa  S.  May,  and  had  eleven  children  ;  ii.  Abraham,  b.  March  8,  1815, 
was  living  in  Warren  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1865 ;  iii.  Edmund  N.,  b.  Feb.  15,  1817, 
d.  May,  1855,  not  m. ;  iv.  Isaac,  b.  Feb.  25,  1819,  d.  1836 ;  v.  Lois,  b.  March  21, 
1821;  vi.  Susan  E.,  b.  Feb.  1,  1823,  lived  in  Marlboro,  m.  Jan.  9,  1815,  John 
L.  A.  Winchester ;  vii.  Eunice,  b.  Oct.  10,  1825,  d.  Feb.  2, 1831 ;  viii.  Zipporah  A., 
b.  June  10,  1827,  d.  Feb.  9,  1831 ;  ix.  Miriam,  b.  Jan.  28,  1829,  d.  Feb.,  1857, 
m.  Oct.,  1849,  Horatio  T.  Bellows ;  x.  Sarah,  b.  April  28,  1830,  d.  Sept.,  1857 ; 
xi.  Mary  A.,  b.  May  17,  1832,  d.  Aug.  26,  1836. 

Polly  Pease,  b.  in  Somers. 

Lois  Pease. 

Miriam  Pease. 

90.  KEZIAH5  PEASE,  daughter  of  James*  and  Abigail  (Ford)  Pease,  born 
October,  1757. 

Married  1784,  JOHN  SMITH,  son  of  Thomas  Smith,  born  in  Springfield, 
Mass.,  removed  to  Granville,  Mass.  Enlisted  May,  1775,  was  discharged  Decem- 
ber 10,  1775.  (Connecticut  State  House  Records,  also  War  Department  Pay 
Roll.)  Their  sons  were  all  educated  at  the  famous  school  taught  by  the 
Reverend  Dr.  Timothy  M.  Cooley. 

Children,  born  in  Chanville,  Mass. 

Orsamus  Smith,  b.  July,  1786 ;    d.  young. 

213  John  Ford  Smith,  b.  June  19,  1787 ;    m.  Erpercia  Caroline  Seward. 

214  Zebina  Smith,  h.  Aug.  7,  1789;    d.   Sept.  20,  1826;    m.,   March  26,  1820,   Sarah 

Towson  of  Baltimore. 

215  Henry  Smith,  h.  March  4,  1792;    d.  1867 ;    m.  Docinda  Cutler. 
George  Smith,  b.  Feb.  28,  1794. 

216  Thomas  J.  Smith,  b.  April  3,  1796;    d.  July,  1869;    m.  Jane  L.  Branson. 
Joseph    Pease    Smith,    b.    July,    1798 ;     d.    1849 ;     m.    Maria    — .      Children : 

i.  Thomas,  d.  July,  1869  ;    ii.  Philip  Edwin  ;    iii.  Maria  A. ;    iv.  Albert  Zebina. 

217  Allert  Gallatin  Smith,  b.  April  30,  1801;    m.  Sarah  Harger. 
Margaret  Maritta  Smith,  b.  March  31,  1803 ;    d.  1812. 

91.     SAMUELS    PEASE,    son   of   Richard*   and   Elizabeth    (Parsons)    Pease, 
born  in  Somers,  Conn.,  Aiigust  26,  1756 ;    died  there  July  20,  1842. 
Married  1786,  SARAH  ROOT,  daughter  of  Timothy  Root  of  Somers. 

Fifth  Generation  61 

Children,  horn  in  Somcrs 

Sarah  Pease,  b.  April  16,  1787. 

Ciinthia  Pease,  b.  Oct.  22,  1788;  lived  in  Rodman,  N.  Y. ;  m.  May  3,  1809, 
Charles  Cook  of  Somcrs. 

Doroihji  Pease,  b.  Oct.  31.  1791:    settled  in  Somcrs;    m.,  1818,  Timothy  Hurlburt. 

Ruly  Pease,  b.  May  13,  1794 ;    m.,  1817,  Cliaunccy  Hurlburt  and  lived  in  Somers. 

Seth  Pease,  b.  Aug.  7,  1797 ;  d.  Sept.  28,  1854.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Somers. 
Married,  May  13,  1822,  Ann  Kibbe,  daughter  of  laike  Kibbe.  Children,  b.  in 
Somers ;  i.  Seth  P.,  b.  Jan.  31,  1824,  lived  in  Illinois,  m.  twice,  first  to  Pamelia 
Pomeroy ;  ii.  Lidora  A.,  b.  June  24,  1825,  d.  aged  13 ;  iii.  Luke  K.,  b.  Sept.  8, 
1828,  lived  in  Somers,  m.  May  15,  1851,  Louisa  Kibbe ;  iv.  Leverett  E.,  lived 
in  Somers,  m.  Sarah  J.  Brown ;  v.  Horatio  E.,  m.  Carrie  T.  Bradley ;  vi. 
Joseph  A.,  lived  in  Somers,  m.  Lidora  Hunn. 

Samuel  Pease,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  20.  1801. 

Solomon  Pease,  b.  Nov.  3,  1804 ;  lived  in  Somers,  Conn.,  and  Northampton,  Mass. ; 
m.  Esther  Shaw.     No  children. 

92.  RICHARD^  PEASE,  JR.,  son  of  Richard^  and  Elizabeth  (Parsons) 
Pease,  born  in  Somers,  Conn.,  October  28,  1758;  died  in  Somers.  He  was  one 
of  the  seventy  men  who  marched  from  Somers  to  Boston  under  Captain  Emery 
Pease  at  the  first  alarm.  He  continued  in  service  all  through  the  war  and 
received  the  office  of  Captain. 


Children,  horn  in  Somers 

Richard  Pease,  b.   Sept.  30,   1789;    resided  in   Somers.     Married,   May   14,   1816, 

Philena  Jones,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Jones  of  Somers.     Child  :    Philena,  b.  and 

lived  in  Somers ;    m.  John  Russell. 
Luke  Pease,  b.  April  9,  1793 ;    d.  unm. 
Walter  Pease,  b.  July  4,  1795;    d.  in   Somers,  Nov.  8,  1864;    m.   Jan.  26,  1826, 

Louisa  Spencer.     Children,  b.  in  Somers  :    1.  Luke  H.,  b.  Nov.  19,  1826,  was  a 

soap  manufacturer  in   Springfield,   Mass.,   and   held   the   office   of  City   Marshal, 

m.    (1)    April   28.   1853,   Louisa   Hall,    (2)    Dec.    24,    1862,    Charlotte    Phelps; 

ii.  Mary  L.,  b.  Feb.  4,  1828,   lived  in   Springfield,  m.  May  5,   1852,   Henry  I. 

Fuller ;    iii.  Newton  W.,  b.  Nov.  12,  1830,  lived  in  Springfield,  later  in  Granby, 

Mass.,  m.    (1)    Dec.  9,  1855,  Augusta  M.   Lull,    (2)    Oct.  26,  1863,  Harriet  E. 

RusseU;    iv.   Edwin   S.,   b.   Nov.   2,   18.32,   d.   Aug.   5,   1854;     v.    Luman   S.,   b. 

May  26,  1835,  was  a  banker  in  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  m.   May  10,  1866,  Agnes 

Gauley ;   vi.  Sanford  C,  b.  Oct.  5,  1841. 
Orrin  Pease,  b.  June  10,  1797 ;    lived  in  Somers,  and  d.  there  June  30,  1852 ;    m. 

March  31,  1824,  Delina  Sexton.     Child  :    Orrin  E.,  b.  Sept.  2,  1832,  in  Somers ; 

lived  in  Springfield,  Mass. ;    m.,  May  11,  1861,  Josephine  Owen,  w-ho  d.  Aug.  11, 

Alpheus  Pease,  b.  July  18,  1799;    lived  in   Somers,   and   d.   there  Oct.   16,   1849. 

Married,  Dec.  7,  1825,  Clarissa  Jones,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Jones  of  Somers. 

Children,  born  in  Somers:    i.  Alpheus,  jr.,  b.   Sept.  23,  1826;    ii.  Abiel  J.,   b. 

Aug.  11,  1828,  d.  March  13,  1829;    iii.  Richard  F.,  b.  Feb.  25,   1830,  Uved  in 

Hartford,   Conn.,   was   a   merchant,   m.   Harriet   M.   Kenyon ;     iv.   Benjamin   J., 

b.  June  2,  1840,  d.  Jan.,  1861. 
Sovier  Pease,  b.  Sept.  18,  1801 ;    resided  in  Granby,  Mass. ;    m.  Joseph  Montague. 
Austin  Pease,  b.  March  8,  1804.    He  was  a  veterinary  surgeon  in  Somers.    Married, 

(1)    Aug.    23,    1825,    Olive    Waters;      (2)    Mary    Russell;      (3)     Sarah    Silcox. 

Children  by  first  wife,  b.  in  Somers  :    i.  Olive  M..  b.  Jan.  10.  18.31,  d.  in  Enfield, 

Conn.,  Dec.  30,  1865,  m.   Samuel  Slater:    ii.  Abigail  S. ;    iii.  Austin  C.     Child 

by  third  wife :    WilKam  C,  b.  May  3,  1853,  in  Somers. 
Azariah  Pease,  b.  May  22,  1806;    d.  July  26,  1844;    m.  in  1841,  Abigail  Edson. 

Child  :    Sarah  E.,  b.  Feb.  4,  1843  ;    d.  in  infancy. 
Ahigail  Pease,  b.  Aug.  21,  1808 ;    d.  June  7,  1810. 

93.  LUTHER5  WEBB,  son  of  Joshua  and  Hannah''  (Abbe)  Webb,  born 
October  24,  1763;  died  August  2,  1860.  Resided  in  Rockingham,  near  Bellows 
Falls,  Vt. 

62  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  February  9,  1792,  DOROTHY  WHEELOCK,  born  Marcb,  1769 ;    died 
December  10,  1856. 

Luciiida  Webh,  b.  May  2,  1793. 
Elmira  Webh,  b.  Jan.  15,  1795. 
Candace  Webb,  b.  Oct.  25,  1796 ;    d.  Oct.  1,  1829. 
Luther  Hiram  Webb,  b.  Nov.  12,  1799,  in  Rockingham,  Vt. ;    d.   Oct.  21,   1847; 

resided  in  Rockingham.     Married,  Dec.  15,  1823,  Martha  B.  Bates,  b.  Aug.,  1799. 

Children:    i.   Martha   B.,   b.  Dec.   6,   1824;     ii.   Harriet   J.,   b.   Feb.   26,   1827; 

iii.  Jane  G.,  b.  Feb.  18,  1829  ;    iv.  John  W.,  b.  Nov.  24,  1830,  d.  Oct.  22,  1847 ; 

V.  James,  b.  Jan.  12,  1833 ;    vi.  Joseph  L.,  b.  Aug.  1,  1837 ;    vii.  Hiram  P.,  b. 

March  13,  1842. 
Joseph  Mci-ari  Webb,  b.  Sept.  23,  1803,  in  Rockingham,  Vt. ;    resided  at  Bellows 

Falls.     Married,  Sept.  23,  1839,  EUzabeth  Foster,  b.  Aug.  27,  1813.     Children: 

i.  Charles  M.,  b.  Feb.  14,  1841,  d.  Feb.  20,  1842;    ii.  WilHam  J.,  b.  Aug.  29, 

1843 ;    iii.  Emma  E.,  b.  July  30,  1855. 
Jane  Orey  Webb,  b.  Oct.  11,  1807. 
James  Warren  Webb,  b.  Oct.  14,  1811,  in  Rockingham,  Vt.    Married,  Nov.  20,  1834, 

Nancy  Farr,   b.   Oct.   1,   1812.     Children:    i.   Samuel  Heber,   b.   Dec.   10,   1835, 

lives  in  Rhode  Island,  m.  Dec.  25,  1861,  P.  Amanda  Follet,  b.  July  17,  1836; 

ii.  Joshua  H.,  b.  Dec.  9,  1837;    iii.  Candace  E.,  b.  Sept.  14,  1839,  d.   Nov,  5, 

1857;     iv.    Mary   E.,    b.    Dec.   5,   1841;     v.    James   A.,    b.    July   24,    1843;     vi. 

Charles  M.,  b.  Oct.  22,  1848. 

94.  ELISHA  SMITHS  WALES,  son  of  Elisha  and  Mary*  (Abbe)  Wales, 
born  1752,  at  Union,  Conn. ;   died  1805,  at  Sharon  Center,  Schoharie  County,  N.  Y. 

Married  at  Asliford,  Conn.,  March  7,  1775,  MARY  WATKINS,  daughter  of 
Edward  and  Mary  (Watkins)  Watkins  of  Ashford. 

Childr  e7i 

8arah  Wales,  b.  Jan.  16,  1776;  m.  Noble  Hard  of  Arlington,  Vt.  Children: 
i.  Martin ;  ii.  Truman ;  iii.  Levine ;  iv.  Hale,  physician  in  Oswego,  N.  Y. ; 
V.  Mary,  d.  unm. ;  vi.  Harriet  Jane,  m.  Joseph  Howland  Coit,  and  had  a  son, 
the  Reverend  Doctor  Coit  of  Concord,  N.  H. 

Miriam  Wales,  b.  March  28,  1778.  Married  (1)  Patrick  Hale,  no  children; 
(2)  Joshua  Munroe,  of  Shaftsbury,  Vt.     Child  :    Wales  Monroe  Munroe. 

Clarissa  Wales,  m.  Simeon  Cole  of  Arlington  ;    no  children. 

Mary  Wales,  bapt.  Sept.  10,  1780.  Married  (1)  Joseph  Alexander,  by  whom  she 
had  daughters :  i.  Sarah,  who  m.  Demosthenes  Lawyer  son  of  General  Lawyer, 
of  Lawyersville,  Schoharie  County,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Eliza,  m.  Dr.  John  Lowe  of  Gilder- 
land,  N.  Y.     Mary  Wales  m.   (2)  —  Sharp,  by  whom  she  had  a  son  Joseph, 

of  Sharon,  N.  Y.  Mary  Wales  m.  (3)  Hon.  Jedediah  Miller  of  Lawyersville, 
as  his  first  wife. 

Ahniron  Wales,  d.  young. 

Elisha  Smith  Wales,  jr.,  physician,  removed  to  Norwich,  N.  Y.,  where  he  d.  aged  29. 
Child  :    Frances,  m.  Randall  of  Norwich. 

Elmira  Wales,  d.  at  Lawyersville,  N.  Y. ;    not  m. 

Laura  Wales,  b.  June  28,  1787;  d.  July  22,  1848 (?)  in  Lawyersville.  N.  Y. 
Married,  (1)  Dec.  5,  1811,  Captain  John  Redington ;  (2)  March  20,  1845, 
Hon.  Jedediah  Miller  of  Lawyersville. 

Rowena  Wales,  m.  Dr.  Henry  Mitchell  of  Norwich,  N.  Y.,  who  d.  Jan.  12,  1858. 
He  was  member  of  Congress  during  Jackson's  Administration.  Children : 
i.  Maria  ;  ii.  Catharine,  d.  young ;  iii.  Harriet ;  iv.  Mary,  m.  Samuel  Parker 
of  Norwich ;    v.  Jane ;    vi.  Charles,  a  physician ;    vii.  John. 

95.  MARY5  WALES,  daughter  of  Elisha  and  Mary*  (Abbe)  Wales,  died 
September  11,  1806,  in  Montgomery  County,  N.  Y. 

Married  at  A.shford,  Conn.,  September  28,  1767,  JOHN  KEYES,  born  in 
Ashford,  1744;  died  April  13,  1824,  in  Canajoharie,  N.  Y.  He  was  son  of 
Sampson  Keyes.  He  was  a  commissioned  officer  in  the  Connecticut  State  Army, 
Avas  under  Colonel  Knowlton  when  he  fell  at  the  Battle  of  Harlem  Heights, 
1776,  later  became  General.     After  the  war  he  emigrated  to  Vermont  but,  after 

Fifth  Generation  63 

a  short  time,  obtained  a  grant  of  land  and  removed  to  Canajoharie,  N.  Y., 
where  he  resided  except  for  intervals  spent  with  his  son,  Zachariah,  in 

He  married  (2)  at  Farmington,  Conn.,  October  18,  1807,  MERCY  SCOTT, 
who  married  (2)  Captain  Palmer  of  Stillwater,  N.  Y. 


218  Clarissa  Keyes,  b.  April  30,  1768 ;    m.  Rev.  Winslow  Paige. 

Elnaihan  Kcyes,  b.  1770;  was  graduated  from  Dartmouth  College  in  1790; 
became  a  lawyer  in  Burliugton,  Vt. ;  was  in  the  State  Legislature,  1776,  1777, 
1779,  1800 ;  removed  about  1820  to  the  vicinity  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
d.  in  1853.  Married  Jane  Fellows,  daughter  of  General  John  Fellows,  of 
ShefBeld,  Mass.     Children :    i.  John  Fellows,  m.  and  had  two  daughters,  Jennie, 

was    adopted    by    an    uncle,    Judge    Edmonds    of    New    York    City,    m.    

Hamilton,  a  lawyer  of  that  place,  and  Mary,  who  m.  Zust  of  New  York 

City ;   ii.   Stephen,   resided   in   Grand   Rapids,   Mich. ;     iii.   Henry,   d.   in   Grand 

Rapids ;    iv.  Charlotte,  m.  Wilson,  both  d.  in  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  she  d.  in 


Laura  Kcycs,  d.  in  Grand  Rapids ;    m.  Thrall. 

219  Zachariah  Keyes,  b.  1778;    m.   (1)   Lydia  Stanton;     (2)   Nancy  Whittaker. 

220  Almira  Catherine  Keyes,  b.  1785  ;    m.  John  Peck. 

96.  HEZEKIAH5  (or  HEZEKIAH  H.)  ABBE,  son  of  Richard*  and  Mary 
(Huntington)  Abbe,  born  in  Union,  Conn.,  January  4,  1755;  died  May  25, 
1841,  killed  by  an  accident  while  stoning  up  a  well  at  Westminster,  Vt.  The 
records  of  the  Pension  Bureau  give  this  further  information  about  him :  enlisted 
from  ^Yindham,  Conn.,  April,  1775,  1  montli,  private  under  Captain  John 
Kingsley,  Colonel  Storrs,  July  10,  1775;  5  months,  private  under  Captain 
John  Ripley,  Colonel  Jedediah  Huntington,  February  15,  1776;  2  months, 
corporal  under  Captain  James  Dana,  Colonel  Douglass,  September  10,  1776; 
4  months,  marine,  in  Captain  Roberts'  Company  on  Ship  "Oliver  Cromwell," 
William  Coit,  Commander,  August  24,  1778;  1  month,  private  under  Captain 
Chamberlain,  all  in  Connecticut  troops;  was  engaged  in  tlie  battle  of  Rhode 
Island;  applied  for  a  pension,  July  25,  1832,  then  a  resident  of  Westminster 
townsliip,  Windham  Coiinty,  Vt.  His  eldest  child  was  born  in  1778;  names  of 
wife  and  children  not  stated.  The  schooner  ''Oliver  Cromwell"  mentioned 
above  was  fitted  out  in  the  autumn  of  1776  at  Norwich  for  privateer  service. 

In  the  Census  of  1790  he  is  recorded  at  Pierpont,  Grafton  County,  N.  H.,  1 
male  over  16,  1  male  under  16,  3  females  in  the  family.  In  1800  the  Census 
records  him  at  Rockingham,  Vt.,  1  male  between  26  and  45,  2  females  between 
16  and  26,  1  female  between  26  and  45,  in  the  family.  Some  time  after  this 
he  removed  to  Westminster,  Vt. 

Married  MARTHA  MANNING,  born  January  15,  1749-50,  at  Norwich,  Conn. ; 
died  Ai^ril  17,  1840.    She  was  the  daughter  of  Josiah  and  Mary  (Cook)  Manning. 


Eunice  Ahhe,  h.  1778;    d.  Aug.  5,  1848,  aged  69;    not  m. 

,  d.  Aug.,  1782,  in  Windham,  Conn. 

Julia  Ahhe,  b.  1784 ;    d.  April  18,  1866,  aged  82 ;    not  m. 

221  Hezekiah  H.  Ahhe,  b.  Jan.  31,  1785;    m.   (1)  Betsey  FuUer ;    (2)   Anna  GoodeU. 

97.  MASONS  ABBE  or  ABBEY,  son  of  Richard*  and  Mary  (Huntington) 
Abbe,  born  April  17,  1759;  died  in  Belchertown,  Mass.,  October  18,  1849.  He 
enlisted  February,  1777,  for  three  years  as  a  private  under  Colonel  Heman  Swift, 
Captains  Vine  Elderkin  and  Thomas  Converse.  In  the  1790  Census  he  appeared 
as    of   Walpole,    Cheshire    County,    N.    H.      In    1800    he    was    recorded   in    the 

64  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Census  at  Amherst,  Mass.,  1  male  and  1  female  between  26  and  45,  1  male 
between  16  and  26,  1  female  between  10  and  16,  2  males  and  1  female  under 
10.  On  April  18,  1818,  he  applied  for  a  pension  and  was  then  fifty-nine  years 
old,  lived  at  Bclehertown,  Mass.  In  1820  he  had  a  Avife  and  seven  children 

Married  June  20,  1788,  SARAH  FRISSELL,  born  July,  1768;  died  June  12, 
or  18,  1828.  She  was  a  sister  of  Huldah  Frissell,  v/ho  married  Charles  Barrows 
and   had   children:    Mary,   who  married   Elisha   Abbey,   and   Eli,   who   married 

Lucretia  Abbey,  see  below. 


James  H,  Ahiey,  b.  Nov.,  1789 ;   no  record  of  death. 

Mat-y  Iluntington  Abbey,  b.  March  4,  1791 ;  d.  April  17,  1864.  She  joined  the 
Bclchertown  Church  in  1818.  Married  in  Belchertown,  Nov.  29,  1831,  as  his 
second  wife,  Pliineas  Warner  of  Belchertown.  He  was  b.  1763,  son  of  Ebenezer 
and  Diana  (Phelps)  Warner,  and  d.  in  Belchertown,  April  9,  1849,  aged  86. 
His  first  wife  was  Sally  Rich  by  whom  he  had  twelve  children  ;  none  by  this 

Henry  Iluniington  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  11,  1892;  d.  in  Belchertown  by  drowning, 
July  11,  1813.     He  joined  the  Bclchertown  Congregational  Church  in  1812. 

222  Elisha  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  7,  1794;    m.   (1)    Sophronia  Tarbell ;    (2)   Mary  Barrows. 
Fannie  Abbey,  b.  May  5,  1797 ;    d.  Nov.  22,  1885,  at  DeSmet,  S.  Dak.     She  joined 

the  Belchertown  Church  in  1819  and  later  removed  to  Amherst.  Married  (1) 
at  Amherst,  Thomas  Goodale,  who  had  nine  children;  (2)  Feb.  19,  1857,  as  his 
second  wife,  Seth  M.  Warner,  b.  Dec.  30,  1787;  d.  Oct.  25,  1862,  at  Fort 
Atkinson,  Wis.  He  was  the  son  of  Eleazer  and  Elizabeth  (Belden)  Warner; 
resided  for  a  time  in  Sunderland,  Mass.,  and  m.  (1)  Marmy  Kellogg  by  whom 
he  had  ten  children,  b.  in  Sunderland 

223  George  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  7,  1801;    m.   (1)  Hannah  Gay;    (2)  Phebe  Parsons. 

224  Lucretia  Abbey,  h.  Dec.  13,  1803;    m.  Eli  Barrows. 

Laura  Abbey,  b.  May  7,  1806;  d.  Dec.  19,  1832.  She  joined  the  Bclchertown 
Church  in  1819.  Married  in  1827,  Zenas  Warner  of  Dover,  Vt.,  and  removed 
to  Georgia.     They  had  several  children. 

Harriet  Abbey,  b.  March  13,  1809,  in  Amherst;  d.  Jan.  15,  1836.  Married,  as 
his  second  wife,  Feb.  25,  18.35,  Daniel  Paine  of  South  Hadley,  b.  July  17,  1797, 
son  of  Daniel  and  Mary  (Chandler)  Paine  of  South  Woodstock,  Conn.  He  was 
a  teacher  in  South  Hadley  and  Amherst  and  in  Rosemond,  111.  He  m.  (1)  Irene 
White;  (2)  Harriet  Abbey;  (3)  Sophronia  Warner,  by  whom  he  had  six 
children;  (4)  Mrs.  Betsey  Heywood  (Richardson)  Smith.  Child  of  Harriet 
Abbey :    Harriet  Abbey,  b.  at  South  Hadley  about  1836 ;    m.  and  had  one  child. 

98.  RICHARD^  ABBEY,  JR.,  son  of  Richard*  and  Mary  (Huntington)  Abbey, 
born  August  15,  1769,  probably  in  Windham,  Conn. ;  died  in  Alexander  County, 
111.,  September  9,  1823.  In  1798  a  Richard  Abbie  was  one  of  the  residents  of 
Whitestown,  Oneida  County,  N.  Y.,  who  signed  a  document.  (Oneida  County 
Deeds,  5:92.)  He  is  in  the  1800  Census  of  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  1  male  and  1  female 
between  26  and  45,  and  a  boy  and  a  girl  under  10  in  the  family.  In  1805  he 
purchased  land  in  township  L  of  the  "Triangle"  near  Phelps,  N.  Y.  Richard 
and  Dolly  Abby  of  Cazenovia  made  land  transfers,  recorded  in  Chenango  County, 
N.  Y.,  under  dates  of  April  15,  1799,  August  12,  1799  and  November  11,  1800. 
He  also  resided  in  Canandaigua  and  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  and 
near  Meadville,  Pa.,  about  1812.  He  is  said  to  have  been  a  commissioned  officer 
in  the  War  of  1812,  and  was  wounded  at  the  Battle  of  Lundy  's  Lane.  He  settled 
in  Alexander  County,  111.,  in  1816. 

Married  at  Cazenovia  or  Canandaigua,  about  1798,  DOLLY  ELLIS,  born  in 
Keene,  N.  H.,  1775;  baptized  bj^  the  Reverend  John  M.  Peck  about  1824,  and 
died  on  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  August,  1850,  aged  75. 


225     Charles  Huntington  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  1,  1800;    m.  (1)  St.  Clair;    (2)  Maria 


Fifth  Generation  65 

Lorena  Abbey,  b.  iu  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  about  ISOl ;    d.  in  Tallahassee,  Fla.,  about 

Lucinda  Abbey,  b.  in  Rochester,  about  1802;    d.  in  Tallahassee  about  1854. 

226  Richard  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  IG,  1805;    m.  Julia  Bates. 
Roswell  Abbey,  d.  in  Illinois,  aged  about  five  years. 
Elisha  Abbey,  d.  in  Illinois,  aged  about  seven  years. 

227  Mason  Ellis  Abbey,  b.  July  4,  1812 ;    m.  Harriet  Rebecca  Newland. 

99.  EPAPHRAS'^  RIPLEY,  sou  of  Charles  and  Tabitha''  (Abbe)  Ripley,  born 
February  13,  1759;    resided  iu  Rockiugham,  Vt. 

Married  ANN  WEBB. 

Children,  order  of  births  not  knoicn 

Tabitha  Ripley,  b.  about  1782;    d.  Oct.,  1861,  aged  79;    resided  iu  Waddiugton, 

N.  Y. 
Shubacl  Ripley,  b.  April  13,  1786;    resided  in  CornwaU,  Vt. ;    m.  1811,  Eunice  Hall. 
Charles  Ripley,  resided  at  Alstead  Centre,  N.  H. 
Randolph  Ripley,  resided  in  Middlebury,  Vt. 
Nancy  Ripley,  m.  Jonas  Stickney  of  Goshen,  Vt. 
Clarissa  Ripley,  d.  in  1863 ;    resided  in  Goshen,  Vt. 
Rhodentia  Ripley,  m.  Joseph  Ingalls  of  Surry,  N.  H. 

Azuba  Ripley,  b.  Oct.  10,  1793 ;    m.  Robert  Hatch  of  Waddington,  N.  Y. 
RandiUa  Ripley,  resided  at  Claremont,  N.  H. 
Octavia  Ripley,  m.  John  W.  Shipman  of  Perkinsv'iUe,  Vt. 

100.  JOHN  ABBE5  RIPLEY,  son  of  Charles  and  Tabitha*  (Abbe)  Ripley, 
born  April  3,  1764,  in  "Windham,  Conn.;  died  in  Canada,  1848  or  9.  Revolu- 
tionary soldier. 



Joshua  West  Ripley,  b.  Nov.  3,  1794,  in  Rockingham,  Vt. ;  d.  March  20,  1871. 
Married,  Feb.  18,  1824,  Rhoda  Johnson;  d.  Nov.  2,  1865,  iu  Randolph,  Vt. 
Children:  i.  Paschal  Paola,  b.  in  Highgate,  Vt.,  1825,  d.  1893,  m.  B.  Scully 
of  Burlington,  Vt.,  served  in  Civil  Wai",  Company  K,  3d  Vermont  Volunteers, 
musician  of  Highgate ;  ii.  Margaret  Clark,  b.  1832,  resided  at  Randolph,  Vt., 
not  m. 

101.     VINES   RIPLEY,   sou   of   Charles   and   Tabitha*    (Abbe)    Ripley,  born 
November  30,  1769;   resided  at  Tinmouth,  Vt. 
Married  August  31,  1794,  LOIS  CRAMPTON. 

Dexter  Ripley,  b.  June  5,  1795. 

Abbie  Ripley,  b.  May  25.  1797 ;    m.  Henry  Woodhouse. 
Calvin  Ripley,  b.  Aug.  28,  1799. 
Mary  Ripley,  b.  April  25,  1801 ;    d.  Aug.  27,  1862. 
Sally  Ripley,  b.  Feb.  18,  1803 ;    m.  Boomer  Mason. 
Charles  Ripley,  b.  Nov.  10,  1804;     resided  in  East  Poultney,   Vt. ;     m.   Jan.  21, 

1830,   Sally   Gates.      Children:    i.   Almeron  B.,   b.   July  30,   1832,   m.   Ellen   M. 

Ames,  lived  in  East  Poultney;    ii.  Charles,  jr.,  b.  April  10,  1838.  m.  Nov.  28, 

1860,  Esther  C.  Morse,  had  four  children,  Eddie  C.  and  Emma  F.    (twins),  b. 

Oct.  14,  1861,   George  H.,  b.  Aug.   12,  1863,   and  Mary  E.,  b.  Feb.  19,  1867; 

iii.  James,  b.  May  13,  1843,  m.  Anna  Ward ;    iv.   George  L.,  b.  June  5,  1845, 

d.  Dec.  4,  1846. 
Linns  Ripley,  b.  April  4,  1806;    resided  in  Wells.  Vt. ;    m.  May  5,  1829,  Mahala 

Mosher.     Children  :   1.  Jared  Francis,  b.  Aug.,  1830 ;    fell  in  the  Battle  of  Shiloh, 

March  7,   1862 ;    ii.   Nicy,  m.  Douglas   Sykes   of  Whitewater,   Wis. ;     iii.   Lois, 

resided  in   Wilmington,   111. ;     iv.   Edson,   b.   March  16,   1843 ;     d.   in   the   army 

hospital  in  Washington,  D.  C. 
Louisa  C.  Ripley,  b.  Dec.  22,  1810;    m.  Leland  Houghton;    resided  in  Wilmington, 


66  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Eerriclc  Ripley,  b.  Sept.  14,  1812 ;  resided  at  West  Fort  Ann,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Jan.  22, 
1843,  Rebecca  Irish.  Children:  i.  Neri  F.,  b.  Sept.  7,  1845:  ii.  Aaron  S., 
b.  Mav  22,  1846,  d.  Jan.  28.  1847;  iii.  Abzina,  b.  Jan.  16,  1848;  iv.  Cyrus, 
b.  June  18,  1851 ;  v.  Louisa,  b.  June  18,  1853 ;  vi.  Leland  H.,  b.  April  22,  1856 ; 
vii.  Linus,  b.  May  4,  1861. 

IVeri  Field  Ripley,  h.  July  8,  1815 ;  d.  Jan.  16,  1863,  from  a  disease  contracted  in 
the  army  hospital  at  Newbern,  N.  C.  Married,  1849,  Nancy  Gilbert  of  Wincheu- 
don,  Mass.    Children :    i.  Emeline,  d.  1864 ;    ii.  Abbie. 

102.  ELEAZER5  WELCH,  son  of  Jeremiali*  and  Margaret  (Hebard)  Welch, 
born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  December  12,  1750;  died  January  30,  1827.  He  lived 
in  Windham  on  land  inherited  from  his  father. 

Married  (1)  May  20,  1784,  ABIGAIL  BROWN,  born  1754;  died  November 
29,  1788. 

Married  (2)  January  20,  1790,  ALATHEA  MANNING,  born  January  25,  1760; 
died  December  15,  1837. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Thomas  Welch,  b.  March  8,  1785 ;   lived  at  Albany,  N.  Y. 

Betsey  Welch,  m.  (1)  Carter;    (2)  after  1823,  Babcock. 

Children  hy  second  unfe 

228     Savmel  Mantling  Welch,  b.  Sept.  17,  1791 ;    m.  Lucia  Carey. 
George  G.  Manning  Welch. 
Ganiiel  Manning  Welch,  m.  March  4,  1831,  Sally  Willoby. 

103.     JOKN^  WELCH,  JR.,  son  of  John"'  and  Abigail  (Manning)  Welch,  born 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  February  3,  1750-1;    died  1826.^ 

Married  September  19,  1782,  OLIVIA  FITCH,  who  died  November  21,  1813. 


Aligail  Welch,  b.  Nov.  18,  1783 ;  m.  May  5,  1830,  James  Trowbridge  of  Ashford, 

Thomas  Welch,  b.  in  Windham,  April  4  or  14,  1785;  d.  in  Ypsilanti,  Mich.,  Sept.  4, 
1869.  He  went  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  to  reside  with  his  son.  Married  Laura 
Lathrop,  daughter  of  John  Lathrop,  b.  in  Windham,  Feb.  8,  1795 ;  d.  at  the 
residence  of  her  daughter  in  Stamford,  Conn.,  July  16,  1857.  Children  :  i.  Julia 
Maria,  b.  in  Pomfret,  Conn.,  May  25,  1817,  m.  in  Windham.  March  6,  1843, 
Rev.  E.  B.  Huntington  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  lived  in  Stamford,  and  had  two 
children,  Julia  Swift,  b.  Sept.  1,  1846,  and  Clara  Louise,  b.  July  27,  1848; 
ii.  Thomas  Henry,  b.  in  Windham,  Sept.  5,  1822,  removed  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio, 
m.  Jan.  7,  1849,  Clara  Kent,  had  four  children,  Charles  Irving,  b.  at  Willi- 
mantic.  Conn.,  Sept.  16,  1849,  Eliza  Lane,  b.  Aug.  6,  1851,  d.  Feb.  23,  1853, 
Clara  Ellen,  b.  Jan.  23,  1853,  d.  in  Cincinnati,  Aug.  4,  1855,  and  Nettie  Louise, 
b.  in  Cincinnati,  Aug.  1,  1857. 

Jerusha  Welch,,  b.  Feb.  24,  1787;    m.  Elisha  Payne. 

Maria  Welch,  b.  May  28,  1789;  m.  Stowell  Lincoln,  b.  about  1778.  Children: 
i.  George;    ii.  Dwight. 

John  Welch,  3d,  b.  Oct.  6,  1791 ;    not  m. 

Olive  Welch,  b.  June  14,  1795 ;    m.  Augustus  Burnham. 

104.  ASHBEL-'  WELCH,  son  of  John*  and  Abigail  (Manning)  Welch,  born 
April  21,  1764,  in  Windham,  Conn. ;  died  in  New  Hartford,  N.  Y.,  July  20,  1826. 
He  removed  to  New  York  State  after  1802;  resided  in  Nelson,  Madison  County, 
in  1809,  in  Deerfield  in  1816,  later  in  Utica. 

Married  in  Windham,  October  15,  1795,  MARGARET  DORRANCE,  born 
about  1776  at  Voluntown,  Conn.;  died  in  Albany,  N.  Y.,  June  4,  1830.  Daughter 
of  George  and  Alice  (Trumbull)  Dorrance. 

Fifth  Generation  67 

Children,  horn  in  Windlnnn,  except  last 

229  ISylrcstcr  Welch,  b.  Jan.  11,  1798;    m.   (1)  Sarah  G.  Stannaril ;    (2)   Mrs.  Arabella 

(Scott)  Davis. 

William  Welch,  b.  Dec.  11,  1800;  d.  uear  Jolinstown,  Pa.,  Doc.  29,  1830;  m.. 
June  22,  1S2G,  Rachel  Maria  Harris.  Child  (others  d.  in  infancy)  :  i.  Edwin 
Harris,  b.  at  Johnstown,  Pa.,  March  23,  1828 ;  lived  at  Lockhaven,  Pa. ;  m., 
May  15,  18G0.  Elizabeth  H.  Fidlor,  who  d.  Sept.  8,  1893;  had  children: 
(1)  William  Harris,  lives  in  Canandaigua,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Graces  Raines,  daughter 
of  Senator  Raines  of  New  York  and  has  had  five  children:  Catharine,  b.  1890; 
Edith,  b.  1891 ;  Paulino,  b.  1892,  and  d.  aged  7  months ;  Alice  Irene,  b.  July  20, 
1897,  and  WiUiam  Harris,  jr.,  b.  about  1900;  (2)  Lizzie  Helena,  not  m. ; 
(3)  Carrie,  d.  young;  (4)  Paul,  b.  July  17,  1869;  m.  and  had  a  daughter  b. 
May,  1912,  and  d.  young. 

Ashhcl  (1)   Welch,  b.  1803;    d.  young. 

230  Ashbel  (2)   Welch,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  4,  1809;    m.  Mary  Hammond  Seabrook. 

105.  MOSES  COOKS  WELCH,  son  of  Daniel*  and  Martha  (Cook)  Welch, 
born  in  North  Mansfield,  Conn.,  February  14,  1754;  died  April  21,  1824.  He 
was  graduated  from  Yale  in  1772  and  taught  the  Proprietor's  School — a  grammar 
school — in  "Windham  for  some  time.  He  then  studied  law  for  a  year  in  the 
office  of  Honorable  Eliphalet  Dyer,  one  of  the  judges  of  the  Superior  Court. 
For  a  time  he  was  with  Samuel  Nott  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  saltpetre, 
and  served  a  jteriod  in  the  army.  He  then  studied  theology  with  Dr.  Salter  of 
Mansfield  and  Reverend  Stephen  White  of  Windham,  and  was  ordained  in  1782. 
He  was  a  preacher  of  more  than  ordinary  ability,  esteemed  not  only  at  home 
but  in  adjoining  localities.  He  succeeded  his  father  as  pastor  of  the  North 
Mansfield  Church  in  1782.  In  1822  he  was  a  member  of  the  Corporation  of 
Yale  College  and  received  the  honorary  degree  of  D.D.  from  Dartmouth  College 
in  1824. 

The  Phenix  or  Windham  Herald  for  May  21,  1796,  contains  the  following 
announcement : — 

Just  published  at  Norwich,  and  to  be  sold  at  this  office, 

price  9^1, 

The  Addressor  Addressed  ; 

Or  a  Letter  to  the  Correspondent ; 

Containing  some  free  remarks  on  his    "Address  to  the  Rev.  Moses  C.  Welch." 

Humbly  dedicated  to  the  Honorable  Zephaniah  Swift,  Esq. 

By  Moses  C.  Welch,  A.M. 

Married  (1)  November  10,  1784,  CHLOE  EVANS,  daughter  of  Randall  Evans 
of  Phanouth,  Conn.     She  died  September  11,  1789. 

Married  (2)  February  8,  1791,  CHARISSA  ASHLEY,  daughter  of  Reverend 
Jonathan  Ashley,  Yale  1730,  of  Deerfield,  Mass,  and  Dorothy  Williams,  daugh- 
ter of  Reverend  William  Williams,  Harvard  1683,  of  Hatfield.  She  died  June 
2,  1806. 

Married  (3)  December  23,  1807,  SALLY  DAGGETT  RUSSELL,  daughter  of 
Reverend  Noahdiah  Russell  of  Thompson,  Conn.  Slie  died  March  6,  1815.  No 

Married  (4)  December  26,  1815,  MRS.  MARY  LEECH,  widow  of  Amos  Leech 
of  Lebanon,  Conn.  She  died  at  North  Mansfield,  August  28,  1830.  No  children 
by  this  marriage. 

Children  hy  first  icife 

Daniel  Welch,  b.  Aug.  11,  1785 ;    d.  at  Conway,  Mass.,  Aug.  29,  1803. 

Bela  Welch,  b.  Feb.  6,  1787;  d.  at  Woodville,  Miss.,  Dec.  4,  1826;  m.  Jan.  20, 
1812,  Emily  Trask.     Child  :   Augustus,  d.  in  Woodville  about  1847. 

Chloe  Welch,  b.  Oct.  13,  1788;  d.  March  14,  1867;  m.  Oct.  10,  1810,  Levi  Turner. 
Children :  i.  Chauncey  Welch,  b.  Aug.  30,  1811 ;  ii.  Jonathan  Ashley,  b.  Sept.  6, 
1814,   d.   March   5,   1849;    iii.   William,   b.    Aug.   12,   1817,    d.   June   16,   1861; 

68  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

iv.   Moses   Cook.   b.   Aug.   6,   1819,   d.   iMay   15,   1873;     v.   Levi   Melancthon,   b. 

May  30,  1823,  lived  in  Willimantic,  Conn.,  m.  ,  who  d.  in  1900,  had  a 

son,  Archibald  Welch,  m.  and  lived  in  "Willimantic  in  1900. 

Children  hy  second  wife 

Jonathan  Ashley  Welch,  b.  Feb.  4,  1792 ;  d.  Sept.  9,  1859.  Graduate  of  Yale,  1813 ; 
lawyer  in  Brooklyn,  Conn.  Married,  (1)  July  14,  1818,  Mary  Devotion  Baker, 
who  d.  Nov.  3,  1845.  Married  (2)  Harriet  Viol,  b.  1792;  widow  of  Judge  Fitch 
of  Mansfield.  Children  by  first  wife  only :  i.  Ebenezer  Baker,  b.  Feb.  20,  1821, 
lived  in  Boston  in  1901 ;  ii.  Mary  Charissa,  b.  May  21,  1823,  lived  in  Brooklyn, 
Conn.,  in  1899,  m.  Henry  M.  Cleveland;  iii.  Louis,  b.  Oct.  22,  1825,  graduate 
of  West  Point  in  1845,  lost  his  health  in  the  Mexican  War,  and  d.  March  24, 
1848;  iv.  Charles,  b.  June  9,  1828,  d.  March  10,  1867,  not  m. ;  v.  Joseph  A., 
b.  Aug.  13,  1830,  d.  April  11,  1901,  lawyer  in  New  York  City,  his  wife,  Mary, 
d.  June,  1900 ;  vi.  James  Edward,  b.  July  28,  1833,  d.  April  28,  1892,  merchant 
in  New  York  City ;  vii.  Elizabeth  Jane,  b.  May  21,  1837,  lived  in  Brooklyn, 
Conn.,  1899. 
231     Archiiald  Welch,  b.  March  13,  1794 ;    m.  Cynthia  Hyde. 

106.  THOMAS^  WELCH,  son  of  DanieP  and  Martha  (Cook)  Welch,  born  in 
North  Mansfield,  Conn.,  Tebruary  22,  1757;  died  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  22, 
1832,  to  which  place  he  had  removed  in  1806. 

Married  November  27,  1788,  LUCINDA  PIERCE,  born  September  14,  1769; 
died  in  the  town  of  Somers,  Conn.,  January  25,  1854. 


Martha  Welch,  h.  Feb.  24,  1790 ;    d.  Feb.  2,  1854. 

Harriet  (1)   Welch,  b.  Feb.  20.  1792;   d.  June  15,  1811. 

Jerusha  Welch,  b.  Nov.  14,  1794 ;    d.  Nov.  11,  1873 ;    lived  at  Enfield ;    m.  Jesse 

Cady  of  Somers.     No  children. 
Marcus  Welch,  b.  Nov.  27,  1795;    d.  April  7,  1872;    lived  at  Homer,  N.  Y. ;    m. 

Lucy  .     Their  first  four  children  died.     Others  were :    William,  proprietor 

of  a  paper  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y. ;    Albert,  a  tailor  in  Syracuse. 
Lucas  Welch,  b.  Dec.  19,  1797;    d.  March  10,  1879;    lived  at  Homer;    m.  Almira 

Pierce.      Children :     i.    Martha    Jane,    m.    Walter    Jones,    Kved    at    Homer ;     ii. 

Maria    Slocum,   m.   Dr.    Samuel   Harris    of   Syracuse,    who   d.    two   years    after 

marriage,  and  she  taught  in  the  public  schools  of  that  city  for  twelve  years ; 

iii.  Adeline,  m.  Harry  Corvin  and  had  a  daughter  who  m.  Greenwood, 

pastor  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  of  Meriden,  Conn. ;    iv.  . 

Charissa  Ashley  (1)   Welch,  b.  March  21,  1800;    d.  at  Mansfield,  Oct.  4,  1802. 
Daniel  Welch,  b.  July  19,  1802  ;    d.  Jan.  28,  1878,  in  Enfield  ;    m.  Dolly  R.  Ohnsted 

of  Enfield.     Child :    L.  Augusta,  resided  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  in  1900 ;    furnished 

the  data  about  her  grandfather's  family. 
Charissa  Ashley    (2)    TFe/c7i,   b.  May  19,  1804;    d.   at   Chicopee,   Mass.,   July  28, 

1879  ;   m.  Lewis  Chapin.    Children  :   i.  Theodore  L.,  of  Chicopee  ;   ii.  Thomas  W., 

of  Chelsea,  Mass. ;   iii.  Lucas  E.,  of  Fort  Dodge,  Iowa  ;   iv.  C.  Amelia,  d.  . 

Caroline  Matilda  Welch,  b.  April  8,  1807;    d.  Feb.  9,  1890;    lived  at  Enfield;    m. 

Calvin  King.     Children :    i.  Calvin  Oscar,  d.  ;    ii.   Caroline  Lucinda,  m. 

Samuel   Booth,   lives   at   Enfield ;    iii.   Thomas   Erskine,   lives    at   New   Britain, 

Conn.,  m.  Louise  Abbe,  daughter  of  Simeon  Abbe ;   iv.  Harriet,  d.  . 

Beniiet  Spafford  Welch,  b.  July  9,  1809;    d.  Dec.  4,  1877;    lived  at  Enfield;    m. 

Elizabeth  Killam.     Children  :    i.  Henry  B.,  lives  at  Coventry  ;    ii.  Mary  Elizabeth, 

m.  Guy  C.  Allen,  lives  at  Belchertown,  Mass. ;    iii.  . 

Harriet  (2)   Welch,  b.  Sept.  18,  1811;    d.  April  8,  1846;    lives  at  Mouson,  Mass.; 

m.  George  Wilson.     Their  first  three  children  d.  young ;    a  daughter  m.  Thomas 

H.  Stiles  and  lives  in  Monson. 

107.  GURD0N5  WELCH,  son  of  Daniel*  and  Martha  (Cook)  Welch,  born 
May  31,  1761.    Lived  in  Windham,  Conn. 

Married  December  9,  1789,  MARY  MANNING,  daughter  of  Hezekiah  and 
Mary  (Webb)  Manning. 

Fifth  Generation  69 


Henry  Welch,  b.  Sept.  2G,  1790;  lived  aiul  d.  at  Norwich;  m.  three  times.  ChiUl 
by  first  wife :  George,  m.  and  lives  in  New  Haven.  Child  by  second  wife : 
Sarah.  Children  by  third  wife:  i.  Hannah;  ii.  and  iii.  Emma  and  Emily 
( twins ) . 

Lucius  Welch  (twin),  b.  June  14,  1794,  at  Windham;  m.  Sophia  Backus,  daughter 
of  Luther  Backus.  Children:  i.  Martha;  ii.  Merritt  Manning,  b.  in  Windham, 
lives  in  Williniantic,  m.  Ellen  Bennet  and  has  four  children,  Edith,  Martha, 
Bert,  who  was  a  student  at  Yale  Law  School,  went  to  the  Cuban  War  and  later 
to  Wyoming,  and  Merritt,  who  went  to  Wyoming  with  his  brother. 

Lewis  Welch  (twin),  b.  June  14,  1794,  at  Windham;  d.  1869;  m.  Mrs.  Betsey 
(Gilmore)  Welch,  widow  of  his  brother  Gurdon.  Children:  i.  George,  b.  Feb.  1, 
1838 ;    ii.  Fannie  Sophia,  b.  June  19,  1841. 

Gurdon  Welch,  b.  Sept.  1,  1797,  at  AVindham  ;  lived  there  and  d.  before  1838;  m. 
Betsey  Gilmore.  Children:  i.  William  Gilmore,  b.  Jan.  10,  1823,  d.  Dec.  10, 
1823;    ii.  Lewis  Cook,  b.  Feb.  28,  1825,  in   Windham,  carpenter,  lecturer  and 

author,   m.   Barnes,   sold   the   homestead   of   his   great-great-grandfather 

in  1869;  iii.  Mary  Ann,  b.  Aug.  18,  1828,  m.  Feb.  19,  1849,  John  Rouse,  b. 
1822,  had  two  children,  Adelaide  and  DeForest ;  iv.  Jane  Cornelia,  b.  March 
23,  1S30.  m.  March  14,  1840,  Albert  Backus,  and  had  nine  children,  Ellen, 
Edgar,  Irwin,  Sarah,  Fred,  Charles,  Eva.  Frank,  and  Walter ;  v.  Adaline,  b.  in 
Windham,  April  23,  1832,  m.  Dec.  19,  1852,  Silas  L.  Rouse,  b.  Sept.  16,  1828, 
d.  in  Mansfield,  Aug.  27,  1908,  had  four  children,  Arthur,  b.  March  30,  1859, 
Agnes,  b.  Feb.  24,  1862,  m.  Henry  W.  Hyde  of  Williniantic  and  had  a  sou 
Rulof,  Ernest,  b.  Sept.  29,  1865,  and  Catharine,  b.  Nov.  4,  1871,  m.  Dr.  Fred- 
erick Ernest  Wilcox,  lives  at  Willimantic,  has  no  children. 

108.  SOPHIA^  WELCH,  daughter  of  Daniel*  and  Martha  (Cook)  Welch, 
born  September  27,  1771 ;    died  November  25  or  December  2,  1837. 

Married  November  29,  1798,  GURDON  BARROWS,  born  in  Mansfield,  July 
1,  1775;  died  February  14,  1823;  son  of  Thomas  and  Eleanor  (Cross)  Barrows. 
Lived  in  North  Parish,  Mansfield. 

Children,  born  in  Mansfield 

Martha  Barrotcs,  b.  Nov.  8.  1799  ;    d.  Sept.  8,  1802. 

Sophia  Barrows,  b.  April  27,  1801;    d.  Sept.  25,  1801. 

Thomas  Barroics,  h.  Sept.  4,  1802  ;  d.  May  11,  1843 ;  m.  Dec,  1830,  Almira  Royce, 
daughter  of  James  Royce.  Children :  i.  George  F.,  b.  Nov.,  1831,  studied 
medicine  at  New  Haven  and  New  York  University,  graduating  in  March,  1855, 
d.  April  5,  1855 ;  ii.  Francis  C,  served  in  the  Civil  War  in  the  10th  Connecticut 
Volunteers  and  received  a  severe  wound  in  one  of  the  battles ;  iii.  Delia  A., 
m.  (1)  Albert  Snow,  (2)  Charles  D.  Rider  of  Wilhngton ;  iv.  Ashley  W\, 
served  in  the  Ci\il  War  in  the  27th  Massachusetts  Volunteers ;  three  other 
children  d.  in  infancy. 

Martha  Cook  Barroics,  h.  Aug.  31.  1804;  m.  Harry  Crane  of  Mansfield  and  had 
nine  children,  six  of  whom  were  living  in  1864. 

Cook  Welch  Barroics,  h.  Jan.  23,  1807 ;    d.  Jan.  18,  1824. 

Sophronia  Barrows,  h.  Feb.  9,  1811 ;    d.  April  3,  1818. 

Charles  Barroics,  b.  Dec.  19.  1813;  teacher  in  Springfield  many  years;  d.  March 
9,  1903;  m.,  Sept.  5,  1838,  Lydia  Smith,  daughter  of  Seth  Smith  of  West 
Springfield.  Children:  i.  Mary  Sophia,  b.  Sept.  5,  1840,  d.  Feb.  20,  1852; 
ii.  Jane  Elizabeth,  b.  Aug.  10.  1843,  d.  April  5,  1849;  iii.  Charles  Henrv  (1), 
b.  March  7,  1850,  d.  Sept.  14,  1850;    iv.  Charles  Henry  (2),  b.  Aug.  4,  1853. 

109.  NATHANIEL^  FLINT,  3D,  son  of  Nathaniel,  jr.,  and  Sarah*  (Bidlack) 
Flint,  bom  in  Windham,  Conn.,  July  15,  1745.    Resided  in  Hampton. 

Married  in  Windham,  May  23,  176-  LUCY  MARTIN,  born  May  3,  1747, 
daughter  of  Ebenezer  and  Jerusha  (  )  Martin;  died  in  Braintree,  Vt., 
September,  1813. 

70  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children,  first  tico  iorti  in  Windham,  others  in  Hampton 

Lucy  Flint,  b.  July,  176-. 

Sarah  Flint,  b.  Sept.  2,  1769;    m.  Charles  Preston. 

JSlathaniel  Flint,  4th,  b.  Jan.  2,  1772;  killed  by  the  limb  of  a  tree,  July  »,  1841. 
Married,  June  20,  1793,  Eunice  Moulton,  daughter  of  Samuel  Moulton  of 
Hampton ;    d.  in  Mansfield  about  1850.     Children,   b.  in   Hampton :    i.   Eunice, 

b.  Nov.  28,  1794 ;    ii.  Sally,  b.  July  8,  1797,  m.  Northrop ;    iii.  Nathaniel, 

b.  April  19,  1800,  m.  Sophronia  Sessions  (?)  ;    iv.  Lucy,  b.   July  27,   1802,   m. 

Baucus(?)  ;    v.  Betsey,  b.  July  1.3,  1804,  m.  EUsha  Martin;    vi.  Anna 

Waldo,  b.  Sept.  1,  1806,  m.  Abbe;    vii.  Lydia,  b.  Aug.  28,  1808;    viii. 

Sophia,  b.  July  4,  1810,  d.  April  6,  1842;  ix.  Ebenezer,  b.  July  8,  1812;  x. 
Esther,  b.  Oct.  29,  1814,  d.  May  4,  1846,  m.  Chapin. 

Amasa  Flint,  b.  Aug.  25,  1774 ;  m.,  Sept.  10,  1795,  Hannah  Martin,  daughter  of 
Benjamin   and   Lucy    (  )    Martin   of  Hampton.      Children,   b.   in   Hampton: 

i.  Lucy,  b.  Sept.  21,  1796 ;   ii.  Amasa,  b.  Aug.  9,  1798. 

Eunice  Flint,  b.  April  19.  1777;    m.  William  Moulton. 

Eienezer  Flint,  b.  April  20.  1779. 

Betsey  Flint,  b.  Feb.  18,  1780 ;    d.  unm.  in  Vermont,  aged  about  25  years. 

110.  ISAAC'^  ABBE,  son  of  Ebenezer*,  jr.,  and  Abigail  (Gary)  Abbe,  bom 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  July  25,  1733;  died  April,  1788.  He  resided  in  North 
"Windham.  His  will,  made  September  3,  1785,  probated  April  30,  1788,  mentions 
his  wife  Eunice,  and  sons  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Abner.  (Windham  Probate  Records, 
Vol.  12,  pages  262,  348.) 

Married,  as  recorded  at  Ashford,  Conn.,  by  Ebenezer  Wales,  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  April  5,  1753,  EUNICE  CHURCH,  who  died  after  1788.  In  the  marriage 
record  both  are  described  as  of  Ashford. 

Children,  hirths  recorded  in  Windham 

Isaac  AUe,  b.  Oct.  31,  1753. 

232  Eunice  Ahhe,  b.  April  12,  1755 ;    m.  Jonah  Lincoln. 

233  Anna  Ahhe,  b.  March  14,  1757  ;    m.  Jeremiah  Lincoln. 

234  Alner  Alhc,  b.  Nov.  5,  1758 ;    m.  Sarah  Swetland. 
Susannah  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  15,  1760. 

Zerviah  Ahhe,  b.  April  10,  1762. 
Joseph  Ahhe,  b.  June  5,  1763 ;    went  west. 
2.35     Nathaniel  Ahhe,  b.  July  13,  1765;    m.  Tabitha  Hazen. 
Lucy  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  4,  1769. 
Sarah  Ahhe,  b.  March  4,  1771 ;    m.  John  Stimpson  of  Chaplin. 

111.  JACOBS  ABBE,  son  of  Ebenezer*,  jr.,  and  Abigail  (Gary)  Abbe,  born 
August  23,  1741;  baptized  at  Windham,  Conn.  Tlie  following  records  probably 
all  refer  to  this  man.  Served  in  Elkanah  Day's  Company,  August  21,  1776,  and 
in  Hatch's  Company  of  Minute  Men  in  Cumberland  County  Militia.  (Vermont 
Revolutionary  Rolls.)  Jacob  Abbe  and  Sarah  liis  wife  "of  Westminster  in  the 
County  of  Chester  in  the  Province  of  New  York"  deeded  to  Daniel  Kimball  of 
Pomfret,  land  in  Windham,  Conn.,  part  of  the  land  set  off  to  Sarah  by  the 
estate  of  her  father,  John  Richardson,  late  of  W^indham,  Conn.,  November  23, 
1767.  (W^indham  Land  Records,  Liber  M,  page  446.)  Jacob  Abbey,  an  inhabitant 
of  Westminster  and  others,  many  of  them  soldiers  in  the  late  war  and  now 
living  on  the  land  annexed  to  New  York,  petition  to  be  re-annexed  to  New 
Hampshire,  January  27,  1771.  Jacob  Abbee  of  W^estminster,  Windham  County, 
Vt.,  in  the  1790  Census  had  3  males  over  16,  2  males  under  16,  6  females  in  his 
family.  In  the  1800  Census  he  is  recorded,  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  2 
males  and  2  females  between  26  and  45,  2  males  and  1  female  between  16  and 
26,  1  female  between  10  and  16,  1  female  under  10. 

Married  at  Windham,  Conn.,  July  7,  1765,  SARAH  RICHARDSON,  daughter 
of  John  Richardson  of  Windham, 

Fifth  Generation  71 


Sarah  Ahhc,  b.  1767. 

Daniel  Ahhe,  b.  1709.     He  is  probably  the  Daniel  Abbey  who  m.  Eliza  and 

had  a  son  Ix-a,  who  m.  Sarah and  had  an  only  son  Daniel  N.,  b.  in  North 

Hudson.  Essex  County,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  5,  1840,  lives  in  Gloversville. 

Xathaii  Abie,  b.  1771. 

Zarriah  Ahhe,  b.  177o. 

Jaeoh  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  1778. 

EUpha  Ahbe,  b.  1780. 

Anna  Ahbe,  b.  1784. 

112.  JOHN"'  ABBE,  son  of  Ebcnezer^  jr.,  and  Abigail  (Gary)  Abbe,  bom 
August  22,  1743,  at  "Windliam,  Conn.  Some  of  the  following  records  doubtless 
refer  to  John,  the  son  of  Ebenezer.  John  Abbe  with  others,  inhabitants  of 
Cumberland  and  Gloucester  in  New  Hampshire,  were  in  the  ''grants  con- 
troversy," and  petitioned  the  king  for  relief,  November  1,  1770.  (Documentary 
History  of  New  York,  Vol.  4,  page  G66.)  He  qualified  at  a  freeman's  meeting 
in  AVestminster,  Vt.,  March  27,  1781,  among  70  others.  John  Abbe  deeded 
property  to  Captain  David  Pleaton  of  Westminster,  March  8,  1784.  The  1800 
Census  records  one  John  Abbe,  probably  not  this  one,  at  Rockingham,  Vt.,  1 
male  and  1  female  between  26  and  45,  1  male  between  10  and  16,  3  males  and 
1  female  under  10,  in  the  familj^  In  1790  John  Abbee  was  living  in  West- 
minster, Windham  Count}^,  Vt.,  3  males  over  16,  2  males  under  16,  5  females 
in  the  family. 

MaiTied,  probably  1764,  ABIAL  (ABIEL)  AVERILL,  daughter  of  John  and 
Mary  (Phippen)  Averill;  baptized  in  Topsfield,  Mass.,  November  26,  1738.  She 
was  living  February  13,  1797,  at  Westminster,  Vt.  Mentioned  in  her  father's 
will,  1797,   "Abiel  the  wife  of" John  Abby." 

Children  (from  Westminster  Town  Records) 

Ebenezer  Abbe,  b.  xVpril  22,  1765;    d.  May  18,  1791. 
Abigail  Abbe,  b.  July  3,  1767. 

,  d.  at  birth,  April  26,  1769. 

John    (1)  Ahbe,  jr.,  b.  March  26.  1770;    d.  Oct.  26,  1775. 

Olive  (1)  Abbe,  b.  April  26,  1772;    d.  Nov.  2,  1774. 

Amos  Ahbe,  h.  April  9,  1774. 

Olive  (2)  Ahhe,  h.  Sept.  26,  1776;    d.  Jan.  2,  1778. 

Mary  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  7,  1778. 

Ahial  Abbe,  b.  April  8,  1781. 

John   (2)  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  22,  1783. 

Phehc  Abhe,  b.  Nov.  2,  1785. 

David  Ahbe,  b.  Oct.  28,  1788. 

113.     ZIBEAH    ABBE,  daughter  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  June  11,  1737. 

^Married  in  Windham,  May  19,  1757,  JONATHAN  WALES,  born  April  11, 
1738,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Prudence  (Denison)  Wales.  He  was  a  farmer  in 

Children,  horn  in  Windhayn 

Roger  Wales,  b.  Feb.  7,  1759. 

WiUinm  Wales,  b.  March  1,  1764;  m.  April  24,  1779.  Sarah  Tinker.  Children: 
1.  Sally,  b.  Jan.  24,  1782 ;  ii.  Lydia,  b.  April  28,  1784 ;  iii.  George,  b.  May  12, 
1787 ;  iv.  Polly,  b.  July  5,  1789 ;  v.  Laura,  b.  April  13,  1792 ;  vi.  Lucy,  b.  Jan. 
9,  1795. 

Shuhael  Wales,  b.  March  7,  1766. 

72  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

114.  RACHEL'^^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born 
February  6,  1738-9,  in  North  Windham,  Conn.;  died  June  22,  1795,  buried  in 
Woodstock,  Conn.  A  lasting  memorial  of  her  patriotism  aroused  by  the  neAvs 
of  Lexington  in  April,  1775,  is  found  in  Woodstock. 

Rachel  Abbe  of  Windham,  now  Mrs.  Samuel  McClellan,  shared  in  the  patriotic  fervor 
which  so  characterized  the  women  of  her  native  town,  and  after  fitting  out  her  husband 
and  his  horsemen,  she  set  out  memorial  trees  in  honor  of  the  joyful  occasion.  Four 
sapling  elms  brought  up  on  horseback  from  the  old  Windham  homestead,  were  carefully 
transplated  into  the  soil  of  Woodstock — two  in  front  of  her  dwelling  and  two  on  the 
slope  of  the  adjoining  common.  Nurtured  with  care  and  pains  they  soon  took  root  and 
flourished  and  for  more  than  an  hundred  years  have  told  the  story  of  Lexington.  True 
trees  of  Liberty,  they  have  grown  up  with  the  Nation,  and  still  stand  in  majestic  beauty, 
living  witnesses  to  the  patriotism  and  devotion  of  the  women  of  Windham  County. 

Married  in  Windham,  as  his  second  wife,  March  5,  1766,  SAMUEL  MC  CLEL- 
LAN,  born  January  4,  1730,  in  Worcester,  Mass.;  died  September  17,  1807,  in 
Woodstock,  Conn. ;  buried  there.  His  parents  emigrated  from  Kircudbright,  on 
the  Firth  of  Solway  in  Scotland.  He  married  (1)  November  16,  1757,  Jemima 
Chandler,  by  whom  he  had  children:  Samuel,  William,  Lemuel  and  Polly.  He 
married  (3)  July  3,  1798,  Mrs.  Eunice  Folunsbee  of  Worcester. 

Samuel  MeClellan  served  as  Ensign  and  Lieutenant  of  a  company  in  the 
French  war  and  was  wounded  in  battle.  Upon  his  return  from  the  provincial 
campaign  he  purchased  a  farm  in  Woodstock,  married  and  settled  there.  He 
later  engaged  in  mercantile  business  and  established  an  extensive  trade,  import- 
ing his  own  goods  and  supplying  neighboring  merchants.  When  the  Revolution 
put  a  stop  to  his  trade  he  trained  and  equipped  the  countj^  militia.  A  fine  troop 
of  horse  was  raised  in  Woodstock,  Pomfret  and  Killingly,  of  which  he  became 
commander.  He  rose  by  promotions  until  1784  when  he  was  Brigadier-General 
of  the  5th  Brigade,  Connecticut  militia.  In  1776  his  regiment  was  ordered  into 
service  and  stationed  in  and  about  New  Jersey.  He  was  solicited  by  General 
Washington  to  join  the  Continental  Army  and  was  offered  an  important  com- 
mission biit  his  domestic  and  business  affairs  compelled  him  to  refuse.  After 
the  invasion  and  burning  of  New  London  and  the  massacre  at  Fort  Groton,  he 
was  appointed  over  the  troops  stationed  at  those  points  and  continued  the  com- 
mand until  the  close  of  the  war,  acting  as  commissary  in  the  purchase  and  for- 
warding of  provisions  for  the  army  when  not  otherwise  in  active  service.  He 
returned  to  mercantile  business  after  the  war  bitt  soon  gave  it  up  to  manage 
his  extensive  estates.  He  was  highly  esteemed  as  a  Christian  gentleman  and 
was  honored  by  his  townsmen  by  many  important  offices. 

Children  hy  Rachel  Ahbe,  lorn  in  Woodstock 

2.36     John  McClellan,  b.  Jan.  4,  1767  ;   m.  Faith  Williams. 
237     Atma  (Nancy)  McClellan,  b.  May  7,  1768 ;    m.  John  Lovett. 

2.38     James    McClellan,    b.    Sept.    20,    1769;     m.     (1)    Eunice    Eldridge;      (2)     Nancy 
Eld  ridge. 
Nathaniel  (1)  McClellan,  b.  Dec.  4,  1770;    d.  aged  4  years;    buried  in  Woodstock. 

239  Mary  Lucretia    (or  Lucrctia  Mary)    McClellan,   b.   May  15,   1773;     m.   Ebenezer 

Elizabeth  McClellan,  b.  Nov.  20,  1775 ;    d.  aged  three  weeks ;    buried  in  Woodstock. 

240  Nathaniel  (2)  McClellan,  b.  Jan.  16,  1777  (?)  ;    m.   (1)   Grace  Malbone ;    (2)   Olive 


241  Judah  Alden  McClellan,  b.  May  25,  1780 ;    m.  Elizabeth  White. 

115.  MARY=  ABBE,  daughter  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  December  21,  1740;    died  1804. 

Married  in  Windham,  March,  1770,  NATHANIEL  HIBBARD,  son  of  Paul 
and  Deborah  (Lawrence)  Hibbard,  born  in  Windham,  January  18,  1741;  died 
in  Windham,  May  30,  1803. 

Fifth  Generation  73 

Children,  horn  in  Windham 

242  Ourdon  Ilihhard,  b.  Oct.  29,  1770 :    m.  Irene  Frink. 

243  Augustus  Jlihhard,  b.  Feb.  1,  1772  ;    m.  Bathsheba  Lcarued. 
Oliver  Jlihhard,  h.  1773 ;    d.  unm. 

Shuhacl  Hihhnrd,  h.  June  <).  177."):  d.  Nov.  8,  18.'12  ;  m.  Lucy  Hovey  who  d.  July 
16,  1849.  Children :  i.  Frederick  H..  b.  in  Windham,  Nov.  29,  1799,  d.  in 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  16,  1850,  in.  Margaret  Flora  Emanuel,  was  Master  of 
packet  ships  between  London  and  New  York,  at  that  time  the  highest  position 
in  the  merchant  navy,  was  in  the  employ  of  Grinnell,  Minturn  &  Company  for 
thirty-five  years,  rose  to  a  position  of  influence  and  ownership,  left  large 
bequests  to  the  Brooklyn  Hospital  at  his  death ;  ii.  Emily,  b.  Sept.  16,  1803, 
m.  Elisha  H.  Mansfield  ;    iii.  Lucy,  b.  Sept.  20,  1807,  d.  July  10,  1852. 

244  :S^athanicl  Uilhard,  jr.,  b.  July  15,  1781;    m.  Susan  P.  Congdon. 

116.  ZERVIAH^  ABBE,  danglitcr  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born 
January  7,  1743,  in  North  Windham,  Conn.;  died  May  17,  1825;  buried  in 
Windham.    Lived  in  Windham. 

Married  in  Windham,  May  15,  1767,  NATHANIEL  WEBB,  born  in  Windham, 
August  5,  1737;  died  in  Windham,  January  25,  1814;  buried  there.  He  was 
son  of  Nathaniel  and  Elizabeth  (Fitch)  Webb,  and  uncle  to  Jerusha  Webb,  who 
married  Elisha^  Abbe,  his  brother-in-law;  was  gi-aduated  from  Yale,  1757; 
merchant  and  county  surveyor  in  1765;  Revolutionary  soldier  in  1776,  Adjutant 
and  Lieutenant,  with  Colonel  Jolm  Durkee's  Company,  4th  Connecticut  Regiment, 
at  the  battles  of  Trenton  and  Princeton,  Captain  in  the  same  Regiment.  Ho 
was  with  Washington  at  Valley  Forge. 

Nathaniel  Webb 's  ancestry  is  as  follows :  Christopher  Webb  came  from 
Barking,  Essex,  England,  in  1620;  Christopher"  Webb  married  Hannah  Scott, 
settled  in  Braintree,  Mass.;  SamueP  Webb  married  Mary  Adams,  aunt  of  Presi- 
dent John  Adams;  Nathaniel*  Webb  married  Elizabeth  Fitch,  descendant  of 
Rev.  James  Fitch,  minister  at  Saybrook  and  Norwich. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Windham 

245  Henry  Well),  b.  Sept.  2,  1768 ;    m.  Hannah  Clift. 

Mary  Welh,  b.  Sept.  23,  1770 ;  m.  as  his  second  wife  Lebbeus  Larrabee  of  Wind- 
ham. She  had  one  son,  Timothy,  who  was  graduated  at  West  Point  and  d.  in 

Ann  Weih,  b.  Nov.  5,  1772 ;    m.  Andrew  Edgerton  and  settled  in  Michigan. 

Lucretia  Wehh,  b.  May  8,  1775;  d.  Jan.  16,  1843,  in  Akron,  Ohio,  at  the  home 
of  her  daughter.  Married,  as  his  second  wife,  March  14,  1795,  Zephaniah  Swift, 
b.  Feb.  27,  17!59,  in  Wareham,  Mass.;  d.  Sept.  27,  1823,  while  on  a  visit  to 
Warren,  Ohio,  where  his  children  lived.  He  was  the  son  of  Roland  Swift ;  was 
graduated  from  Yale,  1757;  m.  (1)  Jerusha  Watrous  ;  was  a  lawyer  in  Wind- 
ham, Conn.  He  represented  his  county  in  the  Legislature  in  1787  and  later; 
was  clerk  for  four  sessions  and  speaker  in  Oct.,  1792 ;  representative  in  Congress, 
1793  and  later ;  was  in  the  Upper  House  of  State  Legislature,  1799  ;  Judge  of 
Superior  Court  and  Chief  Justice.  He  published,  among  other  works,  a  "Digest 
of  the  Laws  of  Connecticut,"  and  assisted  in  revising  the  laws  of  the  state  in 
1818.  The  degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws  was  conferred  upon  him  by  Yale  in  1815, 
and  by  Middlcbury  College  in  1821.  He  had,  by  Lucretia  Webb,  a  son  and  a 

George  Washington  Wcbh,  b.  Aug.  9,  1779,  in  Windham,  Conn.  Resided  at  Wind- 
ham Centre.  Married  in  Windham,  March,  1806,  Mary  (Polly)  Lee,  daughter 
of  Dr.  Samuel  Lee  of  Windham.  Children,  born  in  Windham  :  i.  Lucy,  b.  Nov. 
24,  1806,  m.  Reuben  Fairbanks,  resided  in  Brooklyn,  Conn.,  had  five  children; 
ii.  Julia,  b.  Feb.  17,  1809,  m.  Evans,  resided  in  Victoria,  Mo. 

Charles  Lee  Wehh,  b.   Oct.  8,  1781 ;    merchant  in   Litchfield,   Conn. ;    m.   

Cheney  of  Pomfret,  Conn. 

117.  SHUBAEL'  ABBE,  son  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born  in 
North  Windham,  Conn.,  November  9,  1744;    died  April  16,  1804.     The  following 

74  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

epitaph,  from  the  okl  Windham  burying-ground,  gives  a  clear  account  of  this 
worthy  citizen: 

In  memory  of  SHUBAEL  ABBE,  Esq.,  who  died  suddenly  April  16,  1804,  aged  59. 
He  graduated  at  Yale  College  in  1764.  He  was  several  years  in  the  business  of 
merchandise,  and  by  his  own  exertion  became  largely  engaged  in  husbandry.  In  1783 
he  was  appointed  Sheriff  of  the  County  of  Windham  and  continued  in  the  most 
unexceptionable  manner  to  discharge  the  duties  of  that  office  till  his  death.  He  was 
often  chosen  a  Representative  of  the  town,  in  1798,  he  was  appointed  by  the  Presi- 
dent one  of  the  Commissioners  of  the  land  tax.  And  by  the  Assembly  one  of  the 
Committee  to  manage  the  school  funds.  In  domestic  life  he  was  indulgent  and  decisive. 
In  public  business,  active,  punctual,  and  correct.  In  his  attachment  to  civil  and 
religious  institutions  he  was  exemplary,  and  to  the  poor  and  afflicted  humane  and 
generous.  His  abilities  and  integrity  secured  to  him  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his 
feUow  Citizens,  and  his  death  was  extensively  and  deeply  regretted. 

He  left  a  widow,  three  sons  and  five  daughters  to  mourn  an  irreparable  loss. 

Tears  flow  nor  cease  where  Abbe's  ashes  sleep, 
For  him  a  wife  and  tenderest  children  weep, 
And  Justly — for  few  shall  ever  him  transcend, 
A  husband,  parent,  and  a  faithful  friend. 

He  received  the  degree  A.B.  from  Yale  College  in  1764  and  A.M.  in  1767. 

His  inventory,  taken  May  8,  1804,  denotes  an  estate  of  $29,412.85;  papers 
mentioning  the  widow  and  children.  (Windham  Probate  Records,  Vol.  15,  pages 
111,  176,  362,  468.) 

The  following  letter,  found  among  some  old  papers  by  Dr.  J.  H.  Weeks  of 
Stonington,  Conn.,  was  given  by  him  to  Professor  Cleveland  Abbe : 


Windham  August  4th  1803     — 

Your's,  inclosing  a  Writ  of  Attachment  vs.  Stephen  Congdon  have  received,  &  noted 
the  contints,  said  Congdon  lives  on  my  fai-m,  have  taken  his  body  and  Bonds  for  his 
appearance  to  Court,  he  expects  in  the  Course  of  next  week  to  see  Mr.  Potter,  to 
wliom  the  note  was  given  and  endeavor  to  settle  the  same.  Let  that  be  as  it  may 
I  shall  return  the  Writ  in  Season  unless  you  send  me  word  to  the  contrary 

I  am  Sir  with  esteem 

Y''our  Hum'b  Servt 
Addressed  :  Shubael  Abbe 

Windham  4     August  10 

Coddington  Billings  Esq^' 
The  postmaster  is  requested  to  forward  this  immediately 

Shubael  Abbe's 
Letter  Augt  4tii  1803. 

Shubael  Abbe  married  in  Windham,  January  26,  1774,  LUCY  CHESTER,  who 
died  in  Windham,  June  21,  1818,  aged  66  years. 

Children,  born  in  Windham 

246  Lucy  Ahhe.  b.  May  21,  1778;    m.  Elijah  Waterman. 

247  Nancy  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  24,  1780;    m.  Samuel  Uarhng. 

Lucretia  Ahhe  (twin),  b.  Jan.  12,  1782;  d.  in  New  York  State;  m.  in  Windham, 
April  12,  1804,  Zephaniah  Ripley  of  Scotland,  Conn.  Children,  b.  in  Windham  : 
i.  Abbey  Lucretia,  b.  Jan.  1.5,  1805;  ii.  Harriet  Elizabeth,  b.  March  30,  1810; 
iii.  Mary  Leonard,  b.  Sept.  5,  1814. 

Chester  Ahhe  (twin),  b.  Jan.  12,  1782;  d.  in  Windham,  about  1832.  aged  50;  not 
m.  As  administrator  of  his  father's  estate  he  was  discharged  Jan.  21.  1807.  in 
an  instrument  signed  by  the  heirs.  (Windham  Records,  Vol.  15,  page  362.) 
The  Windham  Herald  of  June  26,  1806,  contained  an  advertisement  of  a  farm 
for  sale  by  Chester  Abbe.  "A  valuable  Farm,  lying  in  Windham,  first  society, 
about  two  miles  west  of  the  court-house,  and  about  half  a  mile  west  of  Shetucket 
River;    containing  about  one  hundred  acres  of  excellent  land.   ..." 

Fifth  Generation  75 

2-18     Freelove  Ahhe,  h.  Oct.  21,  nS-i :    m.  David  F.  Young. 

Lucius  (1)   Ahbc.  b.  Ort.  6.  17S5  ;    d.  Nov.  6.  1785.      (Windham  Knoll.) 
Beiscy  Ahhc,  b.  Jan.  2.").  1787:    d.   S^'pt.  22.  1809.  at  Bridgeport,  Conn.;    not  m. 
Her  wiU  was  probated  in  Windham,  Oct.  12,  1809.      (Windham  Wills,  Vol.  15, 
page  525.) 
Christophet-  Ahhc,  b.  Oct.,  1789;    d.  in  Coventry,  Conn.,  before  1862;    was  at  times 
249     Lucius  (2)  Ahhe,  b.  April  3,  1792;    m.  Mrs.  Mary  B.   (Viol)  Young. 
Shuhael  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  26,  1794;    d.  April  4,  1794. 

118.  PHINEAS^  ABBE,  son  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born 
November  22,  1746,  in  Nortli  Windham,  Conn. ;  died  June  19,  1800.  Mr.  Phineas 
Abbe  Departed  this  Life  17*^^  day  of  June  on  Tuesday  in  the  afternoon  at  four 
o'clock  in  the  54  j'ear  of  his  age  1800.  (Bible  Record.)  He  was  a  respected 
and  prosperous  farmer  of  Windham,  took  an  active  part  in  all  matters  of  public 
welfare,  held  various  civil  offices,  including  that  of  jailer.  During  the  Revolu- 
tion he  had  at  one  time  some  English  prisoners  who  ornamented  tlie  wall  of 
their  room  or  cell  with  a  fine  large  picture  of  their  ship.  It  was  later  revealed 
that  this  was  only  to  conceal  efforts  they  were  making  to  remove  a  portion 
of  the  wall  and  make  their  escape.  When  they  finally  succeeded  in  getting 
away,  tliey  left  word  to  their  jailer  that  they  were  about  to  sail  soon. 

At  his  death  his  property  was  inventoried  at  $9,919.40,  with  325  acres  of 
land.  The  inventory,  taken  October  12,  1801,  is  a  most  interesting  document 
with  its  long  enumeration  of  articles  of  furniture  and  Avearing  apparel,  among 
which  were  chairs  and  tables  of  several  kinds,  six  fiddle-back  chairs,  silver 
knee-buckles  and  plated  shoe-buckles.  The  property  was  distributed  to  the 
widow,  Susannah,  and  children:  Mary  Taintor,  Joshua,  Lucy,  Thomas,  George, 
Charles,  Moses,  Lucius,  Henry  and  Samuel.  (Windham  Probate  Records,  Vol. 
14,  pages  435,  480,  519.)  His  homestead  was  south  of  Windham  Centre,  owned 
later  by  his  son  George. 

Married  (1)  in  Windham,  December  7,  1767,  MARY  BINQHAM,  born  Sep- 
tember 24,  1746,  at  Canterbury,  Conn.;  died  in  Windham,  July  29,  1777.  She 
was  the  sixth  child  of  Gideon  and  Mary  (Gary)  Bingham,  granddaughter  of 
Joseph  Bingham,  who  was  born  in  Norw-ich  in  1688,  and  his  w^ife,  Abigail  Scott, 
and  great-granddaughter  of  Deacon  Thomas  Bingham,  who  was  born  about  1642, 
settled  in  Saybrook  and  married  Mary  Rudd.  Deacon  Thomas  was  the  son  of 
Thomas  and  Mary  (         )  Bingham  of  Sheffield,  Yorkshire,  England. 

Married  (2)  in  Windham,  December  2,  1778,  SUSANNA  BROWN,  born 
October  18  (or  15),  1750;  died  April  26,  1804.  '^Wid"^  Susannah  Abbe  Consort 
of  Phinelias  Abbe  wiio  departed  this  life  In  the  year  1804  In  the  52  year  of  her 
age  April  25."  (Bible  Record.)  She  was  the  daughter  of  Gen.  Thomas  Brown, 
a  Revolutionary  officer,  and  his  wife,  Sarah  Bishop  of  Lisbon,  Conn.  Her  will 
Avas  made  April  5,  1804,  and  the  property  distributed  to  her  sons,  George,  Charles, 
Moses,  Lucius,  Henry  and  Samuel,  on  September  23,  1808.  (Windham  Probate 
Records,  15:104,  114,"  442.) 

Children  hy  first  icife,  recorded  in  Windham 

Lucy  (1)  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  16.  1768;    d.  Dec.  1.3,  1774. 
Betsey  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  2,  1771 ;    d.  Dec.  21,  1774. 

250  Mary  Ahhe,  b.  March  29,  1773 ;    m.  Charles  Taintor. 

251  Joshua  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  15,  1775;    m.  Marcia  Grosvenor. 

Lucy  (2)  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  30,  1776;  d.  Jan.  14,  1856;  buried  in  Windham.  In  1850 
she  was  li\dng  in  Windham  with  her  sister,  Mrs.  Charles  Taintor.  Married  in 
Windham.  .July  31,  1811,  General  Jedediah  Johnson  of  Canterbury,  Conn.,  who 
d.  before  his  wife.    He  was  made  General  of  the  5th  Brigade  in  1809. 

76  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children  by  second  wife,  recorded  in  Windham 

Thomas  Abie,  b.  Oct.  22,  1779.  He  was  first  mate  of  a  vessel  sailing  from  Nor- 
folk, went  to  St.  Kitts,  West  Indies.  In  tlie  old  Moses  Cleveland  Abbe  Bible  is 
this  entry,  "Thomas  Abbe  of  Windham  Departed  this  life  Demouronra  in  the 
year  1805  in  the  24  year  of  his  age."  This  doubtless  refers  to  Demerara,  British 

252  George  Ahbc,  b.  May  17.  1781 ;   m.  Charlotte  Hackstaff. 

253  Charles  Abbe,  h.  Jan.  17,  1783;    m.  Mary  Welch. 

Phineas  Abbe  (twin),  b.  Dec.  0,  1784;    d.  Jan.  15,  1785.      (Windham  Knell.) 
ISusanna  Abbe  (twin),  b.  Dec.  6,  1784;    d.  aged  9  weeks. 

254  Moses  Cleveland  Abbe  (twin),  b.  Nov.  16,  1785;    m.  Tabitha  Waldo. 

255  Lucius  Abbe   (twin),  b.  Nov.  IB,  1785;    m.  Martha  .John.son. 

Ilenry  Abbe,  b.   Sept.  6,  1787;    was  said  to  have  been  killed  in  battle  in   South 

America  in  181.3. 
Samuel  Abbe,  b.  June  7,  1789.     He  was  a  physician,  served  as  a  surgeon  in  the 

War  of  1812  ;    shot  himself ;    m.  • . 

119.  LUCRETIA^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe, 
born  March  10  (or  18),  1749,  at  Windham,  Conn.;  died  January  2,  1826,  in 
Bristol,  Pa. 

Married  in  Windham,  December  15,  1765,  EDMUND  BADGER,  born  February 
25,  1737-8,  at  Norwich,  Conn.;  died  September  6  or  8,  1825,  in  Bristol,  Pa.,  to 
which  place  they  had  moved  from  Windham  a  few  years  before  his  death.  He 
was  son  of  Samuel  and  Abigail  (Bingham)  Badger  and  was  descended  from  Giles 
and  Elizabeth  (Greenleaf)  Badger  of  Newbury.  He  was  a  shoemaker  in 
Windham,  and  was  recorded  in  the  Census  of  1800. 

The  Phenix  or  Windham  Herald  of  November  10,  1796,  contained  this 
advertisement : 

Edmund  Badger,  &  Co. 

Would  inform  their  customers  that  they  have  received  a  pleasing  assortment  of  winter 
Goods,  which  they  will  sell  on  the  most  reasonable  terms. — Also  a  general  assortment  of 
groceries ;  among  which  are,  Rum,  Brandy,  Gin,  Wines,  loaf  and  brown  Sugar,  Rosin, 
Alspice,  Pepper,  Cinnamon,  Nutmegs,  Logwood,  Gunpowder,  Shot,  Bar  Iron,  German 
Crawley  and  blistered  Steel,  &c.  &c. 

Windham,  Nov.  10,  1796. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Windhain 

256  Thomas  Badger,  b.  June  27,  1766;  an.  Lydia  Cogdell. 

Bela  Badger,  h.  Feb.  6,  1768;  d.  Sept.,  1835 (?),  probably  at  Bristol,  Pa.  He  was 
a  famous  sportsman  of  his  day,  settled  in  Philadelphia,  and  acquired  much 
wealth.  Married  in  Newbern,  N.  C,  Susanna  Cogdell  Stanley  of  that  place.  No 

George  Badger,  b.  March  24,  1770 ;    d.  in  North  Carolina  ;    m.  but  left  no  children. 

Lucretia  (1)  Badger,  b.  May  5,  1772;    d.  voung. 

Elizabeth  Badger,  b.  Feb.  14,  1774;    d.  April  24,  1789  or  1781. 

Amta  Badger,  b.  Oct.  27,  1776;  d.  Aug.  26,  1864  (?).  Married  in  Windham, 
Conn.,  July,  1797,  Samuel  Merriman.     Child  :    Mary  Ann,  b.  July  11,  1798.     One 

account  says  Anna  Badger  m.   (2)   Parke  or  Parks  and  had  a  daughter 

who  m.  Dorrance  of  Philadelphia,  formerly  of  Sterling,  Conn. 

257  Edmund  Badger,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  14,  1779 ;    m.  Amelia  Dyer. 

Lucretia  (2)  Badger,  b.  March  17,  1784  or  1781;  d.  in  the  summer  of  1845;  m.  in 
Fredericksburg,  Va.,  Sept.,  1806,  William  Allen  of  that  place.  Child  :  William 
Edmund,  m.  and  had  a  daughter  who  m.  Senor.  Romero,  for  some  time  Mexican 
Minister  to  the  United  States. 

258  Frances  Badger,  b.  Feb.  12,  1785 ;    m.  Thomas  Hieskell. 

259  Samuel  Badger,  b.  Dec.  6,  1786;    m.   (1)    Olivia  Ann  Root;     (2)   Lucretia  Hoyt ; 

(3)  Rosina  Bradley. 

120.  JOSHUA^  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  January  9,  1751.  He  was  a  man  of  strong  religious  impulses, 
opposed  to  orthodox  preaching,  and  became  a  preacher  of  the  Christian  denomi- 

Fifth  Generation  77 

nation,  or,  as  it  was  at  times  called,  the  Congregational  Baptist.  In  1826  he  was 
on  the  register  of  preachers.  Larncd's  History  of  Windham  County,  page  221, 
"Vol.  2,  says  this : 

In  the  north  part  of  Winilhani,  whioh  was  now  becoming  a  populous  neighborhood,  a 
remarkable  worship  was  conducted  by  Joshua  Abbe.  Rev.  Moses  Cook  Welch  of  Mansfield 
represented  '-these  Abbe-itcs  as  a  sect  of  Baptists,  differing  from  any  and  all  of  that 
denomination  that  had  ever  risen  in  any  age,  having  no  communication  even  with  other 
Baptist  churches.  Their  meetings  were  characterized  by  jargon,  disorder  and  great 
confusion  ;  all  were  allowed  to  speak  at  pleasure,  women  as  well  as  men,  three,  four,  or 
six  sometimes  speaking  at  once,  while  groans,  sobs,  and  sighs  were  reiterated  by  others." 

As  the  Rev.  Moses  Cook  Welch  Avas  an  orthodox  preacher  of  the  same 
neighborhood  and  entered  into  violent  controversy  over  these  unorthodox 
preachers,  we  may  believe  that  this  account  may  have  been  somewhat  colored 
by  his  personal  feelings. 

In  the  Census  of  1800,  he  is  doubtless  the  Joshua  Abbe  of  Windham,  with  a 
family  of  15. 

Joshua  Abbe  resided  in  North  Windham  on  his  father's  home  farm  and  later 
emigrated  to  Leroy,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died.  A  settlement  was  made  between  his 
widow  and  George  W.  Abbe,  administrator,  October  15,  1836.  (Windham 
Probate  Records,  Vol.  21,  page  38.) 

Married  (1)  in  Windham,  November  19,  1771,  TRIPHENA  BASS,  born 
March  6,  1753,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  (Church)  Bass  of  Windham. 
She  died  in  Chaplin,  July  29,  1815,  and  is  buried  there. 

Married  (2)  MRS. ROGERS.    No  children. 

Children  hy  first  wife,  recorded  in  Windham 

Sarah  Ahle,  b.  Feb.  13,  1772;  d.  Sept.  27,  1826;  m.  in  Windham,  Feb.  23,  1800, 
EUsha  Whipple.  Child  :  Henry,  b.  in  Windham  about  1800 ;  hved  in  Chaphn ; 
went  to  Ohio  with  his  uncle  and  d.  soon. 

Alice  AUe,  b.  Nov.  21,  1773 ;   d.  Dec.  31,  1774. 

Elizaieth  Abhe,  b.  Dec.  26,  1775;  m.  Nov.  22,  1801,  Judah  Buck.  (Windham 
Church  Records.)     They  had  three  children  hving  about  1860. 

Henry  Ahbe,  b.  Dec.  18,  1777,  was  a  seafaring  man;    d.  unm. 

260  Lydia  Ahie,  b.  Oct.  21,  1779 ;    m.  John  Clark. 
Ahie,  d.  in  infancy,  Sept.,  1781. 

261  Jesse  Aiie,  b.  Feb.  14,  1783 ;    m.  Lorinda  Dorman. 

Sybil  Abhe,  b.  March  15,  1785  ;    m.  in  Windham,  1805,  Lucius  Fitch,  son  of  John 
"and  Clarissa    (Wales)    Fitch.     Settled  in  Ohio.     Children,  b.  in   Windham:    i. 
John,  b.  May  5,  1808 ;    ii.  Lucius,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  30,  1808 ;    iii.  Lucy,  b.  March  14, 

262  George  Wyllys  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  10,  1787;    m.    (1)    Freelove  PhiUips ;     (2)    Eunice 

Huntington;    (3)  Louisa  L.  Woodworth. 
Eunice  Abbe,  b.  April  10,  1789 ;    m.,  Sept.  28,  1809,  Charles  ChampUn  of  Windham. 

Removed  to  Ohio.     Children  :   i.  John,  hves  in  Ohio ;    ii.  Charles,  d.  . 

Sophia  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  6,  1791 ;    m.  Moore.     Lived  in  Ohio.     No  children. 

EUsha  Abbe,  h.  June  25,  1794.     He  went  with  his  brother  Jesse  to  Ohio  and  d. 

there  about  1815. 
Lucy  Ahbe,  b.  July  3,  1797 ;   ni. Moore  and  was  living  in  Springfield,  Mass., 

about  1860.     Had  a  son  living  at  that  time. 

121.  ELISHA5  ABBE,  son  of  Joshua*  and  Mary  (Ripley)  Abbe,  born  in 
North  Windham,  Conn.,  May  15,  1753;  died  August  15,  1829;  buried  in 
Windham.  He  enlisted  January  16,  1776,  as  a  Revolutionary  solider;  Avas  said 
to  have  been  a  commissary.  He  OAvned  a  farm  in  the  suburbs  of  Windliam  and 
was  one  of  those  who  claimed  the  privilege  of  shipping  his  own  products 
without  the  intervention  of  middlemen.  He  built  for  his  own  accommodation 
the    "Windham,"    a  brisk  little  craft,  with  a  huge  frog  cut  in  its  bow  for  a 

78  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

figure-head,  in  memory  of  the  famous  Windham  frog  scare  of  1754.  Like 
many  others,  his  commercial  ventures  had  been  destroj'ed  by  British  invaders 
and  he  was  energetic  among  those  who  were  upholding  the  government  in  1812, 
With  a  family  of  nine  he  was  recorded  in  the  1800  Censiis;  in  1810  with  four. 
He  served  as  constable  and  collector  of  state  taxes.  About  1818  he  was  one 
of  the  selectmen  of  his  town.  His  estate  was  distributed  to  his  four  married 
daughters,  January  11,  1833.     (Windham  Probate  Records,  Vol.  20,  page  206.) 

Married  in  AVindham,  October  27,  1774,  JERUSHA  WEBB,  born  May  19, 
1747;  died  December  28,  1828;  buried  in  Windham.  She  was  daugliter  of 
Samuel  and  Deborah  (Davidson)  Webb  of  Windham,  and  was  mentioned  in  her 
father's  Avill,  October  13,  1801.  She  was  the  niece  of  Nathaniel  Webb,  who 
married  her  sister-in-law,  Zerviah^  Abbe. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Windham 

263     Betsey  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  13,  1775  ;   m.  Abuer  Latlirop. 

Bela  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  18,  1777;    d.  iu  Windham,  June,  1800;    not  m. 

Alfred  Ahhe  (twin),  b.  Aug.  19,  1779;    d.  April  13,  1781. 

(Son),  twin  with  Alfred,  b.  Aug.  19,  1779;    d.  in  Windham,  Sept.,  1779. 

Jeruslia  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  14,  1781,  iu  Windham,  Conn.  She  was  living  in  Windham 
in  1850,  with  an  unm.  daughter  and  her  two  grandsons.  Married  in  Windham, 
Aug.  30,  1801,  John  McGouty,  a  sea-captain  of  Scotch  descent.  He  d.  in  North 
Carolina,  July,  1842.  Children,  b.  in  Windham:  i.  Betsey,  b.  March  15,  1804; 
ii.  and  iii.  (twins),  d.  Feb.  14,  1806;  iv.  Elisha.  b.  June  18,  1807;  v.  John,  b.  Oct. 
25,  1809 ;  vi.  Jerusha  Abby,  b.  Jan.  28,  1812,  was  living  with  her  mother  in 
Windham,  1850,  not  m. ;  vii.  Emma,  b.  June  16,  1816,  m.  in  Windham,  April  5, 
1835,  Edwin  G.  Balcom  of  Windham.  Had  children :  Henry,  b.  about  1836,  and 
Horace,  b.  about  1841,  who  were  living  with  their  grandmother  in  Windham  in 

ISIathaniel  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  21,  1783;    d.  in  Windham,  Nov.  24,  1798,  aged  15. 

Emma  Ahhe,  b.  April  18,  1785 ;  d.  Jan.  9,  1864.  She  resided  in  Windham. 
Married  (1)  Elisha  Kinne ;  (2)  Matthew  Smith  of  Chaplin,  Conn.,  who  d.  before 

Mary  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  9,  1787 ;  resided  in  China,  Mich.,  in  1862.  Married  Hunting- 
ton Fitch,  who  d.  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  before  1862. 

122.  SOLOMON^  ABBE,  son  of  Gideon*  and  Keziah  (Walker)  Abbe,  born 
April  12,  1746,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  where  he  lived  and  died  July  29,  1840. 

The  1800  Census  of  Mansfield  gives  him  with  2  females  and  3  males  in  his 

Married  in  Mansfield,  March  10,  1768,  LUCY  JOHNSON,  born  in  Lebanon, 
Conn.,  daughter  of  John  Johnson. 

Children,  horn  in  Mansfield 

264  Gideon  Ahhe,  b.  April  6,  1769 ;    m.  Sybil  Campbell. 

265  ISarah  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  18,  1771;    m.   (1)  Leonard;     (2)   Isaac  Crane. 

266  Solomon  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  9,  1774 ;    m.  Susan  Gile. 
Olive  Ahhe,  b.  May  10,  1776. 

267  Eleazcr  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  16,  1778 ;   m.  Lydia  Agard. 

268  Rhoda  Ahhe,  b.  March  2,  1781 ;   m.  Jesse  Crane. 
IIuldaTi  Ahhe,  b.  May  16,  1783. 

269  iSimeon  Ahhe,  b.  July  17,  1785. 

123.  JOHN=  ABBE,  son  of  Gideon*  and  Bathsheba  (Smith)  Abbe,  born  in 
Mansfield,  Conn.,  March  8,  1747-8.  The  following  records  doubtless  refer  to  this 
John  Abbe: 

Married  April  27,  1768,  DOROTHY  BUGBEE. 

Fifth  Generation  '?9 


270  John  Ahle,  b.  in  Mansfield,  April  4,  17G9  ;    m.  Lydia  Wolcut. 
Timothy  Ahhe,  b.  1771. 

271  David  Ahhc,  b.  1789 ;    m.  Hannah  Woods. 

124.  SAMUEL''  ABBEY,  son  of  Gideon*  and  Bathsheba  (Smith)  Abbe,  born 
January  18,  1755,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  lived  later  in  Schenectady  or  Schoharie 
County,  N.  Y. ;   after  1782  in  Duanesburg,  N.  Y.,  as  recorded  in  the  1790  Census. 

In  isOO  he  is  recorded  in  the  Census  of  Duanesburg,  1  male  and  2  females 
over  45,  1  male  and  2  females  between  10  and  16,  4  females  under  10.  In  1810 
he  is  recorded  at  Duanesburg  also.    Died  there  March  29,  1824. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  April  11,  1775,  MIRIAM  HALL,  daughter  of  Ephraini 
and  Miriam  (Wolcott)  Hall,  born  March  15,  1757;  died  in  Duanesburg,  N.  Y., 
June  10,  1823.  She  was  a  woman  famous  for  her  helpfulness  in  times  of  sickness 
and  was  one  of  the  earliest  to  cultivate  silk  worms. 


Rachel  Alley,  b.  in  Mansfield,  Feb.  10,  1776;  d.  March  29,  1846;  m.  Nov.  29, 
1791,  Clayton  (?). 

272  Shttlael  Alley,  b.  Feb.  20,  1778:    m.  Polly  Hartshorn (?). 

Uannah  Alley,  b.  Feb.  22,  1780;  d.  Nov.,  1857;  m.,  Feb.  19,  1796,  Rufus 
Rockwell.     A  grandson,  Peter  Rockwell,  lives  in  Berkshire,  N.  Y. 

Mary  {Polly)  Allcu,  b.  Jan.  3.  1782;    d.  Ang.  3,  1804;    m.  March  17,  1798. 

Jerusha  Alley,  b.  Jan.  16,  1784;    d.  March,  1787. 

Miriam  Alley,  b.  Jan.  27,  1786;   d.  Oct.,  18.38;   m.  Oct.,  1801,  Rev.  Mr.  Streeter. 

Jesse  Alley,  b.  July  1,  1788;  d.  Jan.,  1867.  Recorded  in  the  1810  Census  at 
Duanesburg,  N.  Y.,  with  wife  and  son  under  ten.  He  is  probably  the  Jesse 
Abbey  who  was  Ensign  in  1820  of  the  188th  Regiment  of  infantry,  Schenectady ; 
and  Lieutenant,  1821.  (Minutes  Council  of  Appointment,  pages  2128,  2257.) 
Married  three  times ;    first  Nov.  15,  1807.     Son  Jay  lives  in  Duanesburg. 

Anna  Alley,  b.  May  2,  1790;  d.  in  Candor,  N.  Y.,  April  10,  1846;  m.,  Oct.,  1805, 
Joseph  Tubbs. 

Olive  Alley,  b.  Sept.  25.  1792;    d.  Dec,  1857;    m.  Oct.,  1808,  Simeon  Tubbs. 

Ruth  Alley,  b.  Jan.  27,  1794 ;    d.  Oct.,  1805. 

Phele  Alley,  b.  Jan.  13,  1796;    d.  Oct.  26,  1846;    m.  Oct.  20,  1816. 

Lydia  Alley,  b.  March  11,  1798 ;    d.  Jan.  3.  1808. 

273  Reulen  Alley,  b.  July  1.3,  1801 ;   m.  Marian  Hoag. 

Jemima  Alley,  b.  April  3,  1803;  d.  near  Mexico,  N.  Y.,  June  2,  1876;  m.,  Jan.  16, 
1823,  Ebenezer  Slawson. 

125.  WILLIAM'  ABBEY,  son  of  Gideon*  and  Bathsheba  (Smith)  Abbey,  born 
April  14,  1758,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  at  Hall's  Corners,  N.  Y.,  August  6, 
1833.  He  enlisted  from  Mansfield,  April,  1775,  for  one  month;  June,  1775,  for 
six  months,  under  Lieutenant  Dana,  Colonel  Storrs;  December  1,  1775,  to 
January  1,  1777,  under  Captain  John  Keyes,  Colonel  John  Durkee;  was  at  the 
capture  of  the  Hessians  at  Trenton.  One  of  his  descendants,  Mr.  Gehial  Hall 
Abbey,  has  the  chest  which  he  carried  during  his  service  in  the  Revolution.  On 
April  19,  1818,  William  Abbey  applied  for  a  pension,  at  that  time  being  a  resident 
of  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.  In  pension  papers  of  1820,  mention  was  made  of 
his  children:  Nathan,  aged  33:  Isabel,  aged  22;  Lydia,  aged  20;  and  a  gTand- 
child,  Eunice  Abbe,  "all  of  which  I  provide  for  and  support  besides  myself, 
who  have  not  done  a  day 's  work  this  twelve  years  past  on  account  of  infirmity. ' ' 
In  sjiite  of  this  infirmity,  he  seems  to  have  been  well-to-do,  as  he  owned  property 
worth  $68.75  and  owed  but  $12.00.  His  name  is  on  the  tablet  in  memory  of  the 
Revolutionary  soldiers  of  Onondaga  County,  in  the  Post  Office  at  Syracuse. 
The  Census  of  1790  records  him  at  Duanesburg,  Albany  County,  N.  Y.,  1  male 
over  16,  3  males  under  16,  3  females  in  the  family.     In  1810  he  was  of  the  town 

80  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

of  Onondaga,  N.  Y.,  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  2  males  between  16  and  24, 
3  females  between  10  and  16  in  the  family.  His  name  is  found  in  the  land 
records  of  Onondaga  County  from  1804  to  1820. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  June  5,  1777,  LYDIA  HALL,  born  September  9,  1757; 
died  after  1844.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Betsey  (Hall)  Smith. 
Her  name  is  given  as  Abigail  in  "Early  Connecticut  MaiTiages, "  but  tliis  is 
undoubtedly  an  error. 


274  Elijah  Alley,  b.  Feb.  20,  1779 ;    m.  Betsey  Masters. 

275  William  Alley,  b.  1786;    m.  Abigail  Yaruum. 
(Jharluiie  Alley,  m.  Davis. 

{Daughter),  m. Carlisle. 

Nathan  Alley,  b.  about  1787 ;    aged  33,  in  1820,  was  possibly  disabled  iu   some 
way,  as  be  was  mentioned  as  dependent  upon  his  father  for  support. 

276  David  Alley,  b.  April  1,  1792  ;    m.  Phoebe  Travis. 

Isalel  Alley,  h.  about  1798;    m.,  probably  after  1820,  North.     Children: 

i.  Mary  ;    ii.  (son). 
Lydia  Alley,  b.  about  1800;    m.,  probably  after  1820,  Curtis.     Children: 

i.  Andrew  ;   ii.  Lydia  ;    iii.  Amanda  ;    iv.  Chandler  ;    v.  Sally. 

126.  SHADRACH3  ABBE,  son  of  Samuel*  and  Temperance  (Lincoln)  Abbe, 
born  March  6,  1767,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.  Letters  of  administration  were  given 
February  2,  1819,  upon  the  estate  of  Shadrach  Abbey  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y. 

In  1800  he  was  living  in  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  1  male  and  1  female  between  26 
and  45,  2  males  and  1  female  under  10. 

Probably  this  Shadrach  married  WELTHAN . 


277  Daniel  Alle,  b.  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  28,  1801 ;    m.  Susan  Hotchkiss. 
Jonathan  Alle,  went  to  Canada  about  1850,  and  d.  there. 

Shadrach  Alle,  jr.,  went  to  Canada  about  1850,  and  d.  there ;  lived  "back  of 
Toronto"  ;  m.  Lina  Anna  Salsbery.  They  had  several  children  who  moved  to 
the  Canadian  Northwest,  one  of  whom  was  Cornelius. 

278  Samuel  Alley,   b.   about   1807;     m.    (1)    Betsey   Thompson;      (2)    Mrs.    Clarissa 

Asenath  Alle,  m.  Thomas  Washburn.     She  is  said  to  have  Uved  in  Otsego  County, 
N.  Y.,  and  at  Babcock  Hill,  Oneida  County,  N.  Y. ;    d.  in  Otsego  County  about 

127.  EBENEZER5  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel*  and  Temperance  (Lincoln)  Abbe, 
born  June  9,  1781,  in  Tolland  County,  Conn.;  died  March  19,  1862.  In  1794 
he  accompanied  his  parents  to  Otsego  County,  N.  Y.,  where  they  became  respected 
and  influential  citizens.  In  1800  he  was  recorded  as  a  resident  of  Burlington, 
aged  between  16  and  26.  He  resided  in  the  town  of  Burlington,  Otsego  County, 
N.  Y.,  and  purchased  property;  named  in  a  deed  of  1807.  In  the  winter  of  1830 
he  removed  to  Ohio  and  January  15,  1831,  found  him  on  Butternut  Ridge,  North 
Eaton,  Ohio,  with  his  large  family  and  worldly  effects  on  two  wagons,  drawn  by 
one  span  of  horses  and  one  of  oxen,  with  but  seventy-five  cents  in  his  pocket, 
which  he  paid  out  for  a  bushel  of  wheat.  He  purchased  land  in  Carlisle  Town- 
ship and  Eaton  and  is  said  to  have  hauled  the  first  load  of  wheat  from  Wayne 
County,  Ohio,  which  he  distributed  among  the  settlers.  While  in  New  York  he 
had  been  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  potash  and  pearlash  and  had  learned 
the  cooper's  trade,  both  of  which  he  carried  on  in  Ohio.  In  1840  he  built  a 
saw-mill  on  Black  Creek.  Six  of  his  sons  became  teachers  in  common  schools, 
two  were  physicians,  one  was  a  lawyer  and  four  were  farmers. 

Fifth  Generation  81 

Married  April  6,  1805,  MARY  BLANCHARD,  born  December  19,  1787,  in 
Rutland,  Vt. ;  died  March  9,  1862.  She  was  descended  from  the  same  family 
as  Mrs.  Rutherford  B.  Hayes. 

Children,  jyossibhj  the  first  tico  tcere  horn  in  Vermont,  others  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y. 

Polly  A.  Alley,  b.  March  10,  1806. 

Elenezcr  Alley,  jr.,  b.  July  17,  1807. 

Hmyth  Alley,  b.  July  12,  1808. 

Orsemus  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  21,  1810. 

Lucy  M.  Alley,  b.  April  22,  1812. 

Alonzo  Alley,  b.  Aug.  29,  1813. 

Lyman  Alley,  b.  June  19,  1815. 

Xelson  Alley,  b.  Oct.  18,  1816.     He  was  a  physician  in  Laporte,  Ohio,  in  1863; 

a  graduate  of  Michigan  University. 
Volton  Alley,  b.  March  30,  1818. 
Marinda  Alley,  h.  Sept.  8,  1819. 
Lemuel  Alley,  h.  Jan.  23,  1821,  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y. ;    resided  on  his  father's 

homestead  in   Eaton,   Lorain   County,   Ohio.     Married,   March  25,   1859,    Sarah 

Lawsou,  b.  Aug.  29,  1826,  daughter  of  Wilham  Lawson  of  Eaton,  Ohio,  formerly 

of  Yorkshire,  England.     No  children. 
Almina  Alley,  b.  May  26,  1822. 
Emma  A.  Alley,  b.  Aug.  20,  1824;    m.  Brush  and  Uved  in  Elyria,  Ohio. 

Her  son.  Perry,  hves  at  Amherst,  Ohio. 
William  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  15,  1827. 

128.  EUNICE^  MARSH,  daughter  of  Elihu  and  Zerviah"'  (Abbe)  Marsh, 
born  December  6,  1744,  probably  in  New  Milford,  Conn. ;  died  there  May  1, 
1811.  "She  was  a  noted  housekeeper;  and  had  at  her  marriage,  when  28  years 
of  age,  £100  of  money  of  her  own  earnings." 

Married  JOEL  NORTHROP,  born  March  16,  1742,  in  Newtown,  Conn.;    died 

in   New   Milford,   March   10,   1824.     He   was   the   son   of   Thomas   and   • 

(TeiTill)  Northrop,  and  brother  of  Isaac  Northrop,  who  married  Lj^dia  Marsh, 
sister  of  Eunice.  He  learned  the  cooper's  trade,  then  the  tailor's;  was  a  member 
of  the  First  Church  in  New  Milford,  later  of  the  Sej^arates;  was  very  religious, 
a  great  reader,  and  prosperous  in  business.  He  resided  in  New  Milford  until 
about  1784,  then  in  Brookfield  for  a  few  years,  retm-ning  to  New  Milford  before 
his  death. 


279     Cyrus  Northrop,  b.  Dec.  8,  1773 ;    m.  Betsey  Wells. 

Anne  Northrop,  b.  May  20,  1775;    m.  Elijah  Stone  of  Kent. 

Ally  Northrop,  b.  Dec.  1,  1776;    d.  Dee.  10,  1776. 

Clara  Northrop,  b.  May  28,  1778 ;  m.  Calvin  Harmon  of  Burhngton,  Vt.  Children  : 
1.  Lucretia,  m.  Oct.  10,  1822,  Royal  I.  Canfield  of  New  Milford,  son  of  Ithamar 
and  Betsey  (Starr)  Canfield,  b.  April  3,  1794;  ii.  Jane,  m.,  as  his  second  wife. 
Royal  I.  Canfield. 

Electa  Northrop,  b.  Oct.  20,  1780;    d.  Dec.  25,  1858;    not  m. 

129.  JOHNS  MARSH,  son  of  Elihu  and  Zerviali*  (Abbe)  Marsh,  born  August 
4,  1749.  Resided  in  New  Milford,  Conn.,  until  about  1779,  when  he  removed  to 
Vergennes,  Vt.,  where  he  died. 



Mary  Marsh,  b.  Jan.  10,  1773 ;    m.  Thomas  Bradley ;    resided  in  Vermont. 
Elihu  Marsh,  b.  July  18,  1774. 

John  Read  Marsh,  b.  Feb.  11,  1776;    resided  in  Vermont. 
Anthony  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  12,  1778,  in  New  Milford. 
280     Wanzer  Marsh;   m.  Sally  Buckley. 

Daniel  Marsh,  was  a  Congregational  minister  in  Vermont. 
Vina  Marsh,  Uved  and  d.  in  New  Milford  ;    m.  Gershom  Buckley. 

82  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

130.  SAMUEL^  MARSH,  son  of  Elihu  and  Zerviah*  (Abbe)  Marsh,  born, 
probably  in  New  Milford,  Conn.,  October  8,  1751;    died  May  14,  1822. 

Married  November  15,  1771,  MIRIAM  LEACH,  who  died  before  1822. 

Ch  ildren 

Elihu  (1)   Marsh,  b.  July  7,  1773;    d.  young. 

Luchida  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  15,  1774. 

Elihti  (2)  Marsh,  b.  June  9,  1776. 

Joseph  Marsh,  b.  March  16,  1778. 

Bradley  Marsh,  b.  April  23,  1780.  Married,  Jan.  10,  1805,  Sally  Welles,  daughter 
of  Philip  and  Elizabeth  (Tomlinson)  Welles  of  New  Milford,  b.  Jan.  16,  1784; 
d.  Dec.  8,  1827.  Children:  i.  Elizabeth  L.,  b.  Feb.  8,  1806,  m.  Sept.  5, 
1824,  Judson  Curtis  of  New  Haven,  and  had  four  children,  George  B.,  Elizabeth 
W.,  Cornelia  and  Fannie ;  ii.  Orrin  Bradley,  b.  Jan.  9,  1808 ;  iii.  Betsey  Ann, 
b.  Sept.  11,  1813;  iv.  Philip  Welles,  b.  Dec.  22,  1815 (?)  ;  v.  Sophia  Abbey, 
b.  Jan.  18,  1820. 

Eunice  Marsh,  b.  July  1,  1782. 

Amos  Horace  Marsh,  b.  March  23,  1783.  Married,  Feb.  15,  1819,  Ann  Sherwood, 
b,  Jan.  22,  1787,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Polly  (Hill)  Sherwood.  Children: 
i.  Samuel  Marcus,  b.  Nov.  26,  1819,  m.  Nov.  2.3,  1846,  Anna  Graham;  ii. 
Waller,  b.  June  27,  1821,  m.  Sept.  15,  1852,  Arabella  Ferriss. 

Lucy  Marsh,  b.  March  17,  1785;    d.  young. 

I^usannah  Marsh,  b.  Nov.  17,  1786. 

281  George  Martin  Marsh,  b.  May  12,  1789 ;    m.  Betsey  Sherwood. 

Samuel  Davis  Marsh,  b.  Oct.  22,  1792 ;  m.  Polly  Marsh,  b.  Oct.  13,  1788 ;  d.  May 
24,  1863;    daughter  of  Daniel  and  Polly   (Hill)   Sherwood. 

John  Marsh,  b.  July  19,  1795;  m.  July  28,  1816,  Teresa  Bradley.  Children: 
i.  Susan  Maria,  b.  March  11,  1817;  ii.  Henry  Leach,  b.  Sept.  6,  1818;  iii.  Susan 
Emily,  b.  Jan.  30,  1820;  iv.  Philo  Judson,  b.  Oct.  27,  1821;  v.  Ann  Jennet, 
b.  Oct.  31,  1823;  vi.  Villeroy,  b.  July  26,  1825;  vii.  Royal,  b.  July  11,  1827; 
viii.  Caroline  Elizabeth,  b.  March  31,  1829. 

131.  JOSEPH^  MARSH,  son  of  Elihu  and  Zerviah*  (Abbe)  Marsh,  born  April 
20,  1754,  probably  at  New  Fairfield,  Conn.;  died  about  1830,  at  New  Milford, 
Conn.    He  was  a  farmer  and  resided  on  his  father's  homestead. 

Married  (1)  November  29,  1781,  ABIGAIL  WALDO,  born  April  2,  1764,  at 
South  Dover,  N.  Y.;  died  in  New  Milford,  January  28,  1793.  Daughter  of 
Samuel  and  Hannah  (Waters)  Waldo. 

Married  (2)  November  19,  1793,  DEBORAH  WALDO,  sister  of  above,  born 
at  South  Dover,  May  2,  1761;    died  January  30,  1843. 

Children  hy  first  toife,  horn  at  New  Milford 

282  William  Marsh,  b.  Jan.  25  or  15,  1783;    m.    (1)    Rachel  Nichols;     (2)    Sarah  or 

Martha  Nichols. 

283  Hannah  Marsh,  b.  Sept.  10,  1784  or  5  ;    m.  Zachariah  Ferriss. 

Zerviah  Marsh,  b.  April  3,  1787 ;  d.  Dec.  5,  1861,  at  Union  Vale,  N.  Y.  Married 
Thomas  Cutler,  b.  in  Dover,  N.  Y.,  July  29,  1778;  d.  there  May  15,  1836;  son 
of  Joseph  and  Hannah  (Sheldon)  Cutler.  He  was  a  farmer  in  South  Dover. 
Children,  b.  in  Clove,  N.  Y. :  i.  Albert,  b.  Feb.  23,  1806,  d.  Sept.  18,  1877,  in 
Union  Vale,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Joseph  Marsh,  b.  Dec.  9.  1807,  d.  July  29,  1876,  in 
Union  Vale;  iii.  Mary  Ann,  b.  Sept.  25,  1809,  d.  Jan.  9,  1866,  in  Union  Vale; 
iv.  Waldo,  b.  Oct.  27,  1812,  d.  1814;  v.  Samuel  Waldo,  b.  Nov.  2,  1814,  was 
living  in  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  in  1900;  vi.  Buel,  b.  March  28,  1817,  d.  Feb.  23, 
1882,  at  Clove,  N.  Y. ;  vii.  Deborah,  b.  April  19,  1819,  d.  1819;  viii.  Burr, 
b.  Nov.  25,  1822,  d.  May  5,  1850. 

Arabella  Marsh,  b.  Feb.  2  or  20,  1789 ;    m.  Elihu  Hoag  of  South  Dover,  N.  Y. 

Samuel  Waldo  Marsh,  b.  April  18,  1791;    went  to  Philadelphia,  or  to  Illinois. 

Children  of  Joseph  Marsh  hy  second  wife,  horn  in  New  Milford 

Allen  Marsh,  b.  June  8,  1797 ;  d.  1863 ;  resided  at  Wood  Creek,  Conn.  Married 
at  New  Fairfield,  Conn.,  March  9,  1820,  Abigail  Ellen  Terrill  of  that  place. 
Children,  b.  in  New  Milford  :    i.  Edwin,  b.  Dec.  18,  1820,  went  to  Washington  ; 

Fifth  Generation  83 

ii.  Cornelia  Abigail,  b.   Aug.  25,   1822,   m.   Merwin   Hill;    iii.   Joseph   Jackson, 

b.    Aug.    17,    1.S24,    111.    MacMahon,    and    resides    in    East    Bridgeport; 

iv.  nuldah,  b.  March  15,  1831,  m.   Edwin  Ilawes  of  Bridgeport;     v.   Oliver,  b. 

Jan.  25,  1839,  d.  young. 
Ahigail  Marsh,   b.   Aug.   18,   1799;    perhaps  m.  Nov.   21,   1825,   at   New   Milford, 

William  II.  Fairchild. 
Holman  Marsh,  b.  April  28,  1802 ;   was  living  in  New  Milford  in  1834. 

132.  AMOS''  MARSH,  son  of  Elihu  and  Zerviah*  (Abbe)  Marsli,  born  Sep- 
tember 8,  1764 ;  died  in  Vergennes,  Vt.,  January  4,  1811.  His  descendants  have 
his  certificate  of  appointment  as  attorney  for  the  district  of  Vermont,  1794, 
signed  by  G.  Wasliington,  President  of  the  United  States. 

Married  December  6,  1789,  ABIGAIL  SUTTON,  born  in  Canaan,  Conn.;  died 
in  New  Milford,  October  11,  1814,  aged  73. 


Laura,  b.  Sept.  8,  1792  :   m.  Daniel  Merwin,  son  of  Abel  Merwin  of  New  Milford. 
284     Almira,  b.  Aug.  15,  1794 ;    m.  Anan  Hine. 

133.     GIDEON-'  WOOD,  son  of  Samuel  and  Jerusha*   (Abbe)   Wood,  born  in 
Mansfield,  Conn.,  July  10,  1759. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  November  23,  1786,  KEZIA  OWEN. 

Children,  recorded  in  Mansfield 

Elijah  Wood,  b.  Sept.  28,  1787 ;  m.  in  Mansfield,  Dec.  24,  1812,  Esther  Howard  of 
Union.  Children,  b.  in  Mansfield  :  i.  Eleazer  Laurens  or  Lawrence,  b.  July  20, 
1814,  m.  in  Mansfield,  Dec.  9,  1838,  Sophrona  Ann  Balch,  b.  there  Jan.  25, 
1820,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Eunice  (Hamilton)  Balch,  and  had  a  son,  Orson 
Sumner,  b.  Nov.  15,  1839,  in  Mansfield ;    ii.  Esther  Matilda,  b.  June  17,  1816. 

Anne  Wood,  b.  Aug.  14,  1789. 

Matilda  Wood,  b.  Aug.  7,  1792. 

John  Wood,  b.  Aug.  15,  1794. 

Dan  Wood,  b.  June  15,  1796. 

lSa7miel  Dudley  Wood,  b.  July  14,  1798  ;  m.  in  Mansfield,  March  22,  1827,  Polly 
Thompson  of  Willington.  She  may  have  been  Polly,  daughter  of  Jesse  and  Polly 
(Parker)   Thompson,  b.  in  Mansfield,  July  18,  1795. 

Jei-usha  Wood,  b.  March  6,  1801. 

134.  JOHN"'  CROSS,  son  of  William  and  Miriam*  (Abbe)  Cross.  He  was  a 
miller  and  lived  in  North  Windham  Village,  Conn. 

Married  (1)  May  3,  1787,  MRS.  SARAH  (BACKUS)  GIBBS,  who  died 
February  2,  1818,  aged  58.     She  was  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Backus. 

Married  (2)  November  26,  1818,  MRS.  AMY  (  )  JAGGER.  She  was  the 
mother  of  Silas  Jagger  of  Willimantic,  Conn. 

Children  ly  first  wife 

Lucius  Cross,  bapt.  Oct.  15,  1791. 
285     John  Cross,  jr.,  bapt.  Oct.  15,  1791;    m.  (1)  Faith  Paine;    (2)  Prudence  Stedman. 
Betsey  Cross,  bapt.  Oct.  15,  1791 ;    m.  John  Flint. 
Emma  Cross,  bapt.  Sept.  8,  1793 ;    d.  Jan.,  1798. 
Charles  Cross,  bapt.  June  2,  1796 ;    d.  Feb.  11,  1798. 

Child  hy  second  tcife 
Royal  Cross,  m.  June  17,  1849,  Catherine  Mahon. 

84:  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

135.  SHUBAEL^  CROSS,  son  of  William  and  Miriam*  (Abbe)  Cross,  born 
about  1771;  died  January  12,  1851.  He  lived  at  North  Windham,  Conn.,  in  a 
house  nearly  opposite  the  town  farm. 

Married  RACHEL  SAWYER,  died  at  Norwich,  October  25,  1851,  aged  76, 
daughter  of  Asahel  Sawyer. 


Eenry  Cross,  b.  about  1797 ;    d.  Feb.  9,  1805. 

James  Cross,  bapt.  Jan.  8,  1800.  He  was  a  teacher,  removed  to  New  York  state, 
thence  to  Michigan,  whei-e  he  was  hving  in  1864.     Married  but  had  no  children. 

Harry  Cross,  bapt.  Jan.  8,  1800;    probably  d.  young. 

Asahel  Cross,  bapt.  June  8,  1800 ;    d.  aged  5. 

Sally  Cross,  b.  about  1802 ;    d.  Feb.  13,  1805. 

Salome  Cross,  bapt.  May  22,  1803 ;    probably  d.  young. 

William  Cross,  bapt.  July  2,  1805.  He  was  a  miller  and  resided  near  North  Wind- 
ham. Married,  Oct.  8,  1826,  Mrs.  Hannah  (  )  Guile.  Children:  i.  Ehza 
Ann,  b.  March  29,  18.31;  ii.  Charles,  b.  Sept.  23,  1832;  iii.  Andrew  Jackson, 
and  iv.  Martin  Van  Buren  (twins),  b.  June  14,  1837. 

Elijah  Cross,  bapt.  Nov.  6,  1808 ;    m.  EHza  Harvey ;    went  west. 

Betsey  Cross,  bapt.  Sept.  24,  1809 ;    m.  Daniel  Lincoln  ;   lived  in  Michigan. 

Philena  Cross,  bapt.  Aug.  8,  1813.  She  m.,  (1)  Nov.  11,  1833,  Samuel  Shaw.  He 
was  of  Wilhmantic,  Conn.,  but  removed  to  Michigan  where  he  d.  and  she  m. 

Charles  Roundy  Cross,  bapt.  Sept.,  1815 ;    probably  d.  young. 

Islam  Cross,  m.  Almira  Baldwin,  daughter  of  Eleazer  Baldwin  of  Mansfield,  Conn. 
They  resided  in  Norwich,  Conn. 

136.  ABEL^  ABBE,  son  of  Solomon*  and  Sarah  (Knight)  Abbe,  born  August 
7,  1766;  died  August  11,  1845.  In  the  1800  Census  he  was  of  Mansfield,  with 
a  family  of  6  males  and  5  females.  In  1820  he  was  recorded  in  Madison, 
Geauga  County,  Ohio,  1  male  over  45,  1  female  between  20  and  45,  2  males 
between  16  and  26,  1  female  between  16  and  26,  3  males  under  16,  1  male  and 
1  female  under  10.  He  moved  in  1802  or  3  from  Mansfield,  Conn.,  to  Broome 
County,  N.  Y.,  and  finally  to  Eljo-ia,  Ohio,  where  he  died.  It  is  remembered  by 
older  members  of  the  family  that  he  lost  his  property  in  the  east  through  some 
misdeal  and  went  to  live  with  his  son,  Eleazer. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  July,  1790,  MIRIAM  BINGHAM  of  Mansfield,  who 
died  June  19,  1854,  aged  82  years.  After  her  husband's  death  she  lived  in  a 
small  house  near  her  son's  home,  where  she  wove  carpets  and  knit  mittens. 
After  a  little  she  bought  a  piece  of  property  in  Columbia,  Ohio,  and  took  Origin 
to  live  with  her.  She  died  of  sunstroke  at  the  home  of  her  daughter,  IMatilda, 
from  having  driven  in  a  lumber  wagon  the  sixteen  miles  from  Columbia  to 
Elyria.  At  the  time  of  her  death  she  had  a  bushel  basket  full  of  mittens  and 
stockings  of  her  own  knitting. 

Children,  -first  eight,  at  least,  horn  in  Mansfield,  Conn. 

286  Lura  Ahhe,  b.  Jan.  20,  1791 ;    m.  John  Bomau  Hosmer. 

Rena  AUe,  b.  Aug.  31,  1792;    d.  Aug.  30,  1864;    m.  Wilham  Day.     He  was  a 
farmer   and   served   in   the   Mexican   War ;     lived   in   Kalamazoo,   Mich.,   at   one 

time.      They    had    a   daughter,    Eliza,    who   m.   McManigal    and    had    two 

daughters  who  gi-ew  up  and  married. 

287  Melinda  Ahle,  b.  July  5,  1794;    m.   (1)   Jeremiah  Wilcox;    (2)  Boyhs. 

Origin  Abie,  b.  April  20    (or  23),  1796;    d.  Dec.  16,  1863,  in   Columbia.   Ohio; 

buried   in  Elyria.     He  was  a  teamster  in  Lorain,   Ohio,   for  a  time.     Married 

Dehght  ,   b.   Jan.   9,   1793;    d.   April   15,   1804;     buried   in   Elyria.     No 


288  Charles  Ahbe,  b.  May  3,  1798;    m.   (1)   Lydia  Jones;     (2)   Alta  Mira  LiUy ;     (3) 

Mrs.  Henrietta  Hitchcock. 

289  William  Abbe,  b.  April  19  (or  6),  1800;    m.   (1)  Ohve  Green;    (2)  Mary  Wolcott. 

290  Pheie  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  11,  1802 ;    m.  W.  H.  Pond. 

Fifth  Generation  86 

Foster  Ahhe,  b.  Jan.  29,  1804;    d.  May  30,  1882,  in  Illinois;    m.  Sophia 

and  had  a  son,  Edgar,  and  a  daughter.     lie  lived  in  Lorain,  Ohio,  about  1854. 
He  was  interested  in  silver  mines. 

291  Eleazer  Ahbe,  b.  Dec.  28,  1805;    m.  Betsey  Wilcox. 
Abel  Abhc,  b.  Feb.  19,  1808  or  9;    d.  Dec.  25,  1831. 

292  Luther  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  5,  1810  or  11 ;   m.  Lucy  Allen. 

293  Matilda  Abbe,  h.  June  11,1813;   m.  (1)  Arnold  Emmons  ;    (2)   George  B.  Harvey ; 

(3)   Christian  Shoemaker. 

137.  ELNATHAN'"  PALMER,  son  of  Samuel  and  Lydia  (Silsby)  Palmer, 
born  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  August  20,  1750;  died  August  1,  1823.  He  resided 
in  "Warren,  Conn.;  Oxford,  Grafton  County,  N.  H. ;  was  one  of  the  iiroprietors 
of  Riclunond,  N.  H. ;   is  said  to  liave  removed  to  Ohio. 

Married  in  New  Hampshire,  JEMIMA  STRONG  of  Lyme,  N.  H.  She  died 
June  28,  1815. 

Jesse  Palmer. 
294     /Samud  Pfl/mer,  b.  Feb.  13,  1799;    m.  Rhoda  Chase. 
Madison  Palmer, 
Lucy  Palmer. 

138.  LEVI=  PALMER,  son  of  John  and  Esther  (Cleveland)  Palmer,  born 
Februarj^  7,  1750.  Resided  at  East  Haddam  and  Bashan,  Conn.  He  was  * '  known 
as  Captain." 

Married  July  21,  1767,  ELIZABETH  CONE,  born  July  3,  1751,  at  East 
Haddam,  daughter  of  Captain  Jonah  and  Elizabeth  (Gates)  Cone. 


Dorothy  Palmer,  b.  Dec.  21,  1768. 

Levi  Palmer,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  28,  1770;   m.  Lydia  Emmons. 

Aaron  Palmer,  h.  Feb.  6,  1773;    m.  May  1,  1796,  Azubah  Brainard. 

William  Palmer,  b.  Aug.  12,  1775. 

Isaac  Palmer,  h.  Sept.  17,  1777. 

Elizabeth  Palmer,  b.  April  8,  1779. 

George  Palmer,  b.  May  22,  1781 ;    m.  Roxanna  Brainard. 

Esther  Palmer,  b.  Oct.  26,  1783. 
295     Polly  Palmer,  b.  Dec.  3,  1785   (or  6)  ;    m.  Lord  Sterling. 

Julia  Palmer,  b.  Feb.  5,  1788. 

Oliver  Palmer,  b.  Feb.  10,  1791. 

Anna  Palmer,  b.  March  22,  1793;  d.  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  1880.  Married  Daniel 
Shailor  Chapman,  a  shoe  manufacturer,  who  d.  in  Hartford,  1877.  They  had 
several  children,  one  of  whom  was  Anna  Eliza,  b.  March  11,  1822,  at  East 
Haddam,  Conn.  She  lived  at  Windsor  Locks,  Conn.,  and  m.  Sept.  14,  1842, 
Alpheus  Seymour  Hyde,  b.  Oct.  26,  1819,  at  New  Canaan,  Conn. ;  d.  May  10, 
1895,  at  Windsor  Locks.  He  was  a  shoe  manufacturer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hyde  had 
children:  i.  Adeline  C,  b.  May  16,  1844,  d.  Nov.  10,  1844;  ii.  Ella  Maria, 
b.  Oct.  9,  1845,  lived  at  Windsor  Locks,  not  m. ;  iii.  Anna  Palmer,  b.  Jan.  21, 
1855,  m.  Charles  H.  Coye  and  lived  at  Windsor  Locks. 

Horace  Palmer,  b.  Feb.  24,  1797. 

139.  RUTH5  ABBE,  daughter  of  John*  and  Ruth  (Goodwin)  Abbey,  born  in 
East  Hartford,  Conn.;  baptized  there  April  22,  1753;  died  May  8,  1828,  aged 
75;  buried  in  Hockanum  Cemetery,  East  Hartford.  In  Hartford  Deeds,  14, 
pages  347,  386,  under  date  of  September  13,  1782,  are  transfers  of  land  between 
John  Abbe,  jr.,  John  Risley,  jr.,  and  Ruth,  his  wife,  and  Charles  Buckland,  jr., 
and  Damaris,  his  wife,  land  that  had  come  to  them  from  their  ''honored 
mother  Ruth  Abbe." 

Married  JOHN  RISLEY,  JR.,  son  of  John  and  Anna  (Burnham)  Risley,  born 
about  1751 ;   died  November  21,  1837,  aged  86 ;   buried  in  Hockanum  Cemetery. 

86  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 


Datnaris  Rislcy,  b.  March  23,  1775;  d.  March  9,  1861;  buried  in  Hockanum 
Cemetery,  from  the  records  of  which  nearly  all  our  knowledge  of  this  family 
comes.  Married  Salmon  Treat,  sou  of  Stephen  aud  Jane  K.  (Lord)  Treat,  b. 
Oct.  17,  1775;  d.  Nov.  12,  1806.  Children:  i.  Salmon,  jr.,  b.  July  14,  1799, 
d.  March  19,  1848,  m.  Emeline  Risley  and  had  a  child,  Harriet  S.,  b.  about 
1836,  d.  March  6,  1864,  aged  28 ;  ii.  Mary,  b.  Dec.  22,  1800,  d.  Jan.  22,  1854, 
m.  as  second  wife,  Orrin  Forbes  (who  first  m.  her  aunt,  Ruth  Risley,  see  below), 
had  children,  Jane  M.,  b.  about  1825,  d.  Sept.  9,  1886,  aud  Edwin  Treat,  who 
d.  April  29,  1831,  aged  11  mouths,  6  days;  iii.  Caroline,  b.  Nov.  11,  1802,  d. 
Sept.  15,  1804 ;  iv.  Lucinda,  b.  May  8,  1807,  d.  Sept.  9,  1866,  m.  Ralph  Judson 
and  had  a  child,  Albert  Augustus,  b.  about  Sept.,  1834,  d.  June  16,  1838,  aged 
3  yrs.,  8  mos.,  buried  in  East  Hartford. 

Caleb  Rislcij,  b.  July  8,  1784 ;   d.  Nov.  19,  1840 ;   m.  Abigail ,  who  d.  May  11, 

1879,  aged  84.  Children:  i.  Reuben  S.,  b.  about  1809,  d.  D(x?.  10,  1839,  aged 
30;  ii.  Horace  A.,  b.  about  1813,  d.  Nov.  13,  1843,  aged  29.  AU  buried  in 

Lucinda  Risleu,  b.  Dec.  17,  1787;  d.  May  25,  1860.  Married  Ashbel  Cowles,  b. 
about  1787;  d.  May  2,  1855,  aged  68;  son  of  Ashbel  and  Content  (Bemout) 
Cowles.  Children  :  i.  Ashbel  Sherman,  b.  about  1812,  d.  May  15,  1865,  aged  53, 
m.  Jane  Ives  and  had  a  son,  William  Ives,  b.  1830,  d.  Oct.  5,  1869 ;  ii.  Horace, 
b.  about  1817,  d.  April  12,  1822,  aged  5 ;  iii.  J.  Francis,  b.  about  1827,  d.  Aug. 
5,  1804,  member  of  the  21st  Regiment.  All  this  family  are  buried  in  East 
Hartford  Cemeteiy. 

Marilia  Risley,  b.  about  1790;  d.  June  6,  1864.  Married  Captain  Moses  Ensign, 
b.  1791;  d.  Dec.  8,  1829,  aged  38,  son  of  Moses  and  Jaunet  (Forbes)  Ensign. 
Buried  in  Hockanum. 

John  Risley,  jr.,  b.  1793.  Married,  Nov.  25,  1818,  Sarah  Seymour,  daughter  of 
Nathan  and  Anne  (  )   Seymour  of  Hartford.     She  m.   (2)   Solomon  Williams 

of  East  Hartford  and  (3)  . 

Ruth  Risley,  b.  about  1795 ;  d.  Oct.  24,  1819,  aged  24.  Married  Orrin  Forbes,  son 
of  Moses  and  Elisabeth  (Goodwin)  Forbes,  b.  about  1794;  d.  April  5,  1868, 
aged  74.  He  m.  (2)  Mary  Treat,  daughter  of  Salmon  and  Damaris  (Risley) 
Treat,  see  above.     Buried  in  Hockanum  Cemetery. 

140.  MARY5  ABBE,  daughter  of  Stephen*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  born 
probably  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  baptized  there  April  8,  1750;  died  Decem- 
ber 2,  1819 ;    buried  in  East  Hartford. 

Married  (1)  September  13,  ITTOC?),  NATHANIEL  BURNHAM,  born  Octo- 
ber 20,  1725;  died  June  7,  1810.  He  was  son  of  Moses  and  Naomi  (Anderson) 
Burnliam  and  resided  at  East  Hartford. 

Married  (2)  CAPTAIN  STEPHEN  ROBERTS,  born  about  1739;  died  Decem- 
ber 29,  1818,  aged  79;    buried  at  East  Hartford.     He  was  son  of  Samuel  and 

Sarah  (Hills)  Roberts. 

Children  hy  first  husband 

Natha7iiel  Burnham,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  17,  1778 ;  d.  at  sea,  Aug.  19,  1811 ;  lived  at  East 
Hartford.  Married,  May  7,  1809,  Jemima  Cadwell,  b.  March  9,  1787;  d.  Aug. 
23,  1886.  She  m.  (2)  Daniel  Abel,  and  (3)  Timothy  Roberts.  Child  of 
Nathaniel  Burnham,  jr. :  Amanda,  b.  Aug.  4,  1810,  d.  Oct.  16,  1879,  m.  April 
16,  1840,  John  C.  Brewer. 
296     Hezekiah  Burnham,  b.  June  28,  1780 ;    m.  Sarah  B.  Miller. 

141.  EUNICE^  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Stephen*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  born 
probably  in  East  Hartford,  Conn. ;   baptized  there  August  25,  1751. 

Married  January  27,  1773,  RODERICK  BURNHAM,  born  August  30,  1752, 
son  of  Moses  and  Naomi  (Anderson)  Burnham.     They  resided  at  East  Hartford. 


Richard  Burnham,  bapt.  March  27.  1774;    d.  at  sea;    not  m. 
Russell  Burnham,  bapt.  May  2,  1775. 

Fifth  Generation  87 

Roderick  Burnham,  jr.,  bapt.  April  27,  1775 (?)  ;    d.  July  24,  1806;    not  m. 

Eunice  Burnham,  bapt.  Dec.  26,  178.S. 

Nancy  Burnham,  bapt.  March  20,  1785;    m.  Ford. 

142.  STEPHEN-'  ABBEY,  JR.,  son  of  Stephen*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  born 
probably  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  baptized  there  September  30,  1753;  died 
there  May  29,  1823,  aged  68  or  09.  In  his  will,  dated  May  25,  1823,  probated 
August  27,  1823,  he  leaves  to  his  brother,  Russell,  his  clock  and  wearing  apparel, 
and  to  his  sister,  Betsey,  all  other  prcsonal  property.  (Hartford  Probate  Records, 
34,  pages  178  and  271.)  His  name  is  found  on  a  petition  regarding  East  Hart- 
ford lands.  (State  Archives,  IX,  281b.)  He  was  recorded  in  the  1800  Census 
at  East  Hartford,  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  1  male  between  16  and  26,  1 
male  between  10  and  16,  and  1  female  under  10. 

Married  SUSANNAH  OLMSTED,  born  about  1757;  died  at  East  Hartford, 
April  3,  1822,  aged  65.  She  was  daughter  of  Lieutenant  Stephen  and  Margaret 
(Olcott)   Olmsted  of  East  Hartford. 


ISusanna  Ah'beij,  b.  May  15.  1701 :    probably  d.  young. 

,  d.  Nov.,  179.3.  aged  12  days  ;    buried  in  East  Hartford. 

Laura,  b.  Jan.  25,  1795. 

143.  ANNA^  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Stephen*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  baptized 
at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  November  23,  1755.  She  probably  married  as  here 
given,  for  after  Captain  Deming's  death,  his  son,  David  Abbey  Deming,  a  minor, 
chose  Russell  Abbej-  to  be  his  guardian.  Russell  Abbey  was  the  brother  of 
Anna  Abbey. 

Probably  married  CAPTAIN  DAVID  DEMING,  son  of  Timothy  and  Thankful 
(Risley)  Deming,  baptized  at  East  Hartford,  October  20,  1751;  died  at  sea, 
October,  1795.  He  was  master  of  a  vessel  and  was  known  as  Captain  Deming. 
He  was  at  the  Lexington  Alarm  and  was  there  called  Lieutenant.  He  died 
on  the  passage  of  his  vessel  from  Port  au  Prince  to  Hartford.  His  widow 
married  Deacon  Stevens  of  Litchfield  and  removed  there  with  the  younger 
children.  An  account  of  this  family  is  found  in  the  Genealogy  of  tlie  Descendants 
of  John  Deming  of  Wethersfield  by  Jiidson  Keith  Deming,  published  1904. 

Children,  baptized  at  East  Hartford 

Anne  Deming,  bapt.  Oct.  18.  1778 ;    d.  April,  1785. 

Mary  (Molly)  Deming,  b.  Jan.  .30,  1780;    d.  in  Michigan,  Nov.  16,  1837.     Married, 

Jan.  25,  1805   (or  Jan.  21,  1801),  James  Thompson. 
Elizaheth  Deming,  bapt.  March  25,  1781 ;    m.  Joel  Olmstead. 

297  David  Abbey  Deming,  bapt.  Nov.  17,  1782 ;    m.  Chloe  Olmstead. 
Susan  Deming,  bapt.  Nov.  23,  1783;    m.  1802,  Arnold  W.  Foster. 
Wait  Deming,  bapt.  May  14,  1786. 

298  Timothy  Deming,  h.  Feb.  13.  1788:    m.   (1)   Olive  Treat ;     (2)  Eliza  Wing. 
Anne  Deming,  bapt.  Nov.  1,  1789  ;    d.  iinm. 

Jude  Deming,  bapt.  Oct.  16,  1791.     Settled  in  Litchfield,  Conn.     Married,  late  in 

life,  a  -uidow,  and  d.  in  Herkimer  County,  N.  Y.     No  children. 
Lydia  Deming,  bapt.  June  9,  1793 ;    d.  unm. 
Lucy  Deming,  bapt.  Nov.  23.  1794:    d.  April  19,  1855;    not  m. 
Sarah  Deming,  bapt.  April  17,  1796 ;    d.  1874,  in  Oswego,  N.  Y. ;    not  m. 

144.  DAVID5  ABBEY,  son  of  Stephen*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  born  prob- 
ably in  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  baptized  there  May  24,  1761.  He  was  perhaps 
the  David  Abbey  who  died  at  East  Hartford,  Aprif  20,  1818. 

88  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  in  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  May  17,  1780,  THANKFUL  WADSWORTH  of 
East  Hartford,  born  about  1765;    died  in  East  Hartford,  July  30,  1817,  aged  53. 

Children,  hapiized  at  East  Hartford 

David  Abhcy,  jr.,  bapt.  Oct.  13,  1793. 

An7ia  Alley,  bapt.  Sept.  14,  1794 ;  d.  Sept.  9,  1848.  Married  Edward  Oilman,  b. 
about  1792;  d.  at  East  Hartford,  Oct.  26,  1831,  aged  39.  He  was  sou  of 
Ashbel  and  Louisa  (Burnham)  Oilman.  Children,  buried  at  East  Hartford: 
i.  Edward  W.,  b.  about  1818,  d.  July  9,  1855,  aged  37 ;  ii.  Sarah,  b.  Sept.,  1831, 
d.  Oct.  6,  1831,  aged  5  weeks ;    iii.  Albert  B.,  b.  Oct.  16,  1834,  d.  Aug.  10,  1883, 

m.    (1)    Eliza  A.  Antrim,  who  d.  June  29,  1860,   aged  30,    (2)    Lizzie  , 

who  d.  July  4,  1875,  aged  39.  Child  of  Albert  and  Eliza :  George,  b.  about  1849, 
d.  Nov.  8,  1889,  aged  40,  buried  at  East  Hartford. 

Franh  (or  Franklin)  Alley,  bapt.  Aug.  7,  1796;  d.  July  9,  1831;  buried  at  East 

,  b.  about  1809 ;    d.  Aug.  7,  1814,  aged  5  years. 

Susannah  Alley,  bapt.  Jan.  14,  1810. 

145.  THEODORE"  ABBEY,  son  of  Stephen*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  born 
probably  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  baptized  there  March  22,  1767;  died  about 
1812.  He  went  from  Connecticut  about  1801  to  Madison  County,  N.  Y.,  and 
lived  at  or  near  Cazenovia.  He  is  recorded  in  the  1800  Census  of  East  Hartford, 
1  female  over  45,  1  male  and  2  females  between  26  and  45,  2  females  and  1  male 
under  10  in  the  family. 

Married  ABIGAIL  PORTER,  bom  June  4,  1775;  died  about  1811,  daughter 
of  David  and  Margaret  (Olmstead)  Porter  of  East  Hartford. 

Children,  said  to  have  leen  three  sons  and  five  daughters 

Polly  Alley,  bapt.  at  East  Hartford,  Oct.  12,  1794. 
298a  Harriet  Alley,  b.  Sept.  6,  1796 ;    ni.  Linus  Montague. 

Stephen  Alley,  bapt.  at  East  Hartford,  April  7,  1799.  He  is  probably  the  Stephen 
Abbey  who  was  a  grocer  in  Utica,  N.  Y.,  in  1869.  Stephen  Abbey  bought 
property  in  Utica  as  early  as  1836  (Oneida  County  Deeds,  74:9)  and  his  wife, 
Sophia,  in  1854    (180:88).     The  will  of  his  wife  is  recorded  in  Utica    (33:19; 

9:30),      Married    Sophia    ,    who    d.    May,    1882,    buried    at    Forest    Hill 

Cemetery.      Child :     William   D.,   m.   Mehina   ,    had    daughter,    Charlotte 

Pauline,  not  of  age  in  1882. 

Susannah  Alley,  \n.  John  Porshey  and  lived  in  Augusta,  Mich. 

146.  RUSSELL'^  ABBEY,  son  of  Stephen*  and  Maiy  (  )  Abbey,  born  in 
East  Hartford,  Conn.,  January  24,  1767;  baptized  there  February  5,  1769;  died 
July  7,  1828;  buried  at  East  Hartford.  He  received  a  clock  and  wearing 
apparel  by  the  will  of  his  brother,  Stephen,  jr.,  in  1823.  His  homestead  was  on 
Burnside  Avenue  in  East  Hartford.  He  is  recorded  in  the  1800  Census  at  East 
Hartford,  2  children  under  10. 

Married  November  24,  1793,  MARTHA  OLMSTED,  born  October  24,  1764, 
daughter  of  Samuel  and  Jerusha  (Pitkin)  Olmsted  of  East  Hartford;  died 
October  11,  1840;   buried  at  East  Hartford. 


Charles  (1)  Alley,  b.  June  18,  1795;  bapt.  at  East  Hartford,  Oct.  25,  1795; 
d.  July  22,  1796 ;    buried  at  East  Hartford. 

Betsey  Alley,  b.  Feb.  14,  1797 ;    bapt.  at  East  Hartford,  July  2,  1797  ;    d.  March 
25,  1875,  aged  78 ;    buried  at  East  Hartford. 
299     Charles  (2)  Alley,  b.  March  6,  1798;    bapt.  at  East  Hartford,  July  7,  1799. 

Jerusha  Olmsted  Alley,  b.  Nov.  29,  1802 ;  bapt.  at  East  Hartford,  Feb.  12,  1804 ; 
d.  Aug.  8,  1871,  aged  69.  Married,  as  his  second  wife,  William  Stoughton,  jr., 
bapt.  Feb.  15,  1789,  son  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Prior)  Stoughton;  d.  Oct.  22, 
1868.  His  first  wife  was  Nancy  Alexander,  by  whom  he  had  children :  Sanford, 
Emily  and  Almira. 

Fifth  Generation  89 

147.  JEDUTHAN5  ABBEY,  son  of  Elcazcr*  and  Mary  (  )  Abbey,  born 
in  East  Hartfoi'd,  Conn.;  baptized  there  August  14,  1757;  died  February  9,  1821. 
His  Revolutionary  services  were  as  follows:  enlisted  May  19,  1775,  discharged 
December  20,  1775,  2d  Conipanj^,  Colonel  Hinman's  4th  Regiment,  Captain 
George  Pitkin;  enlisted  February  10,  1777,  for  the  war,  residence,  Hartford 
Count}';  i^romoted  from  Corporal  to  Sergeant,  January  1,  1780;  Quarter-Master- 
Sergeant,  April,  1780;  Sergeant  in  Captain  Sanford's  Company,  January  1,  1781, 
paid  to  December  31,  1781;  Sergeant  on  size  roll  of  Captain  Taylor's  light 
infantry,  February,  1783.  In  1837  his  widow,  then  the  widow  of  George 
Roberts,  applied  for  a  pension.  Papers  pertaining  to  the  settlement  of  his 
estate  are  found  in  Hartford  Probate  Records,  33,  pages  313,  178,  188;  and  34, 
page  43.  In  the  1790  Census  he  is  of  East  Hai-tford,  with  1  male  over  16,  1 
male  under  16,  4  females  in  his  family.  One  account  gives  Christopher  as  the 
name  of  the  father  of  Eliphalet,  born  1792,  doubtless  an  error. 

Married  at  Hartford,  March  24,  1779,  LUCRETIA  BEMENT  of  Hartford, 
born  about  1756;  died  November  26,  1845.  She  married  (2)  March  19,  1822, 
George  Roberts,  who  died  October  2,  1824.  He  was  born  November  14,  1752, 
and  his  first  wife  was  probably  Jerusha  Williams,  who  died  November  22,  1812. 

Children  of  Jeduthan  Ahiey,  baptized  at  East  Hartford 

Oeorge  Abbey,  bapt.  March  17,  1784. 
Polly  Abbey,  bapt.  March  19,  1785. 

300  Abigail  Abbey,  bapt.  Sept.  28,  1788;    m.  Harry  Eusign. 

Zaida  Abbey,  bapt.  Oct.  24,  1790 ;    d.  Sept.  17,  1817 ;    buried  at  East  Hartford. 

301  Eliphalet  Abbey,  bapt.  Nov.  3,  1793;    m.  Lydia  Brunson. 

302  Edmund  Abbey,  bapt.  May  22,  1796;    m.  Harriet  Gaines. 

148.  NEHEMIAH5  ABBEY,  JR.,  son  of  Nehemiah*  and  Mabel  (Warren) 
Abbey,  baptized  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  August  31,  1777;  died  February  25 
(or  23),  1865;  buried  at  East  Hartford.  He  was  a  soldier  of  the  War  of  1812; 
a  matross  or  private  soldier  on  the  payroll  of  Captain  Amherst  Reynolds'  Com- 
pan}',  August  3  to  September  16,  1813;  under  Nathan  Johnson  August  18  to  29, 
1814.    In  1850  he  was  a  shoemaker  in  East  Hartford. 

Married  TRIPHENA  TREAT,  born  April  11,  1779,  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.; 
died  April  22,  1859,  in  East  Hartford;  buried  there.  She  was  daughter  of 
Lieutenant  Matthias  Treat  and  his  wife,  Triphena  Risley. 


Harriet  Abbey,  m.  June  26,  1837,  as  his  second  wife,  Russell  Hollister,  son  of 
Salmon  and  Millicent  (Goodrich)  HoUister,  probably  of  Glastonbury,  Conn. 
He  m.  (1)  Marilla  Hart,  b.  1799;  d.  1823;  and  had  four  children  probably  by 
this  first  marriage. 

Anne  (1)  Abbey,  d.  in  infancy. 

Anne  (2)  Abbey,  m.  Wilham  L.  Wright. 

Jane  Abbey,  m.  William  W.  Roberts. 

Elizabeth  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  15,  1817;  d.  about  1903,  aged  86.  Married,  May  16, 
1836,  William  Watson  House  of  East  Hartford,  b.  June  20,  1813;  d.  Aug.  7, 
1892.  Children,  five,  three  of  whom  d.  before  1902  :  i.  Henry  Stuart,  b.  March 
15,  1851,  d.  after  1902,  m.  June  25,  1879,  Alice  Jennett  Whiting,  b.   Oct.  28, 

1860,  m.    (2)    Banning  and  lives  in   Southington,   Conn.,  had  one  child, 

Henry  Clarence,  b.  July  7,  1885.  lives  in  Hartford ;  ii.  Sarah  Elizabeth,  m. 
George  A.  Sumner,  had  one  son,  George  H.,  m.  and  has  a  son  Charles  B. 

Nehemiah  Abbey,  m.  Harriet  Reynolds.  Both  he  and  his  wife  d.  many  years  ago; 
probably  had  no  children. 

149,  ANNA^  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Nehemiah*  and  Mabel  (Warren)  Abbey, 
baptized  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  August  18,  1784;   died  April  2,  1876. 

90  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  November  10,  1810,  JESSE  BURNHAM,  born  May  29,  1785;  died 
January  18,  1854.  He  was  son  of  Eleazer  and  Tryphena  (King)  Burnhani.  They 
resided  at  East  Hartford  or  Podunk. 


Mabel  Ahiey  Burnham,  b.  Sept.  11,  1811 ;    d.  Oct.  3,  or  13,  1825. 

Levi  Burnliam,  b.  July  6,  1813;  tl.  Jime  24,  1859;  m.,  April  25,  1841,  Fanny 

Martin  Burnham,  b.  July  4,  1815 ;  d.  Aug.  2,  1861 ;  resided  in  South  Windsor, 
Conn.  Married,  Oct.  23,  1836,  Fidelia  E.  Coop  of  Eastbury,  who  was  b.  Jan.  1, 
1816.  Children :  i.  Edwin,  b.  July  21,  1837 ;  ii.  Ransom  Martin,  b.  Jan.  11, 
1839,  m.  March  31,  1880,  Lucetta  (Stoughton)  Blair,  b.  Feb.  12,  1848,  lives 
at  South  Windsor;  iii.  Frank,  b.  Feb.  2,  1841.  d.  March  9,  1841;  iv.  Abby 
Fidelia,  b.  April  23,  1842 ;  v.  Hiram  Brooks,  b.  March  22,  1845,  killed  at  battle 
of  Chancellorsville,  May  3,  1863,  Company  I,  20th  Connecticut  Volunteers ; 
vi.  Frederic  Jesse,  b.  Dec.  8,  1847,  d.  June  6,  1878 ;  vii.  Nelson  Hamilton, 
b.  Oct.  5,  1850 ;    viii.  David  Coop,  b.  April  3,  1852. 

John  Ahley  Burnham,  b.  July  20,  1817;  lived  at  East  Hartford.  Married,  Feb.  18, 
1841,  Mary  Gardner  Child,  b.  Sept.  24,  1822,  daughter  of  Bulkley  and  Sally 
(Tracy)  Child.  Children  :  i.  Thomas  Warren,  b.  March  14,  1846,  lives  at  East 
Hartford,  m.  Dec.  18,  1871,  Lizzie  Kellogg,  b.  Aug.  19,  1852  or  1853,  daughter 
of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  (Skinner)  Kellogg,  has  two  children.  Lulu  Clare, 
b.  Oct.  31,  1876,  and  Edward  J.,  b.  March  3.  1878 ;    ii.  John  Henry,  b.  Feb.  14, 

1851.  lives  at  East  Hartford,  m.  Aug.  23,  1873,  Minnie  H.  Forbes,  b.  June  18, 

1852,  has  children,  Anne  May,  b.  June  21,  1875,  Florence  G.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1878,  Eva 
Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  3,  1888,  m.  Alburtus  Eugene  Jones ;  iii.  Anna  Sarah,  b.  Oct. 
11,  1855,  d.  March  13.  1856. 

Jesse  Burnham,  jr.,  b.  May  31,  1820;  d.  Feb.  12,  1876;  lived  at  East  Hartford. 
Married,  Jan.  1,  1857,  Rhoda  Jane  Signor,  b.  Feb.  13,  1835;  who  m.  (2)  Charles 
P.  Fail-banks.  Children :  i.  Jesse  Eugene,  b.  Sept.  14,  1857,  lives  at  East 
Hartford,  m.  Dec.  24,  1879,  Alice  S.  Wolcott,  b.  Sept.  26,  1857,  has  son,  Louis, 
b.  Oct.  7,  1880;  ii.  Leander  Terry,  b.  Oct.  24,  1858,  m.  April  11,  1883,  Mary 
B.  Bidwell :  iii.  Estella  Jane,  b.  Aug.  30,  1860 ;  iv.  William  Burdette,  b.  July  16, 
1862;  v.  Arthur  Jerome,  b.  Nov.  21,  1864,  d.  Oct.  29,  1871;  vi.  Alice  C, 
b.  April  16,  1867 ;  vii.  Howard  E.,  b.  Sept.  4,  1869,  d.  Oct.  4,  1871 ;  viii.  Edith, 
b.  Oct.  3,  1871,  d.  Feb.  6,  1876;  ix.  Archie,  b.  Feb.  3,  1874;  x.  Ida  May,  b. 
April  6,  1876. 

150.     BENJAMIN^  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel*  and  Abbey,  born  about 

1752,  probably  at  Portland,  Conn.;  died  July  31,  1792;  buried  at  Portland 
Cemetery.  In  1790  there  was  a  Benjamin  Abbey  in  Chatham,  Conn.,  1  male 
and  1  female  over  16,  6  males  lander  16.  In  1800  he  was  recorded  in  the 
Census  at  Chatham,  1  male  over  45,  1  female  between  26  and  45,  3  males  between 
16  and  26,  1  male  between  10  and  16,  and  1  female  iinder  10,  in  the  family. 
He  is  said  to  have  been  a  Revolutionary  pensioner.  He  was  mentioned  in  his 
father's  will  in  1806. 

Married  in  Chatham,  April  11,  1776,  LOIS  STOCKING,  born  about  1760, 
daughter  of  Stephen  and  Mary  (Andrews)  Stocking  of  Chatham;  died  Septem- 
ber 29,  1825,  aged  64;  buried  in  Portland.  She  was  a  direct  descendant  of 
Steven  Hopkins  who  came  over  in  the  Mayflower. 

Children,  only  tivo  names  are  known 

303  Elizur  Ahhey,  b.  1780;    m.  Betsey  Gildersleeve. 

304  Henry  Stephen  Ahley,  b.  Nov.  5,  1808;    m.  Elizabeth  Smith. 

151.  SAMUELS  ABBEY,  probably  son  of  Samuel*  and  Rachel  (Masson) 
Abbey,  born  about  1760,  according  to  his  pension  papers;  died  February  28, 
1841,  in  Milo,  Yates  County,  N.  Y.  He  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier.  He 
enlisted  first  March  1,  1776,  for  two  months,  as  a  private  under  Captain  Amos 

Fifth  Generation  91 

Cook,  in  the  Connecticut  line,  at  Wallino:f ord ;  mustered  out  May  1,  1776,  and 
re-enlisted  June  1,  1776,  in  Captain  Coach's  Company  under  Colonel  Burr  Brad- 
ley; mustered  out  January  1,  1777.  He  again  enlisted  October,  1777,  for  27 
days,  and  November,  1778,  for  tAvo  months,  tlie  latter  time  from  Chatliam,  Conn. 
He  finally  enlisted  from  Wallingford,  May,  1779,  for  six  months,  under  Captain 
Jolm  Osborne.  He  saw  service  at  Bergen  Point,  Fort  Lee,  Trenton,  New  Jersey, 
and  Pliiladeli>liia.  After  the  war  he  returned  to  Wallingford  and  resided  there 
for  some  years,  removing  then  to  a  farm  near  Amherst,  Mass.,  and  in  1790,  to 
Canandaigua,  N.  Y.,  where  he  was  head  of  a  family  in  1803,  and  from  there  to 
Milo,  Yates  County,  where  he  died.  His  will  was  probated  and  recorded  in 
Pcnn  Yan,  Will  Book  D,  page  140.  He  applied  for  a  pension  September  29,  1832, 
from  Milo,  giving  his  age  as  72  years. 

Married  (1) . 

Married  (2)  May  27,  1827,  at  Milo,  MARGARET  LEE  (or  MILLER,  accord- 
ing to  the  pension  papers),  born  about  1808.  She  married  (2)  June  5,  1848, 
Noah  (or  John)  Mitchell,  who  died  August  27,  1862,  at  Milo,  where  she  was 
living  December  9,  1862,  aged  54  years,  when  she  applied  for  a  pension  on  account 
of  the  services  of  Samuel  Abbey.     She  had  no  children. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Electra  Ahhey,  m.  in  Heath,  Mass.,  Oct.  4,  1807,  William  Maxwell. 

305  RosiccU  Ahicij,  b.  Jan.  20,  1789;    m.  Ehzabeth  Truslow. 

306  Ansel  Abbey,  m.  Bersbeba  Morgan. 

Sophronia  Abbey,  m.  Thomas  Smith  of  Canandaigua,  N.  Y. 
Elizabeth  Abbey,  d.  unm. 

152.  JOHN'  ABBEY,  probably  son  of  Samuel*  and  Rachel  (Masson)  Abbey, 
of  Portland,  Conn.  A  conveyance  of  land  in  the  town  of  Burlington,  Otsego 
County,  N.  Y.,  was  made  to  him  in  1797.  His  father's  will  calls  him  of  Middle- 
bury,  Vt.,  but  a  paper  of  August  30,  1806,  calls  him  of  Middlefield,  Otsego 
County,  N.  Y.  (Middletown,  Conn.,  Deeds,  IX:58.)  John  Abbey  owned  a  farm 
at  Unadilla  about  1800.  The  Census  of  1810  gives  a  J.  Abbey  at  Pittsfield, 
Otsego  County,  six  in  the  family.  He  was  later  a  farmer  in  the  east  part  of 
the  town  of  Sangerfield,  Oneida  County,  N.  Y.  His  name  appears  on  Oneida 
County  deeds  as  early  as  1829,  as  "of  Paris";  in  1833  as  "of  Marshall, 
Oneida  Co."  John  and  Ruth  Abbey  with  other  settlers  subscribed  to  a  docu- 
ment in  1839.  His  will,  made  March  5,  1854,  probated  December  7,  1854,  calls 
him  of  Madison  County,  and  names  wife  Ruth,  and  children:  Edwin,  George, 
Maria  Terry,  Henry,  Ira,  and  Mary  Loomis.  He  may  be  John  Abbe}^,  the 
Lieutenant  for  133d  Regiment,  April  24,  1818,  Chenango  and  Delaware  Counties, 
N.  Y.,  and  Captain  of  193d  Regiment,  1820. 

[Married  RUTH  RISLEY,  daughter  of  Moses  and  Ruth  (  )  Risley  of  East 
Hartford,  Conn.,  and  Vienna,  N.  Y. 


307  Mary  Abbey,  m.  David  Loomis. 

308  Allen  R.  Abbey,  m.  Lovisa  Loomis. 

309  Henry  Abbey,  m.  Hubbard. 

Warren  Abbey,  d.  . 

310  Edwin  Abbey,  m.  Susan  Cowan. 

311  Ira  Abbeii,  m.  Rhoda  Rhodes. 

Maria  Abbey,  b.  in  Vienna,  N.  Y.,  May  17,  1819  ;  d.  in  Waterville,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  29,' 
1891.  Married,  Aug.  2,  1841,  Leander'  Terry,  son  of  Horace^  and  Elizabeth 
(Chambers)  Terry.     See  number  375. 

312  George  Abbey,  m.  Jane  Cowan. 

92  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

153.  GEORGES  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel'  Abbey,  born  January  15,  1763,  in 
Chatham,  Middlesex  County,  Conn.  He  enlisted  in  the  Revolution  July,  1779, 
and  served  one  month  as  jH-ivate  under  Colonel  Woodbridge  and  Captain  Ben- 
jamin AVright.  He  again  enlisted  Jul,y,  1781,  and  served  five  and  a  half  months 
under  Colonel  Canfield  and  Captains  Cook  and  Starr.  In  1838,  MaA^  21,  he 
applied  for  a  pension,  a  resident  of  Wethersfield,  Conn.  He  is  probably  the 
George  Abbey  of  1790  Census,  Wethersfield,  1  male  over  16,  1  male  under  16, 
3  females  in  the  family;  in  1800  Census,  1  male  over  45,  1  male  and  1  female 
between  26  and  45,  1  male  and  1  female  between  10  and  16,  and  1  male  and  1 
female  under  10. 

The  following  records  may  refer  to  this  George  Abbey:  George  Abbey  of 
Hamilton,  Madison  County,  N.  Y.,  died  April  17,  1859,  in  Hamilton.  His  will, 
dated  April  13,  1858,  mentioned  son  Alonzo  and  daughter  Lucretia.  At  the 
settlement  of  the  estate  the  heirs  given  were:  Lucretia  Abbey  of  Hamilton, 
N.  Y.j  Henry  M.  Abbey  of  Paint  Creek,  Mich.;  George  B.  Alden  of  Tama, 
Iowa;  Cordelia  White  of  Germantown,  Iowa;  Charles  E.  Alden  and  Hettie 
Alden,  residence  unknown;  Nina  J.  Greenfield  of  Orwell,  N.  Y. ;  Melvin  Hub- 
bard of  Waterville,  N.  Y.  The  son,  Alonzo  Abbey,  made  his  will  May  7,  1869, 
probated  January  19,  1881.  He  is  called  of  Hamilton,  Madison  County,  and 
his  wife,  Diana,  and  sister,  Lucretia  B.  Abbey,  are  the  heirs  mentioned  in  the 
will.  Samuel  I.  Abbey  of  North  Brookfield  was  a  witness,  but  at  the  time  of 
probation  he  was  a  resident  of  Michigan.  Ira  Abbey  was  a  witness  at  the  proba- 
tion. The  list  of  heirs  given  on  the  court  proceedings  is  the  same  as  that  of 
George  Abbey's  heirs  except  that  the  residence  of  Cordelia  White  is  given  as 
Germanville,  Iowa. 

Married  in  Wethersfield,  Conn.,  Rocky  Hill,  February  5, 1784,  MARY  BROOKS. 


,  b.  1809 ;    buried  April  28,  1810,  aged  11  months ;    recorded  in  Wethersfield. 

Alonzo  Abbey,  see  above.     Married  Diana  Risley,  b.  April  26,  1815;    d.  July  13, 

1886,  daughter  of  Jonathan,  jr.,  and  Lucy   (Benton)   Risley  of  Sauquoit,  N.  Y. 

No  children. 
Lucretia  Abbey,  see  above. 

154.  RACHEL^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Rachel  (Masson)  Abbe, 
born  May  13,  1768,  in  Chatham,  now  Portland,  Conn. 

Married  June  2,  1788,  CHARLES  TREAT,  son  of  John  and  Mary  (Smith) 
Treat;  baptized  in  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  August  22,  1762;  died  1802,  and  was  one 
of  the  first  buried  at  Wells'  River,  Newbury,  Vt.  He  was  a  lumberman  and 
was  engaged  in  river  driving  at  tlie  time  of  his  deatli,  which  resulted  from  a  fever 
following  a  cold.  Letters  of  administration  were  granted  his  widow  and  Isaac 
Hollister,  June  2,  1802.  His  children  were  all  baptized  May  2,  1802.  The 
names  of  Horace,  Lathrop,  Orrin,  and  Robert,  who  died  away  from  home,  are 
found  on  a  stone  in  South  Glastonbury  Cemetery. 

Children,  born  and  baptized  in  Glastonbury 

313  Lathrop  Treat,  b.  1788 ;   m.  Tallatha  Sexton. 

314  Uoraee  Treat,  b.  July  4,  1790 ;    m.  Polly  Brooks. 

Orrin  Treat,  b.  about  1792 ;  d.  July  3,  1815,  aged  23,  not  m.  He  served  during 
the  War  of  1812  in  Captain  Erastus  Strong's  Company,  from  Aug.  18,  1814,  to 
Oct.  25,  1814. 

315  Sophia  Treat,  b.  Feb.  6,  1795 ;   m.  Isaac  Collins. 

Robert  Treat,  b.  about  1798 ;   d.  Jan.,  1817,  aged  19,  at  Martinique,  West  Indies. 

316  Charles  Treat,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  27,  1801;    m.  Matilda  Cooly. 

Fifth  Generation  93 

155.  REUBEN^  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel*  Abbe,  born  April  11,  1770.  He  and 
his  wife  joined  the  Church  at  Eastbury,  Conn.,  November  6,  1762.  He  was  a 
resident  of  Glastonbury  in  1800;  1  male  over  45,  1  female  between  26  and  45, 
1  male  between  10  and  16,  2  females  and  1  male  under  10,  in  tlie  family. 

Married  (1)  November  10,  1791,  at  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  MRS.  EUNICE 
(GOOD ALE)  WILLIAMS,  died  about  1808. 

Married  (2)  MRS. REEVES. 

Married  (3)  July  9,  1812,  at  Glastonbury,  MRS.  MARY  TRYON  of  Chatham, 
recorded  by  1st  Society  of  Wethersfield. 

Children,  first  five  baptized  at  Easthunj 

Lorra  Abhey,  bapt.  Nov.  6,  1792 ;    went  to  western  New  York  in  early  life. 

Asa  Williams  Abbey,  bapt.  Oct.  20,  1794;    d.  April  8,  1795,  aged  1  yr.,  6  mos. 

Abigail  Abbey,  bapt.  May  7,  1796;   m.  Ezekiel  Post  of  Hebron,  Conn. 

Horace  Abbey,   bapt.   June  8,   1800.     Went   to   Cooperstown,   N.   Y.,   about  1810. 

Was  said  to  have  been  sheriff  of  Chautauqua  County,  N.  Y. 
Norman  Abbey,  bapt.  Oct.  8,  1801. 

Loren  Abbey,  perhaps  mistake  for  Norman.     Went  to  Cooperstown,  N.  Y. 
317     Julius  Abbey,  b.  about  1805 ;    m.  Lucy  A.  Lord. 

Ambrose  Abbey.    An  Ambrose  Abbey  d.  in  Portland,  Conn.,  Feb.  14,  1881. 

156.  ASAPH5  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel*  and  Sarah  (Leland)  Abbe,  born 
August  26,  1776;  died  December  17,  1831,  in  Portland,  Conn.;  buried  in  Eastern 
Cemetery,  Portland.  He  was  a  farmer  and  tavern  keeper  in  the  north  part  of 
Portland,  and  was  captain  in  one  of  the  old  militia  companies. 

Married  June  1,  1800,  RUTH  HOLLISTER,  born  October  25,  1781,  in  Glaston- 
bury, Conn.;  died  February  20,  1868,  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  was  buried  there. 
She  was  daughter  of  David  and  Prudence  (Miller)  HoUister. 


318  Anson  Abbey,  b.  March  9,  1801 ;    m.  Clarissa  Taylor. 

319  Pamclia  Abbey,  h.  July  19,  1802;    m.  Russell  Pelton. 

Asaph  Abbey,  jr.,  h.  Jan.  26,  1804 ;  d.  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  April  1,  1859.  He  was 
a  peddler  of  Yankee  notions,  traveling  over  the  whole  central  west.     Married  in 

Pennsylvania,  Anna  Mary  .     Child    (perhaps  others)  :     Samuel,  lives  in 

Pueblo,  Colo. ;    not  m. 

David  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  9,  1805  ;  d.  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  June  30,  1856.  He  was  a 
hardware  merchant  and  had  also  been  in  business  in  Akron,  Ohio,  and  in  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa.     Married  Sarah ,  and  had  six  children,  of  whom  one  is  living, 

Charles,  of  Isle  of  Pines. 

Russell  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  3,  1807  ;  d.  in  Chicago,  Aug.  28,  1888.  He  was  a  peddler, 
later  a  merchant,  lost  heavily  in  the  fire  in  Chicago,  where  he  was  in  business. 
During  the  gold  excitement  he  went  to  California  overland  and  was  one  of  the 
two  survivors   of  the   party.     Married   Emily   Bruce.     Children :    i.   Milton,   d, 

;     ii.   Eldorado,   d.   ;     iii.   Emily,   m.   Bruce   and   lives   in 

Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  has  a  son  Russell  Abbey. 

Ruth  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  27,  1808;  d.  in  Concord,  Minn.,  Feb.  16.  188.3.  Married 
Charles  L.  Shepard,  of  Portland,  Conn.,  b.  1799,  probably  in  Chatham,  Conn., 
son  of  Andrew  and  Deliverance  (Leland)  Shepard.     No  children. 

320  Prudence  Miller  Abbey,  b.  March  18,  1811 ;    m.  Edwin  Bell. 

321  Sarah  Ann  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  29,  1813;    m.  Charles  Bartlett. 

322  William  Warren  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  18,  1814;    m.    (1)    Sophronia  Tryon ;     (2)   Emily 

Anderson;    (3)  Charlotte  Taylor. 
Henry  Augustus  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  10,  1816;    d.  in  Portland,  Nov.  5   (or  25),  1820. 

323  Grove  Nelson  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  19,  1818 ;    m.  Sarah  Goodale. 

Samuel  Abbey,  b.  April  13,  1820 ;  d.  in  Sandwich,  111.,  July  17,  1889.  He  was  a 
peddler,  and,  later,  traveling  salesman  for  his  two  brothers.     He  m.  twice.     He 

is  probably  the  Samuel  Abbey  who  m.  Mary  E.  ,  b.  about  1823  and  had 

child:    Henry  Earl,  b.  May  16,  1848,  in  Glastonbury,   Conn.     Child  by  second 

marriage:    Ruth,  m.  Lewis;    lives  at  Oak  Park,  111.,  has  four  children: 

Jean,  Frances,  Elizabeth,  and  . 

94  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Lucy  EUzaheth  Ahbcy,  b.  Nov.  1,  1825 ;  in.,  Jan.,  1848,  James  Dwight  Johnson  of 
Portland,  Conn.,  a  sea  captain,  b.  Oct.  19,  1832 ;  d.  April  7,  1892 ;  son  of 
Seth  and  Emily  (Tracy)  Johnson.  She  is  stiU  living  (1913)  in  Chicago. 
Children :  i.  Alice,  lives  in  Chicago,  m.  George  Blair,  has  a  son,  Edward 
Johnson,  who  was  graduated  from  Cornell  University  in  1905,  is  connected  with 
the  engineering  department  of  the  Metropolitan  West  Side  Elevated  Railway 
Company  in  Chicago,  m.  Mary  Pardee  and  has  children,  Dorothy  and  Harriet 
Alice  ;   ii.  Ruth  Emily. 

157.  JOHNS  BIDWELL,  son  of  Daniel  and  Agnes*  (Abbe)  Bidwell,  born 
December  28,  1750,  at  Chatham,  Conn.;  died  November  8,  1825.  Removed  to 
near  Kinderhook,  Columbia  County,  N.  Y.,  in  August,  1799,  and  was  admitted  by 
letter  to  the  Kinderhook  Church,  May  8,  1802.  He  bouglit  and  sold  land  at 
Chatham  between  1773  and  1803.  He  w-as  a  Captain  in  the  Revolution.  Both 
he  and  his  wdfe  are  buried  at  Kinderhook. 

Married  at  Chatham,  August  15,  1775,  SARAH  PENFIELD,  born  November 
6,  1756,  at  Chatham;  died  March  19,  1846.  Daughter  of  Major  and  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  John  Penfield.  She  served  as  a  ntirse  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  received 
a  pension  for  her  services.  She  married  (2),  when  nearly  eighty,  Colonel  William 
Potter,  born  1741;   died  January  20,  1833,  whose  first  wife  was  Freelove  Knight. 


Daniel  Bidivell,  b.  Aug.  2,  1776 ;    d.  in  the  South,  Oct.  16,  1797 ;    not  m. 

Sarah  Bidivell,  b.  Sept.  15,  1777. 

Anne  Bidivell,  h.  Dec.  25,  1777 ;    d.  Nov.  2,  1779. 

John  Bidivell,  b.  Oct.  2,  1780;    d.  Nov.  6,  1795. 

David  Bidwell,  b.   Sept.   21,   1782;     d.   Nov.   7,   1839;    m.   1812,   Amy   C.   Potter, 

daughter  of  Colonel  AVilliam  Potter. 
Alexander  Bidivell,  b.  June  11,  1784;    d.  Nov.  17,  1858. 
Halseij  Bidwell,  b.  May  10,  1786 ;    d.  July  12,  1847. 

Anne  Bidivell,  b.  June  7,  1787;    m.  WiUiam  Potter,  son  of  Colonel  WiUiam  Potter. 
Benjamin  Bidivell,  b.  May  7,  1790 ;    d.  Dec.  21,  1862. 
Horace  Bidivell  (twin),  b.  March  21.  1793;    d.  June  15,  1849. 
Hod  Bidivell  (twin),  b.  March  21,  1793;    d.  June  2,  1837. 
John  Bidivell,  b.  May  15,  1796;    d.  Jan.  8,  1823. 

158.  SARAH5  BIDWELL,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Agnes*  (Abbe)  Bidwell, 
born  March  12,  1753;    died  December  8,  1795. 

Married  in  Chatham,  Conn.,  May  18,  1775,  ABNER  PELTON,  born  March 
4,  1755,  at  Chatham;  died  January  17,  1846.  Son  of  Joseph  and  Anna  (Pen- 
field)  Pelton.    He  lived  and  died  at  Portland,  Conn. 

Married  (2)  MRS.  DOROTHY  EAGLE Y. 

Children,  torn  at  Portland 

Matilda  Pelton,  b.  July  29,   1776;    d.  Feb.   24,   1851;    m.   at   Portland,  Dec.   31, 

1797,  Jonathan  Bush. 
Ainos  Pelton,  b.  April  21,  1779 ;    d.  Oct.  10,  1796,  killed  by  falling  from  a  tree. 
324     Ahner  Pelton,  b.  April  15,  1781;    m.    (1)    Esther  HamUn ;     (2)    Mrs.   Sophronia 

(Strong)   Whitmore. 
Sarah  Pelton,  b.  April  11,  1783;    d.  Sept.  18,  1867;    resided  at  Middle  Haddam, 

Conn.     Married  at  Portland,  Oct.  24,  1804  or  5,  Jabez  C.  Norton,  son  of  John 

Norton  of  Chatham.     They  had  eight  children. 
Jeremiah  Pelton,  b.  April  14,   1786;    d.  July   17,  1822.     He  was   a  cripple   and 

never  m. 
Vienna  Pelton,  b.  July  4,  1788;    d.  April  21,  1813;    lived  and  d.  in  Turin,  Lewis 

County,  N.  Y.    Married,  July  4,  1808,  Ducll  Goff  of  East  Haddam,  Conn.     Child : 

PhiUnda,  m. Thayer.     She  d.  in  Evansvillo.  Ind.,  where  her  sons  pubUshed 

a  paper.    One  son,  Duell,  lived  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
PhiUnda  Pelton,  b.  Feb.  28,  1791 ;    d.  April  8,  1878,  in  Portland ;    not  m. 

Fifth  Generation  95 

159.  JONATHAN'  ABBEY,  3D,  son  of  Jonathan*,  jr.,  and  Alice  (Johnson) 
Abbey,  born  February  2G,  1853,  in  AVillington,  Conn.;  died  October  5,  1807,  at 
Olive  (Shokan),  N.  Y.  He  was  probably  living  at  Ashford,  Conn.,  at  the  time 
of  the  1790  Census,  2  males  over  18,  3  males  under  18,  5  females  in  the  family. 
In  the  1800  Census  he  is  recorded  with  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  1  male 
and  2  females  between  16  and  26,  and  1  male  between  10  and  16.  He  removed 
to  Shokan,  Ulster  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1802. 

The  story  is  told  in  the  family  that  Jonathan  Abbey  was  in  the  company  of 
patriots  with  General  Israel  Putnam  when,  on  February'  26,  1779,  General  Putnam 
escaped  from  1500  English  and  Tories  by  running  his  horse  doAvn  a  hundred 
steps  in  the  rock  at  Horseneek  Hill,  Greenwich,  Conn.  Jonathan  said  that 
Putnam  told  his  men  to  look  out  for  themselves,  to  retreat  as  best  they  could, 
and  that  he,  being  mounted,  would  take  care  of  himself.  The  British  broke 
in  upon  the  company,  who  ran  into  a  swamp,  and  Putnam  started  off,  closely 
pursued  by  dragoons.  Presently  pistol  shots  were  heard,  Putnam  dashed  down 
the  rocky  steps,  and  the  company  never  expected  to  behold  him  alive  again, 
but  soon  they  were  delighted  to  see  him  come  cantering  back  as  if  nothing 
had  hajipened,  and  with  no  wound  greater  than  a  bullet-hole  through  his 
three-cornered  hat. 

Botli  Jonathan  Abbey  and  his  wife  were  buried  in  a  cemetery  at  the  site 
of  the  Ashokan  Dam,  and  their  remains  were  in  1910  removed  to  the  Montrepose 
Cemeter\'  in  Kingston,  by  their  descendants,  Charles  Augustus  Abbey  and  Henry 
Abbey.     The  inscriptions  read  as  follows: 

In  Memory  of 

Jonathan  Abbey 


Oct.  5th,  1807 

55th  year  of  his  age. 

In  Memory  of 

Lucy  Abbey 

wife  of 

Jonathan  Abbey 


January  21,  1828 

in  the  7Gth  year  of  her  age. 

Married  1778,  MRS.  LUCY  (KNOX)  ROBBINS,  born  April  19,  1753,  in 
Ashford;  died  January  21,  1828,  in  Ulster  County,  N.  Y.  She  was  connected 
with  the  family  of  the  celebrated  John  Knox  and  was  the  widow  of  Samuel 
Robbins,  by  whom  she  had  a  son,  Samuel. 

Childreti  of  Jonathan  Alley,  last  three  recorded  in  Ashford  (at  Warrenville) ,  Conn. 

325  David  Alley,  h.  Feb.  8,  1779 ;    m.  Nancy  Farnham. 

Mary  Alley,  b.  Dee.  19,  1780,  in  Ashford  ;    was  living  in  1863 ;    m.  Remilton  Jones 
and  settled  near  Worcester,  Mass. 

326  Sarah  Alley,  h.  Aug.  1,  1784 ;    m.  John  Brown. 

327  John  Alley,  b.  Nov.  18,  1789;    m.  Catherine  North. 

_160.  WALTERS  GEER,  son  of  ShubaeP  and  Hannah  (Pease)  Geer,  born 
1759,  probably  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  although  his  birth  is  not  recorded  there  with 
other  children  of  Shubael  and  Hannah;  died  about  1808.  He  served  in  the 
Revolutionary  army  1778.  Resided  in  New  Hampshire,  at  Charlestown,  Lebanon, 
and  Keene,  at  Windsor,  Vt.,  and  at  Salem,  N.  Y.,  after  about  1796.  One  of 
his  daughters  died  in  Keene,  January,  1792. 

96  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  LUCY  ALLEN,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Peggy   (Spafford)   Allen, 
born  in  Charlestown,  N.  H.,  March  28,  1758. 


Harmony  Gecr,  b.  in  Lebanon,  June  27,  1784. 
(JDaughter),  b.  in  Windsor,  Nov.  7,  1786;    d.  before  1790. 
Lucy  Oeer,  b.  in  Charlestown,  Jan.  29,  1789. 
328     Walter  Gecr,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  9,  1792 ;    m.  Henrietta  VanBuren. 

161.  ELIZABETH^  TERRY,  daughter  of  Ebenezer  and  Elizabeth-^  (Geer) 
Terry,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  Februaiy  28,  1749-50  (Enfield  records),  or  October 
6,  1756  (Terry  Genealogy) ;  died  December  25,  1830.  Resided  in  Coventry, 

Married  SAMUEL  LILLIE,  died  June  10,  1832. 


Ira  Lillie,  b.  in  Coventry,  July  1,  1781;  d.  there  Nov.  30,  1823.  Married  (1) 
Nov.  3,  1805,  Lois  Kingsbury,  b.  in  Coventry,  Jan.  14,  1781,  daughter  of 
Lieutenant  Joseph  and  Lois  (Porter)  Kingsbury,  d.  Nov.  20,  1811;  no  children. 
Married  (2)  May  2,  1813,  Persis  Kingsbury,  sister  of  above,  b.  in  Coventry, 
Dec.  10,  1789;  d.  Oct.  31,  1854.  Children:  i.  Marcus,  b.  March  3,  1814,  d. 
June  3,  1897,  served  as  member  of  the  House  of  Repi'esentatives  and  of  the 
State  Senate,  director  in  the  Tolland  County  Insui-ance  Co.  for  years,  deacon 
of  the  Coventry  Congregational  Church,  m.  (1)  May  24,  1836,  Eunice  Porter, 
who  d.  March  23,  1857,  (2)  April  8,  1868,  Ruth  Kingsbury,  daughter  of  Al\in 
and  Emeline  (Kingsbury)  Kingsbury,  who  is  still  li\ing  at  Baltic,  Conn. 
Children  of  Marcus  Lillie  by  first  wife  (none  by  second)  :  (a)  George  A.,  b.  in 
Coventry,  Sept.  19,  1837,  d.  Nov.  9,  1866,  m.  Nov.  3,  1858,  Julia  C.  Gleason, 
no  children;  (b)  Frederic  Abbe,  b.  July  15,  1846,  or  1847,  in  Coventry,  teacher 
in  East  Hampton,  Rock\ille,  Portland,  East  Hartford  and  Manchester,  Conn., 
m.  in  East  Hampton,  Aug.  18,  1870,  Laura  Louise  Kellogg,  b.  in  Hebron,  Conn., 
July  26,  1851,  daughter  of  Jared  Comstock  and  Frances  Matilda  (Day)  KeUogg, 
has  three  children,  b.  at  East  Hampton,  May  Eunice,  b.  May  20,  1871,  George 
Henry,  b.  April  30,  1875,  d.  at  Portland,  May  31,  1885,  and  Charles  Albert, 
b.  April  10,  1880.  ii.  (child  of  Ira  Lillie)  EUzabeth  T.,  b.  Nov.  26,  1817,  d.  in 
Chicago,  Feb.  3,  1888,  m.  Sept.  15,  1835,  Nathaniel  Kingsbury  Root,  of  Chicago, 
son  of  Nathaniel  and  Almaria  (Page)  Root  of  Coventry,  and  had  son,  Williston 
Kingsbury,  b.  Dec.  8,  1845,  d.  March  5,  1846;  iii.  Anna,  bapt.  Jan.  2,  1820; 
iv.  Janet,  b.  May  31,  1821,  or  1822,  m.  May  4,  1869,  A.  J.  Battin,  and  d.  June 
13,  1875,  leaving  no  children. 

Jeduthan  Lillie,  b.  1786;  d.  Sept.  30,  1842;  lived  in  Coventry.  Married  Sarah 
Hyde,  b.  in  Lebanon,  Conn.,  about  1787  ;  d.  about  1846 ;  daughter  of  Elijah 
Clark  and  Sarah  (Taylor)  Hyde.  Child:  Nisa,  m.  as  his  first  wife,  Zenas 
Loomis  of  Coventry,  and  d.  without  children.  He  m.  (2)  her  cousin,  Henrietta 
Dunham,  daughter  of  Ralph  and  Melinda  (Hyde)  Dunham,  b.  Nov.  18,  1818,  by 
whom  he  had  a  daughter,  Nisa  Lilly,  b.  March  15,  1845. 

Eunice  Lillie,  m.  Timothy  Badger  and  removed  to  Bridgewater,  N.  Y. 

Narcissa  Lillie. 

162.     AARON'^  PEASE,  JR.,  son  of  Aaron  and  Anna*  (Geer)  Pease,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  June  3,  1752;    lived  and  died  in  that  place. 

Married  HULDAH  SPENCER,  daughter  of  Jonathan  Spencer,  sr.,  of  Somers, 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Hannah  Pease,  m.  as  her  second  husband,  Benjamin,  who  d.  before  1849. 

Huldah  Pease,  m.  Pliny  Cadwell  of  Wilbraham,  Mass. 
Tahiiha  Pease,  m.  Dudley  Summers  of  Chatham,  Conn. 

Aurelia  Pease,  m.  Gilbert  of  Tolland,  Conn. 

Ruth  Pease,  d.  young ;    unm. 

Jerusha  Pease,  m.  Joseph  Sheldon  of  Hartford,  Conn. 

Fifth  Generation  97 

Aaron  Pease,  3d,  b.  Sept.  9,  1777.  Lived  in  Mitldletown,  Conn.,  and  d.  there  1848. 
He  was  engaged  in  ship-building  and  in  the  wholesale  grocery  business  with  his 
brother,  Randolph.  During  the  War  of  1812  he  and  his  cousins  fitted  out  a 
number  of  vessels  at  Marblehead  for  the  West  Indies  trade,  some  of  which  were 
lost.  Married  Feb.  27,  1812,  Nancy  Griswold  of  Chicopee,  Mass.,  daughter  of 
Joseph  Griswold.  She  d.  in  Middletown,  aged  84.  Children,  b.  in  Middletown : 
i.  Mary  M.,  b.  Feb.  3,  1813,  m.  (1)  Arcl  Utley,  (2)  Homer  FrankHn ;  ii. 
Nancy  A.,  b.  Dec.  2G,  1814,  m.  Ezra  AVhite ;  iii.  Aaron  G.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1817; 
iv.  Robert  A.,  b.  Aug.  30,  1819,  m.  (1)  Sarah  A.  Jones,  (2)  Hannah  A. 
Spencer;  v.  Randolph,  b.  Sept.  20,  1824;  vi.  Frances  Louise,  b.  1826. 
329     William  Agift  Pease,  b.  Sept.,  1779 ;    m.  Betsey  Ranuey. 

Levi  Pease,  m.,  1811,  Almira  Banks.     Children  :    i.  Catherine ;    ii.  Charles. 

Spencer  Pease,  m.  and  lived  in  Providence.     No  children. 

Randolph  Pease,  b.  about  1788 ;  d.  in  Middletown,  Conn.,  May  1,  1860.  He  was 
connected  with  a  grocery  firm  with  his  brothers.  Married,  1807,  Susan  Paddock. 
Children,  b.  in  Middletown:  i.  and  ii.  Randolph  and  Samuel  (twins),  b.  1807, 
d.  in  infancv  ;  iii.  Susan  (1),  b.  1808,  d.  in  infancy;  iv.  Amelia,  b.  June,  1811, 
m.  Patrick  Saygon ;  v.  Susan  (2),  b.  Sept.  12,  1820,  m.  1839,  Christopher 
Collins  and  lived  in  Middletown  ;    vi.  Lucy  A.,  b.  May  26,  1826. 

163.  STONE^  PEASE,  sou  of  Aaron  and  Anna*  (Geer)  Pease,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  June  11,  1759,  and  resided  there.    Died  August  28,  182.3. 

Married  September  15,  1780,  ASENATH  PEASE,  daughter  of  Israel  and  Ann 
(         )  Pease,  born  in  Enfield,  October  19,  1761. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Stone  Pease,  jr.,  b.  July  2,  1781 ;    d.  March  9,  182.5 ;    m.  Oct.  20,  1807,  . 

Children,  b.  in  Enfield:    i.  Horace  B.,  b.  April  10,  1810,  d.  Dec.  7,  18-30;    ii. 

Joseph  S.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1815,  d.  Feb.  28,  1847 ;    iii.  Elizabeth  S.,  b.  Sept.  12,  1817. 
330     Horace  Pease,  b.  July  7,  1783;    m.  Mrs.  Rebecca  (Parsons)  Carrier. 
(Jhauncey  (1)  Pease,  b.  May  4,  1786;    d.  young. 

Asenath  Pease,  b.  Aug.  13,  1787 ;    m.  John  Hawkins  and  settled  in  Ohio. 
Mary  Pease,  b.  June  1,  1789 ;   m.  Henry  Barber  and  settled  in  East  Windsor,  Conn. 
Chauncey   (2)   Pease,  b.  Aug.  19,  1792.     He  was  a  blacksmith  in  Hartford,  Conn. 

Married,  Oct.  7,  1821,  Elizabeth  Holcomb.     Child  :    Milton  L.,  b.  in  Springfield, 

Feb.  17,  1823 ;    resided  there  and  later  in  Hartford ;    m.  May,  1845,  Dorothy  A. 

Nancy  Pease,  b.  Aug.,  1796 ;    m.  Moses  Prase. 
Tudor  Pease,  b.  Feb.  3,  1799 ;    d.  April,  1843 ;    not  m. 

Agnes  Pease,  b.  Jan.  10,  1801 ;    m.  William  Loomis  and  settled  in  East  Windsor. 
Oeer  C.  Pease,  b.  Dec.  18,  1804 ;    d.  in  Enfield,  May  10,  18.37 ;    m.  xVug.  31,  1831, 

Almira  Chapiu.     Children,  b.  in  Enfield  :    i.  Henry  B.,  b.  June  24,  1832,  d.  Jan, 

23,  1838;    ii.   Mary  M.,  b.   Oct.  20,  1833,  d.  May  27,  1836;    iii.  Agnes  A.,   b. 

Nov.  21,  1834 ;   iv.  Edwin  G.,  b.  Aug.  31,  1836. 

164.  EPHRAIM5  PEASE,  son  of  Aaron  and  Anna*  (Geer)  Pease,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  June  5,  1765.  Lived  in  Enfield,  and  later,  after  1804,  in  Lee, 
N.  T.,  where  he  died. 

Married  November  24,  1785,  JENNIE  PHELPS. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Arvin  B.  Pease,  b.  July  6,  1787 ;  lived  in  Lee ;  m.  Nov.  17,  1808,  Sedate  Yeomans. 
Children,  b.  in  Lee:  i.  Abby,  b.  Sept.  22,  1810,  m.  1831,  Lorenzo  Baker;  ii. 
Jemima,  b.  Jan.  7,  1812,  m.  March  6,  1832,  Samuel  Underbill ;    iii.  EUza,  b.  May 

7,  1815,  m.  July  6,  1834.  Charles  C.  Hovey ;  iv.  Henry  G.,  b.  Dec.  5, 1818.  m.  Nov. 

8,  1826,  Harriet  Twitchell ;   v.  Morris  A.,  b.  June  8,  1821,  d.  in  London,  England, 
Nov.  11,  1842 ;    vi.  Zenana,  b.  May  5,  1824,  m.  April  4,  1844,  Joseph  DcCory. 

Orrin  Pease,   b.   Dec.   19,   1788 ;    settled  in   Watertown,   Wis. ;     m.    and   had   five 

Willis  F.  Pease,  b.  Sept.  4,  1792 ;    d.  young. 

98  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

165.  DENNIS^  BEMENT,  JR.,  son  of  Dennis  and  Mary*  (Abbe)  Bement, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  February  11,  1743-4;  lived  in  Enfield  and  died  there, 
March  3  (or  12),  1820. 

Married  LYDIA ,  born  1748;    died  August  3,  1829,  aged  81. 

Children,  torn  in  Enfield 

Lydia  Bement,  b.  Jan.  31,  1771.  Married  (1)  Nov.  27,  1788,  in  Enfield,  Benjamin 
Parsons,  son  of  Thomas  Parsons.  His  will  was  made  June  22,  1812,  and 
probated  Aug.  10,  1812.  She  m.  (2)  before  1829,  Elisha  Holton,  who  d.  Feb.  3, 
1837,  aged  84,  and  whose  first  wife  was  Mary  Abbe,  daughter  of  Richard  and 
Mary  (Bement)  Abbe.  See  number  80.  Children  of  Lydia  Bement  and  Ben- 
jamin Parsons,  b.  in  Enfield  :  i.  Benjamin  Bement,  m.  in  Enfield,  June  13,  1814, 
Sophie  Gleasou  of  Enfield,  and  had  sons  Benjamin,  b.  Feb.  25,  1816,  and  Norman, 
b.  Aug.  20,  1819;  ii.  Lydia;  iii.  Elizabeth;  iv.  Mary,  b.  May  1,  1769;  v. 
Hannah ;    vi.  Achsa,  b.  April  9.  1771 ;    vii.  Minerva. 

Dennis  (1)  Bement,  b.  Jan.  5,  1774;    d.  Oct.  19,  1775. 

Elizabeth  Bement,  b.  Aug.  18,  1775 ;  m.  June  7,  1798,  in  Enfield,  Dr.  Horatio 
Arnold  Hamilton  of  Sandersfield.  Children:  i.  (daughter),  d.  May  7,  1806, 
aged  14  hours ;  ii.  Aupha  Charlotte,  d.  April  9,  1811,  aged  1  yr.,  10  mos. ;  iii. 
(son),  d.  Nov.  16,  1811,  aged  27  hours. 

Mary  Bement,  m.  Obadiah"  Olmstead,  b.  Sept.  30,  1778 ;  d.  March  4,  1826 ;  son  of 
Simeon  and  Roxalenah'  (Abbe)  Olmsted. 

Pina  Bement,  b.  1780;  d.  April  11,  1832,  aged  52.  Married  in  Enfield,  Jan.  2, 
1804,  Seth  Alden,  son  of  Amos  and  Hannah    (  )   Alden,  b.   Sept.  26,  1779; 

d.  May  14,  18.32.  Both  d.  from  a  fever.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield:  i.  Seth, 
b.  Aug.  20,  1805,  m.  and  had  at  least  two  children,  Edmond  B.,  and  Roselle,  who 
d.  in  Enfield,  Aug.  19,  1840,  aged  18  months  ;  ii.  Edmond  Bement,  b.  May  3,  1807, 
a  farmer  in  Enfield,  was  transferred  to  the  Thompsonville  Presbyterian  Church 
April  9,  1848,  m.   (1)   Flavia  B.  Meacham,  daughter  of  Jesse  and  Naomi   (  ) 

Meacham,  who  d.  Aug.  10,  1847,  aged  29,  m.  (2)  Feb.  26,  1848,  Augustine 
Denison,  b.  in  Palmer,  Mass.,  about  1816 ;  iii.  Hannah  Bush,  b.  June  26,  1809, 
m.  in  Enfield.  Oct.  16,  1832,  Lester  H.  Grover  of  Tolland  ;  iv.  Diantha  Maria, 
b.  July  31,  1811,  m.  in  Enfield,  Dec.  24,  1835,  Simeon  H.  Dunham  of  Vernon, 
Oneida  County,  N.  Y. ;  v.  Aupha  Hamilton,  b.  June  21,  1813,  m.  in  Enfield, 
Nov.  10,  18.36,  Charles  Killam,  son  of  George  Killam,  b.  in  Enfield,  Oct.  17,  1812, 
and  had  children,  Sarah  Maria,  bapt.  in  Enfield,  July  5,  1840,  and  Charles 
Armitage,  bapt.  July  12,  1842 ;  vi.  Lovisa  C,  b.  June  9,  1816,  m.  April  27,  1842, 
Sylvester  Ellis  of  New  Britain,  Conn. 

331  Dennis  (2)  Bement,  b.  Aug.  20.  1782;    m.  Huldah  Holkins. 

Delight  Bement,  m.  Oct.  29,  1808,  in  Enfield,  Roderick  White,  who  was  transferred 
to  the  Hartford  Church,  Dec.  6,  1829.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield:  i.  Roderick 
Adams,  b.  Oct.  24,  1809 ;  ii.  Mary,  b.  Dec.  4,  1812 ;  iii.  Deha,  b.  Jan.  11,  1819 ; 
iv.  CaroHue  Elizabeth,  bapt.  July  1,  1827. 

Charlotte  Bement,  b.  Nov.  3,  1788;  m.  Richard  Abbe,  3d,  son  of  Richard,  jr.,  and 
Lydia  (Steveson)   Abbe;    see  number  395. 

166.  NATHANIEL'  CHAPIN,  JR.,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Sarah*  (Abbe) 
Chapin,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  31,  1738;  died  there  February  11, 
1831.  He  always  resided  in  Enfield.  He  served  in  the  Revolution  and  was 
made  Ensign  of  the  2d  Company,  3d  Battalion,  by  vote  of  the  Assembly. 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  December  10,  1761,  SYBIL  TERRY,  born  in  Enfield, 
August  8,  1740;  died  there  June  26,  1775.  She  was  daughter  of  Major  Ephraim 
and  Ann  (Collins)  Terry. 

Married  (2)  ZERVIAH  PARSONS. 

Children,  prohahly  all  "by  first  xcife  and  horn  in  Enfield 

Jahez  (1)   Chapin  (twin),  b.  .June  11,  1762;    d.  in  infancy. 

332  Nathaniel  Chapin  (twin),  b.  June  11,  1762;    m.   (1)  Cynthia  Perkins;    (2)  Lovisa 


333  Jahcz  (2)   Chapin,  b.  Nov.  24,  1764;    m.  Lucy  Dwight. 
ISimcon  Chapin,  d.  in  Enfield. 

Sybil  Chapin,  m.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  26,  1788,  Thomas  Metcalf. 

334  Esther  Chapin,  b.  Jan.  20,  1771;    m.  Moses  Allen. 
Elizabeth  Chapin,  d.  unm. 

Fifth  Generation  99 

167.     ELIPHALET-'  CHAPIN,  son  of  Natlianiel  and  Sarah*   (Abbe)  Chapin, 
born  in  Enlicld,  Conn.,  March  2,  1741. 

Married  AZUBA  PEASE. 


335  EUphalct  Chapin,  jr.,  h.  nOo:    m.  Abigail  Pease. 

tSarah  Chapin,  d.  April  23,  1848,  aged  84;  m.  Levi  Meacham  of  Eufield,  and  bad 
two  children. 

Polly  Chapin,  m.  James  W.  Talcott  of  Chicopee,  Mass.,  and  bad  four  children. 

Persis  Chapin,  resided  in  Chicopee;    m.  Eli  Hays  and  had  seven  children. 

Azuha  Chapin,  resided  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn.,  later  at  South  Hadley,  Mass.; 
m.  Ebcnezer  Collins,  a  distiller.  They  had  seven  children,  of  whom  were: 
i.  Eliza  Dixon,  bapt.  in  Enfield,  Jan.  27,  1828,  d.  May  18,  1835 ;  ii.  John,  b.  in 
Enfield,  March,  1830,  d.  Oct.  13,  1830 ;  iii.  Henry  E.,  b.  in  Enfield,  July  7,  1831, 
d.  May  7,  1835. 

336  Thomas  Chapin   (twin),  m.  xVnna  (or  Mary)   Pease. 

Ohadiah  Chapin  (twin  with  Thomas),  m.  Lois  Rose  of  Granville.  Children: 
i.  Obadiah,  jr.,  lived  in  New  Hampshire,  m.  and  had  children;  ii.  Laura,  unm. ; 
iii.  Harriet,  m. Dole  of  Westfield ;  iv.  Eliza?  m.  Lee  of  Northamp- 
ton ;    V.  Cynthiaett,  m.  Deacon  Alfred  Worthington  of  Agawam. 

Lovica  Chapin,  m.  Abel  Terry  and  lived  in  Auburn,  N.  Y.  They  had  five  children, 
one  of  w^hom  was  Orrin.  Orrin  Terry,  b.  June  G,  1806,  in  Auburn,  dealer  in 
hides  and  leather  in  New  York  City,  m.  April  23,  1851,  Adeline  Hall  of 
Skaneateles,  N.  Y.     No  children. 

337  George  Chapin,  b.  1771 ;    m.  Lucy  Parsons. 

168.  SIBYL5  PEASE,  daughter  of  Ephraim  and  Tabitha*  (Abbe)  Pease, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  May  20,  1754;  died  September  12,  1822.  Her  tombstone 
inscription  reads:  Mrs.  Sibyl,  daughter  of  Captain  Ephraim  and  Mrs.  Tabitha 
Pease,  25  years  wife  of  Rev.  Elam  Potter  and  12  years  wife  of  Rev.  Nehemiah 
Prudden,  born  May  20,  1754;    died  September  12,  1822. 

Married  (1)  REVEREND  ELAM  POTTER,  a  native  of  Plymouth,  Conn.,  and 
a  Yale  graduate.  He  was  the  third  minister  settled  in  Enfield,  in  1769,  was 
dismissed  in  1776  on  account  of  a  religious  controversy.  He  died  in  1794,  aged 
52.  His  estate  was  distributed  March  8,  1804,  to  widow,  now  the  wife  of 
Nehemiah  Prudden,  and  to  the  children,  Elam  0.,  Ephraim  P.,  Tabitha  Killam, 
Sibvl  Bontecou,  Nancy,  Peter  P.,  and  Mary. 

Married  (2)  REVEREND  NEHEMIAH  PRUDDEN,  born  in  Milford,  Conn.,; 
died  September  7,  1815,  in  his  66th  year.  He  was  a  Yale  graduate  and  suc- 
ceeded Reverend  Elam  Potter  as  minister  to  the  Enfield  Church.  His  first 
wife  w^as  Agnes  Pease,  sister  of  Sibyl.     See  number  169.     No  children  by  this 


Children  of  Sihyl  and  Elam  Potter,  horn  in  Enfield 

Elam  O.  Potter,  b.  July  29,  1775;  d.  April  16,  1827.  He  was  a  merchant  in  New 
York  City  but  later  returned  to  Enfield.  He  was  town  clerk  in  1822  and  for 
fifteen    years    thereafter,    justice    of    the    peace,    selectman,    and    was    sent    as 

representative   to   the   General   Assembly.      Married   Sarah   but   had   no 

children.  His  estate  was  divided  between  his  widow  Sarah  and  relatives : 
Tabitha  Killam ;  Nancy  In  graham ;  Mary  TuUy ;  children  of  the  late  Sibyl 
Bontocou ;   Ephraim  P.  Potter ;    and  heirs  of  the  late  Peter  P.  Potter. 

338  Tabitha  Potter,  b.  Nov.  6,  1776;    m.  Captain  Lot  Killam. 

339  Ephraim  Pease  Potter,  b.  Oct.  9,  1777;    m.   (1)  ;     (2)   Abigail  Terry. 

Martha  Potter,  b.  Oct.  17,  1779:    d.  Nov.  20.  1802;    not  m. 

Sihi/l  Potter,  b.  Nov.  20,  1781;  d.  before  1827;  m.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  16,  1798, 
Daniel  Bonticou.  Children  :  i.  Catharine  R. ;  ii.  Daniel,  jr. ;  iii.  Martha ;  iv. 
Sibyl ;    v.  Mary. 

Xancy  Potter;  h.  March  26,  1784.  Married  April  3,  1806,  in  Eufield,  Joseph 
Ingraham.  who  d.  there  June  15,  1842,  aged  55.  Children,  born  in  Enfield : 
i.  John,  b.  June  9,  1807  ;  ii.  Joseph,  b.  July  14.  1808 ;  iii.  EUzabcth,  b.  Dec.  8, 
ISIO:  iv.  Obadiah  Pease,  b.  Aug.  6.  1813;  v.  Sarah  Potter,  b.  Dec.  29,  1816; 
vi.  William  Tully,  bapt.  in  Enfield,  Aug.  17,  1824,  m,  there  May  13,  1845,  Eunice 
P.  Loomer,  both  of  South  Hadley,  Mass. 

100  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Peier  Pease  Potter,  b.  Aug.  21,  1786;  d.  June  22,  1827.  Married  in  Enfield, 
Oct.  3,  1814,  Hannah  Wells  Reynolds.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield :  i.  Hannah 
Reynolds,  b.  March  31,  1816 ;  ii.  Peter  Reynolds,  b.  Aug.  29,  1819 ;  iii.  Maria  E. ; 
iv.  Elani  Obadiah,  b.  July  11,  1827. 

Mary  Potter,  b.  April  21,  1791;  transferred  to  the  Middletown  Church,  1819. 
Married  in  Enfield,  Jan.  5,  1813,  Dr.  William  TuUy.  Child:  Eunice,  b.  in 
Enfield,  Nov.  5,  1813. 

169.  AGNES^  PEASE,  daughter  of  Epliraim  and  Tabitha*  (Abbe)  Pease, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  February  6,  1760;    died  February  13,  1799. 

Married  December  10,  1783,  REVEREND  NEHEMIAH  PRUDDEN,  born  in 
Milford,  Conn.;  died  September  7,  1815,  in  his  66th  year.  He  Avas  gi-aduated 
from  Yale  before  1782.    He  married  (2)  Sibyl  Pease,  sister  of  his  first  wife. 

Children,  lorn  in  Enfield 

Agnes  Prudden,  b.  Oct.  11,  1784 ;  d.  before  1857.  She  and  her  daughter  Harriet 
were  dismissed  from  the  church  at  Enfield  in  1829,  having  removed  to  Michigan 
in  1824 ;  and  joined  the  church  at  Ann  Arbor.  Married  in  Enfield,  March  23, 
1802,  Roswell  Parsons,  b.  Oct.  21,  1783,  son  of  Major  Joseph  and  Anna   (  ) 

Parsons.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield  :  i.  Harriet  Grace,  b.  Feb.  5,  1803 ;  ii.  Nehemiah 
Prudden,  b.  Feb.  5,  1805 ;  iii.  Philo,  b.  April  15,  1807 ;  iv.  Addison,  b.  July  6, 
1809 ;  V.  Wealthy  Angeline,  b.  Aug.  14,  1811 ;  vi.  James  Luther,  bapt.  Jan.  10, 

Epliraim  Pease  Prudden,  b.  Feb.  4,  1788 ;    d.  in  Enfield,  July  26,  1836.     Married 

Laura ,  who  d.  March  24,  1840,  aged  44.     Child,  b.  in  Enfield  :    Nehemiah 

Henry,  b.  March  10,  1820,  d.  Sept.  6,  1839,  in  Enfield.  Record  of  his  death  is 
given  as  Henry  N. 

Hannah  ISlewton  Prudden,  b.  Sept.  25,  1795 ;  was  dismissed  to  the  Presbyterian 
Church  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  Sept.  16,  1838. 

170.  THOMAS^  GEER,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah*  (Abbe)  Geer,  born  in 
Enfiekl,  Conn.,  October  5,  1746;  died  April  10,  1827.  Removed  from  Enfield  to 
Charlestown,  N.  H.,  1780,  on  the  memorable  dark  day  of  that  year. 

Married  MARY  PEASE,  born  September  25,  1749 ;    died  about  1841,  aged  92. 

Children,  first  three  horn  in  Enfield,  others  in  Charlestown 

Horace  Geer,  b.  March  21,  1773;    d.  Sept.  23,  1844;    m.  Nancy  Owen. 

Mary  Geer,  b.  March  29,  1775 ;    d.  May  14,  1839. 

William  Geer,  b.  Dec.  3,  1777 ;    d.  May  10,  1834.     Probably  the  William  Geer  who 

lived  in  Shelburae,  Vt. 
Philena  Geer,  b.  July  19,  1780;    d.  Sept.  21,  1840;    m.  Jan.  18,  1802,  Lemuel  T. 

Cheney,  b.  Jan.  18,  1802,  in  Westmoreland. 

340  Sibyl  Geer,  b.  April  11,  1783 ;    m.  Robert  Bostwick. 

Thomas  Geer,  jr.,  b.  Aug.  13,  1785 ;  d.  May  12,  1851.  Lived  in  Vergennes. 
Married  Feb.  22,  1810,  Nancy  Woodbridge,  b.  Aug.  10,  1789,  daughter  of  Enoch 
and  Nancy   (Winchell)   Woodbridge. 

341  Seth  Geer,  h.  June  30,  1788 ;    m.  Mary  Pier. 

Noah  Phelps  Geer,  b.  May  28,  1791;  d.  in  Charlestown,  N.  H.,  May  22,  1877. 
Married  Feb.  8,  1814,  Sally  Buchanan,  b.  July  25,  1791;  d.  June  10,  1873, 
daughter  of  Joshua  and  Anna  (Parks)  Buchanan.  Children;  i.  Marv,  b. 
Jan.,  1821,  d.  Oct.  1,  1892 ;  ii.  Maria,  b.  May  5,  1823,  m.  1844,  A.  Kingsbury 
Maynard  of  Walpole,  N.  H. ;  iii.  William,  b.  1826,  m.  Dec.  21,  1871,  Amogene  A. 
Crosby,   daughter  of  John   M.  and  Amelia    (  )    Crosby ;    iv.    Sibyl,   m.   1849, 

Henry  Turner. 

Cynthia  Geer,  b.  Sept.  11,  1793;  d.  Aug.  14,  1838.  Married  Sept.,  1814,  Peter 
Joslyn  Boynton,  who  d.  Aug.  20,  1867.  Resided  in  Hinesburg.  Children : 
i.  Noble  Lovely,  b.  Jan.  6,  1820,  m.  twice ;    ii.  Fidelia,  b.  Aug.  20,  1821,  m.  John 

F.  Miles  ;    iii.  Sidney,  b.  Nov.  3,  1824,  m.  Weeks ;    iv.  Edgar,  b.  April  14, 

1826;  V.  Cecilia  Cynthia,  b.  Aug.  3,  1828,  m.  Ebenezer  E.  Lewis,  had  children, 
Kate  and  Frank  (twins),  Ebenezer  S.,  and  William  O. ;  vi.  Jane  Letisa,  b. 
Jan.  8,  1831, 

Fifth  Generation  101 

171.  ELIHU^  GEER,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah*  (Abbe)  Geer,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  May  3,  1749;  died  May  11,  1801.  He  was  one  of  the  first  to 
enlist  at  the  Lexington  Alarm  in  Enfield  and  was  later  an  Orderh^  Sergeant  of 
Connecticut  troops  in  the  Revolution.  The  family  Bible  is  in  the  possession  of 
Everett  Selden  Geer. 

Married  in  Enfield,  December  10,  1774,  ELEANOR  MC  CLESTER,  born  Sep- 
tember 13,   1757;    died  April  18,   1843,  in  Manchester.     She  was   daughter  of 

James  and McClester  of  Enfield  and  sister  of  Jane  who  married  Obadiah 

Abbe.     She  is  mentioned  in  the  distribution  of  her  father's  estate  1778-1786. 
(Enfield  records.) 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Nancy  (1)  Ocer,  b.  Oct.,  1775;    d.  March,  1776. 

Elihu  Geer,  b.  Jan.  7,  1778 ;    drowned  at  sea,  Oct.  19,  1801. 

Nana/    (2)    Geer,   b.  June   15,   1781;     d.   18.32.     Married    Sept.,   1802,   Benjamin 

Looniis.     Ten  children.     Descendants  live  in  Burnside,  Conn.,  and  Galena,  111. 
Hannah  Geer,  b.  Dec.  11,  1783;   d.  Feb.  18,  1847.    Married  1804  Joseph  Thompson. 

Descendants  live  in  Manchester.  Conn. 
Fanny  Geer,  b.  Jan.  7,  1786.     Married  Dec.  25,  1808,  Chauncey  Bryant  of  East 

Hartford.     Child:    Perry  S. 
Betsey  Geer,  b.  April  29,  1789 ;   m.  Aug.,  1808,  Chester  Paine.    Descendants  live  in 

Enfield  and  Boston. 
342     Hou-ard  Geer,  b.  Aug.  9,  1792  :    m.  Sophia  Gaboon. 

Timothy  M.  Geer,  b.  Sept.,  1795;    d.  in  Enfield,  Oct.  9,  1802. 
Miles  Morgan  Geer,  b.  1797 ;   d.  1797. 

172.  ABIGAIL-^  PHELPS,  daughter  of  Noah  and  Hannah*  (Abbe)  Phelps, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  July  20,  1760 ;   died  in  Warren,  N.  Y. 

Mai-ried  JOHN  WARD,  born  in  Enfield,  removed  to  Middlefield,  Mass.,  and, 
in  1798,  to  "Warren,  Herkimer  County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died.  He  was  a  Revo- 
lutionary soldier;  carried  dispatches  from  General  Washington's  headquarters; 
was  captured  by  the  British  and  confined  on  a  prison  ship  in  Boston  Harbor, 
escaped,  was  recaptured  and  again  made  his  escape.  In  the  records  of  Connect- 
ici;t  soldiers  is  given:  enlisted  in  8th  Regiment,  Captain  John  Wells'  companj^, 
May  8,  discharged  December  10,  1775;  again  enlisted  April  8,  1777,  for  three 
years  in  the  3d  Regiment,  Connecticut  line.  Captain  Abel's  company;  taken 
prisoner  September  18,  1777;    discharged  April  10,  1780. 

Children,  all  hut  last  two  horn  in  Middlefield 

John  Ward,  jr.,  settled  in  Warren,  N.  Y. ;    m.  Sally  Dusenberry ;    no  children. 
Ahigail  Ward,  d.  March  25,  1813,  aged  21 ;    m.  Timothy  Loomis,  b.  June  4,  1789, 

son  of  Timothy  and  Mary  (Orton)   Loomis  of  Jordanville,  N.  Y.     He  was  living 

in  Syracuse,   N.  Y..  in  1820,  and  m.    (2)    Tabitha  Haskins,  by  whom   he  had: 

Lucinda,  Delos,  Abigail,  Clarissa  Ann,  and  Andrew  Jackson.     Child  of  Abigail 

Ward  :    Noah,  b.  1812.  d.  aged  22. 
343     Samuel  Ward,  b.  about  1785;    m.   (1)   Salome  Loomis;    (2)  Persis  Loomis. 
Noah  Ward,  removed  to  Alden,  111.,  and  d.  there ;    m.  Lovina  Warren. 
Artemus    Ward,   m.    (1)    Diademia   Delaney ;     (2)    Jane    Freeman;      (3)    Almira 

Benjamin  Ward,  m.  Huldah  Northrop  and  had  two  children. 
Polly  Ward,  b.  in  Warren,  N.  Y.,  and  lived  there;    m.  Joel  Northrop   (or  Lathrop). 

Children,  b.  in  Warren:    i.  John;    ii.  Lovisa ;    iii.  Chester;    iv.  Juha ;    v.  Joel; 

\\.  Mary. 
George  Ward,  b.  and  Uved  in  Warren ;    m.  but  had  no  children. 

173.  DANIELS  PHELPS,  son  of  Noah  and  Hannah*  (Abbe)  Phelps,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  October  9,  1763;  died  March  21,  1854,  in  East  Windsor,  Conn., 
where  he  had  removed  with  his  father.    Farmer. 

102  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  (1)  November  17,  1788,  ELIZABETH  PELTON,  bom  August  20,  1766, 
in  East  Windsor;  died  June  30,  1809.  She  was  daughter  of  Nathan  and  Ruth 
(Thompson)  Pelton. 

Married  (2)  December  30,  1812,  RUTH  PELTON,  sister  of  Elizabeth,  born 
in  East  Windsor,  September  18  (or  19),  1769;    died  April  9,  1850. 

Children  iy  first  icife,  horn  in  East  Windsor 

Ruth  Phelps,  b.  Feb.  7  (or  17),  1790;  d.  in  Warren,  N.  Y.,  March  16,  1848. 
Married  Jan.  20,  1823,  John  Loomis,  born,  lived  and  died  in  Warren.  Children, 
b.  in  Warren :  i.  William,  settled  in  Hudson,  Mich. ;  ii.  Charles,  settled  in 
Oneida,  N.  Y. ;    iii.  Charlotte,  m.  - — — ^  Atherly  and  lived  in  Oneida. 

Eanniih  Phelps,  b.  Nov.  14  (or  24),  1791;  d.  June  5  (or  6),  1866,  in  East 
Windsor ;    not  m. 

344  Noah  Phelps,  b.  Oct.  26,  1793 ;    m.  Lucy  Barber. 

Daniel  Phelps,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  29,  1795 ;    d.  Aug.  6,  1822 ;    not  m. 

345  Elizabeth  Phelps,  b.  Dec.  30,  1797 ;    m.  Ashbel  Barber. 

346  Mary  Phelps,  b.  Feb.  20  (or  25),  1800;    m.  Jason  Ellsworth. 

James  Phelps,  b.  Sept.  15,  1802;  farmer  in  East  Windsor;  d.  there  March  15, 
1866.  Married  May  19,  1831,  Mary  Allen,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  May  25,  1807; 
d.  there  1894,  daughter  of  Joel  and  Lydia   (Butler)   Allen.     Children,  b.  in  East 

Windsor:   i.  Charlotte,  m. Pease  of  Springfield  (Stiles  says  she  m.  

Ramsdell)  ;    ii.  Mary,  m.  Ramsdell ;    iii.  James,  jr. 

Charlotte  Phelps,  b.  Sept.  (or  April)  29,  1804;  d.  in  Warren,  N.  Y.,  April  7,  1829. 
Married  May  11,  1828,  Benjamin  Allen  and  settled  in  Warren. 

347  Williain  Phelps,  b.  Sept.  19,  1806 ;    m.  Mary  Ann  Soule. 

174.  0BADIAH5  PHELPS,  son  of  Noah  and  Hannah*  (Abbe)  Phelps,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  February  24,  1767;  died  in  Turin,  N.  Y.,  September  7,  1860. 
He  was  a  farmer,  settled  in  Becket,  Mass.,  and  removed  from  there  to  Turin, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  taught  for  a  time. 

Married  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  December  12,  1797,  LUCY  PELTON,  daugh- 
ter of  Nathan  and  Ruth  (Thompson)  Pelton,  born  in  East  Windsor,  November 
7,  1775;    died  in  Turin,  October  11,  1863. 

Children,  first  three  horn  in  Beeket,  others  in  Turin 

Lucy  Phelps,  b.  Aug.  21,  1798 ;  d.  in  Turin,  Aug.  5,  1888.  Married  Homer  Collins 
of  Collinsville,  Herkimer  County,  N.  Y. 

Ohadiah  Phelps,  b.  Nov.  26,  1800;  d.  March  4,  1831.  He  was  a  physician  in 
Canandaigua,  N.  Y.  Married  Eleanor  Booth,  and  had  two  children,  b.  in 
Canandaigua,  a  daughter  and  a  son  who  has  been  member  of  the  Legislature 
in  a  western  state. 

Charlotte  Phelps,  b.  Aug.  3,  1803;    d.  Jan.  1,  1834.     Married  Kirkland  and 

d.  in  Utica,  N.  Y. 

Elihu  Phelps,  b.  Dec.  8,  1805.  He  was  a  captain  of  a  packet  boat  on  the  Erie 
Canal,  and  lived  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died.  Married  in  Buffalo.  April, 
1850,  Mary  J.  Dover,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Mary    (  )    Dover.     Children, 

b.  in  Buffalo :  i.  William  E.,  b.  Aug.  4,  1852,  painter  and  decorator  in  Buffalo, 
m.  at  Tonawanda,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  28,  1878,  Mary  A.  Stegnier,  b.  Feb.  28,  1826,  in 
Tonawanda,  daughter  of  Andrew  and   Sophy    (  )    Stegnier.     Children,  b.  in 

Tonawanda :  Esther  F.,  b.  May  26,  1879,  WiUiam  J.,  b.  March  23.  1880,  Mary, 
b.  Feb.  6,  1882,  Emma,  b.  April  4,  1884,  and  Helena,  b.  April  24,  1887;  ii. 
Ehhu,  jr.,  hved  in  EUington,  N.  Y.,  about  1890. 

ISfoah  Phelps,  b.  May  21,  1808 ;    lived  in  Monroe,  Green  County,  Wis. 

Julia  Phelps,  b.  Aug.  14,  1810;    hved  in  Turin,  N.  Y. 

Emily  Phelps,  b.  June  2,  1813;    d.  July,  1819. 

William  Phelps,  b.  Jan.  16,  1816,  in  Port  Leyden,  N.  Y. ;  resided  in  EUington,  N.  Y. 
Married  Catherine  Jacobs,  b.  in  Nassau,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  17,  1825,  daughter  of 
Nicholas  and  Lydia  (Slater)  Jacobs.  Children:  i.  Darwin  W.,  b.  in  Turin, 
N.  Y.,  April  18,  1848;  ii.  Nelhe  C,  b.  in  Turin,  May  15,  1855;  iii.  AHda  C, 
b.  May  19,  1857,  in  Turin  ;  iv,  Wilhe,  b.  in  EUington,  July  15,  1869,  d.  there 
Jan.  31,  1881. 

Fifth  Generation  103 

175.  OBADIAH''  ABBE,  son  of  Thomas*  and  Penelope  (Terry)  Abbe,  born 
June  15,  1752,  in  Enfield,  Conn.  Lived  at  Warehouse  Point.  He  appears  to 
have  left  Enfield  after  about  1783  as  no  further  records  of  his  family  appear 
there.  One  account  says  he  moved  from  the  Ferry  ' '  out  west. "  He  is  probably 
the  Obadiah  Abbe  who  was  recorded  in  the  1790  Census  in  East  Windsor, 
Conn.,  1  male  over  16,  2  males  under  16,  4  females  in  his  family. 

Married  JANE  MC  CLESTER.  Stiles'  Ancient  Windsor  wrongly  records  that 
Charles  Abbe  married  Jane  Maclester,  only  child  of  an  Irish  merchant,  and  had 
daughters,  Jane,  born  January  6,  1780,  and  Sally,  born  October  1,  1792.  Mr. 
James  Allen  Kibbe  proves  this  error  by  an  examination  of  the  records  in 
Enfield  and  Hartford.  He  finds  that  James  McClester  left  an  estate  settled 
between  October  20,  1778,  and  June  13,  1786,  mentioning  a  widow,  Elizabeth, 
and  children,  James,  John,  Jane,  wife  of  Obadiah  Abbe,  and  Eleanor,  wife  of 
Elihu  Geer.     (Found  in  Hartford  probate  files  and  partly  in  Book  23.) 

Children,  first  four  recorded  in  Enfield 

James  Ahte,  b.  June  1.3,  1775. 

348  Jane  Ahle,  b.  Jan.  6,  1778;    m.  John  Chase. 
Obadiah  Abhe,  b.  April  5,  1780. 
Elizalcih   {Betsey)  Abhe,  b.  Aug.  27,  1783. 

349  Salli/  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  1,  1792 ;    m.  John  Bates. 
Mary  Ahhe(l). 

176.  PENELOPES  ABBE,  daughter  of  Thomas*  and  Penelope  (Terry)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  24,  1755.  One  account  gives  the  death  of 
Penelope  Abbe  May  17,  1759.  If  so,  there  must  have  been  two  daughters  of 
that  name. 

Married  March  30,  1786,  JOSIAH  BICKNELL,  born  December  4,  1760;  died 
May  17,   1824,   son   of  Ebenezer  and  Mary    (         )    Bicknell.     He   married    (2) 

Submit  ,  who  died  October  1,  1839,  aged  69.     Resided  in  Enfield,  where 

numerous  records  of  his  services  are  found  in  the  town  records. 

Children  of  Penelope  Abhe  ■ 

Laura  Bieknell,  b.  July  17,  1787,  at  Enfiekl. 
350     Ralph  Bicknell,  b.  Nov.  18,  1790;    m.  Parna  Maria  Hibbard. 

Uannah    Bieknell,    m.   April   25,    1820(?),    Henry    Parsons    of   Enfield,    who   was 

administrator  of  the  estate  of  his  father-iu4aw,  1824. 
Josiah  Bicknell,  jr. 

111.  THOMAS^  ABBEY,  4TH,  son  of  Thomas*,  3d,  and  Penelope  (Terry) 
Abbe,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  22,  1764.  He  lived  in  Enfield  at  the 
Ferry,  and  is  probably  the  one  called  Thomas  Abbe,  2d,  in  the  1790  Census, 
at  Enfield,  2  males  over  16,  1  male  under  16,  and  1  female  in  the  family.  In 
1810  he  was  recorded  at  Oxford,  N.  Y.,  with  a  family  of  nine,  1  male  over  45,  1 
female  between  26  and  45,  2  males  and  1  female  between  16  and  26,  1  male  and  1 
female  between  10  and  16,  and  2  males  under  10.  Some  of  the  children,  perhaps 
the  whole  family,  removed  to  Ellington,  N.  Y. 

Married  in  Enfield,  January  9,  1787,  RUTH  BUSH,  daughter  of  Jonathan 
and  Patience  (Killam)  Bush  of  Enfield.  Jonathan  Bush  Avas  a  Captain  either 
in  the  Revolution  or  state  militia,  moved  about  1800  to  Chenango  County, 
K  Y.,  and  for  many  years  kept  a  hotel  at  Oxford.  Later  he  moved  to  a  farm 
near  the  present  town  of  Guilford. 

104  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children,  first  four  recorded  in  Enfield 

351  Harry  or  Henry  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  2,  1787  ;    m.  Eve  IngersoU. 

Harriet  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  23,  1791;    m.    (1)   Knowltou ;    (2)    Gibbs. 

She  had  a  son  and  daughter  by  the  first  marriage.     One  account  says  she  ra.   (1) 

KiUam;     (2)  Wing. 

Horace  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  28,  1793.    Resided  in  Columbus,  Pa.,  removed  to  Kentucky. 

Married   and   had    a   daughter,    Sarah,   who   was   never   married   but   settled   in 

California  and  was  killed  by  some  unknown  person. 
Horatius  Abbey,  h.  June  27,  1795;  m.  Martha  Smith. 
Hadassah   or   Hadasea  Abbey,    birth   not   recorded   in   Enfield.      Married   ApoUos" 

Terry,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,   and  Hannah^    (Abbe)    Terry   of  Enfield   and  later  of 

Sangerfield,  N.  Y.     She  lived  in  Kentucky  in  her  later  years. 

352  Herman  Abbey,  m.  . 

Harvey  Abbey,  resided  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.  This  may  be  the  Harvey  Abbey  who  m. 
Mary  Dunham,  daughter  of  Gideon  Dunham,  and  resided  in  Oakfield,  N.  Y.,  in 
1836.  Child  :  Sanford  C,  b.  in  Oakfield,  1836,  d.  in  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  1886,  was 
a  stock  buyer,  m.  in  Elba,  N.  Y.,  1864,  Catherine  L.  Sleeper,  daughter  of 
John  M.  and  Catherine   (  )   Sleeper.     She  was  living  in  Kansas  City  in  1912. 

They  had  four  children,  Chauncey,  who  d.  in  1899,  John  S.,  a  stock  dealer  in 
Kansas  City,  Mary  E.,  and  Mabel. 

178.  PETERS  ABBEY,  son  of  Thomas*  and  Penelope  (Terry)  Abbe,  bom  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  July  20,  1769;  died  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  July  13,  1851.  He 
removed  to  Watertown,  N.  Y,,  and,  in  1830,  accompanied  his  son,  Seth,  to 

Married  by  Rev.  Nehemiah  Prudden,  June  23,  1789,  HANNAH  ALDEN,  bom 

May  29,  1771 ;    died  at  Enfield,  April  21,  1821.     She  was  the  daughter  of  Colonel 

Amos  and  Hannah    (Bush)    Alden  of  Enfield   and  -was   sixth   in   descent   from 

John  and  Priscilla   (Mullins)   Alden.     She  Avas  also  descended  from  Miles  and 

Prudence    (Gilbert)    Morgan.     A  statue  of  Miles  Morgan  is  in  Court   Square, 

Springfield,  Mass. 


353  Fanny  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  7,  1789  ;    m.  Orlo  Steele. 

354  Dorrephus  Abbey,  b.  July  13,  1792 ;    m.  Catherine  Clark. 

355  Althea  Abbey,  b.  July  5,  1793 ;    m.  AVilliara  A.  Langworthy. 

356  Arabella  Abbey,  b.  about  1786 ;    m.  William  Griffin  Adkins,  M.D. 

357  Seth  Alden  Abbey,  b.   Oct.  3,   1798;    m.    (1)    Mercy   Hunt;     (3)    Mary    (Lyon) 

Chauncey  Abbey,  d.  1850.     He  was  a  printer,  lived  in  Watertown,  N.  Y.,  and  was 

at  one  time  printer  of  the  Mercury,   Hartford,   Conn.     Married   Cassie  Russell, 

who  d.  1828.  .  A  daughter,  b.  in  1828,  m.  C.  M.  Shipman  and  was  living  in  New 

Haven  about  1897. 
William  Abbey,  d.  1862  ;    lived  near  Watertown.     Married,  no  children.     William 

W.  Abbey  established  the  Oswego  Republican  in  1825. 

358  Mary  Hannah  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  31,  1814 ;    m.  John  C.  Huganin. 

179.  SIMEONS  ABBEY,  son  of  Thomas*  and  Penelope  (Terry)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  February  3,  1772 ;  died  in  Albany,  N.  Y.,  April  18,  1823.  He 
was  a  merchant  in  Enfield  for  a  time,  studied  law,  and  practiced  in  Somers, 
about  1800.  From  there  he  removed  to  Vermont  and,  later,  to  New  York.  He 
is  said  to  have  possessed  an  unusual  store  of  natural  wit  and  a  considerable 
faculty  for  public  speaking. 

Married  in  Enfield,  December  24,  1795,  TABITHA  KILLAM,  born  in  Enfield, 
November  7,  1776;  died  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  March  15,  1851.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Eliphalet  and  Submit  (         )  Killam. 


Tabitha  Abbey,   b.   in   Enfield,    Sept.   24,   1796;     m.    Isaac   Hoose.      Children:     i. 
Isaac,  jr.,  ii.  Jennie,  m.  Shipman. 

Peter^  Abbey 

Fifth  Generation  105 

Eli;:a  (1)  Ahhcy,  b.  iu  Eufield,  Sept.  23,  1802;    d.  there  Aug.  29,  1804. 

Eliza   (2)    Ahhcy,  h.  in  Eufiold,  Aug.  12,  1804;    m.   Spellman   Gibbs.     Children: 
i.  Silas ;   ii.  Sarah. 

EUphalet  KiUam  Ahheij,  b.  in   Somers,  Conn.,  Nov.  12,   180G ;    d.   Aug.  7,  1834; 
buried   in    Second    Presbyterian    Burial    Ground,   Albany,   N.    Y.      Married    Jano 
Barhitt,  who  was  appointed  administratrix  for  his  estate,  Sept.  8,  1834.     Chil- 
dren :    i.  Louisa ;    ii.  Mary. 
359     Westminster  Simeon  Ahhey,  b.  in  Keene,  N.  H.,  Aug.  5,  1810;   m.  Harriet  Couch. 

Sarah  Ann  Ahhey,  b.  in  Brookline,  Vt.,  Oct.  13,  1814 ;    m.  James  P.  Steele.     Child : 

180.  JOHN''  ABBE,  3D,  son  of  John*,  jr.,  and  Sarah  (Root)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  November  27,  1739 ;  died  in  1805.  He  lived  and  died  in  Enfield. 
He  and  his  wife,  Charity,  are  on  the  list  of  church  communicants  in  1782.  He 
was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolution.  See  data  given  under  his  father's  name,  some 
of  which  doubtless  refers  to  this  John  Abbe.  His  Avill,  made  October  8,  1804, 
probated  November  11,  1805,  mentions  wife  Charity,  and  children,  John,  Sarah, 
Asenath  and  Timothy. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  19,  1761,  CHARITY  SIMONS  (or  SIMONDS), 

born    September  4,   1738,   daughter   of   John   and   Sarah    (Geer)    Simons.      See 

number  66. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

360  Charity  Ahhc,  h.  'Nov.  20,  1762;    m.  John  McKuight. 
John  Ahhe,  4th,  b.  May  15,  1764 ;    d.  Dec.  27,  1764. 

361  John  Simons  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  11,  1765 ;    m.  Hannah  Billing. 

Sarah  Ahhe,  b.  July  26,  1767;  d.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn.,  June  20,  1851. 
Married  in  Enfield,  April  10  (or  16),  1812,  William  Hyde  of  Ellington,  Conn., 
b.  at  Lebanon,  Conn.,  Jan.  16,  1756,  son  of  William  and  Abigail  (Langrel) 
Hyde.  She  was  his  third  wife.  By  his  first  marriage  to  Zerviah  F.  Hyde,  he 
had  children,  Joseph  L.,  William  and  Sarah.  By  his  second  wife,  Sarah  Bart- 
lett,  he  had  children,  Nathaniel,  Asa,  Elisha,  Horace,  John,  Otis,  Zerviah,  Sarah 
and  Sophia. 

Asenath  Ahhe,  b.  May  4,  1769  ;  d.  Feb.  26,  1829 ;  not  m.  In  her  will,  made  Feb. 
23,  1829,  probated  March  29,  1829,  she  mentions  her  sister  Sarah  Hyde ;  niece 
Hannah,  daughter  of  John  Abbe ;  nephew  Horace,  son  of  Timothy  Abbe ;  nephew 
David  Loveland,  son  of  Timothy  Abbe,  and  father  John  Abbe. 

362  Nancy  Ahhe,  h.  July  21,  1771 ;    m.  Elijah  Burt,  jr. 
RoxaJcnah  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  3,  1773;    d.  young. 
Timothy  Diah  Ahhe,  b.  April  6,  1775;    d.  young. 

363  Timothy  Ahhe,  b.  Jan.  6,  1779  ;    m.  Rhoda  Prudence  Clark. 

181.  DANIEL-5  ABBE,  son  of  JohnS  jr.,  and  Sarah  (Root)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  November  7,  1749;  died  September  26,  1815.  Administration 
on  his  estate  was  granted  November  3,  1815,  to  his  sons,  Daniel  and  Levi. 
The  heirs  mentioned  were :  clnldren,  Daniel,  Levi,  Harris,  Sally,  wife  of  Luther 
Allen;  grandsons,  George,  son  of  George,  deceased,  and  Erastus,  son  of  Erastus, 
deceased.     He  resided  in  Enfield. 

Married  iu  Enfield,  November  3,  1774,  SARAH  PEASE,  born  in  Enfield, 
December  2,  1756;  died  in  Enfield,  November  23,  1808,  buried  there.  She 
was  the  daughter  of  Aaron  and  Anna  (Geer)  Pease.    See  number  71. 

Children  horn  in  Enfield;   dates  as  given  in  their  family  Bihle 

364  Daniel  Ahhe,  jr.,  h.  Aug.  22,  1775;    m.  Elizabeth  Morrison. 
Timothy  Ahhe,  b.  June  21,  1777;    d.  Oct.  10,  1778. 

365  Levi  Pease  Ahhe,  b.  April  14,  1781 ;    m.  Dorcas  Wolcott. 

366  Sally  Pease  Ahhe,  b.  March  28,  1783 ;    m.  Luther  Allen. 
George  (1)  Ahhe,  b.  Jan.  1,  1786;    d.  July  27,  1787. 

George   (2)    Ahhe,  b.  Aug.  12,  1789;    d.  April  4,  1811.     Married  May  30,  1809, 

Mary  Clark  and  had  children  :   i. ,  d.  Aug.  20,  1809  or  1810,  aged  one  day; 

ii.  George,  mentioned  in  his  grandfather's  will,  1815. 

106  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

367  Harris  Ahhc,  b.  Nov.  4,  1790;    m.   (1)   Clarissa  Wiggins;    (2)  Thankful  Cole. 

368  Erasius  Ahhc,  b.  Jan.  12,  1793;    m.  Sally  Beebe. 

Stoddard  Ahhe,  b.  May  8,  1795;   d.  April  17,  1800,  aged  5  years. 

182.  ROXALENAH''  ABBE,  daughter  of  John*,  jr.,  and  Sarah  (Root  )Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  July  12,  1751;    died  there  February  20,  1847. 

Married  in  Enfield,  February  7,  1771,  SIMEON  OLMSTED,  born  September 
21,  1748;  died  in  Enfield,  December  22,  1803.  He  was  son  of  Joseph  and  Martha 
(White)  Olmsted  of  Enfield,  and  was  descended  from  James  Olmsted,  who 
emigrated  from  England  in  the  ship  Lion  and  settled  in  Boston  in  1632.  In 
the  administration  of  his  estate,  1804,  the  following  heirs  are  given:  children, 
Ebenezer,  Sally,  Timoth}^,  Roxalenah  McCray,  Sjdvanus,  George,  Joseph  and 
Simeon.     His  descendants  are  said  to  have  a  direct  Mayflower  ancestor. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Roxalena  Olmsted,  b.  Feb.  14.  1772;  d.  March  20,  1827.  Married  in  Enfield, 
May  28.  1792,  Isaac  McCray  of  Ellington. 

369  Simeon  Olmsted,  jr.,  b.  April  10.  1774;    m.  Abigail  Collins. 

370  Joseph  Olmsted,  h.  May  14,  1776;    m.  Dorothy  Terry. 

Ohadiah  Olmsted,  b.  Sept.  30,  1778;  d.  in  Enfield,  March  4,  1826.  His  will,  made 
March  22,  1825,  mentions  wife  Mary  and  nephew  Lathrop  Olmsted.  Married 
in  Enfield,  April  14.  1803,  Mary"  Bement,  daughter  of  Dennis^  and  Lydia   (  ) 

Bement.     See  number  165. 

Sarah   (1)   Olmsted,  b.  March  1.  1779 ;    d.  Nov.  10  or  19,  1783. 

Sylramis  Olmsted,  b.  July  16.  1783;  lived  in  Enfield  and  d.  there  Feb.  6,  1826. 
Married  Dec.  17,  1805,  Sabra  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  Jan.  18.  1788;  d.  there 
June  1,  1865,  daughter  of  Moses  and  Mary  (Adams)  Allen.  Children:  i.  Roxa, 
b.  Dec,  1806 ;  d.  June  22.  1809  ;  ii.  Sabra  Allen,  b.  Jan.  9.  1809  ;  iii.  Svlvauus, 
b.  Feb.  18.  1811 ;  iv.  William,  b.  Feb.  28,  1814 ;  v.  Roxa  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  8,  1816, 
d.  Nov.  7,  1863. 

George  Olmsted,  b.  Dec.  27.   1785;    d.  in  Enfield,   Aug.  9   or  11.   1824,   aged  38. 

Married   Sylvia  .     Children,   b.   in  Enfield:    i.   Dolly  Russell,   b.   Jan.  23, 

1810,  m.  in  Enfield,  April  5,  1832,  Daniel  Welsh;  ii.  George,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  5, 
1811 ;    iii.  Albert,  b.  March  13,  1814. 

Ehenezer  Olmsted,  b.  June  28.  1788;    d.  Sept.  20.  1807. 

Sarah   (2)   Olmsted,  b.  April  5,  1791 ;    d.  Oct.  21,  1835. 

Timothy  Olmsted,  b.  Feb.  or  Julv  24,  1793 ;    d.  Feb.  1,  1838. 

183.  HANNAH"^  ABBE,  daughter  of  JohnS  jr.,  and  Sarah  (Root)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  31,  1753;    died  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  June  13,  1822. 

Married  in  Enfield,  August  31,  1775,  ISAAC  TERRY,  JR.,  born  in  Enfield, 
August  15,  1748;  died  in  Sangerfield,  December  22,  1824.  He  was  son  of 
Isaac  and  Margaret  (Downing)  Terry.  Farmer,  and  removed  to  Sangerfield 
about  1792. 


371  Isaac  Terry,  3d,  b.  July  14,  1776;    m.  Betsey  Livermore. 

Hannah   Terry,   b.   in   Enfield,    Nov.   3,   1777 ;     m.   Orator   Holcomb,    a    farmer   in 

Geneseo,  N.  Y.     Children:    i.  George,  m.  twice,  d.  ■ — •;    ii.  Sylvanus  resided 

in  Sycamore,  111. ;    iii.  Fleming,  m.  ;    iv.  Harriet,  m.  . 

372  Rosu-cll  Terry,  b.  June  2.  1780;    m.   (1)   Marv  Leonard;     (2)    Polly  Howard. 

373  Sarah  Terry,  b.  Dec.  2.  1781 ;    m.  Adino  Winchell. 

374  Willard  Terry,  b.  March  25,  1783 ;    m.  Anna  Leonard. 

375  Horace  Terry,  b.  April  16,  1787;    m.   (1)  Elizabeth  Chambers;    (2)  Fields. 

376  Bilhah  Terry,  h.  Oct.  21,  1188;    m.  Chester  Clark. 

377  George  Terry,  b.  about  1791 ;    m.  Clarissa  Collins. 

378  Linus  Terry,  b.  Sept.  19,  1793 ;    m.  Patty  Waters. 
Soi)hia  Terry,  b.  about  1795 ;    d.  Sept.  19,  1810,  in  Enfield. 

ApoUos   Terry,   removed   to  Broken   Straw,  Erie   County,   Pa.     Married   Hadassah" 
Abbe,  daughter  of  Thomas\  4th,  and  Ruth    (Bush)   Abbe.     Children:    i.  Mary; 

Fifth  Generation  107 

ii.  Harriet,  m.  Gibbs  and  I'csidod  in  Aurora,  111. ;    iii.  Elbert,  b.  about 

Jan.,  1821,  d.  Sept.  21,  1821 ;    iv.  ApoUos,  jr.,  b.  about  Jan.  1,  1827,  d.  July  26, 


184.  TABITHA"'  ABBE,  daughter  of  Jolin%  jr.,  and  Sarah  (Root)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfickl,  Conn.,  June  26,  1757;    died  February  20,  1846. 

Married  in  Enfickl,  August  20  (or  13),  1778,  ZENO  TERRY,  bom  in  Enfiekl, 
August  20,  1755;  died  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  January  7,  1838.  He  was  son  of 
Isaac  and  Margaret  (Downing)  Teny.  He  enlisted  on  a  Sunday  in  April,  1775, 
while  at  church  in  Enfield.  The  minister  read  a  paper  calling  for  volunteers 
to  repair  to  Boston  and  with  forty  others  lie  marched  the  same  day  to  Roxbury 
under  Hezekiali  Parsons  as  leader,  remaining  there  three  months.  The  follow- 
ing December  he  volunteered  for  one  month  and  conveyed  a  load  of  soldiers 
with  his  father's  team  from  Enfield  to  Albany.  In  the  spring  of  1776,  he 
enlisted  for  six  months  under  Captain  Harmon  in  Colonel  Mott's  regiment, 
going  to  Wliitehall,  N.  Y.,  then  to  Ticonderoga  where  he  joined  his  regiment, 
Avas  taken  sick  and  discharged  at  the  hospital  at  Fort  George.  March,  1777,  he 
enlisted  for  a  year  with  Captain  David  Parsons  but  after  six  weeks  obtained 
a  substitute.  In  the  summer  of  1779  he  served  six  months  as  teamster  under 
Captain  Jonathan  Bush  and  was  at  Boston,  Springfield,  Fishkill  and  opposite 
West  Point.  After  the  war  he  lived  five  years  in  Sufiield,  removed  in  1805  to 
Sangerfield,  where,  with  the  exception  of  two  years  at  Bj'ron,  N.  Y.,  he  spent 
the  remainder  of  his  life  as  a  farmer. 


379  Zeno  Teirij,  jr.,  b.  Aug.  19,  1779  ;    m.  Mary  Griswold. 

Tahiihu  Tcrnj,  b.  in  Enfield.  July  9,  1781;  removed  to  Byron,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Paul 
Ballard.  Children :  i.  Tabitha ;  ii.  Electa,  lived  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  m. 
Minerva  (?)  Hale;  iii.  Lucy;  iv.  Harriet;  v.  Palace,  b.  in  Sangerfield;  vi. 
Mary,  b.  in  Byron,  N.  Y. ;  vii.  Elizabeth  (or  Betsey)  ;  viii.  Norton,  m.  Margaret 
Kapp ;    ix.  Jeanette. 

Margaret  Terry,  b.  in  Suffield.  Conn.,  Dec.  21,  1783;  d.  in  Waterville,  N.  Y., 
July  1,  1866 ;  m.  William  Page,  a  farmer  in  Waterville.  Children  :  i.  Wash- 
ington, a  physician,  d.  aged  about  thirty ;  ii.  Lansford,  lived  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. ; 
iii.  Putnam,  d.  1881,  lived  in  New  York  City,  m.  Henrietta  Tower ;  iv.  Henry, 
lived  in  Sangerfield,  m.  Gifford ;    v.  HuU.  d.  unm. 

380  Henry  Terry   (twin),  b.  Jan.  15,  1786;    m.    (1)    Rebecca  JeweU ;     (2)    Catharine 

Emily  Root. 

381  James  Terry    (twin),  b.  Jan.  15,  1786;    m.    (1)    Lodema  Norton;     (2)    Elizabeth 

Robinson;     (3)   Eliza  Cronk ;     (4)    Harriet  Monroe. 

382  George  Terry  (twin),  b.  Jan.  11,  1789;    m.  Jemima  Gillette. 

383  Wmiam    Terry    (twin),    b.    Jan.    11,    1789;     m.     (1)     Phebe    Morse;      (2)    Mary 


384  Horace  AUe  Terry    (twin),  b.  Dec.  8,  1794;    m.    (1)    Elizabeth  Chaiabers ;     (2) 


385  Harriet  Terry  (twin),  b.  Dec.  8,  1794;    m.  Aaron  Stafford. 

386  Dyer  Terry,  b.  1798 ;    m.  Caroline  Loomis. 

185.  ISAAC  GILLETTE"  GLEASON,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Martha*  (Abbe) 
Gleason,  bom  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  September  25,  1747.  Farmer  in  Middlefield, 

Married  AZUBAH  PEASE. 

Children,  Tyorn  in  Middlefield 

Aziihah   (1)   Gleason,  b.  Oct.  31,  1775;    d.  Nov.  2.  1776. 
387     Azuhah  (2)   Gleason,  b.  Sept.  1,  1777 ;    m.  Hezekiah  Allen. 

108  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

388  Isaac  Gleason,  b.  Sept.  2,  1779 ;    m.  Sally  Dickson. 

Martha  Gleason,  b.  Aug.  9,  1781;  m.  John  Dickson.  They  resided  in  Middlefield, 
Mass.,  moved  to  Liverpool,  N.  Y.,  in  183-5,  and  in  1865,  to  Beloit,  Wis.,  where 
both  d.     Children :    i.  Martha ;    ii.  Charlotte ;    iii.  John  W. 

Arid  Gleason,  b.  Nov.  13,  1783 ;    d.  July  21,  1785. 

Aurelia  Gleason,  h.  Feb.  26,  1786. 

389  Horace  Gleason,  b.  about  1787 ;    m.  Huldah  Gillette. 

390  Ira  Gleason,  b.  April,  1789  ;   m.  Mary  Flint. 

Parcel)  Gleason,  b.  May  14,  1806 ;  removed  to  Worthington,  Mass. ;  m.  Isaac 
Follette  who  d.  in  Worthington.     Children  :   i.  Fardis  ;    ii.  Samantha. 

186.  THOMAS^  ABBE,  son  of  Richard''  and  Mary^  (Bement)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  August  21,  1757;  died  before  1844.  Marriage  recorded  in  Hart- 
ford, Conn.  He  spent  the  early  part  of  liis  life  as  a  farmer  in  Enfield;  removed 
to  Sandisfield,,  where  he  was  living  in  1800,  with  2  boys  and  2  girls  under  10, 
2  boys  and  1  girl  between  10  and  16.    Died  in  Sandisfield. 

Married  December  6,  1781,  LYDIA  PARSONS,  born  1764. 


Thomas  (1)  Aihc,  jr.,  b.  in  Enfield,  Feb.  8,  1783;    probably  d.  young;    see  below. 

391  Li/man  Ahhe,  b.  in  Enfield,  Aug.  30,  1781.     His  name  has  been  recorded  as  Simon 

through  confusion  in  an  old  spelling  of  Limon  ;    m.  Hubbard. 

Lydia  Ahhe,  b.  July  21,  1785  or  1786,  in  Enfield.     Married  and  had  a  daughter 

who  m.  Austin  Pease  of  Wisconsin. 
Elislia  Ahhe,  b.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  16,  1788 ;    d.  in  New  York  state. 

392  Henry  Ahhey,  b.  April  18,  1791;    m.  Julia  Gibbs. 

Mary  Ahhe,  m.  Luman  Wilcox  of  Sunderland.  Children:  i.  Monroe;  ii.  Maria, 
m.  Morley. 

Tryphosa  Ahhe,  m.  Aruna  Price  of  Danbury,  Conn.  Child  :  Elizabeth,  b.  in  Avon, 
Ohio,  June  25,  1836 ;  d.  there  Nov.  11,  1883 ;  m.  in  Avon,  June  26,  1854,  Milo 
Hamlin  Williams,  b.  in  Avon,  Oct.  15,  1829,  sou  of  Justin  and  Reneua  (Austin) 
AVilliams.     He  is  a  farmer  in  Avon. 

Chester  Ahhe,  d.  num.,  aged  64. 

Levi  Ahhe,  d.  aged  45;  m.  Mehitable  Herbert  of  Pike,  N.  Y.,  who  d.  aged  60. 
Children  :  i.  Orlo  W.,  b.  in  Pike,  Sept.  16,  1832,  farmer  at  Rives  Junction,  Mich., 
m.  Jan.  16,  1856,  Betsey  Ann  Wells,  b.  at  Eagle,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  10,  1834,  daughter 
of  Calvin  and  Betsey  E.  (Parks)  Wells,  and  has  two  children,  Herbert  F.,  b. 
Aug.  6,  1858,  farmer  at  Eaton  Rapids,  Mich.,  m.  Minnie  Whitney,  and  Merritt  L., 
b.  Dec.  30,  1866,  farmer  at  Rives  Junction,  m.  Aug.  29,  1888,  Jennie  Whitney ; 

ii.   Harriet  M.,   b.   at  Pike,   1834,  m.  Medcalf ;    iii.   Mary   M.,   b.   1839, 

d.  1846. 

393  Thomas  Ahhey,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  28,  1802,   probably  in   Sandisfield,  Mass.;    m.  Phebe 

Goff.    He  is  probably  the  second  son  of  the  name  in  the  family. 

187.  RICHARDS  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Richard*  and  Mary^  (Bement)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  2,  1760;  died  there  August  9,  1831.  He  was  a 
Revolutionary  soldier,  enlisted  from  Enfield  for  six  months,  June,  1776,  under 
Captain  Hezekiah  Parsons,  Colonel  Comfort  Sage;  again  for  two  months 
guarded  General  Prescott,  who  was  captured  on  Rhode  Island;  July  1,  1780, 
for  414  months  under  Captain  Parsons,  Colonel  Zebulon  Butler.  He  was 
Captain  of  the  Enfield  militia  in  1792,  as  his  father  before  him  had  been  in 
1779.  His  widow  apjilied  for  a  pension  October  1,  1838.  At  the  distribution 
of  his  property  the  following  were  mentioned:  wife  Lydia;  sons  Joshua, 
Cliarles,  Richard,  Roswell;  daughter  Lucinda,  deceased,  wife  of  Charles  Chace, 
and  her  children,  Charles  A.  and  Lucinda  Chace. 

Man-ied  in  Enfield  (or  Chatham),  Januaiy  16,  1783  (or  1782),  LYDIA 
STEVENSON  of  Sheffield,  Mass.,  bom  October  20,  1764;  baptized  in  Wethers- 
field,  November  11,  1764;   died  June  1,  or  2,  1844.    She  was  daughter  of  Thomas 

Fifth  Generation  109 

and  Hannah  (Taylor)  Stevenson,  who  were  man-ied  in  Chatham,  Conn.  Thomas 
Stevenson  went  to  the  Revolution  as  1st  Lieutenant  in  Captain  Jonathan  John- 
son's Company,  Colonel  Philip  Burr  Bradley,  and  never  returned. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

394  C7iaWes  A&&e,  b.  Dec.  1,  1785;    in.  Harriet  Stroug. 

395  Ricliard  Abhe  (twin),  b.  Dec.  30,  1788;   m.  Charlotte"  Bement,  daughter  of  Dennis' 

and  Lydia  (  )  Bement ;    see  also  number  105. 

396  Rosu-ell  Abhe  (twin),  b.  Dec.  30,  1788;    m.  Sarah  Olmsted. 

Betscij  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  15,  1790;  d.  in  Enfield  ;  not  m.  She  was  living  in  Enfield  in 

397  Joshua  Ahhe,  b.  Aug.  17,  1792;   m.  (1)   Phila  Pease;    (2)  Rhoda  Felt. 

398  George  Abhe,  b.  Dec.  24,  1794  ;    m.  SaUy  Chapman. 
Harriet  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  10,  1798;    d.  in  Enfield,  Aug.  19,  1825. 

Lucinda  Ahhe  (twin),  b.  Feb.  2,  1805;  d.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  25,  1827.  Married  in 
Enfield,  Sept.  17,  1821,  Charles^  Chase,  son  of  John  and  Jane"  (Abbe)  Chase; 
see  number  348.    He  d.  March  16,  1833. 

Lorinda  Abbe  (twin),  b.  Feb.  2,  1805;    d.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  24,  1825. 

188.  TREPHOSA'  ABBE,  daugliter  of  Richard*  and  Mary=  (Bement)  Abbe, 
born  iu  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  28,  1762 ;    died  November  20,  1820. 

Maii-ied  in  Enfield,  April  27,  1786,  JOEL  BOOTH,  born  May  9,  1764;  died 
January  8,  1829.    He  was  son  of  John,  jr.,  and  Hannah  (         )  Booth. 


399     Tryphosa  Booth,  b.  Dec.  20,  1787;    m.  Plyn  Parsons. 

Joel  Booth,  jr.,  m.  Nov.  4,  1816,  in  Enfield,  Patience  Gleason.  In  records  of  the 
births  of  their  children  she  is  called  Patience  Newton.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield  : 
i.  Luther,  b.  Aug.  23,  1817,  d.  unm. ;  ii.  Harriet  Newell,  b.  July  4,  1819  ;  iii.  and 
iv.  Mary  and  Martha  (twins),  b.  Nov.  24,  1821;  v.  John  Ruggles,  bapt.  June  12, 
1825,  m.  Julia  Heath  and  had  children,  Alice,  who  married,  has  a  daughter,  lives 
in  the  West,  Frank  a  physician  in  New  York  City,  owns  the  old  homestead  in 
Enfield  and  spends  the  summers  there,  married,  Edward,  m.  and  went  West,  and 
Gertrude,  m.  and  lives  in  New  York. 

189.  HULDAH^  ABBE,  daugliter  of  Richard*  and  Mary^  (Bement)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  May  19,  1771;  resided  in  Enfield  and  died  there, 
January  21,  1852. 

MaiTied  (1)  in  Enfield,  September  15,  1791,  ISAAC  ALLEN,  born  in  Enfield, 
March  27,  1768;  died  there  April  26,  1797.  He  was  son  of  John  and  Mehitable 
(Rumerill)  Allen. 

Married  (2)  April  6,  1803,  GEORGE  LORD,  bom  at  East  Windsor,  February 
17,  1764;  died  September  3,  1808.  At  the  age  of  sixteen  he  fought  in  the  war 
of  the  Revolution.     This  was  his  third  marriage. 

Children  by  first  husband,  horn  in  Enfield 

John  Allen,  b.  Aug.  15,  1792;    d.  in  Michigan;    no  children. 

Isaac  Allen,  b.  April  26,  1794 ;  farmer,  removed  to  Clarkson,  N.  Y.  Married  in 
Enfield,  Sept.  18,  1817,  Mary  Terry,  b.  in  Enfield,  April  28,  1798 ;  d.  there  about 
1878.  She  was  daughter  of  Solomon  and  Hannah  (Pease)  Terry.  Children: 
i.  Chauncey,  b.  May  26,  1818;  ii.  Joseph  O.  (1),  b.  Sept.  16,  1820,  d.  Sept.  12, 
1824 ;  iii.  Isaac,  b.  Oct.  15,  1822,  farmer  in  Clarkson,  N.  Y. ;  iv.  Harriet  T.,  b. 
June  17,  1824;  v.  Mary,  b.  Aug.  28,  1826;  vi.  JuUa,  b.  June  27,  1828;  \di. 
Joseph  O.  (2).  b.  Sept.  .30,  1830;  viii.  Emily,  b.  March  3,  18-34;  ix.  Henry  P., 
b.  April  26,  18.36,  farmer  in  Clarkson;  x.  Charles  L.,  b.  Nov.  15,  1838;  xi. 
Arthur,  b.  Feb.  28,  1842. 
400  Chauncey  Allen,  b.  March  24,  1796;  m.  (1)  Mary  Pease;  (2)  Mrs.  Hannah  S. 

110  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children  hy  second  Jiusiand 

401     HuJdah  Lord,  b.  July  26,  1804 ;    m.  Frwlerick  Pease. 

Dorothy  Lord,  b.  Dec.  20,  1806;  m.  Ira  Simonds,  and  moved  to  Antioch,  111. 
Children:  i.  Polly;  ii.  Henry;  iii.  Ela ;  iv.  George;  v.  Levi;  li.  Lucy,  m.  and 
d.  leaAdng  children  in  Antioch ;  vii.  Albeit.  One  son  died  in  the  Civil  War, 


190.  AMOS  BURNETT6  ABBE,  son  of  Jolin^  and  Jeruslia  (Burnap)  Abbe, 
born  in  Hoi^kinton,  Mass.,  June  5,  1769;  died  Jiily  22,  1826;  buried  in  West 

Married  VESTA  TURNER,  born  1773 ;   died  April  1,  1834,  aged  61. 


Betsey  Abhe,  b.  1797 ;    d.  Aug.  14,  1871,  aged  74. 

402  Charles  Turner  Abhe,  b.  Feb.  12,  1800;    m.  Mary  Ann  Partridge. 

403  Nancy  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  15,  1807 ;    m.  HoUis  Rice. 

191.  JAMES«  ABBEY,  son  of  Aaron^  and  Anna  (  )  Abbey,  born  in 
Hopkinton,  Mass.,  July  4,  1765.  He  may  have  been  the  James  Abbey  of 
Stephentown,  Albany  County,  N.  Y.,  in  the  1790  Census,  1  male  over  16,  3  females 
in  family.  Family  tradition  says  he  was  bom  in  Wethersfield,  Conn.,  and  died 
in  1849,  aged  85.  He  is  also  said  to  have  been  a  brickmaker  in  Cooperstown, 
Otsego  County,  N.  Y. 

Married  MARY  HEAD  of  Middlefield,  Otsego  County,  N.  Y. 


Lurinda  Abbey,  m. . 

Ruby  Ann  Abbey  (twin  with  John),  b.  March  4,  1815;    m.  W.  Doolittle. 

404  John  Abbey  (twin),  b.  March  4,  1815;    m.  Susan  Goho. 
Saimwl  Abbey. 

Amanda  Abbey,  m.  Smith. 

405  Alanson  Orlando  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  1,  1882;    m.  Harriet  Jane  McNamara. 
Alexander  Abbey,  moved  to  Wayland,  Mich. 

Laurina  or  Malvina  Abbey,  m.   Josiah  Beverly;    lived  at  Howard  Flat,   Steuben 

County,  N.  Y. 
Doll  Abbey,  not  m. 

192.  WILLIAM^  ABBEY,  son  of  Aaron"  and  Anna  (  )  Abbe,  born  prob- 
ably in  1768;  baptized  in  Hopkinton,  Mass.,  March  18,  1768,  although  some  of  his 
descendants  say  he  was  born  in  Vermont.  He  appeared  at  the  state  election 
in  September,  1788,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  and  took  the  freeman's  oath.  At  the 
time  of  his  marriage  he  is  called  of  Milford.  He  later  resided  in  Ontario 
County,  N.  Y.  In  1800  the  Census  records  William  Abbee  of  Somerset,  Vt., 
1  male  and  1  female  betwen  26  and  45,  2  boys  and  1  girl  under  10. 

Married  November  27,  1791,  ANNA  WHITNEY,  born  July  13,  1770,  daughter 
of  Lieutenant  Jesse  and  Mary  (Cheney)  Whitney  of  Milford,  Mass. 

Rhoda  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  8.  179.3. 
Dexter  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  7,  1794. 
Rawson  Abbey,  b.  July  12,  1798. 
Cheney  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  19,  1801. 


Sixth  Generation  111 

406     WUliam  Ahlcy,  jr.,  b.  June  19,  1803;   m.  Mary  Ann  Bray. 
Anna  Ahbeij,  b.  Jan.  26,  1806. 
ISaUij  Ahhey,  b.  July  10,  1808. 
Aaron  Ahbei/,  b.  Oct.  20.  1810. 

Of  the  above  children,  two  daughters  were  married  :     one  to  Cobb  and 

has   a   son   William   Cobb,   living    at   Honeoye,    N.    Y. ;     the    other   to    William 

193.  CALVIN"  ABBEY,  son  of  Aaron"'  and  Anna  (  )  Abbe,  born  in  Hop- 
kinton,  Mass.,  Febniary  19,  1775;  died  in  Danby,  Tompkins  County,  N.  Y., 
October  8,  1852,  aged  77  yrs.,  7  mos.,  19  days;  buried  in  the  Danby  Cemetery. 
There  was  a  Calvin  Abbey  mentioned  as  an  early  settler  of  Charlotte,  Chautauqua 
County,  N.  Y.  The  name  also  appears  as  a  witness  to  a  deed  made  by  Andrew 
Abbey  of  Albany,  N.  Y.,  in  1833.  On  August  30,  1833,  Calvin  Abbey  bought 
property  from  Sherman  and  Wealthy  Miller  in  the  town  of  Danby. 

Married  SALLY  ,  born  June  9,  1775;    died  Apiil  4,  1857,  aged  81  yrs., 

9  mos.,  25  days;    buried  in  the  Danby  Cemetery. 


Isaac  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  12,  1798 ;  d.  Feb.  1,  1843,  aged  45  years,  19  days ;  buried  in 
Danby.  He  may  have  been  a  son  of  Calvin  although  there  is  nothing  on  the 
tombstone  to  show  it. 

Harriet  Eliza  Abbey,  b.  about  1804;  d.  May  1,  1840,  in  her  36th  year;  buried  in 

Lydia  Maria  Abbey,  b.  March  30,  1816 ;    d.  Sept.  1,  1876 ;    buried  in  Danby. 

194.  JOHN*^  ABBEY,  son  of  Aaron^  and  Anna  (  )  Abbey,  born  September 
1,  1781,  birth  recorded  in  Framingham,  Mass.;  died  July  2,  1862.  He  went 
with  his  father  to  Richmond,  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1800.  William  Baker, 
whose  daughter  he  married,  had  preceded  them  to  that  locality.  He  may  be  the 
Jno.  Abby  recorded  iu  the  town  of  Honeoye,  1810,  3  girls  under  10  and  1  boj^ 
under  10. 

Married  in  1802,  ELIZABETH  BAKER,  daughter  of  William  Baker,  born 
1784;   died  1853. 

Children  (order  uncertain) 

Sinai  Abbey,  m.  1822,  David  K.  Crooks.     Children :    i.  Dr.  John  C.  K.,  m.  Carrie 

Gray  and  had  John  who  d. ;   ii.  Tompkins,  m.  Helen  Bentley. 

Ann  Abbey,  b.  and  d.  in  Richmond. 
John  Abbey,  b.  and  d.  in  Richmond. 
Lara  Abbey,  b.  and  d.  in  Richmond. 

407  Olivia  Price  Abbey,  b.  1805;    m.  Jesse  Lee  Stout. 

Alta  Abbey,  m.  Dr.  Brown  of  Canandaigua,  N.  Y. ;    no  children. 

408  Sarah  Abbey,  b.  May  2.  1815  ;   m.  Grin  Poppleton. 

409  Isaac  J.  Abbey,  b.  July  10.  1819  ;    m.  Fanny  M.  Hawes. 

410  Hiram  Peter  Abbey,  b.  1822;    m.  Betsey  A.  Gregg. 

195.  AARON«  ABBEY,  perhaps  son  of  Aaron^  and  Anna  (  )  Abbe.  It 
is  probable  tliat  the  following  records  all  refer  to  the  same  Aaron  Abbey,  whose 
ancestry  is  not  known.  The  name  is  found  on  the  records  of  Onondaga  County, 
N.  Y.,  in  1834,  as  buying  property  in  Manlius ;  1839,  Aaron  A.  and  Mary  Abbey ; 
1847  and  1848,  Aaron  and  Elizabeth,  land  in  Elbridge.  In  Oneida  County  is 
recorded  a  deed  made  by  Aaron  and  Jacob  Abbey,  1864,  land  in  Florence. 
Possibly  the  Susannah  Abbey  who  in  1837  bought  land  in  Florence  is  of  the 
same  family. 

Married ROWE. 

112  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Children,  as  gii^en  ty  Miss  Alice  Annette  Ahhey 

John  (1)  Ahbcy,  b.  about  1800;    d.  young. 

William  Ahhey. 

Conrad  Alley.  Tbis  is  probably  the  Conrad  Abbey  whose  name  appears  on  records 
of  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y. :  Coorod  R.,  bought  hvnd  in  Maulius,  1834 ;  also 
written  as  Conrad  R. ;  Conrod  R.,  land  in  Lysander,  1839 ;  Coonrod  R.,  land  in 
Cicero,  1842  and  1845 ;  Coonrad  R.  and  Jacob  Abby  sold  land  in  1835 ; 
Coonrod  R.  and  Lovinia  Abby  sold  land  in  1836  and  1844 ;    Coonrad  R.,  in  1836. 

Calvin  Alley.  There  was  a  CaMn  Abbey  who  m.  Maria  Scranton,  daughter  of 
Timothy  Scranton,  and  had  six  children. 

Andrus  Alley,  or  Andrews  Alley.  He  sold  land  in  Westerlo,  Albany  County, 
N.  Y.,  1833,  and  bought  property  in  Cicero,  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1840 
and  1852.  Andrews  and  Prudence  Abbey  sold  land  in  1842  and  1846.  The  will, 
probably  of  a  younger  Andrus,  made  March  27,  1868,  probated  March  24,  1869, 
calls  him  of  Cincinnatus,  N.  Y'^.,  and  mentions  his  wife  Harriet,  and  children, 
Harriet,  Judson  Adelbert  (aged  nine  years  on  Oct.  14,  1867),  and  EUzabeth 
Maria,  who  became  of  age  April  10,  1884.  There  was  perhaps  a  child  Olive  also, 
who  m.  Edward  Gillett.     One  Andrew  Abbey,  a  blacksmith  in  Fabius,  N.  Y.,  Avas 

recorded  in  the  Census  of  1850,  aged  about  32,  m.  Mary  ,  b.  about  1827, 

had  son  James,  b.  about  1844.  A  Sally  Abby,  aged  50,  resided  with  them,  all 
born  in  New  York  State. 

Jacol  Alley.  Jacob  and  Coonrad  R.  Abby  sold  land  in  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y., 
1835 ;  Hannah  M.  and  Jacob  Abbey,  1836 ;  Hannah  and  Jacob,  1839  ;  Jacob 
bought  land  in  Maulius,  1835.  Jacob  and  Samuel  Abbey  sold  land  in  1811,  but 
this  is  more  likely  an  earlier  Jacob.  Jacob  and  Aaron  Abbey  sold  laud  in 
Florence,  Oneida  County,  in  1864. 

John  Alley,  b.  Aug.  8,  1814 ;  d.  Oct.  6,  1858.  Went  west  about  1850.  Married 
(1)  Mary  Cans;  (2)  .  Children  by  first  wife:  i.  Alonzo,  b.  in  Mar- 
seilles, N.  Y.,  1836,  m.  Sarah  A.  Pringle,  b.  in  Dover,  England,  1842,  had  two 
children,  Charles  Coy,  b.  in  Clermont,  Iowa,  July  22,  1864,  lives  in  Thermal, 
Calif.,  studied  pharmacy  at  the  University  of  Michigan,  1889,  m.  Emma  H. 
Morison,  b.  April  10.  1869,  has  no  children,  and  Edith,  who  m.  George  \Mlliam- 
son  and  lives  in  Redlands,  Calif. ;  ii.  Melissa,  b.  Dec.  26,  1840,  d.  Jan.  25,  1885, 
m.  Nov.  6,  1865,  Lewis  L.  Neville ;  iii.  Emily.  Children  by  second  wife :  i. 
Elizabeth,  b.  July  3,  1846,  m.  Dec.  4,  1865,  George  Bryant,  had  five  children, 
Walter  G.,  b.  May  29,  1881,  others  died  in  childhood ;  ii.  Ahce  Annette,  b.  Nov. 
23,  1848,  lived  at  Comanche,  Iowa,  later  in  Mt.  Vernon,  Iowa ;  iii.  Mary  Maria, 
b.  April  13,  1851,  m.  June  16,  1874,  Aaron  Rissley,  had  five  children,  Clarence 
Emery,  b.  July  21,  1876,  Elva  Elizabeth,  b.  June  16,  1888,  Clarice,  b.  Dec.  11, 
1895,  two  d.  in  infancy  ;  iv.  John  Lester,  b.  May  26,  1854,  lives  in  Comanche, 
Iowa;  V.  Ida  Augusta,  b.  Nov.  6,  1857,  m.  Sept.  4,  1884,  Frederic  N.  Howson, 
has  a  child,  Minna  Elizabeth,  b.  May  1,  1889. 

196.  MERCY"  BROWN,  daughter  of  Abbe^  and  Elizabeth  (Leavitt)  Brown, 
born  in  Kensington,  N.  H.,  March  17,  1774;    died  Februaiy  27,  1860. 

Married  October  (or  November)  2,  1797,  JOHN  SAWYER,  born  April  30, 
1771;  died  August  23,  1840.  He  was  the  son  of  Josiah  and  Miriam  (Eastman) 
Sawyer  of  Deerfield. 

John  Sawyer,  b.  April  29,  1798. 
Betsey  Sawyer,  b.  Jan.  28,  1802. 
Mercy  Sawyer,  b.  Oct.  12,  1805. 

Josiah  Sawyer,  b.  June  6,  1808 ;  d.  in  Andover,  N.  H.,  June  10,  1880.  Married 
Sept.,  18.35,  Nancy  Kittredge,  b.  June  14,  1805;  d.  Jan.  13,  1847,  daughter  of 
Joshua  and  Beulah  (Baker)  Kittredge  of  Nelson,  N.  H.  Children:  i.  Nancy 
Maria,  b.  Dec.  26,  1836,  d.  Oct.  20,  1852;  ii.  Juliana,  b.  March  29,  1838,  d. 
Feb.  22,  1841;  iii.  Joanna,  b.  Aug.  2,  1840,  d.  April  15,  1841;  iv.  Victoria 
Rosilla,  b.  Jan.  18,  1842.  d.  Dec.  7,  1895  or  1896.  m.  Henry  H.  Lewis  and  had 
one  child;  v.  George  Washington,  b.  Oct.  20,  1843,  m.  Aug.  10,  1869,  Louise 
Coolcdge  Barnes,  resides  in  Franklin  Falls  and  has  two  children. 
Moses  (!)  Sawyer,  b.  March  15,  1811 ;  d.  Aug.  17.  1813. 
Joanna  Saivyer,  b.  March  5,  1815 ;    d.  March  22,  1849,  in  Peoria,  111. ;    m.  Chandler 

Connor.     Three  children. 
Moses-  (2)  Sawyer,  b.  Jan.  28,  1819;    d.  April  26,  1846. 

Sixth  Generation  113 

197.  JONATHAN"  BROWN,  son  of  Abbe^  and  Elizabeth  (Leavitt)  Brown, 
born  in  Kensini;lon,  N.  11.,  January  25,  1777;  died  at  Tamworth  Iron  Works, 
N.  IL,  October  5,  1851.  They  resided  in  Chelsea,  Washington,  and  Worcester, 
Vt.,  and  at  Tamworth  Iron  Works. 

Married  July  10,  1800,  SARAH  BLAISDELL,  born  March  7,  1781,  at  Brent- 
wood, N.  H. ;    died  at  Washington,  Vt.,  1829.     She  was  daughter  of  Henry  and 

Hannah  (Ross)  Blaisdell. 


John  Brown,  b.  at  Chelsea,  Vt. ;    d.  suddenly  near  Boston,  aged  about  20. 

Joanna  Broun,  b.  ISOo ;    m.  Abner  Hood  and  resided  in  Chelsea. 

Sally  Broicn,  d.  young. 

Hannah  Broirn,  d.  young. 

Amanda  K.   Broun,   b.   in   Washington,  Vt.,   Nov.   9,  1810;    d.   at   Cambridgeport, 

Mass.,  1888 ;    m.  in  183P.,  Charles  White, 
Mcrcij  W.  Broun,  b.  in  Chelsea,  Vt.,  Dec.  26,  1812 ;    m.  Abner  Blaisdell. 
Martha  Brown,  b.  in  Chelsea;    m.  Consider  Gannett. 
Mark  B.  Brown,  b.  in  Chelsea;    m.  and  d.  in  CaUfornia  in  1902. 
Mary  V.  Brown,  b.  in  Chelsea,  Dec.  21,  1816;    d.  in  Tamworth,  July  26,  1869; 

m.  James  Emery  and  had  three  children. 
Ahhy  Brown,  m.  George  Parmenter. 
Henry  B.  Brown,  m.  Judith  Hubbard. 
Melissa  Broicti,  d.  aged  one  year. 

198.  MOSES"  BROWN,  son  of  Abbe^  and  Elizabeth  (Leavitt)  Brown,  born 
in  Andover,  N.  H.,  November  27,  1783;    died  there  July  5,  1852. 

Married  December  25,  1805,  SARAH  HILTON,  who  died  at  Clinton,  Mass., 
December  17,  1865,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Mary  (Wadleigh)  Hilton. 

Children,  lorn  at  Andover 

John  Pike  Hilton  Brown,  b.  Jan.  17,  1807;  d.  at  East  Andover,  July  27,  1852. 
He  lived  at  Franklin,  N.  H.,  Lowell,  Mass.,  and  East  Andover.  He  was  an 
overseer  in  the  Hamilton  Mills  in  Lowell.  Married  Feb.  22,  1828,  Hannah 
Sanborn,  b.  in  Sanbornton,  N.  H.,  June  7,  1808 ;  d.  in  Corinth,  Vt.,  March  7, 
1890.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Simon  and  Anna  (Chase)  Sanborn,  and  m. 
(2)  Aug.  21,  1853,  Samuel  Merrill  of  Bradford,  Vt.  Children,  b.  at  Frankhn  : 
i.  Mary  Jane,  b.  Feb.  16,  1830,  m.  (1)  Edmund  B.  Haywood,  (2)  Albert  S. 
McConnell ;  ii.  Martha  Lang,  b.  June  3,  1836,  m.  (1)  James  C.  Ewer,  (2)  John 
Merrill ;    iii.  Adahne  Anne,  b.  Aug.  5,  1838,  d.  Nov.  27,  1839. 

^^aiicy  Hilton  Brown,  m.  Gilman  Moody  Palmer ;    no  children. 

May  Hilton  Brown,  b.  Dec.  23,  1823.  Married  (1)  John  Warren  Ware,  (2)  Alvah 
W.  Lewis. 

199.  JOSEPH"  BROWN,  sou  of  Abbe^  and  Elizabeth  (Leavitt)  Brown,  born 
in  Andover,  N.  H.,  September  9,  1786;  died  at  Franklin,  May  19,  1848.  He 
was  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812  and  resided  in  Chelsea,  Washington,  and  Barre, 
Vt.,  and  Franklin,  N.  H. 

Married  (1)  SARAH  COLBY. 

Married  (2)  BETSEY  GILES,  born  August  2,  1807,  in  Derry;  died  in  Frank- 
lin, February  15,  1904.     She  was  the  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Jane   (McCoy) 



Oscar  Brown,  b.  in  Chelsea,  Vt.,  May  7,  1827 ;    d.  in  Chelsea.  Mass.,  April  5,  1902. 
Elizaheth  Brown,  b.  in  Chelsea,  Vt.,  July  21,  1828.     Married  J.  D.  Kimball  and 

resided  in  Fitchburg,  Mass. 
Orlando   Brown,   b.  in   Washington,   Vt.,   March   11,   18.30;    d.   in   Boston,   Mass., 

Sept.  5,  1883. 
Orrin  Broun,  b.  in  Washington,  Dec.  18,  18.32 ;    d.  in  Danbury,  Conn.,  Oct.  2,  1885. 
Benjamin  Brown,  b.  in  Barre,  Vt.,  Sept.  21,  1834.     Resided  in  Calif. 


114  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

VaroVmc  Brown,  b.  in  Barrc,  June  22,  1836;    m.  William  Rowell  and  resided  in 

Franklin,  N.  H. 
Martha  liroiru,  b.  in  Chelsea,  Vt..  Juno  12,  1839;    d.  at  Franklin,  Nov.  2,  1857. 
John  Brown,  b.  in  Franklin,  N.  H.,  July  1,  1842;    d.  in  New  York,  Aug.  12,  1892. 

200.  MOSES"  BROWN,  son  of  Captain  Joseph^  and  Ann  (Brown)  Brown 
of  Kensington,  N.  H.,  born  December  9,  1763;  died  in  Andover,  February  23, 
1831.  He  settled  on  Beech  Hill  in  Andover,  before  1790,  and  was  known  as 
Lieutenant  Moses  BroAvn. 

Married  December  1,  1788,  ABIGAIL  TRUE,  born  October  23,  1763;  died  in 
Andover,  October  28,  1842.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Clough) 
True  of  Seabrook. 

Children,  horn  in  Atidover 

Joseph  Brown,  b.  July  16,  1790;  d.  Feb.  6,  1833.  He  was  a  Captain.  Married 
Jan.  24,  1819,  Mary  W.  Sweatt  of  Andover,  who  d.  Feb.  23,  1861.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Peter  and  Mary  (Wadleigh)  Sweatt.  Children:  i.  Daniel  Wadleigh, 
b.  June  24.  1820,  d.  July  16,  1843,  at  Port  Leon,  Fla. ;  ii.  Peter  Sweatt,  b. 
July  12,  1822 ;    iii.  Alden  Partridge,  b.  July  19,  1824,  d.  June  22,  1826. 

Thomas  Brown,  b.  Aug.  1,  1792 ;  d.  in  Manchester,  Aug.  15,  1849.  He  was  a 
phvsician  and  practiced  in  Deerfield,  Concord,  and  Manchester.  Married  Nov.  12, 
1823,  Mary  or  Polly  Moore,  b.  April  25,  1799,  d.  Nov.  8,  1871,  daughter  of 
Dr.  Jacob  Bailey  and  Mary  (Eaton)  Moore  of  Andover.  Children:  i.  Lucretia 
Anne,  b.  in  Deerfield,  Oct.  9,  1824,  d.  in  Manchester,  Feb.  3,  1873;  ii.  Moses 
True,  b.  in  Deerfield,  d.  in  Sandusky,  Ohio,  Sept.  19,  1900,  m.  Cora  Barney  of 
Sandusky,  no  children ;  iii.  Jacob  B.,  b.  in  Deerfield,  Aug.  15.  1829,  d.  in 
Nevada,  Calif.,  March  25,  1859 ;  iv.  Thomas  Scott,  b.  in  Concord,  Oct.  10,  1831, 
d.  in  Manchester,  Aug.  10,  1866;  v.  Mary  A.,  b.  in  Concord,  July  6,  1834,  d.  in 
Manchester,  Nov.  14,  1871. 

Joanna  Broicn,  b.  Aug.  24.  1794;    m.  Jesse  Graves. 

Sally  Brown,  b.  July  4,  1796;  m.  (1)  Joseph  S.  Huntoon ;  (2)  Feb.  12,  1839, 
Noah  Rowe. 

Moses  Brown,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  13,  1798;    d.  Dec.  14,  1825. 

Daniel  Brown,  b.  Aug.  10,  1800;    d.  Nov.  4,  1818. 

Stephen  Brown,  b.  April  12,  1803;  d.  in  Deerfield,  April  11,  1877.  Physician  in 
Nottingham.  Raymond,  and  Deerfield.  Married  (1)  April  22,  1830,  Mary 
Reynolds  of  Lee,  who  d.  June  26,  1842,  aged  39;  (2)  Feb.  1.  1843,  Miriam  F. 
Collins,  daughter  of  Colonel  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Haines)  Collins  of  Deerfield, 
b.  Feb.  28,  1804 ;  d.  Aug.  23,  1878.  Children  :  i.  Moses,  b.  May  29,  1831,  m. 
Susan  R.  James;  ii.  Joseph  T.,  b.  June  28,  1833,  m.  Mary  E.  Batchelder ;  iii. 
Mary  Abigail,  b.  Aug.  3,  1837,  d.  July  12,  1874;  iv.  Martha  A.,  b.  Jan.  9,  1842, 
d.  May  10,  1842 ;    v.  Sarah  Collins,  b.  July  17,  1848,  d.  April  4,  1874. 

True  Broirn,  b.  April  4,  1805 ;  d.  in  Elgin,  111.,  Aug.,  1870,  to  which  town  he  had 
removed  in  1854,  from  Andover.  Married  June  27.  1830,  Lucinda  Blake,  b.  Aug. 
15,  1805;  d.  in  Elgin,  April,  1869,  daughter  of  William  and  Hannah  (Purmoit) 
Blake.  Children,  b.  in  Andover,  N.  H. :  i.  Lucinda  Ann,  b.  March  16,  18.32, 
d.  Aug.  5,  1877.  m.  Sept.  30.  1858.  H.  F.  Plummer  of  Elgin,  had  three  children ; 
ii.  Joseph  True,  b.  Jan.  12,  18.35,  d.  1868,  was  Captain  of  Company  I,  52d 
Regiment,  Illinois  Volunteers,  m.  Oct.  19,  1861,  Emma  Chase ;  iii.  Charles 
Carroll,  b.  July  29,  1838,  d.  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  June  1,  1862,  was  Sergeant- 
Major  in  the  52d  Regiment,  Illinois  Volunteers  ;  iv.  Daniel  Webster,  b.  March 
29,  1840,  d.  Aug.  7,  1890,  was  private  in  Company  A,  36th  Regiment,  Illinois 
Volunteers,  m.  1876,  Maria  Deane,  had  three  children ;  v.  Francis  Moses,  b. 
Feb.  8,  1845,  lives  in  Iowa,  m.  Oct.  7,  1865,  Nettie  Bangs ;  vi.  Ella  Augusta, 
b.  Feb.  12,  1848,  d.  Nov.  10.  1868,  m.  1867,  Henry  Sawyer. 

Ahigail  Brown,  h.  May  3,  1807.  Married  Oct.  21,  1829,  Benjamin  Franklin 
Scribner,  b.  in  Andover,  1806 ;  d.  there  Dec.  30,  1890,  son  of  Josiah  and 
Mary  A.  (White)  Scribner.  Children  :  i.  Abigail  B.,  b.  June  7.  1831,  m.  Gilbert 
T.  Kilbum;  ii.  Frank  B.,  b.  May  13,  1834,  m.  (1)  Mrs.  Nettie  Dudley,  (2) 
Helen  I.  Stanley ;  iii.  Frances  A.,  b.  May  12,  1836,  m.  Owen  B.  Stevens ;  iv. 
Mary  E.,  b.  Feb.  9,  1843,  m.  Calvin  Campbell;  v.  George  Henry,  b.  Jan.  21, 
1849.  in  Andover,  m.  June  5,  1870,  Lucia  Ella  Thompson,  b.  Dec.  3,  1854, 
daughter  of  Moses  P.  and  Lucia  Ann  (Garland)  Thompson  of  Salisbury,  and 
had  five  children,  the  first  four  b.  in  Salisbury :  Mary  Alice,  b.  Oct.  11,  1871, 
d.  April  4,  1872,  Harold  Frank,  b.  Jan.  21,  1875,  d.  Nov.  12,  1883,  Katie  May, 

Sixth  Generation  115 

b.  March  2.  1878.  Eth.-l  Stanley,  b.  Aug.  24,  1879,  m.  July  14,  1901,  William 
Cadv,  and  Ella  noronco,  b.  in  Audover,  Nov.  13,  1887,  m.  July  16,  1907,  Ernest 
AV.  BUss. 

201.  JONATHAN"  BROWN,  son  of  Captain  Joseph^  and  Ann  (BroAvn) 
Brown,  born  February  4,  1768;  died  in  Andover,  N.  H.,  November  28,  1844:. 
He  was  i)robably  born  in  Kensington,  N.  H.,  and  settled  on  Beech  Hill  in 
Andover  in  1790. 

Married  November  22,  1792,  ELIZABETH  HUNTOON,  born  May  3,  1771; 
died  in  Andover,  August  9,  1853. 


Mercy  Brown,  b.  April  3,  1793 ;  d.  March  11,  1871 ;  m.  June,  1815,  Nathaniel 

Mary  Broicn,  d.  young. 

Nancy  Broicn,  b.  March  23,  1795;  d.  in  Wilmot,  N.  H.,  July  28,  1853.  Married 
July  8,  1828,  Josiah  Stearns  and  resided  at  North  Wilmot.  Children,  b.  in 
Wilmot :    i.  Susan,  b.  Nov.  1,  1829,  m.   Seth  Goodhue,  had  three  children  ;    ii. 

Josiah  Lane,  b.  March  19,  1831,  m. ■ — ;    iii.  Minot,  b.  Feb.  7,  1833,  was  a 

soldier  in  Company  C,  IGth  New  Hampshire  Regiment,  in  the  Civil  War,  m. 
Aug.  25,  1861,  Sarah  J.  Hazeltine  of  Springfield,  had  six  children ;  iv.  Tiras, 
b.  June  9,  1835,  soldier  in  Company  D,  112th  Illinois  Regiment,  was  killed  in 
battle  in  Tennessee,  Oct.  23,  1863 ;  v.  Pluma,  b.  Aug.  15,  1836,  d.  July  24,  1903, 
m.  Sept.  7,  1859,  Joshua  Holland ;    two  others  d.  less  than  a  year  old. 

EUzaleih  Brown,  b.  Dec.  20,  1796;  d.  Nov.  20,  1867.  Married  (1)  March,  1827, 
John  Bailey  ;     (2)  Newton. 

Hannah  Brown,  b.  Dec.  20,  1796;    d.  June  14,  1887.     Married  Dec,  1822,  Thomas 
S.  French  of  Hopkinton  and  had  two  children. 
411     Jonathan  Broicn,  jr.,  b.  July  5,  1799;    m.  Abigail  Philbrick. 

iiyrcna  Broicn,  b.  June  17,  1802;  d.  Jan.  27,  1880.  Married  April  6,  1856,  Robert 
Shields  of  Illinois. 

John  Broicn,  b.  May  7,  1804;  d.  March  29,  1874.  Married  (1)  April  28,  1834, 
Eliza  Noyes  of  Springfield ;    (2)  Dolly  Spiller. 

Benjamin  Hxintoon  Broicn,  b.  Aug.  23,  1806;  d.  in  Illinois,  June  24,  1886. 
Married  (1)  April  21,  1828,  Fannie  N.  Jewett ;    (2)  Mary  A.  Lamb. 

Mary  J.  Broicn,  b.  Aug.  23,  1809 ;  d.  Nov.  15,  1888 ;  m.  June  27,  1827,  Stephen 

Rachel  R.  Broicn,  b.  Aug.  17,  1811 ;    m.  April  13,  1837,  Joel  Whittemore. 

202.     FREDERICK^    ABBEY,    probably    son    of    Joseph^    and    Deliverance 

(Armstrong)    Abbey,   born    October   20,    1765,    in   Willington,    Conn.;     died    in 

Randolph,   Cattaraugus  County,  N.  Y.     He  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier  from 

Vermont  and  owned  land  in  Lot  21,  Randoli^h,  N.  Y.,  as  early  as  1832,  at  least. 

Married  SALLY  TIFF. 

Children,  seven  sons 
Amos  Aibey. 
Joseph  Abbey. 
412     Orange  J.  Abbey,  b.  1799,  youngest  son;    m.  Polly  Stanley. 

203.  AMASA«  ABBEY,  son  of  Joseph"  and  Deliverance  (Armstrong)  Abbey, 
born  March  9,  1769,  in  Willington,  Conn.  Amasa  Abbey,  according  to  records 
from  members  of  his  family,  was  born  April  9,  1770,  and  died  October  26,  1842, 
son  of  Joseph  and  Dilla  (Pitcher)  Abbey.  It  seems  likely  that  the  two  records 
refer  to  the  same  person. 

Married  HULDAH  PETTINGALE,  born  in  Comington,  Mass.,  September  26, 
1776;    died  March  19,  1839.     She  was  the  daughter  of  Joseph  Pettingale. 

Children . 

Daniel  Abbey,  b.  April  10,  1794 ;    d.  Feb.  4,  1879. 
Samuel  Abbey,  b.  March  27,  1796. 

116  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Joseph  Alley,  b.  Nov.  3,  1799 ;    d.  Nov.  15,  1835. 

Clarissa  Ahhcy,  b.  July  19,  1800;   d.  Nov.  17,  1803. 

Mariam  Ahhcy,  b.  Feb.  15,  1803;    d.  about  1870. 

Ira  Ahhcy,  b.  Oct.  17,  1805. 

Laura  Ahhcy,  b.  Sept.  9,  1807. 

Amasa  Ahhcy,  jr.,  b.  June  3,  1809 ;    d.  March  27,  1812. 

Alphcus  Ahho/,  b.  Juue  2G,  1811;    d.  Sept.  13,  18GG.     Married  aud  had  a  daughter 

Laura,  who  m.  A.  B.  Strattou  and  resided  at  Beebe  Plains,  Vt.,  iu  1880. 
Sally  Ahhcy,  b.  May  24,  1813;    d.  June  25,  1814. 
Naomi  Ahhcy,  b.  July  1,  1815 ;    d.  Oct.  26,  183G. 
Sarah  Ahhcy,  b.  April  15,  1817. 
Hepsihah  Ahhcy,  b.  Jan.  11,  1819. 

204.     JOSEPH^  ABBEY,  son  of  Joseph^  and  Deliverance  (Armstrong)  Abbey, 

born  about  1770;    died  in  Michigan  about  1860. 

Married . 

Children,  prohahly  the  following,  and  others 

Parker  Ahhcy,  resided  at  Eaton  Rapids,  Eaton  County,  Mich.,  1880. 

Melissa  Ahhcy,  m.  Dixon. 

Alfred  Ahhcy,  went  to  California  during  the  gold  excitement  and  d.  there  about 
Jan.,  1908. 

human  0.  Ahhey,  b.  in  Carlton,  Orleans  County,  N.  Y.,  April  4,  1831 ;  d.  Jan.  12, 
1908.  He  was  the  youngest  of  13  children.  His  mother  died  when  he  was  a  child, 
his  father  married  again,  and,  as  he  disliked  his  step-mother,  he  left  home  at  the 
age  of  14  aud  made  his  own  way  in  the  world.  He  had  a  brother  Alfred  and  a 
sister,  Mrs.  Melissa  Dixon.  The  father  was  blind  in  later  life  and  was  drowned 
by  falling  through  a  bridge.  Luman  O.  Abbey  w^as  a  harness  maker  at  Rolling 
Prairie,  LaPorte,  Ind.,  removed  to  Minneapolis,  thence  to  Kansas  in  1878  and 
d.  in  Ness  City,  Kans.  Married  (1)  in  Manchester,  Washtenaw  County,  Mich., 
May  8,  1856,  Julia  M.  Robinson,  b.  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  daughter  of  George  (?) 
and  Eliza  (Thompson)  Robinson;  d.  April  20,  1902.  Married  (2)  in  Ness  City, 
Dec.  5,  1904,  Mrs.  H.  S.  Greenlee.  Children,  all  but  first  b.  in  Rolling  Prairie : 
i.  EstcUa  Idelette,  b.  July  8,  1854,  in  South  Bend,  Ind.,  d.  Nov.  10,  1864;  ii. 
Dewitt  C,  d.  in  infancy ;  iii.  Inez  Rose,  b.  Fob.  19,  1863,  resides  in  Ness  City, 
m.  Sept.  8,  1885,  W.  H.  Towner  and  has  a  daughter ;  iv.  Evelyn  May,  b.  Oct,  3, 
1865,  m.  C.  J.  Bills ;    v.  Willard  Raymond,  b.  Dec.  18,  1866,  d.  in  infancy. 

205.  ONORAH«  ABBE,  daughter  of  Obadiah^  and  Zeruiah  (Balch)  Abbe, 
born  in  Asliford,  Conn.,  September  26,  1766 ;    died  November  20,  1845. 

Married  in  1780,  JOHN  GEER,  son  of  Ezra  Geer,  born  April  2  (or  27),  1759, 
in  Kent,  Conn. ;   died  December  25,  1840,  in  Peru,  Mass.    Lived  in  the  south  part 

of  Peru. 

Children,  recorded  in  Peru,  Mass.  (dates  as  there  recorded) 

Calvin  Gecr,  b.  June  8,  1781 ;  d.  April  1,  1807.  Married  (intentions  published  in 
Peru,  Mass.,  Feb.  18,  1804)  Unity  Anderson,  who  m.  (2)  April  1,  1810.  in  Peru, 
Zachariah  Haskell.  Child  of  Calvin  Geer,  Mary  Parker,  b.  in  Peru,  March  29, 
1806,  d.  Sept.  25,  1840,  m.  Caleb  Judson  Chaffee,  son  of  Caleb  and  Martha 
(Fletcher)  Chaffee,  b.  Oct.  22,  1804,  d.  in  Lexington,  Mo.,  1861.  He  was  twice 
m.  after  Mary  Geer's  death.  Children  of  Mary  P.  Geer :  i.  Mary  M.  C,  b.  Sept. 
10,  1828,  d.  i829 ;  ii.  Henry  Calvin  B.,  b.  Sept.  23,  1831,  killed  at  Petersburgh, 
Va.,  1863 ;   iii.  Calvin  Geer,  b.  March  15,  1834. 

413  Alphcus  Geer,  b.  Sept.  19,  1783 ;    m.  Kezia  Judd. 

414  Luther  Geer,  b.  April  21,  1786;    m.   (1)   Joanne  Geer;    (2)  Lydia  Bisbee. 

415  John  Geer,  jr.,  b.  March  30,  1789;    m.   (1)   Polly  Croziers ;    (2)   Charlotte  Wood; 

(3)   Lois  Woerder. 

416  Susannah  Geer,  b.  Feb.  6,  1792;    m.  Luther  Granger. 

Elizahelh  Gecr,  b.  Dec.  5,  1794 ;  d.  Feb.  7,  1854.  Married  in  Peru,  Nov.  29,  1815, 
John  Ferguson,  son  of  Samuel  and  Jemima   (Abbe)   Ferguson.     See  number  423. 

Ohadiah   Geer,  b.  Aug.   14,   1797.     Married    (intentions,   Dec.   24,   1818,   at   Peru) 

Amelia  Wing.     Children  :    i.  Fanny,  m.  Scott ;    ii.  Mary  Ann,  m.  Aaron 

Matthews   and   had   five   children ;     iii.    George,   m.   ,    had   five   children ; 

iv.  Jane,  d.  aged  16. 

Sixth  Generation  117 

417  Peter  Geer,  b.  March  8,  1800;    m.   (1)  Molly  Kent;    (2)   SaUy  S.  Kent. 

418  Ira  Oeer,  b.  Aug.  21,  1802  ;    m.  Lucy  Raymond. 
Lvniari  Gccr,  b.  June  23,  1805 ;    d.  March  20,  1818. 
Calvin  (2)   Oeer,  b.  May  8,  1808;    d.  Jan.  25,  1821. 

206.  ROGER«  ABBE,  son  of  Obadiahs  and  Zeruiah  (Balch)  Abbe,  born 
June  14,  17G7;  died  January  24,  1813,  in  Peru,  Mass.  He  was  school  collector 
in  Peru  in  1800.  Some  of  this  family  lived  in  Belvidere,  111.  Residence  of 
Roger  in  marriage  intention  given  as  Partridgefield,  May  18,  1789.  (Becket,  Mass., 
Vital  Records.)  In  1800  he  and  his  wife  were  living  at  Partridgefield,  Mass., 
with  3  girls  and  2  bovs  under  10. 

Married  HANNAH  FERGUSON,  who  died  1843. 


419  John  Able,  m.  Thirza  Gilbert. 

420  Russell  Ahhc,  h.  March  7,  1794;    m.  Martha  Sprague. 

Hannah  Alio,  b.  July  30.  1796;   na.  James  Ferguson,  b.  May  8,  1789,  son  of  Samuel 

and  Jemima  (Abbe)   Ferguson;    sec  number  207. 
Anna  Ahbe,  h.  Aug.  13,  1799:    probably  d.  in  Peru,  Mass.,  Nov.  12,  1829. 

421  Sardis  Aibe,  b.  Sept.  4,  1801 ;    m.  . 

Lcity  Abbe,  b.  June  11,  1804,  in  Peru,  Mass. ;    d.  there  Dec.  8,  1804. 

422  -4w(^i  A&6c,  b.  July  15,  1806;    m.   (1)   Sybil  Bates ;     (2)   Susan  Collins. 
Philander  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  27,  1809,  in  Peru. 

Electa  Philena   Abbe,   b.    June   15,    1811,    in    Peru;     m.    William^    Ferguson,    see 
number  424. 

207.     JEMIMA«   ABBE,    daughter   of   Obadiah^   and   Zeruiah    (Balch)    Abbe, 
born  March  30,  1769. 

Married  (intentions  published  at  Becket,  Mass.,  November  3,  1788),  SAMUEL 

Orry  Ferguson,  b.  1787 ;    d.  1795. 

423  John  Ferguson  (twin),  b.  May  8,  1789;    m.  Elizabeth  Geer. 

Ja7nes  Ferguson   (twin),  b.  May  8.  1789;    m.  Hannah  Abbe,  b.  July  30,  1796,  at 

Peru,  Mass.,  daughter  of  Roger  and  Hannah  (Ferguson)  Abbe;    see  number  206. 

They    are    said    to   have    lived    at   Hamburg,    N.    Y.,    and    Spring    Lake,    Mich. 

Children  :    i.  Clinton  ;    ii.  ;    iii.  George. 

Susan  Ferguson,  h.  1793;    m.  Samuel  Reynolds.     They  moved  to  Canada. 

Annie  Ferguson,  b.  1795;    m.  Nathan  Rockwood.     They  lived  in  Hamburg,  N.  Y. 

and  had  four  children,  one  of  whom  was  William. 
Sally  Ferguson,  b.  1797;    m.  Jeremiah  Olmstead.     Children:    i.  William;    ii.  Mary 

Ann  ;    iii.  Hannah.     They  resided  in  Granville,  N.  Y. 
Samuel  O.  Ferguson,  h.  1799  ;    d.  1823 ;    m.  Lovina  Graves.     No  children. 
Joseph   8.  Ferguson,   b.   1801 ;     resided   in   Lysander,   N.   Y. ;     m.   Mary   Hopkins. 

Children:     i.    Samuel,    d.    (perhaps    June   17,    1832);     ii.    George;     iii.    Mary; 

iv.  Nathan. 
Hannah    Ferguson,   b.   April   17,   1804;     resided   in   Middlefield,   Mass.      Married   in 

Peru,  Mass.,  Feb.  28,  1832,  Jairus  Ruck,  who  d.  Jan.  29,  1861.     Their  births 

were  recorded  in  Middlefield,  Mass.     Children  :    i.  Charles,  b.  Nov.  24,  1834.  d.  in 

the  army,  March  27,  1862  ;    ii.  Henry  B.,  b.  March  14,  18.35,  d.  Feb.  16,  1842 ; 

iii.  Samuel  F.,  b.  Jan.  5.  1838.  m.  Jan.  12.  1858.  Fidelia  Watson  ;    iv.  George  W., 

b.  March  24,  1840,  d.  Feb.  19,  1842 ;    v.  Andrew  J.,  b.  Jan.  4,  1842 ;    vi.  Lucy 

Ann,  b.  Oct.  10  (or  19),  1843. 

424  JVilliam  Ferguson,  h.  April  2,  1806.     Married   (1)   Electa  Philena  Abbe,  daughter 

of  Roger  and  Hannah   (Ferguson)   Abbe   (see  number  206)  ;     (2)   Theda  Tower. 

Jemima  Ferguson,  h.  1808;    d.  1813. 

Bafhshcba  Ferguson,  h.  1810;    m.  Daniel  Goldthwaite.     Children:    i.  Lucy,  m.    (1) 

Hiram   Russell,    (2)    John    Campbell;     ii.    Squier,    m.    (1)     Susan    ,    (2) 

Harriet   McCoy,    (3)    ;    iii.   Daniel,   settled   in  Rome,   N.   Y.,   m.   Emma 

;    iv.  William,  was  killed  ;    v.   Mary,   m.   Goffe ;     vi.   Clarina,   m. 

Cyrus  Ayres. 

118  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

208.     OBADIAH"  ABBE,  son  of  Obadiahs  and  Zeruiah   (Balcli)   Abbe,  born 
April  14,  1777,  in  Peru,  Mass. ;    died  there  September  26,  1826. 

Married    (1)     (intentions   published    at    Peru,    November   14,    1803),    POLLY 

Married    (2)     (intentions    published    at    Peru,    June    4,    1804),    MARGARET 

Child  hy  first  wife 

Hiram  Ahhe,  b.  March  22,  1804,  at  Peru. 

Childreti  by  second  wife,  horn  in  Peru 

Ruhina  Ahhe,   b.   June   17,   1805 ;     resided   in    Pittsfield,    Mass.      Married    Porter 

Strickland,  intentions  published  Dec.  18,  18o0,  in  Lee,  Mass. 
Sophronia  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  9,  1806. 
Anson  Marsh  Ahhe,  b.  Nov.  4,  1808. 
Philander  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  10,  1810. 

Almon  Washington  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  8,  1814 ;    d.  Sept.  18,  1827. 
Emeline  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  12,  1816. 
Marinda  Ahhe,  b.  March  20,  1819 ;    m.  Thompson. 

209.  BENJAMIN''  ABBE,  son  of  Jeremiah'^  and  Mary  (Armstrong)  Abbe, 
born  in  Ashford,  Conn.,  July  16,  1761.  It  seems  likelj^  that  the  following  records 
refer  to  this  Benjamin,  although  the  date  of  his  birth  is  given  by  some  descend- 
ants as  July  16,  1764.  He  died  April  21,  1837.  The  Census  of  1790  records 
him  at  Canaan,  Columbia  County,  N.  Y.,  1  male  over  16,  2  males  under  16, 
1  female  in  the  family.    He  was  a  Baptist  minister. 

Married  ELIZABETH  KNAPPIN,  born  December  2,  1771 ;   died  July  30,  1851. 

Children,  numher  and  order  not  known 

425  Jeremiah  Abhey,  h.  June  7,  1792;    m.   (1)  Lydia  Huntley;     (2)   Harriet  . 

426  Asa  Ahhey,  m.  Phebe  Ann  Crandall. 

427  Samuel  Ahhey,  m.  . 

Sherhel  Ahhey;  m.  and  had  children:  Adeline;  Emeline;  Eimice ;  Lorenzo  D. 
Perhaps  this  is  Lorenzo  Dow  Abbey,  who  was  one  of  the  charter  members  of 
the  I.  O.  O.  F.  in  Jefferson,  Wis.,  1876,  and  Noble  Grand  of  Hebron  Lodge  later. 

Harry  Ahhey. 

[Statement  is  made  by  the  family  that  Samuel  liad  brothers  Sherbel,  Harry, 
and  Jerry.  It  is  possible  that  they  are  descended  in  this  line :  John^,  SamueP, 
Ebenezer^  Gideon*,  John",  John",  who  had  sons  Timothy^  and  Harry'.] 

210.  JEREMIAH«  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  Jeremiah^  and  Mary  (Armstrong)  Abbe, 
born  in  Ashford,  Conn.,  December  30,  1769.  The  following  records  probably 
refer  to  this  Jeremiah.  Was  living  in  Soutli  Windsor,  Conn.,  in  1850,  aged  80, 
with  his  wife  and  a  Charles  Abbe,  aged  11,  all  born  in  Connecticut. 

Married  LYDIA  ARMSTRONG,  born  about  1776. 

Children,  order  of  births  not  Jcnotcn 

428  Jeremiah  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  about  1795 ;   m.  Althea  Payne. 

Charles  Ahhe,  a  brother  of  the  above  Jeremiah,  was  living  in  Manchester,  N.  Y., 

about  1838. 
Miles  Ahhe,  b.  about  1798 :   d.  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  Dec.  21,  18.37,  aged  39. 
Harriet  Ahhe,  b.  about  1801 ;    d.  in  East  Windsor,  July  6,  1807,  aged  6. 
Minerva  Ahhe,  b.  about  1805 ;    d.  in  East  Windsor,  Sept.  20,  1808,  aged  3. 

429  Rufus  Armstrong,  b.  about  1807;    m.    (1)    Martha  Jane  Fowler;     (2)   Ruth  Har- 

monia  Amidon. 

430  Henry  Ahhe,  b.  about  1808;    m.  Lucretia  .     Probably  he  was  a  son  of  this 


Sixth  Generation  119 

8uhnna  Ahhc,  b.  1795 ;  d.  1874 ;  m.  Zebina  Squyrcs, — may  ho  of  this  family.  She 
had  the  following  children  :  i.  Martha  Sabrina,  b.  Feb.  17,  1819,  d.  iu  Spring- 
field, Mass.,  Sept.  12,  1912,  m.   (1)  Aug.  19,  1845  (?),  Stephen  Chase,  b.  Aug.  18, 

1818,  d.  March  2,  1855,  son  of  Joseph  and  Mehitablo   (Hall)   Chase,   (2)   

Clapp,  had  a  daughter  by  the  first  husband,  Martha  Jane,  b.  April  18,  1849,  in 
Wolcottville,  Conn.;  ii.  Jeremiah;  iii.  Lester;  iv.  Henry;  v.  Zebina ;  vi.  Lydia ; 
vii.  Minerva  ;    viii.  Stillman  ;    ix.  Stephen. 

211.  MARTHA'*  TICE,  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth^  (Pease)  Tice,  born 
in  Williamstown,  N.  J.,  May  13,  1757;    died  1842. 

Married  1772,  ISAAC  HOOPER,  son  of  William  and  Mary  (French)  Hooper 
of  Burlington,  N.  J.  He  was  descended  from  Thomas  French  who  was  bap- 
tized 1639  in  the  Church  of  St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul,  Nether  Heyford,  England, 
and  after  religious  persecution,  became  a  Quaker  and  died  at  Racacas,  N,  J. 
Mrs.  Hooper  often  related  to  her  descendants  that  her  husband,  Isaac  Hooper, 
was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolution,  was  engaged  in  the  battle  of  Long  Island,  and 
that  she  watched  the  battle  from  afar,  out  of  her  attic  window,  near  Flatbush. 
Later  he  was  in  the  Commissary  Department  at  Valley  Forge.  No  official 
records  have  been  found  of  his  service. 

431     Elizabeth  Hooper,  b.  April  15,  1773 ;    m.  Stephen  S.  Rhodes. 

212.     HANNAH"  TICE,  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth^   (Pease)   Tice,  born 
February  25  (or  March  24),  1763. 

Married  April  8,  1782,  JOHN  GIBERSON. 


Elizabeth  Oiberson,  b.  about  1783;    m.  Josiah  Evan. 

Ilannah  Giberson,  m.  William  Curtis. 

Rebecca  Oiberson,  m.  John  Prickett. 

Sarah  Giberson,  m.  Jonas  Burnett. 

Eeziah   Giberson,   m.   John   English.      Children :     i.   Josiah   G.,    of   Pleasant   Plain, 

Ohio;    ii.  ,  father  of  Frank  C,  president  of  William  and  Vashti  College, 

at  Aledo,  111.,  and  of  William  D.,  a  minister  of  Felicity,  Ohio. 

Ann  Giberson,  m.  1808,  George  Harley.  Children:  i.  Jacob,  b.  1819,  m.  Mary 
Ford;  ii.  Priscilla,  b.  1822,  m.  James  Copper;  iii.  Hannah,  b.  1824,  m.  Charles 
Shreve;  iv.  John,  b.  1827,  m.  Rebecca  Shreve ;  v.  EUzabeth,  b.  1831,  m.  1853, 
Buren  Larson,  and  had  four  children,  (1)  Halvor,  b.  1854,  d.  aged  23,  unm., 
(2)  Ann  Serena,  b.  1856,  m.  1879,  Edward  Caum  and  had  Linda,  b.  1880, 
Edward,  b.  1883,  Halvor,  b.  1885,  Mildred,  b.  1889,  Harry,  b.  1891,  and  Frank, 
b.  1896,  (3)  Birtha,  b.  1856,  m.  Daniel  W.  Horner,  and  had  Brita,  b.  1885, 
Frances,  b.  1887,  and  Larson,  b.  1889,  (4)  Ida,  b.  1861,  m.  as  his  second  wife, 
after  Birtha's  death,  1897,  Daniel  W.  Horner,  and  had  Alice,  b.  1898,  d.  in 
infancy,  and  Helen,  b.  1900 ;  vi.  George,  b.  1833,  m.  Ellen  Mclntire ;  vii.  Josiah, 
b.  1836,  m.  Susan  Mapes  ;  viii.  Mary  Ann,  b.  1839,  m.  Job  Pidgeon ;  ix.  Susanna, 
b.  1841,  m.  Oliver  Larson  ;    x.  Hester  Ann,  b.  1847,  m.  William  Watson. 

Isabell  Giberson,  m.  John  Baker. 

Hester  Ann  Giberson,  b.  April  1.  1808;  d.  July  3,  1890.  Married  Edmund  Burdsall, 
b.  Aug.  17,  1806 ;  d.  Jan.  4,  1866.  Children  :  i.  Joseph  Liel.  b.  and  d.  April  2, 
1828 ;   ii.  Hannah,  b.  Sept.  2,  1829.  d.  Aug.  23,  1841 ;   iii.  Elizabeth  A.,  b.  Jan.  22, 

1833,  d.  June,  1884,  m.  Shields ;    iv.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  4,  1834,  d.  July  10, 

1857,  m. Reed  ;    v.  Hester  Ann,  b.  March  23,  1837 ;    vi.  Rebekah,  b.  Sept. 

7,  1839 ;   vii.  John  Wesley,  b.  Nov.  23,  1841,  Methodist  minister  iu  WilUamsburg, 

Ohio,  m.    (2)   Louella  ;    viii.  Mary  Jane,  b.  Dec.  4,  1843;    ix.  Edmund, 

b.  June  14,  1845,  Methodist  minister  at  Batavia,  Ohio;  x.  Josiah,  b.  Nov.  18, 
1848,  d.  July  3,  1900,  local  preacher  in  the  Methodist  Church;  xi.  William, 
b.  Nov.  7,  1851,  local  preacher ;  xii.  Lydia,  b.  March  1,  1854,  d.  Feb.  10,  1874, 
m.  Prall. 

John  Giberson,  m.  Sarah  Egbert. 

Josiah  Gibei-son,  m.  Sarah  Burnett. 

120  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

213.  JOHN  FORD«  SMITH,  son  of  Jolm  and  Keziali^  (Pease)  Smith,  born 
June  19,  1787,  in  Granville,  Mass.;  died  March  17,  1854,  at  West  Granville. 
He  was  Captain  in  Fourth  Regiment,  First  Brigade,  Fourth  Division  Massa- 
chusetts Volunteer  Militia,  resigned  April  22,  1822.  He  was  a  member  of 
Mount  Pleasant  Lodge  of  Free  Masons  in  Granville  and  was  first  president  of 
the  Washingtonian  Society  in  Granville. 

Married  ERPERCIA  CAROLINE  SEWARD,  daughter  of  Amos  and  Mary 
(Mead)  Seward. 


432  Margaret  Maritta  Smith,  b.  March  4,  1817 ;    m.  Joseph  Chapin. 

Maria  Louisa  Smith,  b.  Dec,  1818;  m.  Harvey  Bancroft  of  Galesburg,  111.  Child: 
Nettie,  d.  young. 

433  Caroline  Keziah  Smith,  b.  Feb.,  1820 ;    m.  Seth  B.  Hoisington. 

Joseph  Napoleon  Smith,  b.  1822 ;    m.  Julia  Ann  Griffin.     Children :    i.  Caleb ;    ii. 

Augustus ;    iii.  Josephine. 
Augustus  B.  Smith,  b.  1823;    was  a  minister;    m.  .     Children:    i.  James, 

d.  ;    ii.  John  Zebina,  resides  in  Owcnsboro,  Ky. 

434  Harriet  Corintha  Smith,  b.  April,  1824;    m.  Billings  Moulton. 

435  Invin  Zebina  Smith,  h.  Nov.,  1827;    m.   (1)  Elizabeth  Kew ;    (2)  Isabella  Fallen. 
Seward  Stnith,  b.   Aug.  1,  18.30.     Judge  in  Des  Moines,   Iowa.      Married   May  4, 

1869,  Mary  E.  Hyde.  Child  :  Mary  Hyde,  m.  Oct.  23,  189.5,  Halle  Sheffield  Ray, 
son  of  Rev.  Charles  Walter  and  Julia  Tracy  (Sheffield)  Ray.  He  is  an  official 
of  the  Rock  Island  Railway  and  resides  in  Des  Moines,  Iowa.  They  have  one 
child,  Margaret  Mary,  b.  Nov.  15,  1911. 

436  Mary  Jane  Smith,  m.  Hulbert  W.  Munson. 

Antoinette  Erpercia  Smith,  resides  in  Springfield,  Mass. ;  m.  Frederic  Pickett. 
Child  :  Frederic  Smith,  b.  1865,  graduate  of  Yale  and  Columbia  Medical  Depart- 
ment, physician  in  Philadelphia. 

George  Ali^honzo  Smith,  m.  Ellen  L.  Treat.  Children  :  1.  George  Lincoln,  b.  1867, 
graduate  of  New  Bedford  (Mass.)  High  School,  military  captain  of  his  class, 
a  lawyer;  ii.  Charles  Treat,  graduate  of  New  Bedford  High  School,  in  business 
in  New  York  City ;    iii.  Louisa  Erpercia,  d.  young. 

437  Ford  Smith,  m.  Caroline  Dwight  Lathrop. 

214.  ZEBINA"  SMITH,  son  of  John  and  Keziah^  (Pease)  Smith,  born  in 
Granville,  Mass.,  August  7,  1789;  died  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  September  20,  1826. 
He  was  a  physician  and  lost  his  life  through  his  devotion  to  duty  during  an 
epidemic  in  Baltimore. 

Married  March  26,  1820,  SARAH  TOWSON  of  Baltimore. 


John  Iririn  Smith,  b.  .lau.  16,  1821;  d.  July,  1885;  m.  Martha  Shearer  Towson. 
Resided  in  Baltimore.  Children :  i.  Zebina  Clay,  d.  1845 ;  ii.  Irwin  Towson, 
d.  18.50 ;  iii.  Sidney  Coakley,  d.  1850 ;  iv.  Sarah  Louisa ;  v.  Mattie  Shearer, 
resided  in  Baltmore,  m.  1853,  C.  W.  Mitchell,  and  had  five  children,  Irwin  Chap- 
man, Mildred  Cassin,  Martha  Towson,  Jennie,  and  John  Smith ;  vi.  Oscar  Boyd, 
d.  1876 ;    vii.  Leila  Cassin  ;    viii.  Ida  May. 

William  Sydney  Smith,  b.  June  21,  1823;    d.  Sept.,  1830. 

Jacob  Zebina  Smith,  b.  March  18,  1825 ;    d.  1828. 

215.  HENRY"  SMITH,  son  of  John  and  Keziah^  (Pease)  Smith,  born  in 
Granville,  Mass.,  March  4,  1792;  died  1867.  The  town  of  Smithville,  Ontario, 
was  named  for  him.  He  was  a  noted  educator,  a  magistrate,  and  held  several 
ofifiees  under  the  Crowui. 

Married  DOCINDA  CUTLER,  bom  August,  1802;    died  December,  1844. 


437a  Margaret  Maritta  Smith,  h.  July,  1822 ;    m.  Russ. 

438     George  Augustus  Smith,  b.  1825  ;    m.  . 

Sixth  Generation  121 

Martha  Ann  Smith,  b.  1827;    d.  1902;    m.  Samuel  Wiggins  of  Wellaiulpoi't,  Ontario. 

Children :    i.   Ida ;     ii.    Samuel    G.,    of   Chicago ;     iii.    S.    Jackson,    of   Chicago ; 

iv.  Emma  Estella. 
Ii[ar!/  Louisa  Smith,  b.  1829;    d.  1838. 

439  Henry  Franldin  Smith,  b.  1831;    m.  Amurtha  Avery. 

MeJiss-a  Smith,  h.  1835;    m.  Curran.     Child:    Maud,  m.  Rev.  W.  B.  Smith 

of  Hespeler,  Ontario,  and  has  two  children. 
Emma  Jane  Smith,  h.  1839;    m.  George  Sutherland  of  Welland,  Ontario.     Children: 

three  daughters  who  d.  young,  and  George  W.,  who  has  been  mayor  of  Welland 

for  several  terms.     He  is  m.  and  has  three  children  :    Anna  Marcia,  b.  Feb.  1889  ; 

George  Franklin,  b.  1891 ;    Fred  Morton,  b.  1899. 

440  Caroline  M.  Stnith,  h.  1841 ;    m.  Henry. 

216.     THOMAS  J.«   SMITH,  son  of  John  and  Keziah^    (Pease)    Smith,  born 
April  3,  1796;    died  Jul}-,  1869.     Wont  to  Virginia  to  live  in  1820. 

Married,  1827,  JANE  L.  BRANSON  of  Lebanon,  Va.     Their  seven  sons  were 
all  in  the  Confederate  Army. 


Edwin  Ruthven  Smith,  b.  in  Abington,  Va.,  1826.  Was  Colonel  in  General  Pickett's 
Division,  served  during  the  battle  of  Gettysburg  and  was  in  the  gallant  charge 
that  Pickett  made  upon  the  enemy's  entrenchment.     He  m.  and  had  four  children. 

Austin  Braniiough  Smith,  b.  1828;  d.  in  British  Honduras  in  1869.  Was  Lieu- 
tenant in  the  Confederate  Army.     Married  and  had  one  child,  Victoria  Toledo. 

George  Washington  Smith,  b.  1831 ;   was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Port  Republic. 

Thomas  Jefferson  Smith,  b.  1836. 

Margaret  E.  Smith,  b.  18.37;    d.  1912;    m.  T.  G.  Barret. 
441     Joseph  Lewis  Smith,  b.  1839;    m.  . 

Uenry  Alhert  Smith,  h.  1843;  d.  Jan.,  1865,  at  Camp  Morton,  after  being  in  prison 
fifteen  months. 

John  Ford  Smith,  b.  1844. 

Sarah  J.  S7nith,  b.  1846. 

Amanda  C.  Smith,  b.  1848;    m.  Duff.;    resides  in  Lebanon,  Va.     Children: 

i.  Myrta  Jane,  b.  April,  1880,  lives  in  Paris,  Ky.,  ni.  1899,  Ross  W.  Thompson 
and  has  three  children,  Lucien,  b.  about  1900,  Burnley  Alexander,  b.  1902,  Gladys 
Catherine,  b.  1905 ;  ii.  Samuel  Roy,  b.  April  24,  1882,  m.  1902,  Flora  Blanker- 
ship,  and  has  three  children,  Joseph  Horner,  Frank  Cecil  and  Harry  Smith ; 
iii.  Bessie  Clare,  m.  Arthur  Little,  a  large  stock  dealer  in  Russell  Covmty,  Va.; 
iv.  Mattie  Graham,  b.  Feb.  2,  1888,  m.  1911,  Harry  Bundy  of  Tazewell,  Tazewell 
County,  Va.    He  is  a  large  stock  raiser.    They  have  one  child,  Sam  Galsey. 

217.     ALBERT  GALLATIN«  SMITH,  son  of  John  and  Keziah^  (Pease)  Smith, 
born  April,  1801.    Resided  in  Granville,  Mass.,  and  East  Windsor,  Conn. 
Married  SARAH  HARGER,  born  July  5,  1800. 


Josephine  Smith,  b.  Jan.  2,  1826 ;    m.  .Tarvis  Osborne. 

Benjamin  Franklin  Smith,  b.  1827 ;    m.  . 

Timothy  A.  Smith,  b.  June  29,  1829;    m. 

442  Fanny  Elizaheth  Smith,  b.  July  1,  1831 ;    m.  Charles  Spellman. 
Sarah  J.  S7nith,  b.  Oct.  11,  18.32 ;    m.  Samuel  Flight. 

Samuel  H.  Smith,  b.  Sept.  29,  1837 ;   m. . 

Jaines  A.  Smith,  b.  June  22,  18.39;    m.  . 

443  Mariita  Margaret  Smith,  b.  April  18.  1841;    m.  Martin  Phelps  Tinker. 
Joseph  K.  Smith,  b.  Jan.  5,  1843 ;    m.  . 

218.  CLARISSA^  KEYES,  datighter  of  John  and  Mary^  (Wales)  Keyes,  born 
April  30,  1768,  at  Ashford,  Conn.;  died  May  14,  1846,  in  Gilboa,  Schoharie 
County,  N.  Y. 

Married  REV.  WINSLOW  PAIGE,  who  died  March,  1838. 

122  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 


John  Keyes  Paige,  b.  Aug.  2,  1788,  iu  Hardwick,  Mass.;  d.  Dec.  10,  1857,  in 
Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  was  clerk  in  the  Supreme  Court  at  Albany  for  many  years. 
Married  and  had  children  :  i.  J.  C.  T.,  graduate  of  Williams  College,  m.  and  had 
a  son  Leonard  who  was  graduated  from  Union  College  in  1878 ;  ii.  John 
Keyes,  jr.,  b.  in  Albany,  Dec.  14,  1843,  was  graduated  from  Union  College, 
resides  in  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  m.  Nov.  20,  1873,  Janet  McClellan  Franchot, 
daughter  of  Hon.  Richard  Franchot,  have  two  sons,  John  Keyes,  3d,  b.  Feb.  11, 
1876,  and  Richard  Franchot,  b.  Jan.  22,  1878 ;  iii.  Aldigo  C,  a  graduate  of 
Union  College. 

Hannah  Winsloiv  Paige,  b.  Aug.  13,  1791,  in  Stephentown,  N.  Y. ;  d.  April  3,  1852, 
in  Gilboa,  N.  Y". ;    m.  Archibald  Croswell. 

Maria  C.  Paige,  b.  March  24,  1794,  in  Schaghticoke,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Aug.  11,  1873  (or  4), 
in  Schenectady,  N.  Y.  Married  in  1805,  David  Cady,  son  of  David  and  Ann 
(Shuler)  Cady,  b.  May  26,  1794;  d.  in  the  winter  of  1839  or  40;  b.  and  lived  in 
Florida,  N.  Y.  Children :  i.  Winslow,  b.  Aug.  5,  1824,  was  killed  by  the 
explosion  of  a  steam  boiler  in  San  Francisco  Bay,  April  3,  1859 ;  ii.  Sarah 
Smith,  b.  Sept.  25,  1825.  d.  March  13,  1891. 

Aldigo  C.  Paige,  b.  July  31,  1798,  at  Schaghticoke,  N.  Y. ;  d.  March  31,  1868,  in 
Schenectady  where  his  family  resides.  He  was  Judge  of  the  New  York  State 
Court  of  Appeals,  and  was  a  graduate  of  Williams  College.  Married  and  has  a 
son  Edward  Winslow,  a  graduate  of  Union  College  and  Cambridge  Law  School, 
lives  in  Schenectady. 

Diana  C.  Paige,  b.  Feb.  25,  1800;  d.  May  19,  1863,  in  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 
Married  Allen  H.  Jackson  and  had  three  sons  who  were  graduated  from  Union 

Antoinette  Paige,  b.  Aug.  11,  1805,  in  Schaghticoke,  N.  Y. ;  lived  in  Schenectady, 
Married  (1)  1825,  George  Smith,  who  d.  at  Fort  Johnson,  N.  Y.,  Aug.,  1828. 
Child  :  Mary,  b.  1827 ;  m.  in  Schenectady,  1847,  B.  T.  Potter,  a  lawyer,  who 
d.  March  18,  1870.    Antoinette  Paige  m.   (2)  1836,  Judge  Piatt  Potter. 

219.     ZACHARIAH"  KEYES,  son  of  John  and  Mary^   (Wales)   Keyes,  born 
1778;    died  November  4,  1834,  at  Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y. 

Married  (1)  at  Burlington,  Vt.,  October  5,  1800,  LYDIA  STANTON,  daughter 
of  Judge  Stanton.     She  died  December  18,  1822,  in  Sharon,  N.  Y. 

Married  (2)  at  Sharon,  September  4,  1823,  NANCY  WHITTAKER,  died  July 
4,  1837,  at  Cherry  Valley. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Stephen  Pearl  Keyes,  b.  Nov.  2,  1801 ;   drowned  June  22,  1827,  at  Lake  St.  Peter's, 

below  Montreal ;    not  m. 
Norman  Landon  Keyes,  b.  July  4,  1804 ;    d.  July  26,  1848,  at  Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y. 

Married  May  15,  1830,  at  Sharon,  Sarah  E.  Whittaker,  who  d.  April  28,  1861, 

at  Sharon.     No  childi'en. 
Mary   Wales   Keyes,   b.   Oct.   6,   1806;     d.    Sept.    6,    1852,    in    Binghamton,    N.    Y. 

Married  at  Sharon,  Dec.  17,  1823,  John  N.  A.  Waldron.     Children :   i.  Cornelius ; 

ii.  Stephen  ;    iii.  Charles,  lives  in  Binghamton ;    iv.  Henry,  lives  in  Dallas,  Ore. ; 

v.  George,  lives  in  Dallas;    vi.  Zachariah,  lives  in  Chicago;    vii.   (son),  lives  in 

444     Eliza  C.  Keyes,  b.  Feb.  22.  1810 ;    m.  George  Warnick. 

Henry  Stanton  Keyes,  b.  Jan.  22,  1812 ;    d.  Aug.  25,  1850,  in  Amsterdam,  N.  Y. ; 

not  m. 

Child  hy  second  wife 

John  W.  Keyes,  b.  Aug.  26,  1825,  in  Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y. ;    resides  at  Amsterdam, 
N.  Y.     Married  at  Amsterdam,  Sept.  16,  1847,  AM  B.  Wager,  who  d.   Oct.  12, 

1859.     Children:   i.  Edward  S.,  b.  June  15,  1848,  d. ;    ii.  Sarah  E.  Young, 

b.  Sept.  29,  185- ;    iii.  Charlotte  E.,  b.  Sept.  11,  1856. 

220.  ALMIRA  CATHERINE«  KEYES,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary^  (Wales) 
Keyes,  born  1785;  died  October  16,  1842.  With  her  family  slie  removed  from 
Connecticut  to  Canajoharie,  N.  Y.     She  attended  the  first  fashionable  boarding 

Sixth  Generation  123 

school  establislicd  west  of  Albany.  The  sessions  were  held  in  a  log  house  at 
Cooi)erstown.  James  Fenimore  Cooper,  then  a  boy  of  four,  was  also  a  student. 
Married  1808,  JOHN  PECK,  born  IMay  1,  1785,  son  of  Joseph  and  Hannah 
(Lambert)  Peck  of  Woodbury.  He  was  a  physician  in  Burlington,  Vt.,  Avhere 
he  died  July  24,  1862. 

Children,  horn  in  Btirlington 

Francis  C.  reel;  b.  Nov.  29,  1809  ;    d.  March  20.  1813. 

John  Henry  Peek,  b.  Dec.  24,  1810.  For  some  time  he  was  a  member  of  the  firm 
J.  and  J.  H.  Peck,  and  took  a  prominent  part  in  railroad  enterprises  in  Vermont ; 
removed  to  New  York  1855  :  returned  to  Burhngton  1874.  and  d.  there  Aug.  18, 
1877.  Married  (1)  183.3,  Mary  Loomis,  daughter  of  Luther  Loorais.  She  d.  in 
1834,  leaving  a  son,  Charles  Loomis,  b.  1834,  who  d.  and  was  buried  in  Lone 
Mountain  Cemetery,  San  Francisco.  John  Henry  Peck  m.  (2)  1837,  Lucia 
Bradley,  daughter  of  Harry  Bradley. 

Julian  Cassius  Pomeroi/  Peck,  b.  Dec.  17,  1812 ;  studied  at  Castletou  and  University 
of  Vermont ;  merchant  at  Ausable  Forks,  Burlington  and  New  York  City. 
General  of  Vermont  militia.  Died  suddenly  in  Jersey  City,  N.  J.,  Aug.  5,  1872. 
Married  1833,  Lucia  Wait,  daughter  of  Colonel  Marmaduke  Wait.  She  d.  June 
19,  1878. 

Francis  C.  Peck,  b.  Nov.  28,  1814 ;   d.  Aug.  19,  1817. 

ISamucl  C.  Peck,  b.  May  29,  1816;    d.  Nov.  3,  1816. 

Theodore  Ausiuslus  Peck.  b.  Aug.  8,  1817;  d.  May  18,  1872.  Druggist  in  Burhng- 
ton, 1840-62,  then  in  Watertown,  N.  Y.  Married  1842,  DeUa  SafCord,  daughter 
of  Rev.  Hiram  Safford,  pastor  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  of  Burlington. 
Children,  b.  in  Burlington  :  i.  Theodore  Safford,  b.  March  22,  1843,  resided  in 
Burlington,  was  Colonel  on  the  Governor's  staff,  and  Colonel  of  the  1st  Regiment 
Infantry,  Vermont  National  Guard.  Colonel  commanding  1st  Regiment  Vermont 
Volunteers  and  State  Guard  ;  ii.  Edward  Sprague,  b.  Oct.  24,  1844,  was  gradu- 
ated from  University  of  Vermont,  assistant  professor  of  surgery  in  its  medical 
department,  later  practiced  medicine  in  New  York  City ;  iii.  Charlotte  Almira, 
b.  Nov.  25,  1846,  resides  in  Plattsburg,  N.  Y.,  m.  Sept.  11,  1873,  WiUiam 
Van  Schoonoven  Woodward,  son  of  Hon.  J.  Douglass  Woodward,  lawyer  and 
Assistant  U.  S.  District  Attorney. 

George  Huntington  Peck,  b.  Nov.  (or  March)  4,  1819;  was  graduated  from  Uni- 
versity of  Vermont.  On  account  of  poor  health  he  went  on  a  cod-fishing  voyage 
to  Labrador  in  1838,  and  spent  the  winter  of  1839-40  in  the  West  Indies ;  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  1841  but,  as  his  health  failed,  went  to  sea  until  1849, 
when  he  lauded  in  San  Francisco ;  opened  a  law  office  at  Dutch  Flat  in  Placer 
County ;  taught  in  Sacramento  and  San  Francisco  ;  principal  and  superintendent 
of  schools  in  Spring  Valley  and  El  Monte,  Los  Angeles  County.  Married  (1) 
1851,  Mrs.  Sarah  Thornton  from  whom  he  was  divorced  in  1862.  Children : 
i.  John  Henry  Fenton,  b.  Jan.  25,  1853,  in  Yolo  County,  Calif. ;  ii.  George 
Huntington,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  15,  1856.  George  H.  Peck  m.  (2)  April  30,  1864,  Mary 
Wanostracht,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Chater  of  London,  England.  Children : 
i.  Kate  W.,  b.  Jan.  28,  1866 ;    ii.  Mary  Chater,  b.  Nov.  1,  1867. 

WiUiam  Ware  Peek,  b.  Jan.  21,  1821 ;  graduate  of  University  of  Vermont  and 
Harvard  Law  School ;  practiced  law  in  Burlington  and  New  York  City ;  in  1878 
was  appointed  U.  S.  District  Judge  and  Assistant  Supreme  Judge  of  Wyoming 
Territory.  Married  1846,  Hannah  Mumford,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Mumford  of 
Schenectady.  Children  :  i.  John,  b.  1847  ;  ii.  Catherine  ;  iii.  Benjamin  Mumfoi-d, 
a  ci\'il  engineer ;    iv.  Clara  ;    v.  Joseph  ;    vi.  Harriet. 

Edu-ard  William  Peek,  b.  Jan.  20,  1823;  merchant  in  Burlington  till  1878. 
Married  about  1845,  Harriet  Clark,  daughter  of  Hon.  Joseph  Clark,  of  Milton, 
Vt.     No  children. 

Helen  M.  Y.  Peck,  b.  Aug.  19,  1825  ;    d.  Feb.  23,  1827. 

221.  HEZEKIAH  H.«  ABBEY,  son  of  Hezekiah^  and  Martha  (Manning) 
Abbe,  born  January  31,  1785,  at  Windham,  Conn. ;  died  March  5,  1858,  at  Greig, 
Lewis  County,  N.  Y.  He  removed  with  his  father's  family  to  Vermont  at  the 
age  of  seven  years  and  resided  in  Westminster  for  a  time.  In  October,  1826, 
he  removed  to  Greig.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  and  was 
in  1854  a  trustee  at  the  incorporation  of  the  "Forest  Church  in  connection 
with  the  Presbytery  of  Watertown."  This  church  was  situated  in  the  town  of 
Greig  near  the  junction  of  the  Black  and  Moose  Rivers. 

124  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Man-ied  (1)  at  Westminster,  January,  1810,  BETSEY  FULLER,  who  died 
February  13,  1820. 

Married  (2)  November,  1820,  ANNA  GOODELL,  born  July  21,  1788,  at  West- 
minster; died  April  24,  1862,  at  Lowville,  N.  Y.  She  was  the  daughter  of 
Deacon  Abiel  and  Mrs,  Margaret  (         )  Goodell  of  Westminster. 

Children  hy  first  icifc 

Alanj  IT.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  28,  1811;    d.   June  19,  1881.     Married  Parker. 

Resided  iu  1858  at  Moiuit  Clemens,  Macomb  County,  Mich. 
Laura  M.  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  26,  1813;    d.  June  19,  1859.     Resided  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y., 

in  1858.    Married Hoskins. 

445  Rockwell  Manning  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  26,  1815;    m.  Elmira  Smith. 

Betsey  M.   Abbey,   b.   Nov.   26,   1819;     d.    May   29,    1895;     m.   Hutchins. 

Resided  in  Michigan  in  1858. 

Children  by  second  wife 

446  Mason  EezeUah  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  9,  1821;    m.   (1)  Maryetta  C.  Scovel ;    (2)   Jennie 


Simon  G.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  25,  182.3;    d.  March  12,  1842. 

William  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  21,  1826;    d.  Feb.  20,  1882.    Resided  in  Greig  in  1858. 

Martha  Abbey,  b.  June  23,  1828 ;   d.  Oct.,  1828. 

David  D.  Abbey,  b.  July  16,  1830;  d.  Aug.  17,  1905,  at  YiUisca,  Iowa.  Married 
at  Boonville,  Oneida  County,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  21,  1866,  Sarah  L.  Wardwell,  b.  May 
30,  1840,  at  Turin,  Lewis  County,  N.  Y.  Children  :  i.  David  Purdy,  b.  Sept.  18, 
1867 ;  ii.  Leon  Talcott,  b.  Sept.  3,  1877 ;  iii.  Ralph,  b.  Aug.  11,  1881,  d.  Aug.  23, 

222.  ELISHA°  ABBEY,  son  of  Mason^  and  Sarali  (Frissell)  Abbey,  born  in 
Amherst,  Mass.,  January  7,  1794;  was  a  wheelwright  in  Belehertown,  Mass., 
where  he  died  October  25,  1863.  He  was  a  deacon  in  the  Braincrd  Congrega- 
tional Church  wliicli  united  in  1841  with  the  Belehertown  Church.  In  1850  the 
deacons  all  resigned  and  a  new  election  was  held  at  which  he  was  one  of  the 
four  chosen. 

Married  (1)  December  29,  1828,  SOPHRONIA  TARBELL  of  Brimfield,  born 
September  3,  1803;  died  November  12,  1833.  She  was  daughter  of  Elijah,  jr., 
and  Submit  (Richardson)  Tarbell.  No  children.  She  joined  the  church  in 
Brimfield  in  1829. 

Married  (2)  December  9,  1834,  MARY  BARROWS,  born  September  19,  1805, 
in  Monson,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Huldah  (Frisell)  Barrows.  Huldah  Frissell 
was  a  sister  of  Sarah  Frissell  who  married  Mason  Abbey.  Mary  Barrows  lived  in 
Brimfield  and  joined  the  Congregational  Church  in  Belehertown,  1835.  She 
removed  to  Sunderland,  Mass.,  in  1866  and  died  there  April  15,  1882. 


Charles  Mason  Abbeij,  b.  in  Belehertown,  Nov.  12,  18.35 ;  lived  in  Ashficld  and 
Greenfield,  Mass.  Married  Sept.  10,  1873  or  4,  Ellen  M.  Miles,  b.  Aug.  31,  1845, 
in  Ashficld,  Mass.,  daughter  of  Philander  and  Viletta  A.  (Hall)  Miles.  Child: 
Fanny  Letta,  b.  Nov.  8,  1875,  lives  in  Greenfield.  She  is  a  milliner,  with  shops 
in  Greenfield  and  Northampton. 

Ue7iry  EUsha  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  12,  1837;  d.  at  Springfield,  Mass.,  Jan.  8.  1893. 
Married  Dec.  4,  1863,  Adelaide  Victoria  Pierce,  b.  in  Palmer,  Mass.,  Feb.  6,  1841 ; 
d.  in  Holyoke,  April  18,  1904.  She  was  daughter  of  Emery  and  Sophronia 
(Barnes)  Pierce.  Child:  Ira  D.,  b.  in  Thomaston,  Conn.,  about  1874.  ra.  in 
Springfield,  March  31.  1898,  Edgar  N.  Whitaker,  b.  in  Chicopee  about  1875,  son 
of  George  A.  and  Adeline  M.  (Clark)  Whitaker. 
447     George  Francis  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  12,  18.39;    m.  Eliza  Ann  Pomeroy. 

Edv:ard  Payson  Abbey,  d.  in  infancy. 

Sophronia  Tarbell  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  27,  1844;  d.  in  Sunderland,  Oct.  21,  1873. 
Married  Aug.  31,  186.3,  JuUus  Manning  Marshall,  b.  at  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass., 
Nov.  3,  1840 ;    d.  at  Worcester,  May  9,  1912.    He  was  son  of  Thomas  Marshall ; 

Sixth  Generation  125 

served  iu  the  Civil  War  in  Company  I,  46th  Massachusetts  Infantry,  also  in 
Company  L,  2d  Massachusetts  Heavy  Artillery.  Child:  May  Blanche,  b.  in 
Sunderland,  Oct.  7,  1873,  lives  in  Worcester,  ui.  Oct.  7,  1897,  Luther  Calvin 
ManniuK,  b.  ISIarch  7,  1865,  in  Magog,  Quebec,  son  of  Calvin  Charles  Manning, 
has  children,  Roy  Marshall,  b.  and  d.  Feb.  24,  1905,  Arthur  Calvin,  b.  in  Wor- 
cester, June  7,  1906,  and  Ruth  EUza,  b.  in  Worcester,  May  22,  1911. 

223.  GEORGE"  ABBEY,  son  of  Masoii=  and  Sarah  (Frissell)  Abbey,  born 
January  7,  1801 ;  died  in  Sunderland,  Mass.,  April  13,  1864.  He  lived  for  a  time 
iu  Belchertown  and  joined  the  Congregational  Chureli  there  in  1819.  Wliecl- 

Married  (1)  in  Dedhani,  April  10,  1831,  HANNAH  GAY,  daughter  of  Abner 
and  Anne  (         )  Gay  of  Dedham.    She  died  in  1847. 

Married   (2)   January  30,  1850,  PHEBE  PARSONS  of  Northampton,  Mass., 

born  FebriTary  18,  1805,  daughter  of  Elisha  and  Phebe  (Hulbert)  Parsons.     She 

died  March  21,  1894. 


448     George  Mason  Alheij,  b.  April  2,  1833 ;   m.  Sarah  Aureha  Ramsdell. 

Harriet  Ann  Alley,  b.  at  Belchertown,  June  20,  1834 ;  d.  in  Sunderland,  Nov.  8, 
1896.  She  joined  the  Congregational  Church  in  Belchertown,  1850.  Married  in 
Sunderland,  June  3,  1862,  Horace  Graves  Sanderson,  b.  Dec.  16,  1836,  son  of 
Apollos  and  Roxana  (Bartlett)  Sanderson  of  Sunderland.  He  m.  (2)  Eunice 
Lyman  Strong.  Children  of  Harriet  Abbey :  i.  George  Dwight,  b.  March  30, 
1863,  d.  Nov.  1,  1868;  ii.  Emma  Dora,  b.  in  Sunderland,  Jan.  1,  1867,  lives  in 
Honolulu,  m.  in  Sunderland,  Jan.  29,  1892.  Perley  Leonard  Home,  who  was 
b.  in  Topeka,  Kans.,  Dec.  30,  1866.  Has  children,  Mildred  Amy,  b.  in  Cambridge, 
May  7,  1894,  and  Robert  Sanderson,  b.  April  26,  1897.  in  Sunderland.  Perley  L. 
Home  was  graduated  from  Harvard  in  1892,  A.M.  1894,  assistant  instructor  in 
history  at  Harvard  1893-1896,  principal  of  Dummer  Academy,  1896-1904,  presi- 
dent of  the  Kamehameha  Schools  in  Honolulu,  1904-1914,  industrial  schools  for 
Hawaiian  children. 
Laura  Thompson  Alley,  b.  Nov.  14,  1837;  d.  June  14,  1898.  Lived  in  Northamp- 
ton, Hadley,  and  Sunderland.  Married  Sept.  4,  1860,  Jesse  Lemuel  Delano,  b. 
Aug.  31,  1835.  He  served  in  the  Civil  War  in  the  52d  Massachusetts  Volunteers. 
Children:  i.  Fanny  Jane,  b.  Nov.  13,  1861,  d.  Feb.  25,  1896;  ii.  Cora  Belle, 
b.  Dec.  5,  1862,  d.  April  11,  1892,  m.  April  10,  1889,  George  Edward  Shipman 
of  Hadley,  sou  of  George  and  Harriet  N.  (Bartlett)  Shipman,  and  had  child, 
Raymond  Delano,  b.  Feb.  12.  1892 ;  iii.  William  Ansel,  b.  June  20,  1869,  Uves  in 
Amherst,  m.  Oct.  13,  1891,  Etta  L.  Waite,  daughter  of  Wright  Noble  and  Mary 
(McGuire)  Waite  of  Amherst,  has  child,  Louis  Fhihp,  b.  Oct.  28,  1892. 

224.  LUCRETIA«  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Mason^  and  Sarah  (Frissell)  Abbey, 
born  December  13,  1803;  died  at  Sunderland,  Mass.,  May  14,  1893.  She  joined 
the  Church  at  Belchertown  in  1826  and  removed  to  Brimfield  after  her  marriage. 

Married  September  5,  1833,  ELI  BARROWS,  born  at  Monson,  Mass.,  August 
22,  1808;  died  at  Sunderland,  December  28,  1881.  He  was  the  son  of  Charles 
and  Huldah  (Frissell)  Barrows  and  a  brother  of  Mary  Barrows  who  married 
his  wife's  brother  Elisha.  Huldah  Frissell  was  a  sister  of  Sarah  who  married 
Mason  Abbey.  Charles  Barrows  was  descended  from  John  Barrows,  who  settled 
in  Salem  in  1637. 


Allert  Huntington  Barrows,  b.  Jan.  11,  1837 ;    d.  July  28.  1843. 

Charles  Mason  Barrotvs,  b.  March  11,  18.38.  Married  Sept.,  1864,  Adelaide  V. 
Marden  who  d.  Dec.  15.  1864. 

George  Boven  Ban-ows,  h.  May  11.  1840.  He  served  in  the  42d  Regiment,  Massa- 
chusetts Volunteers  in  the  Civil  War. 

Sarah  Lucretia  Barroivs,  b.  Jan.  29,  1843. 

126  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

225.  CHARLES  HUNTINGTON"  ABBEY,  son  of  Richard^  and  Dolly  (Ellis) 
Abbey,  born  in  New  York  State,  January  1,  1800;  died  in  Yazoo  City,  Miss., 
about  1815.  He  was  a  Drum-Major  in  the  War  of  1812  and  his  wife  was  a 
pensioner  of  that  war.  His  first  maiTiage  was  in  New  Orleans,  but  when  his 
son  by  that  marriage  was  nine  months  old,  he  removed  to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  where 
his  wife  died  two  years  later.  After  his  second  marriage  he  went  to  Texas, 
where  he  remained  until  his  son  Charles  was  about  fourteen.  He  then  started 
back  to  Ohio,  but  died  at  the  home  of  his  brother,  Richard.  He  resided  for  a 
time  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Married  (1)  in  New  Orleans,  La., ST.  CLAIR  of  Vicksbm-g,  Miss. 


449  Charles  Ellis  Abbey,  b.  April  25,  1829  ;    m.  Mahala  Jane  Vanfleet. 

Married  (2)  in  Hillsboro,  Oliio,  MARIA  SHORTS,  born  in  Pennsylvania,  June 
24,  1807;    died  in  Water  Valley,  Miss.,  about  1898,  aged  90. 


Sarah  Abbey,  m.  John  VanVlect  of  Newport,  Ky.     Son  :    Charles,  lives  at  Newport. 

450  Thomas  Benton  Abbey,  b.  Aug.,  1833;    m.   (1)  Ellen  Virginia  Broomall ;     (2)   Mrs. 

Kittle  Tabor. 
Mary  C.  Abbey,  b.  about  1842;    resides  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio;    not  m. 

451  Richard  John  Abbey  (twin),  b.  July  19,  1843;    m.  Margaret  M.  Jennings. 
John  Riehard  Abbey  (twin),  b.  July  19,  1843;   d.  in  infancy. 

226.  RICHARD"  ABBEY,  3D,  son  of  Richard^  jr.,  and  Dolly  (Ellis)  Abbey, 
born  November  16,  1805,  in  Genesee  County,  N.  Y.,  16  miles  west  of  the  present 
site  of  the  city  of  Rochester;  died  1891  in  Yazoo  City,  Miss.  His  early  life 
was  spent  in  Ncav  York,  Pennsylvania,  Illinois,  and  Missouri.  At  the  age  of 
15  he  w^as  mail  carrier  from  Jackson,  Mo.,  to  Golconda,  111.,  working  half  the 
year  to  defray  the  expenses  of  his  schooling  the  other  half.  At  19  he  went 
to  Natchez,  Miss.,  and  became  a  clerk  in  a  dry-goods  store,  of  wliich  he  soon 
became  partner  and  sole  manager.  In  1833  the  partner  died  and  after  a  few 
years  Mr.  Abbey  closed  out  the  business  and  went  to  Natchez,  where  he  pur- 
chased a  cotton  plantation.  Since  early  life  he  had  been  a  Methodist  and 
about  tliis  time  he  felt  impressed  with  a  call  to  preach.  He  was  for  some  years 
a  local  preacher  in  tlie  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  South  and  in  1856  joined 
the  Mississii^pi  Conference  and  was  appointed  agent  of  the  book  and  tract 
establishment  of  that  Church  in  Vicksburg.  From  1858  to  1862  he  was  financial 
secretary  of  tlie  Soutliern  M.  E.  Publishing  House  at  Nashville  and  sole  agent 
of  that  house  until  after  the  war.  In  1867  he  was  appointed  Presiding  Elder 
of  the  Jackson  District,  Mississippi  Conference.  The  last  four  years  of  his 
stay  at  Nashville,  by  his  courage  and  vigilance  he  prevented  the  confiscation  or 
destniction  by  the  government  or  the  army  of  the  property  of  the  Church  in 
that  city.  From  1872  to  1878  he  spent  much  of  his  time  in  Washington,  D.  C, 
prosecuting  a  claim  against  the  United  States  in  favor  of  tlie  M.  E.  Cliurch 
South.  In  1876  failing  health  compelled  him  to  retire  from  active  service  and 
to  be  put  tipon  the  supernumerary  list.  He  made  his  home  thereafter  in  Yazoo 
City,  Miss.  He  was  always  a  hard  and  industrious  student  and  is  the  author 
of  many  books  and  articles,  chiefly  of  a  doctrinal  or  scientific  nature.  Among 
his  best-known  works  are  the  following:  End  of  the  apostolic  succession;  Creed 
of  all  men;  Diuturnity;  Ecce  ecclesia,  a  reply  to  Ecce  homo;  City  of  God; 
The  Church  makers. 

Married  1831,  JULIA  BATES  of  Natchez,  who  died  in  1882. 

Mason  Ellis''  Auhey 

Mrs.  Harriet  K.  (Newland)  Abbey 

Rev.  Richard'^  Abbey,  D.D. 

Mrs.  Emma  V."  (Abbey)  Davis 

Richard  Newland^  Abbey 











Sixth  Generation  127 


452     Julia  Ahhey,  b.  July,  IS.'^O :    m.  Dr.  Augustin  Freeland  Magruder. 
Charles  Ahhcy,  d.  in  childhood. 

227.  MASON  ELLIS"  ABBEY,  son  of  Richard^  and  Dolly  (Ellis)  Abbey, 
born  in  Franklin,  Pa.,  July  4,  1812;  died  in  Atlanta,  Ga.,  February  20,  1892. 
He  was  baptized  June  19,  1846,  by  the  Reverend  W.  Carey  Crane. 

Married  (1) . 

Married  (2)  at  VanBuren,  Ark.,  April  1,  1850,  HARRIET  REBECCA 
NEWLAND,  born  in  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  November  18,  1824;  died  in  Atlanta,  Ga., 
April  23,  1899.  Slie  was  baptized  in  the  summer  of  1850  at  VanBuren  by  the 
Reverend  Mr.  Westbrook. 

Children  iy  first  wife 

Florence  Ahhey. 
Agries  Ahhey. 

Children  hy  second  wife 

453     Richard  Keicland  Ahhey,  b.  Sept.  20,  1852;    m.   (1)   Fannie  Dora  Snowden ;     (2) 
Myrtle  Beers. 

Kaie  Ahhcy,  b.  in  Louisville.  Ky.,  Jan.  8,  1855 :    d.  Aug.  4,  1855. 

Julia  Angusta  Ahhcy,  b.  in  Burlington,  Iowa,  March  26,  1857.  Resides  in  Atlanta, 
Ga.  Married  in  Atlanta,  Sept.  23,  1890,  Samuel  H.  Trainham,  b.  in  Virginia, 
Dec.  3,  1854.  Children,  b.  in  Atlanta  :  i.  Ruby,  b.  Dec.  13,  1891,  m.  in  Atlanta, 
July  10,  1915,  W,  F.  Winn,  jr. ;  ii  Ethel,  b.  July  21,  1893 ;  iii.  Floyd,  b.  March 
16,  1896,  m.  in  Athens,  Ga.,  April  9,  1916,  Marie  Patricia  Reviere. 

Emma  Verona  Ahhcy,  b.  in  Burlington.  Iowa,  Dec.  4,  1858;  resides  in  Atlanta. 
Married  there  March  22,  1888,  Dr.  Morgan  Asberry  Davis,  b.  in  Orangeburg, 
S.  C.  Children,  b.  in  Atlanta :  i.  Homer  Abbey,  b.  May  4,  1889,  m.  at  Fairburn, 
Ga.,  Oct.  3,  1912,  Mary  Irene  McCurry,  b.  in  Fairburn,  March  31,  1891,  has 
children,  Helen  McCui-ry,  b.  April  3,  1915,  and  Pearl  Virginia,  b.  July  6,  1916 ; 
ii.  Pearl  Verona,  b.  Aug.  3,  1892,  m.  in  Atlanta,  Oct.  2.3,  1912,  Ernest  Blair 
Durham,  b.  near  Adairsville,  Ga.,  Dec.  13,  1882.  Mrs.  Durham  d.  in  Atlanta, 
May  8,  1916,  after  a  long  illness. 

Ella  Cassandra  Ahhey,  b.  in  Memphis,  Tenn.,  Aug.  29,  1861 ;    resides  in  Atlanta. 
Married  there  Nov.  18,  1885,  John  Daniel  McMillan,  b.  in  Scotland,  Ga.,  Aug.  3, 
.    1860.     Children,  b.  in  Atlanta :    i.  Roy  Neal,  b.  Dec.  9,  1888,  law  student  and  in 
real  estate  business,  m.  in  Atlanta,  Oct.  21.  1914,  Elizabeth  Bayly,  daughter  of 
P.  J.  and  Emma    (  )   Bayly ;    ii.  May  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan.  12,  1890 ;    iii.  Ruth 

Miriam,  b.  Feb.  25.  1895  ;    iv.  John  Daniel,  jr.,  b.  June  24,  1898. 

Tirginia  Mendora  Ahhey,  b.  in  Choctaw  County,  Miss.,  June  19,  1863.  Resides  in 
Atlanta;  m.  there  Feb.  22,  1893,  Dr.  Basil  Monroe  Wooley,  b.  in  Marion, 
Ala.,  Sept.  28.  1834.  Children,  b.  in  Atlanta:  i.  Basil  Monroe,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  30, 
1893 ;    ii.  Marion  Nina,  b.  Feb.  17,  1897. 

William  Augustus  Ahhey,  b.  in  Choctaw  County,  March  5,  1865 ;  d.  at  Sardis, 
Miss.,  Aug.  9,  1872. 

Theodore  Howell  Ahhcy,  b.  at  Water  Valley,  Miss.,  Aug.  1,  1867.  Married  in 
Atlanta,  Feb.  26,  1889,  Jessie  May  Harris,  b.  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  Jan.  12,  1867, 
daughter  of  Asa  L.  and  Julia  E.  (  )  Harris.     She  resides  in  Atlanta  with  her 

children.  Children,  all  but  third  b.  in  Atlanta :  i.  Lucile  Harris,  b.  Jan.  29, 
1891 ;  ii.  Theodore  Harris,  b.  Feb.  3,  1897 ;  iii.  Guy  Harris,  b.  at  Barnes\alle, 
Ga.,  July  10.  1900,  d.  at  Gainesville,  Ga.,  June  9,  1901 ;  Leonard  Broughton, 
b.  Nov.  29,  1902. 

228.  SAMUEL  MANNING"  WELCH,  son  of  Eleazer^  and  Alathea  (Manning) 
Welch,  born  September  17,  1791;  died  March  3,  1823.  Lived  at  Windham, 

Married  February  11,  1817,  LUCIA  CAREY,  born  June  16,  1795 ;  died  August 
5,  1877.  She  man-ied  (2)  William  Russell  of  Albany.  Her  sous  removed  to 
Albany  with  her  but  went  to  Buffalo  after  a  short  time. 

128  "  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Children,  horn  in  Windham 

Thomas  Gary  Welch,  b.  Oct.  11,  1819;  d.  in  Liverpool,  England,  June  13,  1864. 
He  removed  to  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  before  1840.  Married  July  10,  1850,  Maria  Allen 
Mead,  b.  in  Gorbam,  Maine,  June  23,  1828.  Children:  i.  Samuel  Manning, 
b  May  1  1852,  lives  in  Buffalo ;  ii.  Jane  Mead,  b.  March  11,  1854,  lives  in  New 
York  City  ;  iii.  Walter,  b.  1858,  d.  1861 ;  iv.  Wilfred,  b.  Oct.  19,  1861,  d.  1870 ; 
V.  Thomas  Gary,  b.  Oct.  16,  1864,  lawyer  in  Buffalo,  m.  Dec.  26,  1892,  Jane 
Augusta  Baker,  has  children,  Jane  Mackay,  b.  Oct.  8,  1893,  d.  Nov.  7,  1896, 
Stuart  Cary,  b.  Aug.  8,  1895,  and  Elizabeth  Alden,  b.  July  6,  1899. 

William  Wallace  Welch,  b.  Sept.  21,  1821;  physician;  was  Uving  in  Galesburg, 
111.,  in  1900. 

Samuel  Manning  Welch,  b.  Oct.  12,  1823 ;  d.  in  Buffalo,  Nov.  12,  1902 ;  m.  1853, 
Elizabeth  Deschler  of  Columbus,   Ohio.     Children :    i.  Deschler,   of  Buffalo ;    ii. 

(daughter),  m.  Lucien  Wild  of  Baltimore;    iii.  Elizabeth  D.,  m.  Whiting 

of  Buffalo ;    iv.  Emily  E.,  m.  Copeland  of  Switzerland. 

229.  SYLVESTER*'  WELCH,  sou  of  AshbeP  and  Margaret  (Dorrance) 
Welch,  born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  January  11,  1798;  died  near  Frankfort,  Ky., 
December  6,  1852. 

Married  (1)  at  Indiana,  Pa.,  November  23,  1831,  SARAH  G.  STANNARD, 
died  February  21,  1838. 

Married  (2)  MRS.  ARABELLA  (SCOTT)  DAVIS  of  Kentucky. 

Children  by  first  wife 

Ashhel  Welch,  m.  Nov.  1,  1855,  Priscilla  Adams.     Children  :    i.  Mary,  m.  William 

Handy  about  1880 ;   ii.  Daniel ;   iii.  William  ;    iv.  ,  d.  in  infancy. 

Sarah  Welch,  d.  in  infancy. 

Children  iy  second  wife 
Mary  Dudley  Welch,  b.  July,  1839 ;  m.  1859,  Edward  Hensley.   Children  :    i 

d.  in  infancy ;    ii.  Alexander  Crittenden,   an  Episcopal  clergyman,   not  m. ;    in. 

Arabella  Welch,  b.  1864,  m.  Oct.,  1886,  Lieutenant  Charles  Elwood  Colohan  of 

the  U.  S.  Navy,  who  d.  March  12,  1904,  was  buried  at  Annapolis,  had  one  son, 

Charles  Elwood,  jr. ;    iv.  Edward  Alfred,  physician,  not  m. 
Louisa  Welch,  lived  at  Frankfort,  Ky. ;    m.  Leopold  Lebrot,  who  d.  Feb.  2,  1911. 

Children  :  i.  Sylvester,  m.  and  lives  in  New  Orleans ;    ii.  Irma,  m.  in  Frankfort, 

Ky.,  in  1911. 
Elizabeth   Sharp   Welch,  b.   Dec.   14,   1843;    m.   Torbert   Coryell   of  Lambertville, 

N.  J.     No  children. 
Sylvester  Welch,  jr.,  m.  Nellie  Smith.     No  children. 
Arabella  Welch,   m.  Edward  Bryan  of  Frankfort,   Ky.,  Louisville,    St.  Louis,   and 

Yonkers,  N.  Y.     He  d.  at  San  Juan,  Porto  Rico,  Jan.  23,  1910,  aged  64  years. 

Children  :    i.  John,  not  m. ;    ii.  Scott,  b.  1877,  lives  in  New  Orleans,  m.  June  15, 

1904,  Susan  Camp  Nickerson  of  St.  Louis,  has  two  daughters ;    iii.  Edward,  lives 

near  Bound   Brook,   N.   J.,   m.   in  1901,   Eliza  ;     iv.   Ashbel   Welch;     v. 

Sylvester,  b.  1887,  m.  June  16,  1907,  Alice  Beatrice  O'Brien,  daughter  of  John  T. 

O'Brien  of  New  York,  b.  1889,  has  two  children. 

230.  ASHBEL"  WELCH,  son  of  AshbeP  and  Margaret  (Dorrance)  Welch, 
born  December  4,  1809,  in  Nelson,  Madison  County,  N.  Y.;  died  September  25, 
1882,  at  Lambertville,  N.  J.  He  was  a  civil  engineer,  and,  at  one  time,  presi- 
dent of  the  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers.  He  was  chief  engineer  of 
the  Delaware  and  Raritan  Canal  for  nearly  forty  years.  In  1865  he  devised 
for  the  New  York  and  Philadelphia  Railroad  a  syste/u  of  safety  signaling  that 
developed  into  the  present  block  system.  He  became  president  of  the  United 
Railroads  and  Canals  of  New  Jersey  in  1867  and,  after  the  system  was  acquired 
by  the  Pennsylvania  Railroad  in  1871,  he  Avas  consulting  engineer  for  various 

Sixth  Generation  129 

Married  October  25,  1834,  MARY  HANNAH  SEABROOK,  born  December  17, 
1813,  in  Amwell  ToAvnship,  Hunterdon  County,  N.  J.;  died  April  1,  1874. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  James  and  Merriam  (Lambert)   Seabrook. 

Children,  born  at  Lambertville,  N.  J. 

(Son),  b.  and  d.  Oct.  28,  1835. 

Margaret  (1)  Welch,  b.  March  8,  1837;   d.  May  1,  1838. 
454     Caroline  Corson  Welch,  b.  Nov.  23,  1840 ;    m.  William  Corwin. 

Mary  Merriam  Welch,  b.  Dec.  3,  1843 ;   is  not  m. 

Elizaleih  Seabrook  Welch,  b.  May  23,  1846;  d.  April  8,  1879;  m.  May  12,  1875, 
Rev.  RosweU  Randall  Hoes,  now  of  the  U.  S.  Navy.  Children:  i.  Isabel  Dor- 
rance,  b.  June  3,  1876 ;    ii.  Jobn  Paul,  b.  March  7,  1879. 

Margaret  (2)   Welch,  b.  Sept.  21,  1851 ;    d.  Dec.  30,  1853. 

Ashicl  Welch,  b.  Feb.  5,  1854.  General  manager  of  the  Philadelphia  Belt  Line 
Railroad,  Uves  in  Germantown,  Pa.  Married  Jan.  1,  1878,  Emma  Deha  Finney, 
b.  May  27,  1855,  at  Middlebush,  Somerset  County,  N.  J.,  daughter  of  John  and 
Ebza  Boice  (Coriell)  Finney.  Mrs.  Welch  collected  all  the  records  of  this 
branch  of  the  family.  Child  :  Ashbel  Russell,  b.  July  17,  1879,  in  Lambertville, 
was  graduated  from  Yale,  1901 ;  is  in  insurance  business  in  New  York  City 
and  resides  in  Westfield,  N.  J. ;  m.  in  Brooklyn,  April  7,  1906,  Hedebnd  Elsa 
Beck,  daughter  of  Captain  Louis  Constantine  and  Caroline  Storrs  (Hopkins) 
Beck,  b.  in  Stuttgart,  Germany,  Jan.  22,  1882  ;  has  a  child,  Hedebnd  EUzabeth, 
b.  in  Howarth,  N.  J.,  Dec.  21,  1909. 

William  Welch,  b.  Nov.  20,  1860.  Married  Marie  Lair,  b.  Aug.  6,  1869 ;  d.  Feb.  12, 
1897.  Child ;  Victoria  Oh\da,  b.  Dec.  29,  1888,  m.  at  Tacoma,  Wash.,  Sept.  16, 
1913,  Charles  Adelbert  Gibhn. 

231.  ARCHIBALD''  WELCH,  son  of  Moses  Cook^  and  Charissa  (Ashley) 
Welch,  born  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  March  13,  1794;  was  killed  in  a  railway 
disaster  at  Norwalk,  May,  1853.  Physician  at  Mansfield  for  twenty  years, 
later  in  Wethersfield  and  Hartford.     He  was  a  Yale  graduate. 

Married  March  16,  1818,  CYNTHIA  HYDE,  daughter  of  Daniel  Hyde  of 
Lebanon,  Conn.     She  died  March  6,  1853. 


Mary  Throop  Welch,  b.  April,  1819 ;    d.  1852. 

Henry  Kirk  White  Welch,  b.  in  Hartford,  Jan.  1,  1821 ;  d.  there  Nov.  or  Dec.  25, 
1870.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Yale  in  1842  and  practiced  law  in  Hartford. 
Married  (1)  1852,  Fanny  Goodrich,  daughter  of  Professor  Chauncey  A.  Goodrich 
of  Yale  and  widow  of  Bernard  Williams  of  Hartford.  She  d.  in  1855.  He  m.  (2) 
Susan  Goodwin  of  Hartford,  by  whom  he  had  four  sons.  Children :  i.  Archi- 
bald A.,  hfe  insurance  actuary  in  Hartford ;  ii.  Lewis  S.,  b.  July  9,  1867,  editor 
and  publisher  of  the  Yale  Alumni  Weekly  in  New  Haven,  in  1901. 

Charissa  Ashley  Welch,  b.  June,  1825.    Married  Rev.  Ebsha  W.  Cook. 

Moses  Cook  Welch,  b.  Sept.,  1827,  d.  Sept.  6,  1899.  He  was  a  minister  and  a 
graduate  of  Yale. 

Archibald  Welch,  jr.,  b.  Sept.,  1829;  d.  in  Morristown,  N.  J.,  April  7,  1898. 
Merchant  in  New  York  City.  Married  about  1870,  Sarah  D.  Coit  (widow  of 
Borrows)  who  d.  1893. 

232.  EUNICE"  ABBE,  daughter  of  Isaac^  and  Eunice  (Church)  Abbe,  born 
April  12,  1755,  probably  in  North  Windham,  Conn. 

Married  in  Windham,  November  21,  1775  (as  his  second  wife),  JONAH 
LINCOLN,  a  doctor,  of  Windham,  Conn.  He  is  found  in  the  1800  Census  of 
Windham,  with  11  persons  in  his  family. 

Children,  recorded  in  Windham 

Asena  Lincoln,  b.  March  23,  1778. 
Pamela  Lincoln,  b.  Sept.  4,  1782. 
455     Hannah  Lincoln,  b.  June  17.  1786;    m.  Israel  Gates. 
Phele  Lincoln,  b.  Sept.  20,  1793. 


130  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

233.  ANNAo  ABBE,  daughter  of  Isaac^  and  Eunice  (Church)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  March  14,  1757. 

Married  (1)  in  Windham,  September  20,  1775,  JEREMIAH  LINCOLN,  born 
in  Windham,  November  14,  1751,  son  of  Tliomas  and  Prudence  (Lamphear) 
Lincoln;   died  Ajjril  30,  1794,  in  Windham. 

Anna  Abbe  married  (2)  in  Windham,  March,  1796,  MITCHELL  RICHARDS. 

Children  hy  first  husband,  born  in  Wifidham 

Stephen  Lincoln,  b.  March  4,  1777 ;    m.  in  Windham,  March  3,  1804,  Polly  Abbee 

.     Children,  b.  in  Windham :    i.  Prudence,  b.  Oct.  13,  1805 ;    ii.  Isaac,  b. 

June  19,  1807 ;    iii.  SaUy ;   iv.  Samuel,  b.  April  26,  1812. 

Irena  Lincoln,  b.  April  5,  1779. 

Isaac  Lincoln,  b.  Dec.  13,  1781. 

Nancy  Lincoln,  b.  March  18,  1785. 

Jeremiah  Lincoln,  b.  March  18,  1789. 

,  infant  of  Jeremiah  Linkon,  d.  July,  1792  (Windham  Knell). 

Child  by  second  husband 
Lucy  Richards,  b.  in  Windham,  Aug.  21,  1796. 

234.  ABNER6  ABBE,  son  of  Isaac^  and  Eunice  (Church)  Abbe,  born  Novem- 
ber 5,  1758,  in  North  Windham,  Conn.;  died  December  13,  1803,  in  Granby, 
Mass.  He  served  during  the  Revolution  in  Captain  Nathaniel  Wales'  Company 
from  Windham,  Conn.,  August  22  to  October  22,  1777,  a  militia  regiment.  He 
resided  in  Stafford,  Conn.,  1785-6;  bought  land  in  Wilbraham,  Mass.,  1786; 
in  Longmeadow,  1790;  in  Granby,  November  28,  1796.  In  1800  he  was  recorded 
in  the  Census  of  Granby,  1  male  and  1  female  over  45,  1  female  between  26 
and  45,  1  male  between  16  and  26,  2  males  and  1  female  between  10  and  16,  2 
males  and  2  females  under  10,  comprising  his  family.  His  will  made  November 
7,  1803,  was  probated  December  27,  1803,  in  Northampton,  Mass. 

Married  at  Springfield,  Mass.  (intention),  November  9,  1782,  SARAH  SWET- 
LAND  of  Springfield,  born  August  22,  1762,  daughter  of  John,  jr.,  and  Abi 
(Deming)  Swetland  of  Hartford,  Conn.  She  moved  to  Conneant,  Ohio,  after 
her  husband's  death  and  probably  took  the  last  five  children  with  her.  She 
married  (2)  before  May  12,  1815,  Solomon  Wright  of  New  Salem,  Ashtabula 
County,  Ohio,  as  proved  by  a  deed  by  which  she  sold  her  share  of  the  property 
to  Amos  Abbe. 

Children  (first  five  born  in  Longmeadow,  last  four  in  Granby,  Mass.) 

456  Amos  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  2,  1783;   m.  Patty  Abbe. 

457  Abner  Abbe,  jr.,  h.  Aug.  31,  1785 ;    m.   (1)   Sibyl  Brown ;    (2)   Lucy  Robbing. 

458  John  Sivetland  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  2,  1787;    m.  Mrs.  Electa   (Chapin)   Warner. 

459  Sarah  Abbe,  h.  April  14,  1790;    m.  Horace  Hendrick. 

460  Shubael  Abbe,  b.  June  17,  1793 ;    m.  Sarah  Sanford. 
Adolphus  Abbe,  mentioned  in  his  father's  wiU,  next  to  Shubael. 
Polly  Abbe,  b.  March  10,  1797. 

Betsey  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  18,  1799.     Either  Betsey  or  Polly  went  west  with  her  mother 

and  m.  Thayer  but  had  no  children. 

Da7iiel  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  8,  1801. 

461  Perley  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  8,  1803 ;    m.  Thankful  Clark. 

235.  NATHANIEL"  ABBE,  son  of  Isaac^  and  Eunice  (Church)  Abbe,  born 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  July  13,  1765.  He  was  perliaps  living  in  Windham  in 
1790,  when,  by  the  Census,  he  had  1  male  over  21  and  6  females  in  the  family. 

Probably  this  Nathaniel  Abbe  married  TABITHA  HAZEN,  eighth  child  of 
John  Hazen,  who  was  born  in  Hamburg,  Conn.,  1737-8,  and  his  wife,  Annie 
Landon.    Jolm  Hazen  settled  later  in  Orange  County,  N.  Y.,  near  Westtown. 

Sixth  Generation  131 


Polly  Ahhe,  was  last  heard  from  about  1859 ;    m.  Mathis  Moss.    Had  a  son  John, 

who  was  living  in  1864,  and  other  children. 
Ainer  Ahhc,  m.  and  had  children:    Orin  ;    Amanda;    Lucinda. 
Airaham  Ahhe. 

Amasa  Ahhe  (or  Amzi),  m.  and  had  children:   Benjamin,  and  two  daughters. 
462     Joseph  Ahhc,  h.  May  7,  n9Q;    m. Knight;    (2)   Sarah  Mulford. 

236.  JOHN"  MCCLELLAN,  son  of  General  Samuel  and  Rachel^  (Abbe) 
MeClellan,  born  in  Woodstock,  Conn.,  January  4,  1767;  died  in  Woodstock, 
August  1,  1858.  He  was  prepared  for  college  under  Reverend  Eliplialet  Lyman, 
entered  Yale  in  1781  and  received  his  first  degree  in  1785;  studied  law  in 
Norwich,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  of  Windham  County,  August,  1787,  and  took 
up  his  practice  in  Woodstock.  During  a  period  of  some  twenty  years  he  was, 
with  some  intervals  of  retirement,  a  member  of  the  Connecticut  legislature, 
and  wielded  a  commanding  influence  in  debate  by  his  animation,  perfect  good 
temper  and  brief  speeches,  often  seasoned  by  a  vein  of  humor  and  anecdote. 
He  was  influential  in  the  town  and  county  in  both  secular  and  religious  affairs; 
was,  with  liis  father,  brother  James  and  others,  instrumental  in  the  establish- 
ment of  Woodstock  Academy  in  1802;  acted  as  selectman,  director  in  Windham 
County  Fire  Insurance  Company;  was  Brigade-Major  in  the  militia.  He  was 
once  Presidential  elector  and  a  member  of  the  Constitutional  Convention  in  1818. 
Mr.  McClellan  was  a  most  perfect  example  of  the  Christian  gentleman  of  the 
old  school,  with  whom  politeness  was  both  a  sentiment  and  a  habit.  His 
family  of  10  persons  with  1  slave  is  recorded  in  the  1800  Census  at  Woodstock. 
In  1850  he  was  on  the  Census  lists,  wife  probably  dead  and  sons  John  and 
Joseph  living  at  home.  He  was  disabled  by  a  paralytic  stroke  in  1849,  and 
spent  his  last  years  in  helplessness.  He  was  the  last  survivor  of  his  class  at 
Yale  and  had  outlived  all  graduates  of  earlier  classes. 

Married  in  Lebanon,  November  22,  1796,  FAITH  WILLIAMS,  born  in  Lebanon, 
Conn.,  daughter  of  William  and  Mary  (Trumbull)  Williams.  William  Williams 
was  a  Harvard  gi-aduate.  Commander  of  a  Revolutionary  regiment,  member  of 
the  Continental  Congress  and  Signer  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence.  Faith 
Williams  was  gi-anddaughter  of  the  first  Governor  Trumbull  and  through  his 
wife  was  descended  from  John  and  Priscilla  (Mullins)  Alden. 

Children,  lorn  wi  Woodstock 

463  Many  Trwnhiill  McClellan,  b.  Jan.  31,  1800 ;    m.  Isaac  Webb. 

464  Faith  WiUia?ns  McClellan,  b.  April  27,  1804 ;    m.  Rufus  Smith  Mathewson. 
Sarah  Isabella  McClellan,  b.  April  8.  1807;    d.  in   New  Haven,  April  23,   1875. 

Married  (1)  in  Woodstock,  May  19,  1842,  Isaac  Webb  of  Middletown  ;  (2)  in 
Woodstock,  Sept.  17,  18.51,  as  his  second  wife,  Benjamin  Silliman,  youngest  child 
of  General  Gold  Sclleck  Silliman,  Yale  1752,  and  Mary  (Fish)  Noyes,  was  b.  in 
North  Stratford,  Conn,  (now  Trumbull),  Aug.  8,  1779;  d.  in  New  Haven, 
Nov.  24,  1864.  He  was  b.  while  his  father  was  a  prisoner  with  the  British 
forces  and  his  mother  had  left  the  family  home  in  Fairfield  for  a  temporary 
place  of  safety.  He  was  graduated  from  Yale  in  1796  and  studied  law.  He 
became  a  tutor  in  Yale  and  in  1802  was  appointed  Professor  of  Chemistry  and 
Natural  History.  He  m.  (1)  in  Lebanon,  Sept.  17,  1809,  Harriet  Trumbull, 
daughter  of  Governor  Jonathan  and  Eunice  (Backus)  Trumbull,  who  d.  Jan.  18, 
1850.  By  this  first  marriage  he  had  five  daughters  and  four  sons.  One  of  the 
sons  was  graduated  at  Yale  and  succeeded  his  father  in  the  instruction  in 
Chemistry  in  the  Academic  Department  and  in  his  professorship  in  the  Medical 
School.  Professor  Silliman  wielded  a  wide  influence  as  an  instructor  in  natural 
science,  both  in  the  college  and  by  means  of  popular  lectures  outside  of  New 
Haven.  His  many  published  works  include  scientific  treatises  and  text  books, 
books  of  travel  and  biographies. 
Jane  Calhoun  McClellan,  b.  Sept.  16,  1809.  Married  in  Woodstock,  Dec.  2,  1849, 
Jonathan  Weaver  of  the  Island  of  Cuba.    Resided  in  Danielson. 

132  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

465     John  McClellan,  jr.,  b.  Aug.  31,  1812 ;    m.  Olive  Anna  Child. 

Joseph  McClellan,  b.  July  8,  1814 ;   d.  April  7,  1904 ;    not  m.    He  was  a  farmer  and 
lived  with  his  father  in  Woodstock  in  1850. 

237.     ANNA    (NANCY) ^   MCCLELLAN,   daughter   of   Samuel   and   RacheP 
(Abbe)  McClellan,  bom  May  7,  1768.     They  settled  in  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Married  JOHN  LOVETT,  who  died  in  1808.     He  was  on  General  's 


Nancy  Lovett,  d.  in  Albany. 
Lucretia  Lovett,  d.  in  Albany. 
John  Erskine  Lovett. 
John  Jay  Lovett. 
Caroline  Lovett. 
Mary  Lovett  (twin). 
Angelica  Lovett  (twin). 
Alexander  Hamilton  Lovett. 

238.  JAMES«  MC  CLELLAN,  son  of  Samuel  and  Rachel^  (Abbe)  McClellan, 
born  in  Woodstock,  Conn.,  September  20,  1769;  died  at  Woodstock,  1837.  He 
was  a  farmer  in  Woodstock,  and  was  identified  with  many  of  the  town's  inter- 
ests. In  1821  he  was  secretary  of  the  Windham  County  Agricultural  Society. 
In  1802  he  was  with  his  father,  brother  John,  and  others,  one  of  those  who 
were  instrumental  in  establishing  the  Woodstock  Academy.  His  family  of  ten 
persons,  with  one  slave,  is  recorded  in  the  1810  Census  of  Woodstock. 

Married  (1)  in  Brooklyn,  Conn.,  February  25,  1796,  EUNICE  ELDREDGIE 
of  Brooklyn,  who  died  November  22,  1804.  She  was  the  daugliter  of  Captain 
James  and  Lucy  (Gallup)  Eldredge  of  Brooklyn,  Conn. 

Married  (2)  December  8,  1805,  NANCY  ELDREDGE,  sister  of  Eunice. 

Children  hy  first  wife,  horn  in  Woodstock 

466  George  McClellan,  b.  Dec.  22,  1796 ;   m.  Elizabeth  Brinton. 

Lucy  McClellan,  b.  May  14,  1798 ;    d.  at  East  Greenwich,  Conn. ;    not  m. 

467  Samuel  McClellan,  b.  Sept.  21,  1800 ;   m.  Margaret  Carswell  Ely. 

Nancy  McClellan,  b.  Dec.  26,  1803;    d.  about  1900.     Married  in  Brooklyn,  Conn., 
Oct.  27,  1831,  John  Grigg  of  Philadelphia,  a  publisher.    Children  :    i.  John,  unm. ; 

ii.  Nancy ;    iii.  Fanny,  m.  Lent  of  the  United  States  Army ;    iv.  Emily, 

m. Fry  and  had  a  daughter  who  m.  an  Italian  marquis. 

Children  hy  second  wife,  recorded  in  Woodstock 

James  Eldridge  McClellan,  b.  Aug.  14,  1806. 
Mary  Lucretia  McClellan,  b.  probably  about  1809. 
Marion  Louisa  McClellan,  b.  Aug.  23,  1819. 

239.  MARY  LUCRETIA"  (or  LUCRETIA  MARY)  MC  CLELLAN,  daughter 
of  Samuel  and  RacheP  (Abbe)  McClellan,  born  in  Woodstock,  Conn.,  May  15, 
1773;    died  in  Norwich,  November  5,  1819. 

Married  in  Woodstock,  October  7,  1795,  EBENEZER  HUNTINGTON,  born 
December  26,  1754,  in  Norwich,  Conn.;  died  June  17,  1834.  He  was  son  of 
Jabez  and  Hannah  (Williams)  Huntington.  He  was  graduated  from  Yale  in 
1775;  joined  the  army  as  a  volunteer  the  same  year,  was  rapidly  promoted 
through  various  offices  rintil  1799,  when  he  was,  at  the  recommendation  of 
Washington,  appointed  a  Brigadier-General  in  the  army  raised  by  Congress  in 
expectation  of  a  war  with  France.    He  was  present  at  the  surrender  of  Corn- 

Sixth  Generation  133 

wallis,  and  was  one  of  the  most  efficient  officers  in  the  army.  He  was  twice 
elected  to  Congress  from  Connecticut,  1810-11  and  1817-19.  His  home  was  in 
Norwich,  Conn.,  where  he  was  engaged  in  mercantile  business.  He  married  (1) 
December  10,  1791,  Sarah  Isham  of  Colchester,  by  whom  he  had  a  son,  Alfred 


Children,  recorded  in  Norwich 

Wolcott  Euntingion,  b.  Aug.  20,  1796;  d.  in  Norwich,  March  2G,  1861.  Married 
May,  1837,  June  E.  Watkins  of  Middletown,  Conn.,  who  resided  in  Middletown 
after  his  death.  No  children.  He  was  engaged  in  mercantile  and  later,  insurance 

Louisa  Mary  Huntington,  b.  Feb.  20,  1798 ;    d.  1877 ;    not  m. 

George  Washington  Huntington,  b.  Nov.  22,  1799 ;  d.  1870.  He  was  a  merchant  in 
New  Orleans  ;    probably  never  m. 

Emily  Huntington,  b.  Aug.  6,  1801 ;   d.  Dec.  26,  1871 ;   not  m. 

Nancy  L.  Huntington,  b.  April  6,  1803 ;   d.  1878. 

Walter  B.  Huntington,  b.  Nov.  11,  1804 ;    merchant  in  New  Orleans ;    d.  unm. 

Sarah  Isham  Huntington,  b.  May  1,  1806 ;    d.  1885 ;    not  m. 

Elisabeth  Mary  Huntington,  b.  Aug.  24,  1808;  d.  July  17,  1845,  in  New  Orleans. 
Married  in  Norwich,  Nov.  19,  1839,  Gabriel  W.  Denton  of  New  Orleans. 

Maria  H.  Hutitington,  b.  Dec.  13,  1810.  Married  in  Norwich,  Oct.  5,  1837,  George 
Perkins,  a  lawyer  of  Norwich,  Conn.  Children :  i.  Sarah  Huntington,  b.  in 
Norwich,  Feb.  11,  1839,  d.  unm.;  ii.  EUzabeth  Denton,  b.  in  Norwich,  May  7, 

240.  NATHANIELS  MC  CLELLAN,  son  of  Samuel  and  RacheP  (Abbe) 
McClellau,  born  in  Woodstock,  Conn.,  Januaiy  16,  1777(?);  died  in  Norwich, 
Conn.,  September  15,  1863,  aged  87,  buried  in  Woodstock. 

Married  (1)  in  Woodstock,  March  22,  1808,  GRACE  MALBONE  of  Pomfret, 
who  died  May  23,  1813,  in  Woodstock. 

Married  (2)  September  15,  1815,  OLIVE  M.  PERKINS,  born  March  13,  1786, 
in  Plainfield,  Conn.,  daiighter  of  Elisha  and  Sarah  (Douglass)  Perkins.  She 
died  August  1,  1870,  buried  in  Woodstock. 

Children  by  first  icife 

Edward  Ingersoll  McClellan,  b.  in  Woodstock,  Feb.  12,  1809 (?) 
Rachel  Abbe  McClellan,  b.  in  Woodstock,  Dec.  30,  1810. 

Child  by  second  wife 

Grace  Malbone  McClellan,  b.  Sept.  20,  1820 ;   d.  unm.  in  1899,  buried  in  Woodstock. 
She  resided  in  Norwich. 

241.  JUDAH  ALDEN6  MC  CLELLAN,  son  of  Samuel  and  RacheP  (Abbe) 
McClellan,  born  May  25,  1780.  Graduate  of  Brown  University;  settled  in 
Canaan,  now  Bloomfield,  Maine,  1803.  He  was  County  Attorney  1824-1834; 
representative  to  Massachusetts  Legislature  1815,  county  treasiirer  for  six  years. 
A  granddaughter,  Caroline,  was  living  in  Darien,  Conn.,  in  1907. 

Helen  McClellan,  d.  young. 
Samuel  McClellan,  lawyer  in  Dexter,  Maine.     He  was  graduated  at  WaterviUe  in 

E7nily  McClellan,  b.  1813 ;    d.  1837. 

William  McClellan,  b.  1816 ;    m.  and  had  a  son  in  Colorado. 
Edicard  McClellan,  b.  1818. 
Henry  McClellan,  b.  1820.     He  was  graduated  at  Water\ille,  1842,  and  became  a 

merchant  in  New  York  City. 
John  McClellan,  b.  1822. 
Abby  McClellan,  b.  1824. 

134  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

242.  GURDON«  HEBARD  (or  HIBBARD),  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Mary^ 
(Abbe)  Hibbard,  bom  in  Windham,  Conn.,  October  29,  1770;  died  at  Bozrah- 
ville,  Conn.  Resided  in  Norwich  after  about  1800.  In  the  Norwich  Vital  Records 
the  name  is  first  spelled  Hibard,  later  Hibbard,  and  finally  Hebard  and  Hebbard. 

Married  in  Windham,  November  27,  1796,  IRENE  FRINK,  who  died  December 
11,  1856. 

Children,  first  born  in  Windham,  others  in  Norwich,  Conn. 

Andretv  Hehard,  b.  Dec.  30,  1797.  He  was  engineer  of  the  steamboat  Fulton, 
between  Norwich  and  New  York,  and  is  said  to  have  run  the  first  steamboat  up 
the  Connecticut  River.    Died  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.     Married   (1)  Eliza  Hodge;     (2) 

Sarah  Hodge.      Children   by  first   wife :    i.   Andrew   F.,   d.   ;     ii.    George 

Frederick,  b.  1826,  resided  in  Buffalo,  m.  1857,  Susan  M.  Gillespie  and  had  a 
son  Robert  H.,  b.  1847;  iii.  John  H.,  b.  1828,  resided  in  Buffalo,  m.  Maria  J. 
Crego  and  had  a  son  Andrew  E.,  b.  1854.  Children  by  second  wife :  i.  Ebza  A., 
d.  young ;    ii.  Andrew  G.,  d.  young. 

John  Hebard,  b.  Feb.  6,  1801.  Resided  in  Norwich  and  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
carriage  maker  and  engineer.  Married  in  Norwich,  June  17,  1834,  Mrs.  Jane 
Hopkins  of  Norwich,  "Captain  John  Hebard  of  Buffalo."  Child :  George  L., 
b.  1841,  d.  Sept.  1859. 

Mary  Abbe  Hebard,  b.  June  2,  1803 ;   d.  unm. 

Oliver  Edwin  Hebard,  b.  April  14,  1805.  He  was  a  carriage  maker  and  engineer 
and  was  supposed  to  have  been  lost  at  sea,  as,  in  1859,  no  news  of  him  had  been 
heard  for  nine  years.  Married  in  Norwich,  Nov.  14,  1826,  Abby  Smith  of 
Norwich.  Lived  in  Norwich.  Children,  Mary  Lucretia,  b.  1829,  and  two 
daughters  who  d.  young. 

Lydia  Hebard,  b.  May  19,  1808.  Married  in  Norwich,  April  24,  1833,  Leander  Gris- 
wold.    Lived  in  Norwich. 

George  Hebard,  b.  March  2,  1810 ;  m.  and  lived  in  Norwich.  Child :  Mary 

Fanny  Irena  Hebard,  b.  April  21,  1812 ;    m.  D.  B.  Miner ;    resided  in  Norwich. 

Harriet  Lee  Hebard,  b.  May  20,  1815;  m.  in  Norwich,  April  14,  1842,  Edward 
Breed  of  Norwich. 

243.  AUGUSTUS^  HEBARD  (or  HIBBARD),  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Mary^ 
(Abbe)  Hibbard,  born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  February  1,  1772;  died  September, 
1841.     Resided  in  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Married  March  19, 1796,  BATHSHEBA  LEARNED,  who  died  January  18, 1855. 


Charles  Hebard,  b.  in  Windham,  Dec.  18,  1796.    He  removed  to  Owensborough,  Ky., 
where    he   m.   twice.      Children    by   first   wife :     i.    Harriet ;     ii.    BushneU ;     iii. 
Learned  ;    iv.  Charles. 
468     Learned  Hebard,  b.  April  24,  1799 ;    m.  Persis  Elizabeth  Strong. 

Eliza  Hebard,  b.  March  31,  1801. 

George  Hebard,  b.  in  Windham,  July  28,  1803 ;  m.  Jan.  2,  1831,  Hannah  or 
Harriet  Young.  Children,  b.  in  Norwich:  i.  Alfred  Y.,  b.  Dec.  15,  18.32,  m. 
Feb.,  1856,  Jane  Young,  had  a  daughter,  Harriet,  b.  March  29,  1857 ;    ii.  George 

S.,  b.  Oct.  25,  1834,  m.  Congdon  of  Norwich  and  had  a  son,  Prank  H., 

b.  Feb.  18,  1857 ;    iii.  Henry,  b.  Sept.  24,  1836 ;    iv.  Ann  Eliza,  b.  Oct.  25,  1837 ; 
V.  Horace  S.,  b.  Dec.  31,  1839 ;    vi.  Harriet,  b.  Nov.  28,  1841. 

Abby  Hebard,  b.  Feb.  15,  1807. 

Alfred  Hebard,  b.  in  Windham,  May  10,  1810 ;  lived  in  Kansas  in  1848 ;  m.  May, 
1841,  Anna  Huntington.  Children :  i.  Augustus  H.,  b.  Jan.  23,  1842 ;  ii.  Ade- 
laide L.,  b.  May  21,  1844;  iii.  Mary  S.,  b.  June  3,  1847  ;  iv.  Anna  M.,  b.  Jan.  9, 

Shubael  Hebard,  b.  in  Windham,  Aug.  2,  1812 ;  resided  in  Iowa  in  1856 ;  m. 
May  12,  1840,  Martha  L.  Pettis.  Cliildren,  younger  ones  b.  in  Iowa  :  i.  Edward 
A.,  b.  July  9,  1841 ;  ii.  Frederick,  b.  Nov.  8,  1842,  d.  Aug.  15,  1843 ;  iii.  James, 
b.  Feb.  17,  1845 ;  iv.  Mary,  b.  May  14,  1848 ;  v.  EUzabeth  L.,  b.  Nov.  2,  1850 ; 
vi.  Sarah  M. ;    vii.  Charles,  b.  Jan.  4,  18.58. 

Mary  Hebard,  b.  July  25,  1818 ;    m.  William  Gaside  of  Iowa. 

Sixth  Generation  135 

244.  NATHANIEL^  HEBARD  (or  HIBBARD),  JR.,  son  of  Nathaniel  and 
Mary^  (Abbe)  Hibbard,  born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  July  15,  1781.  Resided  in 

Married  SUSAN  P.  CONGDON  of  Nan-agansett,  R.  I. 

Children,  horn  in  Windham 

Elizabeth  Hehard,  b.  Jan.  4,  1806 ;    d.  May,  1806. 

ISiisan  P.  Ilebard,  b.  Jan.  12,  1807 ;    d.  1834. 

Oliver  Hehard,  b.  Oct.  8,  1808 ;    d.    Jan.  16,  1817. 

Nathaniel  Hehard,  3d,  b.  Dec.  13,  1809 ;  resided  in  Dorchester,  Mass. ;  m.  Nov.  7, 
18.30,  Carohne  M.  Jones.  Children  :  i.  Amon  H.,  b.  April  13,  1832,  d.  Oct.  2, 
1834 ;  ii.  Leander,  b.  Nov.  1,  1834,  d.  March  2,  1835  ;  iii.  Ezra  B.,  b.  Aug.  22, 
1836,  m.  Nov.  16,  1857,  Emma  J.  Rundlett  of  Glastonbury,  Conn. ;  iv.  Susan  M., 
b.  Feb.  26,  1838,  d.  Sept.  19,  1841. 

Samuel  G.  Hehard,  b.  April  29,  1811 ;  resided  in  Dorchester ;  m.  April  1,  1832, 
Mary  P.  Maples  of  Montville,  Conn.  Children  :  i.  Susan  A.,  b.  Sept.  29,  1839 ; 
ii.  Henry  J.  A.,  b.  Feb.  23,  1843 ;    iii.  Samuel  C,  b.  Dec.  27,  1847. 

Timothy  Hehard,  b.  Jan.  25,  1813 ;    d.  Nov.  1,  1822. 

Ezra  S.  Hehard,  b.  Aug.  29,  1814;  d.  June  14,  1852;  resided  iu  Dorchester. 
Married  May  2,  1842,  Achsah  W.  Pratt  of  Chnton,  Maine.  Children :  i.  Samuel 
O.,  b.  Dec.  28,  1843 ;    ii.  Ezra  S.,  b.  Jan.  24,  1849. 

Benjamin  F.  Hehard,  b.  May  29,  1817.  He  was  a  broker  in  Dorchester.  Married 
July  3,  1838,  Bathsheba  S.  Howes  of  Chatham,  Mass.  Children,  three  youngest 
b.  in  Dorchester :  i.  Emehne  F.,  b.  in  Milbury,  Mass.,  April  13,  1839 ;  ii. 
Amelia  C,  b.  at  Newton  Lower  Falls,  Mass.,  June  25,  1841 ;  iii.  Charles  W., 
b.  June  7,  1844 ;  iv.  Benjamin  F.,  b.  Feb.  28,  1848,  d.  April  15,  1848 ;  v.  Lucy 
E.  H.,  b.  June  6,  1856. 

Sylvester  H.  Hehard,  b.  Oct.  16,  1819 ;  resided  in  Dorchester ;  m.  April  1,  1841, 
Tryphosa  Pratt  of  Clinton,  Maine.  Children  :  i.  Mary  E.,  b.  Aug.  22,  1842 ; 
ii.  Sylvester  H.,  b.  Feb.  19,  1845 ;  iii.  Susan  P.,  b.  Sept.  23,  1846 ;  iv.  Nathaniel 
E.,  b.  Feb.  24,  1849. 

George  Alexander  Hehard,  b.  July  7,  1823;  resided  in  South  Boston,  Mass.;  m. 
Dec.  18,  1842,  Elizabeth  L.  Brown  of  Gardiner,  Maine.  Children :  i.  George  A., 
b.  in  Newton,  Mass.,  Oct.  7,  1843,  d.  Sept.  7,  1844;  ii.  George  P.,  b.  in  Boston, 
July  24,  1845 ;  iii.  Caroline  M.,  b.  March  1,  1847  ;  iv.  Elizabeth  L.,  b.  in  Dor- 
chester, Nov.  17,  1851 ;    v.  Frederick  C,  b.  in  Boston,  July  8,  1856. 

245.  HENRY«  WEBB,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Zerviah^  (Abbe)  Webb,  born 
September  2,  1768;  died  February  10,  1840.  Lived  in  Windham,  Conn.,  and 
was  sheriff  for  some  years. 

Married  June  1,  1794,  HANNAH  CLIFT,  daughter  of  Major  Waterman  Clift, 
born  about  1770;    died  February  10,  18.33,  aged  60  years. 


Williain  Wehh,  b.  May  19,  1797 ;  committed  suicide  while  temporarily  deranged  ; 
physician.  Married  Jan.  6,  1824,  Amanda  Wolcott,  daughter  of  Jonathan  Wol- 
cott.  Children  :  i.  Wilham  H.,  d.  unm. ;  ii.  Charles,  b.  March  11,  1833,  Uves 
at  Norwich,  m. Backus,  and  had  children,  Mabel  and  Arthur. 

Mary  Clift  Wehh,  b.  Jan.,  1800 ;    m.  Thomas  Gray  of  Windham.     No  children. 
469     Lucretia  Wehh,  b.  Oct.,  1802 ;    m.  as  his  second  wife,  Thomas  Gray. 

Harriet  Wehh,  d.  May  20,  1807. 

L^lcia  Wehh,  b.  March  23,  1809;    m.  Chester  Woodworth.     Children:    i.  Harriet, 

d.  — ;    ii.  Benjamin,  d.  ,  was  a  successful  banker  in  Westport,  Conn.; 

iii.   Caroline,   and  iv.   William   Chester    (twins),   resided,   unmarried,  in   the   old 
Webb  house  at  Windham. 

246.  LUCY6  ABBE,  daugliter  of  SliubaeP  and  Lucy  (Chester)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,   Conn.,  May  21,  1778;    died  in  Bridgeport,   Conn.,   March   17,  1822. 

Married  in  Windham,  November  18,  1795,  ELIJAH  WATERMAN,  born  in 
Bozrah,  Conn.,  November  28,  1769;  died  October  11,  1825,  while  on  a  visit  to 
Springfield.      He    w-as    son    of    Captain    Nehemiah,    jr.,    and    Susanna    (Isham) 

136  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Waterman,  grandson  of  Nehemiah  and  Sarali  (Gifford)  Waterman,  great-grand- 
son of  Ensign  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Allyii)  Waterman,  great-great-grandson 
of  Lieutenant  Thomas  and  Miriam  (Tracey)  Waterman,  and  great-great-great- 
grandson  of  Robert  and  Martha  (Bourne)  Waterman,  Robert  Waterman  came 
from  Norwich,  England,  in  1636  and  settled  in  Marshfield,  Mass.  Martha  Bourne 
was  a  sister  of  the  wife  of  Governor  Bradford's  son,  John  Bradford.  Lieutenant 
Thomas  Waterman  was  one  of  the  original  proprietors  of  Norwich,  Conn.  Elijah 
Watemian  was  graduated  from  Yale  College  in  1791,  and  taught  in  Hartford  for 
a  year.  He  had  intended  to  study  law  but  decided  to  take  up  theology  instead. 
He  was  licensed  to  preach  in  Preston,  Conn.,  May,  1793,  and  continued  his 
studies,  preaching  as  supply,  until  1794,  when  he  took  charge  of  the  church 
at  Windham.  He  continued  its  pastor  for  ten  years,  and,  after  a  short  period 
of  supply  at  New  Milford,  he  was  called  to  the  church  at  Bridgeport,  where  he 
remained  until  the  close  of  his  life.  He  was  known  as  an  earnest,  independent, 
public-spirited  man,  highly  esteemed  as  a  preacher.  Several  of  his  sermons 
and  orations  were  published.  He  collected  materials  for  a  history  of  Windham 
which  unfortunately  became  scattered  and  were  never  used.  While  he  was 
pastor  at  Windham  he  made  a  trip  to  the  western  part  of  New  York  State  in 
order  to  secure  copies  of  early  Windham  Church  records  and  he  made  a  copy 
of  those  records  as  far  as  he  could  obtain  them  at  the  time. 

He  married  (2)  MRS.  LUCY  (WOLCOTT)  TALCOTT  of  Springfield,  widow 
of  Captain  Henry  Talcott  of  Windsor,  by  whom  he  had  one  daughter,  Lucy, 
who  married  Henry  Thomas. 

Children  of  Lucy  Aihe 

Mary  Watertnati,  b.  in  Wiudham,  April  5,  1797 ;  m.  Euos  Bussey,  Children : 
i.  Elijah  ;    ii.  George  ;    iii.  Mary. 

Julia  Water7nan,  b.  in  Windham,  Jan.  12,  1799 ;  d.  Aug.  17,  1884 ;  m.  Alanson 
Freeman  Lewis.  Children  :  i.  Frederick  Alanson,  d.  Nov.  15,  1845,  aged  20 ;  ii. 
Julia  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  19,  1828,  lives  in  Bridgeport,  m.  Nathan  B.  McEwen,  no 
children  ;  iii.  Thomas  Edwin,  b.  July  5,  1831,  d.  July  2,  1907,  unm. ;  iv.  Mar- 
garet Isham,  b.  Sept.  24,  1835,  unm.,  lives  in  Bridgeport;  v.  Elizabeth  Water- 
man, b.  Aug.  4,  1837,  Uves  in  Bridgeport,  m.  James  H.  Moore,  no  children ; 
vi.  Mary  Isabel!,  b.  Aug.  1,  1842,  d.  Jan.  19,  1862. 

470  Thomas  Tileston  Waterman,  b.  Sept.  24,  1801 ;    m.  Delia  Storrs. 

Susanna  Isham  Waterman,  b.  Sept.  10,  1804 ;  d.  Dec.  5,  1888 ;  m.  Alfred  Chi- 
chester.   Children  :   i.  Thomas,  m.  Annie ;   ii.  Alfred,  m.  Ophelia  Seymour ; 

iii.  Edwin,  m.  Mary  Phillips  Stuart,  had  a  daughter,  Mary  P.,  who  m.  

Chichester  and  lives  in  Norwalk,  Conn. ;    iv.  Helen,  m. Lemon. 

Lucij  Able  Waterman,  b.  May  13,  1806 ;  m.  Edwin  Van  Antwerp.  Child :  Isabel, 
m.  William  P.  Smalley,  no  children. 

George  Waterman,  b.  June  24,  1808 ;    d.  Nov.  19,  1809. 

Betsey  Johanna  Waterman,  b.  April  16,  1809.  Married  (1)  Henry  Day  of  Provi- 
dence, R.  I.  Child  :  Susan  P.,  m.  Edward  Burnet  of  Newark,  N.  J.,  and  d.  at 
birth  of  child.     Married  (2)  Edwin  Van  Antwerp,  who  m.  her  sister  Lucy. 

247.  NANCY"  ABBE,  daughter  of  ShubaeP  and  Lucy  (Chester)  Abbe,  born 
February  24,  1780,  in  Windham,  Conn.;  died  July  15,  1846,  in  New  York; 
buried  in  Greenwood  Cemetery. 

Married  1806,  SAMUEL  DARLING,  born  1782  (or  3);  died  1874.  Son  of 
Samuel  and  Clarinda  (Ely)  Darling  of  New  Haven. 


Shubael  Abbe  Darling,  b.  June  4,  1807;    d.  March  28,  1878. 

471  Samuel  Darling,  jr.,  b.  April  3,  1809  ;    m.  Margaret  G.  Brown. 
Edwin  Augustus  Darling,  b.  Jan.  6,  1811 ;    d.  Feb.  10,  1851. 

Thomas  William  Darling,  b.  Sept.  19,  1813 ;    d.  Nov.  28,  1858 ;    m.  Dec.  14,  1856, 

Sophia  A.  Garlick. 
Charles  Henry  Darling,  b.  Aug.  4,  1816 ;    d.  Feb.  10,  1855. 

Sixth  Generation  137 

Frances  Eliza  Darling,  b.  Oct.  11,  1818 ;    d.  Dec.  18,  1835. 

Amelia  Eliza  Darling,  b.  April  1,  1822 ;    resided  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  in  1897. 

Clarinda  Lucy  Darling,  b.  Aug.  2,  1824;    m.  Dec.  17,  1846,  George  W.  Palmer; 

resided  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  in  1897.     They  had  two  children  who  d.  in  infancy, 

and  a  son,  Charles  Henry,  b.  1860. 

248.  FREELOVE«  ABBE,  daughter  of  Shubael^  and  Lucy  (Chester)  Abbe, 
born  October  21,  1784,  in  Windham,  Conn.;  died  March  12,  1824;  buried  in 

Married  in  Windliam,  April  12,  1801,  DAVID  F.  YOUNG,  born  in  Windham, 
1774;  died  July  28,  1828,  in  Windham;  buried  there.  He  was  probably  son 
of  David  Young  of  Windham  and  Lebanon,  Conn. ;  was  graduated  from  Yale 
in  1798,  and  remained  at  college  for  a  year  as  College  Butler;  was  a  lawyer 
in  Windham  and  member  of  the  Legislature  in  1815. 

Children,  births  recorded  in  Windham 

Guilford  Dudley  Young,  b.  Feb.  23,  1802;    d.   in  MeadviUe,   Pa.,  1825.     He  was 

graduated  from  Yale  in  1822  and  became  a  lawyer. 
Lucy  Young,  b.  Nov.  4,  1803 ;   d.  Feb.  5,  1809,  buried  in  Windham. 
Nancy  Young,  b.  April  9,  1806. 

Henrietta  Young,  b.  April  13,  1808 ;    d.  May  30,  1809,  buried  in  Windham. 
Lucy  W.  Young,  b.  March  23,  1810.     Married  Samuel  Bishop  Huntington,  b.  in 

Windham,  Nov.  20,  1805 ;    d.  in  Huron,  Ohio,  June  5,  1840,  son  of  Gurdon  and 

Mary  (Brown)  Huntington.    No  children. 

Mary  Young,  b.  July  23,  1812 ;    m. BHss. 

Caroline  (1)  Youtig,  b.  Oct.  26,  1814. 

Caroline  (2)   Mumford  Young,  b.  Nov.  16,  1816;    m.  Aug.  1,  ,  Ebenezer  Dale 

of   Boston.      Children:     i.    Mary   BUss,    b.    May   20,    1840,    m.    Sept.    10,    1862, 

Charles  N.  Trumbull;    ii.  Ebenezer,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  3,  1843,   d.   Sept.  9,  1889,  m. 

Nov.  3,  1880,  Lily  J.  Storrow ;    iii.  George  Wilder,  d.  . 

472     David  Young,  b.  Jan.  10,  1819;    m.   (1)   Mary  Esther  Harris;    (2)  Annie  Frances 

Edward  Young,  b.  Feb.  20,  1822. 
,  b.  Jan.  20,  ;    d.  next  day. 

249.  LUCIUS«  ABBE,  son  of  ShubaeP  and  Lucy  (Chester)  Abbe,  born  in 
Windham,  Conn.,  April  3,  1702;  died  November  6,  1841;  buried  in  Windham. 
He  was  called    "uptown  Lucius." 

Married  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  April  18,  1813,  MRS.  MARY  B.  (VIOL)  YOUNG, 
widow  of  Edward  Young  of  Philadelphia,  born  in  Newport,  December  11,  1782; 
died  in  Mansfield,  August  11,  1866. 


Antoinette  Charotte  Ahhe,  b.  in  Windham,  Nov.  11,  1814.  Married  in  Mansfield, 
Sept.  1  or"ll,  1839,  Augustus  Storrs,  b.  June  4,  1817,  son  of  Royal,  jr.,  and 
Eunice  (Freeman)  Storrs.  He  was  in  business  at  Mansfield  and  Willimantic 
and,  after  1851,  in  Brooklyn.  With  his  brother  Charles  he  founded  the  Storrs 
Agricultural  School  at  Mansfield.  Children:  i.  Harriet  Fitch,  b.  Oct.  10,  1844, 
in  Gurleyville,  Conn.,  d.  July  31,  1867,  while  on  a  visit  to  Mechanicsville,  N.  Y., 
buried  in  Mansfield;  ii.  Marie  Antoinette,  b.  Oct.  3,  1848,  m.  Nov.  6,  1872, 
Benjamin  Eyre,  b.  in  Philadelphia,  March  5,  1847. 

A7in  W.  Ahie,  b.  in  Windham,  Sept.  15,  1817;    d.  March  16,  1819. 

Harriet  Fitch  Able,  b.  July  17  or  27,  1822;  m.  Samuel  S.  Hovey  of  Mansfield, 
Child :    Kate  L. 

Katie  L.  AbbeCi). 

Mary  B.  Abbe,  b.  April  17,  1826;  m.  Jan.  2,  1853,  FrankUn  Dunham  of  Mansfield, 
b.  July  24,  1826. 

250.  MARY8  ABBE,  daughter  of  Phineas^  and  Mary  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
March  29,  1773;    died  in  Windham,  August  27,  1860;    buried  there. 

138  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  CHARLES  TAINTOR,  born  December  17,  1762,  son  of  John  and 
Sarah  (Bulkley)  Taintor  of  Colchester,  Conn.  He  died  November  23,  1854; 
buried  in  Windham.    He  was  a  prominent  and  prosperous  farmer  of  Windham. 


473  Eliza  Taintor,  b.  Nov.,  1794 ;    m.  Colonel  Rufus  Lathrop  Baker. 

474  aHes  Taintor,  b.  July  17,  1802;   m.  Mary  (Nowell  Williams)  West. 

Advertisement  from  the  Phenix  or  Windham  Herald,  May  21,  1796. 

Bulkley  &  Taintor 
Have  just  received  a  large  supply  of  Goods  from  New  York,  viz.  Broadcloths,  Kersimeres, 
Velvets,  Tliicksetts,  Fustians,  Clouded,  striped  and  plain  Nankeens,  a  large  assortment  of 
Shawls,  Dimities,  sprig'd  and  plain  Jackonett  and  Book  Muslins,  Muslin  Handkerchiefs, 
Chintzes  and  Calhcoes,  Furniture,  do.  India  Satins  and  Lutestrings,  black  and  white 
Laces  and  Edgings,  Merseilles  and  Mushnet  Waistcoating,  Humhums,  Linens,  Oil-Cloth, 
Silk  Stockings,  plated  do.  Men's  and  Women's  Cotton,  do.  an  assortment  of  Looking 
Glasses,  Patent  Lamps,  Violins,  Brass  Kettles  from  2  to  14  gallons ;  a  general  assortment 
of  Hard  Ware,  Pewter,  Crockery,  and  Glass  Ware,  Powder  and  Shot,  Junk  Tobacco,  first 
quality  Russia  Iron,  Rum,  Brandy,  Sherry,  Lisbon  and  Malaga  Wines,  Hyson,  Souchong 
and  Bohea  Teas,  Rice,  Pepper,  Alspice,  Flotong  and  French  Indigo  &c.  &c.  All  which 
will  be  sold  very  cheap  for  cash. 

Windham,  20th  May,  1796. 

Peter  Webb  advertised  in  the  same  issue  a  similar  assortment  of  goods  but 
"wanted  in  pay,  Butter,  Cheese,  Check  Flannel  in  September  next,  Tow  and 
checked  Linen  Cloth,  Feathers,  Pork  and  Beef,  in  the  fall,  all  kinds  of  grain 
and  Cash." 

In  the  fall,  November  19,  1796,  Bulkley  and  Taintor  advertised  their  winter 

— consisting  of  Broadcloths,  Kersemeres,  striped  and  spotted  elastic  cloths.  Coatings, 
Baizes,  and  Flannels.  A  great  variety  of  fashionable  waistcoating,  India  Taffaties  and 
Sattins,  black  and  white  Laces  and  Edgings,  Linens,  Humhums,  Silk  Stockings  ribb'd 
worsted  do.  Silk  and  Cotton  do.  Jaekonet  and  Book  Muslins,  very  cheap.  A  great  variety 
of  striped  and  plain  Sattin,  Sash  Ribbons,  white  and  black  Feathers,  a  large  assortment 
of  Necklaces,  Beads  and  Pendants,  &c.  &c. 

Also,  a  general  assortment  of  Hardware,  Russia  Iron,  suitable  for  Cart-tire,  German 
Crawley,  Hopel  and  English  Steel,  8d  and  lOd  Nails,  Powder  and  Shot,  Flotong  and 
French  Indigo,  Rum,  Gin,  Brandy,  Sherry  and  Malaga  Wines,  Hyson,  Souchong  and 
Bohea  Teas,  Coffee,  Pepper,  Cinnamon,  Allspice,  Ginger,  Loaf  and  Brown  Sugar  and 
Molasses.  A  gootl  assortment  of  Crockery  ware,  China  cups  and  saucers — pint  and  half- 
pint  glasses  as  low  by  the  dozen  as  can  be  bought  in  New  York. 

Windham,  Nov.  10,  1796 

251.  JOSHUA«  ABBE,  son  of  Phineas^  and  Mary  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
February  15,  1775,  on  tlie  farm  south  of  Windham  Center,  Conn.,  later  bought 
by  his  brother  George;  died  at  East  Thomaston  (Rockland),  Maine,  January  20, 
1849.  At  14  he  was  a  clerk  with  a  Mr.  Woodbridge  in  Norwich,  where  he 
probably  remained  until  he  was  21.  He  then  went  to  New  London,  and  about 
1802  to  New  Gloucester,  Maine,  with  Godfrey  Grosvenor.  In  1832  he  moved  to 
Bangor  and  after  eight  years,  having  retired  from  business,  he  broke  up  house- 
keeping and  went  to  live  with  his  daughter  at  Rockland,  then  East  Thomaston. 
He  was  a  successful  merchant,  though  not  well  known  outside  of  his  immediate 
circle  of  friends,  owing  to  his  retiring  disposition  which  led  him  to  refuse  offers 
of  public  office. 

Married  in  Hudson,  N.  Y.,  August  15,  1815,  MARCIA  GROSVENOR,  born 
October  23,  1770;  died  December  20,  1857.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Seth 
and  Abigail  (Keyes)  Grosvenor  of  Potnfret,  Conn. 

Sixth  Generation  139 

475     Mary  Abigail  Orosvenor  Ahhe,  b.  Aug.  17,  1816;    m.  Samuel  Clement  Fessenden. 

252.  GEORGE''  ABBE,  son  of  PliineasS  and  Susanna  (Brown)  Abbe,  born 
in  Windham,  Conn.,  May  17,  1781;  died  in  Windham,  September,  1851.  He 
resided  for  many  years  in  New  York  City,  where  he  was  a  member  of  tlie  firm 
of  Hill,  Fish  and  Abbe,  a  transportation  company  between  New  York  and  Phila- 
delphia.  Mr.  Hill  of  the  firm  attended  to  its  interests  in  Philadelphia,  Mr.  Fish 
at  Trenton,  and  Mr.  Abbe  at  New  York.  Boats  were  used  between  New  York 
and  Perth  Amboy  and  these  were  in  charge  of  Captain  Jacob  Vanderbilt  and 
his  brother  Cornelius,  afterwards  known  as  Commodore.  From  Amboy  pas- 
sengers were  taken  to  Philadelphia  in  coaches.  The  transportation  company  was 
merged  into  the  Camden  and  Amboy  Railroad  when  that  was  built.  It  was  the 
first  passenger  railroad  in  the  United  States.  Mr.  Samuel  Badger  Abbe,  then 
a  mere  child,  was  taken  on  the  excursion  train  that  he  might  ride  on  the 
first  passenger  car  in  America.  Mr.  Abbe  moved  to  Windham  in  1835.  He 
had  a  large  fortune,  as  fortunes  went  in  those  days,  when  he  left  New  York, 
but  much  of  it  disappeared  before  his  death  in  various  enterprises  with  which 
he  was  connected. 

Married  CHARLOTTE  HACKSTAFF,  born  November  19,  1798,  at  Sing  Sing, 
N.  Y.,  daughter  of  Lodowick  and  Anne  (Halleck)  Hackstaff;   died  January,  1865. 


Samuel  Badger-  Alhe,  b.  in  New  York  City,  Nov.  25,  1829  ;  d.  at  Fort  Snelling, 
Minn.,  Oct.  4,  1864.  Married  at  Scotland,  Conn.,  Aug.  25,  1858,  Abby  Fuller, 
b.  at  Scotland,  March  15,  1833.  She  resides  in  St.  Paul,  Minn.  The  following 
account  of  Mr.  Abbe's  life  is  taken  from  a  letter  of  Mrs.  Abbe : 

"Of  the  early  life  of  my  husband  I  know  little,  only  he  was  placed  at  school 
when  be  was  six  years  of  age,  somewhere  up  the  Hudson,  and  later  attended 
school  at  Pomfret,  Conn.,  perhaps  elsewhere.  From  a  few  old  letters  to  his 
brother,  I  find  that  he  sailed  from  New  York  to  California,  Nov.  17,  1849,  in 
company  with  a  young  man  of  his  own  age,  barely  twenty.  The  boat  had  been 
fitted  for  them  with  the  intention  of  its  being  placed  on  the  Sacramento  River 
when  they  arrived.  Evidently  it  was  unfit  for  ocean  travel  as  it  was  so  small  it 
could  only  carry  fuel  from  port  to  port.  After  going  through  the  Straits  of 
Magellan  with  great  difficulty  and  danger,  they  landed  at  Panama,  July  7,  1850, 
eight  months  from  New  York,  and  one  month  later  reached  San  Francisco.  The 
boat  fulfilled  its  intention  and  was  placed  on  the  Sacramento  River  and  was  a 
financial  success. 

"Mr.  Abbe  remained  in  California  until  early  in  1852.  His  father's  death  had 
occurred  a  short  time  before,  and,  urged  by  his  mother,  he  went  home  to  look 
after  his  father's  estate.  He  crossed  the  Isthmus  on  his  return,  a  rough  trip  at 
that  time.  He  remained  in  Windham  until  the  spring  of  1853  when  he  went  to 
St.  Paul,  met  with  a  severe  accident  that  detained  him  there  some  mouths, 
abandoned  the  idea  of  returning  to  California,  decided  to  remain  in  the  then 
young  territory  of  Minnesota,  and,  like  all  the  young  men  there,  lent  himself 
to  the  work  of  building  up  a  new  state.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Legislature, 
a  delegate  to  Railroad  and  State  Conventions,  laid  out  town  sites  and  many  other 
matters  pertaining  to  the  youth  of  a  new  country.  A  year  or  two  later,  a  sale 
was  made  of  the  large  military  reservation  at  Fort  Ripley  on  the  upper  Missis- 
sippi, in  which  he  became  interested,  and,  in  1860,  built  a  house  there,  pre- 
paratory to  starting  a  ranch,  but  before  his  plans  were  completed,  the  Civil  War 
broke  out.  The  regular  troops  were  ordered  away,  in  consequence  came  the 
Indian  outbreak  which  swept  the  entire  state.  They  burned  the  Missions,  drove 
off  the  settlers  and  moved  down  to  the  Agency.  The  Government  Agent,  crazed 
with  fright,  committed  suicide  and  the  country  was  left  to  frontiersmen.  We 
went  into  the  Post,  Fort  Ripley,  which  was  garrisoned  with  only  a  few  raw 
recruits.  After  days  and  weeks  of  suspense,  the  Commissioner  of  Indian  affairs, 
with  Mr.  Nicolay,  Private  Secretary  to  President  Lincoln,  and  a  few  troops, 
came  to  our  relief.  Even  then,  after  long  delay,  the  Chiefs  met  them  in  council, 
they  were  all  surrounded,  and  barely  escaped  with  their  lives,  as  Mr.  Nicolay 
wrote  afterwards  in  an  article  in  Harper's  Monthly. 

140  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

"Mr.  Abbe  never  recovered  from  the  labor  and  suspense  involved.  We  never 
returned  to  our  home  but  went  to  St.  Paul.  Mr.  Abbe  went  to  Washington, 
made  a  hasty  visit  to  AVindham  and  went  with  the  Commissioner  of  Indian 
Affairs  and  other  officials  to  the  Red  River,  where  the  Indians  were  turbulent, 
to  make  a  treaty.  He  took  a  sevei'e  cold  from  which  he  never  recovered.  He  was 
given  officer's  quarters  at  Fort  SneUing  where  he  lived  for  some  months,  and  in 
that  gray  old  fort,  that  had  seen  so  many  tragedies,  his  adventurous  and  promis- 
ing life  ended." 

Charlotte  llackstaff  Aibe,  b.  about  1832;  d.  young,  was  buried  in  Trinity  Church- 
yard, New  York  City. 

Oeoi-ge  Ahhe,  jr.,  b.  in  New  York  City  about  1834;  m.  about  1860,  Martha  Ann 
Youle  of  New  York.  No  children.  He  went  to  California,  where  his  wife  died, 
returned  to  Windham  at  the  time  of  his  mother's  death,  but  went  back  to 
California  in  1866. 

Josephine  Abhe,  b.  in  New  York,  May,  1836;  d.  at  Green  Cove  Springs,  Fla., 
July  10,  1870.  Married  at  Windham,  April  4,  1860,  George  Fuller,  b.  at  Scot- 
land, May  18,  1826 ;    d. .     They  left  one  child,  Abby  Abbe,  b.  in  St.  Paul, 

April  23,  1864,  now  living  at  St.  Paul  with  her  aunt,  Mrs.  Samuel  Abbe. 

An7ie  Halleck  Able,  b.  in  AVindham,  about  1838 ;  d.  about  1894 ;  m.  about  1859, 
James  Johnson  of  Windham.     No  children. 

Mary  Taintor  Abbe,  b.  at  Windham,  April  4,  1840;  d.  May,  1913,  buried  at 
Greenwood  Cemetery,  Brooklyn.  Married  Oct.  18,  1865,  Jacob  Kennedy  Lock- 
man,  b.  in  New  York  City,  1829 ;  d.  in  New  York  City,  March  22,  1904,  buried 
in  Greenwood  Cemetery.  He  was  a  lawyer  of  prominence,  of  the  firm  of  DeWitt, 
Lockman  &  DeWitt.  They  resided  in  New  York  and  at  Windham.  One  child : 
DeWitt  McClellan,  an  artist  of  note  in  New  York  City. 

William  Hackstaff  Abbe,  b.  in  Windham,  about  1842 ;  d.  on  a  trip  to  the  far  west 
and  was  buried  in  Windham.  Married  1863,  Marian  Shegogue,  daughter  of  Mrs. 
Shegogue,  an  artist  in  Paris.    No  children. 

253.  CHARLESo  ABBE,  son  of  Phineas^  and  Susanna  (Brown)  Abbe,  born 
January  17,  1783,  in  Windham,  Conn.  He  was  deputy-sheriff  in  Windham  about 
1805.  He  removed  to  Solon,  Cortland  County,  N.  Y.,  about  1814  and  died  in 
New  York  State.  He  was  by  trade  a  stone  cutter  and,  according  to  one  account, 
died  in  Canada  about  1827. 

Married  MARY  (or  NANCY)  WELCH,  who  died  about  1819,  aged  36. 


476  Phineas  Abbe,  h.  March  3,  1811 ;    m.  Mary  Stillman. 

Henry  Clinton  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  13,  1813;  d.  Dec.  17,  1889,  at  Scriba,  Oswego  County, 
N.  Y.  Married  in  Oswego,  May  25,  1877,  Mary  Dixon,  b.  in  Onondaga  County, 
N.  Y.,  March  5,  1833,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Laura  (Littlefield)  Dixon. 

Miranda  Abhe,  b.  in  Solon,  Feb.  3,  1815  ;  d.  in  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  15, 
1905;  m.  in  Cortland,  March  12,  1836,  John  L.  Wilcox,  b.  Aug.  11,  1811. 
Children:  i.  Edgar  C,  b.  March  12,  1837 (?)  ;  ii.  Charles  A.,  b.  June  12,  1838; 
iii.  Nancy  E.,  b.  Aug.  20,  1844. 

477  Hart  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  20,  1817  ;   m.  Katherine  Fisher. 

254.  MOSES  CLEVELAND"  ABBE,  son  of  Phineas^  and  Susanna  (Brown) 
Abbe,  born  in  "Windham,  Conn.,  November  16,  1785 ;  died  there  January  26,  1871. 
He  was  a  farmer  and  settled  early  in  life  in  Ashford.  He  later  sold  that  farm 
and  bought  at  ''Dog  Hill,"  near  Windham.  About  1818  he  moved  into  the 
present  homestead  at  Dog  Hill.  From  1830  to  1835  he  resided  at  New  Boston. 
The  homestead  is  now  owned  by  his  grandson,  Walter  Abbe.  His  will,  made 
May  9,  1870,  probated  March  10,  1871,  names  his  wife,  Talitha,  as  sole  heiress 
and  executrix. 

Married  by  Rev.  William  Andrews,  pastor  of  the  Congregational  Church  at 
Windham  Center,  February  1,  1809,  TALITHA  WALDO,  born  March  10,  1789, 
at  Waldo  Place,  Windham,  Conn.,  daughter  of  Zaccheus  and  Esther   (Stevens) 

/*  *^       k. 

Moses  Cleveland"  Abbe 

Mrs.  Talitha  (Waldo)  Abbe 

John  Randolph"  Abbe 

Charles  Smith''  Abbk 

Sixth  Generation  141 

"Waldo  and  a  descendant  of  Cornelius  Waldo,  Thomas  Dimock,  Major-General 
Daniel  and  Rev.  John  Denisou,  Henry  Kingsbury,  and  Nathaniel  Saltonstall  of 

Colonial  fame. 


478  Susan  Broicn  Able,  b.  April  15,  1810;    m.  Andrew  Frink. 

479  George  Waldo  Albe,  b.  Oct.  26,  1811 ;   m.  Charlotte  Colgate. 

480  Elka  Tainior  Abie,  b.  Sept.  23,  1814 ;   m.  Henry  S.  Walcott. 

481  Mariette  (or  Mary)  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  24,  1816;    m.  Charles  Smith. 

482  Joshua  Orosvenor  Abbe,  b.  June  26,  1827 ;    m.  Sarah  E.  Fuller. 

483  John  Randolph  Abbe,  b.  July  12,  1833;    m.   (1)  Lucy  EUen  Avery;     (2)  Josephine 

Louise  Robbins. 

255.  LUCIUS''  ABBE,  son  of  Phineas^  and  Susanna  (Brown)  Abbe,  born 
November  16,  1785;  died  about  1856.  Famier,  on  his  father's  farm,  two  miles 
south  of  Windham  Centre,  Conn.,  and,  after  1846,  at  Lake  Mills,  Wis.,  where 
he  died.    He  and  his  family  were  recorded  in  the  1850  Census  at  Lake  Mills. 

Married   1811,   MARTHA   JOHNSON,   born  in  Franklin,   Conn.,   August   16, 

1790,  daughter  of  Oliver  and  Martha    (Perkins)    Johnson.     She  was  living  at 

Lake  Mills  in  1860. 

Children,  born  in  Windham 

Edward  Abbe,  b.  about  1812 ;  m.  Annette  M.  Boture  who  was  b.  in  New  York 
about  1816 ;    resided  at  Lake  Mills ;    d.  there  in  1872.     No  children. 

Frances  Abbe,  b.  about  1815 ;  d.  in  Lake  Mills  about  1845 ;  m.  in  Windham,  May 
25,  1835,  James  Payne  of  Pomfret,  Conn.  They  removed  to  Wisconsin  where 
she  died.  Three  children.  Caroline  Payne,  aged  10,  b.  in  Wisconsin,  was  living 
in  the  family  of  Lucius  and  Martha  Abbe  at  Lake  Mills  in  1850.  She  was 
probably  one  of  Frances'  children. 

Caroline  Abbe,  b.  April  1,  1819;  d.  in  Windham,  March,  1840 (?)  ;  m.  in  Windham, 
Jan.  6,  1839,  Marvin  SpafPord  of  Windham,  b.  April  1,  1819.  She  was  of 
Staffordville.  No  children.  He  m.  (2)  about  1845,  her  first  cousin,  Jane  Burgess, 
daughter  of  Dr.  Chauncey  and  Ehzabeth  (Johnson)  Burgess  of  Norwich. 

Henrxj  Abbe,  b.  about  1822  or  3.  He  was  a  bridge  builder  and  served  during  the 
Civil  War.     In  1850  he  was   a   farmer  li\ing  with   his  father   at  Lake   Mills. 

Married  about  1873  .     Children :    Pearle  H.,  who  d.  before  1914,  and  two 

other  daughters. 

256.  THOMAS"  BADGER,  son  of  Edmund  and  Lucretia^  (Abbe)  Badger, 
born  June  27,  1766,  in  Windham,  Conn.;  died  of  yellow  fever,  October  11,  1799, 
in  Washington,  D.  C.  He  studied  at  Yale  and  is  said  to  have  been  one  of  the 
most  talented  men  Windham  produced,  a  poet,  artist,  and  lawyer.  About 
1790  he  moved  to  Newbern,  N.  C,  and  in  a  few  years  was  considered  the  head 
of  the  bar. 

Married  in  Newbern,  June  6,  1793,  LYDIA  COGDELL,  bom  January  16,  1765; 
died  April  11,  1834,  in  Newbern.  Daughter  of  Richard  Cogdell,  member  of  the 
Provincial  Council  of  Safety  for  Newbern  in  1775. 


484  George  Edmund  Badger,  b.  April  17,  1795;    m.   (1)   Rebecca  Turner;     (2)   Mary 

Polk;     (3)   Mrs.  Delia   (Haywood)   Williams. 

485  Elizabeth  Ann  Badger,  b.  Feb.  22,  1797 ;   m.  Ichabod  Wetmore,  jr. 

Frances  Lucreiia  Badger,   b.   May   4,   1799;     d.   Oct.   6,   1822,   in   Oakville,   near 
Warrentown,  N.  C. ;   not  m. 

257.  EDMUND"  BADGER,  JR.,  son  of  Edmund  and  Lueretia^  (Abbe)  Badger, 
bom  February  14,  1779,  in  Windham,  Conn.;  died  about  1860,  in  Bristol,  Pa. 
He  resided  for  a  time  in  North  Windham,  then  went  to  Philadelphia  and  to 
Bristol,  Pa. 

142  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  in  Windham,  August  19,  1798,  AMELIA  DYER,  born  July  4  (or  5), 
1779;  died  August  20,  1823,  in  Windham.  Daugliter  of  Colonel  Thomas  and 
Elizabeth  (Ripley)  Dyer  of  Windham. 

Children,  hirths  recorded  in  Windham 

Thomas  Dyer  Badger,  b.  Oct.  14,  1799;    d.  Oct.  8,  1818. 

486  Albert  Oallatin  Badger,  b.  Jan.  16,  1801 ;    m.  Asenath  Crosby. 

William  Edmund  Badger,  b.  Sept.  10,  1802;  d.  about  1877,  in  Bristol,  Pa.  He 
was  a  lawyer  in  Philadelphia.  Married  Hannah  Wager  of  Philadelphia.  Chil- 
dren :    i.  Louisa ;    ii.  Fannie ;    iii.  WiUiam. 

Frances  Amelia  Badger,  b.  Aug.  7,  1804 ;    m.  and  lived  in  Minnesota. 

Edmund  (1)  Badger,  h.  July  20,  1806;    d.  Aug.  3,  1806. 

George  Dyer   Badger,   b.   Nov.   23,    1807;     d.   before   1860;     m.   .      Child: 

Emma  L.,  m.  March  20,  1847,  John  J.  Lemon  of  Boston,  resides  in  Philadelphia. 

Henry  Dyer  Badger,  b.  March  18,  1810 ;    d.  1827. 

Wallace  Badger,  b.  March  18,  1812.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  United  States  Army 
and  settled  in  Louisiana. 

Elizabeth  Mary  Badger,  b.  Nov.  10,  1815 ;    resided  in  Bristol,  Pa. ;   not  m. 

Edmund  (2)  Badger,. h.  Aug.  16,  1816  or  1817;  d.  about  1864.  He  was  a  soldier 
in  the  United  States  Army  and  settled  in  Louisiana. 

Charles  Taintor  Badger,  b.  Sept.  14,  1819.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  United  States 
Army,  settled  in  Louisiana,  later  about  1880,  went  to  California. 

Lucretia  Ann  Badger,  b.  Oct.  11  or  14,  1821;    d.  .     Married    (1)    

Bluker  of  New  York  ;    (2)  Wheatley. 

258.  rRANCES"  BADGER,  daughter  of  Edmund  and  Lucretia^  (Abbe) 
Badger,  born  February  12,  1785;    died  August  31,  1863,  at  Newport,  R.  I. 

Married  in  Windham,  Conn.,  June  24,  1804,  COLONEL  THOMAS  HIESKELL, 
bom  about  1783,  in  Staunton,  Va. ;  died  June  6,  1855,  at  Philadelphia.  He 
was  son  of  Godlove  and  Margaret  (Hampton)  Hieskell. 


Edgar  Horace  Hieskell,  b.  April  13,  1805 ;    d.  Oct.  16,  1805. 

487  Frances  Elizabeth  Hieskell,  b.  Dec.  2,  1806 ;    m.  Colonel  Timothy  M.  Bryan. 

488  William  Badger  Hieskell,  b.  Dec.  11,  1808 ;    m.  Eliza  Jane  Wilson, 
Caroline  Amelia  Hieskell,  b.  July  14,  1812 ;    d.  Aug.  15,  1812. 

Horace  Marshall  Hieskell,  b.  Sept.  24,  1815.  He  was  pay  director  in  the  United 
States  Navy.  Married  at  Fredericksburg,  Va.,  June  26,  1851,  Emily  D.  Badger, 
b.  June  1,  1830,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Olivia  Ann  (Root)  Badger;  see 
number  259.  Children  :  i.  Frances  Lucretia,  b.  April  11,  1852,  d.  July  2,  1855 ; 
ii.  Ann  Madison,  d.  Sept.  2,  1862,  at  Newport,  R.  I. 

Ellen  Mary  Hieskell,  b.  May  11,  1818;  d.  Jan.  10,  1858;  m.  April' 18,  18.57,  in 
New  York  City,  Thomas  Holyoake. 

Caroline  Haseltine  Hieskell,  b.  March  3,  18 — ;  m.  Marion  T.  W.  Chandler.  Child : 
Frances  Mary,  b.  Oct.  14,  1842,  d.  July  23,  1846,  at  Bristol,  Pa. 

Thomas  Hieskell,  b.  March  9,  1825 ;    d.  March  16,  1827. 

259.  SAMUEL«  BADGER,  son  of  Edmund  and  Lucretias  (Abbe)  Badger, 
born  December  6,  1786,  in  Windham,  Conn.;  died  March  14,  1866,  in  Phila- 
delphia. He  was  graduated  from  Yale  in  1805,  settled  in  Philadelphia,  where  he 
was  a  prominent  citizen  and  lawyer. 

Married  (1)  in  New  Haven,  Conn.,  September,  1805,  OLIVIA  ANN  ROOT, 
born  October  20  (or  10),  1788,  in  New  Haven;  died  January  22,  1827,  in  Phila- 
delphia.   Daughter  of  Joel  and  Eleanor  (Strong)  Root. 

Married  (2)  LUCRETIA  HOYT  of  Bridgeport,  Conn. 

Married  (3)  ROSINA  BRADLEY  of  Providence,  R.  I. 

Children,  by  first  wife 

Elizabeth  Ann  Badger,  b.  June  5,  1806 ;    resided  in  Philadelphia.     Married  April  16, 
1827,  Emile  B.  Gardctte  of  Philadelphia,  son  of  James  and  Julia   (Desmarais) 

Sixth  Generation  143 

Gardette.  He  was  a  dentist.  Children :  i.  Emile  B.,  jr.,  b.  1828,  d.  young ; 
ii.  Cliarles  D.,  b.  1830,  m.  Eulalie  Johnston,  daughter  of  Captain  Z.  F.  Johnston 
of  the  United  States  Army. 

Oeorgc  Augustus  Badgei;  b.  Aug.  8,  1808. 

iSarah  Gilmour  Badger,  b.  Oct.  18,  1810;  resided  in  New  Haven,  Conn.  Married 
Dr.  Nathan  B.  Ives,  b.  June  26,  1806 ;  d.  June  19,  1869,  son  of  Dr.  Eh  Ives  of 
New  Haven.  He  was  graduated  from  Yale,  1828.  Child :  Charles  B.,  b.  1831, 
a  physician. 

Edmund  Root  Badger,  b.  March  7,  1812;  m.  Nov.  20,  1849,  Mary  A.  Davia. 
Children  :   i.  Emile  B.  G.,  b.  1850 ;   ii.  John  D.  S.,  b.  1861. 

Eleanor  Root  Badger,  h.  June  12  (or  1),  1816;  m.  John  Roberts  of  Fredericks- 
burg,  Va.,   and   had   six   children.      One   of  the   daughters,   Isabella,   m.   

Bernard  of  Fredericksburg. 

Samuel  Badger,  jr.,  b.  Aug.  16,  1824,  in  Philadelphia;  d.  May  21,  1863,  at 
Superior  City,  Wis.,  buried  in  Bristol,  Pa.  Lawyer.  Married  in  Philadelphia, 
Dec.  19,  1843,  Cornelia  Eliza  Holmes,  b.  April  20,  1829,  in  Philadelphia.  They 
had  two  daughters,  one  of  whom,  Mary  Livia,  m.  Rev.  Dr.  Wilbur  F.  Paddock 
and  had  a  son,  Ernest  Moorhead  Paddock,  Episcopal  rector  at  Allegheny,  Pa., 
who  m.  in  Washington,  D.  C,  Margaret  Bateman,  daughter  of  Arthur  Edgerton 

Child  by  second  marriage 

Emily  D.  Badger,  b.  June  1,  1830 ;  m.  her  cousin,  Horace  Marshall  HieskeU ;  see 
number  258. 

Child  by  third  marriage 
Henry  Badger.    He  was  a  minister. 

260.  LYDIA«  ABBE,  daughter  of  Joshua^  and  Tripliena  (Bass)  Abbe,  born 
in  Windham,  October  21,  1779 ;  died  July  25,  1854,  in  Willimantic,  Conn.,  buried 
in  Windham. 

Married  April  18,  1802,  in  Windham,  as  his  second  wife,  JOHN  CLARK,  JR., 
born  March  28,  1768;  died  July  9,  1832.  He  Avas  son  of  Captain  Caleb  and 
Esther  (Sabine)  Clark;  was  born  in  Pomfret,  Conn.;  settled  in  Windham, 
Conn.,  where  he  was  a  merchant  and  carried  on  a  butchering  business.  He 
married  (1)  Mary  Clift,  who  died  February  15,  1797,  aged  23,  by  whom  he  had 
one  child.  Waterman  Clift. 

Children  of  Lydia  Abbe 

Chester  Clark,  h.  July  31,  1803 ;  resided  at  Greenville,  in  Norwich,  Conn. ;  m. 
Julia  Curtiss,  daughter  of  Bildad  Curtiss  of  Windham.     She  d.  Oct.  24,  1831. 

John  Clark,  b.  July  2,  1805 ;    d.  Sept.  15,  1821. 

Lydia  A.  Clark,  b.  May  26,  1810 ;    resided  in  Circleville,  Ohio,  in  1860 ;    not  m. 

Lucian  H.  Clark,  b.  April  12,  1812.  Was  in  the  dry  goods  trade  in  Willimantic, 
Conn.  Married  Nov.  17,  1836,  Hannah  S.  Babcock,  daughter  of  Hezekiah  Bab- 
cock  of  Willimantic.  Children  :  i.  Eugene,  lived  in  New  York  City,  m.  Nov.  16, 
1859,  Julia  G.  Lyon,  daughter  of  Charles  Lyon  of  Willimantic,  had  two  children ; 
ii.  Edward  Lucian  Clark  was  United  States  Deputy  Collector  in  the  district  in 

Mary  E.  Clark,  b.  May  8,  1815 ;  resided  in  Waterloo,  Iowa ;  m.  Samuel  E. 

Edward  C.  Clark,  b.  Aug.  26,  1819 ;  resided  in  Circleville,  Ohio ;  m.  and  had  six 

261.  JESSE"  ABBEY,  son  of  Joshua^,  jr.,  and  Tryphena  (Bass)  Abbe,  born 
in  Windliam,  Conn.,  February  14,  1783;  died  about  1859,  in  Van  Buren  County, 
Mich.  He  removed  to  Ohio  and  later  to  Michigan,  where  he  kept  a  hotel  and 
was  a  well-known  character  for  many  years.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  in 
Antwerp  and  his  log  hostelry  was  well  known  throughout  the  country.  The 
frugal  fare  of  the  day  and  a  bottle  of  whiskey  were  the  chief  elements  in  the 
entertainment  of  the  stage-coach  passengers  or  the  foot-travelers  who  stopped 
at  these  wayside  inns.    One  day  a  traveler  put  up  with  the  hospitable  old  land- 

144  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

lord,  and,  as  he  went  in,  told  him  he  had  no  money,  but  would  pay  him  some 
day.  The  old  gentleman  replied:  "Stay?  Of  course  you  can  stay,  and  pay  me 
when  you  can.  I've  had  lots  of  customers,  but  never  turned  one  away."  Some 
time  later,  the  traveler  called,  and,  as  he  offered  the  money  due  Mr.  Abbey  on 
the  old  score,  said,  * '  Do  you  remember  me  ?  I  stopped  here  and  could  not  pay. ' ' 
''I  don't  remember,"  said  Mr.  Abbey,  "but  lots  of  folks  have  done  that  thing 
here.  Maybe  you  did.  You  can  pay  what  you  please."  On  receiving  the 
money,  the  old  innkeeper  exclaimed:  "Hurrah  for  an  honest  man.  Such  a 
thing  has  never  happened  to  me  since  I've  kept  tavern.  I've  trusted  hundreds 
of  people  for  their  fare,  and  that  has  been  the  end  of  the  matter.  If  there 
was  a  newspaper  published  anywhere  in  these  parts,  I'd  put  this  in  sure." 

There  was  a  settlement  of  "Buckeyes"  or  Wesleyan  Methodists  in  Antwerp 
district.  Jesse  Abbey  had  joined  this  sect,  and  was  considered  a  kind  of 
patriarchal  chief  among  them.  His  hair  was  gray,  long,  and  thin.  He  wore 
a  straw  hat  winter  and  summer,  and  usually,  in  meeting,  seated  himself  by 
the  side  of  the  minister,  his  straw  hat  on  his  head;  and  if  anything  in  the 
sermon  pleased  him,  he  would  exclaim:  "Good,  that's  right;  ha,  ha,"  clapping 
his  hands  in  exultant  emotion.  Other  leaders  in  the  church  were  Father  Libby 
and  Johnny  Johnson.  There  was  a  strife  between  them  and  Father  Abbey  as 
to  who  could  talk  or  exhort  the  best  in  meeting. 

Johnny  Johnson  could  not  write,  and  used  to  get  his  friends  to  write  letters 
for  him.  On  one  occasion,  after  the  letter  was  written,  directed,  and  sealed, 
Johnson  started  home  but  returned  in  a  short  time,  sajdng  there  was  something 
he  forgot  to  put  in  the  letter.  The  writer  protested  against  opening  it  as  it 
was  folded  into  envelope  shape  and  sealed,  but  Johnson  said  it  was  very 
important  and  must  be  added  to  the  letter.  So  the  seal  was  broken  and  this 
sentence  added:  "Tell  them  that  it  is  nick-el-ty  tuckey  with  Father  Abbey 
and  me  as  to  who  can  talk  the  best  in  meetin'."  This  important  message  was 
added  to  the  letter,  it  was  refolded,  and  sent  to  the  friends  in  Ohio. 

The  1850  Census  records  him  as  a  farmer  of  Antwerp.  In  1845  he  sent  to 
school  an   "adopted  son,"   Ben  Wait. 

Jesse  Abbey  married  LORINDA  DORMAN  of  New  Haven,  Conn.  She  was 
born  about  1789  and  was  living  in  1850. 


Lucien  Ahiey,  b.  iu  Connecticut  about  1813.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Antwerp,  Mich., 

in  1845  and  1850.     Married  Cynthia  A.  ,  who  was  b.  iu  Ohio  about  1813. 

Children :  i.  Lurinda,  a  pupil  in  the  Antwerp  school  in  1845,  probably  a  daughter 
of  Lucien,  but  was  not  recorded  with  the  family  at  home  in  1850 ;  ii.  Rebecca 
Ann,  b.  in  Michigan  about  1837,  living  at  home  in  1850,  probably  the  Anna  who 
attended  school  in  1845 ;  iii.  Emily,  b.  in  Michigan  about  1839,  attended  school 
in  1845,  lived  at  home  in  1850 ;  iv.  Euphemia,  b.  about  1843 ;  v.  Ada,  b.  about 

Harriet  Ahhey,  probably  m.  before  1850. 

Alfred  Ahicy,  may  have  been  a  son  of  Jesse.  He  was  b.  in  Ohio  about  1830  and 
was  in  1850  a  laborer  in   the  family  of  James  and   Barbara    (  )    Ford  of 

Almena  township.  Van  Burcn  County,  Mich. 

Elisha  Ahhey,  b.  about  1831 ;   farmer  residing  with  Jesse  in  1850. 

262.  GEORGE  WYLLYS"  ABBE,  son  of  Joshua^  jr.,  and  Triphena  (Bass) 
Abbe,  born  in  Windham,  Conn.,  February  10,  1787;  died  there  April  22,  1877. 
By  his  will  of  June  22,  1871,  part  of  his  property  was  to  go  to  the  church  in 
Windham  at  his  wife's  death. 

Married  (1)  1818,  FREELOVE  PHILLIPS  of  Mansfield.  She  died  in  Mans- 
field and  was  buried  there. 

Sixth  Generation  145 

Married  (2)  1823,  EUNICE  HUNTINGTON,  born  November  8,  1784,  in  Wind- 
ham; died  April  5,  1830.  Slic  was  daugliter  of  Roger  and  Susanna  (Elderkin) 

MaiTicd  (3)  August  23,  1835(?),  LOUISA  L.  WOODWORTH  of  Mansfield. 
She  died  in  Windham,  September  7,  1888,  aged  88.  In  her  will  she  left  a  house 
in  Windham  to  "the  First  Ecclesiastical  Society  in  Windham"  as  a  parsonage. 
It  was  first  occupied  as  such  in  1893. 

Children,  hy  first  wife  only 

,  b.  1818 ;    d.  in  infancy. 

John  Taintor  Abhc,  b.  in  Wintlhani,  Aug.  8,  1819.  He  served  in  the  Regular  Army 
in  the  Florida  War,  was  discharged  Dec.  22,  1843,  last  heard  from  in  Alexandria, 
La.,  in  1844.     Probably  d.  unm. 

Freclove  Abbe,  b.  Feb.,  1820;  d.  about  1841.  Married  1839,  Lucius  Carpenter, 
b.  Nov.  23,  1814,  in  Ashford,  Conn.  He  was  a  cordwainer  and  lived  in  Ashford. 
He  m.  (2)  Caroline  S.  Day,  daughter  of  Uriah  Briggs  and  Mercy  (Scarborough) 
Day.  Children  of  Freelove  Abbe :  i.  George  Briggs,  b.  in  Ashford,  lived  in  Wells, 
Maine ;    ii.  Martha  Jane ;    iii.  EUsha  A.,  lived  in  Marshall,  Mo. 

263.  BETSEY''  ABBE,  daughter  of  Elisha^  and  Jerusha  (Webb)  Abbe,  born 
December  13,  1775,  in  AVindham,  Conn. ;    died  July  7,  1849. 

Married  in  Windham,  October  1,  1796,  ABNER  LATHROP,  born  February 
18,  1758;  died  August  25,  1798,  son  of  Reverend  Benjamin  and  Sybil  (Backus) 
Lathrop  of  Windham.  He  was  a  sea  captain  and  made  several  voyages  to  the 
East,  the  last  one  to  China. 


William  Abner  Lathrop,  b.  in  Windham,  Oct.  28,  1797.  Went  from  Windham, 
Conn.,  to  Oswego,  N.  Y.  Married  March  28,  1824,  Jerusha  Bibbins,  b.  April  1, 
1797,  daughter  of  Deacon  Sanford  and  Anne  (Welch)  Bibbins  of  Windham. 
Children :   Abuer  who  w^as  b.  at  Windham,  Oct.  6,  1826,  and  two  daughters. 

264.  GIDEON^  ABBE,  son  of  Solomon^  and  Lucy  (Johnson)  Abbe,  born 
April  6,  1769,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  in  Middlebury,  Vt.,  October  6,  1840; 
removed  from  Mansfield  to  Middlebury  about  1797,  purchased  land  and  settled 
on  Lot  9  in  Addison  County,  Vt. 

Married  December  10,  1789,  SYBIL  CAMPBELL,  bom  March  17,  1769;  died 
February  7,  1846;  buried  in  Middlebury,  Vt.  She  was  daughter  of  Zuriel  and 
Lydia  (Barrows)  Campbell  of  Mansfield. 

Children  (perhaps  others) 

Lorey  Abbey,  b.  May  12,  1791,  in  Mansfield. 

Abel  Abbey,  b.  Aug.,  1792,  in  Mansfield  ;    removed  to  Vermont  where  he  d.  April 

(or  Sept.)   11,  1867;    was  a  farmer  in  Middlebury;    m.  Lydia  Abbey,  daughter 

of  Solomon  and  Susan   (Gile)   Abbey   (see  number  266),  b.  March  25,  1801;    d. 

Feb.  1,  1867.     Both  are  buried  in  the  Abbey  District  Cemetery  in  Middlebury. 

Child  :    Myron,  resided  in  OrweU,  Vt.,  m,  . 

489  Harry  Abbey,  b.  1803;    m.  Laui-a  Sawyer. 
Clarissa  Abbey,  d.  unm. 

Charles  Abbey,  d.  while  stiU  a  young  man;    m.  Anna  Sawyer;    no  children. 

490  Meaner  A6&ei/,  b.  April  27,  1800;    m.  Betsey  North. 

Lewis  Abbey.  According  to  Middlebury  Town  Records,  Vol.  12,  page  183,  Lewis, 
Harry,  and  Abel  were  brothers.  The  following  records  of  Lewis  Abbey,  grandson 
of  Solomon,  doubtless  refer  to  this  one.  He  resided  on  the  lake  shore,  near 
Willoughby,  Ohio ;  m.  his  own  cousin  and  had  children :  Mary ;  Martha ; 
Orpha  ;    Jane  ;    Flavius  ;    George  ;    Sarah. 

The  following  records  from  the  town  of  Middlebury,  Vt.,  are  doubtless  refer- 
ences to  descendants  of  this  branch  of  the  Abbey  familj^:    Gideon  Abbey,  bom 


146  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

in  Middlebury,  September  14,  1860.  The  estate  of  a  Gideon  Abbey  of  Orwell, 
Vt.,  was  probated  May  27,  1909.  John  A.  Abbey  died  in  Middlebury,  February 
26,  1882.  Jolm  J.  Abbey  married  in  Middlebury,  August  20,  1892,  Alice  Clark. 
Julia  Abbey  was  born  in  Middlebury,  June  28,  1865.  Loretta  Abbey  married 
in  Middlebury,  July  4,  1857,  Charles  G.  Damon.     Louis  Abbey  married  Philinda 

and  had  a  son,  Benjamin,  born  1825;    died  January  28,  1826,  aged  11 

months;  buried  in  the  Abbey  District  Cemetery,  Middlebury.  Lydia  Abbey  died 
March  31,  1867  (perhaps  Mrs.  Abel  Abbey).  Mary  L.  (Reed)  Abbey  died 
March  9,  1896,  in  Middlebury.  Melissa  (Lawrence)  Abbey  died  December  5, 
1895,  in  Middlebury. 

265.  SARAH"  ABBE,  daughter  of  Solomon^  and  Lucy  (Johnson)  Abbe,  born 
February  18,  1771 ;   died  after  1840. 

Married  (1)  LEONARD. 

Married  (2)  January  19,  1795,  ISAAC  CRANE,  born  February  20,  1775;  died 
about  1840.  He  was  son  of  Hezekiah  and  Rachel  (Hall)  Crane  of  Mansfield, 
Conn.;  lived  in  Mansfield,  in  what  is  now  called  Atwoodsville;  was  a  weaver 
and  had  a  carding  factory. 

Children  ty  second  husiand 

Hezekiah  Crane,  b.  Dec.  25,  1795 ;  m.  Elizabeth  Fenton,  daughter  of  Asahel  Fenton 
of  Mansfield.    He  was  a  weaver  and  removed  to  Killewaug,  Broome  County,  N.  Y. 

Jesse  Crane,  b.  June  7,  1797  ;  d.  in  Illinois ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1818,  Joanna  P.  Hall, 
who  m.  (2)  Horace  Lee.  Children  of  Jesse  Crane,  recorded  in  Mansfield,  Conn.: 
i.  Mary  Ann,  b.  Jan.  18,  1819 ;   ii.  Lester,  b.  March  20,  1822. 

Harry  Crane,  b.  May  10,  1799 ;  resided  on  the  homestead  at  Mansfield,  Conn.,  in 

Sophia  Crane,  b.  June  1,  1802 ;   m.  Winthrop  Geer  and  lived  in  Illinois. 

A7ina  Crane,  b.  March  3,  1806 ;    m.  E.  C.  Moulton. 

Caroline  Crane,  b.  Jan.  14,  1808 ;    m.  Alvin  Moulton  of  Chaplin,  Conn. 

Amanda  Crane,  b.  April  6,  1809 ;   m.  Azariah  Freeman  and  lived  in  Valparaiso,  Ind. 

Sarah  Ahhe  Crane,  b.  March  24,  1811;  m.  Aaron  Geer  and  had  children;  resided 
in  Willimantic,  Conn. 

Martha  Crane,  b.  June  21,  1815 ;   m.  Manning  F.  Hunt  of  Chaplin,  Conn. 

266.  SOLOMONS  ABBEY,  JR.,  son  of  Solomon^  and  Lucy  (Johnson)  Abbey, 
born  February  9,  1774,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  was  later  a  farmer  in  Addison  and 
Chittenden  Counties,  Vt. ;  died  April  24,  1859,  in  Hinesburg,  Vt.  He  was 
probably  the  Solomon  Abbe  of  Mansfield  in  1810  with  a  family  of  5  males  and 
6  females  (Census  records). 

Married  September  5,  1800,  SUSAN  GILE,  bom  June  18,  1780,  in  Bradford, 
N.  H.;  died  May  14,  1864,  in  Monkton,  Vt.  She  was  daughter  of  Noah  and 
Elisabeth  (Howe)  Gile  of  Hampstead,  N.  H. 


Lydia  Alley,  b.  March  25,  1801,  at  Bradford,  N.  H. ;  d.  Feb.  1,  1867,  at  Middle- 
bury, Vt. ;  m.  Abel  Abbey,  b.  Aug.,  1792;  d.  April  (or  Sept.)  11,  1867,  son 
of  Gideon  and  Sybil  (Campbell)  Abbey;    see  number  264. 

Olive  Alley,  b.  Feb.  24  (or  25),  1805 ;  d.  Nov.  7  (or  9),  1868,  at  La  Crosse,  Wis. ; 
m.  Edwards,  and  bad  children. 

491  Orin  R.  Alley,  b.   Oct.  4,   1806;    m.    (1)    Dimmis   Crane  Tucker;     (2)    MeHssa 

Eliza  Alley,  b.  Aug.  7,  1808,  at  Middlebury,  Vt. ;    d.  June  1,  1886,  at  La  Crosse, 

John  Alley,  b.  April  13,  1810 ;    d.  unm. 

492  Lora  Alley,  b.  Dec.  22,  1813 ;    m.  Jacob  von  Steinburg. 

493  7ra  Abbejy,  b.  April  28,  1816;    m.  Emily  Cilley. 

494  Carlton  Clark  Alley,  b.  May  16,  1820;    m.    (1)    Nancy  Jane  Gile;     (2)    Fatima 

Hutchings  Hastings. 

Sixth  Generation  147 

Ethan  Allen  Abbey,  b.  May  28,  1828,  at  Middlebury,  Vt. ;  d.  Nov.  17,  1852,  at 
Hinesburg,  Vt.  Probably  he  was  the  Ethan  A.  Abbey  who  m.  N.  Lorctta  Matti- 
son,  b.  July  16,  1827,  daughter  of  Stephen  and  Hannah  (Mead)  Mattison.  She 
m.   (2)   Charles  G.  Damon.     No  children. 

267.  ELEAZER"  ABBE,  son  of  Solomon^  and  Lucy  (Johnson)  Abbe,  born 
December  16,  1778  (or  9),  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  January  1,  1845  (or  6), 
in  Middlebury,  Vt.  Both  he  and  his*  wife  are  buried  in  the  Abbey  District 
Cemetery  in  Middlebury.  He  settled  in  Venuont  at  an  early  date  and  removed 
to  Middiebuiy  in  1808. 

MaiTied  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  February  16,  1802,  LYDIA  AGARD,  born  Sep- 
tember 10,  1780,  in  Stafford,  Conn.;   died  March  29  (or  27),  1828. 

Children  (probably  not  entirely  correct) 

495  Lucius  Abbe,  b.  Dee.  19,  1802;    moved  to  Ohio;    m.  Mary  (Polly)  Wilson. 
Philomela  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  19,  1804;    moved  to  Ohio. 

George  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  12,  1806;    moved  to  Ohio. 
Leonard  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  9,  1813 (?)  ;    moved  to  Ohio. 

496  Lemira  (or  Elmira)  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  25,  1818;    m.  William  W.  Forbes. 

497  Warren  Abbe,  h.lS22;   m.  (1)   Melvina  Dolber ;    (2)  Eunice  Allen. 
Lewis  Abbe,  may  be  same  as  Lucius. 

Lucy  Abbe,  moved  to  Ohio;    m.  Lucius  Farris. 

268.  RHODA"  ABBE,  daughter  of  Solomon^  and  Lucy  (Johnson)  Abbe,  bom 
March  2,  1781;    born  and  lived  in  Mansfield,  Conn. 

Married  September  16,  1798,  JESSE  CRANE,  born  May  9,  1779;  died  April 
7,  1862.  He  was  son  of  Hezekiah  and  Rachel  (Hall)  Crane;  w^as  a  farmer 
in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  and  (about  1830)  in  the  butchering  business  in  Willimantic. 


Charles  Crane,  b.  Feb.  5,  1799.  Farmer  in  Eagleville,  Tolland  County,  Conn.;  m. 
1821,  Theoda  Bennett  of  Mansfield.  Children  :  i.  William  B.,  lived  in  Mansfield, 
m.  and  had  children ;  ii.  Albert  J. ;  iii.  Austin ;  iv.  Amelia ;  v.  Harriet ; 
vi.  Anna. 

Millen  Crane,  b.  Dec.  19,  1801  or  2 ;  d.  Oct.  20,  1863;  farmer  in  Mansfield; 
member  of  State  Legislature  in  1843.  Married  March  3,  1824,  Sarah  Bennett, 
only  child  of  Eleazer  and  Deborah  (Hall)  Bennett,  b.  in  Mansfield,  July  13, 
1807 ;  d.  after  1864.  Children  :  i.  Sarah  Cordelia,  b.  in  Mansfield,  Jan.  6,  1825, 
m.  Don  F.  Johnson,  lived  in  Willimantic  about  1864 ;    ii.  Deborah  Bennett,  m. 

Orrin   Shumway  of  Mansfield,   d.  ;    iii.   Abby  Ann,   d.   aged   two   years ; 

iv.  Eleazer  Bennett,  b.  in  Mansfield,  Sept.  10,  1834,  farmer  in  Mansfield,  m. 
Oct.  5,  1859,  Clarissa  F.  Barrows,  daughter  of  Robert  Austin  and  Eliza  P. 
(Ward)  Barrows,  b.  July  30.  1840.  had  three  children,  Winfield  S.,  b.  June  13, 
1862,  Alice  M.,  b.  Sept.  9,  1867,  and  Gertrude  B.,  b.  Oct.  12,  1873 ;  v.  Alfred  B., 
d.  aged  seven  years ;  vi.  Alvin  M.,  b.  Aug.  3,  1829,  graduate  of  Brown  University, 
1869,  Newton  Theological  Seminary,  1872,  served  in  Civil  War  in  Company  D, 
21st  Regiment,  promoted  to  Captain,  member  of  Connecticut  Legislature  in  1866, 
minister  at  West  Boylston  and  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass.,  m.  in  Mansfield,  July  13, 
1869,  Sarah  G.  Adams,  b.  in  Gosnold,  July  15,  1844,  child,  Judson  Adams. 

Origen  Crane,  b.  July  25,  1804;  d.  April  20,  1860.  Educated  at  Newton  Theo- 
logical Seminary.  Baptist  minister  in  Weston  and  Grafton,  Mass.  Married 
Bridget  T.  Greene,  b.  in  Richmond,  R.  I.,  July  29,  1804.  Children,  births 
recorded  in  Mansfield  :  i.  Origen  Clark,  b.  Oct.  21,  1830,  machinist  at  New  Eng- 
land Village,  Grafton,  removed  to  New  York  City  in  1859,  m.  at  New  England 
Village,  Oct.  31,  1853,  Caroline  M.  Gove,  b.  in  Amesbury,  Mass.,  Sept.  27,  1830, 
d.  Oct.  10,  1876,  had  four  children,  Helen  A.,  b.  March  16,  1855,  d.  Dec.  8.  1872, 
Thomas  E.,  b.  Oct.  14,  1856,  Anna  G.,  b.  Aug.  11,  1859,  and  Harry  L.,  b.  Feb.  27, 
1862  ;    ii.  Emma  ;    iii.  Frank. 

Abigail  J/.  Crane,  b.  Feb.  19,  1810;    m.  Eleazer  Freeman. 

Mary  Ann  Crane,  b.  May  30,  1813;  m.  (1)  Enoch  Freeman;  (2)  Thomas 

148  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Marilla  Crane.  Her  name  does  not  appear  in  the  Mansfield  Recoi-ds  among  Rhoda's 
children.  Married  Dec.  6,  1840,  Albert  Storrs,  b.  Jan.  26,  1820,  son  of  Irad  and 
Lovina  (Gurlcy)  Storrs,  farmer  in  Mansfield  Centre,  Conn.  Children:  i.  Lovina 
Evelin,  b.  March  7,  1847,  d.  Aug.  31,  1847  ;  ii.  Everett  Melvin,  b.  Nov.  22,  1850, 
m.  Nov.  22,  1880,  Frances  E.  Salisbury ;    iii.  Edgar  Francisco,  b.  May  31,  1857. 

269.  SIMEON''  ABBE,  son  of  Solomon^  and  Lucy  (Johnson)  Abbe,  born  in 
Mansfield,  Conn.,  July  16  or  17,  1785;   was  living  in  Mansfield  about  1865. 

Man-ied  (1)  in  Mansfield,  March  15,  1810,  ANNA  CRANE,  born  August  21, 
1792,  probably  in  Mansfield,  daughter  of  Hezekiah  and  Rachel  (Hall)  Crane; 
died  October  5,  1822. 

Married  (2)  in  Mansfield,  November  28,  1822,  LYDIA  NICHOLS,  died  July 

17,  1851. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Lucy  Aihc,  b.  June  25,  1810;    resided  with  her  father  in  Mansfield. 

Fearing  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  18,  1811 ;  lived  in  Hartford ;  m.  Julia  A.  Thompson.  No 

Austin  Abbe,  b.  May  5,  1813;  m.  in  Mansfield,  Oct.  11,  1835,  Clarissa  Gordon  of 
Ashford,  who  d.  1859.  Children :  i.  Luther  A. ;  ii.  Fearing  WiUiam,  lived  in 
Hartford  about  1898 ;    iii.  Adeline  C. ;   iv.  Amanda  J. 

Lucy  Ann  (or  Laura  or  Lura),  b.  July  26,  1820;  m.  Joseph  Woodward  of  Mans- 
field Hollow,  resided  in  Mansfield  about  1865 ;    had  three  children. 

Children  by  second  wife,  recorded  in  Mansfield 

Isabel  Lovisa  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  26,  1823;    m.  in  Mansfield,  May  19,  1850,  Samuel  D. 

Thompson  ;    had  children  ;    lived  in  Illinois. 
Elisha  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  17,  1825;    d.  Nov.  18,  1825. 
Clark  Crain  Abbe,  b.   Oct.  12,  1826.     Married    (1)    March  1,   1852,   Mrs.   Sarah 

Young,  who  d.  in  Kenosha,  Wis.,  March  5,  1859;  no  children;   (2)  Dec.  16.  1860, 

AdaUne  A.  Hughes  of  Ashford.    They  were  living  in  Massachusetts  about  1865. 
Albert  Abbe,  b.  May  23,  1829 ;    lived  in  Illinois.     Married  in  Mansfield,  Nov.  28, 

1849,   Ameha   Medulla   PhilHps,   b.   May   13,   1833,   son   of  Abel   W.   and   Anna 

(Wood)   Phillips.     They  had  three  children,  one  of  whom  was  Viannen  Janette, 

b.  in  Mansfield,  Aug.  26,  1850. 
Anna  Maria  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  4,  1831 ;   m.  in  Mansfield,  Sept.  23,  1850,  Lester  White ; 

had  three  children,  and  lived  in  Ashford. 
Lydia  Sophia  Abbe,  b.  June  1,  1833;    m.  Samuel  Bailey;    had  three  children;    lived 

in  Illinois. 
Marietta  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  15,  1834;    d.  April  4,  1856;    m.  Henry  White.    No  children. 
Martha  Lucena  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  29,  1837;    lived  in  Leeds,  Mass.;    m.  May  1,  1856, 

Henry  C.  Thompson.    Child :   Ella  L.,  b.  March  9,  1862 ;    d.  Sept.  30,  1863. 

270.  JOHN«  ABBEY,  probably  son  of  John^  and  Dorothy  (Bugbee)  Abbe, 
born  April  4,  1769,  probably  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  June,  1857.  These 
records  probably  refer  to  this  John  Abbe.  The  birth  of  their  son,  Timothy,  is 
recorded  in  Mansfield.  Family  records  show  that  Timothy  and  Harry  were 
brothers.  Possibly  Samuel,  who  is  said  to  have  had  brothers  Harry,  Shubel 
and  Jerry,  should  belong  to  this  family  instead  of  as  recorded  from  John^, 
John^,  Obadiah^,  Obadiah*,  Jeremiah^,  Benjamin.^ 

Married  February  3,  1791,  LYDIA  WOLCUT  of  Windham,  Conn.,  born  1771 ; 
died  February,  1837. 


498  Timothy  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  14,  1791,  in  Mansfield,  Conn. ;    m.  Betsey  Jacox. 

499  Uarry  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  4,  1795  ;   m.  Sally  Jacox. 

271.  DAVIDS  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Dorothy  (Bugbee)  Abbe,  born  in 
Bellows  Falls,  Vt.,  1789 ;  died  Januaiy  14, 1875,  in  Arkwriglit,  Chautauqua  County, 
N.  Y.,  in  his  87th  year.    'He  resided  for  a  time  in  Cortland  County,  N.  Y.,  later 

Sixth  Generation  149 

went  to  Arkwright.    He  was  survived  by  his  widow,  Hannah,  and  sons,  Chauncey, 
James  P.,  and  David  J.,  and  daughter,  Hannah  Smith. 

Married   in   1821,  HANNAH   WOODS   or  WOOD,   daughter  of  Nathan   and 
Mary  (         )  Woods  or  Wood,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 

Children,  order  not  known 

500  James  Parker  Abbey,  b.  in  Cortland  County,  N.  Y. ;    m.  Olive  L,  Ruttenbur. 

501  Chauncey  Abbey,  b.   April  1,  1815,  in  Virgil,   Cortland   County,   N.   Y. ;    ni.    (1) 

Elizabeth  Chase;    (2)   Mrs.  Esther  A.  Allen. 
Abbial  Abbey. 
Hannah  Abbey,  m.  Smith. 

502  John  Abbey,  m.  Amanda  Ingham. 

David  J.  Abbey,  d.  April  30,  1903 ;  was  a  resident  of  Arkwright,  N.  Y.  His  only 
descendant  is  a  son,  W.  Chauncey  Abbey  of  Arkwright.  He  was  an  administrator 
on  the  estate  of  his  brother,  John. 

,  d.  young. 

Tliere  was  another  line  of  Abbej's  in  Chautaiiqua  County  who  were  closely 
connected  with  this  line,   cousins,  but  we  have  not  been  able  to   locate   them 

exactly.     Joel  Abbey,   married  Tracy,   had   a  son,   Amos,   who  married 

Hannah  Avery  and  had  the  following  children.      (It  will  be  noticed  that  the 
names  in  this  family  were  duplicated  in  each  generation.) 

Calvin  Abbey,  m.  Abigail  Patten,  who  was  b.  in  Virgil,  N.  Y. ;  both  d.  in  Charlotte, 
Chautauqua  Couuty,  N.  Y.     Children :    i.  Obadiah ;    ii.  John  A.,  b.  1829,  in  the 

town  of  Cherry  Creek,  m.  in  Fredonia,  N.  Y.,  1862,  Sarah  M.  ,  who  was  b. 

in  Charlotte,  N.  Y.,  1840,  hves  in  North  East,  Pa.,  has  no  children ;  iii.  Mary ; 
iv.  Hannah ;    v.  Elvira ;    vi.  David.     David  was  a  minister,  d.  in  1907,  lived  in 

Cherry  Creek,  m.  Anna ,  and  had  a  son  Chauncey  J.,  who  hves  at  Cherry 

Creek,  and  a  daughter  Minnie  J.,  m. Penner. 

Elvira  Abbey. 

Joel  Abbey. 

Ebenezer  Abbey. 

Amos  Abbey,  was  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812;  d.  in  Villenova,  N.  Y.,  1845;  m. 
Nancy  Chaffee.  Children  :  i.  Atlanta ;  ii.  Joel,  enlisted  in  the  War  of  1812  and 
never  came  back;  iii.  Ebenezer;  iv.  Calvin;  v.  Amos;  vi.  Ohve ;  vii.  .John; 
A-iii.  Ehara,  b.  Aug.  4,  1812,  in  Virgil,  Cortland  County,  N.  Y.,  d.  in  Arkwright, 
Chautauqua  County,  N.  Y.,  m.  Casper  Harvey,  b.  in  Solon,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  13,  1810, 
son  of  Bethuel  and  Clarissa  (Gardner)  Harvey,  had  children,  b.  in  Villenova, 
Ohve  L..  b.  Sept.  6,  1836,  Fannie  O.,  b.  May  22,  1838,  Marion  F..  b.  May  11, 
1840,  Ohver  B.,  b.  May  4,  1846,  and  Mary  R.,  b.  June  1,  1848,  at  Cherry  Creek, 
m.  Chase  and  hves  at  Gerry,  N.  Y. 

Johti  A.  Abbey. 

272.  SHUBAEL"  ABBE,  son  of  Samuel^  and  Miriam  (Hall)  Abbey,  born 
February  20,  1778,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.  A  Shubael  Abbe  and  Rachel  Taylor, 
his  wife,  made  deeds  in  Middlebury,  Vt.,  in  1811. 

Married  in  Mansfield,  September  17,  1797,  POLLY  HARTSHORN. 

Children,  born  in  Mansfield 

Daniel  Abbe,  b.  July  14,  1798. 

Charles  Abbe,  b.  June  16,  1800 ;  m.  and  lived  in  Mansfield.  Henry  D.  Abbe,  son 
of  Charles  and  Ann,  b.  in  Mansfield,  Jan.,  1859,  is  pi'obably  of  this  family. 

Emily  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  5,  1806;  d.  in  Mansfield  Center,  1881.  Married,  as  his  second 
wife,  in  Mansfield,  March  19,  1844,  Ira  Edwin  Trowbridge,  son  of  Ira  and 
Cynthia  (Crossman)  Trowbridge,  b.  in  Coventry,  Conn.,  May  18,  1809.  He  was 
a  farmer  in  Mansfield  Center.  No  children  by  this  marriage.  He  m.  (1)  in 
Mansfield,  Sept  13,  1840,  Almira  Clark. 

273.  REUBEN«  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel-^  and  Miriam  (Hall)  Abbey,  born 
near  Albany,  N.  Y.,  July  13,  1801;  died  in  Speedsville,  N.  Y.,  December  25, 
1883.     He  was  once  Captain  in  the  state  militia.     He  removed  in  1831  from 

150  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Schoharie  County,  N.  Y.,  to  Tioga  County,  and  resided  at  Candor  and  later 
Speedsville.  His  will,  made  March  2,  1874,  probated  February  11,  1884,  mentions 
his  wife,  Marion;  sons,  Russell,  Winslow,  Reuben  and  Edward,  and  daughters, 
Sabrina  Bond,  Elizabeth  Hall,  Marion  Williams,  and  Abigail  Abbey. 

Married  near  Albany,  November  2,  1823,  MARIAM  (or  MARION)  HO  AG, 
born  near  Albany,  June,  1805;    died  in  Speedsville,  June  17,  1883. 


Tliurza  Alley,  b.  and  d.  near  Albany. 

503  Salrina  Alley,  b.  1826;    m.  John  Baird   (or  Bond). 

Mary  EHzaleth  Alley,  b.  1828,  near  Albany;  d.  Nov.  8,  1904.  Married  (1)  in 
Speedsville,  Orrin  Jenks,  and  had  two  children,  b.  in  Speedsville,  Orrin,  jr.,  and 

Emma,  who  died.     She  m.   (2)  in  Michigan,  Hall,  and  had  three  children, 

one  of  whom  is  dead. 

Mariam  Alley,  b.  near  Albany,  1830 ;  was  living  near  Greenville,  Mich.,  in  1904. 
Married  in  Speedsville,  1856,  John  O.  Williams,  who  d.  a  few  years  before  1904. 

Children,  b.  in  Hubbardston,  Mich. :    i.  Charles,  b.  1857,  d.  ;    ii.  Frank, 

b.  1862 ;    iii.  Bert,  b.  1866. 

William  Alley,  b.  at  Candor,  N.  Y. ;    d.  young. 

504  Winsloiv  Alley,  b.  1835;    m.  Gertrude  Ann  Robbins. 

Aligail  Alley,  h.  at  Candor,  N.  Y.,   Oct.   11,  1837;    m.   Oct.   30,   1873,   Lorenzo 

Kenyon.    Daughter,  Tryphena  Hall,  lives  in  Newark  Valley,  N.  Y. 
Harriet  Alley,  b.  at  Candor;    d.  aged  22. 

505  Reulen  Alley,  jr.,  b.  July,  1842 ;    m.  Sarah  Strong. 

506  Rnssel  Ford  Alley,  b.  Aug.  18,  1845 ;    m.  Mary  Lovina  Merrick. 

Edward  Hungerford  Alley,  b.  in  Speedsville,  Oct.,  1848 ;  lives  near  that  place ; 
m.  1809,  Margaret  Robinson. 

274.  ELIJAHS  ABBEY,  son  of  William^  and  Lydia  (Hall)  Abbey,  born 
February  20,  1779,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  about  1851.  He  was  a  farmer 
ai^d  lived  in  the  town  of  Onondaga,  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.  He  bought  and 
sold  land  in  Onondaga  County,  1804-26.  He  is  recorded  in  Onondaga  by  the 
Census  of  1810,  1  male  between  26  and  45,  1  female  between  16  and  26,  3 
females  under  10.  His  will,  August  18,  1847,  probated  March  10,  1851,  mentions 

Married  BETSEY  MASTERS,  born  in  New  York  State  about  1790 ;  died  after 
1851.    She  was  half-sister  to  Phoebe  Travis,  who  married  Elijah's  brother,  David. 

Roena  Alley. 
Sally  Alley. 
Lydia  Alley. 
Hannah  Alley. 
Betsey  Ann  Alley. 
Mille  Alley. 
Anson  Alley,  b.  about  1822,  in  New  York  State.     He  was  a  farmer  in  Onondaga, 

N.  Y.,  in  1850 ;    m.  before  1850,  Mary  A. ,  b.  1831. 

David  Alley. 

Charles  Alley,  b.  about  1825,  in  New  York  State.     He  was  the  only  one  of  the 

children  living  at  home  in  1850. 

275.  WILLIAM"  ABBEY,  JR.,  son  of  William^  and  Lydia  (Hall)  Abbey, 
born  1786  in  Connecticut;  died  1856  in  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.  Will  made 
April  13,  3856,  probated  July  28,  1856.  Lived  in  the  town  of  Onondaga,  Onon- 
daga County,  N.  Y.  He  was  recorded  in  the  Census  of  1810,  Onondaga  County, 
1  male  and  1  female  between  16  and  26,  1  male  uiider  10.  In  1850  he  was  also 
in  the  Census  from  that  county. 

Married  ABIGAIL  VARNUM,  who  was  born  in  Connecticut  about  1793  and 
died  about  1864. 

SiXTPi  Generation  151 


WiUiam  8.  Abhcij,  b.  in  New  York  State  about  1810.  In  the  Census  of  1850  he 
was  recorded  as  a  laborer  in  Onondaga,  living  adjacent  to  William  and  Abigail 

Abbey ;    m.  Margaret  ,  who  was  b.  in  Ohio  about  1821.     Children,  order 

not  known  :  i.  Aaron,  b.  in  Ohio,  about  1842  ;  ii.  William,  b.  in  Pennsylvania, 
about  1843;  iii.  Henry,  b.  in  Pennsylvania,  about  1847;  iv.  Semantha ;  v. 
Electa,  m.  and  went  to  Missouri. 

Electa  Ahheij,  d.  before  1856;  m.  E.  Pinckney.  Children,  living  in  1856;  i.  Wil- 
liam ;    ii.  Ann  Eliza ;    iii.  Helen  ;    iv.  Elijah. 

Joseph  F.  Ahhcij,  b.  in  Onondaga  County,  1813;  m.  and  went  to  Mattawas,  Mich. 
He  had  daughters,  one  of  whom  m.  James  Hardis  of  Niles,  Mich.,  and  a  son, 
William,  b.  in  Onondaga  County,  March  26,  1843,  resides  near  Syracuse,  who 
has  a  son  J.  H.  Abbey,  manager  of  the  Ridgeview  Farm,  Conneaut,  Ohio. 

276.  DAVID«  ABBEY,  son  of  William^  and  Lydia  (Hall)  Abbey,  born  April 
1,  1792;  died  April  14,  1878,  in  Birdsall,  N.  Y.,  on  the  old  farm  seven  miles 
from  Angelica,  where  his  son,  Gehial,  now  lives.  One  authority  gives  his  birth- 
place as  near  Syracuse,  Onondaga  County,  N.  Y.,  while  another  says  he  went 
from  Vermont  to  Onondaga  County  about  1837.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  War 
of  1812.  His  father  deeded  property  in  Onondaga  Cotinty  to  him  in  1820,  and  in 
1842,  David  and  his  wife  executed  a  deed  in  that  county. 

Married  by  Esquire  Hall,  June  28,  1821,  PHOEBE  TRAVIS,  born  June  17, 
1802,  near  Sjrracuse,  N.  Y. ;  died  December  18,  1874,  in  Birdsall.  She  was  half- 
sister  to  Betsey  Masters,  who  married  David's  brother,  Elijah. 


507  John  Jefferson  Aihey,  b.  Mav  11,  1822 ;    m.  Jane  Dempsey. 

508  Gideon  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  30,  1824 ;    m.  Marietta  Dodd. 

509  Elijah  J.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  9,  1826;    m.  Samantha  Abbey. 
Warren  Abbey,  b.  June  12,  1828 ;   d.  May  14,  1830. 

510  Thomas  H.  Abbey,  b.  July  12,  1831 ;    m.  Elmira  Glazier. 

Charlotte  Abbey,  b.  May  5,  1834 ;  m.  Walker  Davis.  Children :  i.  Adelia ;  ii. 
Bertha ;   iii.  Charles. 

511  George  W.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  14,  18.35 ;    m.  Mary  Lyon. 

Gehial  Hall  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  5,  1837,  in  Onondaga,  N.  Y. ;  went  to  BirdsaU, 
Allegany  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1855,  and  resides  on  his  father's  old  farm 
there,  seven  miles  from  Angelica.  He  is  the  owner  of  the  chest  carried  by 
his  grandfather  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  served  three  years  in  the 
Civil  War  in  Company  G,  1st  New  York  Dragoons,  was  woimded  at  Cedar 
Creek  and  in  the  hospital  for  ten  months.  Married  May  5,  1875,  Elizabeth  L. 
Willis,  b.  at  Allen,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  1,  1848,  daughter  of  Arunah  and  Abigail  (New- 
ville)  Willis.  Child:  Letitia  Eudora,  b.  Nov.  26,  1876.  She  is  a  teacher  and  is 
conducting  a  Teacher's  Training  Class  in  Clyde,  N.  Y.  This  family  has  been 
most  helpful  in  securing  records  for  this  Genealogy. 

512  David  Beebe  Abbey,  b.  March  25,  1839;    m.    (1)    Amanda  Melvina  Bacon;     (2) 

Mary  J.  Tucker;    (3)  Vienna  Fuller. 
William  Henry  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  12,  1840 ;    d.  in  Andersonville  Prison,  Georgia,  1864. 
Lydia  Sophronia  Abbey,  b.  March  3,  1842;    m.  Frank  Davis.     Children:    i.  John; 

ii.  William  ;    iii.  Jane ;    iv.  Etta  ;    v.  George  ;    vi.  Annie. 

513  Charles  Alfred  Abbey,  b.  July  25.  1844;    m.  Mary  Ehsabeth  Smith. 

Myron  Oscar  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  14,  1846;    d.  at  Falls  Church,  Va.,  May  24,  1886. 

277.  DANIEL'5  ABBEY,  son  of  Shadraeh^  and  Welthan  (  )  Abbe,  born 
September  23,  1801,  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y.  Resided  in  Clayton,  N.  Y.  Records 
of  himself  and  familv  of  seven  cliildrcn  are  found  in  the  1850  Census  of  Clavton. 

Married  SUSAN  or  SUSANNA  HOTCHKISS,  born  March  22,  1804,  in  Lewis 
County,  N.  Y.,  daugliter  of  Joseph  and  Sally   (         )   Hotchkiss. 

Children,  born  in  Clayton 

Alsam  Abbe,   b.   April  25,   1830;     d.   about   1896   in   the   town   of   Cape   Vincent, 
Jefferson  County,  N.  Y.     Served  in  the  Civil  War,  1864.     Married  Maria  Derby, 

152  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

daughter  of  Lewis  R.  and  Alzina  (Farr?)  Derby.  She  resides  in  Applegate, 
Mich.    They  had  no  children  but  in  1863  or  4  adopted  a  baby  girl,  who  died. 

514  ShadracTi  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  23,  1832 ;    m.  Louisa  C.  Morrison. 

515  Philena  Abbey,  b.  June  17,  1838;    m.  Sylvester  Chapin. 

Lydia  Elizabeth  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  19,  1840;  resides  in  Watertown,  N.  Y.  Married 
Nov.  27,  1890,  Philander  B.  Grant,  b.  in  Denmark,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Henry  and 
Sarah   (  )   Grant.     No  children. 

Wealtha  A.  Abbey,  b.  March  25,  1843;  d.  Jan.  9,  1882,  in  Cape  Vincent,  N.  Y. 
Married  in  Brownville,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  16,  1867,  Alfred  D.  Percy,  b.  Feb.  14,  1842, 
son  of  David  and  Abigail   (  )   Percy  of  the  town  of  Cape  Vincent,  N.  Y. 

Jairus  W.  Abbey,  b.  June  18,  1844.  He  served  in  the  army,  1862-5 ;  went  to 
Fenton,  Mich.,  1868 ;  Flint,  Mich.,  1873 ;  Benton  Harbor,  Mich.,  1906 ;  Detroit, 
1910.  Machine  wood-worker.  Married  Oct.  9,  1867,  at  Three  Mile  Bay,  N.  Y., 
Phebe  A.  Hall,  b.  Oct.  9,  1843,  in  the  town  of  EUisburgh,  Jefferson  County, 
N.  Y. ;  d.  Jan.  6,  1910.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Albert  and  Susan  Maria 
(Bishop)  Hall.  They  had  no  children  but  adopted  a  daughter  who  is  now 
Mrs.  E.  E.  Hartley  of  Detroit,  Mich. 

Charles  D.  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  3,  1847 ;    d.  about  1909.     Married  in  Chaumont,  N.  Y., 

about  1868,  Rettie  ,  who  d.  in  the  summer  of  1911.     He  was  a  teacher  in 

Chaumont,  Clayton,  N.  Y. ;  Neva,  Manash,  and  Stephens'  Point,  Wis. ;  Bis- 
marck, N.  Dak.  After  traveling  a  year  for  D.  Appleton  &  Co.  of  New  York,  he 
wrote  up  the  geography  of  Dakota  and  Minnesota.  He  then  went  to  Chicagft 
and  after  completing  a  course  at  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  practiced 
medicine.  Children  :  i.  Susie  E.,  resides  in  Chicago ;  ii.  Roy,  resides  in  Idaho ; 
iii.  Will,  resides  in  Morgan  Park,  111. 

278.  SAMUEL"  ABBEY,  son  of  Shadrach^  and  Welthan  (  )  Abbe,  born 
in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y.,  about  1807.  Resided  for  a  time,  at  least,  in  Jefferson 
County,  N.  Y.    Died  at  Clayton,  N.  Y.,  October,  1867. 

Married  (1)  about  1834,  ELIZABETH  (BETSEY)  THOMPSON,  born  near 
Concord,  N.  H.,  about  1811;  died  in  Clayton,  1850.  She  was  daughter  of 
and  Olive  (Kendrick)  Thompson. 

Married  (2)  MRS.  CLARISSA  (GRAVES)  DAVIS,  born  in  Brownville,  N.  Y., 
about  1815;    died  in  Clayton  about  1884. 

Children  by  first  wife 

William  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  3,  1835,  in  Orleans  township,  Jefferson  County,  N.  Y. 
Resides  in  St.  Lawrence,  Jefferson  County.  Married  (1)  Helen  Hentze,  b.  in 
town  of  Clayton,  N.  Y.,  daughter  of  Levi  and  Irene  (  )  Hentze.     No  children. 

Married  (2)  1885,  Helen  Carnal,  b.  in  St.  Lawrence  County,  N.  Y. ;  d.  about 

Mary  Abbey,  b.  in  Orleans  township,  Feb.  7,  18.37 ;  resides  in  Kennedy,  Chau- 
tauqua County,  N.  Y.  Married  at  Three  Mile  Bay,  Jefferson  County,  N.  Y., 
Jan.  5,  1859,  Edward  Kenney  of  Clayton,  N.  Y.  He  was  b.  in  Lewis  County, 
N.  Y.,  18.31,  son  of  Thomas  and  Aphena   (  )    Kenney ;    d.  in  Berlin,  Minn., 

May  16,  1904.    No  children. 

516  Salina  Abbey,  b.  April  21,  1843 ;    m.  Ira  Nichols. 

Children  by  second  wife 

Bessie  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  15,  1854,  in  Clayton  ;  resides  near  Clayton.  Married  in 
Rosiere,  N.  Y.,  July  3,  1881,  George  Tiernan,  b.  March  18,  1833,  in  Canada, 
son  of  Thomas  and  Mary   (  )   Tiernan.     Children  :    i.  Frank,  b.  Jan.  3,  1883, 

in  Clayton  ;   ii.  Florence  Ida,  b.  Aug.  10,  1886 ;    iii.  George  D.,  b.  June  20,  1891. 

Dewitt  C.  Abbey,  b.  in  Clayton,  April  2,  1856.  and  resides  there.  He  is  in  the 
employ  of  the  New  York  Central  Railroad.  Married  in  Watertown,  N.  Y.,  .Tan. 
1,  1890,  Bertha  C.  Cornwell,  b.  May  13,  1S70,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary 
(  )   Cornwell.     Children:    i.  Gladys  Ray   (twin),  b.  Jan.  12,  1897,  d.  May  8, 

1897;  ii.  Glennie  May  (twin),  b.  .Tan.  12,  1897,  d.  April  30,  1897;  iii.  Clarissa, 
b.  May  31,  1898,  d.  June  1,  1898 ;    iv.  Freda  Bell,  b.  Oct.  4,  1901. 

Walter  II.  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  24,  1865,  in  Clayton  ;  resides  in  Waseo,  Kern  County, 
Calif.  Married  July  10,  1895,  Florence  H.  Shottenkirk,  b.  in  Iroquois  County, 
111.,  Sept.  12,  1868,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Miriam  (Irbister)  Shottenkirk. 
Children,  b.  in  Kern  County :  i.  Laurence  Everett,  b.  May  1,  1896 ;  ii.  Richard 
L.,  b.  April  11,  1900,  d.  Aug.  16,  1900 ;  iii.  Bessie  Ruth,  b.  May  24,  1901 ;  iv. 
Dorothy  Miriam,  b.  Aug.  14,  1903,  d.  April  24,  1904 ;  v.  WiUiam  Bruce,  b.  May  8, 

Sixth  Generation  153 

279.  CYRUS"  NORTHROP,  son  of  Joel  and  Eunice^  (Marsh)  Nortlirop,  born 
December  8,  1773,  in  New  Milford,  Conn.;  died  April  25,  1869.  He  was  a 
farmer  in  New  Milford. 

Married  July  27,  1796,  BETSEY  WELLS,   daughter  of  Philip  Wells.     She 

died  May  19,  1833,  aged  56. 


Caroline  Northrop,  b.  July  27,  1797;  m.  Jan.,  1817,  William  Mygatt,  b.  Oct.  25, 
1785,  son  of  Noahdiab  and  Clarissa  (Lines)  Mygatt.  They  removed  to  Oxford, 
Chenango  County,  N.  Y.  Children :  i.  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  7,  1817 ;  ii.  Fred- 
erick N.,  b.  1819,  d.  young ;  iii.  Sarah  Abby,  b.  1821 ;  iv.  Emily  Northrop, 
b.  1823 ;  V.  Susan  Minerva,  b.  1825,  d.  young  ;  vi.  Caroline  Louisa,  b.  1827 ; 
\ii.  Jane  Ann,  b.  1829 ;    \-iii.  Julia  McMahon,  b.  1832. 

Abhy  Sariah  Northrop,  b.  Oct.  15,  1799;    d.  July  2,  1818. 

Joel  Wells  Northrop,  h.  Sept.  3,  1801;  m.  Aug.  28,  18-31,  Catherine  Canfield, 
daughter  of  Colonel  Samuel  and  Rebecca  M.  (Taylor)  Canfield.  Children : 
i.  Samuel  Canfield,  b.  May  16,  1833,  m.  June  29,  1869,  Carrie  Bassett  and  had  a 
daughter  Catherine  Canfield  ;  ii.  Lawrence,  b.  Jan.  29,  18.35,  m.  Sept.  24,  1870, 
Mary  Drake,  and  had  two  children,  Caroline  Canfield  and  James  Lawrence ; 
iii.  Cyrus,  b.  May  26,  1838,  m.  Sept.  24  (or  April  8),  1860,  Ruth  Peabody  of 
Columbus,  Ga.,  and  had  three  children,  John  Mygatt,  Katie  Low  and  William 

Emily  Eunice  Northrop,  b.  Oct.  7,  1803 ;  m.  Sept.  12,  1831,  Benjamin  E.  Bostvrick, 
son  of  Solomon  and  Anne  (Wells)  Bostwick.  They  resided  in  New  Milford. 
Children  :  i.  Cyrus  Benjamin,  b.  May  31,  1836 ;  ii.  Edwin  Northrop,  b.  May  3, 

Clara  Northrop,  b.  Nov.  12,  1805;    d.  Sept.  6,  1808. 

Sarah  Northrop,  b.  Nov.  9.  1807 ;  m.  April  15,  18.30,  Colonel  William  J.  Starr,  son 
of  Eli  and  Susannah  (Higgins)  Starr.  Children:  i.  Eliza  Jane.  b.  Jan.  16,  18.31, 
d.  Oct.  3,  1832 ;  ii.  Frederick  Eli ;  iii.  William  Edward,  who  d.  June  17,  1852 ; 
iv.  Catherine  Sophia,  m.  Joseph  Bostwick,  resides  at  Mishawaka,  Ind.,  has  six 
children,  Sarah  Stan*,  Robert,  Joseph,  Carrie  Elizabeth,  Katie  Starr,  and 
William  Starr. 

Clara  Elizabeth  Northrop,  b.  Feb.  21,  1810;    d.  Feb.  15,  1815. 

Jane  Ann  Northrop,  b.  Nov.  26,  1811 ;    d.  Jan.  15,  1829. 

Sophia  Northrop,  b.  April  29,  1814 ;    m.  Eli  Mygatt,  jr. 

Catherine  Northrop,  b.  Jan.  13,  1819;  m.  Oct.  9,  1849,  James  Hine,  M.D.,  b.  in 
New  Milford,  July  21,  1822,  son  of  Lyman  and  Hannah  (Roberts)  Hine.  He  was 
graduated  from  the  College  of  the  City  of  New  York  in  1847  and  practiced 
medicine  in  New  Milford.  Children  :  i.  Francis  Lyman,  b.  Dec.  6,  1850,  resided 
in  New  York ;  ii.  Sophia  Mygatt,  b.  April  15,  1855 ;  iii.  Caroline  Louisa,  b.  Dec. 
1,  1857,  m.  Dec.  19,  1878,  George  B.  Noble,  and  had  a  son,  Frank  Belden,  b. 
Jan.  20,  1880. 

280.  WANZER''  MARSH,  son  of  John^  and  Abigail  (Wanzer)  Marsh,  born 
probably  in  New  Milford,  Conn.;    died  in  Merryall,  February  24,  1845. 

Married   (1)   SALLY  BUCKLEY,  daughter  of  Rev.  Nathan  Buckley  of  Dan- 
burs*,  a  Baptist  minister.     She  died  December  3,  1841,  aged  42. 
Married  (2)  November  11, ,  URANIA  FERRISS. 

Children  by  first  tcife 

517     John  Buckley  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  6,  1801. 

Daniel  Marsh,  m.  June  16,  1833,   Charlotte  Williams,  who  d.  1855,   daughter  of 

Dr.  Jehiel  Williams.     Children :    i.  Edward  William,  was  a  Captain  in  the  Civil 

War,   m.   Amanda   Bladen ;     ii.   Thompson  T.,   m.   Florence   Henderson   of  Lee, 

Esther  Marsh,  m.  Clark  Wells. 
Lavinia  Marsh,  m.  Daniel  T.  Giddings. 
Anan  Marsh,  m.  Nov.  25,  1839,  Lucy  A.  Peet.     Child:    Alice  G.,  m.  Sept.  9,  1868, 

Walter  B.  Bostwick,  son  of  Solomon  E.  and  Adaline   (Booth)   Bostwick,  b.  Aug. 

26,  1840,  had  children,  Lizzie  Marsh  and  AVinfred  Walter,  b.  April  9,  1876. 

Child  by  second  wife 

James  Marsh,  d.  Oct.  24,  1860 ;  m.  Urania  Buck.  Children :  i.  David,  d.  young ; 
ii.  Seth ;    iii.  James. 

154  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

281.  GEORGE  MARTIN"  MARSH,  son  of  SamueP  and  Miriam  (Leach) 
Marsh,  born  May  12,  1789,  probably  in  New  Milford,  Conn.;  died  April  25, 
1858.    He  resided  on  the  plains  below  Lanesville. 

Married  March  14,  1811,  BETSEY   SHERWOOD,  born  September  7,  1790, 

daughter  of  Daniel  and  Polly    (Hill)    Sherwood.     Two  of  her  sisters  married 

brothers  of  her  husband. 


Oliver  Marsh,  b.  Feb.  3,  1812 ;  m.  Caroline  Davis.  Children  :  1.  Philip  G.,  was  a 
soldier  in  the  Civil  War,  m.  July  4,  1865,  Bessie  A.  Loveland  and  had  a  son 
Milton  Loveland ;  ii.  Charles  H.,  was  a  soldier  in  the  Civil  War  and  d.  Jan.  25, 
1867,  aged  27,  of  disease  contracted  in  the  war,  m.  March  23,  1863,  Sarah  E. 
Kramer  of  Baltimore,  Md.,  who  resided  after  his  death  at  Lanesville,  with  two 
children,  Olive  Chnton  and  Carrie  Virginia. 

Mira  Ann  Marsh,  b.  Oct.  15,  1815 ;  d.  Nov.  29,  1880.  Married  Thomas  A.  Welton, 
son  of  Andrew  Welton  who  came  to  New  Milford  in  1836  and  established  a  store 
at  Lanesville  on  the  Danbury  Road.  Children :  i.  Thomas  M.,  resides  in  Dan- 
bury  ;    ii.  George  A.,  resides  in  New  Milford. 

WiUiam  Elliot  Marsh,  b.  June  14,  1820;    m.  . 

RoUa  Sherwood  Marsh,  b.  Nov.  8,  1821 ;    m.  . 

Homer  L.  Marsh,  b.  Oct.  20,  1824 ;    d.  Aug.  23,  1826. 

Emma  Eliza  Marsh,  b.  April  25,  1825;  m.  Lorenzo  C.  Dunning,  who  d.  Jan.  9, 
1871.     Child:    Lilhau  S. 

Polly  Caroline  Marsh,  b.  Feb.  14,  1827 ;  resides  in  Newtown  ;  m.  April  4,  1854, 
Andrew  B.  Judd  of  Bethel,  Conn.     Children  :    i.  George  ;    ii.  Estella. 

Harriet  M.  Marsh,  b.  Jan.  12,  1835;  resides  in  Lanesville;  m.  1876,  Liverius 

282.  WILLIAM"  MARSH,  son  of  John^  and  Abigail  (Waldo)  Marsh,  born 
January  25,  1783,  in  New  Milford,  Conn.;  died  in  Pike,  Bradford  County,  Pa. 
He  purchased  a  large  tract  of  land  in  Pike  before  1822,  and  was  a  farmer  in 
that  township. 

Man-ied  (1)  in  New  Milford,  February  18,  1802,  RACHEL  NICHOLS,  born 
in  New  Milford,  April  3,  1780;  died  there  January  28,  1810.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Isaac  and  Sarah  (Stevens)  Nichols. 

Married  (2)  in  New  Milford,  SARAH  or  MARTHA  NICHOLS,  sister  of  his 
first  wife,  born  in  New  Milford,  March  8,  1785 ;    died  in  the  winter  of  1856. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Elliot  Marsh,  b.  Nov.  14,  1802 ;    d.  1853.     He  was  a  manufacturer  of  safes. 
Wealthy  Marsh,  b.  Oct.  18,  1804;    d.  1864;    m.  as  his  second  wife,  E.  B.  Mints,  a 

farmer  of  Herrick. 
Cordelia  Marsh,  h.  Jan.  12,  1806 ;    d.  1826 ;    m.  as  his  first  wife,  E.  B.  Mints. 
Amy  Lorain  Marsh,  h.  Jan.  26,  1808;    d.  1870;    m.  M.  D.  F.  Hines,  a  farmer  of 


Children  hy  second  wife 

Rachel  Marsh,  b.  March  2,  1811 ;  d.  1876 ;  m.  John  Bowles,  a  farmer  and  carpenter 
of  Pike. 

Lois  Marsh,  b.  Jan.  2,  1813;   m.  Davis  D.  Black,  a  farmer  of  Tuscarora. 

Aden  Marsh,  h.  March  19,  1814 ;    d.  1846 ;    resided  in  Pike  township  all  his  Hfe. 

Lucy  Ann  Marsh,  b.  April  19,  1816 ;  d.  1882 ;  m.  Daniel  C.  Miller,  a  farmer  in 
Wilmot,  where  they  resided  until  her  death. 

Joseph  II.  Marsh,  b.  in  Pike,  May  7,  1822.  He  worked  at  the  trade  of  carpenter 
and  joiner  until  1843,  when  he  purchased  a  farm  at  Herrick.  After  a  few  years 
he  went  to  New  Haven,  Conn.,  and  practiced  his  trade.  He  returned  to  purchase 
the  old  homestead  at  Pike  and  lived  on  this  farm  for  nineteen  years.  He  then 
purchased  a  farm  at  LeRaysville  and  combined  tanning  and  harness-making 
with  farming.  In  1873  he  moved  to  Wyalusing  and  started  a  furniture  factory 
which  was  entirely  destroyed  by  fire  after  a  few  years  and  he  returned  to  the  farm. 
In  1886  he  opened  a  real  estate  oflice  in  Wyalusing.  He  was  known  as  an 
energetic  business  man,  a  careful  manager,  and  most  trustworthy.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  State  Legislature  in  1864-5  and  1882-3.     He  was  a  member  of  the 

Sixth  Generation  155 

Masonic  Lodge.  Marriod  (1)  May  28.  1842,  Eliza  A.  Stevens,  who  d.  Jan.  15, 
1846,  leaving  no  children.  Married  (2)  Jan.  17,  1848,  Harriet  Lines  of  New 
Haven,  who  d.  Nov.  20,  1848,  leaving  one  child  :  W.  D.,  b.  Nov.  20,  1848,  m. 
Flora  Wells  of  Pike.  Married  (3)  July  3,  1851,  Sarah  M.  Carry.  Children: 
i.  Hattie  L.,  b.  Dec.  2,  1856 ;  ii.  Langdou  H.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1860,  m.  Ella  McCauley 
and  resides  on  his  father's  farm  in  Pike. 

Isaac  Marsh,  b.  Dec.  21,  1825  ;    resided  in  Rome  borough. 

Hannah  Marsh,  b.  April  24,  1832  ;  d.  1856 ;  m.  Gould  Stevens  and  removed  to 
Carroll  County,  111.,  where  she  died. 

283.  HANNAH'"'  MARSH,  daughter  of  Joseph'^  and  Abigail  (Waldo)  INIarsh, 
born  in  New  Milford,  Conn.,  September  10,  1784  or  5;   died  there  August  1,  1867. 

Married  in  New  Milford,  September  15,  1802,  ZACHARIAH  FERRISS,  born 
July  11,  1778,  in  New  Milford;  died  there  August  30,  1860.  He  was  the  son 
of  Zachariah  and  Phebe  (Gaylord)  Ferriss,  and  was  a  farmer  on  his  father's 
homestead  in  Jerusalem  on  Rocky  River. 

Children,  horn  in  New  Alilford 

Edith  Ferriss,  b.  Dec.  14,  1803 ;    m.  March  9,  1826,  Levi  Leach  of  Sheriman. 

Laura  Ferriss,  b.  Aug.  25,  1806 ;    m.  Levi  Leach  of  Sherman. 

Mary  Ann  Ferriss,  b.  Oct.  21,  1808;    m.  Aug.  29,  1831,  John  Havilaud.     Child: 

Jane  Ann,  m.  May  16,  1855,  Gershom  B.  Giddings,  a  farmer  at  Lanesville,  son 

of  James  A.,  jr.,  and  Susan  H.   (Barlow)   Giddings,  and  has  a  child  Martha  who 

m.  Merwin  Hine  of  Sherman.    They  have  a  daughter  Eleanor  Francis  Hine. 
Phehe  Joan  Ferriss,  b.  Nov.  5,  1811 ;    m.  May  8,  1831,  Abraham  Hoag  and  removed 

to  Dover,  N.  Y. 
518     Hannah  Ferriss,  b.  Dec.  21,  1814;    m.  William  Wanzer. 

Charles  Marsh  Fei-riss,  b.  July  6,  1816 ;    resided  some  years  in  Jerusalem,  removed 

to  Minnesota,  Oct.  15,  1865.     Married  June  12,  18.39,  Mary  A.  Marsh,  who  d. 

Nov.  7,  1877.     Children  :    1.  Zachariah,  d.  Oct.  16,  1871 ;    ii.  Samuel  D.,  d.  Nov. 

14,    1850 ;     iii.    Charlotte,    m.    Charles    Sherwood    and    lives    in   Tennessee ;     iv. 

Ohve  H.,  m.  George  A.  Ferriss ;    v.  Charles  H.,  lives  in  Tennessee. 
Abhy  Jane  Ferriss,  b.  May  13,  1819  ;    resided  in  Sherman  ;   m.  (1)  Israel  Haviland  ; 

(2)  Richard  P.  Brady. 
Henry  Ferriss,  b.  Jan.  8,  1822. 
Arabella  Ferriss,  b.  Sept.  13,  1824 ;    m.  Sept.  15,  1852,  Walter  Marsh.     Children  : 

i.  William  H. ;   ii.  Amos  H. ;   iii.  Phebe  M. 
Eunice  Cordelia  Ferriss,  b.  Jan.  21,  1827 ;    d.  Oct.  10,  1829. 

284.  ALMIRA"  MARSH,  daughter  of  Anios^  and  Abigail  (Sutton)  Marsh, 
born  August  15,  1794 ;    died  September  10,  1832. 

Married  May  5,  1814,  ANAN  HINE,  born  February  4,  1789;  died  April  6, 
1860.  He  was  the  son  of  Stephen  and  Naomi  (Peek)  Hine  of  New  Milford, 
Conn.  He  was  engaged  in  mercantile  business  with  his  brothers  and  later  in 
the  manufacture  of  stove-linings  and  fire-bricks.  He  was  interested  in  the 
building  of  the  Housatonic  Railroad  and  was  one  of  its  first  directors. 


Julia  Laura  Hine,  h.  March  4,  1815 ;  d.  March  30,  1845 ;  m.  Harry  Walter. 
Child  :    Anan  Hine,  b.  Jan.  18,  1845. 

Hcfiry  Marsh  Hine,  b.  July  18,  1816;  resided  in  New  York  City;  m.  (1)  1848, 
Martha  Alvord  of  Southport,  Conn.,  who  d.  1849;  (2)  in  1850,  Phebe  Stanley 
of  Bridgeport.    Had  children. 

Charles  Sutton  Hine,  h.  March  22,  1818 ;  resided  in  Stamford,  Conn. ;  ra.  Jan.  1, 
1845,  Jane  Van  Nordan,  of  Yarmouth,  Nova  Scotia.  Children:  i.  Sarah  Ann, 
b.  Nov.  26,  1846,  d.  July  30,  1847;  ii.  Charles  Frederick,  b.  Dec.  27,  1848, 
m.  Sept.  6,  1870,  Jane  Ryer,  resided  in  New  York  City  and  had  a  daughter, 
Dora;  iii.  Magdalen,  b.  Sept.  22,  1850,  resides  in  New  York  City,  m.  Oct.  21, 
1875,  Henry  W.  Plant  of  Yarmouth,  Nova  Scotia,  had  daughters  Sarah,  b.  Sept. 
30,  1876,  and  Magdalen,  b.  May  18,  1878;  iv.  Almira  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  29, 
1852 (?)  ;    V.  Robert  Clark,  b.  June  6,  1860. 

156  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Clark  Hine,  b.  June  5,  1821;  resided  in  New  Milford.  Married  (1)  Jan.  1,  1846, 
Mary  Elizabeth  Wells  who  d.  July  3,  1854;  (2)  May  17,  1857,  Cynthia  Hinman, 
who  d.  May  3,  1876.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Isaac  Hinman  of  Hamden. 
Children  by  first  wife :  i.  Julia  Laura,  b.  Jan.  21,  1850 ;  ii.  Henry  Clark,  b.  Nov. 
7,  1852,  m.  June  6,  1877,  Flora  Imogene  Case  of  Salisbury,  Conn.,  had  a  son, 
Albert  Case,  b.  May  13,  1881.  Children  by  second  wife :  1.  Charles  Walter, 
b.  March  24,  1858 ;  ii.  Sarah  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  10,  1859,  d.  Oct.  21,  1861 ;  iii. 
William  Edward,  b.  April  25,  1863. 

Charlotic  Iline,  b.  Feb.  1,  1823;  resided  in  New  Britain,  Conn.;  m.  Oct.  13,  1847, 
OUver  Cromwell  Stanley.  Children :  i.  Jesse,  b.  Aug.  1,  1848,  m.  Oct.  10,  1878, 
Hannah  E.  Murry,  and  had  a  son,  Irwin  S.,  b.  Oct.  12,  1880 ;  ii.  Kate,  b.  Oct. 
12,  1852,  d.  Oct.  10,  1856;  iii.  Merwin  C,  b.  May  6,  1857;  iv.  OUver  C,  b. 
July  16,  1871. 

Stephen  Hine,  b.  April  18,  1825 ;  m.  Nov.  28,  1854,  Harriet  Frances  Woolsey, 
who  d.  March  1,  1867.  Children  :  i.  Merwin,  b.  Sept.  10,  1855,  m.  Oct.  8,  1878, 
Martha  Giddings,  had  a  daughter  Emma  Frances  ;  ii.  Emma  Seymour,  b.  Aug.  5, 
1857,  m.  Feb.  19,  1879,  DeWitt  Pepper  of  Sherman,  and  had  a  son  DeWitt ; 
iii.  Hattie  Noble,  b.  Dec.  28,  1860 ;  iv.  Carrie,  b.  Dec.  29,  1862,  d.  Aug.  20,  1863 ; 
V.  Anan  Walter,  b.  Dec.  26,  1864,  d.  Aug.  7,  1865. 

Almira  Hine,  b.  March  28,  1827 ;    d.  May  6,  1857. 

Anan  Hine,  b.  June  17,  1829 ;    d.  May  6,  1857. 

Edivard  Hine,  b.  June  10,  1832.  Resided  in  New  York  City;  m.  Jan.  18,  1872, 
Lavinia  J.  Stratton.     Child  :    Edward  S.,  b.  Sept.  18,  1875. 

285.     JOHN"    CROSS,   JR.,    son  of  John^    Cross   and   Mrs.    Sarah    (Backus) 
Gibbs,  baptized  October  15,  1791;    resided  in  North  Windham,  Conn. 
Married  (1)  FAITH  PAINE,  died  March  21,  1844,  aged  51. 
Married  (2)  October  7,  1844,  PRUDENCE  STEDMAN. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Mary  Able  Cross,  m.  June  26,  1840,  Fitch  PoUy. 

Eliza  Cross,  m.  Martin  C.  Chapin. 

Lucius  H.   Cross,  resided  in  1864  in  Bloomer  Center,   Montcalm   County,   Mich. ; 

m.  Nov.  19,  1849,  Eliza  Ann  Cole.     No  children. 
Louisa  Cross,  d.  aged  4. 
Betsey  M.  Cross,  d.  Dec.  16,  1858,  aged  36 ;    m.  Sept.  9,  1844,  Thomas  S.  Beckwith 

of  North  Windham.    Three  children. 
Emma  Cross,  d.  aged  3  months. 

Charles  H.  Cross,  d.  March  3,  1856,  aged  26 ;    m.  Harriet  Davis  of  Jewett  City. 
Lucy  Ann  Cross,  d.  May  25,  1860,  aged  25 ;    m.  July  31,  1859,  Calvin  Lincoln. 

286.  LURA'''  ABBE,  daughter  of  AbcP  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
January  20,  1791,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  died  May  17,  1888,  in  Racine,  Wis.  In 
1855  she  moved  to  Mount  Pleasant,  Wis.,  and  made  her  home  with  her  daughter, 

Married  in  Lisle,  N.  Y.,  June  8,  1808,  JOHN  BOM  AN  HOSMER,  born  Novem- 
ber 10,  1787,  in  Mansfield,  Conn. ;  died  July  2,  1854,  in  Sardinia,  N.  Y.  In  1813 
he  went  to  Sardinia,  locating  at  first  near  the  village  where  the  Cherry  Tavern 
was  kept  and  later  moving  into  the  village.  He  was  a  farmer  and  served  in  the 
War  of  1812. 

Children,  horn  in.  Sardinia,  N.  Y. 

519  Auriella  Hosmer,  b.  Oct.  5,  1810 ;    m.  Alson  Felch. 
Alonzo  Hosmer,  b.  March  8,  1812 ;    d.  in  Sardinia. 
Ezra  Hosmer,  b.  Oct.  31,  1814 ;    d.  Dec.  28,  1819. 
,  b.  Jan.  15,  1817 ;    d.  Jan.  30,  1817. 

520  Mariam  Rinsiham  Hosmer,  b.  Jan.  25,  1819;    m.  Orson  S.  Phelps. 

Netoell  S.  Hosmer,  b.  Nov.  26,  1820 ;  lived  all  his  life  in  Sardinia,  N.  Y.,  and  d. 
there,  Feb.  18,  1895.  He  was  a  farmer ;  owned  the  old  homestead ;  built  a 
cheese  factory  in  1869  in  which  he  made  about  six  hundred  tons  of  cheese  during 

Sixth  Generation  157 

the  next  four  years  ;  later  lie  sold  this  factory  and  started  others.  Married  iu 
Sardinia,  June  25,  1855,  Clarissa  Rider,  b.  in  Sardinia,  March  22,  182G ;  d.  there 
Oct.,  1890.     Child  :    Lucien,  b.  March  25,  185G,  in  Sardinia,  d.  Oct.  11,  1858. 

521  Uarry  Walhridgc  Uosmer,  b.  Feb.  26,  1823;    m.   (1)   Jeanette  Wright;     (2)   Mrs. 

Helen  Fowler. 

522  Ann  Alinda  Uosmer,  b.  April  14,  1826;    m.  Nicholas  Do  Mouilpied. 

523  John  F.  Hosmer,  b.  May  20,  1828 ;    m.  Harriet  Maria  Goodrich. 
,  b.  Dec.  14,  1830 ;    d.  Dec.  17,  1830. 

287.  MELINDA"  ABBE,  daugliter  of  Albert'^'  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe, 
born  July  5,  1794,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.  She  moved  with  her  family  to  Lisle, 
Broome  County,  N.  Y.,  then  to  Sardinia,  N.  Y.,  in  1814.  She  was  the  first 
teacher  in  Sardinia. 

Married  (1)  November  25,  1815,  JEREMIAH  WILCOX,  born  1790;  died 
March  24,  1843,  in  Ashford,  N.  Y. 

Married  (2)  BOYLIS,  who  died  November,  1877. 

Children  hy  first  marriage 

524  John  Ahbe  Wilcox,  h.  Dec.  8,  181Q;    m.   (1)  Fanny  Manter;    (2)  Hannah  T,  Turn. 

525  Sardus  Denslow  Wilcox,  b.  Nov.  21,  1818 ;    m.  Sarah  G.  Bond. 

Lura  Oranda  Wilcox,  b.  May  4,  1821 ;    d.  March  26,  1839 ;    b.  and  d.  in  Springville, 
N.  Y. 

526  Alel  Morton  Wilcox,  b.  July  23,  1823 ;    m.  Betsey  Saunders. 

527  Sally  Maria  Wilcox,  b.  Oct.  7,  1825 ;    m.  James  Goodemote. 

Alfred  Peiry  Wilcox  (twin),  b.  March  23,  1828,  in  SpringviUe,  N.  Y. ;    d.  Feb.  23, 

1870,  iu  Tulare  County,  CaUf. 
Albert  Tracy  Wilcox  (twin),  b.  March  23,  1828,  in  Springville,  N.  Y. ;    d.  June  10, 

1852,  in  Kansas. 
Carlos  Emmons  Wilcox,  b.  Jan.  18,  18.31 ;    d.  Oct.  6,  1847,  in  Pueblo,  Mexico. 

528  Lucy  Matilda  Wilcox,  b.   March  6,  1834;    m.    (1)    Alden  Kellogg;     (2)    Erastus 

Wright;     (3)  Luman  Roup. 
Origen  Eleazer  Wilcox,  b.  Nov.  13,  1836,  in  Springville,  N.  Y. ;    d.  there  April  5, 

288.  CHARLES"  ABBE,  son  of  Abel^  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
May  3,  1798,  in  Mansfield,  Conn.  He  removed  to  Elja-ia,  Ohio,  where  he  lived 
until  about  1865,  then  went  to  Jackson,  Mich.  He  was  engaged  in  the  lumber 
business  and  built  the  first  tower  in  which  a  bell  was  rung  in  Elyria.  He  died 
December  15,  1893,  in  Jackson,  Mich. 

Married  (1)  LYDIA  JONES,  died  in  Elyria,  November  11,  1846,  aged  48  years, 
5  months;   buried  in  Elyi-ia. 

Man-ied  (2)  ALT  A  MIR  A  LILLY,  died  in  Elyi-ia,  June  26,  1860,  aged  47  years; 
buried  in  Elyria. 

Married  (3)  MRS.  HENRIETTA  HITCHCOCK,  died  in  Michigan. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

529     Lucius  Ahbe,  b.  March  31,  1822;    m.  Lydia  Blain. 
Luther  Abbe,  went  to  Texas ;    d.  during  the  war. 

Clarissa  Abbe,  d.  in  Elyria,  Aug.  12,  1849,  aged  9  yrs.,  5  mos.,  22  days,  buried  in 

289.  WILLIAM"  ABBE,  son  of  AbeP  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born  in 
Mansfield,  Conn.,  April  19,  1800;  died  in  California,  February  15,  1854  (or 
February  10,  1855).  One  account  says  he  was  born  in  Orange  County,  N.  Y., 
and  went,  when  a  young  man,  to  Orleans  County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  married  and 
later  removed  to  Ohio.  He  lived  near  EljTia,  Ohio,  until  about  1836  when  the 
territory  of  Iowa  was  opened  for  settlers  and  he  removed  thither  by  wagon 

158  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

with  his  family,  crossing  the  Mississippi  on  the  ice  in  February.  He  finally 
settled  upon  land  in  Mount  Vernon,  Linn  County,  Iowa,  then  a  wild  prairie 
with  no  white  inhabitants.  There  were  several  hundred  Winnebago  Indians 
living  in  that  vicinity.  Mr.  Abbe  was  always  friendly  with  them.  In  the  season 
of  maple  sugar  making  there  would  often  be  as  many  as  five  hundred  Indians 
camped  around  his  door-yard.  Mr.  Abbe  had  a  fine  lot  of  maples  and  allowed 
the  Indians  to  tap  the  trees,  reserving  what  he  needed  for  his  own  use.  This 
reservation  was  never  encroached  upon. 

Mr.  Abbe  was  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace  in  the  new  settlement;  acted  as 
sheriff  and  his  house  was  used  to  hold  criminals  until  the  first  county  jail  was 
built.  He  was  elected  to  the  Legislature  and  served  two  terras.  In  1849  he 
went  with  a  party  to  the  California  gold  fields.  He  returned  in  1851,  by  way 
of  Cape  Horn;  was  shipwrecked  and  lost  nearly  all  he  had;  but  the  following 
year  found  him  again  on  his  way  to  the  gold  fields,  going  by  way  of  Panama 
and  taking  his  oldest  son,  Andrew.  They  went  to  San  Benito,  Calif.,  and  engaged 
in  ranching  and  cattle-raising.  He  died  while  on  a  business  trip  to  Sacramento. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  Masonic  order  and  had  much  to  do  with  the  early 
history  of  Linn  County. 

Married  (1)  in  Orleans  County,  N.  Y.,  November  18,  1824,  OLIVE  GREEN, 
born  April  20,  1808,  eldest  child  of  Philip  and  Lucy  (  )  Green;  died  in  Linn 
County,  Iowa,  June  2,  1840. 

Married  (2)  September  13,  1840,  MARY  WOLCOTT,  born  in  Ohio,  April  12, 
1809,  daughter  of  Dr.  Augustus  Wolcott  of  Elyria,  Ohio.  She  died  in  Iowa, 
Ausrust  27,  1861.     She  was  a  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 

Children  ty  first  wife 

Lucy  Able,  b.  in  Orleans  County,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  30,  1825;    d.  in  Iowa,  April  24, 

1840 ;    m.  May  8,  1839,  Allison  WiUetts.     No  cliildren. 
Lois  Alhe,  b.  in  Orleans  County,  Jan.  21,  1827 ;    d.  April  17,  1827,  probably. 

530  Andrew  Alhe,  b.  March  6,  1828 ;    m.  Mary  Jane  Berry. 

531  Susan  Alle,  b.  Nov.  30,  1830;   m.  (1)  John  Harmon;    (2)  John  Shields. 

Children  ly  second  wife 

532  Augustus  Wolcott  Alle,  b.  Sept.  22,  1841 ;   m.  Cynthia  Walker. 

William  Alden  Alle,  b.  July  18,  1843;  d.  July  1,  1888;  served  in  the  Civil  War. 
Married  July  15,  1869,  Estella  Clendenning  of  Ohio.  She  was  living  in  Mil- 
waukee a  few  years  ago.  Children  :  i.  Edith  Myrtle,  b.  May  29,  1870,  resides  in 
Wauwatosa,  Wis.,  m.  1892,  Willard  A.  Gray  and  has  five  children,  Dorothy 
Wolcott,  James  William,  Marian,  Willard  A.,  jr.,  and  Edith ;  ii.  Mary,  b.  June 
5,  1872,  d.  1895  or  1898;  iii.  Margaret  Pearle,  d.  in  Clinton,  Iowa,  Feb.  14, 
,  aged  4  yrs.,  3  mos. 

Mary  Alle,  b.  Feb.  28,  1846 ;    d.  April  18,  1846,  in  Iowa. 

290.  PHEBE"  ABBE,  daughter  of  AbeP  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
in  Mansfield,  Conn.,  February  11,  1802;  died  in  Fairmount,  111.,  November 
27,  1869. 

Married  in  Madison,  N.  Y.,  October  18,  1822,  W.  H.  POND,  died  in  Fairmount, 

September  25, 1859. 


Harvey  Pond,  b.  1823 ;   d.  March  28,  1831. 

Matilda  Pond,  b.  in  Sardinia,  N.  Y.,  April  29,  1825  ;  d.  in  St.  Louis.  Mo.,  March 
29,  1901 ;  m.  April  16,  1844,  Joseph  Crosset.  Children  :  i.  Leland  H.,  b.  April  6, 
1845,  m.  Aug.  27,  1866,  Margaret  Berryman,  b.  Jan.  24,  1847,  d.  Aug.  4,  1872, 
had  two  children,  Charles  Henry,  b.  Oct.  11,  1868,  d.  July  7,  1882,  and  Ellen  F., 
b.  June  19,  1867,  m.  and  had  a  child  ;  ii.  Legrand  S.,  b.  Oct.  7,  1849,  m.  Jan.  6, 
1871,  Alice  Evans,  had  four  children,  Etta  May,  b.  Jan.  11,  1872,  a  son  who  d. 
in  infancy,  Daisy,  b.  July  21,  1878,  and  Clara,  b.  Nov.  17,  1879  ;  iii.  Freeland  M., 
b.  Sept.  6,  1850,  d.  Sept.  11,  1870 ;    iv.  Roland  J.,  b.  March  21,  1852 ;    v.  Harriet 

Sixth  Generation  159 

Saliua,  b.  July  17,  1853,  m.  Feb.  17,  1881,  Harvey  McClelland,  bad  tbree 
cbildreu,  one  d.  in  infancy,  Sarah  Phebe,  b.  May  8,  1887,  Flora  May,  b.  Feb.  14, 
1896 ;  vi.  Salome  Alzina.  b.  April  19,  1855,  m.  Stanley  Remus ;  vii.  Mary  Myrtle, 
b.  July  28,  1857,  m.  William  Burwell ;  viii.  James  Boyd,  b.  Dec.  13,  1859,  lives 
in  Marion  County,  111. ;   ix.  Edward,  b.  Feb.  27,  1862,  m.  July  3,  1902. 

Luther  Pond,  h.  May  30,  1828,  in  Concord,  N.  Y. 

Mehitahlc  Pond,  b.  Aug.  10,  1833,  in  Boswick,  Ohio. 

Lois  Ann  Pond,  b.  July  20,  1835,  in  Milan,  Ohio.  Married  (1)  June  20,  1854, 
Luther  Norton,  d.  Oct.  5,  1866.  Children ;  i.  Frederick  Henry,  b.  in  Coldwater, 
Mich.,  Oct.  17,  1855,  d.  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Feb.  25,  1859 ;  ii.  Franklin 
Eugene,  b.  in  Vermillion,  111.,  Jan.  7,  1857,  m.  Nov.  15,  1889,  Clara  Arrowsmith 
and  had  five  children,  all  b.  in  Odin,  111.,  Grace  Ann,  b.  Sept.  12,  1890,  Phebe 
Catherine,  b.  Oct.  10,  1891,  Daisy  Dean,  b.  Dec.  1,  1893,  Laura  Hazel,  b.  May  25, 
1895,  and  Blanche,  b.  Nov.  13,  1896;  iii.  Willis  Zelotes,  b.  in  Minneapolis, 
Feb.  13,  1859,  d.  Oct.  7,  1859;  iv,  Alfred  Abbey,  b.  in  Minneapolis,  Feb.  11, 
1863,  m.  in  Carlyle,  lU.,  Feb.  14,  1893,  Agnes  Jane  Strivenson  and  had  two 
children,  b.  in  Odin,  Cecil  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  20,  1895,  and  Knight  Freely,  b.  Oct.  3, 
1898,  d.  Jan.  12,  1899  ;  v.  Adelbert  Freely,  b.  in  Beatrice,  Minn.,  March  5,  1866, 
m.  in  Shelby,  Ohio,  March  29,  1893,  Daisy  Strum  and  has  a  child,  Mildred  Strum, 
b.  Aug.  24,  1895.  Lois  Ann  Pond  m.  (2)  W.  E.  Smith  of  Odin,  111.  Child: 
Claude  Eleazer,  b.  Jan.  11.  1877,  d.  Nov.  8,  1878. 

Edward  Pond,  b.  in  Berlin,  Ohio,  Dec.  24,  1837 ;    d.  in  Denver,  Colo.,  Feb.  22,  1877. 

Aniaretta  Pond,  b.  in  Richmond,  Ohio,  April  7,  1840 ;  d.  in  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  May  12, 

291.  ELEAZER8  ABBE,  son  of  AbeP  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
December  28,  1805,  in  Lisle,  Broome  County,  N.  Y. ;  died  August  19,  1896,  in 
Eljria,  Ohio.  In  1817  he  went  to  Lorain  County  and  purchased  a  tract  of 
land  in  Elyria  township.  In  addition  to  his  farming  interests  he  did  teaming  to 
Pittsburg.  He  carried  produce,  the  trip  usually  consuming  some  nine  or  ten 

In  1849  he  embarked  at  Cleveland  on  the  sailing  vessel  "Eureka"  for  a 
voyage  to  California,  through  the  canals  and  down  the  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
Quebec,  then  down  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  to  the  Atlantic  Ocean.  When  they 
arrived  at  Cape  Horn  they  were  obliged  to  ''double"  it,  owing  to  the  dense 
fog  prevailing,  instead  of  the  shorter  route  through  the  Straits  of  Magellan. 
After  a  voyage  of  nine  months,  they  reached  San  Francisco.  In  1851  he  started 
home  on  tlie  "Republic"  bound  for  Panama.  In  mid-ocean  she  sprang  a  leak, 
was  kept  afloat  by  hard  pumping  and  ran  ashore  at  Acapulco  Bay,  where  she 
sank  soon  after  the  passengers  had  been  removed.  Crossing  the  Isthmus  the 
party  sailed  for  New  York  and  thence  home  by  rail  after  an  absence  of  about 
three  j^ears. 

Married  in  Elyria,  Ohio,  October  31,  1835,  BETSEY  WILCOX,  born  March 
21,  1807,  in  Cornwall,  Conn.;    died  December  16,  1891. 


533  Mary  Delia  Ahhe,  b.  April  3,  1837 ;    m.  John  Taylor. 

534  Horace  Ahle,  b.  Nov.  24,  1840;    m.  Mary  Ann  Elizabeth  Aston. 

Norman  Ahhe,  b.  March  19,  1842,  b.  and  resided  in  Elyria,  Ohio ;  d.  there  Feb.  28, 
1907.  He  was  a  farmer  and  was  associated  with  his  brother  Horace  in  managing 
a  large  farm  for  the  breeding  of  imported  Hereford  cattle  and  Cotswold  sheep. 
Married  Mabel  Taylor.     No  children. 

535  George  Ahhe,  b.  Sept.  30,  1843;    m.   (1)   Mary  Gay;     (2)   Mrs.  Lila  L.    (Brown) 

Abbe;    (3)  Charity  Mendenhall. 
John  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  30,  1845,  in  Elyria,  Ohio;    d.  Nov.  11,  1876,  at  Bazine,  Kans. 
Resided  in  Elyria  and  worked  his  father's  farm  until  1870,  then  went  to  SaUna, 

Kans.,  later  to  Bazine,  Kans.    Married  at  Salina,  Sept.  20,  ,  Lila  L.  Brown, 

b.  1855.  She  later  m.  his  brother  George,  as  second  wife.  Children  of  John 
Abbe.  b.  in  Bazine,  Kans :  i.  Eleazer,  b.  Sept.  4,  1875,  lives  in  Salem,  Ore. ; 
ii.  John  Edward,  b.  March  10,  1876,  lives  in  Salem. 

160  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

292.  LUTHERo  ABBE,  son  of  AbeP  and  Minerva  (Bingham)  Abbe,  born 
August  5,  1810  (or  11),  in  New  York  State;  died  June  5,  1850  (or  51),  in 
Amherst,  Oliio.     He  was  a  mason  by  trade  and  lived  on  a  farm  in  Amherst. 

Married  at  Amlierst,  December  31,"  1834,  LUCY  ALLEN,  born  July  18,  1814, 
in  Orleans  County,  Vt. ;  died  August  31,  1890,  at  New  Erie,  or  Elyria,  Ohio. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  Reuben  Allen,  a  pioneer  of  Loraine  County,  Ohio,  and 
went  with  her  parents  to  Loraine  County  about  1820.  She  married  (2)  William 
Burrows  and  lived  in  Geneva,  Ohio,  for  many  years. 

Children,  torn  at  Amherst 

Rosaline  Alley,  b.  Oct.  9,  1835  ;  d.  Dec.  9,  1876,  in  Nashville,  Tenn.  She  attended 
school  in  Oberlin,  Ohio,  and  taught  in  Elyria  before  her  marriage.  Married  Oct. 
31,  1861,  George  E.  Taylor,  who  d.  in  Texas.  He  taught  school  and  had  a 
grocery  in  Cleveland,  studied  medicine  and  went  to  Texas.  Children,  b.  in  the 
later  sixties  :    i.  Luna  Belle,  d.  Nov.  9,  1874  ;    ii.  Lutie  Percy,  d.  April  22,  1881. 

536  Roland  Q.  Alley,  b.  Nov.  22,  1839 ;    m.  Angehne  Rice. 

537  Arthur  Alel  Alley,  b.  Nov.  3,  1842;    m.  Emma  Gilmer. 

Andrew  M.  Alley,  b.  April  15,  1846;  d.  March  15,  1882;  not  m.  He  went  to 
California  in  1868  and  resided  in  Stockton  until  his  death. 

293.  MATILDA"  ABBE,  daughter  of  AbeP  and  Miriam  (Bingham)  Abbe, 
born  June  11,  1813,  in  Broome  County,  N.  Y.  She  lived  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  about 
1844,  later  in  Dover  and  Elyria,  Ohio.     Died  in  Elyria,  August  11,  1891. 

Married  (1)  January  1,  1835,  ARNOLD  EMMONS,  born  1811;  died  January 
2,  1842. 

Married  (2)  GEORGE  B.  HARVEY,  born  1818;  died  October  21,  1850,  in 
California.  He  was  living  in  Cleveland  about  1844,  went  with  Eleazer  Abbe 
to  California.     He  was  a  machinist  by  trade. 

Married  (3)  September  24,  1859,  CHRISTIAN  SHOEMAKER,  born  1801; 
died  December  27,  1873,  in  Elyria,  Ohio.     His  first  wife  was  Harriet  Barnum. 

Children  ly  first  husland 

Angeline  M.  Emmons,  b.  1836 ;    d.  Jan.  18,  1875,  in  Elyria,  Ohio ;    m.  J.  B.  Faith. 

Child  :    Louisa,  b.  May  26,  1870 ;    d.  Dec.  14,  1876,  in  Columbus,  Ohio. 
Thaddeus  Emmons.     Went  to  North  Dakota ;    m.  Belle  ,     Son,   Oliver  K., 

now  in  U.  S.  Navy. 
Caroline  A.  Emmons,  b.  May  23,  1839 ;    d.  Feb.  25,  1840. 
Philo  Emmons,  h.  June  16,  1841 ;    d.  April  5,  1842. 

Child  hy  second  marriage 
Orlando  F.  Harvey,  b.  Nov.  11,  1846 ;    d.  Aug.  21,  1847. 

294.  SAMUEL«  PALMER,  son  of  Elnathan^  and  Jemima  (Strong)  Palmer, 
born  in  Deering,  N.  H.,  February  13,  1799;  died  in  Grafton,  Mass.,  whither  he 
had  removed  from  Deering  a  few  years  before  his  death.     Farmer. 

Married  in  Deering,  RHODA  CHASE,  born  in  London,  April  13,  1805;  died 
in  Worcester,  Mass.,  March,  1900. 

Isaac  D.  Palmer. 
Alfred  Palmer. 
Alvida  Palmer. 
538     Le_mPa?mcr,  b.  March  5,  1830 ;    m.  (1)  Frances  Hildreth ;    (2)  Mary  Hoyt. 
William  Palmer. 
EUzaleth  Palmer. 
Calista  Palmer. 
Louisa  M.  Palmer. 
Amentha  C.  Palmer. 
Minerva  C.  Palmer. 

Sixth  Generation  161 

295.  POLLY«  PALMER,  daughter  of  Levi^  and  Elizabeth  (Cone)  Palmer, 
born  December  3,  178G;    died  Marcli  7,  1859,  in  Lima,  N.  Y. 

Married  March  29,  1807,  LORD  STERLING,  born  April  3,  1780,  in  Sterling 
City,  Conn.;  died  Februaiy  11,  1866.  He  was  son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth 
(Perkins)  Sterling  of  Lyme,  Conn.  He  removed  from  Lyme  to  Pitcher,  Chenango 
County,  N.  Y.,  in  1811,  and  about  1835,  went  to  Lima,  Livingston  County,  N.  Y. 
He  was  a  farmer.  At  the  first  town-meeting  held  in  Pitcher,  he  was  elected 
pound-master  and  one  of  the  three  fence-viewers. 

Children,  first  three  horn  in  Lyine,  Conn.,  othcis  in  Chenango  County,  N.  Y. 

539  Mary  Ann  Stei-Ung,  b.  Nov.  23,  1807 ;    m.  Austin  Peirce. 

540  Samuel  Levi  Sterling,  b.  May  12,  1809 ;    m.  Lucinda  Chester  Forsyth. 

541  Ellen  Elizabeth  Sterling,  b.  Nov.  2,  1810 ;    m.  Lord  Sterling. 

542  Oliver  Lord  Sterling,  b.  Sept.  29,  1812 ;    m.  Jane  Louisa  MacWhorter. 

543  George  Stow  Sterling,  b.  April  15,  1815;    m.  (1)  Martha  Ann  Backus;    (2)  Emily 

Asenath  Carter. 

544  Hannah  Sterling,  b.  Feb.  3,  1817 ;    m.  Adoniram  Sterling. 

545  Sarah  Wakeley  Sterling,  b.  Dec.  9,  1819 ;    m.  Worthy  Stevens  Streator. 

Harriet  Ann  Sterling,  b.  Nov.  9,  1821 ;  d.  March,  1905,  in  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
Married  Sept.  3,  1857,  Ely  Phelps,  b.  Feb.  28,  1809,  son  of  Aaron  and  EKzabeth 
(Bassett)  Phelps  of  East  Granby,  Conn.  Farmer  in  Lima,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  there, 
Nov.  19,  1873.     Child  :    Flora,  b.  Sept.  9,  1860 ;    resides  in  Chicago. 

546  James  Monroe  Sterling,  b.  April  3,  1824 ;    m.  Helen  M.  Eldridge. 

547  Esther  Maria  Sterling,  b.  Feb.  5,  1826 ;    m.  Henry  C.  Phelps. 

548  Theressa  Caroline  Sterling,  b.  June  25,  1828 ;    m.  Francis  Henry  Barnard. 

296.  HEZEKIAH«  BURNHAM,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Mary^  (Abbey)  Burn- 
ham,  born  June  28,  1780;  died  October  17,  1828.  Resided  at  East  Hartford, 

Married  December  10,  1809,  SARAH  B.  MILLER,  daughter  of  Amariah  Miller, 
born  November  15, 1784;   died  November  19,  1863. 


Sarah  H.  Burnham,  b.  Sept.  28,  1810 ;  d.  Oct.  1,  1872 ;  m.  June  25,  1849,  Ralph  H. 

Emeline  R.  Burnham,  b.  May  or  March  12,  1813 ;  d.  Sept.  7,  1864 ;  m.  Sept.  30, 
1841,  as  his  second  wife,  Andrew  Huntington  Wing,  b.  Dec.  21,  1813 ;  d.  near 
Helena,  Mont.,  Dec.  15,  1873.  He  was  son  of  Silvanus  and  Anna  (Smith)  Wing 
and  m.  (1)  Elizabeth  Dunham,  He  went  to  St.  Louis  and  resided  there  from 
1842  to  1868,  acting  as  mail  agent  at  St.  Louis  under  Pierce  and  Buchanan. 
He  removed  to  Montana  in  1868  and  owned  a  ranch  at  a  crossing  of  the  Ten  Mile 
near  Helena.  Children,  b.  at  St.  Louis :  i.  Sarah  L.,  b.  Aug.  10,  1843,  d.  at  East 
Hartford,  Dec.  21,  1846 ;  ii.  George  F.,  b.  Oct.  27.  1844,  d.  at  St.  Louis,  March 
29,  1845 ;  iii.  Harriet  E.,  b.  March  26,  1846,  d.  Sept.  10,  1862 ;  iv.  NelUe  L., 
b.  April  19,  1848 ;  v.  Kate  F.,  b.  Dec.  28,  1849,  d.  at  St.  Louis,  Sept.  25,  1862 ; 
vi.  Charles  H.,  b.  Sept.  6,  1851. 

Hezekiah  M.  Burnham,  b.  Nov.  19,  1815;    m.  Sept.  22,  1845,  Eleanor  R.  Upson, 

Harriette  R.  Burnham,  b.  March  16,  1818.  Married  as  his  second  wife,  July  1, 
1847,  George  Smith  Phelps,  b.  at  East  Hartford,  Jan.  22,  1821,  son  of  Henry  and 
Sarah  (Whiting)  Phelps;  Uved  later  in  St.  Paul.  He  m.  (1)  Abigail  Stevens 
by  whom  he  had  one  child,  Abbie.  Children  of  Harriette  Burnham :  i.  George 
Henry,  b.  Feb.  3,  1849,  d.  March  16,  1849 ;  ii.  Henry  HoweU,  b.  April  8,  1850, 
d.  April  5,  1880,  m.  Feb.  12,  1879,  Jennie  Bacon. 

Elvira  M.  Burnham,  b.  July  1,  1820 ;  d.  Dec.  4,  1875 ;  m.  Feb.  22,  1865,  Captain 
Francis  Risley. 

Julia  S.  Burnham,  b.  Feb.  6,  1823;  d.  Sept.  22,  1860;  m.  Oct.  12,  1842,  Nathan  C. 

Edwin  F.  Burnham,  b.  May  17,  1825 ;  lived  at  Burnside,  Conn.  Married  Dec.  10, 
1865,  Jane  Fowler,  b.  March  30,  18.34.  Children:  1.  (son),  b.  and  d.  Sept,  1, 
1868 ;   ii.  Frank  E.,  b.  Aug.  9,  1870, 


162  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

297.  DAVID  ABBEY"  DEMING,  son  of  David  and  Anna^  (Abbey)  Deming, 
born  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  baptized  November  17,  1782;  died  there  April 
23,  1857.    He  was  a  wheelwright  and  carriage  maker. 

Married  September  14,  1808,  CHLOE  OLMSTEAD,  baptized  April  20,  1788; 
died  in  East  Hartford,  February  16,  1867.  She  was  daughter  of  Asahel  and 
Naomi  (Loomis)  Olmstead. 

**  Children,  torn  at  East  Hartford 

Henry  Olmstead  Deming,  b.  July  11,  1809 ;  d.  in  East  Hartford,  Nov.  11,  1874. 
He  was  a  butcher  in  East  Hartford.  Married  May,  1841,  Abby  Francis  Daggett, 
b.  March,  1821,  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  (Bolton)  Daggett;  d.  May  21, 
1887.  Child  :  Richard  Henry,  b.  Aug.  24,  1842,  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  where  he 
is  a  cotton  buyer ;  served  in  the  Ci\al  War  as  Sergeant  of  the  1st  Regiment 
Rhode  Island  Volunteers  under  Colonel  Burnside,  later  as  1st  Sergeant  of 
Battery  D,  1st  Rhode  Island  Artillery  and  became  Major  on  the  staff  of 
General  W.  R.  Walker ;  was  four  years  a  member  of  the  City  Council  of  Provi- 
dence, has  served  as  Chairman  of  the  Park  Commission  for  ten  years  and  on  the 
Pohce  Commission ;  m.  May  7,  1868,  Sarah  Potter  Sweet,  daughter  of  Matthew 
and  Sarah  S.  (Potter)  Sweet,  b.  Oct.  7,  1842,  d.  Dec.  7,  1891;  had  three 
children,  born  in  Providence:  (a)  Henry  Bolton,  b.  May  26,  1869,  a  cotton 
broker  in  Memphis,  Tenn.,  who  m.  (1)  June  15,  1892,  Antoinette  Brayton, 
daughter  of  Charles  B.  and  Antoinette  (Belden)  Brayton,  b.  June  28,  1869, 
d.  April  13,  1893,  by  whom  he  had  one  son,  Percival  Brayton,  b.  April  6,  1893, 
m.  (2)  Nov.  14,  1894,  Elizabeth  Saunders,  daughter  of  Dudley  D.  and  Mary 
Ehzabeth  (Wheatley)  Saunders,  b.  Nov.  14,  1872,  and  has  one  child,  Richard 
Henry,  b.  June  4,  1900;  (b)  Maude  Sweet,  b.  Nov.  4,  1870,  m.  Oct.  7,  1896, 
Joseph  A.  Fowler;  (c)  Grace  Margarite,  b.  Aug.  16,  1872,  m.  Dec.  18,  1895, 
Howard  Greene. 

Junius  F.  Denning,  b.  July  11,  1812 ;  d.  in  Portland,  Maine.  He  was  engaged  in 
the   pottery   business   in   Hartford   and   in   Portland.      Married   in   New   Haven, 

Conn.,  Jan.  20,  1835,  Ceciha  Watrous.     Children:    i.  Eleanora,  m.    (1)   

Williams,  from  whom  she  was  divorced,  m.  (2)  ,  resides  in  San  Francisco; 

ii.  Charles. 

Horace  Pitkin  Deming,  b.  Jan.  1,  1815 ;  d.  in  Winsted,  Conn.,  March  2,  1903.  He 
learned  the  trade  of  plane-making  and  resided  in  Pine  Meadow,  Lime  Rock,  and 
Winsted,  Conn.,  and  in  1849-50,  in  Manchester,  111.  Married  in  Hartford,  Nov. 
26,  1837,  Clarissa  Mygatt,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Mary  (Chapman)  Mygatt, 
b.  March  28,  1815 ;  d.  Nov.  1,  1902.  Children :  i.  Emma  Loomis,  b.  in  Sandis- 
field,  Mass.,  Sept.  2,  1838,  d.  March  18,  1875,  m.  Sept.  30,  1856,  Joseph  Sharpe 
Vibbert ;  ii.  Horace,  b.  May  10,  1840,  d.  June  28,  1840 ;  iii.  Sarah  Louise,  b.  in 
Pine  Meadow,  Aug.  19,  1841,  resides  in  Norfolk,  Conn.,  m.  June  15, 1870,  Edmund 
Clark  Stevens ;  iv.  Martha  Olmstead,  b.  Feb.  25,  1850,  in  Manchester,  lU., 
resides  in  Winsted,  Conn.,  m.  Dec.  25,  1876,  George  William  Utton ;  v.  Roland 
Clarence,  b.  in  Winsted,  June  8,  1852,  d.  in  Torrington,  Conn.,  Oct.  1,  1890, 
where  he  was  a  druggist,  m.  June  24,  1872,  Phebe  Ann  Utton,  daughter  of 
Joseph  H.  and  Althina  (Baker)  Utton,  b.  March  18,  1855,  had  three  children, 
Grace,  b.  Sept.  7,  1873,  d.  Sept.  11,  1874,  Bessie,  b.  May  18,  1875,  d.  Aug.  26, 
1875,  and  Harry  Roland,  b.  July  8,  1876,  resides  in  Boston. 

298.  TIM0THY6  DEMING,  son  of  David  and  Anna^  (Abbey)  Deming,  born 
February  13,  1788,  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.;  died  there,  August  14,  1879. 
He  was  a  manufacturer  of  knife-straps.  He  served  in  the  War  of  1812  as  a  fifer 
in  Captain  Amherst  Reynolds'  Company. 

Married  (1)  November  19,  1808  (or  9),  OLIVE  TREAT,  daughter  of  Matthias 
and  Trypbena  (Risley)  Treat,  born  October  29,  1786;  died  April  19,  1818,  in 
East  Hartford. 

Married  (2)  November  22,  1825,  ELIZA  WING,  daughter  of  Sylvanus  and 
Anna  (Smith)  Wing,  born  September  12,  1802;  died  in  East  Hartford,  July 
15,  1886. 

Children  "by  first  wife 

Edwin  Deming,  b.  June  12,  1810 ;    d.  in  East  Hartford,  June  19,  1877 ;   m.  Oct.  15, 
1838,  Ann  Sage,  daughter  of  Elisha  and  Harriet  (  )   Sage,  b.  Sept.  15,  1813 ; 

d.  July  6,  1873.    No  children. 

Sixth  Generation  163 

Eliza  Deming,  b.  Jan.  15,  1813;    d.  May  3,  1876;    m.  Oct.  23,  1833,  Eloazar  P, 

Sarah  Beming,  b.  July  25,  1815;    resided  at  Elizabeth,  N.  Y.(?)  ;   m.  Sept.  8,  1834, 

Griswold  Wright. 
Olive  Deming,  b.  March  23,  1818;    d.   Feb.   16,  1898;    m.   Sept.   7,  1841,  EUsha 

Eggleston  Sage. 

Children  by  second  wife 

Charles  Deming,  b.  Oct.  29,  1826;    m.  Harriet  Baker. 

Lucius  Deming,  b.  March  31,  1829,  in  East  Hartford;  d.  in  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  March 
25,  1880.  He  was  a  manufacturer  of  horse  collars.  Married  Oct.  28,  1850,  Mary 
Elizabeth  Arnold,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  (Burnham)  Arnold,  b.  June  20, 
1828 ;  d.  Nov.  23,  1891,  in  East  Hartford.  Children,  b.  in  St.  Louis  :  i.  Mary 
Eliza,  b.  Jan.  25,  1856,  resides  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  m.  Sept.  5,  1875,  Oliver 
Robison  ;  ii.  Nellie  Laurine,  b.  July  8,  1863,  resides  in  Newington,  Conn.,  not  m. ; 
iii.  Lucius  Timothy,  b.  July  10,  1870,  d.  Dec.  14,  1898,  not  m. ;  iv.  Henry  Arnold, 
b.  July  13,  1859,  d.  aged  ten  years ;  v.  George  Lucius,  d.  young ;  vi.  Annie, 
d.  young. 

Hai-riet  Deming,  h.  April  24,  1831 ;    resided  in  St.  Louis,  Mo. ;    m.  WiUiam  Lows. 

Mary  Deming,  b.  Oct.  24,  1834 ;    d.  June  14,  1885 ;    m.  Dec.  29,  1862,  Oliver  Hurd. 

Antoinette  Deming,  b.  Feb.  9,  1837 ;  d.  June  12,  1883 ;  m.  May  20,  1862,  Franklin 
Green  Comstock. 

Sylvanus  Wing  Deming,  b.  March  18,  1840;    d.  Sept.  2,  1843. 

John  Wing  Deming,  b.  May  2,  1845,  in  East  Hartford;  d.  Feb.  22,  1896.  Married 
March  12,   1875,   Nina   Weathers,   daughter  of  William   and  Louisa   J.    (  ) 

Weathers,  b.  Sept.  21,  1849;  d.  in  Roby,  Texas.  Children:  i.  Walter  W.,  b. 
Dec.  17,  1875,  d.  March  8,  1881;  ii.  Clara  L.,  b.  June  30,  1877,  d.  July  22, 
1877  ;  iii.  Frederick  C,  b.  November  18,  1879,  d.  March  1,  1881 ;  iv.  Mabel  W,, 
b.  June  14,  1882,  d.  June  16,  1884 ;  v.  J.  Lawrence,  b.  May  20,  1885 ;  vi.  May, 
b.  May  20,  1887. 

298a.  HARRIET^  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Theodore^  and  Abigail  (Porter) 
Abbey,  boru  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  September  6,  1796;  died  in  Cazenovia, 
August  19,  1885.  She  went  with  her  parents  to  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  where  she  was 
adopted  or  brought  up  by  Silas  and  Susan  (  )  Weed,  and  is  described  as 
' '  a  poor  girl,  brilliant  and  highly  esteemed. ' ' 

Married  September  15,  1824,  LINUS  MONTAGUE,  born  in  Cazenovia,  July 
22,  1799,  son  of  Oreb  and  Lydia  (Annis)  Montague.  He  died  February  15, 
1879.,  He  was  a  farmer  and  was  also  engaged  in  the  marble  business  and  was  an 
elder  in  the  Presbyterian  Church  for  many  years. 


Richard  Porter  Montague,  b.  June  4,  1825 ;  was  living  in  Cazenovia  in  1884 ; 
not  m. 

Wilfred  Weed  Montague,  b.  Oct.  5,  1827,  in  Cazenovia.  He  left  that  place  in  1840 
and  was  later  in  Penn  Yan  and  Syracuse.  About  1852  he  went  to  California 
and  was  engaged  in  the  hardware  business  with  offices  in  San  Francisco  and 
New  York.  Married  Aug.  14,  1862,  Elizabeth  Mary  Southworth,  a  native  of 
New  York  City.     No  children. 

Harriet  Louise  Montague,  b.  Nov.  24,  1832,  in  Cazeno\ia,  N.  Y.  Joined  the 
Presbyterian  Church  of  Cazenovia  1852,  dismissed  in  1864.  Married  Sept.  11, 
1862,  R.  R.  Robertson  of  Syracuse.  Children  :  i.  Lizzie  Maud,  b.  June  22,  1863 ; 
ii.  Wilfred  Montague,  b.  March  31,  1865,  lives  in  San  Francisco ;  iii.  Hattie 
Louise,  b.  March  18,  1874,  d.  Aug.,  1874. 

299.  CHARLES"  ABBEY,  son  of  RusselP  and  Martha  (Olmsted)  Abbey, 
bom  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  March  6,  1798;  baptized  there  July  7,  1799; 
died  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  December  28,  1881.  By  an  indenture  of  October  29, 
1816,  his  father  bound  him  to  learn  a  trade.  In  1817  he  settled  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  where  he  engaged  in  business  and  founded  the  famous  house  of  C.  Abbey 
and  Sons,  manufacturers  of  gold  foil  and  dental  supplies. 

164  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  in  Philadelphia,  April  8,  1823,  CATHERINE  GARTLEY,  born  in 
Philadelphia,  December  3,  1799;    died  there  Jan.  1,  1873. 

Children,  torn  in  Philadelphia 

William  Russell  Ahhey,  b.  June  14,  1825.  He  was  in  business  in  Philadelphia  with 
his  father  and  brothers.  Married  (1)  in  Philadelphia,  April  23,  1850,  Anna 
Marie  Tittermay,  who  d.  Sept.  23,  1870;  (2)  in  Philadelphia,  Jan.  15,  1873, 
Eleanor  Donaldson  Snyder. 

Matilda  Ahhctj,  d.  May  4,  1853;  m.  April  23,  1850,  Robert  Watt  Beatty  of 

Catherine  Gartleij  Alley,  d.  May  7,  1883;    m.  April  26,  1883,  William  Ivins. 

Charles  Olmsted  Alley,  b.  Oct.  5,  1830;  d.  before  1896.  He  was  in  business  with 
his  father  and  brothers.  Married  in  Philadelphia,  Margaret  Dale  Lelar,  who  is 
living  in  Philadelphia.  Children :  i.  Margaret  Dale,  b.  April  22,  1860,  m.  April 
30,  1884,  Kenneth  M.  Blackiston  of  Philadelphia;  ii.  Frank  Benson,  b.  Nov.  26, 
1863,  the  present  head  of  the  firm. 

Oeorge  Phelps  Alley,  b.  Nov.  18,  1832.  He  was  a  dealer  in  hardware  in 

Martha  Olmsted  Alley,  b.  Feb.  2,  1835 ;    d.  Dec.  26,  1893. 

Elizabeth  Woodward  Alley,  b.  Aug.,  1838 ;    d.  Aug.  11,  1843. 

Harriett  Alley,  was  living  in  Philadelphia  in  1897 ;    not  m. 

300.  ABIGAIL  MAKERS«  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Jeduthan^  and  Lucretia 
(Bement)  Abbey,  baptized  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  September  28,  1788;  died 
at  East  Hartford,  September  2,  1861,  aged  73;   buried  there. 

Married  HARRY  ENSIGN,  born  about  1799;  died  April  21,  1869,  or  1861. 
He  was  son  of  Moses  and  Jannet  (Forbes)  Ensign. 


Henry  Ensign,  b.  at  East  Hartford,  Nov.  5,  1825 ;  d.  at  the  Masonic  Home  in 
Wallingford,  Conn.,  1905,  buried  in  Spring  Grove  Cemetery,  Hartford.  Married 
in  Andover,  Conn.,  Oct.  20,  1847,  Lucy  Harriet  Arnold  Daggett,  b.  in  Coventry, 
Dec.  15,  1826,  daughter  of  Isaiah  and  Harriet  (Graves)  Daggett.  She  d.  at  the 
Masonic  Home  in  1910,  buried  in  Spring  Grove  Cemetery.  Children,  b.  in 
Hartford:  i.  Frank  Henry,  b.  April  7,  1852,  d.  in  Hartford,  March  17,  1887, 
m.  in  Kingston,  N.  Y.,  March  15,  1883,  Catherine  M.  Smith,  b.  March  15,  1857, 
d.  Jan.  31,  1912,  had  one  son,  Harry  Smith,  b.  June  19,  1884,  m.  Fanny  Charles, 
b.  Sept.  25,  1884,  and  resides  in  Kingston ;  ii.  Rosa  Lucy,  b.  Nov.  11,  1853,  d.  in 
Hartford,  June  4,  1860;  iii.  Earl  EngUsh,  b.  Sept.  5,  1857,  d.  in  Hartford, 
Dec.  12,  1859. 

Eliza  Ann  Ensign  (twin),  b.  Nov.  8,  1832;  d.  July  24,  1859,  aged  27,  buried  in 

(twin),  b.  Nov.  8,  1832. 

301.  ELIPHALET«  ABBEY,  son  of  Jeduthan^  and  Lucretia  (Bement)  Abbey, 
born  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  1792;  baptized  there  November  3,  1793.  Went 
to  Andover,  Tolland  Coiinty,  about  1818. 

Married  at  Andover,  May  10,  1815,  LYDIA  BRUNSON,  born  in  Vernon,  Conn., 
October  28,  1797. 


Amanda  Alley,  b.  in  East  Hartford,  March  11,  1816 ;    m.  Stephen  West. 

Zada  Alley,  b.  March  29,  1817  ;    m.  Watson  Rider  of  Coventry. 

Aligail  Alley,  h.  in  Andover,  Feb.  22,  1819 ;    d.  March  11,  1819. 

Ed7mmd  Alley,  b.  Feb.  24,  1820;    d.  March  1,  1820. 

Lueretia  Alley,  b.  March  31,  1821 ;    d.  unm. 

Walter  H.  Alley,  b.  May  16,  1823,  in  Andover  where  he  always  lived.  He  was 
a  carpenter  and  carriage-maker.  He  was  m.  three  times,  the  last  wife  being 
Hattie  Starkweather,  daughter  of  Richard  Starkweather.  No  children  survived. 
In  the  Census  of  1850  he  is  recorded  with  his  wife  Mary  H.,  aged  22,  b.  in 
Connecticut,  and  son  George  W.,  aged  2,  b.  in  Connecticut,  residing  in  the  town 
of  Ellington.  Walter  Abbey  of  Andover  m.  in  Bolton,  June  26,  1853,  Sarah  M. 
Dorrance  of  Andover. 

Sixth  Generation  165 

549     Eliphalet  B.  Alley,  b.  June  21,  1825;    m.  Emilv  Jane  Sanford. 
Oeoi-ge  W.  Alley,  b.  Sept.  24,  1827 ;    d.  April  20,  1832. 
Alhert  Alley,  b.  Feb.  27,  1830;   d.  June  9,  1830. 

,  b.  Oct.  25,  1831 ;    d.  same  day. 

,  b.  Jan.  15,  1833. 

,  b.  Oct.  24,  1835;    d.  Oct.  28,  1835. 

Lydia  Maria  Alley,  b.  June  17,  1837. 

302.  EDMUND«  ABBEY,  son  of  Jeduthan^  and  Lucretia  (Bement)  Abbey, 
baptized  at  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  May  22,  1796;  died  June  26,  1855;  buried 
at  East  Hartford.  In  some  of  the  papers  pertaining  to  the  settlement  of  his 
estate,  he  is  called  Edmund  E.  Abbey.  Administration  was  granted  August 
16,  1855,  to  his  son,  Edmund  G.  Abbey,  who  was  also  appointed  guardian  to 
George  Francis  Abbey,  a  minor.  (Hartford  Probate  Records,  1854,  page  420; 
1855,  pages  74,  75;    63,  pages  94,  95.)     He  was  a  shoemaker. 

Married  HARRIET  GAINES,  born  about  1799 ;  died  September  24,  1850,  aged 
51;  buried  at  East  Hartford.  She  was  the  daughter  of  John  and  Mary 
(Bidwell)  Gaines. 

Children,  laptized  at  East  Hartford 

Edmund  Gaines  Alley,  b.  June  2,  1822 ;  d.  Jan.  10,  1888,  buried  at  East  Hartford. 
Married  Almira  G.  Risley,  b.  Jan.  25,  1834;  d.  Jan.  28,  1892,  buried  at  East 
Hartford.     She  was  the  daughter  of  Eri  and   Chloe    (  )    Risley.     Children, 

buried  at  East  Hartford  :  i.  Rossiter  Earl,  b.  Oct.  23,  1857,  d.  May  19,  1863 ; 
ii.  Frederic  E.,  b.  Sept.  1,  1868,  d.  Jan.  5,  1869. 

Simon  Bemont  Alley,  bapt.  Sept.  3,  1824;  d.  Sept.  6,  1843,  aged  19,  buried  at 
East  Hartford. 

Harriet  Alley,  bapt.  May  5,  1826. 

Allert  (1)  Alley,  bapt.  Aug.  30,  1827;  d.  Nov.  13,  1829,  aged  2  yrs.,  4  mos., 
buried  at  East  Hartford. 

George  Austin  Alley,  bapt.  July  5,  1829;  d.  Dec.  30,  1835,  aged  7  years,  buried 
at  East  Hartford. 

Allert  (2)  Alley,  bapt.  Nov.  5,  1830;  was  li\-ing  with  his  parents  in  East  Hart- 
ford in  1850. 

Mary  Ann  Alley,  bapt.  Nov.  16,  1832 ;    was  living  with  her  parents  in  1850. 

Charles  Alley,  bapt.  Oct.  11,  1835 ;  d.  Nov.  18,  1843,  aged  8  years,  buried  at  East 

George  Fra)wis  Alley,  b.  May  9,  1839 ;    d.  May  19,  1890,  buried  at  East  Hartford. 

Married    Isabella   .      Child:     Golden    Pearl,    b.    1876;     d.    Dec.    8,    1876, 

buried  at  East  Hartford. 

303.  ELIZUR''  ABBEY,  son  of  Benjamins  and  Lois  (Stocking)  Abbey,  born 
1780,  probably  at  Chatham,  Conn. ;  died  June  29,  1856.  He  was  a  farmer  and 
ship-builder,  with  a  shipyard  on  the  Connecticut  River  between  Siam  Dock 
and  the  Gildersleeve  shipj^ard.  There  he  built  thirty-five  vessels,  ranging  from 
75  to  300  tons,  the  last  being  the  Charles  H.  Northam  in  1853.  He  also  built 
ships  in  Middle  Haddam,  Conn.,  with  his  son  for  a  time,  and  for  a  time  in 
Georgia.  In  the  War  of  1812  he  saw  active  sei-vice  as  Sergeant,  August  18 
to  29,  1814,  under  Nathaniel  Johnson,  Commander;  also  Private  at  Saybrook, 
August  30  to  October  25,  1814,  Isaac  Webber,  Commander.  He  was  commissioned 
by  John  Cotton  Smith,  Captain  General  and  Commander-in-chief  of  Connecticut, 
as  Captain  on  September  20,  1816,  of  the  1st  Light  Infantry,  20th  Regiment, 
Connecticut  Militia.  This  commission  is  now  preserved  by  his  grandson,  Charles 
Pelton  Abbey,  who  was  a  member  of  the  same  Regiment  in  the  Civil  War. 

Married  December  12,  1807,  BETSEY  GILDERSLEEVE,  born  in  Gildersleeve, 
Conn.,  April  23,  1783;  died  October  17,  1863;  buried  by  her  husband  in  the 
cemetery  at  Portland,  Conn.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Philip  and  Temperance 
(Gibbs)  Gildersleeve. 

166  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

550     Benjamin  Alley,  b.  Sept.  27,  1809 ;    m.  Vienna  Matilda  Peltou. 

304.  HENRY  STEPHEN^  ABBEY,  son  of  Benjamin^  and  Lois  (Stocking) 
Abbey,  born  in  Portland,  Conn.,  November  5,  1808;  died  in  Akron,  Ohio, 
October  25,  1873.  At  an  early  age  he  removed  to  Glastonbury,  and  in  1828  to 
Bristol,  where  he  learned  the  clock-making  business.  After  his  marriage  he 
removed  to  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  two  years  later  to  Niagara  Falls,  finally  settling 
in  Akron,  Ohio,  in  1835.  For  two  years  he  was  employed  in  cabinet  making 
in  South  Akron,  then  he  started  in  the  jewelry  business.  Mr.  Abbey  was  a 
fine  musician,  organized  and  for  many  years  conducted  the  Akron  band;  was 
an  intelligent  florist  and  established  the  pioneer  greenhouse  of  the  village; 
was  a  liberal  promoter  of  all  public  improvements.  He  was  a  member  and  presi- 
dent of  the  Akron  Gas  Company,  organized  about  1855,  and  served  on  the 
village  Council  in  1856  and  1857. 

Married  October  30,  1831,  ELIZABETH  SMITH  of  Torrington,  Conn.,  who 
died  July  1,  1874,  aged  66  years,  9  months,  and  25  days. 

Children  (several  died  young) 

Henry  Eugene  Alley,  b.  in  Akron,  June  27,  1846;  d.  in  New  York  City,  Oct.  17, 
1896.  He  was  a  dramatic  manager  in  Akron,  New  York  and  Boston,  at  one  time 
manager  of  the  Metropolitan  Opera  House  in  New  York  City.  He  m.  (1)  Kate 
Kingsley  of  Northampton,  Mass.,  who  d.  in  1883,  leaving  two  children,  a  son  and 
a  daughter;   m.  (2)  in  Boston,  Sept.,  1892,  Florence  Gerard,  an  actress. 

Ellen  a.  Alley  (adopted),  m.  Oct.  30,  1868,  S.  E.  Phinney,  b.  1838,  a  shoe-dealer 
of  Akron,  and  has  two  children. 

305.  R0SWELL6  ABBEY,  son  of  SamueP  and  (         )   Abbey,  born 

on  a  farm  near  Amherst,  Mass.,  January  20,  1789;  died  in  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
January  5,  1858.  He  left  his  father's  home  in  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.,  about  1812; 
studied  law  in  Albany  and  afterwards  settled  in  New  York  City,  where  he  was 
married.  He  was  a  merchant  and  later  a  type-founder  in  Pliiladelphia  about 
1831.  From  1844  to  1846  he  resided  in  Baltimore  but  returned  to  Philadelphia, 
where  he  remained  until  his  death.  He  was  a  man  of  artistic  feeling  and 
spent  many  a  day  at  his  easel.  His  talent  was  inherited  by  his  son  and  from 
him  it  descended  to  his  illustrious  grandson,  Edwin  Austin  Abbey. 

Married  in  New  York  City,  July  8,  1817,  ELIZABETH  TRUSLOW,  born  in 
Durham,  Conn.,  April  20,  1790;  died  in  EUicott  City,  Md.,  July  27,  1863.  She 
was  the  daughter  of  John  and  Patty  (Wood)  Truslow.  John  Truslow  was 
born  in  Wales,  September  15,  1751,  and  died  in  New  York  City,  July  22,  1802; 
buried  in  Trinity  Churchyard. 


Margaret  Oillert    (1)   Alley,  b.  April  15,  1818;    d.  in  New  York  City,  Jan.  22, 

Julia  Howell  Alley,  b.  Jan.  4,  1820 ;    d.  in  EUicott  City,  Md.,  Jan.  15,  1890 ;    m. 

Oct.  15,  1839,  Dr.  Isaac  J.  Martin. 
Elizaleth  (1)  Alley,  b.  Jan.  12,  1822;    d.  in  New  York  City,  1824. 
Elizabeth  (2)  Alley,  b.  April  6,  1824;    d.  Aug.,  1870,  in  Ilchester,  Md. ;    not  m. 
551     William  Maxwell  Alley,  b.  March  8,  1826;   m.  Margery  Ann  Kiple. 

Margaret  Oillert    (2)    Alley,  b.  April  5,  1829;    d.  in  Philadelphia,  April,  1896; 

m.  March  9,  1854,  Louis  Brown. 
Amanda  Buckley  Alley,  b.  March  17,  1831 ;    d.  in  Philadelphia,  1832. 
Mary  Jane  Alley,  b.  Feb.  18,  1835;    d.  in  Philadelphia,  Feb.  24,  1896;    not  m. 

306.  ANSEL^  ABBEY,  son  of  Samuel^  and  (         )   Abbey,  born  in 

New  Hami:»shire;    died  in  New  Albany,  Ind.,  April  28,  1831.     He  was  a  soldier 

Sixth  Generation  167 

in  the  "War  of  1812  and  tlie  following  records  of  his  service  are  found  in  the 
Minutes  of  the  Council  of  Appointment,  pages  1505,  1608,  and  1811:  Ansel 
Abbey,  cornet,  1814,  12th  regiment  cavalry,  composed  of  men  from  Ontario, 
Genesee,  Niagara  and  Chautauqua  Counties,  N.  Y. ;  2d  lieutenant,  1815,  Chau- 
tauqua County;  captain,  1817,  Ontario  County.  He  had  much  artistic  talent 
and  was  a  painter  by  trade.  In  1810  he  was  recorded  as  living  in  Genesee,  N.  Y. 
Married  BERSHEBA  MORGAN,  seventh  daughter  of  Colonel  David  and 
Tabitha  (Collins)  Morgan  of  Lima,  N.  Y.,  born  in  Brimfield  or  Springfield,  Mass., 
August  22,  1790,  or  August  2,  1787;  died  January,  1870,  in  New  Albany,  Ind., 
where  they  lived  after  about  1816  or  1820. 

Children,  eight,  four  of  whom  died  young 

Thirza  Ahhey,  m.  John  Ealy  of  New  Albany.     One  daughter  who  d.  in  infancy. 

WiUiam  Hotve  Cmjler  Abhetj,  b.  March  17,  1813;  d.  in  New  Albany,  Feb.  28,  1836. 
He  was  a  painter  by  trade.  Married  Jan.  20,  1835,  Mary  Eliza  Tucker  of  New 
Albany,  who  remarried.  One  daughter,  Harriett  Maria,  b.  Nov.  16,  1835,  is  still 
living  in  Belle\'ille,  111.  She  has  lived  in  St.  Clair  County  for  the  past  seventy 

James  C.  Alley,  b.  April  16,  1817,  or  Oct.  2,  1823 ;  d.  at  New  Albany,  May  16, 
1864 ;    not  m.     He  was  a  reporter  during  the  Civil  War. 

Mary  Louise  Alley,  b.  May  17,  1825 ;  resides  in  Ventura,  Calif.,  with  her  daughter. 
Married  Simon  Reilly.  Children :  i.  Mary  Lily,  b.  Sept.  13,  1849,  lives  in 
Ventura,  m.  Julius  P.  Bissell  of  Litchfield,  Conn.,  and  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis.,  had 
seven  children,  all  of  whom  d.  young  in  Great  Bend,  Kans.,  except  Minnie 
Herman,  who  m.  Edward  Carter,  jr.,  and  resides  in  Towanda,  Pa. ;  ii.  Franklin  D., 
b.  Oct.  1,  1851,  d.  at  San  Antonio,  Texas,  Sept.,  1873;  iii.  William  Abbey, 
b.  Oct.,  1855,  d.  at  LouisviUe,  Ky.,  Oct.,  1868. 

307.  MARY«  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Ruth  (Risley)  Abbey,  buried  in 
Cole  Hill  Cemetery  in  the  north-west  comer  of  the  town  of  Brookfield,  N.  Y. 
Mentioned  in  her  father's  will,  1854. 

Married  February  4,  1826,  DAVID  LOOMIS,  born  July  12,  1802,  son  of  Israel 
and  Eleanor  (Cowles)  Loomis.  They  were  living  in  North  Brookfield,  N.  Y., 
about  1871.    He  is  buried  in  the  Cole  Cemetery,  Brookfield. 


Lucy  Ann  Loomis,  b.  July  7,  1823 ;   d.  Dec.  27,  1839. 

Russell  Loomis,  b.  Nov.  26,  1826;  lived  in  North  Brookfield;  m.  Nov.  2,  1848, 
Loverna  Lawson.  Children:  i.  Adnah,  b.  Nov.  2,  1849,  d.  Oct.  19,  1862;  ii. 
Imogen,  b.  June  2,  1853,  d.  Aug.  28,  1862 ;  iii.  Alvin,  b.  Nov.  9,  1856 ;  iv.  Clara, 
b.  Oct.  20,  1858,  d.  Sept.  2,  1862  ;  v.  Carrie,  b.  Feb.  22,  1862,  lives  in  Penn  Yan, 
N.  Y.,  m.  George  Kelterer  and  has  two  daughters ;  vi.  Eugenie,  b.  Jan.  19, 
1864,  lives  in  Waterville,  N.  Y.,  m.  John  Roshford  and  has  two  daughters ; 
vii.  Minnie,  b.  Sept.  8,  1868 ;    viii.  Eunice,  b.  April  20,  1871,  m.  George  Isaacs. 

David  C.  Loomis,  b.  Oct.  7,  1829;  d.  in  North  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  April  6,  1869. 
He  was  a  wagon  maker  in  North  Brookfield.  Served  in  the  Civil  War  for  three 
years  in  the  114th  Regiment.  Married  Martha  M.  Cheesboro.  Children :  i. 
EUa  G.,  b.  April,  1853,  m.  Adelbert  Rice  of  Hamilton,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Emma  E., 
b.  June,  1855,  m.  Fay  Sawdy  of  Earhille,  N.  Y. ;  iii.  Meta  E.,  b.  1858,  d.  aged  4 
years  ;   iv.  Celia  A.,  b.  1861 ;    v.  Calista. 

Warren  C.  Loomis,  b.  in  North  Brookfield,  Oct.  27,  1834,  and  lives  there;  m. 
Mandane  Dix.     Children  :    i.  Emerson,  b.  Aug.  12,  1859,  m.  May  MiUer,  and  has 

children;    ii.  Elmer,  b.  Feb.  15,  1861,  d.  ;    iii.  Mary,  b.  Nov.  15,  1862, 

m.  Gaylord  Butler  and  has  a  son  and  daughter ;  iv.  Lena,  b.  Dec.  8,  1864,  m.  and 
has  a  daughter. 

Phila  M.  Loomis,  b.  in  North  Brookfield,  Jan.  5,  1836.  Married  Nov.  9,  1870, 
Chester  C.  Risley,  b.  Feb.  1,  1834,  son  of  Sylvester  and  Thankful  (Smith) 
Risley ;  d.  Dec.  20,  1882.  Children :  i.  Mary  Louise ;  ii.  Norva  Chester ; 
iii.  John  Milton. 

Orange  E.  Loomis,  b.  in  North  Brookfield,  Nov.  14,  1840;  d.  in  Hubbardsville, 
N.  Y.,  June  10,  1907.     He  was  a  farmer  and  served  in  the  Civil  War  for  three 

168  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

years  in  the  114th  Regiment,  Company  G.  Married  Nov.  17,  1868,  Jennie  Law- 
son  of  Smyrna,  N.  Y.,  who  d.  Oct.  22,  1907.  Children,  Uve  in  HubbardsviUe : 
i.  Walter  O.,  b.  Oct.  21,  1870;  ii.  Fred  H.,  b.  April  8,  1873;  iii.  David  S., 
b.  Dec.  16,  1875,  d.  March  2,  1891 ;  iv.  Edwin  L.,  b.  July  2,  1882 ;  v.  Jennie  A., 
b.  Dec.  28,  1885,  teacher. 
Eiram  Looniis,  b.  in  North  Brookfield,  Jan.  14,  1842.  Farmer  and  hotel-keeper  at 
the  North  Brookfield  railroad  station.  Married  (1)  Amelia  Ferris;  (2)  Lydia 
A.  Ferris  Knowles  of  Waterville,  N.  Y.,  b.  July  7,  1850,  d.  May  12,  1902. 
Children,  b.  in  North  Brookfield :  i.  Jesse  M.,  b.  Nov.  2,  1874,  d.  May  27,  1905, 
m.  July  4,  1895,  Alma  M.  Austin  ;  ii.  Frank  H.,  b.  July  15,  1876,  d.  Jan.  10, 
1889 ;  iii.  L.  May,  b.  May  7,  1878,  m.  Oct.  25,  1894,  Albert  Ogden  of  Hubbards- 
viUe;  iv.  Adna  R.,  b.  July  28.  1880;  v.  Hattie  A.,  b.  Feb.  5,  1882,  m.  Feb.  27, 
1903,  Walter  Bush;  vi.  Willie  F.,  b.  May  7,  1883,  m.  July  21,  1903,  Elsa 
Van  De  Boe ;  vii.  Carrie,  b.  May  5,  1885,  m.  May  9,  1903,  D.  J.  Ross;  viii. 
Fannie,  b.  Oct.  22,  1886. 

308.  ALLEN  R."  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Ruth  (Risley)  Abbey,  lived  in 
Brookfield,  N.  Y. 

Married  LOVISA  LOOMIS,  born  November  2,  1800;  died  1865,  daughter  of 
Israel  and  Eleanor  (Cowles)  Loomis  of  North  Brookfield. 


Moses  Alley,  b.  in  Brookfield;  m.  (1)  Charlotte  Denison ;  (2)  Amelia  Barber. 
No  children.  When  a  young  man  he  went  to  Preston,  Canada,  where  he  was 
town  magistrate  for  several  years.  He  was  drowned  at  the  Pan-American 
Exhibition  at  BufPalo  in  1902  by  falling  into  a  lagoon  in  the  evening. 

Israel  Alley,  lived  in  Eaton,  Madison  County,  N.  Y. ;    not  m. 

309.  HENRY"  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Ruth  (Risley)  Abbey,  born  and 
died  at  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.  Died  April  9,  1869 (?).  He  was  mentioned  in  his 
father's  will,  1854. 

Married  ELECTA(?)  HUBBARD,  who  died  April  4,  1872. 


Hullard  Alley,  m.  and  had  three  children. 

Martin  Alley   (twin). 

Martha  Alley  (twin). 

Lucy  Alley,  m.  Eastman  and  lived  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

MaryCi)  Alley. 

Henry  Alley,  jr.,  d.  Aug.  12,  1889.  Married,  as  her  second  husband,  March  19, 
1871,  Phebe  Ann  Locke,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  June  30,  1839,  daughter  of 
Rufus  and  Persis  (Jewett)  Locke.  She  m.  (1)  John  O.  Livermore,  by  whom 
she  had  two  children,  and  (3)  Charles  A.  Eastman,  and  resided  at  Oriskany 
Falls,  N.  Y.  Child  of  Henry  Abbey:  Mattie  E.,  b.  Feb.  25,  1874,  resides  at 
Bouckville,  N.  Y.,  m.  Jan.  23,  1892,  Charles  Henderson  of  Madison,  N,  Y., 
b.  May  7,  1874,  and  has  children,  Emory,  b.  Aug.  22,  1893,  Ernest,  b.  Dec.  10, 
1894,  and  Eari,  b.  Nov.  9,  1896. 

310.  EDWIN«  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Ruth  (Risley)  Abbey.  Farmer  and 
hop-grower  and  dealer  in  hops  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.  Died  at  Waterville,  October, 
1885,  and  buried  there.  His  will  is  recorded  in  Utica.  He  made  deeds  in  Sanger- 
field as  early  as  1836. 

Married  SUSAN  COWAN. 


Mary  Alley,  d.  before  1884 ;    m.  and  had  one  son  who  is  m.  and  has  two  children. 

Maria  Alley,  d.  before  1884. 

Caroline  Alley,  m.  Charles  Goff,  lived  in  Marshall,  Oneida  County,  in  1884,  and 

has  five  sons. 
Edwin  Alley,  jr.,  m.  and  had  two  daughters,  both  of  whom  are  dead.    He  inherited 

his  father's  homestead  in  the  town  of  Sangerfield,  N.  Y. 

Sixth  Generation  169 

311.  IRA«  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Ruth  (Rislcy)  Abbey,  born  in  Sanger- 
field,  N.  Y.  He  lived  for  many  years  in  North  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  removed  late 
in  life  to  Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  where  he  died.  He  was  mentioned  in  his  father's 
will,  1854. 

Married  RHODA  RHODES  of  North  Brookfield. 

Lucinda  Ahhey,  m.  William  Hall. 
Amelia  Abbey,  lived  in  North  Brookfield;    m.  Nathan  Wheeler,     Children:    i.  Ira, 

m.  Emma  Bond  and  had  a  son  and  a  daughter ;    ii.  Willie ;    iii.  Lillie. 
Eleanor  Abbey,  m.  Manthus  Sattcrlee.     Children:    i.  Marie,  m.  Herbert  Babeock ; 

ii.  Nelson  ;   iii.  Willie  ;   iv.  Berta  ;    v.  Walter  ;    vi.  Edith. 
Samuel  Abbey,  m.  Mary  Smith.     Two  adopted  children:    i.  Mabel;    ii.  Lynn. 
Rosetta  Abbey,  m.  J.  Arthur  Perry.     Children:   i.  Lulu  Enoch;    ii.  and  iii.   (twins) 

LiUa  May  and  Rosa  Maud. 
Lillie  Abbey,  m.  C.  Walter  Carruth.     Children:    i.  Irma ;    ii.  WiUiam ;    iii.  Ethel 


312.     GEORGE"  ABBEY,  son  of  John^  and  Ruth   (Risley)   Abbey,  born  in 
Sangerfield,  N.  Y.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Waterville,  about  1869. 
Married  JANE  COWAN  of  Sangerfield. 

Isabella  Abbey,  m.  Otis  McCartney. 
Hattie  Abbey,  m.  and  has  a  daughter. 

George  Abbey,  jr.,  m. Cory  and  has  two  children. 

Allen  Abbey,  m. Wheat.     Children:   i.  Edith;  ii.  Ada;  iii.  and  iv.  daughters. 

313.  LATHROPs  TREAT,  son  of  Charles  and  Rachel^  (Abbe)  Treat,  born 
1788,  in  Glastonburjr,  Conn.;  died  July  28,  1819,  aged  31,  at  Savannah,  Ga., 
of  yellow  fever.    He  was  a  sea-faring  man. 

Married  1814,  TALLATHA  SEXTON,  born  April,  1776;  died  April  17,  1857. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  George  Sexton  of  Colchester,  Conn. 

552     Harriet  Elisabeth  Treat,  b.  Jan.  21,  1815  ;    m.  Nelson  Brigham  PeUett. 

314.  HORACE"  TREAT,  son  of  Charles  and  Rachel^  (Abbe)  Treat,  born 
July  4,  1790,  in  Glastonbury,  Conn.;  died  December  3,  1821,  of  yellow  fever, 
at  Matanzas,  Cuba.    He  was  a  sea-captain. 

Married  POLLY  BROOKS,  who  died  April  7,  1870,  aged  77;  buried  in  the 
Central  burying-ground,  Glastonbuiy. 

Children,  born  in  Glastonbury 

553     Horace  Brools  Treat,  b.  Oct.  15,  1816 ;    m.  Sarah  Aurelia  Glazier. 

Mary  E.  Treat,  b.  May  14,  1818;  resided  in  Hartford;  m.  Noyes  D.  Brewster, 
b.  Oct.  27,  1816,  in  Franklin,  Conn. ;  d.  Jan.  11,  1873,  in  Hartford.  Children, 
b.  in  Hartford  :  i.  Martha  D.,  b.  May  2,  1841,  d.  Aug.  17,  1842 ;  ii.  FrankUn  D., 
b.  May  2,  1843;  iii.  James  H.,  b.  April  10,  1845,  d.  April  13,  1845;  iv. 
Charies  W.,  b.  Sept.  12,  1846,  d.  Sept.  25,  1876,  in  Wallace,  Kans. ;  v.  Lorena, 
b.  Feb.  11,  1849,  d.  June  24,  1850 ;  vi.  Marcus,  b.  April  26,  1851 ;  vii.  Ferdinand, 
b.  Feb.  2,  1855 ;  viii.  Alfred  L.,  b.  May  24,  1857 ;  ix.  Edwin  C,  b.  Feb.  26,  1862, 
d.  Nov.  30,  1886. 

Adeline  Treat,  b.  May  1,  1820 ;  d.  Aug.  25,  1860,  buried  in  Central  burying-ground, 

Hosea  Treat,  b.  March  3,  1822 ;    d.  Dec.  11,  1822. 

170  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

315.  SOPHIA'^  TREAT,  daughter  of  Charles  and  RaeheP  (Abbe)  Treat, 
born  February  6,  1795,  in  Glastonbury,  Conn. ;  died  November  18,  1850,  in  South 

Married  September  15,  1818,  ISAAC  COLLINS,  who  died  December  20,  1838, 
in  South  Glastonbury. 

Children,  horn  in  South  Glastonbury 

Sophia  Collins,  b.  June  11,  1820 ;    d.  March  15,  1860. 

Orrin  T.  Collins,  b.  Jan.  3,  1823.  Removed  in  1841  to  East  Hartford,  and  in  1855 
to  Westfield,  Bureau  County,  111.,  later  going  to  Peru,  LaSalle  County,  111.  He 
was  president  of  the  Peru  Farmer's  Mutual  Insurance  Company  for  a  number 
of  years.  Married  Nov.  24,  1846,  Charlotte  O.  Pitkin,  b.  Aug.  4,  1821,  d.  May  7, 
1878,    daughter    of    George    and    Parmela     (  )     Pitkin    of    East    Hartford. 

Children,  first  three  bom  at  East  Hartford,  others  in  lUinois  :  i.  George  Pitkin, 
b.  July  2,  1851,  is  a  farmer  in  Holstein,  Ida  County,  Iowa,  m.  Dec.  31,  1874, 
Emma  HoUer,  daughter  of  Philip  Holler  of  Dimmock,  LaSalle  County,  lU., 
has  two  sons  and  two  daughters ;  ii.  Lottie  Elizabeth,  b.  April  18,  1853,  m. 
Nov.  18,  1873,  Amasa  Rose,  a  farmer,  who  went  to  Kansas  in  1871  and  resides 
at  Yates  Centre,  Woodson  County,  has  three  children,  Mabel  Bray,  Orrin  Collins, 
and  Ethel ;  iii.  Sophia  Treat,  b.  July  30,  1855,  resides  in  Peru ;  iv.  Charles 
Pitkin,  b.  Dec.  16,  1856,  resides  in  Peru,  m.  July  5,  1882,  Emma  Birchenough, 
daughter  of  George  Birchenough  of  Peru,  had  three  children,  b.  in  Westfield,  111., 
Frances,  b.  July  3,  1883,  Walter  George,  b.  June  17,  1886,  and  Emma,  b.  Nov. 
16,  1888 ;   V.  Laura  Cowles,  b.  Sept.  20,  1858,  resided  in  Chicago. 

Emily  Mariah  Collins,  b.  Oct.  20,  1824 ;    d.  Aug.  3,  1848. 

Lavinia  Collins,  b.  Aug.  8,  1826 ;   d.  Feb.  22,  1832. 

Lwdia  Ann,  b.  Jan.  23,  1829 ;    d.  Oct.  12,  1873. 

316.  CHARLES"  TREAT,  JR.,  son  of  Charles  and  Rachel^  (Abbe)  Treat, 
born  October  27,  1801,  in  Glastonbury,  Conn. ;  died  January  17,  1867,  in  Hart- 
ford, Conn.    He  was  a  sea-faring  man. 

Married  April  20,  1828,  MATILDA  COOLY,  born  August  2,  1800,  in  Middle- 
town  ;   died  July,  1890,  in  Hartford. 

Children,  horn  in  Hartford 

Jane  Rachel  Treat,  b.  Dec.  19,  1828;    d.   Oct.,  1887;    resided  in  Hartford;    m. 

Larkum  and  had  a  son  Albert,  b.  Oct.  23,  1845. 

Julia  Matilda  Treat,  h.  Oct.  11,  1830 ;    d.  April  12,  1837. 

Lavina  Treat,  b.  Sept.  12,  1832 ;    d.  Feb.  16,  1862. 

Ellen  Elizabeth  Treat,  b.  Nov.  23,  1834 ;    d.  Feb.  16,  1862. 

Nor^nan  C.  Treat,  b.  July  6,  1837.     He  was  connected  with  the  Pacific  Railway 

Company  and  resided  in  Quincy,  111.     Married  1863,  in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  Rose  S. 

Trevor.     Children :    i.  Albert  Trevor,   d.   March  9,   1870,  in   Omaha,   Neb. ;    ii. 

Charles  Norman,  b.  1866 ;    iii.  Edward  Ely,  d.  March  14,  1870,  in  Omaha ;    iv. 

Rose  Trevor,  b.  1874. 

317.  JULIUS«  ABBEY,  son  of  Reuben^  and  Eunice  (Goodale)  Abbey,  born 
about  1805;    died  about  1855. 

Married  May  14,  1834,  in  Chester,  Conn.,  LUCY  A.  LORD.  She  was  living 
in  Chester  in  1860  with  her  two  daughters  and  son  James  L. 


554  Oeorge  Marshall  Abbey,  b.  March  18,  1835 ;    m.  Lois  Abigail  Brooks. 
Ezra  Fargo  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  13,  1837 ;    d.  March  8,  1842. 

555  James  Lord  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  25,  1839;    m.  Jane  Elizabeth   (Watrous)   Stark. 

556  Julia  Emeline  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  8,  1841 ;    m.  Charles  Leonard  Wight. 
Loren  Edson  (1)  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  12,  1842;    d.  Jan.  19,  1844. 
Loren  Edson  (2)  Abbey,  b.  May  12,  1845 ;    d.  June  17,  1854. 

557  Teresa  Emogene  Abbey,  b.  July  2,  1848;    m.   (1)  Ferdinand  Rockwell;     (2)   Julius 

Benjamin  Spencer. 

Sixth  Generation  171 

318.  ANSON«  ABBEY,  son  of  Asaph^  and  Ruth  (Hollister)  Abbey,  born 
March  9,  1801,  in  Portland,  Coun. ;  died  December  25,  1865.  Removed  to 
Wajaie  County,  Pa. 

Married  CLARISSA  TAYLOR  of  South  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  born  May  16, 


558  Henry  Augustus  Ahhey,  b.  Oct.  12,  1823 ;    m.  Sarah  Ann  Morgan. 

559  Harriet  Amelia  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  1,  1825  ;   m.  Edwin  Boll. 

Hancy  Sophia  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  1,  1827 ;  d.  July  20,  1871 ;  m.  Jan.  29,  1852,  James 
R.  Dayton  of  Portland,  Conn.  Children :  i.  James  Mortimer,  m.  and  lives  in 
Detroit,  Mich. ;   ii.  Harry  Anson,  lived  in  Chicago,  d.  . 

560  Julia  Ann  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  16,  1829  ;    m.  Andrew  Spangenburg. 

561  David  Taylor  Abbey,  b.  May  28,  1832 ;    m.  Lucina  Andrews. 

562  Russell  Pelton  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  23,  1834;    m.   (1)   Mary  J.  Shepard ;     (2)   Harriet 

Victoria  Violetta  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  20,  1840;    d.  Jan.  5,  1845. 

563  Ralph  Goodrieh  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  7,  1842  ;    m.  Ruby  Ann  Wilcox. 

564  Anna  Mary  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  13,  1844;    m.   (1)  William  James;    (2)  Albert  Allen. 

565  Lucy  Elizabeth  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  11,  1846;    m.   (1)   George  W.  Walker;     (2)  Jerome 

T.  Stocker. 

319.  PAMELIA'5  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Asaph^  and  Ruth  (Hollister)  Abbey, 
born  July  19,  1802;    lived  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  died  there,  June  27,  1879. 

Married  at  Portland,  Conn.,  August  21,  1821,  RUSSELL  PELTON,  born  July 
20,  1803,  at  Chatham,  Conn.;  died  in  Brooklyn,  Ohio,  April  19,  1888.  Son  of 
Marshall  and  Betsey  (Sage)  Pelton  of  Portland.  He  was  a  farmer,  lived  in 
Chatham  and  Chester,  Conn.,  where  he  worked  a  granite  quarry;  removed,  in 
1835,  to  Brooklyn,  Ohio. 

Children,  born  in  Connecticut 

Emily  Frances  Pelton,  b.  Nov.  20,  1822  ;  resided  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  d.  there 
March  4,  1861;  m.  in  Brooklyn,  Ohio,  July  3,  1848  (or  1838),  Philo  Chamber- 
lain of  Cleveland.  He  was  proprietor  of  the  Northern  Transportation  Company, 
with  twenty-one  propellers,  between  Chicago  and  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.     They  had 

eleven  children,  of  whom  were :   Helen  J.  C,  m. Butler  and  Uved  in  North 

Adams,  Mass.,  in  1891 ;    Lucy,  m.  Edward  Childs,  lived  in  Cleveland ;    Fannie, 

m.   Diefendorf,   lived   in   Chicago ;     Flora,   m.   Conover,   lived   in 

New  York  City. 

William  Henry  Pelton,  b.  Sept.  24,  1823;    d.  Oct.  23,  1823. 

Elizabeth  A.  Pelton,  b.  Dec.  17,  1824;  resided  in  Brooklyn,  Ohio,  in  1888;  m.  in 
Brooklyn,  Ohio,  Dec.  3,  1840,  Ozias  Fish.  They  had  four  children  of  whom  only 
one,  Dwight,  was  Mving  in  1878.     He  m.  and  had  four  children. 

Frederick  William  Pelton,  b.  March  24,  1827,  in  Chester,  Conn.  He  served  as 
Captain  in  the  Civil  War,  was  mayor  of  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  later  county 
treasurer.  Married,  in  Brooklyn,  Ohio,  Aug.  25,  1848,  Susan  Anna  Denison, 
b.  Aug.  8,  1829,  in  Richfield,  Ohio,  daughter  of  John  B.  Denison.  Children : 
i.  Elizabeth  PameUa,  b.  June  13,  1849;  ii.  Lulu  Ellen  (or  Lucy  J.)  b.  Feb.  5, 
1852,  m.  Oct.  4,  1874,  Arthur  A.  Wenham  and  lived  in  Cleveland ;  iii.  Clarence 
Frederick  (twin),  b.  May  20,  1857,  d.  Dec.  3,  1857;  iv.  Clara  Susan  (twin),  b. 
May  20,  1857,  d.  Dec.  25,  1857 ;  v.  Jennie  Louise,  b.  June  28,  1860,  d.  June  10, 
1864;  \i_  Emily  Frances,  b.  Nov.  10,  1862,  d.  June  30,  1864;  vii.  Susie  May, 
b.  Sept.  19,  1866.  m. Young. 

Ella  J.  Pelton,  b.  March  13,  1832 ;    m.  Dec.  18,  1855,  Samuel  Sears  of  Brooklyn, 

Ohio,  where  she  resided  in  1879.     Children:    i.  Milly,  m.  Kitzhimer;    ii. 

Rossie  ;   iii.  Frederick  S. 

Francis  Sage  Pelton,  b.  June  8,  1833,  in  Chester,  Conn.;  d.  Nov.  2,  1876,  in 
Cleveland,  Ohio.  He  was  owner  of  vessels.  Married  in  Brooklyn,  Ohio,  Jan.  8, 
1854,    Mary    Knight,    daughter    of    Moses    N.    Knight    of    Glens    Falls,    N.    Y. 

Children  :    i.  Cora  B.,  b.  Oct.  27,  18.54,  m.  Jewitt ;    ii.  RusseU  K.,   b. 

Nov.  8,  1856,  in  or  near  Cleveland,  Ohio,  residetl  later  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  was  engaged  in  the  transportation  business.  He  m.  at  Hudson,  Ohio,  Aug.  15, 
1877,  LiUie  B.  Bouton,  daughter  of  Charles  Bouton  of  Hudson,  and  had  three 
children:  Helen  Mary,  b.  Sept.  4,  1878;  Charles  Frederick,  b.  May  16,  1881, 
d.   July  11,   1881,   Roy   Noyes,   b.   Feb.   25,  1890;    iii.   EUeu   May,   b.   Oct.   13, 

172  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

1858,  m.  and  lives  in  Cleveland ;  iv.  Mary  F.,  b.  May  21,  1862,  m. Cogswell ; 

V.  Noyes  F.,  b.  Aug.  27,  1865,  d.  Feb.  15,  1866 ;  vi.  Esther  L.,  b.  Nov.  1,  1867,  m. 
and  lives  in  Seattle;  vii.  Glenn  W.,  b.  Jan.  20,  1869,  d.  May  6,  1875;  \dii, 
Clarence  B.,  b.  Aug.  19,  1870,  d.  May  9,  1875 ;    ix.  Emily  G.,  b.  Nov.  21,  1872, 

m.  ;    X.  Francis  Sage,  jr.,  b.  July  16,  1875,  lives  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  m. 

Arabella  White,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Ella  Mary  (Abbey)  White  (see  number 
323)  and  has  a  son  Charles  Pelton ;  xi.  Lura  A.,  b.  May  27,  1877,  d.  Aug.  28, 

320.  PRUDENCE  MILLERS  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Asapli^  and  Ruth  (Hol- 
lister)  Abbey,  born  March  18,  1811;    died  in  Portland,  Conn.,  February  19,  1851. 

Married  December  18,  1833,  EDWIN  BELL,  born  at  Gildersleeve,  Conn., 
December  26,  1811,  son  of  George  and  Anna  (Crosby)  Bell.  He  was  a  blacksmith 
at  Portland  and  was  also  connected  with  quarrying.  He  married  (2)  Harriett 
A.  Abbey,  niece  of  Prudence  M.,  by  whom  he  liad  children  also  (see  number  559) 
and  (3)  in  1865,  Delia  M.  White. 

Children  of  Prudence  M.  Abbey 

Isadore  C.  Bell,  b.  Oct.  17,  1835 ;  resided  in  Akron,  Ohio ;  m.  Henry  Howe.  Chil- 
dren, living  in  Ira,  Ohio :    i.  Edwin  Bell ;    ii.  Frank  R. ;    iii.  Abbey. 

Abbeij  A.  Bell,  b.  Nov.  9,  1838,  in  Connecticut;  d.  Feb.,  1866  or  7.  Married  in 
Akron,  Ohio,  April  15,  1865,  Reuben  (or  Lyman)  Payne,  b.  Aug.  29,  1820,  in 
Portland,  Conn.;  d.  there  Feb.  27,  1897;  farmer  and  fruit  grower.  He  m.  (1) 
Mary  Norton  Clark,  by  whom  he  had  three  children.  Child  of  Abbey  A.  Bell: 
Dwight  J.,  b.  Aug.  21,  1866,  in  Portland,  Conn. ;  educated  at  high  schools  in 
Penfield  HiU  and  Portland  and  business  college ;  lives  in  Kalamazoo,  Mich. ; 
manufacturer  of  hammock  chairs  and  folding  furniture.  Dwight  J.  Payne,  m. 
June  12,  1889,  Ella  L.  Parmalee,  b.  May  20,  1868,  daughter  of  Wilbur  Fiske 
and  Lodisca  Clarinda  (Blatchley)  Parmalee.  Wilbur  Fiske  Parmalee  is  inventor 
of  reclining  and  folding  chairs  and  many  other  specialties.  Children  of  Dwight  J. 
Payne :  i.  Reuben  B.,  b.  April  10,  1890,  d.  Aug.,  1892 ;  ii.  Wilbur  B.,  b.  Nov.  24, 
1891 ;   iii.  Kenneth  M.,  b.  Sept.  12,  1893 :   iv.  Gabriella,  b.  Sept.  8,  1897. 

Sarah  Jane  Bell,  b.  May  9,  1841 ;    d.  Nov.  13,  1854. 

Anna  Mary  Bell,  b.  March  20,  1843 ;    d.  Dec.  9,  1843. 

Ch-ove  L.  Bell,  b.  Oct.  11,  1844 ;  d.  Dec.  3,  1863,  at  Stephenson,  Ala.,  a  soldier  in 
Company  D,  20th  Connecticut  Volunteers. 

Rosalie  Bell,  b.  Feb.  8,  1847 ;   d.  March  13,  1847. 
566     Edicin  Irving  Bell,  b.  Sept.  17,  1848;    m.    (1)   Hettie  M.  Cooper;     (2)   EUzabeth 

321.     SARAH    ANN«    ABBEY,    daughter   of   Asaph^    and   Ruth    (Hollister) 
Abbey,  born  January  29,  1813;   died  October  5,  1907.    Lived  in  Cleveland,  Ohio. 


Julia  Bartlett,  d.  ;    m.  Botsford  of  St.  Louis. 

Mary  Bartlett,  d. 

Sarah  Bartlett,  m.   George  Baker  of  Cleveland.     Children :    i.   Lettie,   m. 

Villas,   lives  in   Cleveland ;    ii.   George ;    iii.   Charles,  lives   in   New   York   City, 
m.  and  has  three  children ;    iv.  Mae,  lives  in  Cleveland. 

322.  WILLIAM  WARREN«  ABBEY,  son  of  Asaph^  and  Ruth  (Hollister) 
Abbey,  born  October  18,  1814.  As  early  as  1840  he  was  Captain  of  a  Rifle 
Company  and  he  was  instrumental  in  raising  Company  H  of  the  25th  Connecticut 
Volunteers,  serving  a  year  at  the  front  as  Captain.  He  was  living  at  South 
Glastonbury,  in  1899;    died  November  9,  1902. 

Married  (1)  SOPHRONIA  TRYON,  born  about  1816;  died  July  10,  1837, 
aged  21;    buried  in  Portland,  Conn. 

Sixth  Generation  173 

Married  (2)  December  25,  1838,  EMILY  ANDREWS,  born  May  26,  1817; 
died  October  13,  1848j  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Laura  (Stevens)  Andrews  of 
South  Glastonbury.     She  is  buried  in  Portland. 

Married  (3)  August  7,  1849,  CHARLOTTE  TAYLOR,  born  May  8,  1822. 

Child  by  first  voife 

Sophronia  Ahhcy,  b.  Feb.  4,  1837;  m.  March  27,  1855,  William  Wilfred  West, 
b.  Aug.  7,  1834,  son  of  Brackett  Mortimer  and  Mary  Ann  (Stocking)  West  of 
East  Hampton,  Conn.  Children :  i.  Sylvester,  m.  and  has  two  sons  in  Seattle ; 
ii.  Lily. 

Children  by  second  wife 

567     William  Henry  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  27,  1840 ;    m.  Josephine  A.  E.  Smith. 

George  Clark  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  14,  1843;    Hves  in  Brooklyn,  Ohio;    m.  Mary  Bartlett. 

Child  :    Bessie,  m. . 

Julia  Frances  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  29,  1847 ;   lives  in  Wells\iUe,  Ohio ;    m.  John  Catlett. 

Children,  bving  in  Wells%'iUe :   i.  Albert,  m.  and  has  a  child  ;   ii.  Fred,  m.  , 

graduate  of  Harvard,  lives  in  Seattle. 

Children  by  third  wife 

Emily  A.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  18,  1851 ;  d.  Nov.  17,  1851,  buried  in  Portland. 
Frank  R.  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  20,  1852;  d.  Sept.  2,  1854,  buried  in  Portland. 
Cora  E.  Abbey,  b.  July  18,  1854;    m.  Rowland  HoUister,  had  one  child,  who  died. 

Francis  Ii".  A66e!/,  b.  Sept.  20,  1856;   d. ;   m.  Alice .    Child:   Fred,  m. 

and  has  one  child. 

323.  GROVE  NELSON^  ABBEY,  son  of  Asaph"  and  Ruth  (Hollister)  Abbey, 
born  August  19,  1818,  in  Glastonbury,  Conn. ;  died  June  24,  1882,  in  Chicago. 
Aboi;t  1870  lie  went  to  Chicago  and  made  investments  which  were  destroyed 
by  the  Chicago  fire. 

Married  November  4,  1844,  SARAH  GOODALE,  born  November  6,  1821,  in 

Northampton,  Mass.,  daughter  of  Eli  and  Lovina   (Welch)   Goodale.     She  lived 

in  Chicago  after  his  death. 

Ch  ildren 

Ella  Mary  Abbey,  b.  June  5,  1846;    lives  in  Portland,  Conn.;    m.  Charles  White. 

Children  :   i.  Mabel,  m. Ensinuiger,  resides  in  Oak  Park,  111.,  has  children ; 

ii.  Maud,  m.  Bruce,  has  children ;    iii.  Arabella,  m.  Frank  Sage  Pelton, 

jr.,  resides  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  has  a  son,  Charles   (see  number  319)  ;    iv.  Bertha, 

m.  and  Hves  in  Chicago ;   v.  Ida,  hves  in  Portland. 
Lucy  Emily  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  18,  1853  ;   d.  Aug.  7,  1854. 
Jane  Bell  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  1,  1855  ;    resides  in  Chicago ;   not  m. 
Grove  William  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  15,  1860 ;    resides  in  Omaha  ;    not  m. 

324.  ABNER"  PELTON,  son  of  Abner  and  Sarah^  (Bidwell)  Pelton,  born 
April  15,  1781,  at  Portland,  Conn.;  died  there  December  20,  1841.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  shoemaker  in  Portland. 

Married  (1)  in  Portland,  May  24,  1801,  ESTHER  HAMLIN,  died  July  13, 
1833,  daughter  of  Charles  Hamlin  of  Middletown,  Conn. 

Married  (2)  November  28,  1833,  MRS.  SOPHRONIA  (STRONG)  WHIT- 
MORE,  daughter  of  Demas  Strong  of  Middleto'wn. 

Children  by  first  wife,  born  in  Portland 

568  Ebenezer  Brown  Pelton,  b.  April  22,  1802;    m.    (1)    Prudence  Gertrude  Penfield ; 

(2)  Sophia  Northam. 

569  Charles  Hamlin  Pelton,  b.  June  13,  1805;    m.    (1)   Frances  Matilda  Graves;     (2) 

Emily  HaU. 

570  Hezekiah  Goodrich  Pelton,  b.  May  8.  1806 ;   m.  EHzabeth  Ann  Penfield. 

Sarah  Bidwell  Pelton,  b.  Oct.  1,  1809  ;   hved  in  Portland  and  d.  there  Dec.  11,  1871. 
Married  Jan.  1,  1828,  Henry  ConkUn,  son  of  Isaac  and  Harriet  C.  (         )  Conldin 

174  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

of  Portland.    Children  :   i.  Alfred  H.,  d.  Feb.  9,  1853 ;    ii.  Sarah  Malvina  Parker, 
resided  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 
Vienna  Matilda  Pelion,  b.  Feb.  13,  1813;    lived  in  Portland;    m.  Dec.  26,  1833, 

Benjamin'7  Abbey,  see  number  550. 
Amos  Pelton,  b.  May  13,  1815  ;   farmer ;   resided  in  Effingham,  111.    Married  1859,  in 
Summit  County,  Ohio,  Mary  Hopkins,  daughter  of  John  Hopkins  of  Rhode  Island. 
No  children. 
571     William  Clark  Pelton,  b.  Aug.  13,  1817  ;    m.  Hannah  E.  Hopkins, 

325.  DAVID«  ABBEY,  son  of  Jonathan^  Abbey  and  Mrs.  Lucy  (Knox) 
Robbins),  born  in  Ashford,  Conn.,  February  8,  1779;  died  in  Watkins,  N.  Y., 
October  7,  1863.  He  lived  for  a  time  in  Ulster  County,  N.  Y. ;  was  one  of 
the  school  commissioners  appointed  at  the  first  town  meeting  in  Olive,  1824; 
inspector  of  schools;  Lieutenant,  1811,  and  Captain,  1812,  in  Ulster  County 
militia;   Major  in  1819  and  resigned  in  1820. 

Married  April,  1803,  NANCY  FARNHAM,  born  October  22,  1784;  died 
March  23,  1855. 


572  "Newman  Ahhcy,  b.  Sept.  3,  1804;    m.  Harriet  Van  Wagoner. 

573  Jonathan  Edwards  Aibey,  b.  April  17,  1806;    m.   (1)  Rebecca  Hinman ;     (2)   Mrs. 

Indiana  Day. 

574  Lucinda  Ahhey,  b.  Aug.  1,  1808;   m.  Dr.  Hervey  Smith. 

Sarah  Abbey,  b.  in  Ulster  County,  Feb.  28,  1811;  d.  Nov.  19,  1865,  at  Rondout, 
N.  Y.  Married  Feb.  14,  1832,  George  North,  b.  July  4,  1809 ;  d.  May  28,  1879. 
No  children. 

David  Avery  Abbey,  b.  in  Ulster  County,  April  6,  1813 ;  d.  Dec.  6,  1865.  He  was 
graduated  from  Yale,  A.B.  1838 ;  was  a  Presbyterian  minister,  held  pastorates  in 
Ulster  County,  Appalachin,  Tioga  County,  and  Dresden,  N.  Y.  Married  Oct.  24, 
1844,  Blandina  Magdalen  Brodhead,  b.  1817  ;  d.  July  9,  1891.  Child  :  EUzabeth, 
b.  Sept.  26,  1846,  d.  Aug.  2,  1879,  unm. 

575  Tyler  Hovey  Abbey,  b.  May  8,  1815 ;   m.  Julia  Ann  Whitney. 

576  Horatio  Gates  Abbey,  h.  AY)nll2,  1818;   m.  (1)  Nancy  Maria  Young ;    (2)  Cordelia 


577  Alonzo  Judson  Abbey,  b.  March  1,  1825;    m.   (1)   Margaret  Rutledge;     (2)   Mary 

Elizabeth  Topping. 

326.  SARAH«  (or  SALLY)  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Jonathan^  Abbey,  3d,  and 
Mrs.  Lucy  (Knox)  Robbins,  born  August  1,  1784,  in  Ashford,  Conn.;  recorded 
there;  died  in  Mason ville,  N.  Y.,  1829.  Most  of  her  married  life  was  spent 
in  or  near  Guilford,  N.  Y.,  but  in  her  last  years  she  removed  to  Masonville. 
There  are  extant  several  of  her  letters  to  her  children,  now  in  the  possession 
of  Mrs.  Dora  Walker,  Mrs.  Josiah  Still  and  Mr.  Edwin  W.  Burch.  They  are 
wonderful  letters  in  point  of  the  extreme  poverty  that  seems  to  have  been  her 
lot,  and  5^et  the  fortitude  and  Christian  hope  in  which  she  lived  are  no  less 
wonderful.  Some  of  her  older  children  had  gone  out  to  Chautauqua  County, 
a  son  had  established  himself  there  and  some  of  his  sisters  had  gone  out  there 
to  work  in  the  families  of  former  neighbors  who  had  moved  to  near  Westfield. 

Married  JOHN  BROWN.  He  died  in  1827  or  1828.  A  family  tradition  says 
he  was  lost  at  sea. 

Children,  believed  to  be  a  complete  list,  although  dates  of  birth  are  not  known,  and  order 

is  uncertain 

Lucy  Brown,  b.  early  in  1804 ;    d.  1822  ;   not  m. 

Hannah  Maria  Brown,  d.  in  1839;  m.  (1)  Piatt  Elliott,  who  d.  two  weeks  after 
the  birth  of  their  daughter,  Lucy,  who  m.  B.  J.  Johnson,  the  famous  soap  manu- 
facturer of  Milwaukee,  Wis.  Married  (2)  William  F.  Elliott,  not  related  to  her 
first  husband.  They  had  two  children,  the  first  d.  in  infancy  but  the  second,  Frank, 
m.  twice  and  some  of  the  family  are  said  to  live  at  Otto,  N.  Y. 


Sixth  Generation  175 

578  Jonathan  Brown,  b.  Feb.  8,  1805  ;   m.  Mary  Burrows. 

David  Broun,  m.  Sarah  Bi-own,  who,  although  of  the  same  name,  was  of  no  relation 
to  him.    Children  :   i.  Margaret ;    ii.  Robert. 

579  Catharine  Brown,  b.  Aug.  1,  1809;   m.  Caleb  A,  Hulbert. 

Polly  Ann  Brown,  m.  Ora  Windsor.  Children:  i.  Lucy,  lived  at  Manston,  Wis.; 
ii.  Jirah  (a  sou)  ;  iii.  Jason;  iv.  Chauncey,  soldier  in  the  Civil  War,  at  first  in 
the  6th  Wisconsin  Regiment,  later  transferred  to  the  artillery  service  in  a  Rhode 
Island  Battery,  was  severely  wounded  in  battle.  Married  and  had  two  children, 
both  of  whom  are  now  dead. 

Belinda  Brown,  d.  in  1841 ;  m.  Constant  B.  Allen.  Children  :  i.  Dan  Brown,  resides 
in  1915  at  Otto,  Cattaraugus  County,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Esther  Maria,  m.  Dr.  Pool,  and 
perhaps  lives  in  Buffalo. 

580  Miriam  A.  Brown,  b.  Feb.  11,  1858 ;    m.  Hall  Chase  Chandler. 

581  Nancy  L.  Brown,  b.  Aug.  25,  1822 ;    m.  Ezra  Westcott. 

Newman  Alheij  Brown,  b.  1824;  d.  in  California  about  1900;  m.  Eliza  A.  Whitman. 
Children  :  Three  who  d.  young  and  a  fourth,  b.  and  d.  on  the  voyage  from  New 
York  to  California,  around  Cape  Horn. 

He  possessed  unusual  ability  as  a  salesman  and  was  the  owner  of  two  very 
successful  stores,  one  in  Madison  and  one  in  Boscobel,  Wis.  Trips  to  buy  goods 
in  these  early  days  required  a  long  time,  and  once  when  in  New  York  City,  where 
he  had  gone  to  purchase  goods,  he  chanced  to  consult  a  fortune  teller,  who  used 
cards.  After  shuffling  the  cards  she  told  him  there  had  been  or  was  to  be  a  death 
in  his  family.  Shuffling  them  a  second  time  she  told  him  the  same  thing.  After 
shuffling  the  third  time,  she  said  nothing  but  the  expression  on  her  face  frightened 
him,  and  he  entered  upon  the  journey  back  to  Wisconsin  as  soon  as  possible. 
Upon  his  arrival  he  learned  that  one  of  his  children  had  died  on  a  certain  Wednes- 
day and  was  buried  the  following  Friday ;  a  second  child  had  died  on  the  following 
Wednesday  and  had  been  buried  the  Friday  following ;  the  third  child  had  died 
shortly  before  his  arrival  and  was  ready  for  burial. 

This  experience  shortly  thereafter  affected  his  mind  so  that  his  business  could  not 
be  properly  carried  on  and  he  lost  both  stores.  After  a  time,  with  the  approval  of 
his  faithful  wife,  he  decided  to  go  to  California  and  take  up  life  anew.  They 
sailed  from  New  York  Harbor  around  Cape  Horn.  There  was  born  to  them  on 
the  journey  another  child,  but  it  died  almost  at  birth  and  was  buried  at  sea. 
Arriving  in  California,  the  change,  for  a  time,  seemed  to  be  beneficial  to  him. 
With  his  limited  capital  he  would  buy  the  entire  outfit  of  city  trucksters,  and,  with 
his  native  ability  to  sell  things,  would  retail  it  always  at  a  profit.  But  as  time 
went  on,  he  consulted  mediums  and  various  kinds  of  fortune  tellers  who  relieved 
him  of  much  of  his  scanty  means.  After  quite  a  long  time  he  became  unable  to 
provide  for  his  vsafe  and  she  was  obliged  to  return  to  her  own  family  in  the  east. 
His  latest  years  were  passed  with  his  mind  entirely  unbalanced. 

327.  JOHN"  ABBEY,  son  of  Jonathan^  Abbey  and  Mrs.  Lucy  (Knox)  Rob- 
bins,  born  November  IS,  1789,  in  Ashford,  Conn.;  died  October  5,  1841,  at 
the  home  of  his  son,  Stephen,  in  Rondout,  N.  Y.  He  was  living  near  Rockdale 
on  the  Unadilla  River  about  1822.  He  had  a  first-rate  team  that  was  admired 
by  everyone  who  saw  it.  Knowing  about  this  team,  the  two  Assemblymen  of 
the  vicinity  engaged  Mr.  Abbey  to  take  them  from  Unadilla  to  Albany,  a 
distance  of  a  hundred  miles.  On  the  day  appointed  Mr.  Abbey  met  them  at 
the  village  inn.  When  the  hostler  brought  the  team  around  to  the  door,  and 
the  party  came  out  to  start  on  their  journey,  the  Assemblymen  complained  to 
Mr.  Abbey  about  the  general  appearance  of  the  turn-out.  They  said  that  the 
horses  were  fine,  but  the  sleigh  was  a  miserable,  old-fashioned  affair,  and  the 
harness  was  worse.  "Well,  gentlemen,"  said  Mr.  Abbey,  "I  am  much  mistaken 
if  you  are  more  ashamed  of  me  along  the  road  than  I  shall  be  of  you  when 
you  get  to  Albany." 

Dominie  Mason  of  Rondout  liked  a  fine  horse,  and,  knowing  that  John  Abbey 
did  too,  drove  up  where  he  was  standing  one  day,  and  said,  ''There,  Mr.  Abbey, 
what  do  you  think  of  my  horse?"  "I  think,"  said  Mr.  Abbey,  "that  he  is 
in  strong  contrast  with  the  one  your  Master  rode  into  Jerusalem  on." 

Married  CATHERINE  NORTH,  born  1789;    died  May  19,  1866. 

176  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 


582  David  Ahley,  b.  Oct.  25,  1809;    m.    (1)    Margaret  Mary  Adams;     (2)   Elizabeth 

Cornelia  Adams. 

583  Lucy  Alley,  b.  Dec.  3,  1811;  m.  (1)  Zachariah  Mosher  North;  (2)  D.  C.  Crawford. 

584  /S7ep/ie/i  A66e!/,  b.  March  13,  1814;   m.  Caroline  Vail. 

585  Gordon  Craig  A66e2/,  b.  Dec.  14,  1816;   m.  Angeline  Lynch. 

328.  WALTER"  GEER,  JR.,  son  of  Walter^  and  Lucy  (Allen)  Geer,  born  in 
Charlestown,  N.  H.,  January  9,  1792;  died  July  16,  1855.  Resided  in  Glens 
Falls,  N.  Y.,  after  1828.  He  served  in  the  War  of  1812;  was  a  prominent 
contractor  and  lumberman;    member  of  the  Assembly  in  1837. 

Married  in  Northumberland,  November  2,  1815,  HENRIETTA  VAN  BUREN, 
born  in  Easton,  N.  Y.,  September  20,  1792,  daughter  of  Martin  VanBuren,  a 
cousin  of  President  VanBuren,  and  his  wife  Elizabeth  Newell. 


Elizabeth  VanBuren  Geer,  b.  Jan.  29,  1817;  d.  1886;  m.  Feb.  5,  1847,  John 
Younglove.  Child :  Henrietta  Marie,  b.  May  3,  1852,  in  Greenwich,  N.  Y.,  m, 
June  28,  1876,  Charles  Beebe,  and  has  a  son,  Charles  WiUiam,  b.  July  29,  1877, 
in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Susan  Cornell  Geer,  b.  Jan.  16,  1819  ;  d.  April  4,  1889 ;  m.  Sept.  12,  1850,  James 
Rogers.  Children  :  i.  James,  b.  June  20,  1853,  resides  at  Ausable  Forks,  N.  Y., 
m.  May  27,  1874,  Katherine  Moore  Beers,  and  has  three  children,  (a)  Henry, 
b.  Feb.  11,  1876,  m.  April  9,  1901,  Ada  Hoffman  Spaulding  and  has  five  children, 
James,  b.  May  1,  1902,  Frances  Albertina,  b.  July  28,  1903,  John  Roderick,  b. 
Sept.  17,  1905,  Katherine  Southworth,  b.  May  30,  1907,  and  Adrian  Spaulding, 
b.  Aug.  20,  1912,  (b)  Florence  Moore,  b.  Dec.  10,  1878,  d.  July  28,  1900,  and  (c) 
Jeannette,  b.  Aug.  22,  1884 ;  ii.  Abby,  b.  Oct.  20,  1855,  m.  Edward  M.  Clark,  who 
d.  leaving  two  children,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  H.  Bennett  of  Brooklyn,  and  Rogers, 
who  hves  in  New  York  City ;  iii.  Walter  Geer,  b.  Aug.  21,  1858,  m.  Oct.  6,  1909, 
Mrs.  Chastine  Hartwell  Schuyler,  lives  in  Plattsburg,  N.  Y. 

Henrietta  VanBuren  Geer,  b.  Jan.  21,  1821 ;    d.  Aug.  31,  1898 ;    not  m. 
586     Asahel  Clarke  Geer,  b.  Jan.  6,  1823 ;   m.  Helen  Augusta  Danforth. 

Walter  Geer,  3d,  b.  in  Glens  Falls,  N.  Y.,  March  15,  1825 ;  d.  there  Oct.  28,  1848. 

Abigail  Geer,  b.  April  14,  1827 ;   d.  1894 ;   not  m. 

Arabelle  Geer,  b.  April  14,  1829 ;  d.  May  15,  1853 ;  m.  Nov.  13,  1849,  L.  H.  Baldwin. 
Child  :  Walter  Geer,  b.  Dec.  24,  1850,  d.  Nov.  6,  1872,  m.  July  19,  1872,  Louise 
Hicks,  no  children. 

329.  WILLIAM  AGIFT«  PEASE,  son  of  Aaron^  jr.,  and  Huldah  (Spencer) 
Pease,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  September,  1779 ;  died  in  Newfield,  Conn.,  October 
19,  1859.    He  was  a  ship  carpenter  in  Middletown,  Conn. 

Married  BETSEY  RANNEY,  daughter  of  a  Revolutionary  soldier  who  spent 
the  winter  at  Valley  Forge. 


Franklin  Pease,  m.  (1)  Deborah  Kelsey ;    (2)  . 

Spencer  Pease. 

Aaron  Pease,  m.  twice,  went  to  Cahfornia  in  1849,  returned  and  was  a  farmer  in 

Cromwell,  Conn.,  where  he  died.     One  wife  was  Lovinia  Johnson. 
587     William  Agift  Pease,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  1,  1819  ;   m.  Betsey  Stowe  Smith. 
Ruth  Pease,  m.  Philip  Smith. 
Cynthia  Pease,  m.  Enos  Bell. 
Susan  Pease,  m.  Griswold  Beebe ;   d.  in  Middletown,  Conn.,  1901 ;  she  had  seventeen 

children  who  lived  to  adult  age,  all  but  one  of  whom  married. 
Eliza  Pease,  d.  young. 
Edward  Pease,  m.  Lovinia  Chapman. 

Sixth  Generation  177 

330.     HORACE''  PEASE,  sou  of  Stone^'  and  Ascnath   (Pease)  Pease,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  July  7,  1783;    died  there  December  3,  1828.     Plow  manufacturer. 
Married  November  2,  1815,  MRS.  REBECCA  (PARSONS)  CARRIER. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Sophronia  R.  Pease,  b.  Sept.  14,  1816;  d.  Oct.  31,  1896;  livod  iu  Enfield;  m. 
Oct.  13,  1835,  Roderick  Allen. 

Amelia  P.  Pease,  b.  June  12,  1822 ;  lived  in  Saybrook  ;  m.  Jan.  15,  1844,  Edward 
lugraham,  b.  in  Saybrook,  Oct.  4,  1815  ;  d.  May  8,  1881.  He  was  a  merchant  at 
Saybrook  Point  and  interested  in  shipping.  He  lived  in  Brooklyn  for  some  years 
and  was  Major  in  the  state  militia.  Children  :  i.  Allan,  b.  Jan.  21,  1845,  d.  in 
Standish,  Mich.,  March  23,  1876;    ii.  Gertrude,  b.  Oct.  22.  1846,  m.  James  G. 

Duncan  who  d.  ;    iii.  George  Edward,  b.   Sept.  1,  1848,  lives  in  Enfield, 

m.  there  Caroline  Elizabeth  Potter  and  has  five  children.  Amy,  b.  Dec.  25,  1873, 
George  xVUan,  b.  Aug.  24,  1874,  Lillian,  b.  Aug.  25,  1875,  Edward,  b.  Dec.  18,  1879, 
and  Mary  Potter,  b.  Oct.  1,  1884;  iv.  Isabel,  b.  Oct.  4,  1850,  lives  in  Bay  City, 
Mich.,  m.  Thomas  E.  Webster,  a  lawyer,  and  has  a  daughter,  Amelia  Ingraham, 
b.  July  13,  1885 ;  v.  xVrthur  Hancock,  b.  Aug.  11,  1857,  lives  in  Bay  City,  m. 
Mary  Ann  Mercer  of  Westville,  Conn.,  and  has  a  daughter  Irene,  b.  Jan.  1,  1883 ; 
vi.  Charles  Goodwin,  b.  April  27,  1859,  d.  in  Saybrook,  June  6,  1900 ;  vii.  Amy, 
b.  May  29,  1862,  d.  June,  1865. 

Harriet  P.  Pease,  b.  Sept.  26,  1826. 

331.  DENNIS"  BEMENT,  son  of  Dennis^  jr.,  and  Lydia  (  )  Bement,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  August  20,  1782;  died  there  September  23,  1828.  His  ^vilI, 
made  September  29,  1827,  was  probated  October  25,  1828. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  19,  1807,  HANNAH  HOLKINS,  born  January 
6,  1789;  died  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  October  20,  1866.  She  was  daughter  of 
Joel  and  Huldah  (Allen)  Holkins,  and  married  (2)  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  November 
15,  1837,  Alfred  Bliss  of  Windsor. 

Children  of  Dennis  Bement,  horn  in  Enfield 

Huldah  Saloina  Bement,  b.  Oct.  14,  1808 ;   d.  Feb.  17,  1810. 

Joel  Holkins  Bement,  b.  Jau.  1,  1811 ;    d.  in  Chicago,  Dec.  27,  1834 ;    m.  in  Enfield, 

Sept.  15,  1831,  Elizabeth  Potter  of  Enfield.    Child  :   Adrian  Holkins,  b.  iu  Enfield, 

July  20,  1832 ;    m.  in  Springfield,  Sept.  26,  1860,  Mary  EUzabeth  Dodd,  and  had 

daughter  Helen,  b.  in  Springfield,  April  23,  1863. 
Dennis  (1)  Bement,  b.  April  2,  1813;   d.  Sept.  12,  1813. 
Saloma  Bement,  b.  Aug.  18,  1814 ;    d.  July  2,  1849,  in  South  Hadley,  Mass. ;    m.  in 

Windsor,  Conn.,  Sept.  3,  1839,  Levi  Wright  Allen  of  South  Hadley.     Children,  b. 

in   South  Hadley:    i.  Mira  Lathrop,  b.  Feb.   8,  1841,  d.  ;    ii.   Clara,  b. 

March  10,  1842,  d.  May  16,  1848;    iii.  Edward  Goodrich,  b.  Aug.  22,  1844,  d. 

Feb.  7, 1846 ;  iv.  Levi  Bement,  b.  June  22,  1849,  m.  in  South  Hadley,  Jan.  8, 1873, 

Eliza  A.  Moody,  and  had  three  children,  b.  in   South  Hadley,  Charles  Levi,  b. 

Oct.  1,  1874,  Clara  Asenath,  b.  Nov.  21,  1876,  and  Chester  Moody,  b.  Dec.  21,  1878. 
Clarissa  Bement,  b.  May  9,  1817  ;   d.  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  May  6,  1888  ;   m.  in  South 

Hadley,   Sept.   7,   1842,   EUhu  Dwight   of  South  Hadley.     Children:    i.   George 

Bement,  b.  Nov.  5,  1849 ;    ii.  Alice  Holkins,  b.  in  South  Hadley,  Nov.  22,  1854 ; 

iii.   Lydia   Huldah,    b.    Feb.    13,    18-59,    m.   Dec.    19,    1888,    Frank    P.   Davis    of 

Dennis  (2)  Bement,  b.  Oct.  6,  1823  ;   d.  Oct.  9,  1823. 

332.  NATHANIEL"  CHAPIN,  3D,  son  of  Nathaniel%  jr.,  and  Sybil  (TeiTv) 
Chapin,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  June  11,  1762.    He  was  a  Methodist  clergyman. 

Married  (1)  CYNTHIA  PERKINS. 
MaiTied  (2)  LOVISA  SEXTON. 

Harry  Chapin,  d.  aged  two  years. 
Lovisa  Chapin,  d.  unm. 
588     Henry  Chapin,  m.  Elizabeth  Wilson. 


178  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Charlotte  Chupiii,  m.  Samuel  Corbin  of  Union,  Coun. 
Sihyl  Chapin,  m.  Le\-i  Moody  and  lived  in  Windsor,  Conn. 
Charles  (1)  Chapin,  d.  aged  three  years. 
Miranda  Chapin. 

Charles   (2)   Chapin,  m.  but  bad  no  children. 
589     Eliza  Chapin,  b.  Oct.  6,  1803 ;    m.  Harvey  Holkins. 

ISlathaniel  Chapin,  Jith,  lived  in  Jencksville,  later  in   Springfield,  Mass.;    m.  Olive 

VanHorn,  daughter  of  Gad  VanHoru  of  Chicopee,  Mass.    Children  :   i.  Charles  L. ; 

ii.  Maria  ;    iii.  Charlotte  ;    iv.  Mary  ;    v.  Henry  ;    vi.  Fanny. 

333.  JABEZ"  CHAPIN,  son  of  Nathaniel^  jr.,  and  Sybil  (Terry)  Chapin, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  November  24,  1764;  died  September  24,  1858.  Farmer 
in  Enfield,  until  1804;  at  South  Brimfield,  Mass.,  1804-1819;  in  Concord,  Erie 
County,  N.  Y.,  1819-1835 ;    after  1835,  in  Allegany  County,  N.  Y. 

Married  July  1,  1785,  LUCY  D WIGHT  of  Longmeadow,  Mass.,  daughter  of 

Elihu  and  Eunice   (Horton)   Dwight.     She  was  born  September  24,  1765;    died 

March  30,  1856. 

Children,  all  hut  last  three,  horn  in  Enfield 

Fearitte  (1)   Chajnn,  b.  April  30,  1786;    d.  1798. 

Jalez  (1)   Chapin,  jr.,  b.  Oct.,  1788;    d.  Oct.,  1794. 

Roswell  Chapin,  b.  March  7,  1791;  graduated  from  Union  College,  1816;  was  a 
lawyer  and  surveyor  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;    m.  1836,  Hannah  Peterson  of  Canada. 

William  Chapin,  b.  July  4,  1793;  farmer  in  Allegany  County,  N.  Y. ;  m.  (1) 
Oct.  26,  1823,  Thirza  Taylor  of  China,  Genesee  County,  N.  Y.,  b.  Feb.  7,  1804; 
d.  Dec.  22,  1840,  daughter  of  Grandison  and  Nancy  (Houston)  Taylor;  m.  (2) 
April  8,  1841,  Bodeca  Taylor,  b.  1809;  d.  Oct.  24,  1849,  sister  of  above;  m.  (3) 
Oct.  4,  1850,  Clarissa  Hopping,  b.  Oct.  24,  1808,  daughter  of  Major  Jehiel 
and  Hannah  (Talmadge)  Hopping  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  Children,  by  second  wife: 
i.  William  Anson,  b.  Feb.  17.  1842;  ii.  Harriet  Maria,  b.  Aug.  6,  1844;  iii, 
Sidney  Cable,  b.  Feb.  27,  1847,  d.  April  6,  1849 ;  iv.  Albert  Clinton,  b.  Sept.  3, 
1848,  d.  April  6,  1849.  Children  by  third  wife :  i.  and  ii.  twins,  a  son  and 
daughter,  b.  and  d.  June  29,  1851 ;  iii.  Beecher,  b.  Aug.  25,  1852 ;  iv.  Curtis, 
b.  Sept.  30,  1854;  v.  Almy,  b.  June  10,  1856;  vl.  Dwight,  b.  Nov.  29,  1857; 
vii.  Emory,  b.  Jan.  11,  1861. 

Luey  Chapin,  b.  Aug.  4,  1795;  d.  Jan.  14,  1865;  not  m. ;  was  in  her  early  life  a 
teacher  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Mary  Chapin,  b.  Nov.  27,  1797. 

Jahez  (2)  Chapin,  jr.,  b.  May  10,  1802;  farmer;  m.  July  2,  1845,  Laura  Wright, 
b.  July  10,  1822,  daughter  of  Zalmou  and  Mary  (Carter)  Wright.  Children: 
i.  Cynthia,  b.  April  22,  1847  ;  ii.  Lucinda,  b.  April  15,  1848 ;  iii.  Levi,  b.  Oct.  29, 

Horatio  Chapin,  b.  March  11,  1805,  in  South  Brimfield,  Mass. 

Fearitte  (2)  Chapin,  b.  May  10,  1807;  resided  in  AUegauy  County,  N.  Y. ;  was 
not  m. 

Anson  Dwight  Chapin,  b.  Oct.  27,  1809  ;    d.  Dec.  13,  1819. 

334.  ESTHERS  CHAPIN,  daughter  of  Nathaniel^,  jr.,  and  Sybil  (Terry) 
Chapin,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  January  20,  1771 ;   died  there  October  28,  1857. 

Married  November  1,  1789,  MOSES  ALLEN,  born  in  Enfield,  February  10, 
1769;  died  there  February  8,  1834.  He  was  son  of  Moses  Allen,  a  post-rider 
and  Major  of  militia,  and  his  wife,  Mary  Adams. 


590     Moses  Alleti,  jr.,  b.  Sept.  24,  1790;    m.  Nancy  Kingsbury. 

Esther  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  6,  1792;  m.  Sept.  18,  1814,  Jabez  Terry  Taylor, 
b.  in  Deerfield,  Mass.,  Sept.  21,  1790;  d.  in  Enfield,  July  26,  1872,  son  of 
Rev.  .lolin  and  Elizabeth    (  )    Taylor.     He  was  a  member  of  the  Legislature 

from  Enfield  1836-1841,  and  1844,  and  was  town  clerk,  1839  to  1849.  Children : 
i.  Amelia,  b.  June  22,  1815;  ii.  Gilbert  Allen,  b.  June  18,  1817;  iii.  Henry 
Wyllvs,  b.  in  Mendon,  N.  Y..  May  29,  1822;  iv.  Olcott  Allen,  b.  in  Mendon, 
July  17,  1826. 

Sixth  Generation  179 

Eermome  Allen,  b.  in  Enfiold,  Au?:.  10.  1796:  d.  July  10,  1859;  m.  Oct.  9,  1814, 
Harris  Mcacham.  Childrou,  b.  in  Enfield  :  i.  Hermonio,  b.  April  30,  1815,  m. 
Juno  18,  1839,  Henry  Sizer  of  Johnstown,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Lucinda  Allen,  b.  May  30, 
1812,  m.  June  4,  1839,  Hezekiah  Woodward  of  East  Haven,  Conn.;  iii.  (child), 
d.  Mav  26,  1821,  aged  six  weeks ;  iv.  Ehza  Maria,  bapt.  Sept.  5,  1830 ;  v.  Harris 
Harvey,  bapt.  June  8,  1834 ;  vi.  Henry,  bapt.  May  1,  1836,  d.  March  18,  1839, 
aged  three  and  a  half  years. 

Lucinda  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield.  July  30,  1798;    d.  July  11,  1853.     Married  Dec.  17, 

1823.  Dr.  Homer  Holland  of  Westfield,  Mass..  b.  in  Blanford,  Mass.,  April  25, 
1789,  d.  Jan.  18.  1865.     Children,  b.  in  Westfield  :    i.  Eugene  Francis,  b.  Oct.  12, 

1824,  was  graduated  from  Harvard  with  medical  degree,  1852 ;  ii.  Henry,  b. 
Nov.  12.  1826,  w^as  a  druggist  in  Westfield;  iii.  Virgil  Stowe,  b.  June  13,  1834, 
d.  Oct.  22.  1836 ;  iv.  William,  b.  Nov.  27,  1836,  d.  May  28,  1861 ;  v.  John  Milton, 
b.  Jan.  7,  1840,  d.  July  26,  1840. 

591  Gilbert  Allen,  b.  Nov.  29,  1800 ;    m.  Caroline  Owen. 
Clarendon  Allen,  h.  Feb.  6,  1804;    d.  April  9,  18-37;    not  m. 

592  Olcoit  Allen,  b.  Oct.  13,  1806;    m.  (1)  Mary  Spaulding ;    (2)  Lucy  Ann  Parsons. 

593  Roderick  Allen,  b.  June  17,  1810 ;    m.  Soi)hroniA.  Rebecca  Pease. 

335.     ELIPHALET'    CHAPIN,    JR.,    son   of   Eliphalet^   and   Azuba    (Pease) 
Chapin,  born  about  1765 ;    died  February  26,  1818,  aged  82  years,  7  months. 
Married  ABIGAIL  PEASE,  daughter  of  Sharon  Pease.    She  died  May  11,  1830. 


Pamclia  Chapin,  d.  1816. 

Eliphalct  Chapin,  3d,  m.  Nov.  14,  1815,  Asenath  Phelps  who  d.  Jan.  6,  18-32,  aged 
41.  Children:  i.  Floyd  P.;  ii.  Francis,  d.  Feb.  28,  1862,  aged  42,  m.  Lucinda 
Brown  and  had  one  child  ;  iii.  Rodney ;  iv.  Edwin  P.,  m.  Oct.  29,  1850,  Martha 
J.  Coolev  and  had  one  child  ;  v.  Milo,  m.  Thirzah  Ufford  and  had  two  children, 
Lucy  M.,  b.  Nov.  7,  1846,  and  Abba  RoUa,  b.  Sept.  21,  1850;  vi.  William  W., 
d.  aged  one  year ;  vii.  Mary  A.,  m.  Orrin  Parker  and  had  one  child ;  viii. 
Julia  A.,  m.  March  27,  1854,  Frederick  S.  .Jewell  and  had  children ;  ix.  William, 
was  killed  on  the  railroad  near  New  Haven,  Conn.,  in  1860. 

Abigail  Chapin,  m.  Aug.  7,  1811,  Jacob  Felt. 

Betsey  Chapin,  m.  Feb.  6,  1816,  Marvin  Foster.  Children:  i.  Lyna  P.,  d.  1845; 
ii.  Caroline  E.,  m.  Noah  B.  Clark  and  had  one  child. 

Lucy  Chapin,  resided  in  Thompsonville,  Conn.;    not  m. 

Horace  Chapin,  went  west. 

Mary  Chapin,  d.  1827. 

Clarinda  Chapin,  resided  at  Sixteen  Acre  Village,  Conn.;    not  m. 

Charles  Chapin,  m.  Cassandra  Bennett. 

Sharon  Pease  Chapin,  lived  in  Springfield,  Mass.;  m.  April  7,  1831,  Huldah 
Loomis,  b.  June  22,  1813 ;  d.  Jan.  8,  1895,  daughter  of  Justus  and  Sarah 
(Dewey)  Loomis  of  Westfield,  Mass.  Children:  i.  Sharon  W.,  d.  April  17,  1861, 
aged  26 ;    ii.  Charles ;    iii.  Leila ;    three  others  d.  young. 

George  Washington  Chapin,  m.  Mary  J.  Jones. 

336.     THOMAS^  CHAPIN,  son  of  Eliphalet^  and  Azuba  (Pease)  Chapin,  twin 
with  Obadiali,  lived  in  Chicopec  Centre,  Mass.,  and  later  in  Hartland,  Vt. 
Married  ANNA  (or  MARY)  PEASE  of  Enfield,  Conn. 

Anna  Chapin,  d.  aged  50 ;    unm. 
Thomas  Chapin  (1),  jr.,  d.  aged  about  11. 
Harvey  Chapin,  b.  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  moved  with  his  father  to  Chicopee  at  the  age 

of  four.      Children :     i.   Lorenzo   B. ;     ii.   Alonzo   B. ;     iii.    Sarah,   m.    Daniel   M. 

Leonard ;     iv.    Emeline,    m.    Tinkham ;     v.    Amanda,    unm. ;     vi.    Jenette, 

m. Russell ;    vii.  Eleanor  D.,  m.  William  P.  Elliott  and  lived  in  Chicopee ; 

viii.  Harriet,  unm. ;   ix.  Albert  Thomas. 
Eunice  Chapin,  m.  Harvey  Langdon. 
Dennis  Chapin,   lived  in   Illinois ;    in.  Diana   Bent,   daughter  of  Samuel  Bent   of 

Chicopee,  Mass.     Children :    i.  George,  lived  in  Chicopee ;    ii.   Charles,  m.  Lois 

180  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Gridley,  lived  in  Illinois ;    iii.  Lois  Ann,  m.  Rice  of  Vermont  and  lived  in 

Missouri ;    v.  Rosaline,  Uved  in  Holyoke,  Mass. ;    v.  Josephine,  lived  in  Illinois, 
594     Sophronia  Cliapin,  b.  July  12,  1796;    m.  Horace  Allen. 

Thomas  Cliapin,  (2)  jr.,  d.  aged  about  13. 

Eveline  Cliapin,  m.  William  Ratbbun. 

Edgar  Cliapin,  lived  in  Nevi^  York  State ;   m.  but  had  no  children. 

Lovica  Cliapin,  drowned. 

337.  GEORGE"  CHAPIN,  son  of  Eliplialet^  and  Azuba  (Pease)  Chapin,  born 
1771;  died  in  Ogden,  Monroe  County,  N.  Y.,  June  6,  1856,  aged  85.  He  lived 
for  a  time  in  Enfield,  Conn. 

Married  LUCY  PARSONS,  daughter  of  Shubael  Parsons.    She  died  in  Enfield, 

August  27,  1829. 


Philena  Chapin,  b.  July  27,  1794 ;  m.  Samuel  E.  Stearns.  They  lived  in  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.,  and  had  three  children. 

Clarissa  Chapin,  b.  Dec.  21,  1797.  They  lived  for  two  years  in  Rochester,  N.  Y., 
then  in  Ogden,  N.  Y.  Married  Nov.  24,  1831,  Alpha  Chapin,  b.  Oct.  2,  1796, 
son  of  Moses  A.,  and  Lucina  (Graves)  Chapin  of  West  Springfield,  Mass. 
Children:  i.  Dwight  Stearns,  b.  Nov.  4,  1833,  d.  Dec.  25,  1834;  ii.  Catherine 
Lovisa,  b.  Jan.  12,  1836 ;    iii.  Seth  Dwight,  b.  Jan.  21,  1838,  d.  April  29,  1838. 

George  Chapin,  b.  March  7,  1800 ;    d.  Sept.  11,  1802. 

Lucy  Chapin,  b.  Dec.  6,  1802 ;    d.  unm. 

Azula  Chapin,  b.  Feb.  24,  1808;  d.  in  Enfield,  March  1,  1832;  m.  Ebenezer 
Metcalf,  and  had  two  children. 

Mary  Ann  Chapin,  b.  Nov.  13,  1810;    lived  in  Chicago;    m.  Bush  and  had 

three  children. 

Lovica  Chapin,  b.  May  24,  1814 ;  lived  in  Ohio ;  m.  as  his  second  wife,  Aug.  16, 
1835,  Ebenezer  Metcalf,  and  had  eight  children.  She  received  a  letter  from  the 
Enfield  church  to  the  Presbyterian  Church  at  Waterloo,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  16,  1835. 

Catherine  Chapin,  b.  March  21,  1817 ;  lived  for  a  time  in  Thompsonville,  Conn. 
Married  Theodore  W.  Pease,  b.  in  Wilbraham,  Mass.,  Oct.  15,  1816,  son  of 
Wilder  C.  and  Ruth  (Cady)  Pease.  They  Uved  about  1868  in  Cohoes,  N.  Y., 
and  he  was  connected  with  a  stockinet  factory.  Children,  b.  in  Enfield,  Conn. : 
i.  Norman  T.,  b.  Aug.  14,  1850 ;  ii.  Mary  H.,  b.  Jan.  19,  1853 ;  iii.  Charles  S., 
b.  Dec.  14,  1865. 

338.  TABITHA«  POTTER,  daughter  of  Elam  and  SibyP  (Pease)  Potter, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  November  6,  1776;  died  April  26,  1828.  One  account 
saj's  Martha  Potter  married  Lot  Killam. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  18,  1799,  CAPTAIN  LOT  KILLAM,  son  of 
Eliphalet  and  Submit  (Abbe)  Killam. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

Elam  Potter  Killam,  b.  Jan.  17,  1801. 

Edward  Killam.,  b.  July  31,  1804 ;   d.  June  1,  1826. 

Martha  Potter  Killavi,  b.  Feb.  23,  1806 ;    m.  Morrow.     She  removed  to  the 

Presbyterian  Church  at  Tuscumbia,  Ala.,  about  1840. 
Mary  Killam. 

Tahitha  Maria  (1)  Killam,,  h.  1809;   d.  Aug.  29,  1810,  aged  1  yr.  and  8  mos. 
Tahitha  Maria  (2)  Killam,  b.  Sept.  26,  1811;    d.  May  13,  1850. 
Emily  Killam,  b.  May  9,  1813. . 
Frances  Amelia  Killam,  bapt.  Sept.  3,  1820. 

339.  EPHRAIM  PEASE'^  POTTER,  son  of  Elam  and  SibyP  (Pease)  Potter, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  October  9,  1777.  Administration  was  granted  on  his 
estate  October  27,  1846.  His  widow,  Abigail,  survived,  and  children,  Ephraim, 
Martha  Parsons,  Harriet  Currier,  Elizabeth  Dwight,  Simeon  T.,  Henry,  Eliphalet 
Terry,  and  Mary  Potter. 

Sixth  Generation  181 

Married  (1) 

Married  (2)  in  Enfield,  May  10,  1812,  ABIGAIL  TERRY.  At  the  baptism 
of  the  first  three  children  she  is  called  their  step-mother. 

Children  of  first  wife,  liorn  in  Enfield 

595  Epliraim  Potter,  b.  about  1809;    m.  Caroline  Abbe. 

Martha  Potter,  bapt.  with  a  brother  and  sister  July  4,  1813 ;    m.  Parsons. 

Harriet  A.  Potter,  bapt.  with  a  brother  and  sister  July  4,  1813 ;    m.  in  Enfield, 

Sept.  10,  1832,  Omri  Gates  Carrier,  son  of  Omi-i  and  Rebecca  (Parsons)   Carrier, 

both  of  Enfield. 

Children  of  second  irifc,  born  in  Enfield 

Elizabeth  Potter,  bapt.  July  4,  1813 ;    m.  Dwight. 

Simeon  T.  Potter. 

Henry  Potter,  bapt.  May  21,  1817. 

Eliphalet  Terry  Potter. 

Theodore  Potter,  bapt.  Sept.  2,  1821 ;    probably  d.  young. 

Mary  Potter. 

Lucy  Terry  Potter,  bapt.  Aug.  17,  1824 ;    probably  d.  young. 

340.  SIBYL«  GEER,  danghter  of  Thomas^  and  Mary  (Pease)  Geer,  born  in 
Charlestown,  N.  H.,  April  11,  1783;  died  in  Glens  Falls,  N.  Y.,  December  18, 

Married  in  Vergennes,  Vt.,  March  30,  1803,  ROBERT  BOSTWICK,  born  in 
New  Milford,  Conn.,  March  15,  1774;  died  in  Vergennes.  He  was  son  of 
Edmund  and  Mercy  (Rnggles)  Bostwick. 


Julia  Bostwick,  b.  Jan.  9,  1804 ;    d.  Nov.  11,  1880 ;    m.  Albert  Blakesly. 

Mary  Philena  Bostwick,  b.  Feb.  28,  1806;    d.  Aug.  15,  1806. 

Thomas  Geer  Bostwick,  b.  Nov.  13,  1807 ;    d.  Jan.  5,  1808. 

Edmund  Bostwick,  d.  young. 

Ellen  Bostwick,  m.  Carpentei*. 

596  Henry  Pease  Bostwick,  b.  Feb.  14,  1817 ;    m.  Eliza  Bi-ockway. 

341.  SETH6  GEER,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Mary  (Pease)  Geer,  born  in  Charles- 
town,  N.  H.,  June  30,  1788;   died  February  24,  1854.    Lived  in  Vergennes,  Vt. 

Married  April  4,  1820,  MARY  PIER,  born  July  17,  1795;   died  1880. 


Charles  Pease  Geer,  b.  March  22,  1821 ;  d.  July  11,  1882 ;  m.  Dec.  12,  1865,  Lucy 
Ann  Guernsey,  b.  March  12,  1834.  Children  :  i.  Herbert  Guernsey,  b.  March  13, 
1869,  d.  March  7,  1900,  m.  Sara  M.  MacNeal,  no  children;  ii.  Seth  Hoyt,  b. 
Jan.  30,  1871 ;  iii.  Lucy  Abigail,  b.  Nov.  21,  1872,  d.  Dec.  8,  1895 ;  iv.  William 
Chauncey,  b.  June  17,  1876,  in  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.,  lives  in  Akron,  Ohio,  was  grad- 
uated from  Cornell  University  in  1902  (Ph.D.  1905),  is  a  chemist  and  an  expert 
on  wood  distiUation,  m.  Dec.  29,  1908,  Effie  A.  Work. 

John  Benjamin  Geer,  b.  Feb.  3,  1824. 

Mary  Ally  Geer,  b.  Sept.  27,  1826. 

Sarah  Ellen  Geer,  b.  April  15,  1829. 

George  Field  Geer,  b.  Dec.  9,  1832. 

342.  HOWARD"  GEER,  son  of  Elihu^  and  Eleanor  (McClester)  Geer,  born 
August  9,  1792;  died  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  November  24,  1831.  Resided  at  Lyme 
for  a  time. 

Married  November  28,  1816,  SOPHIA  COHOON  of  East  Windsor,  daughter 
of  Captain  Nathan  and  Abigail  (Osborne)  Cohoon.  She  died  at  Rockville, 
Conn.,  December  10,  1864. 

182  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 


597  JElihti  Geo;  b.  Dec.  1.  1817;  m.  (1)  Abigail  Stanley  Roberts;  (2)  Eliza  Prentice 
Selden;  (3)  Eliza  Jane  Ellsworth. 
Nathan  Cohoon  Geer,  b.  in  Hartford,  May  12,  1820;  d.  in  Peoria,  111.,  Sept.  4,  1860. 
He  was  a  printer  and  published  newspapers  in  several  western  towns.  Married 
Oct.  12,  1842,  Julia  S.  Burnham  of  East  Hartford,  b.  Feb.  6,  1823 ;  d.  Sept.  22, 
1860,  at  Peoria.  Children:  i.  Julia  Sophia  (1),  b.  in  Hartford,  April  29,  1844, 
d.  there  May  3,  1844 ;  ii.  Nathan  Hezekiah,  b.  in  Chicago,  Jan.  2,  1846,  d.  in 
Hartford,  Aug.  8,  1866;  iii.  William  Erastus,  b.  in  Chicago,  Oct.  4,  1848,  d.  in 
Waukegan,  111.,  Aug.  10,  185.5;  iv.  Julia  Sophia  (2),  b.  in  Waukegan,  July  18, 
1851,  d.  in  Bristol,  Conn.,  Oct.  6,  1866;  v.  Emma  Elvira  (twin),  b.  in  Wau- 
kegan, Nov.  17,  185.3,  d.  March  11.  1854;  vi.  Ella  Maria  (twin),  b.  Nov.  17, 
1853,  d.  July  3,  1854;  vii.  Abigail  Eldora,  b.  in  Waukegan,  Feb.  7,  1856,  m. 
June  27,  1878,  Arthur  C.  Leibert  of  Dresden,  Germany,  resides  in  East  Hartford ; 
viii.  Howard  Washburne,  b.  in  Waukegan,  April  13,  1857,  lives  in  St.  Louis, 
m.  Jan.  1,  1880,  Silena  Stevens  Manning,  daughter  of  Charles  F.  Manning  of 
East  Hartford  and  has  two  children,  Hattie  E.,  b.  Sept.  10,  1881,  and  Ethel  L., 
b.  May  28,  1884,  and  d.  April  23,  1885;  ix.  Hattie  E.,  b.  Aug.  26,  1860,  in 
Peoria,  lives  in  Southington,  Conn.,  m.  Jan.  9,  1889,  Harry  B.  Toothe. 

343.  SAMUEL"  WARD,  son  of  John  and  Abigail-^  (Phelps)  Ward,  born  in 
Middlefield,  Mass.,  about  1785. 

Married  (1)  SALOME  LOOMIS,  born  December  17,  1785;  died  1857,  daughter 
of  Timothy  and  Mary  (Orton)  Loomis  of  Jordanville,  N.  Y. 

Married  (2)  PERSIS  LOOMIS,  born  May  25,  1784,  widow  of  Ira  Detrick.  She 
resided  in  Alden,  Erie  County,  N.  Y. 

Children  ty  first  wife 

John  Ward,   resided  in  Madison,   Wis. ;    d.  in  1872 ;    m.  Betsey  Carter   and   had 

three  children  :   i.  Eveline  ;    ii.  Charles  ;    iii.  Clara. 
Orilla   Ward,  lived  in  Alden,   N.   Y. ;    m.   Alonzo   Farnsworth    (or   Framsworth). 

Children  :    i.  Eliza  ;    ii  Mary  ;    iii.  Lee  ;    iv.  Lorenzo. 
Lorine  Ward,  d.  aged  26  years. 
Orton  (1)   Ward,  d.  aged  6  years. 
Jane  E.   Ward,  m.  Oct.  3,  1853,   George  E.  Watson;    resided   in   Buffalo,   N.   Y. 

Child :    Carrie,  b.  Sept.  7,  1854. 
Mary  Ward,  m.  and  lived  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
Orton  (2)   Ward. 
Loomis  Ward,  b.  about  1830. 
Betsey  Ward,  d.  aged  16  years. 

344.  NOAH"  PHELPS,  son  of  DanieP  and  Elizabeth  (Pelton)  Phelps,  born 
in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  October  26,  1793;  died  there  November  4,  1880.  Farmer 
in  East  Windsor. 

Married  December  5,  1820,  LUCY  BARBER,  born  April  20  (or  28),  1798,  in 
East  Windsor;  died  there  March  24,  1880.  Daughter  of  Oliver  and  Sally 
(Chapin)  Barber. 

Children,  horn  in  East  Windsor  (three  others  died  in  infancy) 

Daniel  Phelps,  b.  Oct.  6  (or  26),  1822;  lived  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn.,  and  d. 
there  Sept.  15,  1892.  Married  March  6,  1851,  Nancy  Ruggles  Wells,  b.  Oct.  8, 
1828,  daughter  of  Deacon  Isaac  and  Pasco   (Pease)    Wells.     No  children. 

Lucy  Elizabeth  Phelps,  b.  Nov.  18,  1824;  d.  in  East  Windsor,  April  7,  1860. 
Married  (1)  Feb.  25,  1847,  George  Watson,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  1813,  son  of 
Luke  and  Elizabeth  (Coombs)  Watson;  d.  in  Benicia,  Calif.,  Dec.  15,  1849. 
She  m.  (2)  Samuel  Watson,  brother  of  first  husband,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  1810; 
d.  there  Sept.  21,  1867.  He  m.  (2)  Mary  E.  Barber,  daughter  of  Ashbel 
and  Elizabeth  (Phelps)  Barber,  by  whom  he  had  children.  See  number 
345.  Child  of  Lucy  Phelps  by  first  husband :  George  Watson,  b.  in  Enfield, 
Conn.,  Jan.  21,  1848,   farmer  in   East  Windsor,   m.   June  4,   1872,    Catharine 

Sixth  Generation  183 

Stiles,  b.  July  20,  1848,  daughter  of  Israel  and  Eunice  M.  (Avery)  Stiles. 
Thev  had  children  :  i.  George  Israel,  b.  May  4,  1873 ;  ii.  Arthur,  b.  Aug.  27, 
1875,  d.  Aug.  28.  1875;  iii.  Miriam,  b.  Oct.  23,  1880;  iv.  Eva  Catharine,  b. 
Feb.  14,  1888.  Child  of  Lucy  Phelps  by  second  husband  :  Lucy  Elizabeth,  b.  in 
Enfield,  July  3,  1851  or  1852. 

345.  ELIZABETH"  PHELPS,  daughter  of  DanieP  and  Elizabeth  (Pelton) 
Phelps,  born  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  December  30,  1797;  died  in  Farniington, 
Conn.,  October  29,  1840. 

Married  September  4,  1823,  ASHBEL  BARBER,  born  about  1798,  son  of 
Grove  and  Mary  (Allen)  Barber;  died  May  28,  1843,  aged  45  years.  He  was  a 
farmer  in  Farmington. 

Children,  iorn  in  Farmington 

,  d.  May  22  (or  29),  1824,  aged  4  hours. 

,  d.  Feb.  27,  1825,  aged  12  hours. 

,  d.  May  25,  1826. 

Mary  Elizabeth  Barber,  b.  April  30,  1828;    lived  in  Farmington;    m.  Jan.  12,  1862, 

Samuel  Watson,  b.  1810,  son  of  Luke  and  Elizabeth  (Coombs)  Watson;    d.  Sept. 

2,  1867.     His  first  wife  was  Lucy  Elizabeth  Phelps.     See  number  .344.     Children 

of  Mary  Elizabeth  Barber :    i.  Mary  Celestia,  b.  Dec.  9,  1862,  d.  Feb.  17,  1879 ; 

ii.  Samuel  J.,  b.  July  31,  1864 ;    iii.  Walter  Starr,  b.  May  18,  1867. 
Joseph  Ashbel  Barber,  b.  Feb.  13,  1830;    lived  in  Windsor,   Conn.;    m.  and  had 

children,  b.  in  Windsor :    i.  Carrie  Josephine,  b.  Aug.  9,  1853,  m.  Oct.  24,  1883, 

Francis  W.  Heath ;    ii.  NelUe  Cecelia,  b.  Nov.  11,  1861. 

,  b.  1832 ;    d.  April  13,  1835. 

-,  b.  April  12,  1835 ;    d.  aged  19  months. 

Hannah  Celestia  Barber,  b.  Jan.  17,  1836 ;    d.  April  5,  1858 ;    not  m. 

,  d.  Oct.  11,  1840,  aged  22  months. 

Rachel  Ann  (or  Rhoda)  Barber,  b.  Oct.  12,  1840;  lived  in  Farmington.  Married 
April  14,  1862,  Thomas  Smart.  Children,  b.  in  Farmington  :  i.  Carrie  Elizabeth, 
b.  May  (or  March)  31,  1870,  d.  Dec.  19,  1882;  ii.  Leila  May,  b.  Dec.  25,  1871; 
iii.  AUce  Louisa,  b.  Jan.  19.  1873,  d.  Dec.  17,  1882 ;  iv.  Frank  Clayton,  b.  May 
(or  March)  10,  1875;  v.  Florence  Isabel,  b.  July  1,  1877,  d.  Dec.  19,  1882;  vi. 
Charles  Thomas,  b.  March  20,  1880. 

346.  MARY«  PHELPS,  daughter  of  Daniel^  and  Elizabeth  (Pelton)  Phelps, 
born  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  Februaiy  20  (or  25),  1800;  died  there  June 
22,  1843. 

Married  May,  1823,  JASON  ELLSWORTH,  born  August  13,  1799,  in  East 
Windsor,  son  of  Captain  Job  and  Elizabeth  (Potwine)  Ellsworth.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  married  (2)  Sarah  Morton,  by  whom  he  had  no  children,  and  (3) 
Mary  Terry,  who  had  two  children. 

Children  of  Mary  Phelps,  iorn  in  East  Windsor 

Charlotte  Phelps,  b.  Jan.  12,  1824;    d.  April  4,  1881,   at  Watsontown,   Pa.;    m. 

Jan.  31,  1865,  Alexander  Ellsworth. 
Jason  Ellsworth,  jr.,  b.  Nov.  8,  1825  ;    d.  March  18,  1826. 
Mary  Ann  EUsicorth,  b.  March  8.  1827 ;    d.  Dec.  9,  1835. 
William  Jason  Ellsworth,  b.  April  17,  1829;    resided  in  Madison,  Wis.;    m.  Eliza 

Theodore  Erastus  Ellsworth,  b.   March  21,  18.31;    resided   in  East  Windsor;    m. 

Oct.  31,  1866,  Imogene  Phelps,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  July  1,  1843,  daughter  of 

Captain  William  and  Mary  Ann    (Soule)    Phelps.     See  number  347.     Children: 

i.   Albert  Downing,   b.   June  8.   1872;     ii.   Janet   Scott,   b.   Jan.   23,   1875;     iii. 

Josephine,  d.  in  infancy ;   iv.  Theodore,  b.  July  3,  1884. 
Emily  Frances  Ellsworth,  b.  March  1,  18.33;    d.  Dec.  16,  1835. 
Lydia  Sophia  Ellsworth,  b.  March  12,  1835 ;    d.  Dec.  9,  1835. 
Francis  EUsicorth,   b.   Nov.   19,   1836;     resided   in   Madison,   Wis.;    m.   Josephine 

Mary  Ann  Ellsworth,  b.  July  12,  1840 ;    d.  March  11,  1844. 

184  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

347.  WILLIAM"  PHELPS,  son  of  DanieP  and  Elizabeth  (Pelton)  Phelps, 
bom  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  September  19,  1806;  died  there,  March  15,  1889. 
He  was  known  as  Captain  Phelps;  was  in  the  Legislature  in  1852,  and  select- 
man for  seven  years. 

Married  March  19,  1835,  MARY  ANN  SOULE,  born  June  15,  1815,  daughter 
of  Howland  and  Sally  (Downing)  Soule  of  Hillsdale,  N.  Y. 

Children,  horn  in  East  Windsor 
(son),  b.  Nov.  19,  1835;   d.  Nov.  2.3,  1835. 

Melinda  Pheliis,  b.  Aug.   28,  1838;    m.   Nov.   21,  ,   Albert  Adolphus   Sperry, 

b.  June  16,  1845,  son  of  Alfred  and  Amanda  (Thomas)  Sperry.  He  was  b.  in 
Westville,  Conn.,  and  was  for  some  time  superintendent  in  the  silver  shops  of 
Rogers  Brothers  in  Meriden,  later  going  to  the  Pairpoint  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany of  New  Bedford,  Mass.  He  is  an  inventor  and  has  introduced  many  im- 
provements into  the  art  of  silver  plating  and  the  manufacture  of  solid  silver  ware. 
Child  :    George  Thomas,  b.  in  Wallingford,  Conn.,  Feb.  18,  1874. 

William  (1)  Phelps,  b.  Aug.  14,  1841;    d.  Sept.  23,  1841. 

Imogene  Phelps,  b.  July  1,  1843 ;  m.  Theodore  Ellsworth,  son  of  Jason  and  Mary 
(Phelps)  Ellsworth.     See  number  346. 

William  (2)  Phelps,  b.  June  27,  1845;   d.  April  5,  1849. 

Mary  Ann  Phelps,  b.  Dec.  12,  1848;    m.  (1)  Lucius  Bissell ;    (2)  Hunter. 

Oeorge  Soule  Phelps,  b.  Oct.  22,  1852 ;  educated  at  Sheffield  Scientific  School. 
Married  Sept.  25,  1878,  Fannie  Elizabeth  Bissell,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  Nov.  18, 
1852,  daughter  of  Samuel  Thompson  and  Elizabeth  Mary  Ann  (Phelps)  Bissell. 
See  number  6.30.  She  was  educated  at  Holly  Seminary  in  Ohio.  Children,  b.  in 
East  Windsor :  i.  Albert  BisseU,  b.  Aug.  10,  1879  ;  ii.  Charles  Samuel,  b.  April 
(or  July)  3,  1881;  iii.  Alice  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan.  (or  June)  23,  1884;  iv. 
Margaret,  b.  1894. 

William  (3)  Phelps,  b.  July  6,  1855,  lives  in  East  Windsor. 

348.  JANE«  ABBE,  daughter  of  Obadiah^  and  Jane  (McClester)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  January  6,  1778.  Through  an  error  in  Stiles'  Windsor  she 
is  called  the  daughter  of  Charles  Abbe. 

Married  JOHN  CHASE,  born  in  Vermont  in  1775.  When  four  years  of  age, 
he  was  brought  from  Vermont  on  horseback  to  Warehouse  Point,  Conn.,  where 
he  resided  vmtil  his  death,  December  23,  1852. 


Betsey  Chase,  b.  1800;  d.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Aug.  20,  1867.  Married  June  25, 
1820,  Elisha  Kingsbury,  son  of  Jabez  and  Freelove  (Utley)  Kingsbury,  b.  in 
Coventry,  Conn.,  Oct.  12,  1793 ;  d.  in  Somers,  Conn.,  March  26,  1844.  Children  : 
i.  Elizabeth  (perhaps  same  as  Jane  E.,  b.  1821),  m.  Albert  Kibbe  of  Somers  and 
had  Ellen  who  d.  1865 ;    and  Elisha  who  m.  Sarah  Gates,  no  children. 

Charles  Chase,  d,  March  16,  1833;  m.  Sept.  17,  1821,  Lucindas  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  2, 
1805;  d.  Sept.  25,  1827,  daughter  of  Captain  Richards  and  Lydia  (Steveson) 
Abbe  of  Enfield ;  see  number  187.  Children,  b.  at  Warehouse  Point :  i.  Charles 
Abbe,  m.  (1)  Nancy  Hull  Pomeroy  of  Warehouse  Point  and  had  Sarah,  Rosella, 
and  Ida  L.,  m.  (2)  Catherine  Estella  Versey  or  Visar  and  had  one  child,  Betsey 
Abbe,  who  m.  George  H.  Page  and  has  a  child  Charles  Chase ;  ii.  Lucinda,  m. 
April  2,  1843,  Andrew  Riggs  of  Wilmington,  Del.,  no  children. 

John  Chase,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  15,  1809 ;  d.  at  Warehouse  Point,  April  18,  1845 ;  m. 
April,  1834,  Elizabeth  C.  Bates,  b.  May  13,  1813;  d.  Sept.  27,  1879,  at  Wor- 
cester, Mass.,  daughter  of  John  and  Sally  (Abbe)  Bates;  see  number  349. 
Children:  i.  Sarah  Jane,  b.  Jan.  4,  1836,  m.  Nov.  29,  1854,  Rufus  Reynolds  of 
East  Windsor,  resided  in  1891  in  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  had  two  children,  (1)  George 
Rufus,  b.  Nov.  15,  1855,  m.  June  16,  1880,  Florence  N.  Rodgers  of  New  York 
and  had  four  children,  Bessie  M.,  b.  April  1,  1881,  d.  April  26,  1883,  George 
Lawrence,  b.  March  22,  1884,  Arthur  Richard,  b.  July  20,  1886,  and  Herbert 
Rufus,  b.  Aug.  6,  1889,  and  (2)  Clayton  Abbe,  b.  March  10,  1861,  d.  Oct.  26, 
1861 ;  ii.  EUeu  Elizabeth,  b.  Aug.  27,  1837,  d.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Nov.  10,  1844 ; 
iii.  Daniel  John,  b.  June  30,  1839,  d.  in  Oakland,  Calif.,  Sept.,  1869  ;  iv.  Charles 
Abbe,  b.  Dec.  24,  1844,  lives  in  Brookfield,  Mass.,  not  m. 

Sixth  Generation  185 

349.  SALLY"  ABBE,  daughter  of  Obadiah^  and  Jane  (McClester)  Abbe,  born 
October  1,  1792;   died  May  22,  1813. 

Married  October  3  (or  23),  1808,  JOHN  BATES,  born  October  18,  1784,  at 
Middle  Haddam,  Conn.;  died  July  30,  1840.  He  resided  at  Warehouse  Point 
and  "was  buried  there.  He  married  (2)  March  10,  1814,  Sally  Pease,  born  June 
13,  1795.  By  her  he  had  five  children:  Sabra  A.,  Daniel  C,  John  S.,  Clarissa, 
and  Emil}'. 

Children  of  Sally  Ahhe,  born  at  Warehouse  Point 

Mary  Bates,  b.  Sept.  4,  1809 ;    d.  April  27,  1882 ;    m.  Charles  S.  Ellis  of  Boston, 

Mass.,  who  d.  Aug.  27,  1883.     Children,   b.   in   Boston,   and   all  now   dead :    i. 

Mary  Jane  ;    ii.  Charles  B. ;    iii.  John  ;    iv.  Henry  N. ;    v.  Frank  A. ;    vi.  Ellen  ; 

vii.  George. 
Sally  Bates,  b.  Dec.  21,  1810 ;    resided  in  Boston  in  1890 ;    m.  Oct.  13,  1836,  Leb- 

beus  Stetson  of  Boston.     Children  ;    i.  Edward  L.,  dead  ;    ii.  Sarah  Louise,  dead ; 

iii.  Mary  Elizabeth,  dead ;    iv.  Susan  S. ;    v.  Caroline  Taylor. 
Elizabeth  C.  Bates,  b.  May  13,  1813;    d.  Sept.  27,  1879.     Married   (1)   John  Chase, 

jr.,  of  Worcester,  Mass.,  her  cousin,  son  of  John  and  Jane  (Abbe)   Chase,  b.  Dec. 

15,  1809 ;    d.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn.,  April  18,  1845 ;    see  number  348.     She 

m.   (2)  Clark  Johnson  of  Worcester. 

350.  RALPHS  BICKNELL,  son  of  Josiah  and  Penelope^  (Abbe)  Bicknell, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  November  18,  1790;  died  at  Parishville,  N.  Y.,  July 
28,  1868.  He  removed  to  Norwich,  Vt.,  and  from  there  to  Parishville,  N.  Y., 
in  1828,  to  the  farm  owned  in  1912  by  his  granddaughter,  Adah  B.  Bicknell. 

Married  at  Canaan,  N.  H.,  December  25,  1813,  PARNA  MARIA  HIBBARD, 
born  at  Norwich,  Vt.,  February  8,  1790;    died  January  12,  1865. 

Children,  first  three  horn  at  Canaan,  N.  If.,  last  two  at  Parishville,  N.  Y.,  others  at 

Norwich,  Vt. 

598  Maria  Penelope  Bicknell,  b.  Aug.  14,  1814 ;    m.  George  Crandall. 

599  Ralph  Alhe  Bicknell,  b.  Oct.  14,  1815;    m.   (1)   Barbara  Ann  Taylor;     (2)   Emily 


600  Hibbard  Abijah  Bicknell,  b.  April  24,  1818,  at  Canaan. 

Parna  Malvina  Bicknell,  b.  Aug.  1,  1819,  at  Norwich,  Vt. ;    d.  March  28,  1911. 

Married  William  Hudson  Irish,  b.  in  Milton,  Vt.,  Nov.  3,  1810;    d.  Feb.  15,  1887. 

Children:    i.  WaUace,  b.  Sept.  4,  1849,  d.  Dec.  11,  1900,   m.  Melinda   Wright; 

ii.  EUsha,  b.  April  22,  1851,  m.  Clarinda  Preston,  fives  in  Colton,  N.   Y. ;    iii. 

Reddington,  b.  Nov.  4,  1853,  d.  July  9,  1878,  m.   Sarah  Martin;    iv.  Rosetta, 

b.  April  3,  1856,  m.  Walter  Perkins,  fives  in  Boston ;    v.  Rosafie,  b.  Feb.  2,  1859, 

m.  Hosea  Perkins,  fives  in  Colton ;    vi.   WiUiam,  b.  Jan.  5,  1862,  m.  Augusta 

Wright,  lives  in  Colton  ;    A-ii.  Oscar,  b.  March  30,  1864,  m.  Clara  Loucks,  fives  in 

Josiah  Orville  Bicknell,  b.  at  Norwich,  Vt.,  Aug.  1,  1819;   m.  (1)  Lucia  Woodward, 

who  d.  childless.    He  married  again  and  had  two  sons.     Lived  near  Lyons,  Iowa. 
Thomas  Miner  Bicknell,  b.  Dec.  20,  1822,  at  Norwich,  Vt. ;    d.  April  10,  1905,  at 

West  Parishville,  N.  Y.     Married  Sept.  23,  1868,  Mary  Spear,  b.  Oct.  21,  1842 ; 

d.  Feb.  14,  1911.     They  lived  at  West  Parish\'ille.     Children:    i.  Rosa  Maria, 

b.  July  7,  1869,  d.  Sept.  26,  1902 ;    ii.  Adah  BeUe,  b.  Nov.  6,  1876,  fives  on  the 

BickneU  homestead  in  Parishville. 

601  Carlos  Benjamin  Bicknell,  b.  Aug.  .30,  1825  ;    m.  Louisa  A.  Carpenter. 

602  Laura  Isabelle  Bicknell,  b.  April  20,  1826 ;    m.  Morris  MacDonald. 

Adaline  Harriet  Bicknell,  b.  Aug.  2,  1828 ;    d.  Feb.  17,  1911 ;    m.  March  14,  1854, 
Moses  Olmstead,  b.   Sept.  7,  1831,  d.  Feb.  27,  1907.  They  fived  in   Parishvifie, 

N.   Y.     Children :    i.   Alfred,   d. ;    ii.   Harry,   lives   in   Potsdam,   N.   Y. ; 

iu.  Charles,  b.  June  29,  1862,  d.  ;    iv.  Ada  Befi,  m.  ScheUinger, 

fives  in  Potsdam  ;  v.  George  Asa,  b.  April  7,  1872,  fives  in  Potsdam,  m.  Oct.  22, 
1893,  Etta  Louise  and  has  a  son,  Bernard  Butler,  b.  Dec.  1,  1896;  vi.  Frank, 
d. . 

603  Marshaline  Caroline  Bicknell,  b.  Dec.  15,  1829 ;    m.  John  Call  Smith. 

Eliza  Arvilla  Bicknell,  b.  in  Parishvifie,  N.  Y. ;    d.  at  Hannawa  Fafis,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  2, 
1903,  where  she  had  kept  a  store  for  some  years   and  had  been   postmistress. 

186  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  Sept.  18,  1850,  Henry  T.  Carpenter,  b.  April  24,  1827 ;  d.  July  4,  1887. 
He  served  through  the  Civil  War  aud  was  Corporal  in  Company  D,  Scott's  900, 
U.  S.  V.  Cavalry.    They  resided  in  Potsdam  for  a  few  years. 

351.  HENRY"  (or  HARRY)  ABBE,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Ruth  (Bush)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  September  2,  1787;  died  in  Ellington,  N.  Y.,  August  26, 
1875.  He  removed  to  Guilford,  Chenango  County,  N.  Y.,  a  neighborhood  to 
which  others  of  the  Enfield  Bush  family  liad  gone,  and  later  to  Ellington, 
Chautauqua  Count}^ 

Married  May  1  (or  8),  1814,  EVA  INGERSOLL,  born  August  8,  1789;  died 
January  23,  1857. 


604  Louhamah  Abbey,  b.  April  18,  1815;    m.  Thomas  Hart. 

605  Uarriet  Lucretia  Abbey,  b.  Sept.  3,  1816;    m.  Ephraim  Mosher. 

Barah  (Sally)  E.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  3,  1818 ;  m.  Henry  M.  Day,  b.  Nov.  4,  1814,  son 
of  Frederic  and  Anna  (Wood)  Day  of  Toronto,  Canada.  Children:  i.  Frederic, 
d.  young ;  ii.  Lucretia  Anna,  b.  March,  1842 ;  iii.  Laura  Ann ;  iv.  Martha 
Aurelia;  v.  Albert  Evington,  b.  March,  1848,  Fred  S.  Day  of  Ellington,  N.  Y., 
is  a  descendant. 

606  Oliver  U.  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  17,  1820;    m.   (1)   Lydia  Ann  Phillips;     (2)   Lana  Eliza- 

beth Van  Deusen. 
Ruth  Ann  Abbey,   b.    June   28,   1823 ;     m.    Lewis   James.      Mrs.    Martha    Bailiff, 

formerly  of  Los  Angeles,  is  one  of  her  descendants. 
Thomas  Elbert  Abbey,  b.  May  5,  1825 ;    d.  in  California ;    not  m. 

352.  HERMAN"  ABBEY,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Ruth  (Bush)  Abbe,  born 
about  1800;   resided  in  Wayne  County,  Pa. 

Married  JANE  SMITH. 


Alexander  Abbey. 

Jane  A.  Abbey,  m.  Dr.  Jonas  Humphrey,  b.  March  25,  1820,  son  of  Deacon  Jonas 
and  Mehi table  (Rodgers)  Humphrey  of  Underbill,  Vt.  He  was  graduated  from 
the  Castleton  Medical  College  of  Vermont  in  1845,  practiced  medicine  in  Union 
Mills,  Pa.,  after  1848,  and  d.  there,  July  20,  1869.  Children:  i.  Alma  J.,  b. 
March  12,  1857 ;  ii.  Mable  C,  b.  March  4,  1859 ;  iii.  William  J.,  b.  Dec.  31,  1860 ; 
iv.  Herman  A.,  b.  April  18,  1863,  d.  Jan.  12,  1866 ;  v.  Glennis  E.,  b.  April  15, 

Amanda  Abbey,  m.  Carr. 

Orlando  Abbey,  was  a  physician. 

Josephine  Abbey,  m. Spencer. 

Robert  Abbey. 

Helen  Abbey. 

353.  FANNY"  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Peter^  and  Hannah  (Alden)  Abbey,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  September  7,  1789 ;  died  in  Utica,  N.  Y.,  about  1850.  Resided 
for  a  time  in  Oswego,  N.  Y. 

Married  ORLO  STEELE,  died  in  Oswego. 


William  Steele,  was  a  graduate  from  West  Point  and  an  officer  in  the  United  States 
Army.  He  m.  Anne  Duval,  daughter  of  General  Duval  of  Florida.  He  served 
through  the  Mexican  War  and  held  the  rank  of  General  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

Aldeti  Hatch  Steele,  was  a  physician  and  went  to  Oregon  or  California. 

Elijah  Steele  was  a  lawyer  and  went  to  Oregon.  He  m.  Lucia  Hart.  Children : 
i.  Edwin  ;    ii.  William. 

354.  DORREPHUS"  ABBEY,  son  of  Peter-^  and  Hannah  (Alden)  Abbey, 
born  July  13,  1792,  in  Suffield,  Conn. ;    was  hanged  at  Prescott,  Canada,  Decern- 

Sixth  Generation  187 

ber  10,  1838,  for  his  activities  iia  the  Patriots'  War.  He  was  a  printer  by  trade, 
lived  in  Albany,  N.  Y.,  and  later  in  Watertown  and  Oswego,  at  the  time  of  his 
death  was  a  resident  of  Panielia,  Jefferson  County.  In  1815  a  monthly  news- 
paper called  "The  Friend"  was  i)ublished  by  Dorrephus  Abbey  and  his  brother, 
Seth  Alden  Abbey,  in  Albany.  Dorrephus  Abbey  was  an  early  publisher  of  the 
Binghamton  Republican  Herald  before  1822.  In  1817  he  was  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  Jefferson  and  Lewis  Gazette  at  Watertown  and  in  1819  was 
instrumental  in  founding  the  Oswego  Palladium  at  Oswego.  He  took  an  active 
part  in  the  scheme  in  1837  for  freeing  Canada  from  the  English  Government, 
known  as  the  Patriots'  War.  Jefferson  County  was  the  scene  of  intense 
excitement  at  the  time  and  "Hunter  Lodges"  were  formed  in  every  village 
to  promote  the  Patriot  cause.  The  real  promotors  of  the  scheme  were  too 
cowardly  to  take  an  active  part  in  the  expeditions  and  the  punishment  fell 
upon  those  who  were  conscientious  in  assisting  what  they  believed  to  be  a 
worthj^  cause. 

There  were  some  serious  engagements  between  the  troops  or  militia  and  the 
insurgents,  and  of  these  the  most  severe  took  place  at  Prescott,  where  the  rebels 
had  taken  refuge  in  a  stone  wind-mill,  from  which  they  were  ultimately  driven 
by  fire  being  set  to  the  combustible  matter  in  the  lower  part  of  the  building. 
Many  Americans  who  sympathized  with  the  insurgents  took  part  in  the  battle. 
An  ej'e-witness  stated  that  he  counted  110  dead  bodies  on  the  snow,  on  the 
morning  after  the  battle.  Four  of  the  officers  of  the  expedition  were  captured, 
court-martialed  and  sentenced  to  be  hung.  Colonel  Abbey  is  said  to  have  met 
his  death  with  great  fortitude  and  the  papers  of  the  day  reveal  nothing  but 
respect  for  his  character  and  regret  that  his  life  should  have  been  a  sacrifice 
to  an  unfortunate  cause. 

The   following  letters   written  to  his   son  and   daughters   on   the   eve  of  his 

execution  have  fortunately  been  preserved: 

Fort  Henry  November  28,  1838. 
My  dear  son : 

I  this  moment  received  your  letter  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff.  I  am  in  want  of  nothing 
but  what  my  friends  at  Watertown  have  already  provided.  Tell  your  dear  sisters  that 
one  or  both  of  them  had  better  go  to  Oswego.    As  for  yourself,  take  good  counsel 

Whatever  may  be  my  fate,  yon  must  exercise  firmness  and  resignation  commensurate 
to  the  trial ;  we  must  sooner  or  later  part ;  it  is  of  no  great  moment  when  and  in  what 
manner  I  take  my  exit.  If  my  life  is  sacrificed,  I  have  the  approbation  of  an  approving 
conscience,  having  been  governed  by  integrity  of  purpose.  Great  delusion  has,  however, 
been  entertained  in  relation  to  public  opinion  in  Canada.  They  are  not  prepared  for 
republican  institutions.    All  governments  should  conform  to  the  genius  of  the  people. 

Your  affectionate  father, 

Dorrephus  Abbey. 

Mr.  Abbey  to  his  son : 

Fort  Henry,  Tuesday  night,  Dec.  11,  1838. 

Arm  yourself  my  dear  boy  with  fortitude,  to  hear  the  sad  intelligence,  that  ere  these 
lines  meet  your  eye,  I  am  numbered  with  the  dead.  My  zeal  in  the  cause  of  universal 
freedom  has  eventually  cost  me  my  life.  But  let  it  be  remembered,  that  the  unfortunate 
expedition  I  was  engaged  in,  took  a  direction  contrary  to  my  views ;  but  in  this  affair 
you  can  take  no  interest  at  present,  or  at  any  other  time  further  than  my  reputation  is 
concerned  ;  time  will  develope  facts,  when  my  conduct  and  intentions  will  be  known  and 

When  our  condition  became  hopeless,  I  could  then  have  taken  opportunity  to  have  made 
my  escape  across  the  line,  but  I  could  not  bear  the  thoughts  of  deserting  those  brave, 
and  many  of  them,  worthy  and  amiable  young  men  to  destruction ;  life,  thus  preserved, 
would  not  be  worth  possessing. 

In  relation  to  my  pecuniary  affairs,  you  must  be  frequently  with  and  advise  with  my 
friends'  counsel,  and  also  with  Mr.  Wiley,  and  if  it  should  be  necessary  to  sell  any  of 
my  real  estate,  let  the  village  property  be  sold  if  possible. 

As  regards  yourself,  cultivate  your  mind,  associate  with  honorable  men,  aim  high  and 
let  all  your  motives  be  of  an  exalted  character ;  and  now,  my  beloved  son,  I  bid  you 
adieu  for  ever. 

Dorrephus  Abbey. 

188  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

To  his  daughters: 

December  11,  1838. 

My  dear  Daughters : 

Many  severe  trials  have  awaited  you  from  your  earhest  chihlhood,  but  that  which  you 
have  now  to  endure,  will  require  all  your  firmness ;  you  are  now  left  without  a  parent. 
Tomorrow  morning  closes  my  earthly  seenes.  You  have  to  bear  up  under  the  most 
tremendous  ordeal  that  the  mind  of  female  sensibihty  ever  endured.  But  I  have  the 
consolation  to  beheve,  that  your  fortitude  is  equal  to  every  contingency  and  event  of 
human  Ufe ;  without  the  exercise  of  such  sentiments,  existence  would  scarcely  be  a 
blessing.  I  leave  you  now  orphans  under  the  protection,  I  trust,  of  my  relations  and 
personal  friends.  I  particularly  commend  you  to  a  great  friend  of  your  mother,  Mrs. 
Woodruff.  Mr.  Wiley  wiU  no  doubt  take  much  interest  in  your  welfare.  I  write  from 
a  gloomy  cell,  lying  upon  a  bed  of  straw;  the  guard  will  soon  call  for  the  light,  and 
I  must  close.  Since  my  sentence,  I  could  not  procure  materials  for  writing,  till  this  late 
hour  of  my  existence,  which  have  just  been  furnished  me  by  an  officer  of  the  garrison, 
by  direction  of  the  sheriff.  Present  me  kindly  to  kindred  and  friends.  I  cannot  dis- 
criminate ;   so  farewell,  my  dear  children. 

Your  affectionate  father, 

Dorrephus  Abbey. 
To  AmeUa  Augusta  and  Arabella  Abbey. 

I  slept  soundly  and  quietly  last  night;  I  now  feel  as  though  I  could  meet  the  event 
with  composure.    The  guard  has  not  yet  called. 

D.  A. 

Dorrephus  Abbey  married  CATHERINE  CLARK,  who  died  1837.  Daughter 
of  Sanford  Clark  of  Herkimer,  N.  Y. 


D.  Clark  Abbey.  Went  to  Milwaukee  and  resided  there  about  1870.  He  was  a 
Colonel.  Married,  as  her  second  husband,  Matilda  Ormond  Taylor,  b.  in  Phila- 
delphia, daughter  of  Tracy  Taylor.  She  m.  (1)  in  Philadelphia,  Harvey  Birchard 
of  Milwaukee. 

Amelia  Augusta  Abbey. 

Arabella  Abbey. 

355.  ALTHEA«  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Peter^  and  Hannah  (Alden)  Abbey, 
born  at  Suffield,  Conn.,  July  5,  1793;    lived  and  died  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Married  at  Ballston  Spa,  N.  Y.,  March  30,  1813,  WILLIAM  ANDREWS 
LANGWORTHY,    born   at   New   Lebanon,   N.    Y.,    September   14,   1790;     died 

about  1869. 


607  Caroline  Althea  Langworthy,  b.  May  22,  1814;  m.  James  Carra  WiUiamson 

William  Langworthy,  b.  at  Ballston  Spa,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  4,  1816;    m.  Sarah  Wood. 

Child :    Fanny,  m.  Atwater,  had  a  son  Edward  A.,  who  hves  in  Batavia, 

N.  Y. ;    a  second  son  ;    and  a  daughter  Fanny,  who  is  married. 

Frances  Arabella  Langworthy,  b.  at  Ballston  Spa,  Feb.  0,  1819;  m.  George  W. 
Ensworth.  Children  :  i.  Louise  E.,  now  dead ;  m.  and  had  a  daughter,  Florence, 
who  is  living  in  New  York,  m.  a  Russian  who  was  a  well-known  illustrator  and 

d.  in  London,  has  one  son;   ii.  Fanny  E.,  d.  ;    (daughter),  not  m. ;   (son), 

m.  and  has  one  daughter,  lives  in  New  York  City. 

Chaj-les  Barker  Langworthy,  b.  at  Ballston  Spa,  March  2,  1821;  d.  in  Rochester, 
N.  Y. ;  m.  Mary  Hill.  Children :  i.  Mary  L.,  m.  Charles  Huysner  and  has 
children,  Rufus  D.,  Charles  W.,  Neily,  and  two  other  daughters ;  ii.  Charles  W., 
hves  in  Niagara  Falls,  proprietor  of  the  Oak  Hotel,  m.  and  has  one  daughter. 

John  Stillman  Langworthy,  b.  at  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,   Sept.  6,  1823;    d.  in 

Chicago ;    m.  Emma  Fordham.     Children  :    i.  John  Fordham,  d.  • ,  m.   and 

had  a  son  Arthur  W.  who  hves  in  New  York  City ;  ii.  Harry ;  iii.  Ransom  W., 
d. . 

Mary  Louise  Langworthy,  b.  at  Saratoga  Springs,  July  9,  1826;  d.  in  Rochester; 
m.  Robert  Allen.  Children :  i.  Mary  L.,  d.  in  Rochester ;  ii.  John,  d.  in 
Brooklyn,  no  children. 

^      \ 


Old  Wixdmill  near  Prescott  converted  into  a  Lighthouse 
BY  THE  Canadian  Government 

-'K  L:-^--' 

Seth  Alden"  Abbey 

Sixth  Generation  189 

Emma  Ahhcy  Langivorihy,  b.  at  Saratoga  Springs,  Nov.  27,  1829;  d.  iu  New  York 
City  ;  m.  Hiram  Ratcliff  Romcyn.  Child  :  Charles  William,  resides  iu  New  York 
City,  m.  and  has  three  children. 

Elizabeth  Ann  Langworthy,  b.  at  Saratoga  Springs,  May  24,  1831;  d.  in  Rochester; 
not  m. 

608  Harvey  Peter  Langicorthy,  b.  in  Rochester,  Nov.  1,  1835 ;   m.  Sarah  S.  Enos. 

356.  AEABELLA«  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Peter^  and  Hannah  (Alden)  Abbey, 
born  about  1786;  died  at  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  about  1864  or  1865,  aged  about  78, 
buried  in  Watertown. 

Married  WILLIAM  GRIFFIN  ADKINS,  M.D.,  born  1795 ;  died  November  28, 
1835.  He  was  tlie  son  of  John  and  Marcia  (Griffing)  Adkins  of  Guilford,  Conn. 
After  his  marriage  he  resided  in  Oswego,  and  is  buried,  with  his  wife,  in 


609  WiUiam  Griffin  Adldns,  jr.,  b.  March,  1828 ;    m.  Sarah  Mathewson. 

Burton  Adkins.  He  was  a  Corporal  in  the  38th  Iowa  Volunteer  Infantry  and  was 
killed  April  9,  1865,  at  Fort  Blakesley,  near  Mobile,  Ala.,  buried  in  National 
Cemetery  at  Mobile  ;    not  m. 

Arabella  Adkins,  d.  about  1864  or  1865,  buried  at  Oswego  or  at  Watertown ;  m.  at 
Oswego  about  1860,  Phillip  Van  Vechten ;    no  children. 

357.  SETH  ALDEN«  ABBEY,  son  of  Peter^  and  Hannah  (Alden)  Abbey, 
born  in  Franklin,  N.  Y.,  October  3,  1798;  died  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  March  15, 
1880.  With  his  brother,  Dorrephus,  he  began  the  publication  of  a  montlily 
newspaper  in  Albany  in  1815,  called  ' '  The  Friend. ' '  He  was  editor  of  the  Inde- 
pendent Republican  in  Watertown,  N.  Y.,  1819-25.  In  1821  he  w^as  Lieutenant 
in  the  16th  Regiment  Infantry  of  Jefferson  County.  In  1830  he  removed  to 
Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  became  proprietor  of  a  tavern  known  there  as  "Farmers' 
and  Mechanics'  Hotel."  In  1836  he  assisted  in  the  incorporation  of  the  city 
by  serving  as  one  of  the  first  judges  of  elections.  He  was  city  marshal  for 
a  time,  and  was  Judge  of  the  Police  Coiu't  in  Cleveland  from  1870  until  his 
death.  At  the  age  of  63  he  enlisted  in  the  Civil  War  as  1st  Lieutenant  in  the 
2d  Ohio  Cavalry,  served  through  the  war,  part  of  the  time  as  Brigade  Quarter- 

Man-ied  (1)  at  Watertown,  February  8,  1821,  MERCY  HUNT,  born  in  Western, 
Oneida  County,  N.  Y.,  December  22,  1799;  died  in  Cleveland,  August  14,  1854. 
She  was  adopted  by  Marinus  W.  Gilbert  of  Watertown.  She  was  an  invalid  in 
the  latter  part  of  her  life. 

Married  (2)  in  Cleveland,  MARY  (LYON)  GOODWIN,  widow  of  William 
T.  Goodwin. 

Children  by  first  wife,  first  four  born  in  Watei'toivn,  others  in  Cleveland 

610  Henry  Cfilbert  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  20,  1821 ;    m.  Amelia  Margaret  Johnstone. 

611  Edtcin  Alden  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  9,  1823  ;    m.  Maranda  Penland. 
Charles  Henry  Abbey,  b.  July  9,  1826;    d.  Aug.  19,  1826. 

612  Hannah  Ward  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  9,  1827;    m.  John  lugersoU. 
Harriet  Ann  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  3,  18.30;    d.  in  Cleveland,  June  11,  18.54. 

Charles  Hunt  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  22,  1833;  d.  1901;  m.  Jennie  Burt  Budge,  b.  in 
Callington,  Cornwall,  England,  daughter  of  James  Mason  and  Mary  Ann  (Burt) 
Budge.  Child:  Dudley  Alden,  b.  in  Detroit,  Mich.,  Feb.  27,  1863,  lives  in 

Peter  Morton  Abbey,  b.  Aug.  19,  18.37 ;    m.  .     Lives  in  Newport,  Ore.     Has 

two  sons  who  own  the  Abbey  Hotel  there. 

613  Frances  Maria  Abbey,  b.  Jan.  26,  1840 ;    m.  Joel  Francis  Freeman. 

Child  by  second  wife 
Mi7inie  Lyon  Abbey,  b.  June  24,  1859  ;    m.  Charles  A.  Prentice  and  has  one  son. 

190  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

358.  MARY  HANNAH"  ABBEY,  daughter  of  Peter^  and  Hannah  (Alden) 
Abbey,  born  January  31,  1814;   died  in  Waukegan,  111.,  February  17,  1874. 

Married  in  Oswego,  N.  ¥.,  November  18,  1834,  JOHN  C.  HUGUENIN,  born 
in  Oswego,  January  27,  1811;  died  July  4,  1865.  He  was  the  son  of  Daniel 
Huguenin,  who  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  in  Oswego  and  built  the  first 
frame  house  there. 

Reed  Huguenin,  d.  in  infancy. 
Atina  Huguenin,  d.  in  infancy. 

Minnie  Amelia  Huguenin,  b.  July  30,  1841.     Has  resided  in  Geneva,  111.,  for  thirty 

years.     Married  May  14,  1863,  George  W.  Skinner.     Mrs.  Skinner  is  a  member 

of   the   Daughters   of   the   American    Revolution    and    of    the    Alden    Kindred    of 

America.     Child  :    Edwin  Fisher,  m.  and  has  a  son,  George  Archibakl. 

William  Peter  Huguenin,  b.  Dee.  29,  1843 ;  d.  in  Geneva,  111.,  Oct.  31,  1901 ;  m.  Oct. 

21,  1868,  Emma  Bramly.     Children:    i.  Mary  B.,  m.  Oliver;    ii.  Ethel, 

m. Ollivit,  resides  at  Lynbrook,  N.  Y. 

Kate  D.  Huguenin,  b.  June  1,  1849;    d.  in  Racine,  Wis.,  July  4,  1900;    not  m. 
Roho-t    Ahhcy    Huguenin,    b.    May   12,    18-53;     resides    in    Burbngton,    Wis.;     m. 
.     Children  :   i.  John  C,  m.  ;   ii.  Anna. 

359.     WESTMINSTER  SIMEON"  ABBEY,  son  of  Simeon^  and  Tabitha  (Kil- 
1am)   Abbey,  born  in  Keene,  N.  H.,  August  5,  1810;    died  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y., 
March,  1886.    He  was  a  grocer  in  New  York  City  and  resided  in  Brooklyn. 

Fanny  Abbey. 
Bertha  Abbey. 

Adella  Work  Abbey,  b.  in  Brooklyn,  Sept.  9,  1850 ;    d.  in  Seneca  Falls,  N.  Y.,  1904. 
Married    Oct.   31,   1872,    David    Sanford,    son    of    George    and    Louisa    Cornelia 
(Gibbs)   Sanford,  b.  in  Glens  Falls,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  20,  1845;    d.  in  Syracuse,  Dec.  3, 
189.3,  buried  in  Albany  Rural  Cemetery.     No  children. 
West77iinstcr  Simeon  Abbey,  jr.,  resides  in  Brooklyn,  conducts  an  extensive  business 
in  New  Y'ork  as  dealer  in  military  supplies,  second-hand  fire-arms,  and  various 
Jonathan  C.  Abbey,  was  a  grocer  in  New  York  City. 
Emily  Abbey. 

Westminster^  Abbey  and  his  father  before  him  have  kept  shop  on  Front  Street  since 
the  oldest  mariner  who  guides  his  ship  into  New  York  harbor  can  remember. 

For  over  eighty  years,  says  the  New  York  Mail,  the  "Westminster  Abbey"  sign  has 
blistered  in  sunshine  and  flapped  in  storm.  On  all  sides  of  the  shop  sit,  lean  and  tumble, 
the  most  remarkable  assortment  of  wares  ever  assembled  on  laud  or  sea. 

There  is  everything  from  a  paper  of  needles  to  a  sheet  anchor.  Overalls,  bisque  orna- 
ments, andirons,  neckties,  silver  pitchers,  writing  paper,  army  blankets,  Roman  swords, 
pearl  brooches,  paintings,  camping  outfits,  opera  glasses,  bottles  with  ships  in  them, 
teething  rings,  prayer  books,  oilskins,  jewelry,  cannon  balls,  muskets  and  cold  cream. 

"I'm  looking  for  Mr.  Abbey." 

"I'm  Westminstei',"  said  a  man  with  a  grizzled  gray  mustache,  merry  brown  eyes  and 
a  crippled  foot,  looking  up  from  a  cluttered  desk.     "Come  right  in  and  look  around." 

"But  I  came  to  ask  about  that  offer  of  Coney  Island  for  $500." 

Westminster  chuckled.  "Ho,  ho !  WeU,  it  was  a  fact  all  right.  Fifty-nine  years  ago," 
he  went  on,  making  some  subtractions  on  the  back  of  an  envelope,  "my  dad  was  asked 
to  buy  the  whole  of  Coney  for  $500.  The  very  spot  where  the  frankfurtei's  are  sizzling 
and  the  whirligigs  are  spinning  and  the  bathhouse  sharks  are  holding  folks  up  and  the 
sandgrabbers  are  charging  real  money  for  a  look  at  the  ocean  ! 

"Father  couldn't  see  any  use  buying  a  wind-swept,  snipe-breeding  sandy  waste  like 
that !  Nobody  went  down  there  except  to  shoot  birds  once  in  a  while.  New  York  had 
less  than  500,000  people  in  it. 

"There  wasn't  any  immigration  to  speak  of.  Nobody  dreamed  the  town  would  grow 
to  millions  of  population.    And  nobody  wanted  Coney  THEN!" 

The  purchase  of  Coney  was  not  the  only  wealth-weighted  suggestion  that  was  given 
gratis  to  the  Westminster  Abbey  family. 

Sixth  Generation  191 

The  grandfather  of  the  present  Westminster  lived  with  his  good  wife  up  in  Putnam 
County.  Wife  was  an  excellent  woman,  but  fussy  about  her  housekeeping.  When  a 
certain  poor  fur  trader  used  to  drop  into  the  Abbey  farmhouse,  Gran'ma  would  call  out: 
"Is  that  that  man  Astor  again?  If  he  stays  here,  he'll  have  to  take  his  meals  in  the 
outhouse  and  sleep  in  the  barn."  And  John  Jacob  Astor,  trapper  and  trader,  had  to 
abide  by  Ma  Abbey's  decision. 

He  took  it  in  good  part,  however,  quite  understandingly,  and  often  told  Grandfather 
Abbey  that  if  he'd  sell  out  his  holdings  in  upstate  land  and  buy  lots  in  the  little  growing 
town  of  New  York,  he'd  be  glad  of  it  some  day. 

360.  CHARITY''  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^,  3d,  and  Charity  (Simons)  Abbe, 
born  in  East  Enfield,  Conn.,  November  20,  1762 ;   died  1798. 

Married  in  Enfield,  September  6,  1787,  JOHN  MCKNIGHT,  born  June  18, 
1759;  died  November  12,  1837,  son  of  Jolm  and  Jerusha  (Crane)  McKnight 
of  Ellington,  Conn.  He  married  (2)  Jerusha  Kent,  by  whom  he  had  children: 
Charity,  Jerusha,  Miranda,  John,  Sarah,  and  Gilbert. 

Children  of  Chanty  Ahbe,  first  four  baptized  in  Enfield,  others  probably  born  in 

Windsor,  Conn. 

Roxa  McKnight  (twin),  b.  Sept.  8,  1788;    m.  Chapman. 

Timothy  McKnight  (twin),  b.  Sept.  8,  1788;    d.  Oct.  30,  1788. 
614     Horace  McKnight   (twin),  b.  Oct.  23,  1790;    m.  Asenath  Kimball. 
Harvey  McKnight  (twin),  b.  Oct.  23,  1790;    d.  March  10,  1806. 

Polly  McKnight,  b.  May  23,  1792;    d.  June  30,  1860;    m.  Whiton. 

Chauncey  McKnight,  b.  and  d.  Jan.  21,  1796. 
Betsey  McKnight,  b.  and  d.  Sept.  12,  1798. 

361.  JOHN  SIM0NS6  ABBE,  son  of  John^,  3d,  and  Charity  (Simons)  Abbe, 
born  in  East  Enfield,  Conn.,  September  11,  1765;  died  July  19,  1847.  He  sold 
his  lands  in  Enfield  and  removed  to  East  Windsor  in  1805  and  opened  a  hotel 
called  Abbe's  Tavern  on  the  banks  of  the  Connecticut  River  near  the  ferry 
at  Warehouse  Point.  Several  of  the  family  had  earlier  kept  taverns  in  Enfield. 
He  was  the  first  man  at  Warehouse  Point  to  tolerate  Methodist  preachers. 
He  could  never  accept  Calvinism  and  opened  his  house  for  the  meetings  of  the 
Methodists  and  became  a  member  of  their  organization.  He  was  a  prominent 
Jeffersonian  Democrat  and  a  member  of  the  Masonic  lodge. 

Married  in  Somers,  Conn.,  November  25,  1789,  HANNAH  BILLING  (Billings 
in  Family  Bible),  born  April  10,  1775;  died  November  6,  1839.  She  Avas  daughter 
of  Samuel  and  Hannah  (Bradley)  Billing  of  Somers.  She  was  for  forty  years 
a  member  of  the  Congregational  Church  at  Scantic  Parish,  East  Windsor. 

Children,  births  and  children's  deaths  recorded  in  Enfield,  dates  given  as  in  the 

Family  Bible 

Hannah  Abbe,  b.  July  22,  1791 ;    d.  Oct.  4,  1855.     She  did  not  marry  and  was  a 
member  of  the  Immersion  Baptist  Church. 

Harriet  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  19,  1793;  d.  Aug.  30.  1865;  unm.  She  was  a  teacher  in 
Richmond,  Va.,  and  removed  to  Lebanon,  Wilson  County,  Tenn.,  where  she  with 
her  sisters  Sophronia  and  Asenath  Ann,  established  a  noted  ladies'  seminary 
which  was  chartered  as  the  "Abbe  Institute."  After  her  sisters'  death,  she 
removed  to  Mount  Pleasant,  Henry  County,  Iowa,  and  made  a  home  for  her 
adopted  son,  Andrew  Abbe  Rutland,  son  of  her  sister  Asenath  Ann. 
615  Alanson  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  17,  1795;  m.  (1)  Ehza  Woodruff  Barnes;  (2)  Hepsah 
Burgess;    (3)  Margaret  Livingston  Douw. 

Lorinda  Abbe,  b.  March  22.  1797;    d.  Feb.  1.5,  1804. 

Charity  Abbe,  b.  March  28,  1799;    d.  Feb.  26.  1805. 

Hezekiah  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  14,  1801 ;    d.  Feb.  12,  1804. 

Rensalaer  (or  V anRensselaer)  Billings  Abbe,  b.  March  9,  1803 ;    d.  Feb.  16,  1804. 

192  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

616  Joh7i  Billings  Ahhc,  b.  June  4,  1805;    m.    (1)    Abigail  Harriet  Kingsbury;     (2) 

Maria  Halin ;     (3)   Mrs.  Nancy  Miller. 
Loretta  (Loriiy)  Able,  b.  March  11,  1809 ;    d.  Aug.  27,  1818. 

617  Sophroiiia  Ahbe,  b.  Jan.  20,  1811 ;    m.  Myron  Kilbourn. 

James  Madison  Alhe,  b.  Nov.  11,  1812;  d.  Feb.  1,  1841.  After  a  business  failure 
he  was  traveling  in  the  South  and  was  murdered  in  Georgia  or  Louisiana. 
Married  Adeline  Westfall  of  Albany,  N.  Y.     No  children. 

Ann  Asenath  Ahhe,  b.  Aug.  1,  1815;  d.  April  21,  1847  (or  May  6,  1849,  Family 
Bible).  Married  in  Tennessee  about  1840,  James  B.  Rutland  who  was  for 
several  years  clerk  of  the  court  at  Lebanon,  Wilson  County,  Tenn.  Children  : 
i.  Lelia,  d.  before  1847 ;  ii.  Fella,  d.  before  1847 ;  iii.  Andrew  Abbe,  b.  April, 
1847  (?),  m.  and  lived  in  California.    He  was  adopted  by  his  aunt,  Harriet  Abbe. 

362.  NANCY"  ABBE,  daughter  of  John^  and  Charity  (Simons)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfiekl,  Conn.,  1771;    died  in  Longmeadow,  Mass.,  March  24,  1804. 

Married  June  13,  1801,  ELIJAH  BURT,  born  November  10,  1771;  died  in 
Longmeadow,  January  28,  1841,  son  of  Elijah  and  Deborah  (Colton)  Burt.  He 
married  (2)  January  6,  1805,  Polly  McKinny,  daughter  of  William  and  Mehitable 
(  )  McKinny  of  Ellington,  Conn.,  by  whom  he  had  three  children:  William, 
born  January  4,  1806;  Anson,  born  July  22,  1808,  and  Nancy  Abbe,  born 
December  21,  1810. 

Child  of  ISlancy  Abhe 

618     Lorin  Burt,  b.  May  22,  1802  ;    m.  PoUy  Porter. 

363.  TIM0THY<5  ABBE,  son  of  John^,  3d,  and  Charity  (Simons)  Abbe,  born 
in  East  Enfield,  Conn.,  January  6,  1779;  died  there  July  2,  1871.  He  served 
in  the  War  of  1812,  was  a  Captain  of  the  militia  in  1821,  and  spent  his  long 
and  active  life  on  the  farm  which  he  inherited,  in  the  section  of  the  town  known 
as  Wollop. 

Captain  Timothy  Abbe  of  Enfield,  Conn.,  celebrated  his  ninetieth  birthday  on  Wednes- 
day. He  was  born  within  one  hundred  rods  of  the  house  where  he  now  lives,  three  years 
after  the  Declaration  of  Independence.  He  has  been  married  sixty-three  years ;  his  wife 
still  lives,  and  they  have  had  ten  children,  seven  living ;  thirty-four  grandchildren,  twenty- 
seven  living ;  nineteen  great-grandchildren,  fifteen  living.  Captain  Abbe  is  the  oldest 
man  in  town.  His  mental  faculties  are  better  preserved  than  the  average  of  men  at 
seventy-five  yeai-s.  His  first  presidential  vote  was  cast  when  Thomas  Jefferson  was  the 
successful  candidate,  and  he  has  voted  at  every  election  since. 

Married  December  11,  1805,  RHODA  PRUDENCE  CLARK,  daughter  of 
Stephen  Clark,  a  Revolutionary  soldier  and  pensioner  of  East  Hampton,  Conn., 
and  his  wife.  Prudence  Hall.  Slie  was  born  March  10,  1785,  and  died  in 
Enfield,  April  15,  1872. 

Children,  horn  in  Enfield 

619  Harvey  Clark  Ahhc,  b.  Oct.  .30,  1806;    m.  Mary  Ann  Gowdy. 

620  Charity  Clark  Ahhe,  b.  May  6,  1808 ;    m.  Wyllys  Allen. 

621  David  Loreland  Ahhe,  b.  June  9,  1810;    m.  Sophronia  M.  Davis. 

622  Horace  Ahhe,  b.  July  28,  1812  ;    m.  Caroline  H.  Sparks. 

623  Timothy  Harlow  Ahhe,  b.  Oct.  12,  1815;    m.   (1)   Ehzabeth  Ensign;     (2)    Clarissa 

(Culver)  Gowdy. 
William  Ahhe,  b.  July  5.  1817  ;  d.  June  8,  1895.  Farmer  in  Enfield,  1850.  Married 
Dec.  2?>,  1849,  Caroline  Markham,  b.  about  1826.  daughter  of  Nathaniel,  jr., 
and  Abigail  J.  (Smith)  Markham,  d.  before  190.3.  Children:  i.  Katherine 
Cornelia,  b.  March  23.  1851,  d.  March  29,  1912 ;  ii.  William  Arthur,  b.  May  27, 
1858,  m.  Jan.  28,  1886.  Alice  Phelps  of  Enfield,  b.  Oct.  28,  1860,  has  children, 
Louise  Caroline,  b.  May  4,  1887,  and  Marion  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  14,  1895. 
William  Arthur  Abbe  is  proprietor  of  the  Abbe  House  in  Enfield. 

624  Rhoda  Prudence  Ahhe,  b.  Dec.  17,  1819 ;    m.  Arnold  Hamilton, 
Francis  LeBaron  Ahhe,  b.  Feb.  7,  1821 ;    d.  Oct.  31,  1844. 

Sixth  Generation  193 

625  John  AUe,  b.  July  14,  1824 ;    m.  Eunice  Eliza  FuUer. 

Horatio  IJamiUon  Ahhc,  b.  Sept.  11,  1828;  d.  Aug.  29,  1902.  Married  Jan.  26, 
1853,  Laura  Ann  Hayes,  b.  in  Windsorville,  daughter  of  Levi  and  Abigail 
(Hamilton)  Hayes.  Machinist,  inventor  and  manufacturer,  connected  with  the 
Gong  Bell  Manufacturing  Company  of  East  Hampton  for  some  years.  Among 
his  productions  was  the  Abbe  Gong  Door-bell.     No  children. 

364.  DANIEL«  ABBE,  JR.,  son  of  DanieP  and  Sarah  (Pease)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  August  22,  1775;  died  there  August  25,  1833.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  inn-keeper  of  Enfield.  His  will,  made  July  15,  1833,  was  probated 
September  6,  1833. 

Married  March  9  (or  19),  1795,  ELIZABETH  MORRISON,  born  in  Enfield, 
June  10,  1772;  died  there  April  (or  May)  25,  1842.  She  was  the  daughter  of 
John  and  Elizabeth  (Gififin)  Morrison  of  Enfield. 

Cliihlren,  hont  in  Enfield 

Rohert  Morrison  AUe  (1),  b.  Nov.  30,  1795;    d.  Jan.  3,  1797. 

626  Rohert  Morrison  AUe  (2),  b.  July  15,  1797;    m.    (1)   Maria  Norcott ;     (2)   Mary 

M.  S.  Moade. 

627  Henrij  Augtistus  Ahhe,  b.  March  24,  1799  ;    m.  Elizabeth  Allen, 
Stoddard  Nelson  Ahbe,  b.  Feb.  12,  1801;   d.  May  14,  1869;    not  m. 

Betsey  Allen  AUe,  b.  Jan.  17,  1804;  d.  April  25,  1828;  m.  in  Enfield,  Oct.  2,  1824, 
Hiram  S.  Belcher,  son  of  Benjamin  Belcher.     No  children. 

628  Sarah  Ann  Ahie,  b.  April  or  Nov.  12,  1806;    m.  Joseph  Pride  Converse. 

629  Daniel  Pease  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  22,  1809 ;    m.  Elizabeth  Morrison, 

365.  LEVI  PEASE«  ABBE,  son  of  Daniel^  and  Sarah  (Pease)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  April  14,  1781;  died  there  August  16,  1848,  aged  67.  He  was 
a  farmer  in  Enfield.  Administration  was  granted  upon  his  estate  August  16, 
1847.  Heirs  mentioned  at  the  settlement  in  1849  were :  widow,  Dorcas ;  chil- 
dren, Maronette  Phelps,  Dorcas  Parsons,  Sally  King,  Wolcott,  Levi  P.,  Daniel  H., 
Harriet,  Gilbert,  Maria,  Norton ;    grandchild,  Sarah  Ann  Barber. 

Married  at  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  November  12,  1801,  DORCAS  WOLCOTT, 
born  at  East  Windsor,  December  9,  1784;  died  in  Enfield,  March  5,  1855.  She 
was  daughter  of  Henry  and  Dorcas  (Allen)  Wolcott, 

Children,  born  in  Enfield 

630  Maronette  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  25,  1802 ;   m,  Seth  Phelps, 

Dorcas  Allen  Abbe,  b.  June  15,  1805;  d.  1859.  Married  in  Enfield,  Feb,  11,  1830, 
Rufus  Parsons,  jr.,  of  New  Haven,  Conn,     They  had  two  sons. 

Mary  Ann  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  14,  1807.  She  m.  in  Enfield,  Oct.  31,  1836,  Wolcott 
Barber  of  Genesee  County,  N.  Y.,  and  was  dismissed  to  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church  in  Perry  Centre,  Feb.  4,  1838.  Child  :  Sarah  Ann,  m,  Edward  Olmsted 
and  died  leaving  children. 

631  Sarah  Pease  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  13,  1809 ;    m.  George  King. 

Wolcott  Abbe,  b.  April  14,  1811 ;  d.  April  3,  1891.  He  was  dismissed  to  the  Pres- 
byterian Church  in  Salem,  N.  J.,  Feb.  26,  1843,  from  the  Enfield  Church.  He 
was  a  farmer  in  Enfield  in  1850,  residing  with  his  mother,  brother  Morton,  and 
sister  Harriet.  Married  April  15,  1875,  as  her  second  husband,  Emily  Miranda 
Allen,  b.  Feb.  4,  1832,  daughter  of  Elam,  jr.,  and  Miranda  (Olmsted)  AUen, 
See  number  832. 

632  Levi  Pease  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  9,  1814;    m.   (1)   Mary  Sexton;     (2)   Lucinda  Abbe; 

(3)   EmeUne  Amanda  Wood. 

633  Daniel  Henry  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  12,  1816;    m.    (1)    Lucinda  Phelps;     (2)   Mrs.  Julia 

Harriet  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  30,  1818  or  1819  ;    d.  April  14,  1869 ;    not  m.     Resided  in 

634  Gilbert  Abbe,  b.  March  11,  1821 ;    m.  Catherine  Messenger. 

Maria  Abbe,  b.  April  18,  1823 ;  d.  Sept.  5  or  6,  1892 ;  m.  April  9,  1846,  Alberts 
Abbe,  son  of  Henry  Augustus'  and  Elizabeth  (Allen)  Abbe, 

635  Norton  Abbe,  b,  Nov,  2,  1825 ;    m,  EUza  Turvey. 


194  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

366.  SALLY  PEASE«  ABBE,  daughter  of  DanieP  and  Sarah  (Pease)  Abbe, 
bom  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  Marcli  28,  1783;    died  in  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  October  27,  1820. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  17,  1803,  LUTHER  ALLEN,  born  in  Enfield, 
June  11,  1780;  died  in  Ithaca.  He  was  son  of  Moses  and  Mary  (Adams)  Allen. 
He  was  a  portrait  painter,  engraver,  and  musician,  and  was  known  as  Captain 

Children,  first  four  born  in  Enfield 

Sarah  Abbe  Allen,  b.  Aug.  24  (or  31),  1804;  m.  in  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.,  1827, 
Walter  H.  Mead,  b.  iu  Dutchess  County,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Truman  Mead.  He  was 
a  harness  maker  and  removed  to  Rochelle,  111.     Eight  children. 

Luther  Adams  Allen,  b.  Sept.  10,  1806 ;  watch  repairer ;  resided  in  Springfield, 
111.  Married  in  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  April  2,  1866,  Mrs.  Margaret  Drake  Chapin, 
b.  in  West  Rush,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  22,  1827  ;  d.  in  Springfield,  111.,  April  22,  1867. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  John  and  Margaret   (Di-ake)    Stringham.     No  children. 

Eliza  Matilda  Allen,  b.  Nov.  19,  1808;    d.  Dec.  1.5,  1870,  in  Cortland,  N.  Y. ;  not  m. 

Caroline  An7i  Allen,  b.  Jan.  16,  1811 ;  was  living  in  Groton,  N.  Y.,  about  1876. 
Married  at  Blodgett's  Mills,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  25,  1842,  William  Tanner,  b.  in  Cin- 
cinnatus,  N.  Y.,  son  of  James  Tanner.     Two  children. 

Moses  David  Allen,  b.  in  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  6,  1812 (?)  ;  d.  in  Albion,  Mich.,  Oct. 
4,  1350;   not  m. 

367.  HARRIS^  ABBE,  son  of  Daniel^  and  Sarah  (Pease)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  1790;    died  1830,  killed  bv  being  thrown  from  a  Avagon. 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  August  5,  1812,  CLARISSA  WIGGINS,  born  May 
23,  1785;  died  1826.  She  was  admitted  to  the  Enfield  Church  by  letter  from 
the  First  Presbyterian  Church  in  Hartford,  signed  by  Nathan  Strong,  pastor, 
January  3,  1813. 

Harris  Abbe  married  (2)  THANKFUL  COLE,  born  March  6,  1799;  died 
January  6,  1882. 

Children  of  first  wife,  born  and  baptized  at  Enfield 

636  Harris  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  May  13,  1813 ;    m.  Louisa  Matilda  King. 

637  Henry  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  22,  1815  ;    m.  Martha  Wade. 

Albert  Abbe,  b.  June  27,  1817  ;    d.  in  Enfield,  Feb.  9,  1818. 

638  Clarissa  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  2,  1819 ;    m.  John  Cornell. 

Lueretia  Abbe,  b.  June  19,  1820;    d.  June  6,  1901;    m.  June  7,  1838,  Jesse  Bovier, 
b.  June  19,  1821;    d.  June  6,  1881.     Children:    i.  Hannah  Maria,  b.  Feb.  25, 

1839,   d.   June   3,   1889,   m.  Austin,   and   had   a   daughter  Delia  who  m. 

William  Clark  and  has  a  son  Norman ;  ii.  Rachel  Vina,  b.  Sept.  11,  1842 ;  iii. 
Pamelia,  b.  May  1844,  d.  Dec.  1844;  iv.  Lydia  Jane,  b.  April  19,  1855,  m.  (1) 
Nov.  7,  1872,  Charles  Campbell,  b.  April  19,  1853,  d.  Dec.  1,  1879,  m.  (2)  Martin 
Brown,  b.  Jan.  2,  1846;  v.  Mary,  b.  Sept.  11,  18.57,  d.  July  22,  1890,  m.  March 
26,  1874,  Lute  T.  Howard,  and  had  two  daughters,  Mabelle,  b.  Aug.  25,  1877, 
graduate  of  the  Geneseo  (New  York)  Normal  School  and  a  teacher  in  Bloomfield, 
N.  J.,  and  Beulah  May,  b.  Jan.  28,  1886,  graduate  of  the  Buffalo  (New  York) 
Normal  School  and  a  teacher  in  Cuba,  N.  Y. ;  vi.  Sarah  Adelaide,  b.  June  25, 
1862,  d.  March  15,  1895. 

639  Hannah  Abbe,  b.  Sept.  30,  1824 ;    m.  Joshua  0.  Stephens. 

Children  by  second  wife,  born  in  Enfield 

Sophrona  Abbe,  b.  Aug.  27,  1828 ;    m.  Daniel  Totton.     Children :    i.  Daniel,  jr. ; 
ii.  Phebe  ;    iii.  James. 

640  Lydia  M.  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  15,  1830 ;    m.  William  Barlow  Stephens. 

368.  ERASTUS8  ABBE,  son  of  DanieP  and  Sarah  (Pease)  Abbe,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  January  12,  1793;  died  in  Enfield,  September  21,  1816;  buried 
there.  Administration  upon  his  estate  was  granted  to  his  widow,  Sally,  and 
Caleb  Jones,  1816. 

Mrs.  Clarissa  (Wiggins)  Abbe 

Harris"  Abbe 

Sixth  Generation  195 

Married  at  West  Springfield,  Mass.,  December  6  (or  15),  1814,  SALLY  BEEBE. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  Artemas  and  Bethiah  (Pliclon)  Beebe  and  married  (2) 

Gleason.     She  was  born  in  West  Springfield,  November  8,  1791;    died 

September,  1880. 


Erastus  Beeie  Alhe,  b.  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  Oct.  15,  1815;  d.  in  Westfield,  Mass., 
Aug.  27,  1879.  He  was  a  tobacco  dealer.  Married  at  West  Springfield,  Sept.  23, 
1841,  Anne  Burbank,  b.  in  West  Springfield,  Dec.  13,  1821;  d.  Feb.  17,  1911, 
in  Westfield,  Mass.,  daughter  of  Roland  Burbank  and  Henrietta  Palmer,  his 
second  wife.  Children  :  i.  Frances  lone,  b.  in  Enfield,  July  2,  1842,  m.  Sept.  23, 
1878,  Major  William  Addison  AVallace,  resides  in  Albany,  N.  Y.  Mrs.  Wallace 
is  a  genealogist  and  has  contributed  largely  to  the  records  published  in  this  book. 
She  is  a  member  of  the  Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution  and  other  patriotic 
societies.  Mr.  Wallace  was  b.  in  New  York  City,  Jan.  17,  1837,  d.  Aug.  15,  1913, 
son  of  Dr.  James  Jefferson  and  Eliza  Thompson  (Bond)  Wallace.  He  was 
registration  clerk  in  the  State  Health  Department ;  ii.  and  iii.  Mary  Pomeroy 
and  Martha  Burbank  (twins),  b.  in  Agawam,  Mass.,  Dec.  31,  1851.  Martha  d. 
in  Springfield,  Mass.,  May  12,  1905.  Mary  m.  March  2,  1881,  Dr.  Walter  Anson 
Smith,  b.  June  25,  1856,  in  Ashfield,  Mass.,  son  of  Arnold  S.  and  Melinda 
(Bronson)  Smith.  He  was  graduated  from  the  University  of  Vermont  in  1882, 
practiced  in  Cummington,  Mass.,  for  six  years,  then  studied  a  year  in  England. 
After  his  return  he  practiced  in  Hinsdale,  Mass.,  for  three  years,  then  studied  in 
Berlin  and  Paris  and  returned  to  Springfield  as  a  specialist  in  surgery.  He  has 
been  connected  with  the  Massachusetts  State  Mihtia  with  the  rank  of  Major  since 
1907.  They  have  one  son,  Walter  Abbe  Smith,  b.  March  3,  1882,  in  Westfield, 
Mass.,  who  was  educated  at  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  and  is 
now  with  the  Stevens  Duryea  Company.  Walter  Abbe  Smith  m.  Aug.  17,  1907, 
Clara  Grovcr,  b.  Dec.  24,  1884,  daughter  of  Z.  T.  and  Hattie  (Pierce)  Grover, 
and  has  a  daughter,  Maud  Louise,  b.  Jan.  15,  1909. 

369.  SIMEONG  OLMSTED,  JR.,  son  of  Simeon  and  Roxelenah'  (Abbe) 
Olmsted,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  April  10,  1774;   died  there  November  11,  1831. 

Married  in  Enfield,  August  4,  1795,  ABIGAIL^  COLLINS,  born  in  Enfield, 
February  1,  1774;  died  there  October  11,  1858.  Daughter  of  Eliphalet  and 
Abigaip"(Abbc)  Collins. 

Children,  born  in  E7i field 

Mary  Ohnsfed,  b.  June  21,  1796;"  m.  Kellogg. 

Abigail  Olmsted,  b.  Oct.  11,  1798 ;  m.  in  Enfield,  March  31,  1824,  Aaron  Wood  of 
Ludlow,  Mass. 

Lafhrop  Olmsied,  h.  Aug.  29,  1800.  On  May  1,  1836,  the  church  in  Enfield  granted 
to  him  and  his  wife  Mary  a  letter    "to  any  church  in  the  western  part  of  the 

country  to  which  they  are  expecting  to  remove."     Married  Mary  W.  ,  who 

came  from  the  church  in  Longmeadow,  Mass.,  to  Enfield,  Sept.  2,  1827.  Children  : 
i.  Timothy  Lathrop,  bapt.  in  Enfield,  Jan.  27,  1828 ;  ii.  Mary,  bapt.  in  Enfield, 
Dec.  25,  1831. 

641  Erastus  Olmsted,  b.  Feb.  2,  1803 ;    m.  three  times. 
,  d.  March  18,  1805. 

Simeon  Olmsted,  3d,  b.  April  4,  1806 ;  d.  Jan.  2,  1892.  He  and  his  wife  received 
letters  from  the  Enfield  church  to  the  Congregational  Church  in  Cabotville,  Mass., 
June  27,  1841.  Married  Sept.  28,  1831  or  1832,  Miranda  AUen,  daughter  of 
Elam  and  Martha  (AUen)  Allen,  b.  Oct.  20,  1809;  d.  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  Feb. 
25,  1852.  Children :  i.  Hudson ;  ii.  Leverett ;  iii.  Merrick,  bapt.  in  Enfield, 
June  7,  1840 ;   iv.  Rosette ;    v.  Charles. 

642  Ar7iold  Olmsted,  b.  Feb.  22,  1808 ;    m.  Lorinda  Pease. 

643  Miranda  Olmsted,  b.  April  21,  1811 ;    m.  Elam  Allen. 

644  Oladiah  Olmsted,  b.  July  13,  1816 ;    m.  Hannah  Bartlett. 

370.     JOSEPH^  OLMSTED,  son  of  Simeon  and  Roxalenah^  (Abbe)  Olmsted, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  May  14,  1776;    resided  in  Enfield;    died  May  10,  1861. 

196  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Married  in  Enfield,  September  11,  1800,  DOROTHY  TERRY,  born  in  Enfield, 

September  27,   1777;    died   May   22,   1849,   daughter   of   Ebenezer   and    Sarah 

(Hurlburt)  Teriy. 


Dorothy  (1)  Olmsted,  b.  June  23,  1801;    d.  Aug.  21,  1803. 

Joseph   (1)   Olmsted,  b.  Sept.  1,  1803;    tl.  Sept.  2,  1803. 

Daniel  Terry  Olmsted,   b.  May  8,  1805;    d.   Feb.  20,  1875.     Hatter  and   farmer, 
resided  in  Enfield.     Married  May  11,  1834,  Susan  Pinney,  b.  about  1814.     Child : 
Sidney  P.,  b.  in  Enfield,  Oct.  9,  1848. 
645     Norton  Olmsted  (twin),  b.  Sept.  18,  1809;    m.  Clarissa  Maria  Allen. 

Dorothy  (2)  Olmsted  (twin),  b.  Sept.  18,  1809. 

Joseph  (2)  Olmsted,  b.  Dec.  31,  1820,  in  Enfield;  d.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn., 
Aug.  9,  1864.  He  was  graduated  from  the  University  of  New  York  in  1843  with 
highest  honors,  began  practice  in  Nyack,  removing  in  1844  to  Warehouse  Point 
where  he  remained  until  his  death.  Married  June  2,  1852,  Sarah  Maria  Barnes, 
b.  at  Warehouse  Point,  Feb.  28,  1831 ;  d.  there  Sept.  25, 1868,  daughter  of  William 
and  Maria  (Holkins)  Barnes.  Children:  i.  William  Barnes,  b.  April  25,  1853, 
d.  Aug.  18,  1854 ;  ii.  Fannie  Maria,  b.  July  2,  1855,  lives  in  Hartford ;  iii. 
Edward  Barnes,  b.  Sept.  25,  1858,  d.  July  12,  1859 ;  iv.  Clara  Jencks,  b.  April  7, 

871.  ISAAC«  TERRY,  3D,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  July  14,  1776.     Farmer  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y. 

Married  BETSEY  LIVERMORE,  born  about  1781;  died  about  1861;  daughter 
of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Hitchcock)  Livermore. 


Orrin  (1)   Terry,  b.  1801;    d.  1813. 

Betsey  Terry,  b.  Sept.,  1802 ;  d.  Jan.,  1882 ;  m.  James  Gore  and  lived  in  Eaton, 
N.  Y. 

Edmund  Terry,  b.  March  21,  1806 ;  d.  Jan.  9,  1885.  Farmer  in  Waterville,  N.  Y. 
Married  (1)  at  Hamilton,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  29,  1833,  Polly  Dunbar,  b.  about  1804; 
d.  in  Marshall,  N.  Y.,  May,  1853,  daughter  of  David  and  Polly  (Doane)  Dunbar. 
Married  (2)  in  Hamilton,  Aug.  31,  1855,  Martha  Richards,  b.  May  27,  1817, 
daughter  of  Ezra  and  Martha  (Nash)  Richards.  Children,  by  first  wife:  i.  Free- 
man Dunbar,  b.  Aug.  16,  1834,  in  Sangerfield,  farmer  in  Waterville ;  ii.  Irving 
Augustus,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  Nov.  21,  1836,  farmer  in  Waterville ;  iii.  Caroline 
Polly,  b.  in  Marshall,  June  21,  1840,  d.  May  31,  1844 ;  iv.  Eveline  Betsey,  b.  in 
Marshall,  June  21,  1840,  m.  in  Waterville,  Oct.  11,  1867,  Dan  A.  Colhns,  who  is 
in  the  insurance  business  in  Toledo,  Ohio ;  v.  Emma  Jane,  b.  in  Marshall,  Nov.  3, 
1842,  d.  Sept.  7,  1843.  Child  by  second  wife:  Edmund  Burke,  b.  in  Marshall, 
Feb.  29,  1856,  graduated  from  Cornell  University  in  1880,  lawyer  in  Waterville. 

Jeanette  Terry,  b.  1809;  d.  in  Toledo,  Ohio,  Oct.,  1884;  m.  Norval  C.  Bacon,  a 
farmer  of  Eaton,  N.  Y. 

Orrin  (2)  Terry,  b.  Nov.  18,  1813.  Farmer  and  hop  dealer  in  Marshall,  N.  Y. 
Married  in  Marshall,  Oct.  18,  1838,  Adeline  Dunbar,  b.  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y., 
Dec.  10,  1810,  daughter  of  John  and  Eunice  (Fitts)  Dunbar.  Adopted  son: 
Marinus,  m.  Nettie  Phillips  of  Providence,  R.  I.,  who  d.  1885. 

Sherman  Bartholomew  Terry,  b.  Sept.  29,  1815 ;  lived  in  Tecumseh,  Mich. ;  m. 
Melissa  Hoag.  Children :  i.  Norval  Bacon,  said  to  have  gone  to  Texas ;  ii. 
Jeanette,  m.  Peter  Willing  of  Tecumseh  and  has  children  ;  iii.  James  Gove,  m. 
and  d.  aged  about  35. 

Horace  Terry,  b.  1817;  hved  in  Watertown,  N.  Y. ;  m.  (1)  Adehne  Bowker ;  (2) 
Delina  Marsh.     Child  :    Elizabeth,  m.  Horace  Rice  of  Brownville,  N.  Y. 

John  Freeman  Terry,  b.  1822;  d.  about  1880.  OcuUst  in  Detroit,  Mich.  Married 
Melissa  . 

372.     ROSWELL«  TERRY,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  June  2,  1780.     Farmer  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y. 

Married  (1)  December  24,  1801,  MARY  LEONARD,  born  June  6,  1783. 
Married  (2)  POLLY  HOWARD,  widow  of  James  Gove. 

Sixth  Generation  197 

Children  hy  first  wife 

Polly  Terry,  b.  Oct.  18,  1802 ;    m.  Daniel  Wells,  a  farmer  in  Sangerfield. 

Leonard  Terry,  b.  July  20.  1804;    farmer;    d.  in  Wayland,  Mich.     Married    (1) 

Aurelia  Prior,  by  whom  lie  had  a  child,  Charles,  d.  young;    m.    (2)    Mrs.  Phebe 

Jennings,  by  whom  he  had  Roswell,  d.  in  infancy. 
Eri  Terry,  b.  April  21,  1808  ;   d.  about  1833  ;    unm.     Farmer  in  Sangerfield. 

Children  hy  second  wife 

Sophia  Teny,  b.  July  3,  1811 ;  d.  about  1846 ;  m.  Edwin  Nott,  a  merchant  of 
Macedon,  N.  Y.     Children  :    James  and  Edwin,  jr.,  both  dead. 

Harriet  Terry,  b.  Jan.  31,  1813 ;  m.  Alanson  Benson  Cady,  b.  Nov.  15,  1810,  son 
of  Darius  and  Eunice  (Rugg)  Cady.  Farmer  and  builder  at  Waterville,  N.  Y. 
Children :  i.  Alanson  Benson,  jr.,  b.  Jan.  13,  1835,  carpenter  and  builder  in 
Waterville  ;  ii.  Harriet  Sophia,  b.  July  19,  1837,  lived  in  Waterville ;  iii.  Medina 
Preston,  b.  Feb.  9,  1839,  d.  1884,  carpenter  in  Waterville,  m.  in  Detroit,  Mich., 
Feb.  4,  1863,  Victoria  Marshall  Goodsell.  b.  in  Vermilion,  Ohio,  March  14,  1840; 
iv.  James  Edward,  b.  Feb.  26,  1841,  d.  July  19,  1844. 

Edu-ard  Burr  Terry,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  Oct.  12,  1817  ;  d.  May  24,  1852.  Farmer  in 
Madison,  N.  Y.,  removed  to  Hamilton,  about  1850.  Married  in  New  Berlin,  N.  Y., 
Feb.  23,  1839,  Jerusha  Hall  Carpenter,  daughter  of  Russell  and  Olive  (Hall) 
Carpenter;  d.  Jan.  16,  1853.  Child:  Clara  Jane,  b.  in  Madison,  N.  Y.,  May  9, 
1842,  d.  April  20,  1903,  buried  in  West  Winfield,  N.  Y.,  m.  in  Waterville,  Dec.  14, 
1864,  Menzo  Joslyn,  formerly  a  merchant  in  West  Winfield,  now  a  gardener  in 
South  Norwalk,  Conn.  They  had  a  daughter,  Grace  Terry  Joslyn,  b.  in  South 
Edmeston,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  8,  1867,  m.  in  West  Winfield,  Cass  Leonard,  lives  in 
Stamford,  Conn.,  and  has  a  daughter. 

Clarissa  J.  Terry,  b.  Jan.  14,  1820 ;  m.  Erastus  Pearl,  a  merchant  of  Hamilton, 
N.  Y. 

373.  SARAH"  TERRY,  daughter  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  2,  1781 ;   died  August,  1825. 

Married  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  December  14,  1801,  ADINO  WINCHELL,  born 
in  Goshen,  Conn.,  1778;  died  in  Riga,  N.  Y.,  August,  1825.  Carpenter  in 

Children,  first  four  iorn  in  Sangei-field 

Laura  Nwton  Winchell,  b.  July  4,  1802;   li%'ed  in  Detroit,  Mich.,  and  after  1881  in 

Chicago.     Married  Dec.  17,  1823,  Nathaniel  Terry  Taylor,  b.  March  16,  1800; 

d.  in  San  Francisco,  Sept.  3,  1852,  son  of  John  and  EUzabeth  (Terry)  Taylor  of 

Mendon,  N.  Y.    Merchant. 
Mark  Winchell,  b.  Feb.  11,  1804. 
Isaac  Winchell,  b.  1806;    d.  1824. 
Alexis  Winchell,  d.  in  Michigan. 
Maria  Winchell,  b.  Dec,  1809 ;    m.  Chauncey  Buell,  a  manufacturer  of  shoes.     He 

d.  in  Waterville,  N.  Y.,  1835. 
Backus  Terry  Winchell,  b.  1819 ;    d.  in  Monroe,  Mich.,  1847. 
Piatt  Winchell,  d.  in  the  South. 
Adeline  Winchell,  b.  Oct.  19,  1823  ;    d.  about  1841. 
Rush  Winchell,  d.  in  the  Mexican  War. 
Jane  Winchell,  b.  in  Lima,  N.  Y. ;    m.  Sept.  17,  1845,  Eleazer  Newell,  who  d.  Jime 

20,  1875.    He  was  a  hop  dealer  in  Waterville. 

374.  WILLARD6  TERRY,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Cattaraugus  County,  N.  Y.,  and  died 

Married  ANNA  LEONARD,  bora  May  19,  1787;    died  August  21,  1832. 


William  Terry,  b.  Nov.  7,  1806 ;    d.  April  10,  1826. 
John  Terry,  b.  Jan.  30,  1808 ;    lived  in  Chicago. 

Huldah  Terry,  b.  Dec.  24,  1809 ;    lived  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;    m.  Elijah  Boardman,  and 
had  a  son  who  m.  Susan  Terry,  daughter  of  Norman,  see  below. 

198  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Sherman  Terry,  b.  May  2,  1813 ;   lived  at  Mount  Pleasant,  Iowa. 

Leivis  ToTy,  b.  June  23,  1815;    was  living  in  Darieu  Center,  N.  Y.,  about  1870; 

m.  April  14,  1840,  Mariette  Clapp.     Child  :    Jane,  b.  Feb.  28,  1845,  m.  Feb.  28, 

1861,  Rollin  Boughton. 
Norman  Terry,  b.  March  2,  1818;    d.  March  19,  1869.     Farmer  in  Talboton,  Ga., 

and  lost  his  property  as  a  result  of  the  war.    Married  and  had  a  daughter  Susan, 

who  m.  her  cousin.  Boardman,  son  of  Huldah  Terry,  see  above. 

Truman  Terry,  b.  June  2,  1820;    d.  June  2,  1825. 

Hanford  Terry,  b.  Oct.  4,  1821 ;   lived  in  Fair  Haven,  Minn. 

Mary  Ann  Terry,  b.  Aug.  9,  1824 ;   m.  Franklin  Stearns,  and  lived  in  Owosso,  Mich. 

Sophia  Terry,  b.  March  6,  1827 ;    m. Boyd  and  lived  in  Toledo,  Ohio. 

375.  HORACE«  TERRY,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  April  16,  1787;  died  in  Waterville,  N.  Y.,  February  li,  1871. 
He  was  a  farmer  and  cattle  dealer  in  Sangerfield. 

Married  (1)  in  Sangerfield,  October  17,  1806,  ELIZABETH  CHAMBERS,  born 
in  Schaghticoke,  N.  Y.,  April  17,  1789;    died  in  Sangerfield,  May  27,  1853. 

Married  (2)  FIELDS,  daughter  of  Joseph  Fields  of  Dutchess  County, 

N.  Y. 

Children  iy  first  icife  only,  horn  in  Sangerrfield 

EamiUon  Terry,  b.  April  5,  1810 ;  d.  in  Sangerfield,  April  25,  1834.  Married  Dec, 
1828,  Lucy  Ann  Butler,  b.  in  New  Hartford,  N.  Y.,  about  1810;  d.  in  Mason, 
Mich.,  July  2,  1874.  Children :  i.  Henry,  d.  aged  9 ;  ii.  Edwin,  d.  aged  3 ; 
iii.  George  Nelson,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  Sept.  27,  1832,  lived  in  Imlay  City,  Mich., 

Marietta  Terry,  b.  Nov.  5,  1813 ;  d.  in  Sangerfield,  Nov.  2,  1843  ;  m.  Feb.,  1834, 
Hiram  G.  Hart,  farmer  in  Kirkland,  N.  Y.  Children  :  i.  Marietta,  b.  in  Clinton, 
N.  Y.,  March  7,  1835,  d.  there,  March  13,  1865 ;  ii.  Maria  Elizabeth,  b.  in  Clin- 
ton, April  24,  1837;  m.  in  South  Edmeston,  N.  Y.,  1872,  Albert  Talcott,  a 
cooper  of  Columbus,  N.  Y. ;  iii.  Adeline,  d.  aged  6  months ;  iv.  Francis,  d.  aged 
16  months. 

Horace  Terry,  jr.,  b.  Dec.  24,  1815 ;  d.  in  South  Edmeston,  July  9,  1872.  Hotel 
keeper  in  South  Edmeston.  Married  (1)  in  Sangerfield,  March  24,  1836,  Clarinda 
Leach,  d.  1836.  Married  (2)  in  Sherburne,  N.  Y.,  April,  18-38,  Roxa  Rogers, 
b.  about  1814;  d.  in  North  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  April  22,  1859.  '  Married  (3)  1862, 
Angelina  Moore.  Children  by  second  wife  :  i.  Clara,  m.  Charles  Holmes  and  lived 
in  Morrisville,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Jane,  m.  Duane  Livermore  and  lived  in  Hubbardsville, 
N.  Y. ;  iii.  Edwin,  b.  about  1849,  d.  in  North  Brookfield.  March,  1863 ;  iv.  Scott, 
b.  about  1854,  d.  1873.     Child  by  third  wife :    Seth.  b.  March  19,  1865. 

Leande)-  Terry,  b.  March  25,  1818.  Farmer  in  Madison,  N.  Y.,  d.  there  June  6, 
1862.  Married  Aug.  2,  1841,  Maria  Abbe,  b.  May  17,  1819,  d.  Sept.  29,  1891, 
daughter  of  John  and  Ruth  (Risley)  Abbe.  See  number  152.  Children,  b.  in 
Madison  :  i.  John  Gilbert,  b.  June  10,  1843,  farmer  in  Kirkville,  m.  in  Sanger- 
field, June  8,  1868,  Anna  Mason,  one  son ;  ii.  Everett  Lee,  b.  Feb.  25,  1846, 
farmer  in  Kirkville,.  m.  Feb.  13,  1868,  E.  Knapp  of  Manlius,  N.  Y. ;  iii.  Alice 
Maria,  b.  Jan.  21,  1854,  lived  in  WaterviUe. 

Francis  Huhhard  Terry,  b.  Jan.  1,  1820 ;  merchant  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  and  hop 
dealer  in  WaterviUe.  Married  in  La  Grange,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  16,  1849,  Mary  Tidd 
Brown,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Francina  West  (Richards)  Brown.  Children: 
i.  Mary  Frances,  b.  in  East  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  1,  1850 ;  ii.  Florence  Brown, 
b.  in  Saline,  Mich.,  July  2,  1856. 

Elisaleth  Jane  Terry,  b.  Jan.  2,  1822 ;  d.  in  New  Berlin,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  21,  1852 ;  m. 
William  H.  Brownell,  a  merchant  in  New  Berlin.  Child  :  Mary  Elizabeth,  d. 
aged  10  months. 

Alfred  Oove  Terry,  b.  April  15,  1824 ;  farmer  in  Seattle,  Wash.,  and  d.  there, 
March  24,  1864. 

Alonzo  Bacon  Terry,  b.  Nov.  1,  1826;  d.  Sept.  21,  1854;  unm.;  farmer  in 

Charles  Carroll  Terry,  b.  Sept.  20,  1828.  Merchant  speculator  in  Seattle,  Wash., 
and  d.  there  Feb.  17,  1867.  Married  in  Seattle,  Mary  Russell,  d.  1875.  Children : 
i.  Nellie ;   ii.  Bessie ;    iii.  Edward  Landor ;    iv.  Charles  Tilton ;    v.  Mary. 

John  Chamhers  Terry,  b.  Aug.  6,  1832 ;  farmer  in  Sangerfield,  where  he  d.  Jan.  25, 
1856 ;    not  m. 

Sixth  Generation  199 

376.  BILHAH'-  TERRY,  daughter  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  October  21,  1788;  died  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  January 
29  1853. 

Married  in  Sangerfield,  March  26,  1807,  CHESTER  CLARK,  born  in  Windsor, 
Berkshire  County,  Mass.,  December  9,  1788;  died  in  Sangerfield,  March  26,  1829. 
Son  of  Joshua  and  Eunice  (Morris)  Clark.    Carpenter  and  builder  in  Sangerfield. 


George  Morris  ClarJc,  b.  Feb.  9,  1808 ;    d.  Sept.,  1812. 

Mary  Ann  Clark,  b.  April  9,  1810 ;    lived  in  Sangerfield  ;    m.  Feb.  11,  1835,  Otis 

Webster,  b.  in  Burlington  Flats,  N.  Y.,  March  4,  1801. 
Morris  Clark,  b.  April  24,  1812 ;    carpenter  in  Whitewater,  Wis.,  M'here  he  d.  April 

30,  1875 ;   m.  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y.,  Charlotte  Dewey,  b.  in  Hamilton. 
Henry  Rogei-s  Clark,  b.  Sept.  14,  1814 ;   Uved  in  New  York  City ;    m.  in  Waterville, 

June,  1849,  Carohne  Birdsall,  b.  in  Waterloo,  N.  Y. 
George  Harlow  Clark,  b.  June  20,  1818 ;    d.  in  Richmond,  Va.,  1855. 
Eliza  Jane  Clark,  b.  Sept.  1,  1820 ;    d.  Sept.  3,  1848 ;    not  m. 

377.     GEORGES  TERRY,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born 
about  1791.    Farmer  in  Madison,  Oneida  County,  N.  Y. 
Married  CLARISSA  COLLINS  of  Enfield,  Conn. 


Abigail  C.  Terry,  b.  April,  1815 ;   d.  in  Hubbardsville,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  20,  1843 ;    not  m. 

Jerome  Terry,  b.  April,  1817 ;    d.  Dec.  17,  1845.     He  was  a  harness-maker  in  Hub- 

bardsviUe.     Married  Lucy  Brownell,  daughter  of  Nathan  and  (Brown) 

BrowneU.     Child  :    George,  d.  in  the  army  at  Georgetown,  D.  C,  Feb.,  1862. 

Amelia  Terry,  h.  June,  1819  ;   d.  in  Hubbardsville,  April  11,  1843 ;    not  m. 

Eliza  Terry,  b.  Aug.  9,  1821 ;    d.  in  Hubbardsville,  Jan.  9,  1844 ;    not  m. 

James  Terry,  b.  June,  1823;  d.  Oct.  21,  1846.  He  was  a  harness-maker  in  Hub- 
bardsville.    Married  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y.,  Charlotte  Hale.     Child,  d.  in  infancy. 

Clarissa  Terry,  b.  Sept.,  1826 ;    d.  in  Marshall,  N.  Y.,  May  6,- 1845 ;    not  m. 

Catherine  Terry,  b.  Jan.,  1830 ;    d.  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  5,  1849 ;    not  m. 

378.  LINUS^  TERRY,  son  of  Isaac,  jr.,  and  Hannah^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  September  19,  1793;  died  in  Brookfield,  N.  Y.,  April  8,  1838. 

Married  in  Sangerfield,  1815,  PATTY  WATERS,  born  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y., 
1799;    died  1853,  daughter  of  Hial  and  Martha  (Wheeler)  Waters. 

Children,  horn  in  Sangerfield 

Morris  Terry,  h.  May  9,  1817  ;  resided  in  Waterville,  N.  Y ;  m.  Harriet  Banton 
of  Madison,  N.  Y.  Children :  i.  Frank  M.,  farmer  in  Liverpool,  N.  Y ;  ii. 
Irving  C,  bves  in  Syracuse,  N.  Y. ;  iii.  Courtland,  lives  in  WaterviUe,  farmer, 
m.  Church ;    iv.  Anna,  m.  Charles  H.  Bennett,  a  dentist  of  WaterviUe. 

Charles  Henry  Terry,  b.  Sept.  27,  1819  ;    d.  Aug.,  1820. 

Charles  Terry,  b.  May  31,  1821;  farmer  in  Waterville;  m.  in  Brookfield,  Polly 
Welch.     Children  :    i.  Charles  BarziUai,  b.  about  1844,  hop  dealer  in  Water\dUe ; 

ii.  Nettie,  d. ,  bved  in  Waterville,  m.  Smith  Bennett ;    iii.  Porter,  removed 

to  Kansas;  iv.  Lillie  Alice,  m.  1867,  Henry  J.  Coggeshall,  b.  in  WaterviUe, 
April  28,  1845,  son  of  Dr.  James  S.  Coggeshall,  lawyer,  member  of  Assembly, 
and  later  state  senator,  five  children,  the  oldest  son  m.  and  living  in  CaUfornia ; 

v.   Emmert,   m.   Easton ;     vi.   Mary,   m.   Rockwell   and   fives   in 

Florida  ;  vii.  Charles,  fives  in  Marshall,  N.  Y. ;  viii.  Edith,  b.  about  1860,  d. 
about  1877  ;  ix.  Frederick,  m.  a  daughter  of  John  J.  Bennett  of  WaterviUe,  and 
lives  there  ;    x.  Rena  :    xi.  Grace  ;    xii.  Maud. 

Gilbert  Terry,  b.  Aug.  31,  1823 ;    d.  1830. 

Isaac  Terry,  b.  May  23,  1826 ;  farmer  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Nancy  Welch  of 
Brookfield.     Children:    i.  Isaac  Devillo ;    ii.   (daughter). 

200  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Prudence  Terry,  b.  April  15,  1828 ;  m.  1848,  Clark  Robinson  Nash,  merchant  and 
postmaster  in  Hubbardsville,  N.  Y.  Children,  b.  at  Hubbardsville :  i.  Clark 
DeAlton,  b.  Sept.  25,  1848,  farmer  near  Oneida,  N.  Y. ;  ii.  Frank  DeElwin,  b, 
Jan.  5,  1853 ;  iii.  Charles  DeForrest,  b.  May  22,  1855,  in  business  with  his  father 
in  Hubbardsville ;  iv,  Eva  Terry,  b.  Oct.  14,  1865 ;  v.  Clara  Prudence,  b.  Aug. 
17,  1871. 

379.  ZENO«  TERRY,  JR.,  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born  in 
Enfield,  Conn.,  August  19,  1779;  farmer;  settled  in  Byron,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
died.  May  3,  1864. 

Married  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  February,  1802,  MARY  (POLLY)  GRISWOLD, 
born  in  Enfield,  November  1,  1783;  died  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  June  16,  1851, 
daughter  of  Benajah  and  Hannah  (Kilham)  Griswold. 


Nancy  Ualley  Terry,  b.  Jan.  14,  1803 ;  m.  Sept.  15,  1822,  Wheeler  Miller,  b.  about 
1800 ;    d.  Dec.  23,  1877.     He  was  a  farmer  at  Eaton  Rapids,  Mich. 

Maria  II.  Terry,  b.  July  31,  1805;  m.  Dec.  5,  1825,  in  Byron,  N.  Y.,  Hollis 
Crocker,  b.  in  Clarendon,  Vt.,  June  25,  1798,  son  of  Andrew  and  Anna  (Leland) 
Crocker.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Byron. 

Zeno  Stafford  Terry,  b.  April  13,  1809 ;  farmer  in  Byron  Centre,  N.  Y. ;  m.  Louisa 
Pendell.  Children:  i.  James  (1),  d.  in  infancy;  ii.  Mary,  b.  June,  1832,  m.  in 
Byron  Centre,  John  Steele,  removed  to  Wisconsin;  iii.  James  (2),  m.  Carrie 
Dewey;  iv.  (son),  d.  in  infancy;  v.  Ellen,  m.  in  Byron  Centre,  James  Goodwin, 
and  lived  in  Bergen,  N.  Y. ;  vi.  Francis,  b.  Dec.  8,  1838,  m.  in  Brockport,  N.  Y., 
Alice  Root ;  vii.  Jane  Elizabeth,  b.  April  28,  1845,  in  Byron  Centre,  m.  Albert 
Cleveland  Terry,  son  of  Lyman  and  Harriet  Williams  (Bennett)  Terry,  see 
number  648 ;    viii.  Charles,  m.  and  lived  in  Bergen,  N.  Y. 

380.  HENRY6  TERRY  (twin  with  James),  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe) 
Terry,  born  in  Suffield,  Conn.,  January  15,  1786;  died  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y., 
February  15,  1849.    Farmer. 

Married  (1)  November  5,  1806,  REBECCA  JEWELL,  born  February  27,  1790; 
died  January  10,  1827,  daughter  of  Seeley  Jewell. 

Married  (2)  September  9,  1829,  CATHARINE  EMILY  ROOT,  born  in  Berk- 
shire County,  Mass.,  September  10,  1803,  daughter  of  William  Root.  She  married 
again  and  was  living  in  1881. 

Children  hy  first  wife 

646     Henry  Rollin  Terry,  b.  April  26,  1811 ;   m.  three  times. 

Juliet  Lucretia  Terry,  b.  May  23,  1814,  in  Sangerfield  ;  removed  to  Illinois ;  m. 
Oct.,  1837,  Washington  Hill.  He  was  a  carpenter.  Children  :  i.  Mary,  b.  May 
19,  1840 ;   ii.  Alice,  b.  Feb.  1,  1842 ;    iii.  Norman,  b.  March  28,  1846. 

Children  hy  second  wife 

Addison  Rouhigne  Terry,  h.  in  Sangerfield,  June  19,  1830.  He  was  a  farmer,  went 
to  Fort  Scott,  Kans.,  enlisted  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  and  was  lost, 
fate  unknown.    His  wife  lived  in  New  Berlin,  N.  Y.,  with  their  daughter,  Nora. 

Catharine  Jeanette  Terry,  h.  in  Byron,  N.  Y.,  June  23,  1832  ;  lived  in  Edinboro, 
Pa. ;   m.  May  2,  1853,  Orange  Beam. 

Mary  Electa  Terry,  h.  in  Allegany  County,  N.  Y.,  July  19,  1835 ;  m.  Sept.  20,  1859, 
Orlando  Walker.    He  was  a  cattle  broker  in  Garrison,  Kans. 

George  WasJmigton  Terry,  b.  in  Edinboro,  Pa.,  Aug.  6,  18.38 ;  farmer  in  Leslie, 
Mich. ;    m.  Oct.  10,  1859,  Clarissa  Leach  and  had  four  sous. 

Charles  Bacon  Terry,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  Sept.  11,  1844 ;  he  went  to  Kansas  with  his 
brother  and  enlisted  in  the  cavalry  service.  At  the  close  of  the  Civil  War,  he 
joined  the  regular  army  and  in  1881  was  Sergeant  of  Company  D,  12th  Artillery, 
stationed  at  Fort  Apache,  Ariz. 

Sixth  Generation  301 

381.  JAMES"  TERRY  (twin  with  Henry),  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha«  (Abbe) 
Terry,  born  in  Suffield,  Conn.,  January  15,  1786;  died  in  Pulaski,  Mich.,  July 
4,  1863. 

Married  (1)  April  21,  1808,  LODEMA  NORTON,  born  1789;  died  July  11,  1812. 

Married  (2)  in  Caledonia,  N.  Y.,  March  15,  1815,  ELIZABETH  ROBINSON, 
born  1799;   died  in  Newstead,  Erie  County,  N.  Y.,  February  38,  1824. 

Married  (3)  in  Newstead,  August  10,  1825,  ELIZA  CRONK,  born  1807;  died 
January  27,  1827. 

Married  (4)  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  August  8,  1827,  HARRIET  MONROE,  born  in 
Betliany,  N.  Y.,  September  1,  1807,  daughter  of  Uriah  P.  B.  and  Mehitable  (Page) 

Children  by  second  wife,  horn  in  Caledonia 

Lodema  Norton  Terry,  b.  March  18,  1816. 

James  Andreic  Terry  (twin),  b.  Aug.  15,  1820;    d.  in  New  Orleans,  La.,  Aug.  15, 

1847 ;   not  m. 
Harriet  Eliza  (1)  Terry  (twin),  b.  Aug.  15,  1820;    d.  Aug.  27,  1820. 

Child  by  third  wife 
Harriet  Eliza  (2)   Terry,  b.  in  Newstead,  May  14,  1826. 

Children  by  fourth  wife 

Puella  Lupercis  Teiry,  b.  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  July  5,  1828 ;  lived  in  Byron,  N.  Y. ; 
m.  April  2,  1854,  David  L.  Barker.  Children :  i.  Lucia,  b.  in  Byron,  June  11, 
1855 ;  ii.  Vernon,  b.  in  Concord,  Mich.,  Feb.  11,  1859 ;  iii.  Harriet  Louise,  b.  in 
Clarendon,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  28,  1863 ;  iv.  Dewey  Eugene,  b.  in  Clarendon,  Aug.  17, 
1864  ;    v.  and  vi.  (twins),  Terry  and  Perry,  b.  in  Sweden,  N.  Y.,  June  24,  1868. 

Norton  Monroe  Terry,  b.  in  Monroe,  Mich.,  Dec.  26,  1835 ;  lives  in  Jackson,  Mich. ; 
m.  in  Parma,  Mich.,  about  1857,  Grace  Ferguson. 

382.  GEORGE^  TERRY  (twin),  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  January  11,  1789;  died  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  June  28,  1840. 
He  was  a  farmer  and  settled  in  Batavia  in  1818. 

Married  April  24,  1813,  JEMIMA  GILLETTE,  born  in  Navesink,  Pa.,  Sep- 
tember 22,  1795,  daughter  of  Moses  and  Anna  (Story)   Gillette. 


647  George  Washington  Terry,  b.  Feb.  6,  1814;   m.  (1)  Lovina  Maranda  Graham;    (2) 

Emily  White. 

Lodema  Terry,  b.  in  StafPord,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  7,  1815;  d.  in  Batavia,  Jan.  13,  18.55. 
Married  in  Batavia,  June  26,  1837,  WilUam  Harrison  Rice,  b.  April  6,  1812 ; 
d.  in  Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  Dec.  3,  1880.  Children,  b.  in  Batavia :  i.  Henry  Cleve- 
land, b.  April  26,  18.39,  d.  in  Armory  Square  Hospital,  Washington,  D.  C.,  1864, 
m.  Sept.  26,  1859,  Eliza  Gibson  ;  ii.  Parley  Hewett,  b.  March  26,  1845,  m,  March 
5,  1866,  Leora  Azubah  Smith. 

Cleveland  Terry,  b.  in  Byron,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  31,  1818 ;    d.  Oct.  28,  1835 ;    unm. 

648  Lyman  Terry,  b.  Feb.  8,  1823 ;    m.  Harriet  Wilhams  Bennett. 

Amanda  Terry,  b.  in  Batavia;  m.  in  Batavia,  Feb.  15,  1844,  Benjamin  F.  Graham, 
son  of  Roswell  and  Nancy   (  )   Graham.     He  is  a  farmer  in  Bata^aa.     Chil- 

dren, b.  in  Batavia :  i.  Lovina,  b.  Feb.  15,  1845,  m.  Jan.  10,  1867,  Addison  Terry 
Holdridge,  b.  Jan.  11,  1841,  son  of  Billings  Thomas  and  Alzina  (Terry)  Hold- 
ridge  (see  number  383)  of  Batavia,  farmer  in  Nebraska;  ii.  Juliet,  b.  Oct.  31, 
1849,  Uves  in  Batavia,  m.  Sept.  9,  1874,  Dr.  Seymour  Putnam ;  iii.  Delos  L., 
b.  Oct.  14,  18.54. 

VanRensselaer  Terry,  b.  in  Batavia,  April  4,  1824 ;  farmer  in  Batavia  ;  m.  there 
June  28,  1845,  Julia  Amanda  Miner,  b.  June  1,  1827,  daughter  of  Lemau  and 
Joanna  (Tower)  Miner.  Child:  Grace  Ehzabeth,  m.  Sept.  27,  1876,  Christopher 
Joel  Miner. 

202  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

383.  WILLIAM"  TERRY  (twin),  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  January  11,  1789;  died  in  Bethany,  Genesee  County, 
N.  Y.,  November  28,  1857.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Monroe  County,  N.  Y. 

Married  (1)  1808,  PHEBE  MORSE,  born  about  1788;  died  in  Riga,  N.  Y., 
March  10,  1816,  daughter  of  Enos  and  Eliza  (Baldwin)  Morse. 

Married  (2)  1816,  MRS.  MARY  FIRMAN,  daughter  of  Reverend  William 
and  Mary  (Wellah)  Firman,  and  widow  of  Josiah  Fierce. 

Children  ly  first  tcife 

649  Earloic  Terry,  b.  Dec.  18,  1808 ;    m.  Harriet  Maria  Holdridge. 

Alzina  Terry,  b.  in  Riga,  N.  Y.,  April  4,  1810;  lived  in  Batavia,  N.  Y. ;  m.  June  7, 
1836,  Billings  Thomas  Holdridge.  Children  :  i.  James  Billings,  b.  April  3,  1837, 
d.  Sept.  29,  1864;  ii.  Mary  Phebe,  b.  March  17,  18.39;  iii.  Addison  Terry,  b. 
Jan.  11,  1841,  m.  Lovina  Graham,  daughter  of  Benjamin  F.  and  Amanda  (Terry) 
Graham  (see  number  382)  ;  iv.  George  William,  b.  May  6,  1843;  v.  Charles 
EUsha,  b.  April  7,  1846,  d.  Sept.  3,  1847 ;    vi.  Andrew  Cash,  b.  Jan.  24,  1851. 

Ad(liso7i  Terry,  b.  in  Byron,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  18,  1812 ;  was  a  farmer  and  drover  in 
South  Byron.  Married  (1)  in  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  18.34,  Lucetta  Herd,  b.  in  HamUn, 
N.  Y.,  June  28,  1814 ;  d.  March  4,  1855,  in  Byron,  daughter  of  Asehel  and  Milly 
(Thompson)   Herd.     Married   (2)   in  Sweden,  N.  Y.,  March  26,  1860,  Mrs.  Ann 

Ebza    (Carr)    ,   daughter  of  and  Eunice    (Hill)    Carr.     Children 

by  first  wife  :  i.  Henry  Franklin,  b.  in  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  8,  1835,  served  in 
the  105th  Regiment  in  the  Civil  War;  ii.  Helen  Gray  (twin),  b.  in  Byron,  July 
5,  1843.  m.  Oct.  8,  1857,  James  F.  Todd,  a  farmer,  and  has  two  children,  Addison 
Terry,  b.  Oct.  24,  1862,  and  Fannie  Lucetta,  b.  Oct.  25,  1867  ;  iii.  AUce  Marie 
(twin),  b.  July  5,  1843;  iv.  Lawton  Addison,  b.  in  Byron,  Aug.  2,  1847,  farmer, 
m.  Nov.  16,  1870,  Esther  T.  Cumming,  has  child,  Jennie  Lucetta  ;  v.  Roderick  T., 
b.  in  Byron,  Aug.  10,  1850,  d.  Oct.  6,  1851. 

Jonas  Terry,  b.  in  Riga,  Feb.  23,  1814 ;    farmer  in  Batavia ;    m.  Mary  Ann  Merrill. 

650  William  Monroe  Terry,  b.  Jan.  23,  1816 ;    m.  Orinda  Aames. 

Children  by  second  wife 

Mary  Wellah  Terry,  b.  in  Sweden,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  26,  1817 ;  d.  in  Byron,  Jan.  6,  1847 ; 
not.  m. 

Solenna  F.  Tei-ry,  b.  Feb.  17,  1819,  in  Sweden  ;  m.  in  Byron,  Jan.  1,  1839,  Winfield 
WiUiston  Woodruff,  b.  in  Livonia,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  26,  1817,  son  of  Landon  Jesse  and 
Rachel  (Gould)  Woodruff.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Kearney,  Neb.  Children: 
i.  Orr  F.,  b.  in  Clarendon,  N.  Y.,  June  30,  1840,  lawyer  in  Morrison,  lib,  m.  there 
(1)  Nov.  11,  1862,  Victoria  C.  O'Harra  who  d.  Nov.,  1867,  m.  (2)  Feb.  22,  1869, 
Mary  Lathrop ;  ii.  Will  Maitland,  b.  in  Clarendon,  July  28,  1843,  attended  Com- 
mercial College  at  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  farmer  in  Kearney,  Neb.,  m.  in  Morrison, 
111.,  May  12,  1862,  Frances  Liveria  Alexander ;  iii.  John  Jay,  b.  in  Byron, 
N.  Y.,  Oct.  5,  1850,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  and  practiced  for  a  time  in  Morrison, 
111.,  later  removed  to  Kearney,  Neb.,  and  engaged  in  wool-growing,  m.  in  Cbnton, 
Iowa,  Sept.  18,  1874,  Irene  Harris. 

384.  HORACE  ABBE'''  TERRY,  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  8,  1794;  died  January,  1871.  Farmer  in 
Sangerfield,  N.  Y. 

Married  ANNA  CARTER. 


Horatio  Nelson  Terry,  d.  June  2,  1852 ;  farmer  in  Sangerfield  ;  m.  Oct.  3,  1843, 
Cornelia  H.  Day,  b.  May  23,  1822.  daughter  of  Lyman  and  Maria  (Preston) 
Day.  Children:  i.  Anna  M.,  b.  Sept.  22,  1844,  m.  Dec.  27,  1864,  China  Smith, 
had  child,  Elbert  C,  b.  Mav  1,  1866 ;  ii.  Ella  C,  b.  April  6,  1846,  m.  Dec.  20, 
1871,  Olo  K.  Conger;  iii.  Emma  K.,  b.  July  16,  1848,  m.  Nov.  5,  1868,  Charles 
P.  WiUiams,  had  child.  Flora  A.,  b.  Aug.  19,  1869;  iv.  Ada  L.,  b.  Nov.  18, 

Delos  Carter  Terry,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  Oct.  18,  1821 ;  farmer  in  Waterville,  N.  Y. ; 
m.  July  31,  1844,  Harriet  J.  Baldwin.  Children :  i.  Abce  H.,  b.  June  29,  1845, 
m.  Dec.  19,  1866,  Oscar  Winchell,  had  child,  Delos  Terry,  b.  Nov.  3,  1867; 
ii.  James  Delos,  b.  July  14,  1847,  m.  Nov.  18,  1868,  AmeUa  S.  Williams,  who  d. 

Sixth  Generation  203 

Nov.  5,  1869,  leaving  a  son,  James  Albert,  b.  Sept.  12,  1869  ;    iii.  Milton  Parks, 

b.  April  16,  1850,  d.  March  23,  1852  ;    iv.  Nelson  Chauncey,  b.  March  9,  1853 ; 

V.  Frederick,  b.  Sept.  10,  1855 ;    vi.  Sarah  Baldwin,  b.  June  26,  1858. 
Harriet  Carter  Terry,  b.  June  11,  1823 ;    lived  in  Sangerfield ;    m.  Sept.  22,  1845, 

Porter  S.  Squier.     Child  :    Charles  Porter,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  Jan.  2,  1847,  d.  in 

St.  Paul,  Minn.,.  Aug.  8,  1867. 
Elias  II.  Terry,  farmer  in  Sangoi-field  ;    m. Smith.     Children  :   i.  Parks,  lived 

in  Waterville ;    ii.  Sarah,  m.  Kenedy,  and  lived  in  Waterville. 

Aaron  Parks  Terry,  farmer  in  Sangerfield  ;     m.  Ann  White. 

Antoinette  Terry,  m.  Melanothon  Bigelow,  a  farmer  in  Sangerfield. 

Walter  Scott  Terry,  farmer  in  Sangerfield.    He  was  married  twice.    His  second  wife 

was  Georgia  Gridley. 

385.  HARRIET"  TERRY,  daughter  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe)  Terry, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  8,  1794;  died  in  Waterville,  N.  Y.,  April  5, 

Married  in  Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  June  26,  1814,  AARON  STAFFORD,  born  in 
Lanesboro,  Mass.,  March  18,  1787,  son  of  Ichabod  and  Humility  (Green)  Staf- 
ford.    Farmer  in  Sangerfield. 

Children,  horn  in  Waterville 

Lothrop  Parmlee  Stafford,  b.  Sept.  27,  1815  ;    d.  in  Forksville,  CaUf.,  May  30,  1849. 

He  was  a  merchant  in  New  York  City.     Married  (1)  1837.  Eliza  Lawson  of  New 

York  City,  who  d.  Jan.  28,  1839 ;    (2)  July,  1840.  Elisette  Cole  of  New  York  City. 
Mary  Stafford,  b.  June  7,  1817  ;    m.  June  21,  1854,  Henry  Talmadge  Utley,  b.  in 

Western,  N.  Y.,  March  3,  1821,  son  of  Squire  and  Clarissa    (Talmadge)    Utley. 

He  was  a  lawyer  in  Rome,  N.  Y.    They  resided  about  1880  in  Waterville. 
Ean-iet  Stafford,  b.  Sept.  19,  1819;    Uved  in  New  York  City.     Married  Aug.  29, 

1842,  William  B.  Stafford,  who  was  president  of  the  North  River  SaAdngs  Bank. 
Marshall  Bellinger  Stafford,  b.  June  29.  1821.     Patent  broker  in  New  York  City, 

lived  in  Orange,  N.  J.    Married  July  19,  1854,  Charlotte  Elliott  of  Goshen,  N.  Y. 
Aaron  Jackson  Stafford,  b.  March  20,  1825 ;    d.  Sept.  21,  1851,  in  Chagres,  Isthmus 

of  Panama  ;   not  m. 

386.  DYER6  TERRY,  son  of  Zeno  and  Tabitha^  (Abbe)  Terry,  born  in 
Sangerfield,  N.  Y.,  1798;    died  1842.     Farmer  in  Sangerfield. 

Married  in  Sangerfield,  1822,  CAROLINE  LOOMIS,  born  1805,  daughter  of 
Harvey  Loomis;   died  in  Cherry  Valley,  111.,  1876. 

Children,  horn  in  Sangerfield 

Horatio  Lafayette  Terry,  b.  1824 ;  farmer  in  Bridgewater,  N.  Y ;  m.  1845,  Mary 
Ann  Morgan.  Children :  i.  Dyer  Dewitt,  b.  in  Sangerfield,  1846,  farmer  in 
Rockford,  111.,  m.  in  Illinois,  1880,  Mary  Bush ;  ii.  Emma  Jane,  b.  in  Sanger- 
field, 1847,  lived  in  West  Winfield,  N,  Y.,  m.  in  Bridgewater,  1868,  William 
Stewart  Brockway  of  Bridgewater,  a  machine  agent,  and  had  two  children, 
Lebbeus  S.,  who  lives  in  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  and  Lena ;  iii.  Charles  DeLancy,  b.  in 
Bridgewater,  1848,  farmer  at  Schuyler's  Lake,  N.  Y.,  m.  1873,  Harriet  Gilmore ; 
iv.  Clara  Morgan,  b.  1851,  m.  in  Bridgewater,  1877,  Arthur  Loomis,  a  farmer  in 
Richfield,  N.  Y. ;  v.  Caroline  Ella,  b.  in  Bridgewater,  1853,  m.  Reuben  H.  Hinds,  a 
carpenter  of  Exeter,  N.  Y". ;  \i.  Frederick  Egbert,  b.  in  Bridgewater,  1855, 
dairyman  in  San  Francisco,  Calif. ;  vii.  Wilson  Howe,  b.  in  Bridgewater,  1857, 
farmer  in  Winfield,  N.  Y. ;  \\\\.  Harriet  Dorland,  b.  in  Bridgewater,  1859,  m.  in 
1878,  Maurice  Hinds  of  Exeter,  N.  Y.,  farmer,  later  salesman  for  whips,  and  had 
a  son. 

George  Egbert  Terry,  b.  1830 ;  merchant  in  Cherry  "Valley,  111 ;  m.  Martha  Brown, 
daughter  of  Ezra  Brown. 

387.     AZUBAH«  GLEASON,  daughter  of  Isaac  Gillette^  and  Azubah  (Pease) 
Gleason,  born  in  Middlefield,  Mass.,  September  1,  1777;    died  May  6,  1808. 

201  Abbe- Abbey  GenExYlogy 

Married  HEZEKIAH  ALLEN,  JR.,  born  in  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  September 
7,  1777;  died  March  11,  1816,  son  of  Hezekiah  and  Abigail  (Bartlett)  Allen. 
He  married  (2)  in  Vernon,  Conn.,  Mrs.  Nancy  (Paine)  Russell,  by  whom  he  had 


Cliildren  of  Azuhah  Oleason 

HezeMah  Allen,  3d,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  Feb.  27,  1804;  d.  in  Cranston,  R.  I., 
Feb.  2,  1871.  Hotel  keeper.  Married  in  Providence,  Oct.  9,  1834,  Elvira  Chase. 
(Stiles  says  iu  "Ancient  Windsor"  that  his  wife  was  Emeline  Abbe.)  Children, 
b.  in  Providence :  i.  Elvira  E.,  b.  Jan.  31,  1837,  not  m. ;  ii.  Hezekiah,  4th,  b. 
Sept.  1,  1838,  d.  April  1.5,  1902,  not  m. ;  iii.  Emily,  b.  Jan.  4,  1841,  m.  July  24, 
1883,  Dexter  B.  Potter,  b.  in  Scitnate,  R.  I.,  Aug.  23,  1840,  hves  in  Pro^'idence, 
no  children. 

Henry  Allen,  h.  Sept.  4,  1805;   d.  Sept.  28  (or  Oct.  7),  1805. 

Isaac  Glcason  Allen,  b.  Jan.  6,  1807,  in  East  Windsor;  lived  in  Hartford,  Conn., 
where  he  died,  Aug.  23,  1886.  Merchant.  Married  Oct.  20,  1831,  Sabra 
McKnight  Thompson,  b.  in  East  Windsor,  March  2,  1807;  d.  Sept.  11,  1888, 
daughter  of  John  McKnight  and  Sabra  (Allen)  Thompson.  Children:  i.  Emily 
Gleason,  b.  in  East  Wiudsor,  June  12,  1833,  d.  Oct.  12,  18-34 ;  ii.  Emma  Gleason, 
b.  in  Hartford,  July  24,  1842,  resides  there,  unm. 

Azuhah  Oleason  Allen,  b.  in  East  Wiudsor,  April  24,  1808 ;  d.  Jan.  10,  1884. 
Married  (1)  at  East  Windsor,  April  28,  1840,  Nathaniel  Perkins  Heath,  b.  in 
Canada,  about  1810;  d.  in  Mineral  Point,  Wis.,  Aug.  7,  1846,  aged  36,  son  of 
Jonas  and  Deborah  (Garlin)  Heath.  Married  (2)  at  Vernon,  Conn.,  May  8, 
1856,  Thomas  Leudrum.     She  had  two  children  by  her  first  marriage. 

388.  ISAAC'  GLEASON,  son  of  Isaac  Gillette^  and  Azubah  (Pease)  Gleason, 
born  in  Middlefield,  Mass.,  September  2,  1779.  He  was  a  musician,  lived  in 
Worthington,  Mass.,  until  about  1850,  moved  to  Liverpool,  N.  Y.,  then  to 
Hinsdale,  Mass.,  where  he  died. 

Man-ied  in  Middlefield,  November  21,  1805,  SALLY  DICKSON,  born  October 
30,  1780,  daughter  of  James  and  Margaret  (         )   Dickson. 


Harry  Dickson  Gleason,  b.  June  17,  1807. 

Isaac   Gillette   Gleason,    b.    Oct.   15,    1810 ;     m.   Dec.   17,    1835,   Amanda   Church. 

Children,   probably  all  d.   unm.:    i.   Ara ;    ii.   Isaac;    iii.   Horace;    iv.   Parcey; 

V.  Azubah  ;    vi.  Martha. 

Independence  Gleason,  b.  Aug.  17,  1812  ;    m.  Bartlett.     No  children. 

Monroe  Gleason,  b.  Aug.  16,  1814 ;    d.  in  the  summer  of  1850.     Lived  in  Liverpool, 

N.  Y.,  Worthington,  Hinsdale,  and  Pittsfield,  Mass.     Died  in  Pittsfield.     Married 

twice.     Had  a  son  James,  who  lived  in  Pittsfield,  and  four  other  children. 
Daricin  Gleason,  b.  May  23,  1816;    m.  three  times.     Had  a  son  Wallace,  who  lived 

in  Cheyenne,  Wyo. 
Harmony  Gleason,  h.  March  29,  1819 ;    d.  Sept.  5,  1821. 
Alotizo  Gleason,  h.  Dec.  2,  1820 ;    d.  Sept.  18,  1821. 

389.  HORACE"  GLEASON,  son  of  Isaac  Gillette^  and  Azubah  (Pease) 
Gleason,  born  in  Middlefield,  Mass.,  about  1787;  died  in  Chester,  Mass.  Boot 
and  shoe  maker. 

Married  September  11,  1814,  HULDAH  GILLETT. 

Children,  torn  in  Worthington,  Mass.  (order  not  Icnown) 

Amanda  Gleason,  b.  Sept.  10,  1815;    d.  in  Worthington. 
Solomon  Gleason,  d.  young. 

651  Henry  Horace   Gleason,   b.   April  25,   1819;     ra.    (1)    Mary   Anice    Spring;     (2) 

Martha  R.  Warner. 
Emily  Gleason,  lived  in  Springfield,  Mass. 
Nancy  Gleason,  lived  in  Chester,  Mass. 

652  Isaac  Gleason,  b.  Jan.  11,  1824;    m.  EUzabeth  Olmstead. 
Julia  Gleason,  m.  and  had  two  daughters. 

Sixth  Generation  205 

390.  IRA"  GLEASON,  son  of  Isaac  Gillette^  and  Azubali  (Pease)  Gleason, 
born  in  jMiddlefield,  Mass.,  April,  1789;  resided  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  for  a  short 
time,  then  went  to  Liverpool,  N.  Y.,  about  1812  and  died  there.  Farmer,  boat- 
man and  salt  manufacturer.  In  1850  he  was  recorded  with  his  family  in  the 
town  of  Salina,  Onondaga  County. 

Married  MARY  FLINT,  born  in  New  York  State. 

Children,  horn  in  'New  York  State 

Lucius  Oleason,  b.  Dec.  8,  1819  ;  d.  Jan.  3,  189.3 ;  not  m.  He  was  a  merchant  in 
Liverpool,  N.  Y.,  and  one  of  the  board  of  directors  of  the  Third  National  Bank  of 
Sj'racuse,  N.  Y. 

A::iibah  Gleason,  b.  March  27,  1822  ;  lived  in  Liverpool;  m.  Anson  S.  Lacy.  Child  : 

Willard  Gleason,  h.  July  16,  1823;  d.  July  21,  1883;  Uved  in  Liverpool.  Merchant. 
Married  Ellen  Sherman.  Children  :  i.  Frank,  b.  Nov.  9,  1857,  m.  Carrie  Hunt- 
ington and  has  three  children  ;  ii.  Fred,  b.  Dec.  .31,  1858,  m.  Mary  Murgatroid, 
no  children  ;  iii.  Emma,  b.  July  23,  1863 ;  iv.  WiUis,  b.  May  8,  1869,  m.  Lula 
Clement  and  has  three  children. 

Caroline  Gleason,  b.  Sept.  27,  1825;  lived  in  Liverpool;  m.  Frank  Alvord,  b.  in 
South  Hadley,  Mass.,  April  3,  1818,  son  of  Cyrus  and  Asenath  (Smith)  Alvord. 
Children  :    i.  Frank,  jr. ;   ii.  Charles  G.,  b.  Nov.  21,  1852 ;    iii.  Brand. 

William  Gleason,  b.  July  16,  1827.  He  was  a  merchant  in  the  town  of  Salina,  1850. 
Has  lived  near  Watkins,  N.  Y.,  in  Elmira,  and  Liverpool.  Served  in  the  Civil 
War.  Married  Cornelia  Jackson.  Children  :  i.  Mamie  C,  m.  I.  F.  Baxter  and 
lives  in  Omaha,  Neb. ;  ii.  William  A.,  b.  May  10,  1870,  m.  Maud  Brown  and  has 
a  daughter,  Ruth. 

Orson  Gleason,  b.  Dec.  17,  1828;  not  m.  Was  a  merchant  in  the  town  of  Salina  in 

Sarah  Gleason,  b.  May  4,  1831 ;  d.  July,  1858 ;  lived  in  Baldwinsville,  N.  Y. ;  m. 
L.  Smith.     Children  :   i.  Frank  ;    ii.  James  ;    iii.  MolMe. 

Mary  Gleason,  b.  Sept.  1,  1834 ;  lived  in  Grand  Haven,  and  d.  there  April,  1857 ; 
m.  Myron  Harris.     Children  :    i.  Libbie ;    ii.  Martha  ;    iii.  Charles ;    iv.  Myron,  jr. 

Martha  Gleason,  b.  Sept.  27,  1836. 

Edivard  Gleason  (twin),  b.  Aug.  21,  18.38;    d.  Dec.  22,  1871. 

Edwin  Gleason  (twin),  b.  Aug.  21,  1838;    d.  1886. 

391.  LYMAN"  ABBEY,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Lydia  (Parsons)  Abbey,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  Au^st  30,  1784;  died  in  South  Avon,  N.  Y.,  February  20, 
1862;  buried  in  Littleville  Cemetery.  His  name  was  recorded  on  some  of  the 
old  records  as  Simon,  through  a  confusion  arising  from  the  early  spelling  of 
the  name  Limon.    He  was  a  cooper  by  trade  and  later  followed  farming  in  Avon. 

Married  HANNAH  HUBBARD,  buried  in  Littleville  Cemetery. 


Hannah  Emeline  Alhey,  d.  July  3,  1841.  She  resided  in  Mount  Morris,  N.  Y.,  for 
a  time,  and  removed  to  Tuscola,  Mich.,  in  1837.  Married  June  12,  1834,  Lovira 
Hart  of  Avon,  b.  in  Durham,  Greene  County,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  8,  1808 ;  d.  in  Tuscola, 
Mich.,  March  5,  1892,  son  of  Lemuel  and  Anna  (Hotchkiss)  Hart.  He  was  a 
farmer.  Children  :  i.  Ann  Jennett,  b.  Oct.  8,  1835,  in  Mount  Morris,  resides  in 
Avon,  attended  the  Lima  Seminary  in  the  early  50"s.  is  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Church,  m.  Dec.  11,  1861,  Leicester  Johnson,  jr.,  son  of  Leicester  and  Julia  Ann 
(BickneU)  Johnson,  b.  June  10,  1834,  d.  Feb.  1,  1915,  buried  at  Pole  Ridge 
Cemetery,  was  educated  at  Lima  Seminary  and  a  member  of  the  Amphyction 
Club ;  ii.  Emergene,  b.  May  10,  1837,  d.  May  3,  1851 ;  iii.  Mary  Jane,  b.  Jan.  9, 
1839,  in  Tuscola,  Mich.,  resides  in  Michigan ;  iv.  Hannah  Emeline,  b.  July  3, 
1841,  in  Tuscola,  resides  near  Vassar,  Mich. 

Mary  Ann  Ahbcij,  d.  unm. ;    buried  in  Littleville  Cemetery. 

Clarissa  Hubbard  Abbey,  d.  in  Avon  ;    not  m. ;    buried  in  Littleville  Cemetery. 

John  Lyman  Abbey,  d.  young.  The  casket  was  taken  to  Avon  Cemetery  on  horse- 
back as  there  was  no  road  through  the  woods  from  South  Avon  to  Avon  Cemetery. 

John  Abbey,  d.  unm. ;    buried  in  Littleville  Cemetery. 

206  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

653     Lyman  Abbey,  jr.,  m.  Elvira  or  Emeline  Peck. 

Lydia  Abbey,  b.  1821 ;  d.  March  23,  1872,  buried  in  Littleville  Cemetery.  Ske  was 
a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Married  Daniel  McKercher.  Children : 
i.  Lillie  J.,  b.  Dec.  12,  1853,  d.  Nov.  4,  1893 ;  ii.  M.  Louise,  b.  in  Avon,  Aug.  7, 
1855,  m.  Nov.  25,  1886,  John  Garvey,  son  of  Edward  and  Mary   (  )   Garvey, 

b.  in  Lima,  N.  Y.,  July  18,  1865.  They  reside  in  Avon  and  are  members  of  the 
Methodist  Church.  Mr.  Garvey  is  a  farmer  and  dealer  in  real  estate  and 

Louisa  Abbey,  m.  George  VanNcss  of  Livonia.  Children:  i.  Cornelia,  b.  in  Livonia, 
d.  young  ;   ii.  Henry  ;    iii.  John  ;   iv.  Mina  ;    v.  Sarah  ;    and  one  or  two  more. 

Fidelia  Abbey,  d.  when  a  young  girl. 

392,  HENRY"  ABBEY,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Lydia  (Parsons)  Abbey,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  April  18,  1791;  died  in  Sandisfield,  Mass.,  June  20,  1867. 
He  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life  in  Sandisfield  and  succeeded  to  the  owner- 
ship of  the  homestead.  He  held  various  public  offices,  ineh^ding  that  of 
Selectman,  and  was  Representative  to  the  State  Legislature  for  two  terms. 

Married  JULIA  GIBBS,  born  in  Tolland,  Hampden  County,  Mass.,  May  4, 
1797,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Charlotte  (Mather)  Gibbs;    died  April  20,  1873. 


654  Milton  Abbey,  h.  Aug.  11,  1819  ;    m.  Maria  Clayton  ( ?). 

655  Frederick  Abbey,  h.  Oct.  5,  1821;    m.  Lucy  Jane  Fai'go. 

Franklin  Abbey,  b.  June  13,  1824;    m.  Fanny  Gibbs  and  had  a  son  Chester.     Both 
Franklin  and  his  wife  are  dead. 

393.  THOMAS"  ABBEY,  son  of  Thomas^  and  Lydia  (Parsons)  Abbe,  born 
September  28,  1802,  probably  in  Massachusetts;  died  in  Avon,  Livingston 
County,  N.  Y.    His  father  was  a  resident  of  Sandisfield,  Mass.,  in  1800. 

Married  April  15,  1845,  PHEBE  GOFF,  born  May  20,  1810,  probably  in  Massa- 
chusetts. She  was  the  daughter  of  Alvin  and  Phebe  (Mead)  Goff,  and  died  July 
7,  1880,  in  Avon,  N.  Y. 


Italia  Emily  Abbey,  b.  April  10,  1847.  Married  in  South  Avon,  Livingston  County, 
N.  Y.,  Nov.  17,  1881,  Louis  Tripp,  b.  in  South  Dansville,  Steuben  County,  N.  Y., 
Dec.  13,  1846,  son  of  Simeon  and  Mary  (Beutley)  Tripp.  They  reside  in  Avon, 
N.  Y.  Children  :  i.  Walter  Lewis,  b.  March  16.  1883,  m.  Oct.  21,  1914,  Rebecca 
M.  Watters ;  ii.  Belle  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  10,  1884,  m.  Nov.  18,  1908,  and  d.  June  27, 
1912,  had  one  daughter,  Esther  Belle,  b.  April  20,  1911 ;  iii.  Lois  Louise,  b.  Feb. 
23,  1887. 

Frank  Elizur  Abbey,  b.  June  19,  1850;    d.  Sept.  22,  1851. 
656     Frances  Isabelle  Abbey,  b.  Nov.  15,  1852,  at  South  Lima,  N.  Y. ;    m.  James  M. 

Alvin  Thomas  Abbey,  b.  March  4,  1855,  in  Avon,  N.  Y.     Resides  in  Adrian,  Mich. 

Farmer.    Married  Mrs.  Mary  A. ,  who  had  two  sons  by  a  former  marriage. 

The  oldest  one  took  the  name  of  his  step-father  and  is  known  as  Marion  L.  Abbey. 
He  is  engaged  in  the  music  business  in  Adrian. 

394.  CHARLES"  ABBE,  son  of  Richards,  jr.,  and  Lydia  (Steveson)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  1,  1785 ;  died  June  26,  1878 ;  buried  in  Enfield. 
Farmer  in  Enfield. 

Married  in  Enfield,  March  2,  1809,  HARRIET  STRONG,  daughter  of  

and  Lydia  (Hall)  Strong,  born  February  21,  1787;    died  June  22,  1855;    buried 
in  Enfield. 

Children,  born  in  Enfield 

657     Charles  Alonzo  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  17,  1809 ;    m.  Eliza  Pasco. 

Harriet  Ann  Abbe,  h.  Nov.  5,  1811 ;    m.  in  Enfield,  May  3,  1842,  Edward  Hoskins, 
b.  June  11,  1809;    d.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  4,  1882,  son  of  Eli  and  Harriet  (Richard- 

Sixth  Generation  207 

son)  Hoskins.     Childron,  b.  in  Enfield:    i.  Ann  Augusta,  b.  Oct.  8,  1844,  not  m. ; 
ii.  Charles  Edward,  b.  Oct.  26,  1850,  not  m. 

658  Almira  Abbe,  b.  April  16,  1816;   m.  Norton  Gowdy. 

659  Alanj  Abbe,  b.  July  16,  1822;    m.  Joseph  Hooker  Russell. 

liichard  Thomas  Abbe.  h.  Dec.  14,  1825;  d.  probably  March  11,  1888.  Removed  to 
East  Windsor  in  1879.  He  was  agent  for  Fairbanks  Scales  Company,  later 
became  a  tobacco  raiser.  Married  at  St.  Johnsbury,  Vt.,  March  11,  1858,  Helen 
G.  Woods,  b.  in  Bath,  N.  H.,  Oct.  22,  1829,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Lucy  (Moul- 
ton)  Woods.  Children:  i.  Olive,  b.  at  St.  Johnsbury,  April  4,  1859,  m.  Jan.  11, 
1888,  Oliver  Smith  Jones,  b.  in  Hartford,  Sept.  3,  1837,  son  of  John  Pantrey  and 
Lucy  (Pratt)  Jones,  had  a  son,  Richard  Pratt,  b.  at  South  Windsor,  Nov.  21, 
1888;  ii.  Isaac  Thomas,  b.  at  South  Windsor,  Jan.  20,  1861,  d.  Feb.  6,  1887,  at 
Thompsonville,  not  m. 

660  Lorinda  Abbe,  b.  July  26,  1828;    m.  Calvin  Oscar  King. 

395.  RICHARD"  ABBE,  3D,  son  of  Richard^  jr.,  and  Lydia  (Steveson)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  30,  1788,  twin  with  Roswell.  He  was  a  farmer 
and,  with  his  wife,  was  living  in  Enfield  in  1850. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  29,  1810,  CHARLOTTE  BEMENT,  born  Novem- 
ber 3,  1788,  daughter  of  Dennis,  jr.,  and  Lydia  (         )  Bement.     See  number  165. 

Children,  born  in  Enfield 

Caroline  Abbe,  b.  Dec.  11,  1811 ;    m.  May  1,  1834,  Ephraim  Potter,  son  of  Ephraim 

Pease  and  Abigail  (Terry)   Potter.     See  number  595. 
661     Charlotte  Abbe,  bapt.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  4,  1821;    m.  John  Sheldon. 
Elizabeth  Abbe,  bapt.  Nov.  4,  1821 ;    d.  1821. 
Harriet  Abbe,  b.  July  24,  1823;    m.  April  30,  1843,  Henry  Augustus*  Abbe,  jr. 

See  number  819. 
(Son),  d.  July  14,  1832,  aged  3  days. 

396.  ROSWELL"  ABBE,  son  of  Richard^  jr.,  and  Lydia  (Steveson)  Abbe, 
twin  with  Richard,  born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  30,  1788;  died  December 
17,  1850.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Enfield. 

Married  in  Enfield,  November  30,  1809,  SARAH  OLMSTED,  born  in  Enfield, 
April  5,  1791 ;   died  October  21,  1835. 

Children,  born  in  Enfield 

Sally  Olmsted  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  20,  1811 ;  d.  Dec.  25,  1891.  Married  in  Enfield,  April 
12,  1838,  Albert  King,  b.  Jan.  23,  1811,  son  of  Colonel  Jabez  and  Rebecca 
(Terry)  King;  d.  Dec.  28,  1891;  b.  and  d.  in  Enfield.  He  was  associated  with 
his  father  in  manufacturing  wagons.  He  represented  the  town  in  the  state 
legislature  at  one  time  and  was  a  deacon  in  the  Congregational  Church. 
Children,  b.  in  Thompsonville :  i.  Frederick  Albert,  b.  Nov.  5,  1839,  has  been  a 
teacher,  United  States  Internal  Revenue  Inspector  and  in  other  kinds  of  business, 
m.  Oct.  17,  1872,  Amanda  Thompson  Clark,  b.  in  Washington,  Mass.,  Aug.  9, 
1847,  daughter  of  Silas  W.  and  Louisa  (Thompson)  Clark,  no  children;  11. 
James,  b.  Aug.  18,  1843,  d.  Sept.  2,  1844;  iii.  Robert  Francis,  b.  Nov.  2,  1849, 
is  a  retired  jeweler  in  Thompsonville,  m.  (1)  June  10,  1875,  Bessie  Marian' 
Abbe,  b.  Jan.  3,  1850,  d.  June  19,  1907,  daughter  of  Albert'  and  Maria^  (Abbe) 
Abbe,  no  children,  m.  (2)  June  25,  1908,  Edith  Sellew,  b.  Aug.  27,  1871, 
daughter  of  Albertus  Huston  and  Ellen  Maria  (Humphrey)  Sellew,  of  Huguenot 
ancestry,  has  one  child,  Sarah  Alberta,  b.  Feb.  23,  1912. 

Julia  Abbe,  b.  in  Ellington.  Conn.,  Nov.  15,  1815;    d.  Aug.  18,  1900;    not  m. 

Rosicell  Abbe,  jr.,  b.  Feb.  11,  1818 ;    d.  Feb.  27,  1822. 

Roxalenah  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  7,  1822;  d.  April  18,  1889.  Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  Sept. 
28,  1845,  Wilham  Smith  Allen  of  Boston,  b.  in  Enfield,  Feb.  16,  1822 ;  d.  Oct.  10, 
1891,  son  of  George  and  Fanny  (Smith)  Allen.  She  divorced  him  before  1850, 
when  she  was  residing  with  her  parents  under  her  maiden  name,  and  m.  (2)  Dec. 
30,  1858,  William  Barnes  of  Warehouse  Point,  b.  in  Tolland,  Conn.,  Feb.  8,  1802 ; 
d.  Dec.  23,  1872,  at  Warehouse  Point,  son  of  Jonathan  and  Rachel  (Steele) 
Barnes.     He  was  a  lawyer,  judge  of  probate  and  a  member  of  the  legislature. 

208  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

He  had  children  by  a  previous  marriage  to  Maria  Holkins,  none  by  this.  One  of 
his  children  was  Sarah  Maria,  who  m.  Joseph  Olmsted,  jr.,  see  elsewhere. 
Child  of  Roxalenah  Abbe  and  William  Smith  Allen  :  Sarah  Abbe,  b.  Jan.  28, 
1849,  in  Enfield,  d.  in  Plantsville,  Conn.,  June  16,  1882,  m.  May  9,  1878,  Dr. 
Samuel  J.  Allen  of  White  River  Junction,  Vt.,  and  had  a  daughter,  Roxalina, 
b.  at  White  River  Junction,  Jan.  18,  1881,  who  lives  in  Bangor,  Maine,  m.  Robert 
W.  Selkirk  and  has  a  daughter,  Roberta. 

662  Simeon  Olmsted  Abbe,  b.  Nov.  18,  1829;    m.  Louise  Williams. 
,  b.  and  d.  Oct.  21,  1835. 

397.  JOSHUA^  ABBE,  son  of  Richard^  jr.,  and  Lydia  (Steveson)  Abbe, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  August  17,  1792;  died  January  29,  1874.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  Enfield  Church,  July  2,  1826;  testified  regarding  his  mother's 
pension,  1858.  In  the  Enfield  town  records  is  this  entry,  ^'1811,  Nov.  23  were 
joined  together  in  marriage  Mr.  Joshua  Abbe  and  Miss  Phila  Pease.  Fee  two 
hard  dollars."    He  was  recorded  as  a  farmer  in  Enfield  in  1850. 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  November  23,  1811  (or  1812),  PHILA  PEASE,  born 
about  1793;  died  June  20,  1826,  aged  33  years.  She  was  daughter  of  Lemuel 

Married  (2)  May  3,  1827,  EHODA  FELT,  born  October  19,  1791,  in  West 
Springfield,  Mass.;  died  in  Enfield,  January  9,  1874.  She  was  tlie  daughter 
of  Joseph  and  Sarah  (Hills)  Felt,  and  the  widow  of  Alfred  Griswold  of  Poquo- 
nock,  Conn.,  to  whom  she  was  married  April  6,  1825. 

Children  by  first  wife,  recorded  in  Enfield 

663  Joshua  Abbe,  b.  June  28,  1814 ;    m.  Martha  Louise  Hayden. 

664  Lemuel  Abbe,  h.  1817  ;    m.  Sarah  WardwcU. 
Phila  Abbe,  d.  Jan.  20,  1819,  aged  11  months. 

,  b.  Jan.  21,  1819:    d.  Jan.  31.  1819. 

,  b.  and  d.  June  18,  1826. 

Child  by  second  wife 

Henry  Abbe,  b.  in  Enfield,  Sept.  17,  1831;    committed  suicide  in  Enfield,  Sept.  22, 
1893.    He  had  resided  in  Hartford,  and  was  never  married. 

398.  GEORGE"  ABBE,  son  of  Richard^  jr.,  and  Lydia  (Steveson)  Abbe,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  24,  1794;  died  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  May  22,  1858. 
For  many  years  he  resided  in  Enfield  and  was  a  Avell-known  river-boatman  in 
the  days  before  the  railroad.  When  the  New  York,  New  Haven  and  Hartford 
Railroad  was  put  througli,  he  became  the  agent  at  Thompsonville,  the  village 
that  is  a  part  of  Enfield.  In  the  Enfield  records  are  these  entries  that  may 
refer  to  his  family:  a  daughter  of  George  Abbe,  died  June  10,  1834;  a  child 
of  George  Abbe  died  March  14,  1840,  aged  a  few  days.  Known  as  Captain 
George  Abbe. 

Married  (1)  September  30,  1819,  SALLY  CHAPMAN  of  Tolland,  born  May 
20,  1795,  in  Ellington,  Conn.,  daughter  of  James  Chapman  and  Sally  Squire 
(or  Agnes  Damon).     She  died  in  Enfield,  at  childbirth,  April  26,  1838. 

Married  (2)  ANNA  HARPER,  of  Scitico,  born  in  Connectictit,  about  1803. 

Children  by  first  wife  only 

665  George  Chapman  Abbe,  b.  Oct.  22,  1820 ;    m.  Jane  M.  Warner. 

666  James  Abbe,  b.  June  1,  1822  ;    m.  Caroline  E.  Terry. 
j\Iaria  S.   (probably  Sally)  Abbe,  d.  before  1879. 

Warner  Clifford  Abbe,  b.  Feb.  19,  1835;  resides  at  Toms  River,  N.  J.  He  was 
justice  of  the  peace  and  under-sheriff  of  Ocean  County  in  1879.  Married  Mary 
Wilson  of  Thompsonville,  Conn.  Child  :  Ida,  lives  in  Mount  Holly,  N.  J.,  m. 
Dr.  VanDervere,  has  two  children,  Warren,  a  physician  practicing  with  his  father, 
and  Gladys. 

Sixth  Generation  209 

399.     TRYPHOSA"  BOOTH,  (laughter  of  Joel  and  Trepliosa^   (Abbe)  Booth, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  20,  1787. 

Married  in  Enfield,  December  19,  1804,  PLYN  PARSONS. 


Charles  Booth  Parsons,  b.  July  2,  1805;  (I.  in  Louisville,  Ky. ;  m.  and  had  at  least 
seven  children. 

Tryphosa  Maria  Parsons,  b.  Oct.  20,  1808 ;    d.  in  Enfield,  Dec.  26,  1810. 

Benjamin  Booth  Paraoiis,  b.  in  Enfield.  Aug.  19,  1810;  d.  in  Philadelphia,  Feb. 
25,  1887.  Graduate  of  Amherst  College  and  Windsor  Theological  Seminary ; 
received  degrees  D.D.  and  LL.D.  Held  pastorates  of  Presbyterian  churches  at 
New  Preston,  Conn. ;  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y. ;  Madrid,  Henvclton,  and  Ripon,  Wis. ; 
Lacon,  111. ;  St.  Joseph,  Mo. ;  Philadelphia.  Married  Aug.  9,  1838,  Arabella 
Buckingham,  b.  1809,  d.  March  7,  1893,  daughter  of  Hosmer  and  Lily  (Snow) 
Buckingham  of  Essex,  Conn.  Children  :  i.  Maria  Sophronia,  b.  in  New  Preston, 
lives  in  Philadelphia,  m.  Charles  F.  Wheeler,  no  children,  member  of  the  Daugh- 
ters of  the  American  Revolution  ;  ii.  Arabella  Tryphosa,  lives  in  Philadelphia, 
m.  (1)  Henry  Wilcox  Crane,  (2)  William  Ingram,  has  daughter  Arabella  Bertha 
Crane,  who  was  b.  in  Lacon,  111.,  lives  in  Philadelphia,  and  is  a  member  of  the 
Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution  ;  iii.  Charles  Benjamin,  d.  unm. ;  iv.  Mary 
Jane  Meeker,  b.  in  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.,  bves  in  Philadelphia,  member  of  the 
Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution,  m.  Abner  Greer  Murphey,  no  children ; 
V.  Hosmer  Buckingham,  m.  Cletis  Howson,  d.  leaving  one  daughter,  Emma  Lily 
Arabella,  who  lives  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  m.  Charles  Seidler  Adams  and  has  two 
children,  Franklin  and  Ceha ;  vi.  Emma  Augusta,  Kves  in  Baldwin,  Long  Island, 
m.  Robert  W.  Robins,  no  children. 

Maria  So2)hronia  Parsons,  b.  in  Enfield,  Nov.  5,  1815;  d.  Jan.  10,  1892;  bved  at 
Warehouse  Point ;  m.  Elihu  Cook,  sou  of  OHver  Cook.  He  d.  June,  1908,  aged 
94.  Children  :  i.  Charles  B.,  d.  1902,  m.  Nellie  Chapman,  who  d.  in  1906,  had  a 
child,  Florence;  ii.  NeUie  A.,  m.  Jan.  28,  1892,  Charles  L.  Heath,  b.  at  Ware- 
bouse  Point,  June  20,  1844,  son  of  William  H.  and  Ehzabeth  (Bartlett)  Heath, 
no  children.  Mr.  Heath  has  been  deputy  sheriff  in  Warehouse  Point  for  twenty 

400.  CHAUNCEY^  ALLEN,  son  of  Isaac  and  Huldali^  (Abbe)  Allen,  born 
in  Enfield,  Conn.,  March  24,  1796;    lived  in  Enfield,  and  died  June  22,  1885. 

Married  (1)  in  Enfield,  December  18,  1822,  MARY  PEASE,  born  in  Enfield, 
Febiniary,  1804;  died  August  20,  1850,  daughter  of  Peter  and  Huldah  (Stebbins) 

Married  (2)  in  Enfield,  April  2,  1857,  MRS.  HANNAH  S.  HARRIS,  of 
Plympton,  Mass. 

Children  hy  first  tcije  only 

John  Lavine  Allen,  b.  June  4,  1823;    d.  Jan.  7,  1826. 

Mary  J.  Allen,  h.  Oct.,  1825  ;    d.  Jan.  8,  1831. 

Isaac  Almarin  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  July  22,  1827 ;    lives  in  Enfield.     Married  April 

10,   1851,   Harriet   J.   Carrier,    b.   1833,   daughter   of   Omri    Gates   and    Harriet 

(Potter)  Carrier.     Children,  b.  in  Enfield:    i.  Mary,  b.  1852,  d.  Jan.  6,  1855;    ii. 

Leha  Jane,  b.  Nov.  20,  1854 ;    iii.  Ehzabeth,  b.  Sept.  18,  1857,  m.  Lewis  Burns, 

no  children  ;    iv.  Isaac  A.,  jr.,  b.  May  22,  1859,  lives  in  Hartford,  m.  and  had 

three  children,  one  of  whom  has  died  ;    v.  Mary  G.,  b.  June  12,  1802,  d.  young. 
Huldah  Allen,  b.  July,  1829 ;    d.  Jan.  19,  1831. 

Chauncey  L.  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  Aug.  1,  1831 ;    d.  in  California,  Dec.  25,  1857. 
Juliaette  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  June  14,  1833 ;    m.  April  20.  18.54,  John  S.  Parsons, 

b.  in  Enfield,  May  23,  1833,  son  of  Simeon  Parsons.     Children,  not  married  :    i. 

Juhaette  AUen,  b.  May  6,  1855 ;    ii.  Mary  Ehzabeth,  b.  May  8,  1860 ;   iii.  Martha 

Adeha,  b.  Dec.  6,  1869.     Residence,  Enfield. 
Maryette  Allen,  b.  April  9,  1835 ;   d.  March  13,  1887 ;    m.  June,  1856,  Edwin  Terry. 

Children  :   i.  Edward  Lavine  ;   ii.  Chauncey  Allen  ;   iii.  Emma  Louise  ;   iv.  Charles 

Ernest.    Residence,  Broad  Brook. 
Peter  Horatius  Allen,  b.  June  10,  1837  ;    d.  .     Served  in  the  Civil  War  and 

seven  years  in  the  regular  army.     Lived  at  the  Soldiers'  Home,  Noroton,  Conn. 

Not  m. 


210  Abbe-Abbey  Genealogy 

Margaret  Pease  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  June  4,  1839 ;  d.  Sept.  14,  1899.  Married  in 
Enfield,  July  7,  1858,  Ralph  Belknap,  son  of  Charles  Kellogg  and  Elvira 
(Stoughton)  Belknap.  Children:  i.  Ralsman ;  ii.  Mary ;  iii.  Jennie ;  iv.  Abbie ; 
V.  Lucius ;    vi.  Or\-ille. 

Maria  Louise  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  March  13,  1844;  d.  April  12,  1866;  m.  Henry 
Waymouth.     Children  :    i.  Mary  Allen ;    ii.  William. 

Otis  Eugene  Allen,  b.  in  Enfield,  May  1,  1848;  d.  in  Westfield,  Mass.,  Nov.  23, 
1905.  Married  in  Enfield,  Dec.  29,  1870,  Ida  Eliza  Allen,  b.  Jan.,  1852,  in  East 
Windsor,  Conn.,  daughter  of  Horace  Barber  and  Eliza  (Eastman)  Allen.  No 

401.  HULDAH''  LORD,  daughter  of  George  and  Huldah^  *  (Abbe)  Lord, 
born  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  July  26,  1804 ;    died  June  30,  1860. 

Married  September  27,  1824,  FREDERICK  PEASE,  born  at  East  Windsor, 
October  2,  1801;  died  March  5,  1852.  He  was  son  of  Moses,  jr.,  and  Lovisa 
(Markham)  Pease,    Mechanic. 


Harris  Pease,  b.  Jan  26,  1825 ;    d.  April  3,  1872.     No  children. 

667  Almira  Pease,  h.  Jan.  18,  1827 ;    m.  Josiah  Sanford  Potter. 

Frederick  Noiris  Pease,  b.  Dec.  2,  1828 ;    d.  Aug.  18,  1897 ;    m.  Maria  Shultus, 

Children  :    i.  Dexter ;    ii.  Eva  M.     These  are  living  in  CaUforuia,  not  m. 
Huldah  Amanda  Pease,  b.  Aug.  24,  1830 ;    d.  Dec.  25,  1832. 

668  John  Milan  Pease,  b.  Nov.  20,  1832 ;    m.  Laura  Lucinda  Phelps. 
Edgar  Pease,  b.  Oct.  28,  1834 ;    d.  Oct.  4,  1856 ;    not  m. 

Ephraim  Pease,  b.  Feb.  2,  1837 ;    d.  March  1,  1888 ;    not  m.     Soldier  in  the  Civil 

669  Huldah  Belinda  Pease,  b.  Oct.  16,  1841 ;   m.  Ogden  Troup  Cone. 


402.  CHARLES  TURNER"  ABBE,  son  of  Amos  Burnett"  and  Vesta  (Turner) 
Abbe,  born  Februaiy  12,  1800;  died  July  7,  1877;  buried  in  West  Medway, 
Mass.    He  resided  in  Franklin,  Mass. 

Mai-ried  April  8,  1827,  MARY  ANN  PARTRIDGE,  born  March  26,  1808, 
daughter  of  Edward  and  Hannah  (Legg)  Partridge  of  Oakham;  died  December 
27,  1878. 

Children,  huried  in  West  Medway 

Charles  Ahhe,  b.  about  1830 ;    d.  Jan.  26,  1897,  aged  67 ;    m.  Alice  Lawrence. 
Lewis  A.  Ahbe,  b.  Sept.,  1832 ;   d.  July  1,  1833. 

Miriam  Abbe,  b.  about  1834;    d.  Nov.  19,  1876,  aged  42.     Married  Hill  and 

had  a  son  Charles  F.,  who  lives  at  Greenfield,  Mass. 
Vestia  Abbe,  b.  about  1837 ;   d.  Nov.  19,  1850,  aged  13  years. 

403.  NANCY^  ABBE,  daughter  of  Amos  Burnett"  and  Vesta  (Turner)  Abbe, 
born  September  15,  1807;    died  December  1,  1871.     Resided  in  Medway,  Mass. 

Married  November  1,  1825,  HOLLIS  RICE,  born  June  26,  1803,  in  Marlboro, 
Mass.;  died  November  26,  1868.  He  was  the  son  of  Seth  and  Lydia  (Stevens) 


Urania  B.  Rice,  b.  Oct.  5,  1826 ;    d.  Aug.  7,  1850. 

Albert  Rice,  b.  Oct.  24,  1828;    m.  Dec.  11,   1864,  Lizzie  A.  Lombard.     Lived  in 

Oilbert  Rice,  b.  Jan.  2,  18.31 ;   m.  Dec.  31,  1857,  Mary  M.  Clark ;   lived  in  Holliston. 
Louisa  Rice,  h.  May  24,  1834 ;    d.  Jan.  22,  1896 ;    lived  in  West  Medway.     Married 

April  30,  1856,  Sewall  J.  Clark,  b.  in  West  Medway,  Sept.  27,  1827,  son  of  Amos 

and  Luthera  (Johnson)   Clark.     Children:    i.  Edmund  Sewall,  b.  June  21,  1857; 

ii.  Carrie  Louise,  b.  Jan.  7,  1862,  m.  Dec,  21,  1881,  Charles  M.  Smith  and  has  a 

Seventh  Generation  211 

daughter,   Marion   Louise,   b.   Sept.   6,   1882 ;    iii.   Freddie,   b.   Sept.   5,  1868,   d. 

May  15,  1872.     Mrs.  Carrie  Clark  Smitli  was  most  helpful  in  collecting  records 

of  this  branch  of  the  family  and  copying  cemetery  inscriptions. 
Edmund  HolHs  Rice,  b.  Jan.  6,  1837;    d.  Oct.  15,  1843. 
George  Sehcijn  Rice,  b.  April  24,  1840;    m.   (1)    Sept.  23,  1862,  Mary  E.  Adams; 

(2)   Nov,  25,  1874,  Lizzie  Dunn. 

404.  JOHN'  ABBEY,  sou  of  James'^  and  Mary  (Head)  Abbey,  born  March 
4,  1815,  in  Cooperstown,  Otsego,  N.  Y. ;  died  April  17,  1885,  at  West  Sparta, 
N.  Y.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Cooperstown  for  a  time. 

Married  (1)  . 

Married  (2)  SUSAN  GOHO,  born  in  Pennsylvania,  October  20,  1821  j  died 
May  12,  1899. 

Child  by  first  wife 

670  John  Washington  Abbey;   m . 

Childreti  by  second  wife 

Orlando  Abbey,  b.  June  26,  1845 ;    d.  June  21,  1864.    He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Civil 
War  and  killed  in  battle. 

671  Henry  Abbey  (Charles  Henry),  b.  Aug.  20,  1847;   m.  Clarissa  Kemp. 

405.  ALANSON  ORLANDO^  ABBEY,  son  of  James"  and  Mary  (Head) 
Abbey,  born  Avigust  1,  1822,  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y. ;  died  December  27,  1895, 
in  Battle  Creek,  Mich. 

Married  in  Rush  Township,  Monroe  County,  N.  Y.,  December  2,  1852, 
HARRIET  JANE  MC  NAMARA,  born  in  Whitfield,  N.  Y.,  1835,  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Phebe  J.  (Flynn)  McNamara.    Resides  in  Battle  Creek. 

Children,  first  two  born  in  New  York  State,  others  in  Michigan 

Alice  Elizabeth  Abbey,  b.  1854;    m.  1870,  William  H.   Perry,  b.  18-39;    d.  1913. 

Children:    i.  Nellie  Roat,  b.  1873;    ii.  Frank,  b.  1875,  m.  ;    iii.  Lettie,  b. 

1880,  d.  1904 ;   iv.  Harry,  b.  1888,  m. .     This  family  lives  in  Battle  Creek. 

Emma  Abbey,  b.  1859 ;    m.  in  Battle  Creek,  1878,  Marion  Baxter,  b.  in  New  York 

State,  1857 ;    d.  1905.     She  resides  in  Battle  Creek.     Child :    Lola,  b.  1880 ;    Uves 

in  Battle  Creek,  m. Rowle. 

Mary  Abbey,  b.  1862;   lives  in  Battle  Creek;   m.  there  1884,  Charles  Scott,  b.  1860. 

Children  :    i.  Janette,  b.  1886,  Uves  in  Battle  Creek,  m.  1910,  Earl  VanHuyson ; 

ii.  Louise,  b.  1889,  m.  1913,  Leo  Sterling. 
Albert  Abbey,  b.  1865;    lives  in   Chicago;    m.   1887,   Carrie   Simpson.     Children: 

i.  C.  Earl,  b.  1886,  m.  and  lives  in  Battle  Creek ;    ii.  Albert,  jr.,  b.  1888,  m.  and 

lived  in   Battle   Creek,   d.  1910 ;    iii.   Samuel,   b.   1890,   m.   and   lives   in   Battle 

Frank  S.  Abbey,  b.  1868;   lives  in  Battle  Creek;    grocer;   m.  1899,  Lillian  A.  Smith. 

Children  :   i.  Katherine,  b.  1901 ;   ii.  Josephine,  b.  1907. 
Martin  C.  Abbey,  b.  1870,  in  Calhoun  County,  Mich. ;    lives  in  Battle  Creek.    He  is 

an  inventor  and  has  patented  several  articles  and  machines  that  are  now  being 

manufactured.     Married  in  Battle  Creek,  May  1,  1891,  Margaret  HofEman,  b.  in 

Michigan,   May  8,   1870,   daughter  of  Conrad   and   Elizabeth    (Steer)    Hoffman, 

natives  of  Germany.     Children:    1.  and  ii.  Beatrice  L.  and  Berenice  A.   (twins), 

b.  1892 ;   iii.  Marguerite,  b.  1894. 
Hattie  Abbey,  b.  1882;    Uves  in  Battle  Creek;    m.  1903,  Herald  Warrick,  b.  1882. 

Children :   i.  CaroUne,  b.  1909 ;   ii.  Winifred,  b.  1912. 

406.  WILLIAM'  ABBEY,  JR.,  son  of  William"  and  Anna  (Whitney)  Abbey, 
born  June  19,  1803;  died  January  27,  1868,  at  Hemlock  Lake,  N.  Y.  He 
resided  for  many  years  in  Michigan  but  moved  back  to  New  York  State  during 
the  Civil  War. 

Married  February  9,  1827,  MARY  ANN  BRAY. 

212  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 


Lucy  Ahhey,  b.  Nov.  9,  1827 ;    d.  unm. 

Tompkins  Abley,  b.  March  16,  1829 ;    m.  and  d.  leaving  no  children. 

Cordelia  Ahhey,  b.  Aug.  26,  1830 ;    d.  unm. 

Mary  Ahhey  (twin),  b.  Feb.  27,  1832;    d.  unm. 

WiUiam  Ahhey,  3d  (twin),  b.  Feb.  27,  1832;    d.  unm. 

Andrew  Jackson  Ahhey,  b.  Jan.  17,  1836;  d.  before  1913.  He  was  a  graduate  of 
the  law  department.  University  of  Michigan,  1861 ;  enlisted  and  was  Captain  of 
the  8th  Michigan  Volunteer  Cavalry  in  1862.  Married  and  had  four  children,  two 
of  whom  were  living  in  1913 :  i.  William  M.,  of  Houston,  Texas ;  ii.  Elmer,  of 
San  Antonio,  Texas. 

Olive  Ahhey,  b.  Jan.  22,  1838 ;  d.  before  1913 ;  m.  and  had  five  children,  three  of 
whom  were  living  in  1913. 

Aaron  LeOrand  Ahhey,  b.  Dec.  22,  1840,  in  Armada,  Mich.  Resides  in  Decorah, 
Iowa.  Married  Sarah  M.  Randall,  b.  Oct.  23,  1841 ;  d.  Feb.  28,  1891.  Children  : 
i.  William  Felix,  lives  in  Decorah;    ii.  Edward  R.,  b.  in  Decorah,  Dec.  15,  1873, 

has  patented  car-loading  apparatus ;   iii.  Etta  M.,  m. Kennedy,  who  is  now 

dead,  lives  in  Decorah,  has  a  son  b.  about  1912;   iv.  Nellia  B.,  b.  Dec.  9,  1884 (?). 

James  Henry,  b.  May  23,  1846 ;    d.  unm. 

407.  OLIVIA  PRICE'  ABBEY,  daughter  of  John"  and  Elizabeth  (Baker) 
Abbey,  born  in  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  probably  in  Richmond,  1805;  died  in 
Pontiac,  Oakland  County,  Mich.,  February  10,  1899.  She  was  the  last  of  the 
pioneers  of  Troy  Township,  her  former  home,  to  -which  she  came  as  early  as  1831. 

Married  in  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  1828,  JESSE  LEE  STOUT,  born  in  New 
Jersey,  1805;  died  in  Troy,  Oakland  County,  Mich.,  April,  1874.  He  removed 
with  his  family  in  1831  to  Troy,  and  settled  on  the  farm  that  was  still  in  the 
family  in  1896. 

Children  (four) 

Byron  O.  Fitotit,  eldest  son,  b.  in  Richmond,  N.  Y.,  -1829 ;  d.  June  19,  1896,  in 
Pontiac,  Mich.  He  came  to  Michigan  with  his  parents  in  1831,  attended  Albion 
Seminary  and  was  graduated  at  the  University  of  Michigan  in  1851.  He  was 
principal  of  the  Pontiac  Union  School  from  1852  to  1854,  and  was  elected  to  the 
legislature  in  1854.  In  1859  he  engaged  in  the  banking  business  in  Pontiac  and 
the  following  year  was  elected  to  the  state  senate.  He  was  later  Democratic 
candidate  for  governor  and  also  for  the  United  States  Senate.  He  was  elected 
to  the  52d  Congress  as  a  member  from  the  6th  district  of  Michigan  in  1890. 
By  his  will  he  provided  for  the  erection  of  a  building  for  the  Ladies'  Library 
Association  of  Pontiac.     His  family  all  passed  away  before  him. 

'William  Stout. 

Wilbur  F.  Stout,  resides  in  Pontiac,  Mich. 

408.  SARAH^  ABBEY,  daughter  of  John«  and  Elizabeth  (Baker)  Abbey,  born 
in  Richmond,  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  May  2,  1815;  died  in  Birmingham,  Mich., 
June  3,  1907.  She  was  educated  at  Lima  Seminary  and  other  schools  of  her 
home  town.  Her  first  visit  to  Michigan  was  in  June,  1840.  After  spending 
some  time  in  Birmingham  and  with  her  sister,  Mrs.  Stout,  in  Troy,  she  returned 
to  New  York  State  the  next  fall,  and  was  married  at  her  father's  home.  They 
started  at  once  for  their  new  home  in  Binningham,  where  Mr.  Poppleton  had 
just  engaged  in  merchandise.  They  traveled  by  steamer  on  Lake  Erie  to  Detroit, 
and  thence  by  horse  to  Birmingham,  arriving  November  6,  1840.  Mrs.  Poppleton 
was  a  w^oman  of  miich  ability  and  contribiited  no  small  amount  of  labor,  counsel, 
and  advice,  to  her  husband's  successful  business  career. 

Married  in  Richmond,  N.  Y.,  November  2,  1841,  ORRIN  POPPLETON,  born 
in  Richmond,  April  22,  1817;  died  in  Birmingham,  March  18,  1892.  He  was 
the  son  of  William  Poppleton,  who  was  born  in  1795  in  Poultney,  Vt.,  and  Zada 
Crooks,  who  was  born  in  1796  in  Blandford,  Mass.  The  Poppletons  have  an 
illustrious   English    ancestry  going  back   to   a   General   in   the   time    of   Queen 

Seventh  Generation  '  213 

Mary  and  including,  on  this  side,  Revolutionary  ancestors.  Zada  Crooks'  ances- 
try goes  back  to  the  famous  Knox  family  that  produced  John  Knox,  the  reformer, 
and  General  Henry  Knox  of  Revolutionary  fame. 

Orrin  Poppleton  removed  with  his  family  to  Michigan  aboiit  1825,  settling 
in  Troy.  He  spent  a  year  at  the  Granville,  Ohio,  Seminary,  then  engaged  as 
clerk  in  Pontiac  for  two  years,  teaching  a  district  school  in  Troy  for  some 
winters.  In  August,  1840,  he  began  his  mercantile  business  in  Birmingham, 
whieli  he  conducted  for  over  50  years.  For  many  years  he  was  active  in  politics, 
serving  as  Representative  to  the  state  Legislature  in  1853.  He  was  solicited 
to  stand  as  candidate  for  Congress  and  as  Governor,  both  of  which  he  declined. 
For  eight  years  he  was  postmaster  at  Birmingham,  1853-61,  and  for  sixteen 
years  a  member  of  tlie  Congressional  Committee  for  his  district,  its  chairman 
for  twelve  years.  He  was  president  of  the  Oakland  County  Pioneer  and  His- 
torical Society  for  eleven  years,  vice-president  of  the  State  Society  seven  years, 
and  its  president  one  year,  also  a  member  of  the  American  Historical  Association. 

(Son),  d.  in  infancy. 
(Son),  d.  in  infancy. 

Edgar  C.  Poppleton,  was  connected  with  his  father's  mercantile  and  farming  busi- 
ness in  Birmingham. 
Uerhert  A.  Poppleton,  connected  in  business  with  his  father. 
Ella  Poppleton,  m. Hatch ;    resides  in  Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

409.  ISAAC  J.'^  ABBEY,  son  of  John«  and  Elizabeth  (Baker)  Abbey,  born 
in  tlie  town  of  Richmond,  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  July  10,  1819;  died  January 
2,  1895. 

Married  FANNY  M.  HAWES,  born  November  10,  1816,  in  Brookfield,  Mass., 
daughter  of  Preston  Hawes;    died  September  9,  1869. 


John  P.  Ahhey,  b.  March  6,  1844 ;  resided  in  Honeoye,  N.  Y.  Married  May  5, 
1870,  Julia  Martha  PUmpton,  b.  Nov.  3,  1843;  d.  Feb.  22,  1909,  daughter  of 
James  and  Julia  (Hawes)  Plimpton.  Child:  Nellie  Harding,  b.  in  Honeoye, 
June  26,  1877,  attended  OberUu  Conservatory  of  Music,  m.  at  Honeoye,  Oct.  25, 
1905,  PhiUp  H.  Sisson,  b.  at  Bristol,  May  12,  1879,  resides  in  Canandaigua, 
N.  T.,  has  a  daughter,  Elizabeth  Julia,  b.  Oct.  4,  1906. 

Mary  E.  Alhey,  m.  Richard  Leech  and  has  a  daughter,  Fannie. 

Sanford  Winsloxc  Ahhey,  b.  in  the  town  of  Richmond,  Jan.  11,  1857.  He  was 
educated  at  Canandaigua  Academy  and  taught  school  for  a  few  years,  afterward 
becoming  a  farmer  and  sheep-raiser.  For  a  few  years,  1904-7,  he  was  engaged  in 
the  granite  business  at  Ortonville,  Minn.,  then  retired  and  lives  in  Canandaigua. 
He  was  Democratic  assemblyman  from  Ontario  County  in  1890  and  1910. 
Married  at  Sahne,  Washtenaw  County,  Mich.,  Feb.  24,  1876,  Adelaide  M.  Culver, 
b.  July  25,  1855,  daughter  of  Sylvanus  and  Susannah   (  )   Culver.     Children  : 

i.  Byron  S.,  b.  Feb.  9,  1877 ;   ii.  Kenneth  C,  b.  Feb.  15,  1891. 

410.     HIRAM  PETERS  ABBEY,  son  of  John"  and  Elizabeth  (Baker)  Abbey, 
born  in  Richmond,  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  1822;   died  in  Richmond,  1896. 

Married  in  Bristol,  N.  Y.,  1851,  BETSEY  A.  GREGG,  born  in  Bristol,  1828; 
died  in  Richmond,  1888, 

Children,  horn  in  Iliclimond 

Benton  Gregg  Ahhey,  b.  Feb.  19,  1854.  Tile  manufacturer  in  Honeoye,  N.  Y. 
Married  in  East  Bloomfield,  1885,  Jennie  Cora  Garton,  who  was  b.  Aug.  7,  1864. 
Children,  b.  in  Richmond  :  i.  Caroline  Pansie,  b.  Aug.  1,  1886,  m.  in  Richmond, 
March  8,  1911,  Frank  Lee  Green,  has  a  son,  Myron  Abbey,  b.  March  2,  1912; 
ii.  Bessie  Gregg,  b.  Jan.  23,  1888,  m.  in  Richmond,  Sept.  2,  1911,  Howard  W. 
Tellier,  resides  in  Naples,  N.  Y. ;    iii.  Benton  Gregg,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  13,  1898. 

214  Abbe- Abbey  Genealogy 

Sarah  Elizaheth  Alley,  b.  1860 ;    d.  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  1897. 

Rolert  Benjamin  Alley,  b.  1866;    m.  in  Canantlaigua,  N.  Y.,  1886,  Minnie  Hilliard. 

Children  :    i.  George  G.,  b.  Dec.  21,  1886,  m.  Jan.  12,  1913,  Kate  O'ConneU,  and 

has  a  son  Frank,  b.  Nov.  20,  1913;    ii.  Fannie  Elizabeth,  b.  May  19,  1887,  m. 

Sept.  20,  1911,  Isaac  M.  Green,  and  has  a  son,  Robert  Abbey,  b.  Feb.  15,  1913; 

iii.  Robert  B.,  jr.,  b.  Oct.  27,  1888 ;    iv.  Charles,  b.  May  15,  1890,  d.  Nov.,  1890 ; 

V.  and  vi.  Clara  and  Clarence   (twins),  b.  July  15,  1893;    vii.  Mary,  b.  Sept.  17, 


411.  JONATHAN^  BROWN,  JR.,  son  of  Jonathan^  and  Elizabeth  (Huntoon) 
Brown,  born  in  Andover,  N.  H.,  July  5,  1799;    died  there  September  11,  1873. 

Married  December  16,  1824,  ABIGAIL  PHILBRICK,  daughter  of  Samuel  and 
Mary  Page  (Gove)  Philbriek.     She  died  in  Concord,  N.  H.,  January  22,  1872. 

Children,  prolally  all  lorn  in  Andover 

James  Harvey  Brown,  b.  Sept.  4,  1825;  m.  (1)  Oct.  28,  1847,  Cynthia  Lane 
Fifield;  (2)  Nov.  30,  1869,  Mrs.  Martha  Tiger  Petty.  Child  by  first  wife: 
Sarah  Abbie. 

Joseph  Emery  Brown,  b.  July  8,  1828 ;  d.  in  Concord,  June  17,  1886.  Resided  in 
Andover  until  1856,  later  at  Sanbornton  Bridge,  Northfield  and  Concord. 
Married  (1)  June  22,  1853,  Ann  H.  Ladd  of  Upper  Gilmanton,  who  d.  Nov.  7, 
1871;  (2)  Nov.  24,  1877,  Betsey  N.  Watson  of  Warner.  Children:  i.  Lizzie 
Ann,  b.  in  Andover,  Oct.  25,  18-55,  d.  Sept.  4,  1872;  ii.  Ida  Ladd,  b.  at 
Sanbornton  Bridge,  June  14,  1857,  m.  Jan.  31,  1888,  John  Frazier  of  South 
Danbury ;  iii.  Elmer  Joseph,  b.  at  Northfield,  Feb.  1,  1861,  m.  Sept.  14, 
1886,  Nellie  M.  White  of  Concord,  had  two  children ;  iv.  Tryphena  Hornbrook, 
b.  in  Concord,  Aug.  6,  1866,  m.  Sept.  3,  1891,  Charles  W.  Nelson  of  Concord, 
has  four  children  ;  v.  Arthur  Walter,  b.  in  Concord,  July  12,  1869,  d.  in  Danbury, 
Nov.  15,  1891 ;   vi.  WiUis  Emery,  b.  in  Concord,  Jan.  8,  1879. 

Mary  Elizalcth  Brown,  b.  Feb.  10,  1830 ;  d.  Oct.  9,  1861 ;  m.  June  29,  1859,  Ira 
Harris  Couch.     One  child,  d.  young. 

,  b.  Aug.  10,  1832 ;   d.  young. 

Samuel  Phillrick  Brown,  b.  July  29,  1836 ;  d.  in  San  Jose,  Calif.,  April  4,  1908. 
Married  April  22,  1857,  Phebe  Call  of  Boscawen,  who  was  b.  Jan.  28,  1836. 
Children :  i.  Wilbur,  b.  April  7,  1860,  d.  in  Andover,  Dec.  16,  1861 ;  ii.  Mary 
EUzabeth,  b.  July  28,  1861,  m.  Nov.  29,  1883,  George  A.  Simonds  of  Dunbarton, 
who  d.  June  2,  1893,  had  three  children  ;  iii.  Sarah  Maud,  b.  Sept.  22,  1863 ; 
iv.  Abbie  Philbriek,  b.  July  1,  1865,  m.  June  2,  1893,  Jacob  Chadwick ;  v.  Charles 
Samuel,  b.  Dec.  16,  1868,  m.  Oct.  4,  1898,  Flora  E.  Buck  of  Worcester,  Mass.; 
vi.  Edwin  Call,  b.  Sept.  14,  1870,  m.  Feb.  1,  1893,  Florence  G.  Knight  of  Boston, 
Mass.;  vii.  Annie  Blanche,  b.  Sept.  20,  1872;  viii.  Fred  William,  b.  Jan.  13, 
1875,  m.  May  7,  1900,  Grace  Emma  Drake  of  Rye,  N.  H. ;  ix.  Frank  Guy,  b. 
April  1,  1877. 

Jonatlian  Horace  Brown,  b.  July  19,  1843 ;  d.  in  Somerville,  Mass.,  Feb.  23,  1905. 
Married  Aug.  17,  1862,  Emma  A.  Weare,  daughter  of  Alfred  Weare  of  East 
Andover.  Children :  i.  Myra  Jane,  b.  Feb.  17,  1867,  in  Concord,  m.  June  3,  1886, 
Edwin  A.  Page  of  Wentworth,  has  one  child ;  ii.  Ola  Abby,  b.  Nov.  9,  1869,  at 
East  Andover,  m.  July  24,  1889,  Fred  W.  Higgins  of  Somerville,  has  one  child ; 
iii.  Harry  Weare,  b.  in  Andover,  June  9,  1876,  d.  Feb.  22,  1896,  in  Asheville, 
N.  C. 

412.  ORANGE  J.'^  ABBEY,  son  of  Frederick^  and  Sally  (Tiff)  Abbey,  born 
1799;  died  1878.  In  1832  he  owned  land  on  Lot  21,  Randolph,  Cattaraugus 
County,  N.  Y.    He  was  a  farmer  in  Randolph. 

Married  in  Randolph,  1829,  POLLY  STANLEY,  daughter  of  Joseph  Stanley. 
She  died  in  1893. 

Children,  lorn  in  Randolph 

Joseph  Stanley  Alley,  b.  April  28,  1835,  at  Cherry  Creek,  N.  Y.  Married  at  Cherry 
Creek,  March  12,  1857,  Sophia  Celestia  MiUs,  b.  at  Cherry  Creek,  Nov.  26,  1833. 
Children:  i.  Norman  MiUs,  b.  May  11,  1858,  m.  at  Randolph,  Dec.  13,  1882, 
Ellen  Stanley  Mighells,  has  one  child,  Bernice  E.,  b.  at  Randolph,  April  1,  1887; 
ii.  Lena  V.,  b.   Sept.  20,  1859,  resides  in  Columbus,  Kans.,  m.   Jan.   11,  1882, 

Seventh  Generation  215 

George  F.  Fox,  b.  at  Brockport,  Canada,  Aug.  23,  1855,  d.  at  Columbus,  Kans., 
Nov.  22,  1910,  son  of  Charles  B.  Fox,  had  three  sons  living,  two  of  whom  are 
George  and  Elton,  and  grandchildren. 

672  John  F.  Abbey,  b.  Jan  1,  1836 ;    m.  Betsey  C.  Gage. 

M.  Jane  Abbci/,  b.  Jan.  2,  1839;  d.  Dec,  1909;  m.  March  29,  1865,  Edward 
CasweU.  Children  :  i.  Mary  Vilottie,  b.  Oct.  28,  1868,  d.  April  14,  1902,  not  m. ; 
ii.  Lena  Estella,  b.  May  20,  1871,  m.  Aug.  17,  1912,  Ora  Gates. 

Orange  J.  Abbey,  b.  June  11,  1841 ;  d.  June  14,  1864,  at  Andersonville,  a  prisoner 
of  war.    He  enlisted  from  Connewango,  N.  Y. 

673  Warren  J.  Abbey,  b.  June  3,  1843;    m.  Isophine  Dexter. 

674  Jefferson  M.  Abbey,  b.  Oct.  17,  1845 ;    m.  Elizabeth  Bryant. 

675  David  J.  Abbey,  b.  July  9,  1848;    m.  Delora  Reeves. 

676  Jason  Abbey,  b.  Dec.  13,  1850;    m.  Carlie  Bryant. 

413.  ALPHEUS^  GEER,  son  of  John  and  Onorah^  (Abbe)  Geer,  bom  in 
Peru,  Mass.,  September  19,  1783;   died  April  12,  1846;   buried  in  Peru. 

Married  (intentions  recorded  at  Peru,  January  1,  1805),  KEZIA  JUDD,  born 
at  Lenox,  Mass.,  September  1,  1782;   died  in  Peru,  October  3,  1846. 

Children  (births  recorded  in  Peru) 

Benjamin  Judd  Geer,  b.  March  28,  1806 ;    m.  in  Worthington,  Mass.,  Feb.  23,  1831, 

Amelia  C.  Abbott ;    lived  and  d.  in  Peru.     No  children. 
Onorah   Geer,   b.   May  24,   1808;     m.   in   Peru,   March  21,   1826,   Joseph   William 

Rogers.     Children  :    Payson,  d.  young,  and  another  who  d.  young. 
Maria  Geer,  b.  Sept.  15,  1810 ;    d.  unm. 
Clarissa  Geer,  b.  Dec.  21,  1812 ;    m.  Warren  Wheeler.     Children :    i.  Arthur ;    ii. 

Lyman  W. 
Polly  Judd  Geer,  h.  March  8,  1815 ;    m.  Sherman  Geer.     See  number  414. 
Lyman  Amander  Geer,  b.  June  1,  1818;    d.  in  Peru,  March  13,  1846;    m.    (inten- 
tions published  in   Peru,  Dec.  16,  1843)    Cornelia  Ann  Osborne,  b.  in  Fabius, 

N.  Y.,  Jan.  24,  1816 ;   d.  Aug.  12,  1844.     No  children. 
Kezia  Lucina  Geer,  b.  Sept.  1,  1821.     Had  three  children. 
Alpheus  Addison  Geer,  b.  April  23,  1824 ;    m.  Rebecca  Warren.    Children  :   i.  Elsie  ; 

ii.  Ellen  ;   iii.  Mira. 
Royal  Dtcight  Geer,  b.  July  19,  1826;  m.  Lydia  J.  (or  Jane  G.)  Stowell.    Children: 

i.  Emma  ;    ii.  Willis  ;    iii.  Vera  Venila. 

414.     LUTHER'  GEER,  son  of  John  and  Onorah^   (Abbe)   Geer,  born  April 
21,  1786,  in  Peini,  Mass.;    died  there. 
Mai-ried  (1)  JOANNE  GEER. 
MaiTied  (2)  at  Worthington,  Mass.,  May  30,  1832,  LYDIA  BISBEE. 

Children  (those  whose  dates  are  given  are  recorded  at  Worthington,  Mass.) 

Sherman  Geer,  m.  at  Peru,  Mass.,  Dec.  3,  1835,  Polly  Geer,  daughter  of  Alpheus 
and  Kezia  (Judd)  Geer.  See  number  413.  Child:  Levi  Clinton,  b.  in  Peru, 
Nov.  17,  18.36.  One  account  says  that  Sherman  Geer  m.  Melissa  Wing  and  had 
five  children,  among  whom  were  Delight,  RosiUa,  who  m.  Spencer  Stewart,  and 
Alpheus.  Another  list  of  children  gives  Clayton,  Myron,  Clarissa  or  Cordelia  and 
